Jsp taglib problems in J2ee server  of j2sdkee1.3

Fresh from solving the problems with usebean in jsp, I again got a problem with the custom tags of JSP
I am using Jdk1.3 and j2sdkee1.3, windows98
The class file is stored in a package called my in the c:\j2sdkee1.3\lib\classes\my folder
and the tld and jsp file stored in c:\j2sdkee1.3\public_html folder
when I access the atm.jsp page, I got this error message
A Servlet Exception Has Occurred
org.apache.jasper.compiler.ParseException: End of content reached while more parsing required: tag nesting error?
Here is the ATMJsp.tld code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!DOCTYPE taglib PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.1//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-jsptaglibrary_1_1.dtd">
     <info>a tag library for the atm details</info>
          <info>Outputs of the ATM Counter</info>
I try:
When I put the <bodycontent> tags below the <info> tags, I got the error message that the tag doesn't allow "bodycontent" here
I don't know what caused the problem ... is there some mistake in the above code?
Include other file to make it more clear---* atm.jsp and atmtag.java
<%@ page import="my.atmtag" %>
<%@ taglib uri="ATMJsp.tld" prefix="atmjsp" %>
<%@ page errorPage="errorpage.jsp" %>
<!DocType HTML Public "-//W3C//DTD// HTML 4.0 Translational//EN">
<h3 align=center>ATM counters that need cash</h3>
package my;
import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.math.*;
import java.util.*;
//tag handler
public class atmtag extends TagSupport
     Connection connect=null;
     Statement state=null;
     ResultSet result=null;
     public atmtag() throws ClassNotFoundException
     public int doStartTag() throws JspTagException
          return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE;
     public int doEndTag() throws JspTagException
               JspWriter out=pageContext.getOut();
               String strquery="select cCounter_id, cAddress, mCashBalance from Counter where mCashBalance<=10000";
               ResultSet result=state.executeQuery(strquery);
               String sid=null;
               String saddress=null;
               String sbalance=null;
               Vector v=new Vector();
               for (int i=0; i<v.size();i++)
                    String str=(String)v.elementAt(i);
          catch(Exception ex)
          return EVAL_PAGE;
Pls help me to get through this hurdle

1) To handle <bodycontent> you should inherit from BodyTagSupport
2) You should use your bean like: <td><atmjsp:ATM/></td>
with closing slash - it's bodyless tag - this mistake
causes JSP compiler to report error

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    j2ee server using j2sdkee1.3.1 I get this message:
    Starting web service at port: 8000
    Starting secure web service at port: 7000
    J2EE SDK/1.3.1
    Exception in thread "main" javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError: Provider
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    I had the problem with starting server too.
    error message :
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create ORB. Possible causes include TCP/IP
    ports in use by another process
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.run(J2EEServer.java:346)
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.main(J2EEServer.java:972)
    J2EE server reported the following error: Unable to create ORB. Possible causes
    include TCP/IP ports in use by another process
    Error executing J2EE server ...
    I didn't think my machine was running another process while I attempted to run j2ee server.
    But I had installed WebObjects of Apple company.
    That's the reason or something else was wrong.
    I am very anticipate for your help.

  • Can't start J2ee server using j2sdkee1.3.1

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    Error message.
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/naming/Context
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.<clinit>(J2EEServer.java:53)
    I have set all environment variables as follows
    set path=.;c:\jdk1.2.2\bin;c:\j2sdkee1.3.1\bin;
    set classpath=.c:\jdk1.2.2\lib;c:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\j2ee.jar
    set JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk1.2.2
    set J2EE_HOME=c:\j2sdkee1.3.
    pls kindly give a solution.

    Try rather using the 1.4 version available here: http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.4/
    and use this dedicated forum: http://forum.java.sun.com/forum.jsp?forum=136

  • Problem with J2EE server start

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    J2ee -verbose and I have this error:
    Logging for J2EE Server Version: 1.3.1-b17 started at: Wed Mar 29 15:24:15 CEST 2006..
    Using the Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM and the version number 1.5.0_06 from Sun Microsystems Inc..
    VM is using the classpath: C:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\system\cloudscape.jar;C:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\system\tools.jar;C:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\cloudscape\RmiJdbc.jar;C:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\cloudscape\cloudclient.jar;C:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\classes;C:\j2sdkee1.3.1\classes;C:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\j2ee.jar;C:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\toolclasses;C:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\j2eetools.jar;C:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\locale;;C:\jdk1.5.0_06\lib\tools.jar;C:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\jhall.jar .
    J2EE Home Directory has been set to: C:\j2sdkee1.3.1.
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/corba/se/internal/util/IdentityHashtable
         at com.sun.corba.ee.internal.javax.rmi.CORBA.Util.<clinit>(Util.java:87)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.internal.POA.POAImpl.activate(POAImpl.java:935)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.internal.POA.POAImpl.activate_object(POAImpl.java:895)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.internal.CosNaming.TransientNameService.initialize(TransientNameService.java:117)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.internal.CosNaming.TransientNameService.<init>(TransientNameService.java:70)
         at com.sun.enterprise.iiop.POAProtocolMgr.initializeNaming(POAProtocolMgr.java:103)
         at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.run(J2EEServer.java:226)
         at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.main(J2EEServer.java:972)I have the JDK 1.5.0_06 and the J2sdkee1.3.1.
    Have an idea what is the problem, and what I must modify in order to do working my server?
    thank you for your help

    I use this version because I try to execute the tutorial of JMS, but I can't working it. The version porpose are these one : http://java.sun.com/products/jms/tutorial/1_3_1-fcs/doc/client.html#1025256
    Thank you for your help.

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    HTTP Status 404 - /wsnavigator/jsps/index.jsp
    type Status report
    message /wsnavigator/jsps/index.jsp
    description The requested resource (/wsnavigator/jsps/index.jsp) is not available.
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    So please tell me what should i do to run this web service and let me know is it possible to use web service if sap sytem is not on J2EE server.

    Hi Rahul,
    If you don't mind, can you explain how did you resolve the error.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Problem starting j2ee server..any expert can help

    Posted this in the JMS Forum...
    Probably..I should ask people in this forum
    Anyone knows why I can't start the j2ee ..which I hope to use it as the JMS provider. I am trying to try the e.g. from JMS tutorial....
    But it seems that I can't start the j2ee in the first place 'cos error say that I have another instance running...(but I didn't start anything in the first place). How should I solve this?
    How could I stop the j2ee server....I tried the command
    j2ee -stop but cannot..
    Anyone can help?
    Thank u in advance
    G:\jmseg\simple>j2ee -verbose
    J2EE server listen port: 1050
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not initialize j2ee server. Possible cause cou
    ld be another instance of the server already running.
    at com.sun.enterprise.iiop.POAProtocolMgr.initializeNaming(POAProtocolMg
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.run(J2EEServer.java:227)
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.main(J2EEServer.java:918)
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not initialize j2ee server. Possible cause cou
    ld be another instance of the server already running.
    at com.sun.enterprise.iiop.POAProtocolMgr.initializeNaming(POAProtocolMg
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.run(J2EEServer.java:227)
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.main(J2EEServer.java:918)
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not initialize j2ee server. Possible cause cou
    ld be another instance of the server already running.
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.run(J2EEServer.java:355)
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.main(J2EEServer.java:918)
    J2EE server reported the following error: Could not initialize j2ee server. Poss
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    Error executing J2EE server ...

    I have also seen this problem on Win 2K and also Linux. It is not because some other instance of the RI is already running, but because some other application or OS service is using TCP port Number 1050.
    The J2EE RI does not depend on this port, however, there is a config file called orb.properties in the config subdirectory of your installation. In this file, you can change the port number to anything you like as long as it's free. I changed mine to 1051 and everything worked fine.

  • Problem starting J2EE Server

    I installed J2EE on Windows NT. I am getting the following exceptions when I started J2EE Server....
    1. java.lang.NullPointerException at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.....
    2. RuntimeException: Unable to create ORB. Possible causes include TCP/IP ports in use by another process....
    I tried to change the port no. from the default 1050 to 10500, but it didn't help.
    Any suggestions please?

    Since u r getting the TCP/IP port already in use error, u probably have some other service/server running on that port.Try the following steps:
    1) Start menu >> Control Panel >> Services
    2) See which services are running presently. In case u have any web server,Appln. server running. , stop them and then start J2EE again.
    But, I still think u r missing something in the classpath.

  • Jsp taglib problem

    Hello all,
    as i am facing problem to display the value inside the table. following are the flow files of my code.
    my jsp page............
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/c.tld" prefix="c" %>
    <td> </td>
    <td nowrap><b>Client</b></td>
    <td><c ut value="${ConstantDeclarations.ATTR_CMB_CLIENT.strClientName}" default="value is null" escapeXml="true"/></td>
    <!--<td><label for="<%=ConstantDeclarations.ATTR_CMB_CLIENT%>"><%=strClientName%></label></td>-->
    <td> </td>
    my c.tld file.....................
    Like <%= ... >, but for expressions.
    Expression to be evaluated.
    Default value if the resulting value is null.
    Determines whether characters <,>,&,'," in the
    resulting string should be converted to their
    corresponding character entity codes. Default value is
    so i am trying to display the value ConstantDeclarations.ATTR_CMB_CLIENT.strClientName in the table which is taking from the class file ProjectVO.class. in which getClientName is returning the value of strClientName. as shown below
    public class ProjectVO extends ValueObjectImpl implements SearchableEntity{
    public String getClientName(){
    return strClientName;
    i have tried different types like
    so please refer the code and if u have any solution for this reply to me.
    with regards

    First, next time you post code, could you please use [code] tags as per the [code] button at the top of the posting page...
    Okay, down to the question. You have this:
    This will look for a variable instance named ConstantDeclarations and will try to access the method:
    public [ObjectType] getATTR_CMB_CLIENT()
    It will then try to call
    public [ObjectType] getStrClientName()
    from the object returned from the previous method call.
    The point is: ConstantDeclarations can not be a class name, it must be an instance of a class. And ATTR_CMB_CLIENT can not be a static member of that class. It must be a property - accessed through a getATTR_CMB_CLIENT() method, which must be public, non static, and have a return type (non-void).

  • Facing Jsp Compilation Problem in the Server

    Hai all,
    I get the following problem when i try to call a jsp in my browser.
    javax.servlet.ServletException: org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.NameEnvironmentAnswer.<init>(Lorg/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/env/IBinaryType;Lorg/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/env/AccessRestriction;)V
    This problem exists only with my new war of the application and the tomcat works fine with older version .war of the same application.
    I thought i could be some mis-match in the library files version in the tomcat and the one in the lid of application.
    Please give me suggestions as early as possible

    Thanks For Your Replys,
    I found the Solution in the following manner.
    Problem was the as mentioned with the version of jar files in the lib of tomcat and the lib of Application war file. I had my war files of higher versions than in tomcat. Hence i upgraded the tomcat version not the lib version of tomcat. Because there was this problem of tomcat compilation of the jsp code is not supported.
    Thanks Guys.

  • Problem in starting J2EE server, Syntax error in DOS

    OS: Windows98
    Hi, guys:
    I try to run the example of J2ee Tutorial sample code but I find that that the setenv.bat in j2sdkee1.3\bin has sytax error in MS DOS in the following lines
    I don't understand why they have such a problem. Didn't they even try to run J2ee server on Windows ? Can't believe such irresponsible development is from SUN.
    Can anyone help ? Thanks

    Hi, Guys:
    I found the answer base on my research and other's topic answers, especially thank Laughton Jackson.
    #1) Change setenv.bat
    set JAAS_OPTIONS=-Djava.security.auth.policy=%J2EE_HOME%\lib\security\jaas.policy
    set SSL_OPTIONS=-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=%J2EE_HOME%\lib\security\cacerts.jks
    set LISTEN_OPTIONS=-Dcom.sun.CORBA.connection.ORBListenSocket=SSL:0,SSL_MUTUALAUTH:0,PERSISTENT_SSL:1060
    set JAVACMD=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -Xmx128m %SSL_OPTIONS% %JAAS_OPTIONS%
    change the above to
    set JAAS_OPTIONS=-Djava.security.auth.policy
    set JAAS_OPTIONS1=%J2EE_HOME%\lib\security\jaas.policy
    set SSL_OPTIONS=-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore
    set SSL_OPTIONS1=%J2EE_HOME%\lib\security\cacerts.jks
    set LISTEN_OPTIONS=-Dcom.sun.CORBA.connection.ORBListenSocket
    set JAVACMD=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -Xmx128m
    Notice that we break those lines of the format
    set XX=YY=ZZ and add set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%CPATH%. Those env variables look very confusing at first. Actually they are nothing but tools that the original person who wrote this script uses to saving his typing !
    #2 Change j2ee.bat
    %JAVACMD% %LISTEN_OPTIONS% -Dorg.xml.sax.parser=org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderAdapter -Dorg.xml.sax.driver=org.apache.crimson.parser.XMLReaderImpl -Djms.home=%JMS_HOME% -Dcom.sun.jms.service.jdbc.dbpath=%JMS_DB_PATH% -Djms.properties=%J2EE_HOME%\config\jms_service.properties -Djava.security.policy==%J2EE_HOME%\lib\security\server.policy -Djava.security.auth.login.config=%J2EE_HOME%\lib\security\login.config -Dcom.sun.enterprise.home=%J2EE_HOME% -classpath %CPATH% com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer %*
    Change the above to
    %JAVACMD% %SSL_OPTIONS%=%SSL_OPTIONS1% %JAAS_OPTIONS%=%JAAS_OPTIONS1% %LISTEN_OPTIONS%=%LISTEN_OPTIONS1% -Dorg.xml.sax.parser=org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderAdapter -Dorg.xml.sax.driver=org.apache.crimson.parser.XMLReaderImpl -Djms.home=%JMS_HOME% -Dcom.sun.jms.service.jdbc.dbpath=%JMS_DB_PATH% -Djms.properties=%J2EE_HOME%\config\jms_service.properties -Djava.security.policy==%J2EE_HOME%\lib\security\server.policy -Djava.security.auth.login.config=%J2EE_HOME%\lib\security\login.config -Dcom.sun.enterprise.home=%J2EE_HOME% com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer %1 %2
    Notice that we changed "com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer %*" to
    "com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer %1 %2"
    Good luck

  • J2EE server startup problem

    Please help me. Thanks a lot. The problem is as following:
    C:\j2sdkee1.3.1\bin>j2ee -verbose
    J2EE server listen port: 1050
    Naming service started:1050
    Binding DataSource, name = jdbc/EstoreDB, url = jdbc:cloudscape:rmi:Cloudsc
    Binding DataSource, name = jdbc/DB1, url = jdbc:cloudscape:rmi:CloudscapeDB
    Binding DataSource, name = jdbc/DB2, url = jdbc:cloudscape:rmi:CloudscapeDB
    Binding DataSource, name = jdbc/Cloudscape, url = jdbc:cloudscape:rmi:Cloud
    Binding DataSource, name = jdbc/InventoryDB, url = jdbc:cloudscape:rmi:Clou
    Binding DataSource, name = jdbc/XACloudscape, url = jdbc/XACloudscape__xa
    Binding DataSource, name = jdbc/XACloudscape__xa, dataSource = COM.cloudsca
    Starting JMS service...
    Initialization complete - waiting for client requests
    Binding: < JMS Destination : jms/Topic , javax.jms.Topic >
    Binding: < JMS Destination : jms/Queue , javax.jms.Queue >
    Binding: < JMS Cnx Factory : TopicConnectionFactory , Topic , No properties
    Binding: < JMS Cnx Factory : jms/QueueConnectionFactory , Queue , No proper
    Binding: < JMS Cnx Factory : jms/TopicConnectionFactory , Topic , No proper
    Binding: < JMS Cnx Factory : QueueConnectionFactory , Queue , No properties
    Starting web service at port: 8000
    Starting secure web service at port: 7000
    J2EE SDK/1.3.1
    LifecycleException: null.open: java.net.BindException: Address already in
    at org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector.initialize(Http
    at org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded.start(Embedded.java:962)
    at com.sun.web.server.WebService.start(WebService.java:217)
    at com.sun.web.server.WebServer.start(WebServer.java:189)
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.startWebService(J2EEServer.
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.run(J2EEServer.java:297)
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.main(J2EEServer.java:972)
    java.lang.RuntimeException: null.open
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.run(J2EEServer.java:346)
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.main(J2EEServer.java:972)
    J2EE server reported the following error: null.open
    Error executing J2EE server ...

    It looks like you already have a program listening on port 7000 or 8000. If that is the case, edit the container's configuration file to another port number (or do the same for the other program that is listening on that port).
    - Saish
    "My karma ran over your dogma." - Anon

  • Problem starting the j2ee server

    I am trying to run
    j2ee -verbose
    and I am getting the following error.
    I am running it on Windows 2000
    and my environment variables are set like this
    set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.3.1_04
    set J2EE_HOME=C:\j2sdkee1.3.1
    set CLASSPATH=%J2EE_HOME%\lib\j2ee.jar;%J2EE_HOME%\lib\locale;.;
    set PATH=%J2EE_HOME%\bin;C:\jdk1.3.1_04\bin;
    Did anyone encountered the same problem. Any ideas on how to solve it.
    J2EE server listen port: 1050
    Naming service started:1050
    Binding DataSource, name = jdbc/DB2, url = jdbc:cloudscape:rmi:CloudscapeDB;cre
    Binding DataSource, name = jdbc/EstoreDB, url = jdbc:cloudscape:rmi:CloudscapeD
    Binding DataSource, name = jdbc/DB1, url = jdbc:cloudscape:rmi:CloudscapeDB;cre
    Binding DataSource, name = jdbc/InventoryDB, url = jdbc:cloudscape:rmi:Cloudsca
    Binding DataSource, name = jdbc/Cloudscape, url = jdbc:cloudscape:rmi:Cloudscap
    Binding DataSource, name = jdbc/XACloudscape, url = jdbc/XACloudscape__xa
    Binding DataSource, name = jdbc/XACloudscape__xa, dataSource = COM.cloudscape.c
    Starting JMS service...
    Initialization complete - waiting for client requests
    Binding: < JMS Destination : jms/Topic , javax.jms.Topic >
    Binding: < JMS Destination : jms/Queue , javax.jms.Queue >
    Binding: < JMS Cnx Factory : jms/QueueConnectionFactory , Queue , No properties
    Binding: < JMS Cnx Factory : QueueConnectionFactory , Queue , No properties >
    Binding: < JMS Cnx Factory : TopicConnectionFactory , Topic , No properties >
    Binding: < JMS Cnx Factory : jms/TopicConnectionFactory , Topic , No properties
    Starting web service at port: 8000
    Starting secure web service at port: 7000
    J2EE SDK/1.3.1
    LifecycleException: null.open: java.net.BindException: Address in use: JVM_Bin
    at org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector.initialize(HttpConne
    at org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded.start(Embedded.java:962)
    at com.sun.web.server.WebService.start(WebService.java:217)
    at com.sun.web.server.WebServer.start(WebServer.java:189)
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.startWebService(J2EEServer.java:
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.run(J2EEServer.java:297)
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.main(J2EEServer.java:972)
    java.lang.RuntimeException: null.open
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.run(J2EEServer.java:346)
    at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.main(J2EEServer.java:972)
    J2EE server reported the following error: null.open
    Error executing J2EE server ...

    Same problem here. Looked at the following file and made change: http.port=8001.
    J2EE Server now starts. Thanks to sangineni.

  • J2ee server starting problem

    Hi, I am a new comer in this field. I am fininding problem in starting the j2ee server.I have downloaded and installed C:\j2sdkee1.3.1 , c:\jdk1.3.1_03 , c:\j2eetutorial and c:\antroot\jakarta-ant-1.3. I am using windows 2000 professional OS and set the environment variables like JAVA_HOME : c:\jdk1.3.1_03, J2EE_HOME:C:\j2sdkee1.3.1 and ANT_HOME:c:\antroot\jakarta-ant-1.3.
    set the path to %J2EE_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%ANT_HOME%\bin; as per the instruction given in the J2EE tutorial preface.
    When I type j2ee on the command prompt it says "j2ee is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file".
    Can any one plese guide how I can start and go ahead with this tutorial. Is there any other setting i need to set or change.

    If you're running j2ee on windows platform and you have outlook also loaded, close the outlook and try running j2ee again.
    also set your class path to the jar file under $J2EE_HOME/lib/j2ee.jar:. before rest of your classpath
    I have the same problem (with different message) on solaris.

  • Why the J2EE server doesn't compile my JSP ?

    I made up a simple JSP to start learning J2EE, i tried it on an Java IDE on my PC and it works; when i try to deploy the page on my web site host server(supporting J2EE) and execute it, i got a blank page only.
    Browsing the Html code, i see the same code i wrote; the JSP special tags have not been executed.
    What's wrong ?
    Have i to deploy the page in a particular way, or it is a J2EE server problem?
    This is the simple page :
    <%@ page contentType="text/html"%>
    <head><title>JSP Page</title></head>
    <%= "Java Server Page"%>

    Try this:
    <%@ page language="java" %>
    <p><%= "Java Server Page"%></p>
    </html>You don't need to that content HTML stuff - the JSP knows that it's going to send HTML down to the browser.
    It works on my machine deployed in a WAR and running under Tomcat 4.1.27. Here's the HTML I get when I "View Source":
    <p>Java Server Page</p>
    </html>Works fine. - MOD

  • The problem is occurred with J2ee server node which is disabled it from MMC

    Dear SAP Consultants,
    The problem is occurred with J2ee server node which is disabled J2ee server node from MMS Console and the abap work process is working fine but the dispatcher is yellow status and I can login to the abap system but Iu2019m not able to start the j2ee from Tcode u201CSmicmu201D as well
    The system parameters are:
    BI 7.0 System as ABAP & JAVA add on, windows 2003 on Oracle database, 24 GB Ram
    Paging files: Driveu201D Os system: minimum: 1525, maximum: 3048
    Driveu201DEu201D application: minimum: 70855, maximum: 70855
    I can see the log files as follow:
    From dev_disp:
    Sun Jun 21 13:10:28 2009
    J2EE server info
      start = TRUE
      state = STARTED
      pid = 2892
      argv[0] = E:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS00\exe\jcontrol.EXE
      argv[1] = E:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS00\exe\jcontrol.EXE
      argv[2] = pf=E:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\profile\BWD_DVEBMGS00_cai-bwdev
      argv[3] = -DSAPSTART=1
      argv[4] = -DCONNECT_PORT=64990
      argv[5] = -DSAPSYSTEM=00
      argv[6] = -DSAPSYSTEMNAME=BWD
      argv[7] = -DSAPMYNAME=cai-bwdev_BWD_00
      argv[8] = -DSAPPROFILE=E:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\profile\BWD_DVEBMGS00_cai-bwdev
      argv[9] = -DFRFC_FALLBACK=ON
      argv[10] = -DFRFC_FALLBACK_HOST=localhost
      start_lazy = 0
      start_control = SAP J2EE startup framework
    DpJ2eeStart: j2ee state = STARTED
    DpJ2eeLogin: j2ee state = CONNECTED
    Sun Jun 21 13:10:29 2009
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiIRead: recv (10054: WSAECONNRESET: Connection reset by peer) [nixxi.cpp 4424]
    ERROR => NiIRead: SiRecv failed for hdl 6 / sock 1032
        (SI_ECONN_BROKEN/10054; I4; ST; [nixxi.cpp    4424]
    DpJ2eeMsgProcess: j2ee state = CONNECTED (NIECONN_BROKEN)
    DpIJ2eeShutdown: send SIGINT to SAP J2EE startup framework (pid=2892)
    ERROR => DpProcKill: kill failed [dpntdisp.c   371]
    DpIJ2eeShutdown: j2ee state = SHUTDOWN
    Sun Jun 21 13:10:48 2009
    DpEnvCheckJ2ee: switch off j2ee start flag
    From dev_jcontrol :
    [Thr 2124] Sun Jun 21 13:10:29 2009
    [Thr 2124] *** ERROR => invalid return code of process [bootstrap] (exitcode = 66) [jstartxx.c   1642]
    [Thr 2124] JControlExecuteBootstrap: error executing bootstrap node [bootstrap] (rc = 66)
    [Thr 2124] JControlCloseProgram: started (exitcode = 66)
    [Thr 2124] JControlCloseProgram: good bye... (exitcode = 66)
    From dev_bootstrap :
    JHVM_BuildArgumentList: main method arguments of node [bootstrap]
    -> arg[  0]: com.sap.engine.bootstrap.Bootstrap
    -> arg[  1]: ./bootstrap
    -> arg[  2]: ID0072573
    -> arg[  3]: -XX:NewSize=57M
    -> arg[  4]: -XX:MaxNewSize=57M
    -> arg[  5]: -Xms256M
    -> arg[  6]: -Xmx256M
    -> arg[  7]: -XX:+DisableExplicitGC
    -> arg[  8]: -verbose:gc
    -> arg[  9]: -Djava.security.policy=.java.policy
    -> arg[ 10]: -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/urandom
    -> arg[ 11]: -Djco.jarm=1
    [Thr 5216] JLaunchIExitJava: exit hook is called (rc = 66)
    [Thr 5216] **********************************************************************
    ERROR => The Java VM terminated with a non-zero exit code.
    Please see SAP Note 943602 , section 'J2EE Engine exit codes'
    for additional information and trouble shooting.
    [Thr 5216] JLaunchCloseProgram: good bye (exitcode = 66)
    From server.0.log :
    #1.5 #001E4F208703008A0001C7470000092000046A4414D60A1F#1242740546634#/System/Server##com.sap.caf.eu.gp.schedule.impl.ScheduleWorker#J2EE_GUEST#0##n/a##27772ea0447811deb9bf001e4f208703#SAPEngine_Application_Thread[impl:3]_25##0#0#Error#1#com.sap.caf.eu.gp.schedule.impl.ScheduleWorker#Plain###ERROR_ACQUIRE_CONNECTION
    com.sap.caf.eu.gp.base.exception.EngineException: ERROR_ACQUIRE_CONNECTION
         at com.sap.caf.eu.gp.base.db.ConnectionPoolJ2EE.getConnection(ConnectionPoolJ2EE.java:92)
         at com.sap.caf.eu.gp.schedule.impl.ScheduleDbImpl.getScheduleToProcess(ScheduleDbImpl.java:1936)
         at com.sap.caf.eu.gp.schedule.impl.ScheduleService.getScheduleToProcess(ScheduleService.java:432)
         at com.sap.caf.eu.gp.schedule.impl.ScheduleWorker.work(ScheduleWorker.java:77)
         at com.sap.caf.eu.gp.schedule.impl.ScheduleWorker.run(ScheduleWorker.java:63)
         at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.ActionObject.run(ActionObject.java:37)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.SingleThread.execute(SingleThread.java:102)
         at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.SingleThread.run(SingleThread.java:172)
    Caused by: com.sap.engine.services.dbpool.exceptions.BaseSQLException: ResourceException in method ConnectionFactoryImpl.getConnection(): com.sap.engine.services.dbpool.exceptions.BaseResourceException: SQLException thrown by the physical connection: com.sap.sql.log.OpenSQLException: Error while accessing secure store: File "
    SecStore.properties" does not exist although it should..
         at com.sap.engine.services.dbpool.cci.ConnectionFactoryImpl.getConnection(ConnectionFactoryImpl.java:59)
         at com.sap.caf.eu.gp.base.db.ConnectionPoolJ2EE.getConnection(ConnectionPoolJ2EE.java:89)
         ... 8 more
    Caused by: com.sap.engine.services.dbpool.exceptions.BaseResourceException: SQLException thrown by the physical connection: com.sap.sql.log.OpenSQLException: Error while accessing secure store: File "
    SecStore.properties" does not exist although it should..
         at com.sap.engine.services.dbpool.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl.createManagedConnection(ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl.java:193)
         at com.sap.engine.services.connector.jca.ConnectionHashSet.match(ConnectionHashSet.java:338)
         at com.sap.engine.services.connector.jca.ConnectionManagerImpl.allocateConnection(ConnectionManagerImpl.java:267)
         at com.sap.engine.services.dbpool.cci.ConnectionFactoryImpl.getConnection(ConnectionFactoryImpl.java:51)
         ... 9 more
    Caused by: com.sap.sql.log.OpenSQLException: Error while accessing secure store: File "
    SecStore.properties" does not exist although it should..
         at com.sap.sql.log.Syslog.createAndLogOpenSQLException(Syslog.java:106)
         at com.sap.sql.log.Syslog.createAndLogOpenSQLException(Syslog.java:145)
         at com.sap.sql.connect.OpenSQLDataSourceImpl.setDataSourceName(OpenSQLDataSourceImpl.java:226)
         at com.sap.sql.connect.OpenSQLDataSourceImpl.setDataSourceName(OpenSQLDataSourceImpl.java:197)
         at com.sap.engine.services.dbpool.spi.ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl.createManagedConnection(ManagedConnectionFactoryImpl.java:117)
         ... 12 more
    Caused by: com.sap.security.core.server.secstorefs.FileMissingException: File "
    SecStore.properties" does not exist although it should.
         at com.sap.security.core.server.secstorefs.StorageHandler.openExistingStore(StorageHandler.java:372)
         at com.sap.security.core.server.secstorefs.SecStoreFS.openExistingStore(SecStoreFS.java:1946)
         at com.sap.sql.connect.OpenSQLConnectInfo.getStore(OpenSQLConnectInfo.java:802)
         at com.sap.sql.connect.OpenSQLConnectInfo.lookup(OpenSQLConnectInfo.java:783)
         at com.sap.sql.connect.OpenSQLDataSourceImpl.setDataSourceName(OpenSQLDataSourceImpl.java:209)
         ... 14 more
    Please advice with the right solution,


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