JSTL, HttpSession and Portlet Session

Here's a mysterious problem.
I am trying to use portlet with JSP together. Inside the portlet, I populate some data, put the data into portlet session and dispatch (include) to a jsp. On the jsp, if I use JSTL to access the http session data:
<c:out value="{sessionScope.test}"/> I got the following excepiton:
14:27:08,880 ERROR StandardWrapper[portlet:jsp]:727 - Servlet.service() for se
vlet jsp threw exception
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot access session scope in page that does
ot participate in any session
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.doGetAttribute(PageContext
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.getAttribute(PageContextIm
at org.apache.taglibs.standard.lang.jstl.ImplicitObjects$3.getValue(Imp
If I use jsp scriptlet to access the http session, everything is fine:
<%= request.getSession("test") %>
Has anyone seen this exception? I posted the question on portlet forum already and no one is able to answer it so far.
What's the different between JSTL sessionScope and jsp scriptlet?

Try the calls
<%= session.getAttribute("test") %>
<%= request.getSession().getAttribute("test") %>
Make sure do not have on your page anywhere:
<%@ page session="false" %>

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    When I am trying to use the same EJB to my large Application a got runtime Error,
    Without any exception. (Losing the information of EJB).
    And the Question is, Shall I use HttpSession and EJB 3 Statefull session in same application?

    if it is a Web application you need the https session anyway and the two are different kind of beasts, one handled by teh EJB container, the other by the web container.
    The question is why you ned stateful session beans - which seems to be a rare usecase? Usually state is persisted and tracked in the business service.
    However, without an error message its hard to tell what going wrong here

  • File Upload problem: JSF, IBM WPS and Portlet - Please HELP Vey Very Urgent

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    I have used Apache's commons file upload functionality as the file upload provided in JSF doesnot work with portlets and the action event is not invoked If I keep enctype="multipart/form-data". So I included 3 forms in my Faces JSP file.
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    2) html:form = Include the enctype="multipart/form-data" and the input type file for uploading. And a submit button
    3) h:form: Here I have a command link which is remotely excuted on click of sumit button in my html form. This is to invoke the action event in the pagecode to get the bean value from the context.
    Now in the my doView method in the portlet, isMultipartContent(httpservletrequest) always returns null as the content type is text/html and not multipart. Onclick of the submit button in the the html form I am calling a javascript function which sets the __LINK_TARGET__ to the command link in the 3rd h:form which will call the page code.
    The problem here is action is invoked only when I return false from the above javascript else it will trigger for the first time and from second time onwards it will not invoke the action event in the pagecode method. Whent the javascript function returns false, the content type is always text/html. However if I return "true" from the javascript the content type is multipart/form-data, but the action is not triggered for the second time. So basically when the javascript functions returns true, for the first click everything works perfectly. When it returns false, the content type is text/html, but the action is invoked in the page code every time.
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    I guess I gave too much info. Heres my code stepby step.
    Can somebody please tell me , how I should also invoke the action in the page code and get the content type as "multipart/form-data" at the same time.
    ======================= Faces JSP File: BPSMacro.jsp ====================
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="IBM Software Development Platform">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
    <%@taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/portlet" prefix="portlet"%>
    <%@taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f"%>
    <%@taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/fmt" prefix="fmt"%>
    <%@taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h"%>
    <%@taglib uri="http://www.ibm.com/jsf/html_extended" prefix="hx"%>
    <%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/j4j.tld" prefix="j4j"%>
    <%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/core.tld" prefix="core"%>
    <%@page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
         pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1" session="false"%>
    <portlet:defineObjects />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
         href='<%= renderResponse.encodeURL(renderRequest.getContextPath() + "/theme/stylesheet.css") %>'
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function formSubmit() {
         var formName2 = document.getElementById("proxy_form_main_").title;
         var formName1 = document.getElementById("BPSMacroFormId").title;
         document.getElementById("__LINK_TARGET__").value = document.getElementById("proxy_HD_COMMAND_").title;
         return false;
         <hx:scriptCollector id="bpsMacroScriptCollector">
              <f:loadBundle var="bps" basename="bordereauprocessingsystem" />
              <table bgcolor="#FFF9C3">
                        <td><h:form id="BPSMacroFormMain" styleClass="form">
                             <table class="tablemiddle" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                                       <td><h:messages layout="table" styleClass="errormessage"
                                                 id="ValidationErrorMsg" /> </td>
                             <j4j:idProxy id="proxy_form_main_0_" />
                        <form id="BPSMacroFormId" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                        <table bgcolor="#FFF9C3">
                                  <td height="36" width="324">Worksheet <input type="file"
                                       name="upfile" /></td>
                                       <td align="center" width="324"><input TYPE="submit"
                                       onclick="return formSubmit();" value="Upload">
                        <h:form id="BPSMacroFormMain2" styleClass="form">
                             <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" class="tablemiddle">
                                            <td colspan="2" align="center"><h:commandLink
                                                 styleClass="commandLink" id="lnkuserdelete"
                                                      styleClass="graphicImageEx" id="imgBtnCreateUser"
                                                      value="/theme/images/btnUpload.gif" style="border:0;cursor:pointer"></hx:graphicImageEx>
                                                 <j4j:idProxy id="proxy_HD_COMMAND_" />
                                            <h:inputHidden id="dtSize"
                                                 <j4j:idProxy id="proxy_clicked_" />
                             <j4j:idProxy id="proxy_form_main_" />
    ================== END: FACES JSP FILE: BPSMacro.jsp ========================
    =================== Action event in the Page Code: BPSMacro.java ============
    public String doIdUpload1Action() {
              FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
              BPSMacroDetailsDataBean fileDetails = (BPSMacroDetailsDataBean)context.getApplication().createValueBinding("#{fileDetails}").getValue(context);
              BPSMacroListDataBean fileDetailsList = (BPSMacroListDataBean)context.getApplication().createValueBinding("#{fileDetailsList}").getValue(context);
              PortletSession sess = (PortletSession)context.getExternalContext().getSession(false);
              sess.setAttribute("BPS_MACRO_CONTEXT", context, PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              sess.setAttribute("BPS_MACRO_FILE_DETAILS", fileDetails, PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              sess.setAttribute("BPS_MACRO_FILE_LIST", fileDetailsList, PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest)context.getExternalContext().getRequest();
              boolean isMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request);
              return "gotoBPSMacro";
    ============== END Of Page Code Action event ==============================
    ============== doView() Portlet method ================================
    public void doView(RenderRequest arg0, RenderResponse arg1)
         throws PortletException, IOException {
              String METHOD_NAME = "doView(RenderRequest arg0, RenderResponse arg1)";
              Logger.debug(this.getClass(), METHOD_NAME, "Entering BPSMacroPortlet");
              FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();      
              PortletSession sess1 = arg0.getPortletSession(true);
              BPSMacroDetailsDataBean fileDetails = new BPSMacroDetailsDataBean();
              BPSMacroListDataBean fileDetailsList = new BPSMacroListDataBean();
              context = (FacesContext)sess1.getAttribute("BPS_MACRO_CONTEXT", PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              if(context != null){
                   fileDetails = (BPSMacroDetailsDataBean)sess1.getAttribute("BPS_MACRO_FILE_DETAILS", PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
                   fileDetailsList = (BPSMacroListDataBean)sess1.getAttribute("BPS_MACRO_FILE_LIST", PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              sess1.removeAttribute("BPS_MACRO_CONTEXT", PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              sess1.removeAttribute("BPS_MACRO_FILE_DETAILS", PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              sess1.removeAttribute("BPS_MACRO_FILE_LIST", PortletSession.APPLICATION_SCOPE);
              HttpServletRequest servletRequest = (HttpServletRequest)arg0;
              PortletRequest pReq = (PortletRequest)arg0;
              HttpServletResponse servletResponse= (HttpServletResponse)arg1;
              System.out.println("\n\n Content Type" + servletRequest.getContentType());
                   if(context != null){
              boolean isFileMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(servletRequest);
              System.out.println("\nFILE TO BE UPLOADED IS MULTIPART ? " + isFileMultipart);
                   FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
                   ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
                   List items = upload.parseRequest(servletRequest);
                   Iterator iterator = items.iterator();
                   while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                        FileItem item = (FileItem) iterator.next();
                        InputStream iStream = item.getInputStream();
                        ByteArrayOutputStream ByteArrayOS = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                        int sizeofFile =(int) item.getSize();
                        byte buffer[] = new byte[sizeofFile];
                        int bytesRead = 0;
                        while( (bytesRead = iStream.read(buffer, 0, sizeofFile)) != -1 )
                             ByteArrayOS.write( buffer, 0, bytesRead );
                        String data = new String( ByteArrayOS.toByteArray() );
                        int k = 0;
                        //Check if the file is Refund or Premium
                        int dynamicArraySize = 0;// = st2.countTokens() * 9;
                        dynamicArraySize = st2.countTokens() * 9;
                        if (!item.isFormField() ){
                             File cfile=new File(item.getName());
                             String fileName = "";
                             String separator = "\\";
                             int pos = item.getName().lastIndexOf(separator);
                             int pos2 = item.getName().lastIndexOf(".");
                                  fileName =item.getName().substring(pos+1, pos2);
                                  fileName =item.getName().substring(pos+1);
                             File fileToBeUploaded=new File("C:\\Sal\\BPS MACRO\\FileTransfer\\Desti", fileName);
              }catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e);
              Logger.debug(this.getClass(), METHOD_NAME, "Leaving BPSMacroPortlet");
              super.doView(arg0, arg1);
    ==== END: doView method in the portle class. ================================

    one more question. Is there a way where I can submit two forms ?
    Thats is submit 2nd form only when the first form is submitted.
    I tried this it works.
    function formSubmit(){
    But If I dont put an alert(basically it disables the parent page) in between, only the second form is submitted.
    If I put a delay of say 3 seconds in between then it will throw a SOCKET CLOSED error in the code triggered due to first form submit.
    Thus disabling the paresnt page for a few seconds is reolving my problem.
    Any ideas ?
    Well Basically when the Alert pop's up the parent page "STALLS" and thus the form2 does not submit till I click on OK, Is there a way I can stall the browser/Parent JSP page using JAVA SCRIPT ??
    Edited by: hector on Oct 9, 2007 11:09 AM
    Edited by: hector on Oct 9, 2007 2:12 PM

  • Portlet session

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    We see only HttpSession. Is there a way to restrict the scope to User (like application Scope).
    Waiting for your reply.

    The javax.portlet.PortletSession object is part of the JSR168 (Java Portlet) API and can be used only with JSR168 portlets. It will not work with other portlet types.
    However, you can implement the same scoping functionality yourself using HttpSesssion by "namespacing" your session attributes. Attributes stored in HttpSession without any special scoping are the equivalent of the PortletSession's application scope, as there is one HttpSession per user session. To emulate the PortletSession's portlet scope using HttpSession, you can put a unique portlet identifier such as the portlet instance label in your HttpSession attribute names when you store or get attributes, such as:
    String portletScopedAttributeName = portletInstanceLabel + "sampleAttributeName";Kevin

  • How to get stateful and stateless session bean in second jsp

    I create stateful session bean in the first jsp, then how can I get the stateful session bean in the second jsp? I find that somebody store the bean in HttpSession.
    If I store the stateful session bean in HttpSession, then I can get it in the second jsp. My problem is that I can store the stateless session bean in HttpSession, and get it in the second jsp. Then, both stateful and stateless can maintain the state in the second jsp. What is the difference between stateful and stateless session bean in this case ?
    I understand the definition of stateful and stateless session bean, but I'm confuse how to use session bean. Can anyone provide sample jsp to show difference of stateful and stateless? How the stateful session bean can maintain the state for the client?

    I create stateful session bean in the first jsp, then how can I get the stateful session bean in the
    second jsp? I find that somebody store the bean in HttpSession.Which is the correct scope for sharing client-specific data when 'request' scope is insufficient.
    If I store the stateful session bean in HttpSession, then I can get it in the second jsp. My problem is
    that I can store the stateless session bean in HttpSession, and get it in the second jsp. Then, bothWhy is that a "problem"? Does your application not require the stateless bean to be shared? If so, then don't store the EJBObject reference in the session...
    stateful and stateless can maintain the state in the second jsp. What is the difference betweenWhat do you mean by this exactly?..
    stateful and stateless session bean in this case ?Statefulness of session beans is in regard to maintaining client state (er, in all cases). If your "stateless" bean is receiving information from the client (i.e. its caller) - either through a create method or a business method - and that information is available (retrievable from the bean) on subsequent method calls, then that bean is, in fact, stateful - regardless of how it is deployed.
    I understand the definition of stateful and stateless session bean, but I'm confuse how to use
    session bean.The correct question, it here seems, is "when" to use which type... Use a "stateful" bean when information about (from) the client (i.e. the caller) must be maintained across method calls of the bean. Use a "stateless" bean for general business methods that do not depend on "prior knowledge" of the client (i.e. the caller).
    Can anyone provide sample jsp to show difference of stateful and stateless? How the statefulA "sample JSP" would yield nothing additional... The semantics of calling, using, and "persisting", bean references are always the same - regardless of type or class. However, the reason(s) for using one over the other depends entirely on the needs of your application.
    session bean can maintain the state for the client?I recommend that you spend more time learning about EJBs generally. In particular, it seems you require more fundamental understanding of their scope and lifecycle. Refer to sections 4, 6, and 7 of the EJB 2.0 Specification.
    Tony "Vee Schade" Cook

  • Passing attributes between providers and portlets

    When using Providers, it is possible to pass session data between providers via ProviderContext.setSessionProperty. Is it possible to pass attributes from a provider to a portlet? Anything set on the ProviderContext does not seem to get propagated to the portlet via PortletSession.getAttribute(). Similarly the attributes set on the provider's request object to not seem to be propagated to the PortletRequest.

    My understanding is that Providers are the Sun proprietary portal technology, predating JSR 168 and Portlets.
    You can use Portlets to implement leaf channels ... but you must still write Providers if you want to fiddle with containers.

  • HttpSession and HttpServlet singletons?

    Hi guys,
    I have here two questions for better understanding of the HttpSession and HttpServlet classes:
    1. Is the HttpSession object existing between the server and the client and used for data exchange a kind of singleton? E.g. if I call a servlet concurrently with different parameters (as shown above), will this conflict on evaluation of the session parameters on the servlet side?
    2. Is the Servlet itself ( "public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet{..." ) also a singleton? I.e. for the above described use case also a problem?

    user13612505 wrote:
    Thanks so far!
    So if I understood right:
    1.There is always only one session per client. If several servlets or several instances of the same servlet >would write an attribute with the same name to the session, this would result in an undefined result (the
    llast written value would be saved, the previos values would be lost).This is usually desirable behaviour because session attributes are normally shared by many servlets. Attributes with different significance should clearly have different names.
    The solution for this would be: different attribute names for each servlet and before calling the same
    servlet on the client side, I have to wait until the previous request to this servlet is finished.I don't really understand what you're saying here. Normally a servlet will only set a session attribute if it's to be accessed by later transactions. The whole point of session attributes is to span multiple transactions for the same client.
    If you want to store an attribute for use in the same transaction (e.g. when you forward from Servlet to JSP) store it in a request attribute, not a session attribute.
    2. I don't know when the application server (I'm using glassfish) creates a new instance of a servlet. So for this problem I would also have to wait on the client side (as described above).
    No, it shouldn't matter how many instances of the Servlet are created. In general Servlets are "stateless", you don't use instance fields at all.
    Servlets are "re-entrant", that is mulitple threads may use the same servlet object to process different transactions simultaneously. So it's crucial that a servlet doesn't change any of it's fields during the course of processing a transaction, and the best way to be sure is not to have any fields at all. (You could have fields that don't change, and initialise them in the init method or constructor).

  • What is the difference between Session timeout and Short Session timeout Under Excel Service Application -- session management?

    Under Excel Service Application --> session management; what is the difference between Session timeout and Short Session timeout?

    Any call made from the API will automatically be set to the “Session Timeout” period, no matter
    what. Calls made from EWA (Excel Web Access) will get the “Short Session Timeout” period assigned to it initially.
    Short Session Timeout and Session Timeout in Excel Services
    Short Session Timeout and Session Timeout in Excel Services - Part 2
    Sessions and session time-outs in Excel Services
    above links are from old version but still applies to all.
    Please remember to mark your question as answered &Vote helpful,if this solves/helps your problem. ****************************************************************************************** Thanks -WS MCITP(SharePoint 2010, 2013) Blog: http://wscheema.com/blog

  • Problem with Frameset and page session

    I am having a problem with Framesets and page session attributes. I
    have a client who's application uses a three frame frameset. They
    have a requirement on several pages that when a button is pushed two
    different pages load into the right and left frames. The way they
    are accomplishing this is that on the pages were this is required,
    they are adding target="_top" to the form declaration in their JSP.
    Then they store the page names they want to display in session,
    forward the request to the frameset, the frameset then determines
    which pages to display based on the session variables. This works
    exactly how they want it to.
    Here is our problem. We need to store some information in page
    session attributes. We have tried to get a handle to the desired
    view bean and call the setPageSessionAttribute method. However,
    since we are forwarding to the frame and the frame handles displaying
    the desired JSP, that view bean we had the handle to is not the one
    that is created to hand the display of the JSP.
    The next thing I tried was to use the request object. In the
    handleBtnRequest method, I set an attribute in the request object. I
    then query the request object in the beginDisplay event of the view
    bean. When the frame is reset the request object does not contain
    the attribute that I have set. I'm confused by this because I
    thought the request object would be available to me throughout the
    life of the request.
    Given the above information, does anyone have any suggestions? Also,
    am I going about this in the wrong manner.
    The client had been storing this information in user session, which
    seemed to work. However, since the data being stored dealt
    specifically with data for the requested page, we felt that storing
    it as page session was more appropriate.

    The script on your page web page has some obvious bugs.. Best
    fix those
    first before looking to blame Flash.

  • How to share the same session between JNLP Application and browser session

    How to share the same session between JNLP Application and browser session using BasicService.showDocument(url) method? It appears whenever i launch any URL from within a JNLP application using BasicService.showDocument(url) , it creates new instance of browser and session even after i used cooke handlers to restore JSESSIONID and Ltpa token etc.
    public static int showDocument(String urlToOpen)
    BasicService obj = (BasicService) ServiceManager.lookup("javax.jnlp.BasicService");

    Try using Reflection

  • Screen Sharing and SSH sessions freeze occasionally on multiple mac minis

    I have 28 Mac Minis at work. With such a large number of minis, I obviously can't have a monitor attached to each of them so I've got them plugged into a network switch and access them via Screen Sharing (both via regular Screen Sharing and ARD) and SSH sessions.
    A few of them seem to suffer from intermittent problems however. I'll be using Screen Sharing when the session freezes. It may unfreeze eventually, but I can also usually just quit out and re-connect and it will be unfrozen. The same thing happens when I'm connected via SSH, it will freeze and I won't be able to type in any more commands.
    I need help troubleshooting (or if anyone knows what could be causing this, that'd be cool too).
    I've tried connecting from both a Mac Pro on the wired network and a MacBook Pro on the wireless network. The freezing seems to only happen on certain Mac Minis as well.
    I've tried switching network cables from a Mac Mini that doesn't suffer from this problem with one that does and nothing changed.
    I also thought it might be a bandwidth issue at first, despite being a gigabit switch connected via cat6 to the rest of our gigabit network, but even when no significant bandwidth is being used, the freezing still occurs.
    One more thing I want to test is the connection between the switch all these Mac Minis is plugged into and one of the other switches that all our other network traffic goes through. I didn't set it up myself so I fear that it might be an old, damaged cable or something. Failing that, I have no idea what the problem could be, which is why I'm posting here.
    So, does anyone have any idea what the problem could be? Or any other ideas for troubleshooting the problem? Thanks.
    (They're all running 10.6.8, and range from Mid-2007 to 2009 models).

    It would be in the system log. However, the next step would be to safe-boot in order to eliminate third-party system modifications. That goes for both client and server. If you can reproduce the problem in safe mode, then you probably have a network issue. Take everything offline except one client and one server, and test.

  • Code to set and destroy session variables in Java Server Pages(JSP)

    code to set and destroy session variables in Java Server Pages(JSP)
    we have use following statement to set session variable
    we have use following statement to destroy session variable
    the session.invalidate() is not working
    Plz. solve this probem

    code to set and destroy session variables in Java
    Server Pages(JSP)
    we have use following statement to set session
    we have use following statement to destroy session
    session.setAttribute("userClient","");Perhaps if you tried using
    session.setAttribute("userClient", null);
    the session.invalidate() is not workingNot working how?
    Plz. solve this probem

  • HT200169 Having a problem with Logic 9 on a Mac Pro.Working on a lenghty song and apparently session got corrupted.Doesnt let me export tracks,program crashes.Already tried start brand new session with the tracks imported into it but still wont export.Sug

    Hello,having a problem with Logic 9 on a Mac Pro.Working on a lenghty song and apparently session got corrupted.Doesnt let me export tracks,program crashes.Already tried start brand new session with the tracks imported into it but still wont export.Suggestions?

    Thanks, Ian. Yeah, that's how I do it now...or with the controls in the left side pane. Still, I would have liked that quick on-the-spot edit capability...especially while sketching.
    Ian Turner wrote:
    Sorry Mark, you are out of luck as it does not do that - it works the same as L8. The way I would achieve that with more accuracy and control would be to route all the tracks you want to fade to a Bus then use volume automation on the bus. To do this you will need to add a standard audio track, then re-assign it using (Control Click on the track header) to the Bus track. You can then automate volume/plugins etc on the Bus track.

  • Is it possible to include items and portlets in an unstructured UI template

    Is it possible to include items and portlets in an unstructured UI template. The solution which we are working on requires to have the following dynamic entities as part of the unstructured UI template
    - Page Path
    - Basic Search (item)
    - People Search (portlet)
    - Current Date (we could achieve this by using <oracle>select sysdate from dual</oracle> in the html code... however, the date appears with a different background color)
    We are working on Oracle 10g AS 9.0.4.

    Hello Matt,
    Thank you for the reply to my email menu question.
    I have a couple of things that have been bouncing around in my head that maybe you could answer for me:
    1. I see where I have a free site to promote web hosting, of which I selected the site name as NewtonBridgeAdv.... Will this site allow me to fully integrate it into the web with my design, e-commerce,  email marketing, as this site NewtonBridgeAdv.com? I currently have NewtonBridgeAdv listed on http://www.thruadoor.com/advertising-agency.html but would like to move it to a more complete site.
    2. I see where SuperSupportTeam.com is expiring on 14, June 2014. This site was cancelled as WebMarketing a few weeks ago (but still current with the payment) and is now set up as one of the five basic sites.  The payment was not refunded for this months web marketing so maybe this is what it is referring to. I don't know. I wanted the credit applied to an upgrade to E-Commercee on thruAdoor.com. However, I was not granted the refund.
    3. I thought I had viewed a sales commission on the Portal credited to the current site hosting, but now the account is empty. How do I warrant a commission for any sites that I may host on BC?
    4. I may not understand what some of the BC team members have said about my current site thruAdoor.com in that it is not set up properly or not linked properly with BC. I don't know what they are talking about. Can you help?
    Henry O'Pry
    Southeastern Color
    Athens, GA

  • V$session and gV$session

    Can anyone explain v$session and gv$session ;

    Prefix G in GV$ means GLOBAL. The best way to find out the the difference between v$session and gv$session is to look in v$fixed_view_definition.
    select SADDR,
      from GV$SESSION
    where inst_id = USERENV('Instance')GV$SESSION
    select s.inst_id,
           decode(s.ksusetrn, hextoraw('00'), null, s.ksusetrn),
           decode(s.ksqpswat, hextoraw('00'), null, s.ksqpswat),
           decode(bitand(s.ksuseidl, 11),
                  decode(bitand(s.ksuseflg, 4096), 0, 'INACTIVE', 'CACHED'),
           decode(s.ksspatyp, 1, 'DEDICATED', 2, 'SHARED', 3, 'PSEUDO', 'NONE'),
           decode(bitand(s.ksuseflg, 19),
           decode(s.ksusesch, 65535, to_number(null), s.ksusesch),
           decode(s.ksusepch, 65535, to_number(null), s.ksusepch),
           decode(s.ksusepeo, 0, to_number(null), s.ksusepeo),
           decode(s.ksusepeo, 0, to_number(null), s.ksusepes),
           decode(s.ksusepco, 0, to_number(null), s.ksusepco),
           decode(s.ksusepco, 0, to_number(null), s.ksusepcs),
           decode(bitand(s.ksusepxopt, 12), 0, 'NO', 'YES'),
           decode(s.ksusefm, 1, 'BASIC', 2, 'PRECONNECT', 4, 'PREPARSE', 'NONE'),
           decode(s.ksusefs, 1, 'YES', 'NO'),
           decode(bitand(s.ksusepxopt, 4),
                  decode(bitand(s.ksusepxopt, 8), 8, 'FORCED', 'DISABLED')),
           decode(bitand(s.ksusepxopt, 2),
                  decode(bitand(s.ksusepxopt, 1), 1, 'DISABLED', 'ENABLED')),
           decode(bitand(s.ksusepxopt, 32),
                  decode(bitand(s.ksusepxopt, 16), 16, 'DISABLED', 'ENABLED')),
                  'NO HOLDER',
                  'NOT IN WAIT',
                  bitand(s.ksuseblocker, 2147418112) / 65536),
                  bitand(s.ksuseblocker, 65535)),
                  decode(round(s.ksusetim / 10000),
                         round(s.ksusetim / 10000))),
                  'WAITED UNKNOWN TIME',
                  'WAITED SHORT TIME',
                  decode(round(s.ksusetim / 10000),
                         'WAITED SHORT TIME',
                         'WAITED KNOWN TIME')),
           decode(bitand(s.ksuseflg2, 32), 32, 'ENABLED', 'DISABLED'),
           decode(bitand(s.ksuseflg2, 64), 64, 'TRUE', 'FALSE'),
           decode(bitand(s.ksuseflg2, 128), 128, 'TRUE', 'FALSE')
      from x$ksuse s, x$ksled e
    where bitand(s.ksspaflg, 1) != 0
       and bitand(s.ksuseflg, 1) != 0
       and s.ksuseopc = e.indxAlexander Anokhin

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