Jspc precompile issue

Hi all,
I'm having an issue with jspc, but a bit of background first;
I've been asked to port an application from WebSphere 6.0 to GlassFish 2.1.1. The application uses ibm's implementation of jsf and includes their html extension tags. Now the only way i could get it to work correctly (without lots of rewriting) was to include the ibm jsf-impl jsf-api and jsf-ibm jars (together with a few others) in the web-inf/lib of the war, i then configured glassfish to use these libs before it's own. All of this worked well and runs great on glassfish, although the first load is slow so i thought i'd precompile.
Now when i come to try to precompile the JSP files I get stuck.
jspc runs without any errors but after deployment i get the following error:
[#|2009-12-01T15:58:02.564+0000|SEVERE|sun-appserver2.1|javax.enterprise.system.container.web|_ThreadID=24;_ThreadName=httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-2;_RequestID=deb66471-c0d8-49d5-8007-b6985b304d59;|StandardWrapperValve[Faces Servlet]: PWC1406: Servlet.service() for servlet Faces Servlet threw exception
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sun.faces.taglib.jsf_core.ViewTag.setJspId(Ljava/lang/String;)VThis is because the jspc command has used the glassfish libraries to compile the jsp's and when deployed, it uses the libraries included in the web app to run it (i'm assuming).
So i thought i could get round this by modifying the jspc.bat file included in the glassfish release to use my classes instead, basically by inputting the paths to my libs before the glassfish libs (i cvhanged the -cp parameter in the bat file)
But now i get an error when i run the jspc command:
WC6341: According to the TLD, deferred-value is specified for the attribute styleClass of the tag handler com.sun.faces.taglib.html_basic.FormTag, but the argument for the setter method is not a javax.el.ValueExpression
I'm assuming this error is generated because the jspc command is using the tld from jsf 1.2 instead of using the jsf 1.1 tld to validate the files but i can't figure out where it's picking up the html_basic.tld from.
I've tried doing the precompile at deploy time using the admin tool but i get a similar error to the first one:
C:\Sun\AppServer\domains\domain1\generated\jsp\j2ee-apps\vctmEAR-09004-russia-uat\vctm_war\org\apache\jsp\AdditionalCustomerInfo_jsp.java:194: cannot find symbol
symbol  : method setJspId(java.lang.String)
location: class com.sun.faces.taglib.jsf_core.ViewTag
                       ^Basically, what i'm asking is, does anyone know how to get a jsf 1.1 app to precompile and deploy onto glassfish but using their own defined taglibs?
I hope all this is inderstandable, i know i've skimmed over some of the details but i can expand any of the points if required.

Note: This thread was originally posted in the [Java Compiler|http://forums.sun.com/forum.jspa?forumID=7] forum, but moved to this forum for closer topic alignment.

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    using gmake stage1
    Pro*C/C++: Release - Production on Sun Jun 10 11:55:05 2012
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    System default option values taken from: /opt/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome1/precomp/admin/pcscfg.cfg
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    extern cpu_set_t *__sched_cpualloc (size_t __count) __THROW __wur;
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    extern size_t strftime (char *__restrict __s, size_t __maxsize,
    PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "strftime" when expecting one of the followi
    ; , = ( [
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    Error at line 199, column 47 in file /usr/include/time.h
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    typedef __locale_t locale_t;
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    OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
    short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
    union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
    a typedef name,
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    Error at line 217, column 15 in file /usr/include/time.h
    extern size_t strftime_l (char *__restrict __s, size_t __maxsize,
    PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "strftime_l" when expecting one of the follo
    ; , = ( [
    The symbol ";" was substituted for "strftime_l" to continue.
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    Error at line 217, column 49 in file /usr/include/time.h
    extern size_t strftime_l (char *__restrict __s, size_t __maxsize,
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    ... auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
    ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
    OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
    OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
    short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
    union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
    a typedef name, exec oracle, exec oracle begin, exec,
    exec sql, exec sql begin, exec sql type, exec sql var,
    The symbol "enum," was substituted for "size_t" to continue.
    Syntax error at line 220, column 6, file /usr/include/time.h:
    Error at line 220, column 6 in file /usr/include/time.h
    __locale_t __loc) __THROW;
    PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__locale_t" when expecting one of the follo
    ... auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
    ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
    OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
    OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
    short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
    union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
    a typedef name, exec oracle, exec oracle begin, exec,
    exec sql, exec sql begin, exec sql type, exec sql var,
    The symbol "enum," was substituted for "__locale_t" to continue.
    Syntax error at line 91, column 5, file /usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h:
    Error at line 91, column 5 in file /usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h
    __pthread_list_t __list;
    PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__pthread_list_t" when expecting one of the
    } char, const, double, enum, float, int, long, ulong_varchar,
    OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator, OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime,
    OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval, OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber,
    OCIRaw, OCIString, short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor,
    struct, union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void,
    volatile, a typedef name,
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    Error at line 225, column 38 in file /usr/include/pthread.h
    extern int pthread_create (pthread_t *__restrict __newthread,
    PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "*" when expecting one of the following:
    Syntax error at line 226, column 30, file /usr/include/pthread.h:
    Error at line 226, column 30 in file /usr/include/pthread.h
    __const pthread_attr_t *__restrict __attr,
    PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "*" when expecting one of the following:
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    PCC-F-02102, Fatal error while doing C preprocessing
    gmake: *** [stage1.c] Error 1
    pcscfg.cfg file
    [oracle@oralnx6 admin]$ cat pcscfg.cfg
    uname -a
    Linux oralnx6.localdomain 2.6.32-300.21.1.el6uek.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Apr 18 19:15:19 EDT 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    my pcscfg.cfg file is fine when I use proc directly, but make or gmake is failing me.
    proc iname=sample1
    Pro*C/C++: Release - Production on Fri Jun 15 14:46:29 2012
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    System default option values taken from: /opt/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome1/precomp/admin/pcscfg.cfg
    proc iname=stage1
    Pro*C/C++: Release - Production on Fri Jun 15 14:48:21 2012
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    System default option values taken from: /opt/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome1/precomp/admin/pcscfg.cfg
    However, the compiler can't find the header files. So that seems to be yet another issue.
    invoking the compiler directly worked fine...
    gcc -o sample2 sample2.c -m64 -I $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/public -L $ORACLE_HOME/lib -lclntsh -lsql11
    so it was a simple matter of correcting the makefile
    Edited by: OrakleDBA on Jun 19, 2012 7:23 PM

  • JSP Precompilation Issue:

    I'm trying to precompile my JSPs so that the .class files can be included along with the WAR.
    For this pre-compilation , i'm using the jspc ANT task.
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    1) A number of JSPs have HTML pages included in them.
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         and HTMLs in a folder :html
         The JSPs include the HTML with this TAG :
              <%@ include file="//html/myHtml.html" %>
         When i try to run the jspc task for the first time, I get an exception indicating that //html/myHtml.html has not been found.
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    if your app is large you will do it because the j2ee container will also compile those jsp's into servlets.. servlets are run on the container not the jsp's

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    [echo] **** jspc: Precompiling WEBLOGIC JSPs
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    Could someone let me know where this class is residing now in WL10?
    Thank you

    I'm guessing you're very new at posting technical questions on the internet (at least I hope you're new at it).
              You need to provide specific details about what you're doing, what you're seeing, and what you expect to see. No one could possibly give you a useful answer without that.

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    I am not a Cobol programmer, but I worked several years a Pro*C programmer, this precompiler issue looks very similar to others I have several times faced, when I compiled a pro*C program on different platforms, the makefile had to be tailored to fit the particular platform paths. May be this is happening to you, you should verify the compilation script and ensure the required libraries are visible.
    ~ Madrid

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  • JSP precompilation and my .java files compilation issues /  building WAR file using ANT

    I am new to working with WAR files and the whole process of it. A little
    background on what we are using. We are using, WLS 6.1 SP3. I am using the
    ant.bat that is supplied in the bin directory of the WLS install.
    I am trying to work with ANT and getting it to build the file. I am making
    progress, but at a point where I am having trouble getting my java code
    files to compile using ant. I am having one issue and looking to do one
    other item.
    1) I would like to precompile the JSPs if possible prior to putting into the
    WAR file. Not sure if this is done or not, but there was a utility when I
    was working with ibm's app server that gave us the ability to do a batch
    complile. Was thinking that maybe a similair concept is possibly here.
    2) Having issue getting ant to compile code properly. In the compile
    section of the build.xml file for ant, I tell it where the source files are,
    and the destionation folder for the compiled class files. I then try to set
    the classpath so that it finds the .jar files that are necessary for my
    source files to complile. But, it won't find them. And not sure how come.
    I may be going about this all wrong, but dont know. Here is the compile
    section of the build.xml I am using:
    <target name="compile" depends="prepare">
    <javac srcdir="classes" destdir="${deploy.home}/WEB-INF/classes"
    debug="on" optimize="on" deprecation="off"/>
    One note, I've tried many different items in the classpath line, which
    don't work. if I do *.jar it fails at complie time, invalid argument. As
    well as if I use *.* and so on. if I list the explicit file names, it still
    doesn't seem to find them.
    I was wondering if anyone could help, if you need anymore information let me
    know, I can send the entire build.xml if necessary. I may be missing
    items, seeing that this is my first try at using ANT.
    Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance. Hopefully not sounding too
    off the wall. Hopefully get some clarification and understanding.
    Thank you.

    Kevin Price wrote:
    I am new to working with WAR files and the whole process of it. A little
    background on what we are using. We are using, WLS 6.1 SP3. I am using the
    ant.bat that is supplied in the bin directory of the WLS install.
    I am trying to work with ANT and getting it to build the file. I am making
    progress, but at a point where I am having trouble getting my java code
    files to compile using ant. I am having one issue and looking to do one
    other item.
    1) I would like to precompile the JSPs if possible prior to putting into the
    WAR file. Not sure if this is done or not, but there was a utility when I
    was working with ibm's app server that gave us the ability to do a batch
    complile. Was thinking that maybe a similair concept is possibly here.you can use weblogic.jspc
    or just set the precompile flag in weblogic.xml
    You can configure WebLogic Server to precompile your JSPs when a Web
    Application is deployed or re-deployed or when WebLogic Server starts up
    by setting the precompile parameter to true in the <jsp-descriptor>
    element of the weblogic.xml deployment descriptor.
    2) Having issue getting ant to compile code properly. In the compile
    section of the build.xml file for ant, I tell it where the source files are,
    and the destionation folder for the compiled class files. I then try to set
    the classpath so that it finds the .jar files that are necessary for my
    source files to complile. But, it won't find them. And not sure how come.
    I may be going about this all wrong, but dont know. Here is the compile
    section of the build.xml I am using:
    <target name="compile" depends="prepare">
    <javac srcdir="classes" destdir="${deploy.home}/WEB-INF/classes"
    debug="on" optimize="on" deprecation="off"/>
    maybe because you are not using curly braces there on lib.home??
    if you do it the way above, you would have to list all your jars
    or you can nest
    <javac srcdir="classes" destdir="${deploy.home}/WEB-INF/classes"
    debug="on" optimize="on" deprecation="off">
              <fileset dir="${lib.home}" includes="*.jar" />
    One note, I've tried many different items in the classpath line, which
    don't work. if I do *.jar it fails at complie time, invalid argument. As
    well as if I use *.* and so on. if I list the explicit file names, it still
    doesn't seem to find them.
    I was wondering if anyone could help, if you need anymore information let me
    know, I can send the entire build.xml if necessary. I may be missing
    items, seeing that this is my first try at using ANT.
    Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance. Hopefully not sounding too
    off the wall. Hopefully get some clarification and understanding.
    Thank you.

  • Filename case issue in precompilation of JSPs for Windows

              I have determined why my JSP pages have been recompiling
              despite including the corresponding compiled class files in
              my application package.
              It seems as though on Windows, any jsp files that have
              filenames that have upper
              case letters are being recompiled, even if their precompiled pages
              are included in the .war file. JSP files that have filenames that are all
              lower case
              are not recompiled, which is expected behavior.
              The UNIX version of BEA does not seem to have this bug
              related to the case of JSP filenames.
              Could someone from BEA please give us more information
              on this issue and when we can see it fixed?
              Thank you very much,
              Peter Kim
              p.s. I am using Weblogic Server version

    I'm seeing something slightly different here.
              I'm including __MyJsp.class (with the proper case) in my
              packaged .war file, but when a request is made for MyJsp.jsp,
              BEA looks for __myjsp.class instead of __MyJsp.class--
              therefore it recompiles MyJsp.jsp.
              "Simon Spruzen" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]...
              > You get the same behaviour on 6.1 SP2 as well. MyJsp.jsp gets turned into
              > (all lower case), but WebLogic looks for __MyJsp.class. This works just
              fine on
              > NTFS which is case-preserving/case-insensitive, but is hosed on Unix.
              Hence the
              > recompile.
              > But the generated class file refers to the correctly cased Jsp page in its
              > method. Sigh.
              > simon.
              > "Peter Kim" <[email protected]> wrote:
              > >Hello,
              > >
              > >I have determined why my JSP pages have been recompiling
              > >despite including the corresponding compiled class files in
              > >my application package.
              > >
              > >It seems as though on Windows, any jsp files that have
              > >filenames that have upper
              > >case letters are being recompiled, even if their precompiled pages
              > >are included in the .war file. JSP files that have filenames that are
              > >all
              > >lower case
              > >are not recompiled, which is expected behavior.
              > >
              > >The UNIX version of BEA does not seem to have this bug
              > >related to the case of JSP filenames.
              > >
              > >Could someone from BEA please give us more information
              > >on this issue and when we can see it fixed?
              > >
              > >Thank you very much,
              > >
              > >Peter Kim
              > >
              > >p.s. I am using Weblogic Server version
              > >
              > >

  • Precompiling JSPs using weblogic.jspc

    My question has more to do with getting the Weblogic precompiler to understand <%@ include file="myFilejsp" %> directives.
    Test scenario:
    In our application, we have used a common JSP page say 'commonJSP' as a header and have included 'commonJSP' in all our other JSP pages.
    Suppose my commonJSP is like this:
    String hello= "Hello";
    and suppose my index.jsp is like this
    <%@ include file="commonJSP" %>
    Now when I serve index.jsp to clients it compiles correctly because the commonJSP is included in the source before compiling.
    HOWEVER, when precompiling the JSPs in my web application using the <java weblogic.jspc ..> tag in my ant build file, I am getting errors on compiling index.jsp that 'hello' cannot be resolved.
    When using the WebLogic JSP compiler, is there any way to tell the compiler to not treat JSP pages as individual 'servlet' classes but look at the 'big picture'?

    Anybody ?

  • BUG?! in jspc while precompiling jsp pages

    Hi everybody out there,
              Sorry for posting to two groups but I'n not sure which is the right one.
              I think I found a BUG in the JSP Compiler.
              Here is my situation:
              I want to precompile my jsp files in my web-app.
              For this I put a line to my makefile which looks like this:
              find webappdir -name "*.jsp" | xargs java weblogic.jspc -d
              I have to use "find" because there are a lot of dirs which I don't want to
              write explicitly to the makefile.
              The usual behaviour should be a new dir: jsp_servlet And under this all the
              files in my web-app
              and the subdirs should begin with an underscore.
              The problem is, that the generated structure is jsp_servlet/__46_ and from
              there on the expected structure.
              So I tried without find because I suspected the error in the find/xargs
              "find" prints out a list like ./dir/name.jsp
              I figured out that when I start jspc manually in the following two ways:
              java weblogic.jspc -d webappdir/WEB-INF/_tmp_war_ShowCase/ dir/name.jsp
              java weblogic.jspc -d webappdir/WEB-INF/_tmp_war_ShowCase/ ./dir/name.jsp
              what should be the very same.
              That the result is different.
              In the first case I get jsp_servlet/_dir/_name.class
              And in the latter jsp_servlet/__46_/_dir/_name.class
              Where does this __46_ come from? It's obviously an error in the jsp compiler
              because its manually reproducable.
              Thanks in advance

    BTW one workaround is to use cut from the GNU textutils with cut -c 3-
              This command would then be
              > find webappdir -name "*.jsp" | xargs java weblogic.jspc -d
              > webappdir/WEB-INF/_tmp_war_ShowCase/
              find webappdir -name "*.jsp" | cut -c 3- | xargs java weblogic.jspc -d

  • Classpath issue with JSPC

    When using JSPC to pre-compile JSP pages, it does not appear to use the CLASSPATH environment variable and hence the compilation fails. How can the classpath for JSPC be set/controlled?

    The solution was to download the DTD file and change
    the URL to a file: link, so iPlanet could
    successfully use the DTD. Did you have to define the file link as an absolute path? Or where you able to use a relative link.? If so, can you please provide the full syntax?
    We faced a similar problem and after much trial and error ended up placing the DTD on the server in /usr. But we'd like to try and find a way to define a relative file path and put the DTD right in the WEB-INF directory (or somewhere similar) so that we have one less configuration hassle and platform/server independence (i.e. the war file has everything it needs). But we have not been able to determine a way of doing this.

  • JSP Precompilation

              I have an interesting issue when deploying an EAR file, Weblogic appears to want
              to recompile JSP's at first request even though I have included compiled JSP code
              in the EAR and have added a couple of suggested parameters to the Weblogic.xml
              file (precompile=false, pageCheckSeconds=-1).
              The JSP's themselves are included in a WAR file under what appears to be a valid
              location :
              WEB-INF/classes/jsp_servlet/__simple1.class (simple1.jsp being the page in question)
              The WAR and subsequent EAR are created from a set of Ant build files and the JSP's
              are compiled using weblogic.jspc. I have seen a solution to this whereby you include
              a custom servlet (weblogic.servlet.JSPClassServlet) in the web.xml file and map
              any *.jsp requests to it. This appears to work although may have other implications
              in terms the app I am trying to deploy.
              I have been able to deploy a Struts demo WAR and achieve the desired results so
              am thinking it could be something to do with how our build creates it's WAR file
              but everything appears to be OK at first glance.
              That being the case - is there anything obvious from these limited details that
              I need to consider that will get WL to use the compiled code ?
              Thx in advance

    If you haven't already seen it, perhaps this OJSPC Compilation problem may help.
    Good Luck,

  • Re: Precompiling JSP with admin/managed servers

    Thanks, but I'm not doing any copying.
              The admin/managed-server communication copies things to the managed server,
              which then always recompiles the pages when hit.
              Check out my WebLogic 6.1 Workbook for O'Reilly EJB Third Edition
              www.oreilly.com/catalog/entjbeans3 or www.titan-books.com
              "Robert Coonrad" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]...
              > check out post 8366...i found that i was not preserving
              > the lastmodified date on my jsps and this was causing
              > unnecessary re-compilation.
              > hope it helps...
              > bobc
              > "Greg Nyberg" <greg.nyberg.at.objectpartners.com> wrote:
              > >I believe I have exhausted all permutations of EARing/notEARing,
              > >WARing/notWARing, placing precompiled jsp class files in WEB-INF/classes,
              > >placing them in a static location and setting workingDir to that
              > >combinations of the above.
              > >
              > >No matter what, the managed server re-compiles pages the first time they
              > >are
              > >hit. Non admin/managed-server I have no problems.
              > >
              > >Can anyone from BEA comment on this problem? Or give me a workaround
              > >for
              > >getting a cluster working with precompiled jsps?
              > >
              > >-Greg
              > >
              > >"Greg Nyberg" <greg.nyberg.at.objectpartners.com> wrote in message
              > >news:[email protected]...
              > >> Grrr... The JSP engine is extremely frustrating! I've spent many hours
              > >> fighting the "staleness" checker in WL. I've been through all of the
              > >> newsgroup messages pertaining to pre-compiling, etc., and I've gotten
              > >> pre-compilation working on single-server deployments, but admin/managed
              > >> server deployments have me beat.
              > >>
              > >> WL6.1, SP1, Solaris
              > >>
              > >> I've done the pageCheckSeconds=-1 and the workingDir is set to a fixed
              > >> place. The fixed place contains pre-compiled versions of all jsps
              > >made on
              > >> that machine using jspc not 20 minutes earlier using the JSP files
              > >in the
              > >> exploded EAR file used by the admin server as the model for managed
              > >> servers.. The managed servers are on the same machine.
              > >>
              > >> When the admin server gives an application to a managed server, the
              > >managed
              > >> server creates a temporary directory containing all of the webapp
              > >> components, etc. The file timestamps on these files is the set by
              > >the
              > >> copying process to the time of the managed server boot (why?!?!????!?),
              > >so
              > >> the staleness check always thinks they are new and could care less
              > >what
              > >> precompiled jsps I have in my workingDir, the WEB-INF/classes
              > >or
              > >> anywhere else. The pageCheckSeconds=-1 seems to be completely ignored
              > >in
              > >> this scenario.
              > >>
              > >> If I tell the managed server to precompile everything on boot (about
              > >45
              > >> minutes for this app) it will create versions of the classes that match
              > >th
              > >e
              > >> new JSP file timestamps, but this does not even survive a reboot of
              > >the
              > >> managed server because it AGAIN creates a new temp version of
              > >on
              > >> the next reboot with new timestamps.
              > >>
              > >> If I wait for the managed server to boot and find the directory like
              > >> .../applications/.wlnotdelete_man1/wlap7336/webapp/... and physically
              > >copy
              > >> (via cp -pr to retain timestamps) all of the original webapp components
              > >on
              > >> top of the temp versions, the staleness checker is happy and the
              > >> pre-compiled versions work fine.
              > >>
              > >> There HAS to be a way to package pre-compiled versions of the JSPs
              > >in the
              > >> "model" application in the admin server and keep from having to
              > >> the JSPs on every managed server every time managed server is booted..
              > >>
              > >> It would help if we had a way to bypass the staleness checking
              > >completely..
              > >> Or you guys should make the timestamps on the files copied by the
              > >> admin/managed deployment process match properly so the staleness
              > >> doesn't think the JSP is different.
              > >>
              > >> It would also help if the engineer who wrote this could explain the
              > >rules
              > >> being implemented by the staleness checker. So far all the messages
              > >in
              > >the
              > >> newsgroup have amounted to point solutions for problems without a good
              > >> understanding of what the engine is checking for and/or doing under
              > >the
              > >> covers. Looking at the generated .java files for the JSP pages helps,
              > >but
              > >> it is not good enough...
              > >>
              > >> Anyone out there have a working admin/managed server JSP application?
              > >> -Greg
              > >>
              > >> -----------------------------------------------------------
              > >> Check out my WebLogic 6.1 Workbook for O'Reilly EJB Third Edition
              > >> www.oreilly.com/catalog/entjbeans3 or www.titan-books.com
              > >>
              > >>
              > >>
              > >
              > >

    The admin/managed-server communication copies things to the managed server, which then always recompiles the pages when hit.
              This is a known issue and is fixed. The timestamps of the compiled classes was not being preserved when extracted from the war file used to distribute to the managed servers. This will be available in WLS6.1 Service Pack 3 - and there is a temporary patch available for SP2. Please ask your friendly BEA support person for it (you can refer to CR058946)
              I'd give you the patch myself, but they like to keep track of these things...
              "Girish" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
              > "Aditya Kiran Gavvala" <[email protected]> wrote:
              > >Greg,
              > >
              > >I have been following your posts, because our application deployment
              > >ran
              > >into exact same problem you ran into. I had spent a full two days
              > >researching into the problem. And I figured the solution. Hope this
              > >helps.
              > >
              > >Here are my discoveries:
              > >
              > >The following applies only to the following environment:
              > >OS: Linux (perhaps for Win/Unix/Solaris etc)
              > >WLS 6.0 SP2 ( no rolling patches): I found Rolling Patch2 (RP2) not useful
              > >for this problem.
              > >Clustered environment with Admin/Managed servers
              > >
              > >- When you compile JSP using weblogic.jspc compiler it puts the JSP file
              > >timestamp into the compiled class. You can see it in the generated java
              > >file
              > >(you need to supply -keepgenerated switch to jspc)
              > >
              > >- When a request is made to a JSP page after the application is deployed,
              > >it
              > >seems to be retrieving this timestamp from the compiled class file and
              > >comparing it with the JSP file timestamp. If they dont match a compile
              > >command gets run by the server. Thereby you see a compile happening at
              > >run
              > >time.
              > >
              > >- If you have exploded directory deployment, when you start the managed
              > >servers they create a ".war" file (under some temp dir) with all the
              > >JSP
              > >source files going into the file. You can notice this by looking into
              > >the
              > >server log file. Therefore all JSP source files get a brand new timestamp
              > >in
              > >the archive (a timestamp later than what was put class files by
              > >weblogic.jspc). So, the server at run time sees that the timestamp in
              > >the
              > >class file is older than the JSP source file and runs a recompile. So
              > >DONT
              > >DO EXPLODED directory deployment if your environment is as described
              > >in this
              > >post.
              > >
              > >- If you have ".war" file deployment, you will not have a problem. At
              > >the
              > >start up time managed server still creates "".war" file under a temp
              > >directory however it seems to be copying the content of the your ".war"
              > >file. So, the timestamps of JSP remain the same as they were before.
              > >SO NO
              > >RE-COMPILATION.
              > >
              > >- Another important thing to remember is to make sure you specify the
              > >workingDir in the weblogic.xml file. That is where the precompiled class
              > >files should reside. This should be any directory the server uses as
              > >scratch
              > >pad to compile classes or find (pre)compiled classes. This is not a
              > >directory inside your .war file is what I am trying to get at.
              > >
              > >Hope this helps,
              > >Aditya
              > >
              > >"Greg Nyberg" <greg.nyberg.at.objectpartners.com> wrote in message
              > >news:[email protected]...
              > >> Thanks, but I'm not doing any copying.
              > >>
              > >> The admin/managed-server communication copies things to the managed
              > >server,
              > >> which then always recompiles the pages when hit.
              > >>
              > >> -Greg
              > >>
              > >> -----------------------------------------------------------
              > >> Check out my WebLogic 6.1 Workbook for O'Reilly EJB Third Edition
              > >> www.oreilly.com/catalog/entjbeans3 or www.titan-books.com
              > >>
              > >> "Robert Coonrad" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              > >> news:[email protected]...
              > >> >
              > >> > check out post 8366...i found that i was not preserving
              > >> > the lastmodified date on my jsps and this was causing
              > >> > unnecessary re-compilation.
              > >> >
              > >> > hope it helps...
              > >> > bobc
              > >> >
              > >> > "Greg Nyberg" <greg.nyberg.at.objectpartners.com> wrote:
              > >> > >I believe I have exhausted all permutations of EARing/notEARing,
              > >> > >WARing/notWARing, placing precompiled jsp class files in
              > >WEB-INF/classes,
              > >> > >placing them in a static location and setting workingDir to that
              > >> location,
              > >> > >combinations of the above.
              > >> > >
              > >> > >No matter what, the managed server re-compiles pages the first time
              > >they
              > >> > >are
              > >> > >hit. Non admin/managed-server I have no problems.
              > >> > >
              > >> > >Can anyone from BEA comment on this problem? Or give me a workaround
              > >> > >for
              > >> > >getting a cluster working with precompiled jsps?
              > >> > >
              > >> > >-Greg
              > >> > >
              > >> > >"Greg Nyberg" <greg.nyberg.at.objectpartners.com> wrote in message
              > >> > >news:[email protected]...
              > >> > >> Grrr... The JSP engine is extremely frustrating! I've spent many
              > >hours
              > >> > >> fighting the "staleness" checker in WL. I've been through all
              > >of the
              > >> > >> newsgroup messages pertaining to pre-compiling, etc., and I've
              > >gotten
              > >> > >> pre-compilation working on single-server deployments, but
              > >admin/managed
              > >> > >> server deployments have me beat.
              > >> > >>
              > >> > >> WL6.1, SP1, Solaris
              > >> > >>
              > >> > >> I've done the pageCheckSeconds=-1 and the workingDir is set to
              > >a
              > >fixed
              > >> > >> place. The fixed place contains pre-compiled versions of all
              > >jsps
              > >> > >made on
              > >> > >> that machine using jspc not 20 minutes earlier using the JSP files
              > >> > >in the
              > >> > >> exploded EAR file used by the admin server as the model for managed
              > >> > >> servers.. The managed servers are on the same machine.
              > >> > >>
              > >> > >> When the admin server gives an application to a managed server,
              > >the
              > >> > >managed
              > >> > >> server creates a temporary directory containing all of the webapp
              > >> > >> components, etc. The file timestamps on these files is the set
              > >by
              > >> > >the
              > >> > >> copying process to the time of the managed server boot
              > >(why?!?!????!?),
              > >> > >so
              > >> > >> the staleness check always thinks they are new and could care
              > >less
              > >> > >what
              > >> > >> precompiled jsps I have in my workingDir, the WEB-INF/classes
              > >> directory,
              > >> > >or
              > >> > >> anywhere else. The pageCheckSeconds=-1 seems to be completely
              > >ignored
              > >> > >in
              > >> > >> this scenario.
              > >> > >>
              > >> > >> If I tell the managed server to precompile everything on boot
              > >(about
              > >> > >45
              > >> > >> minutes for this app) it will create versions of the classes that
              > >match
              > >> > >th
              > >> > >e
              > >> > >> new JSP file timestamps, but this does not even survive a reboot
              > >of
              > >> > >the
              > >> > >> managed server because it AGAIN creates a new temp version of
              > >> everything
              > >> > >on
              > >> > >> the next reboot with new timestamps.
              > >> > >>
              > >> > >> If I wait for the managed server to boot and find the directory
              > >like
              > >> > >> .../applications/.wlnotdelete_man1/wlap7336/webapp/... and physically
              > >> > >copy
              > >> > >> (via cp -pr to retain timestamps) all of the original webapp
              > >components
              > >> > >on
              > >> > >> top of the temp versions, the staleness checker is happy and the
              > >> > >> pre-compiled versions work fine.
              > >> > >>
              > >> > >> There HAS to be a way to package pre-compiled versions of the
              > >JSPs
              > >> > >in the
              > >> > >> "model" application in the admin server and keep from having to
              > >> precompile
              > >> > >> the JSPs on every managed server every time managed server is
              > >booted..
              > >> > >>
              > >> > >> It would help if we had a way to bypass the staleness checking
              > >> > >completely..
              > >> > >> Or you guys should make the timestamps on the files copied by
              > >the
              > >> > >> admin/managed deployment process match properly so the staleness
              > >> checker
              > >> > >> doesn't think the JSP is different.
              > >> > >>
              > >> > >> It would also help if the engineer who wrote this could explain
              > >the
              > >> > >rules
              > >> > >> being implemented by the staleness checker. So far all the messages
              > >> > >in
              > >> > >the
              > >> > >> newsgroup have amounted to point solutions for problems without
              > >a
              > >good
              > >> > >> understanding of what the engine is checking for and/or doing
              > >under
              > >> > >the
              > >> > >> covers. Looking at the generated .java files for the JSP pages
              > >helps,
              > >> > >but
              > >> > >> it is not good enough...
              > >> > >>
              > >> > >> Anyone out there have a working admin/managed server JSP application?
              > >> > >> -Greg
              > >> > >>
              > >> > >> -----------------------------------------------------------
              > >> > >> Check out my WebLogic 6.1 Workbook for O'Reilly EJB Third Edition
              > >> > >> www.oreilly.com/catalog/entjbeans3 or www.titan-books.com
              > >> > >>
              > >> > >>
              > >> > >>
              > >> > >
              > >> > >
              > >> >
              > >>
              > >>
              > >
              > >

  • Precompile JSP in WEB-INF

    We're using split-directory. Our jsps live inside of WEB-INF to protect them from
    direct accessing. Only the Servlet controller can access jsps. A few questions
    1. How can I precompile jsps at the compilation time? Appc doesn't work, since
    it assumes jsps always live outside of the WEB-INF.
    2. Where is the output directory that we should set if we can precompile. Our
    jsps are located in WEB-INF/jsps.
    3. Right now we leave the server compile them on fly. But where the compiled classes
    are stored on the server. We deploy the EAR to the server.

    1) Thanks for pointing this out. Indeed appc & jspc (8.1) don't compile jsps
    under WEB-INF and the CR associated with this bug is CR133172. Please
    contact [email protected] to obtain a patch for this issue.
    2) If appc were used on a split directory ear, the .class files for the
    jsps are copied into the destination directory of the split dir (more
    specifically into the webapp module's WEB-INF/classes being compiled)
    3) When compiled at runtime, the default outputDirectory is under the server
    temp dirs : .wlnotdelete/extract/<server-name>_<app/ear-name>_<module-name>/
    "Kelly" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:40771782$[email protected]..
    We're using split-directory. Our jsps live inside of WEB-INF to protectthem from
    direct accessing. Only the Servlet controller can access jsps. A fewquestions
    1. How can I precompile jsps at the compilation time? Appc doesn't work,since
    it assumes jsps always live outside of the WEB-INF.
    2. Where is the output directory that we should set if we can precompile.Our
    jsps are located in WEB-INF/jsps.
    3. Right now we leave the server compile them on fly. But where thecompiled classes
    are stored on the server. We deploy the EAR to the server.

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