Jsp data display as a result of a button click

i have a textfield in a jsp along with a SEARCH button. the search button searches the database for the existence of the value entered in the textfield.
how should i code so that at the click of search button the dbase is searched (for the entered value in textfield).
the dbase should be searchedonly after the click of search button.
i wud also like to display the searched value as a table data next to the button. how shud i code it. i coded search logic using a function which is in a javascript. but the function is executing before the press of the search button.
i'm new to JSPs. please help.. thanks.

It's covered by every decent JSP/Servlet book/tutorial. With other words, this is too trivial and it proves that you really know nothing about it at all. I then highly recommend to take time first to go through a decent book/tutorial. This forum is to help others with technical coding problems, not to spoonfeed others who cannot write code.
To start with HTML: [http://www.w3schools.com/html/].
A nice HTML book: [http://www.amazon.com/HTML-Dummies-Ed-Tittel/dp/076450214X].
To start with JSP/Servlet: [http://java.sun.com/javaee/5/docs/tutorial/doc/ (part II chapters 1-8)].
A nice JSP/Servlet book: [http://www.amazon.com/Head-First-Servlets-JSP-Certified/dp/0596516681].
It boils down to having a HTML <form>, <input type="text"> and <input type="submit"> in the JSP page and havinig a Servlet with necessary code in the doPost() method which obtains the request parameter, queries the database, stores the result in the request scope and forwards the request to a JSP for display -which on its turn uses JSTL c:forEach to iterate over the list of results.
Good luck. If you ever have a technical JSP/JSTL question/problem, you're welcome to ask here.

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    Thanks, Ashish

    Hi Ashish,
    Please use the Grouping and Sub Grouping options with ALV settings.
    Goto results ALV table settings. In that you have tab for Grouping. You can group and Sub Group Columns.
    Also you can define aggregations on the Grouped columns.
    Hope this will be helpful.

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    Why can't you use a Java Bean which takes the data from the database. Then call this bean from the JSP page using <jsp:useBean> tag.
    Ok,if you dont want a Java Bean and if you want to use an applet in a JSP file, you will have to use <jsp:plugin>tag. Here is an example
    <html><head><title> Demo Applet</title></head>
    <body bgcolor="rd">
    <% if (request.getParameter("SUBMIT") != null) {%>
    <jsp:plugin type="applet" code="DemoApplet.java" codebase="." name="Demo" height="400 with="300>
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    Hope this will help you.
    Ravi Shankar

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    HI Ajay,
    I have added code in BT116h_srvo,attributes - LCSTATUS,method -  SET_LCSTATUS.but after change status f8 ..but the value is not filled in result list..so i need to write the logic in EH_ONSAVE or some other..could you please help here..what change i need to do..
    <nval> = 'E0004'.
    DATA : lv_date TYPE dats.
    DATA : lv_time TYPE tims.
    lv_date = sy-datum.
    lv_time = sy-uzeit.
    DATA : lr_parent TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,
    lr_adminh TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,
    lr_root TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,
    lv_process_type TYPE crmt_process_type,
    lv_parent_name TYPE crmt_ext_obj_name,
    lr_current TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity.
    lr_current ?= current.
    lr_parent ?= lr_current->get_parent( ).
    CHECK lr_parent IS BOUND.
    CALL METHOD lr_parent->get_parent
    rv_result = lr_adminh.
    CHECK lr_adminh IS BOUND.
    CALL METHOD lr_adminh->set_property
    iv_attr_name = '/itcit/F0010'
    iv_value = lv_date. "value.
    CATCH cx_sy_conversion_error .
    CALL METHOD lr_adminh->set_property
    iv_attr_name = '/itcit/F0011'
    iv_value = lv_time.
    CATCH cx_sy_conversion_error .

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    I'm not sure if I understood your question clearly but here is a good resource on how to get attributes from "GetUserProfileByName" web services:
    Regarding filtering dropdown list then this could be done by applying form on-load rules. 
    Hope this helps

  • Pass ArrayList to jsp and display first index of resultset?

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    The code below gets passed two paramaters. An invorg, and item. It then creates resultset based upon the Object and puts the results into an ArrayList.
    The resultset returned varies, but the largest resultset that I have received back has not been bigger thatn 10 resultset rows, and the largest number of columns has been 27 columns.
    I would then like to pass the whole ArrayList to the jsp and display the contents for each row based on the index it is on.
    Is this possible?
    public class RunReportAction extends MTDAction
        ArrayList results;   
        public RunReportAction()
        public boolean execute(HttpServletRequest _req, HttpServletResponse _res) throws ServletException, IOException
            String item = _req.getParameter("itemsToAdd");
            String invorg = _req.getParameter("invorg");
                if (rep_type.equals("Vendor"))
                    runVendorReport(item, invorg);
                else if (rep_type.equals("Purchase Order"))
                    runPOReport(item, invorg);
                else if (rep_type.equals("Inventory"))
                    runInventoryReport(item, invorg);
                else if (rep_type.equals("Item Usage"))
                    runWhereUsedReport(item, invorg);
                else if (rep_type.equals("Cost/Purchasing"))
                    runCostReport(item, invorg);
                else if (rep_type.equals("Planning"))
                    runPlanningReport(item, invorg);
            catch (Exception e)
                model = e;
            model = results;
            view = "SSM_Reports";
            return true;
        boolean runInventoryReport(String item, String invorg) throws MTDException
                CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("{call CTI_SSM_PKG.get_inventory_report(?,?,?)}");
                cs.registerOutParameter(3, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
                cs.setObject(2, item, Types.VARCHAR);
                cs.setObject(1, invorg, Types.VARCHAR);
                ResultSet rs = (ResultSet)cs.getObject(3);
                while (rs.next())
                    InventoryObj inventory = new InventoryObj();
            catch (SQLException e)
                throw (new MTDException("Failed to run report in database.", e));
            //model = results;
            return true;
    }jsp code:<%@ page import="java.util.*"%>
    <%@ page import="ssmmtd2.InventoryObj"%>
    <title> SSM 2 Inventory Report </title>
              A {text-decoration:none;color:black;}
              A:Hover {color:Blue}
      ArrayList inventory;
      if (request.getAttribute("model") != null)
        if ((request.getAttribute("model").getClass().getName()).equals("java.util.ArrayList"))
          inventory = (ArrayList)request.getAttribute("model");     
          if (inventory != null && inventory.size() > 0)
        <body  bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
          <table border = "1" width="755" cellpadding="0" cellspacing = "0">
            <td colspan="3" width="755" align="center">
              <p align="center"><big><b><font color="#000080">Inventory Report</font></b></big>
          <table border="1" width="755">
              <td width="100%">
                  Iterator i = inventory.iterator();
                  while (i.hasNext())
                    InventoryObj invObj = (InventoryObj)i.next();
                      <align="left" valign="center"><%=invObj.getItem()%>
                      <align="left" valign="center"><%=invObj.getItemDescription()%>
                      <align="left" valign="center"><%=invObj.getInvOrg()%>
                      <B>CURRENT DATE:</B>
                        <align="left" valign="center"><%=invObj.getToday()%></TD>
                      <TD><B>INVENTORY ITEM</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getInvFlag()%>
                      <TD><B>STOCK ENABLED</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getStockEnabled()%>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getTransactable()%>
                      <TD><B>REVISION QTY CONTROL</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getRevQtyControl()%>
                      <TD><B>RESERVABLE TYPE</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getReservable()%>
                      <TD><B>CHECK SHORTAGES</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getCheckShortage()%>
                      <TD><B>LOT CONTROL</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getLotControl()%>
                      <TD><B>SHELF LIFE DAYS</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getShelfLife()%>
                      <TD><B>STARTING LOT PREFIX</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getLotStartPrefix()%>
                      <TD><B>STARTING LOT NUMBER</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getLotStartNumber()%>
                      <TD><B>CYCLE COUNT</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getLotCycleCount()%>
                      <TD><B>POSITIVE MEASUREMENT ERROR</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getPosMeasureError()%>
                      <TD><B>NEGATIVE MEASUREMENT ERROR</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getNegMeasureError()%>
                      <TD><B>SERIAL GENERATION</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getSerialGeneration()%>
                      <TD><B>STARTING SERIAL NUMBER</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getSerialNumbStart()%>
                      <TD><B>STARTING SERIAL PREFIX</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getSerialPrefixStart()%>
                      <TD><B>LOT STATUS</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getLotStatus()%>
                      <TD><B>SERIAL STATUS</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getSerialStatus()%>
                      <TD><B>LOT SPLIT</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getLotSplit()%>
                      <TD><B>LOT MERGE</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getLotMerge()%>
                      <TD><B>LOCATOR CONTROL</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getLocatorControl()%>
                <%} %>
                <input type="hidden" name="SearchValue">
                <img src="images/close11.bmp" style="cuinvObjor:hand" onmouseover='this.src="images/close12.bmp"' onmouseout='this.src="images/close11.bmp"' onClick="window.close()">     
                <img src="images/print1.bmp" style="cuinvObjor:hand" onmouseover='this.src="images/print2.bmp"' onmouseout='this.src="images/print1.bmp"' onClick='this.src="images/print3.bmp"; window.print()' >

    Your arraylist object should be a list of inventory bean objects and then, If you are using struts, you could use logic:iterate tags.. or something equivalent.. you could use forEach in jstl..

  • InfoCube Data Modeling "Or" combination Result Set

    Hi All,
    I am new to BW so please let me know if this is something that can be done without too much complexity.
    How would one go about tackling an issue like this.
    Below is the sales ODS data.
    <u>Sales ODS Data</u>
    Customer -
    Sales $ - Rebate Indicator-----Refund Indicator
    Apple -
    Apple -
    False -
    Apple -
    How would one design an infocube such that when a user  selects the following BEX inputs, the result should bring back all the rows. I would like the input to be an "OR" combination instead of an  "AND" combination. Thanks.
    <u>QUERY INPUTS #1 :</u>
    Customer Site = Apple
    Rebate Indicator = True
    Refund Indicator = True
    Customer -
    Sales $
    Apple -
    1000 + 500 +2000 = 3500
    Message was edited by:
            Nigel K

    Hi nigel,
    if i understood your requirement
    you would like to see your result as
    but try to have the other two fields Rebate and Refund in the rows of the Query then you will get all the three line items.
    becoz cube will aggregate when the key is common.
    Or else if your requirement is to display the result when one of the Column is true either Rebate or Refund.
    then you have to add one more field to your Infocube and fill that in the update rules saying
    If Rebate eq true or Refund eq True.
    Result = True.
    Result = False.
    Then while displaying the query result you can filter on this Field then you will get the correct result.
    thanks and regards
    Message was edited by:
            Neel Kamal

  • Video Playback in synchroniz​ation to data display

    I've read a bunch of topics about recording live video, but my question has to do with playback synchronized to a data display.  I've got a simple black and white camera (RS170) already.  I'm going to get some sort of capture board.  I want to record video from this camera to the hard drive.  The reason is that this video file needs to be analyzed later so I need to store it on disk instead of memory as it could be days later.  While I'm recording video, another signal needs to be recorded.  It could be anything really, let us say temperature for discussion.  Assume everything is in place for this temp. acquisition. 
    Recording video to disk doesn't seem to be any problem.  My question relates to playing this video back such that when you play it, you can also look at a data display of the recorded temperatures that happened at the same time as the video was recorded.  If you were to drag the video slider manually (instead of just pressing play), the data display would also update accordingly.  This essentially syncs the data display of temperature with the video picture you are seeing.  Pressing play and just watching the video, the temp data would update itself with the correct historical values.  Pressing pause on the video, would of course freeze the temp display to the value at that time.  Wherever the video is, the temp data would have to display the correct historical value.
    I would need to record possibly a few hours of video a day so disk space could be an issue if using uncompressed AVI format.  I wouldn't have to save every days video file so I could eventually delete a bunch of the files.  I'd just save the days video that produces interesting results to examine later.  A number of video files might build up (a months worth?) before the directory is examined for possible deletes.  I'd like some feedback on this too from someone who has tried uncompressed AVI versus something else that is compressed.  Is performance OK if using compression? 
    The computer I'd be running this on is the latest workstation class machine from HP so it is a fairly powerful computer.
    Is there any sample code of doing this video playback indexing to data signal display?  I'm thinking there would have to be some function to know where the video is playing at all times and then historically retrieve the temperature data.  Is there performance issues with this?  I'd want it fairly accurate such that the smallest increment of a video frame (say 30 times a second) produced a proper data display for temperature.  In reality, my signal will change faster than a typical temperature value would.

    I doubt this will satisfy 100% of what you're looking for, but it should at least get the conversation started on developing some techniques we can use to syncronize acquired data playback (again, let's say temperature) with some external source. I don't know much about video playback, so I won't be able to help you much there, but I do know a lot about leveraging LabVIEW technology to play back data in real-time as best possible, while allowing the user (or the video playback itself) to dictate a specific position at any time, pause, etc...
    My first recommendation would be to save your acquired temperature data as a Waveform. Waveform is more or less like a cluster with three elements: a 1D array of Y-values, an intial time (t0), and the time between samples (dt). You can use these three pieces of information to reconstitute when each sample was acquired and what the timing should be configured for to play these samples back in real time. Search the web for information on writing Waveforms to file and reading them. You should find plenty there (or post somewhere else ).
    After that, we can use a Timed Loop for playback. Timed Loops allow you to set a desired Loop period. They also have a lot of other capabilities, such as setting priorities, handling the fact that your last loop didn't finish on time, etc. Here's a link with more info on Timed Loops. Other than that, Timed Loops can operate like regular while loops.
    My next idea is to incorporate a current position that we keep track of. This could be, for instance, the index of the current element in the 1D Y-values array. If you want this to involve user interaction with the front panel (for instance, changing a Slider value to reflect the playback position), then you could use an event structure with a timeout case set to zero. Then update the temperature value and increment the current position in the timeout case.
    You might take a look at the example I've written in LabVIEW 7.1 that "acquires" 5 seconds of sine wave data and plays it back in real time. The user can adjust the position or pause the playback at any time. Again, I don't know exactly how this would interface with video feedback. If you have more specifics about what method you will use to playback the video, maybe someone with more expertise in this area could help us out.
    Jarrod S.
    National Instruments
    Signal_Playback_Realtime.vi ‏223 KB

  • How to display the query results in several pages?.

    i want to display the query results in several pages. for example my query result found 50 matches, now i want to print 20 per pages next 20 will be in next pages. iam using only jsp & mysql.

    Hi, what you are trying accomplish is known as pagination.
    You could use JSTL tags with Custom Tags to perform pagination in your JSP pages.
    evnafets showed me DisplayTags , you could use those as well http://displaytag.sourceforge.net/11/tut_externalSortAndPage.html
    Here is one article on paging:

  • Display the rating result in the Renderlistitem form

    Hi Experts,
    As per my scenario, i want to display the rating results like the average rating of the document and rated by some peoples in the renderlistitem form for every news. I added the link for feedback and rating in the renderlistitem, it's shows every news. Default, it will be displayed in the rating form below of the rating option. Now i want same thing in the renderlistitem form, because before give the rating i need to see the rating result and then give the rating of the news. How to achieve this, pls help me on this.
    Thanks and Regards
    Prakash T

    set colsep to a delimiter that is not normally part of your data like |
    also setup the environment with these other setup commands
    Set Echo Off;
    Set Concat Off;
    Set Pagesize 9999;
    Set Feedback Off;
    Set Verify Off;
    Set Term Off;
    Set Space 0;
    Set Colsep '|'
    Set Underline Off;
    If you wanted to use a comma delimiter the setup would be same but the set colsep='","'
    with the addition of concatenating a " on the first col and last col of the query
    -- if first col and last_col are character types then
    SELECT '"'||col1,....,last_col||'"'
    FROM table;
    Otherwise if either is a number they would have to be converted with a TO_CHAR

  • How to pass arraylist of object from action class to jsp and display in jsp

    I need to do the following using struts
    I have input jsp, action class and action form associated to that. In the action class I will generate the sql based on the input from jsp page/action form, create a result set. The result set is stored as java objects in a ArrayList object.
    Now I need to pass the arraylist object to another jsp to display. Can I put the ArrayList object in the request object and pass to the success page defined for the action? If this approach is not apprpriate, please let me know correct approach.
    if this method is okay, how can I access the objects from arraylist in jsp and display their property in jsp. This java object is a java bean ( getter and setter methods on it).
    ( need jsp code)
    Can I do like this:
    <% ArrayList objList = (ArrayList)request.getattribute("lookupdata"): %> in jsp
    (***I have done request.setattribute("lookupdata", arraylistobj); in action class. ***)
    Assuming the java object has two properties, can I do the following
    <% for (iint i=0. i<objList.size;I++){ %>
    <td> what should i do here to get the first property of the object </td>
    <td> what should i do here to get the first property of the object </td>
    <% }
    if this approach is not proper, how can I pass the list of objects and parse in jsp?
    I am not sure what will be the name of the object. I can find out how many are there but i am not sure I can find out the name
    thanks a lot

    Double post:

  • Display the query result in an Excel file??

    hi there..
    am writing one script file that queries my DB and display the query result in an Excel file??
    i.e: if my query is :
    select col1, col2
    from table;
    and i want the results to dispalys in 2 col. in an Excel spreadsheet..
    Appreaciating ur cooperation..

    set colsep to a delimiter that is not normally part of your data like |
    also setup the environment with these other setup commands
    Set Echo Off;
    Set Concat Off;
    Set Pagesize 9999;
    Set Feedback Off;
    Set Verify Off;
    Set Term Off;
    Set Space 0;
    Set Colsep '|'
    Set Underline Off;
    If you wanted to use a comma delimiter the setup would be same but the set colsep='","'
    with the addition of concatenating a " on the first col and last col of the query
    -- if first col and last_col are character types then
    SELECT '"'||col1,....,last_col||'"'
    FROM table;
    Otherwise if either is a number they would have to be converted with a TO_CHAR

  • Windows Desktop Search 4.0 How do I Format the Date Column in the Results?

    Is there a way to modify the date column in the Results pane of Windows Desktop Search 4.0?
    It's running on a Windows 2003 Enterprise server.
    I have users that need to modify files that arrived today and yesterday after 5:00 PM.  The date column only displays the time on files with today's date.  Is there some registry setting I can tweak to get this column to always show Date and Time?

    For the Windows Desktop Search, i think you may ask in:
    Vivian Wang

  • Large number of attributes reduces data display in Query (PLS HELP).

    Dear Guru's
    We have newly upgraded our system to 7.0, Currently i have a Query based on master data info object(0 equipment) which contain several attributes, due to huge number of attributes, i cannot see data for few  attributes( Ex:-0service descrip), but data exists for these atrrib, when i check in RSA1. my client want to use heavy number of 0Euipment numbers(nearly 10000) in selection screen. thats the reason for data not to be seen.
    WE are under SP 16 also(Note 562162 - Additional selection of attribute reduces query result set is allready exists), and did not found any proper note.
    So guru's can any one please tell me how i can get the data in Query for these attribute by keeping the same selection option for Equipment numbers (10000).
    Dude's give me some good suggestion please...client is waiting from 1 week
    Thanks in adv
    Edited by: Srinivas dev on Jun 10, 2008 11:52 AM

    Dear Yogesh,
    Thanks a lot dude...
    I assigned points for your kindly help....
    Got any idea about by initial post   Large number of attributes reduces data display in Query
    Thanks and Regards

  • While Creating New Insert Form Existing Data Display from the Table

    I am New To Sun Java Studio Creator and New to Java Also While Creating New Insert Form Existing Data Display from the Table while i am Run the Form. Can any one help me to Solve this one

    Dear Giri,
    As per your Advise, Literally I have Search the Properties for the Components to set value Null, but I am Unable to find the Value in Properties palate. I have tried in various options like
    In the Properties Palate
    TextField1_onselect use Value null
    TextField1_text I have selected use Value option and I have manually Keyed-in null;
    In the JSP Page, I have manually keyed in the null value below said
    <ui:textField binding="#{BI.textField2}" id="textField2" style="position: absolute; left: 240px; top: 96px" text="#{BI.bDataProvider.value['ISSUENO'] = null}"/>
    <ui:textField binding="#{BI.textField2.Value = null }" id="textField2" style="position: absolute; left: 240px; top: 96px" text="#{BI.bDataProvider.value['ISSUENO'] = null}"/>
    At last I am Failure. I am ignorant of it. Can you please help me on this where I have to set null value for the components? I will be very kind of you

Maybe you are looking for