Jsp default directory

Hi , what can I do to know which is my jsp default directory ?
There is a config file somewhere in the Oracle9iAS that tell me which is this directory ?

Hi Peter...
I'm using Oracle9iAS Portal 3.0.9 , and now I installed jpdk.
I reach the welcome test page , but in that page there are not all the sample portlets.
If I login to Portal , and I go to see my portlets repository , I cannot find the sample WebPortlets.
I followed all the steps for the installation , but I have two doubt:
1)in which directory I must paste all the subdirectories with the samples ( my default jsp runtime directory which is ??)
I pasted them into C:\oracle\ora9ias\Apache\Apache\htdocs\jpdk ( where jpdk is the new directory I have created according with what the installation manual tells).
2)When I configure the provider.xml , at the top I have this code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>
<?providerDefinition version="2.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE provider [
<!ENTITY virtualRoot "/jpdk/">
<!ENTITY physicalRoot "C:\oracle\ora9ias\Apache\Apache\htdocs\jpdk\">
Then this code repeated for all the portlet, here I paste just the sample code for the first portlet:
<portlet class="oracle.portal.provider.v1.http.DefaultPortlet" version="1" >
<title>Lottery Portlet</title>
<description>This portlet shows your winning numbers.</description>
<timeoutMsg>We timed out</timeoutMsg>
<portletRenderer class="oracle.portal.provider.v1.http.PageRenderer" >
<portletPersonalizationManager class="oracle.portal.provider.v1.http.DefaultPortletPersonalizationManager" >
If I have the physicalRoot , and the virtualRoot at the top of the provider.xml , I must repeat it in all the <appRoot> , and <appPath> tags ???
So , I tried to describe as well as I could my situation , can you help me in someway ???
Thanks a lot :-)

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    Hi Jérôme (J鲴me ?),
    You cannot directly do that, but you can use @@ instead of @ to run subscripts in the same directory as the superscript
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    Hi Aaron,
    Micorsoft suggest to use folders like UserAppData to store files for your own programs.
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    Yes there are many, but the question is why won't the new folder create on the drive?
    What format is it?
    I think you've not grasped what iPhoto is. Have a read of these
    For help accessing your photos in iPhoto see this user tip:
    This User Tip
    has details of the options in the Export dialogue.
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     I hope you find the following link helpful.
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    htp.p('Content-length: ' || length);
    htp.p('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'||substr(fileName,INSTR(fileName,'/')+1)|| '"');
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    I don't believe you're allowed to set the directory path in the Content-Disposition (or any other) header. More accurately, you can set path in the filename, but browsers don't pay any attention to that, they only look at only the terminal filename.
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    You don't say which version of SQL Developer you are using via Citrix, but just setting the SQLDEVELOPER_USER_DIR hasn't worked for a long time (see Re: SQLDEVELOPER_USER_DIR does not function anymore). Also, since version 1.5, the default for the user directory (now set via ide.user.dir as shown below) is under the user profile area (relative to %APPDATA%), which you should be able to write to, even on Citrix.
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    Hi H,
    Yeah its possible to set for a directory and even for folder also.Follow these steps:
    1.In topology manager under file technology duplicate any dataserver which is working eg: FILE_GENERIC.
    2.Change the name of the dataserver,and apply changes.i.e click on yes..
    3.Under physical schema fill the directory(Schema) as ur wish for default directory.
    Eg: for directory c:/
    If u need folder then c:/TEMP
    4.copy same path for work schema
    5.provide appropriate context
    6.Now reverse from model it will point to default path which u have menttiioned in topology

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