JTable  - getting component width

I've come across a small problem I can't overcome as I'm new with Swing.
I would like to set the initial sizes of JTable column headers using a values from array that indicate the percentage size of JTable container for every header e.i.:
int[] columnsWidth = new int[]{20,70,5,5};   //4 columns //20%,70%,5%,5% of   JTable width
//in MyTable constructor
                TableColumn column = null;
          for(int i =0; i<dm.getColumnCount();i++){
               column = getColumnModel().getColumn(i);
                  double width = (columnsWidth/100.0)* getWidth();
unfortunately JComponent:getWidth() returns 0, probably because its in JTable constructor, but where can i get correct component width ?
Thanks for your help!

I have some code that does something close; but I don't think it's completely what you want.
First, in our table model, we define some widths:
private final static int[] widths = { 10, 20, 20, 10};Then, in our table class, we for each of these columns. We essentially take the width of 10, multiple by some value, and use that value. I was tryign to be able to specify widths in characters, assuming a fixed width font.
    private void setPreferredColumnWidths() {
        for (int i = 0; i < getColumnCount(); i++) {
            TableColumn col = getColumnModel().getColumn(i);
            int w = getColumnWidth(i);
    }We disable the resize on the table columns, as we want fixed width columns within a scrollable pane. However, if you enable auto sizing:
setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS);You'll find that the EXTRA space is alloted relative on the preferred size of those columns. It doesn't result in the exact % width you are looking for, so I don't know if that's close enough for you.

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  • Nested canvas in GridLayout can't get its width and height

    I have a class entitled DisplayCanvas, which will accept some parameters from an invocation in another class including a shape and message parameters. These parameters must be centered in the instance of DisplayCanvas.
    For some reason, when I use this.getWidth() and this.getHeight() within my DisplayCanvas class, I get 0 and 0! I need the width and height in order to center the parameters the user will enter.
    Why does the width and height result at 0? What can I do to get the width and height?
    In my DisplayCanvas class notice the lines:
    canWidth = this.getWidth();
    canHeight = this.getHeight();
    For some reason the result is 0 for each!
    Here is my code for the DisplayCanvas class:
    //import the necessary clases
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    //begin the DisplayCanvas
    public class DisplayCanvas extends Canvas
      //declare private data members to house the width and height of the canvas
      private int canWidth;
      private int canHeight;
      //declare private data members for the shape and message
      private String message;
      private String shape;
      private Color sColor;
      private int sWidth;
      private int sHeight;
      private String font;
      private Color ftColor;
      private int ftSize;
      //declare public data members
      //constructor of DisplayCanvas
      public DisplayCanvas()
         //set the width and height
         canWidth = this.getWidth();
         canHeight = this.getHeight();
         //set all data members to defaults
         message = "";
         shape = "";
         sColor = null;
         sWidth = 0;
         sHeight = 0;
         font = "";
         ftColor = null;
         ftSize = 0;
      } //end the constructor
      //begin the setParams function
      public void setParams(String m, String s, Color c, int w, int h,
                            String f, Color ftC, int ftS)
          //set all private data members of DisplayShape to the arguments
          //this function assumes error checking was done by DemoShape
          message = m;
          shape = s;
          sColor = c;
          sWidth = w;
          sHeight = h;
          font = f;
          ftColor = ftC;
          ftSize = ftS;
      } //end the setParams function
      //begin the public paint function of ShowShape
      public void paint(Graphics g)
          //set and output the shape according to the arguments
          //determine the x and y of the shape
          int x = (canWidth - sWidth) / 2;
          int y = (canHeight - sHeight) / 2;
          //set the color for the graphic object
          //output the shape
          g.drawRect(x, y, sWidth, sHeight);
          //set and output the message according to the arguments
          //set the color and the font for the graphic object
          g.setFont(new Font(font, Font.PLAIN, ftSize));
          //determine the centering of the message
          //output the message with the settings
          g.drawString(canWidth + " " + canHeight, 10, 10);
      } //end the paint function of ShowShape class
    } //end the DisplayCanvas classHere is my form entry class using the nested DisplayCanvas instance entitled drawCanvas:
    //import the necessary java packages
    import java.awt.*;                  //for the awt widgets
    import javax.swing.*;               //for the swing widgets
    import java.awt.event.*;            //for the event handler interfaces
    //no import is needed for the DisplayCanvas class
    //if in the same directory as the DemoShape class
    public class DemoShape extends JApplet
        //declare private data members of the DemoShape class
        //declare the entry and display panel containers
        private Container entire;           //houses entryPanel and displayCanvas
        private JPanel entryPanel;          //accepts the user entries into widgets
        private DisplayCanvas drawCanvas;   //displays the response of entries
        //required control buttons for the entryPanel
        private JTextField xShapeText, yShapeText, messageText, fontSizeText;
        private ButtonGroup shapeRadio;
        private JRadioButton rect, oval, roundRect;
        private JComboBox shapeColorDrop, fontTypeDrop, fontColorDrop;
        //declare public data members of the DemoShape class
        //init method to initialize the applet objects
        public void init()
            //arrays of string to be used later in combo boxes
            //some are used more than once
            String fonts[] = {"Dialog", "Dialog Input", "Monospaced",
                                "Serif", "Sans Serif"};
            String shapes[] = {"Rectangle", "Round Rectangle", "Oval"};   
            String colors[] = {"Black", "Blue", "Cyan", "Dark Gray",
                                "Gray", "Green", "Light Gray", "Magenta", "Orange",
                                "Pink", "Red", "White", "Yellow"};
            //declare variables to assist with the layout
            //these are the left and right justified x coordinates
            int ljX = 10; int rjX = 150;
            //this is the y coordinates for the rows
            int yRow1 = 10;     //the shape rows
            int yRow2 = 40;
            int yRow3 = 60;
            int yRow4 = 130;
            int yRow5 = 150;
            int yRow6 = 210;    //the message rows
            int yRow7 = 240;
            int yRow8 = 260;
            int yRow9 = 300;
            int yRow10 = 320;
            int yRow11 = 360;
            int yRow12 = 380;
            //these are the widths for the text boxes, drop downs
            //message entry,  big message entry and radio buttons
            int tWidth = 30; int dWidth = 100;
            int mWidth = 250; int bmWidth = 250;
            int rWidth = 125;
            //the height is universal, even for the messages!
            int height = 25;
            //set a content pane for the entire applet
            //set the size of the entire window and show the entire applet
            entire = this.getContentPane();
            entire.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2));
            //create the entry panel and add it to the entire pane
            entryPanel = new JPanel();
            //create the display canvas and add it to the entire pane
            //this will display the output
            drawCanvas = new DisplayCanvas();
            //entry panel code
            //add the form elements in the form of rows
            //the first row (label)
            JLabel entryLabel = new JLabel("Enter Shape Parameters:");
            entryLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow1, bmWidth, height);
            //second row (labels)
            JLabel shapeTypeLabel = new JLabel("Select Shape:");
            shapeTypeLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow2, mWidth, height);
            JLabel shapeColorLabel = new JLabel("Select Shape Color:");
            shapeColorLabel.setBounds(rjX, yRow2, mWidth, height);
            //third row (entry)        
            rect = new JRadioButton("Rectangle", true);
            oval = new JRadioButton("Oval", false);
            roundRect = new JRadioButton("Round Rectangle", false);
            rect.setBounds(ljX, yRow3, rWidth, height);
            oval.setBounds(ljX, yRow3 + 20, rWidth, height);
            roundRect.setBounds(ljX, yRow3 + 40, rWidth, height);
            shapeRadio = new ButtonGroup();
            shapeColorDrop = new JComboBox(colors);
            shapeColorDrop.setBounds(rjX, yRow3, dWidth, height);
            shapeColorDrop.addFocusListener(new focusListen());
            //the fourth row (labels)
            JLabel xShapeLabel = new JLabel("Enter Width:");
            xShapeLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow4, mWidth, height);
            JLabel yShapeLabel = new JLabel("Enter Height:");
            yShapeLabel.setBounds(rjX, yRow4, mWidth, height);
            //the fifth row (entry)
            xShapeText = new JTextField("200", 3);
            xShapeText.setBounds(ljX, yRow5, tWidth, height);
            xShapeText.addFocusListener(new focusListen());
            yShapeText = new JTextField("200", 3);
            yShapeText.setBounds(rjX, yRow5, tWidth, height);
            yShapeText.addFocusListener(new focusListen());
            //the sixth row (label)
            JLabel messageLabel = new JLabel("Enter Message Parameters:");
            messageLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow6, bmWidth, height);
            //the seventh row (labels)   
            JLabel messageEntryLabel= new JLabel("Enter Message:");
            messageEntryLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow7, mWidth, height);
            //the eighth row (entry)
            messageText = new JTextField("Enter your message here.");
            messageText.setBounds(ljX, yRow8, mWidth, height);
            messageText.addFocusListener(new focusListen());
            //the ninth row (label)
            JLabel fontTypeLabel = new JLabel("Select Font:");
            fontTypeLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow9, mWidth, height);
            JLabel fontColorLabel = new JLabel("Select Font Color:");
            fontColorLabel.setBounds(rjX, yRow9, mWidth, height);
            //the tenth row (entry)
            fontTypeDrop = new JComboBox(fonts);
            fontTypeDrop.setBounds(ljX, yRow10, dWidth, height);
            fontTypeDrop.addFocusListener(new focusListen());
            fontColorDrop = new JComboBox(colors);
            fontColorDrop.setBounds(rjX, yRow10, dWidth, height);
            fontColorDrop.addFocusListener(new focusListen());
            //the eleventh row (label)
            JLabel fontSizeLabel = new JLabel("Select Font Size:");
            fontSizeLabel.setBounds(ljX, yRow11, mWidth, height);
            //the final row (entry)
            fontSizeText = new JTextField("12", 2);
            fontSizeText.setBounds(ljX, yRow12, tWidth, height);
            fontSizeText.addFocusListener(new focusListen());
            //display panel code
            //use test parameters
            //these will later be retrieved from the entries
            drawCanvas.setParams("Hello", "roundRect", Color.red,
                                100, 100, "Serif", Color.black, 12);
            //set the applet to visible
            //set to visible and display
            entire.setSize(800, 600);
        }   //end the init method
        //declare an inner class to handle events
        private class focusListen implements FocusListener
            //supply the implementation of the actionPerformed method
            //pass an event variable as the argument
            public void focusLost(FocusEvent e)
            { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Focus lost."); } 
            //declare an empty focus gained function
            public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {}      
        }   //end testListen class
    }   //end DemoShape class

    Sorry for glossing over your code sample, particularly as it looks like one of the best I've seen so far on the forums, but I'm pretty sure the answer you are looking for is as follows:
    Java doesn't render a component until paint() is called so until then you are not going to have any size settings because the jvm simply doesn't know how big the visual component is. This makes sense when you think about what the jvm is doing. The layout manager controls the display of the components depending on the settings it is supplied. So until it knows how many components you want, where, what kind of spacing, etc, etc, etc, how can the size be determined.
    The true cycle of events is therefore:
    create an instance of DisplayCanvas,
    add it to your container,
    make the container visible (which renders the component),
    get the size of the DisplayCanvas instance.
    You are being hampered because your desired chain of events is:
    create an instance of DisplayCanvas,
    get the size of the DisplayCanvas instance,
    add it to your container,
    make the container visible.
    This state of affairs is highly annoying and then leads to the next question "what do we do about that?". There is a cunning trick which is to get the jvm to render the component to an off-screen image, thus calculating the dimensions of the component so that you can do precisely the kind of enquiry on the object that you have been looking for. It should be noted that this may not be the visual size for all the reasons given above, but it is the "preferred size" for the component. Check the Swing tutorials and have a look at the section on Layout Managers for a run down on what that means.
    Anyway, we can use this handy code sample to determine the preferred size for your component. Notice the call to "paint()" (normally you would never make a direct call to paint() in swing) and the "g.dispose()" to free resources:
    package com.coda.swing.desktool.gui;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    public class PaintUtil
         public PaintUtil()
         public static Component paintBuffer(Component comp)
              Dimension size = comp.getPreferredSize();
              BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(size.width, size.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
              Graphics2D g2 = img.createGraphics();
              return comp;
    }Before you make a call to getWidth() or getHeight() put in a call to "PaintUtil.paintBuffer(this);" and see what happens.
    By the way, I can't claim credit for this code ... and I really wish I could remember where I got it from myself so I can thank them :)

  • Please Help!! How to get the width of the String for print out?

    Hi there,
    I need to do some printing in my application. I just want to know how can I get the width of the string when it is printed on the paper.
    I have tried to use the following code to get the width
    Rectangle2D rec = font.getStringBounds(str, new FontRenderContext(null, true, true));
    double width = rec.getWidth();
    however, the width I got from that function is not correct (the returned width is longer than the printed one)
    Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
    Thank you and Happy New Year !

    The getFontMetrics(Font) is also defined in the Component class and therefore you can retrieve it even if you dont override the paint method.
    try the following (provided ur code extends some class that extends Component indirectly)
    FontMetrics f = this.getFontMetrics(this.getFont());
    int width = f.stringWidth(str); //str is the String for which u need to check the width.
    hope this was useful
    happy holidayz

  • Getting the width of a String, or centering it within the Applet.

    I want to get a String within the center of my 2D Applet, so I'm wondering if it's possible to get the width (and height) of the String in numbers, or even if it's possible to center like Microsof Word does. If one of the two is possible, please tell it me :)
    PS: I use fonts and a size for the font, could this create problems?
    Edited by: The_Pointer on Mar 27, 2009 3:34 PM
    Edited by: The_Pointer on Mar 27, 2009 3:34 PM

    Can someone explain the
    x = (Component.getWidth() - Fontmetrics.stringWidth()) / 2 a little bit more please?
    Since I get the following errors
    C:\Documents and Settings\Robert van der Pijl\Bureaublad\Clock\clockApplet.java:66: non-static method getFontMetrics() cannot be referenced from a static context
    C:\Documents and Settings\Robert van der Pijl\Bureaublad\Clock\clockApplet.java:67: x is not public in java.awt.Component; cannot be accessed from outside package
              x = (Component.getWidth() - Fontmetrics.stringWidth()) / 2;
    C:\Documents and Settings\Robert van der Pijl\Bureaublad\Clock\clockApplet.java:67: non-static method getWidth() cannot be referenced from a static context
              x = (Component.getWidth() - Fontmetrics.stringWidth()) / 2;
    C:\Documents and Settings\Robert van der Pijl\Bureaublad\Clock\clockApplet.java:67: cannot find symbol
    symbol  : variable Fontmetrics
    location: class clockApplet
              x = (Component.getWidth() - Fontmetrics.stringWidth()) / 2;
    4 errors

  • How do i get the width of a JPanel

    Im trying to get the width of my JPanel with this code, but it just prints 0, what am i doing wrong?
    public class GamePanel extends JPanel implements Runnable {
         private static final int PWIDTH = 500;   // size of panel
         private static final int PHEIGHT = 400;
         private static final int NO_DELAYS_PER_YIELD = 16;     
         private static int MAX_FRAME_SKIPS = 5;
         private MovingGame frame;
         private Thread animator;
         private volatile boolean running = false;   // used to stop the animation thread
         private long gameStartTime;   // when the game started
         private BallSprite ball;
         //      off-screen rendering
         private Graphics dbg;
         private Image dbImage = null;
         //      holds the background image
         private BufferedImage bgImage = null;
         public GamePanel(MovingGame frame){     
              this.frame = frame;
              setPreferredSize( new Dimension(PWIDTH, PHEIGHT));
              addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter() {
                   public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
                       { processKey(e);  }
              ball = new BallSprite(40, 40, this);
              System.out.println("Width: " + getWidth());    <------- this prints 0

    veldhanas wrote:
    setSize(PWIDTH, PHEIGHT); instead of
    setPreferredSize( new Dimension(PWIDTH, PHEIGHT));ThanksWrong Wrong Wrong Wrong
    .setSize() sets the size of the component at that instant in time and has no effect on anything the layout managers do with the component. .setPreferredSize() sets the size the layout manager will look at (assuming it cares about what size you want the component at).

  • How to get the width of a numeric field at runtime

    Hi, everyone :D
    Is there a built-in that let me get the width of a numeric field at runtime? The SRW bulit in only has the SWR.GET_PAGE_NUM built-in. Is there something like the Get_item_property of Forms IN Report?
    Edited by: user12422762 on 07-ene-2010 14:16
    Edited by: user12422762 on 07-ene-2010 14:30
    Edited by: user12422762 on 08-ene-2010 4:40
    Edited by: user12422762 on 08-ene-2010 4:50

    Hi. Thanks for answering. I need the width because i want to set the format of the field at runtime. The quantity of decimal digits for all the numeric fieds in the report is received as a parameter.
    I can use a function to create the respective decimal mask ('D99,'D999',etc.) and then call the SRW.SET_FORMAT_MASK in the format trigger of every single field, but i'd have to type the mask of the integral part of the number in the code of the trigger ('99G999D99, '999G999G999D'). However, If i could get the width, i'd just create a function and call it from every format trigger.
    Edited by: user12422762 on 08-ene-2010 10:05
    Edited by: user12422762 on 08-ene-2010 10:06
    Edited by: user12422762 on 08-ene-2010 10:08

  • Wpf/webbrowser:-how to get height,width,scroll height and scroll width of render html/xhtml/xml pages.

    hi I am using to web browser control to get  height,width,scroll height and scroll width in wpf c#.
    Could You please tell me how to achive this information if .pages contain this css on body.
     style="-webkit-column-width:800px;  margin-right:800px; -moz-column-width: 800px; column-width: 800px; -webkit-column-gap: 0px; -moz-column-gap: 0px; column-gap: 0px; -webkit-column-rule: 0px solid #000;-moz-column-rule: 0px solid #000;column-rule:
    0px solid #000; height:800px; overflow:visible !important; ; margin:0px; -moz-margin:0px;-webkit-margin:0px;display:block;"
    I have to get height,width,scroll height and scroll width  on on complete event.
    this is MainWindow.xaml page
    <Window x:Class="WPFWebBrowserInvokeScript.MainWindow"
            Title="MainWindow" Height="820" Width="820" Loaded="Window_Loaded">
            <WebBrowser HorizontalAlignment="Left"
            <!--<Grid x:Name="grid1"></Grid>-->
    this  MainWindow.xaml.cs
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Windows;
    using System.Windows.Controls;
    using System.Windows.Data;
    using System.Windows.Documents;
    using System.Windows.Input;
    using System.Windows.Media;
    using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
    using System.Windows.Navigation;
    using System.Windows.Shapes;
    using System.IO;
    namespace WPFWebBrowserInvokeScript
        /// <summary>
        /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
        /// </summary>
        public partial class MainWindow : Window
            public MainWindow()
            private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                string strHtml = "";
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("D:/epubunzip/ePub2_Sample03a_USgovernment_SE_Gr9-12_EN_U1/OPS/9780547451381_c01.html"))
                    strHtml = sr.ReadToEnd();
                    strHtml = strHtml.Replace("<body>", "<body  style=\"-webkit-column-width:800px; overflow:visible !important;  -moz-column-width: 800px; column-width: 800px; -webkit-column-gap:
    0px; -moz-column-gap: 0px; column-gap: 0px; -webkit-column-rule: 0px solid #000;-moz-column-rule: 0px solid #000;column-rule: 0px solid #000; height:800px; ; margin:0px; -moz-margin:0px;-webkit-margin:0px;display:block;\">");
                    string str = "<script> function execScript(){return document.body.scrollWidth;}</script></head>";
                    strHtml = strHtml.Replace("</head>", str);
                    byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(strHtml);
                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                    ms.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                    ms.Position = 0;
                    MainBrowser.LoadCompleted += new LoadCompletedEventHandler(MainBrowser_LoadCompleted);
            void MainBrowser_LoadCompleted(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e)
    //here I am trying to get  height,width,scroll height and scroll width
    //It's gtting wrong info
              WebBrowser webBrowser = (WebBrowser)sender;
                //mshtml.htmld webDocument = (mshtml.HTMLDDElement)webBrowser.Document;
                //mshtml.HTMLBody webBody = (mshtml.HTMLBody)webDocument;
                //    var dd = webDocument.InvokeScript("execScript");
                //    //  string script = "document.body.style.overflow ='hidden'";         
                //    // var dd = webDocument.InvokeScript("execScript", new Object[] { script, "JavaScript" });
                //    var elems = webBrowser.Document.GetElementsByTagName("body");
                //    System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement webBody = (System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement)webDocument.Body;

    >>if i am rendering html from MemoryStreamor string in webbrowser control in wpf It's not applying this css
    Yes it does. If you for example add background-color: yellow; to the stlyle you will see that the page turn yellow:
    strHtml = strHtml.Replace("<body>", "<body style=\"-webkit-column-width:800px; background-color: yellow; overflow:visible !important; -moz-column-width: 800px; column-width: 800px; -webkit-column-gap: 0px; -moz-column-gap: 0px; column-gap: 0px; -webkit-column-rule: 0px solid #000;-moz-column-rule: 0px solid #000;column-rule: 0px solid #000; height:800px; ; margin:0px; -moz-margin:0px;-webkit-margin:0px;display:block;\">");
    If the styles doen't get applied as expected it is a browser issue. The WebBrowser control emulates Internet Explorer in IE7 rendering mode by default.  You will have to change some registry settings to change this behaviour. Please refer to the following
    links for more information:
    -moz-column-width only works in FireFox for example.
    You may also navigate to an actual page and inject some javascript function that for example adds the styles to the body element dynamically or set the style properties of the body element directly:
    private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    MainBrowser.LoadCompleted += new LoadCompletedEventHandler(webb_DocumentCompleted);
    private void webb_DocumentCompleted(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e)
    WebBrowser webBrowser = (WebBrowser)sender;
    dynamic doc = webBrowser.Document;
    //int _scrollWidth = (int)webBrowser.InvokeScript("execScript");
    //mshtml.HTMLDocument webDocument = (mshtml.HTMLDocument)webBrowser.Document;
    mshtml.HTMLScriptElement script = (mshtml.HTMLScriptElement)doc.createElement("script");
    script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
    script.innerHTML = "function doSomething(){ /* do something here... */ }";
    //add script to the head
    dynamic head = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
    mshtml.HTMLBody body = (mshtml.HTMLBody)doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
    body.style.background = "yellow";
    //set any body.style property here...
    That's about it as far as WPF is concerned.
    Please remember to mark helpful posts as answer and/or helpful.

  • How can I get the width of window?

    Hi. I would like to get the width of window on IE.
    If on Netscape, I can use "window.inner(outer)Width".
    However, I don't know what to do with IE.
    I am sorry that this question might be very begginer.
    Thank you,

    and this is not a question taht in belongs in this forum! it is a IE/IE.Script question. perhaps you find an answer here: http://developer.irt.org/script/window.htm

  • Is it possible to get component associated with DefaultListSelectionEvent?

    Is it possible to get component associated with DefaultListSelectionEvent, please?
    There are multiple tables in my window. All tables (must!) have same TableSelectionListener. Problem is that there's no information about component in default list selection model implementation. When fireing events DefaultListSelectionModel use self as event source (see DefaultListSelectionModel.fireValueChanged fragment below).
    e = new ListSelectionEvent(this, firstIndex, lastIndex, isAdjusting);Any ideas how to get component in ListSelectionListener.valueChanged, please? But don't forget that as a programer, i am the lazy. Thus implementing new selection model is not an acceptable solution, but class extension is :p
    One idea is to remember models component in constructor and override DefaultListSelectionModel.fireValueChanged like this:
    class MyGreatListSelectionModel extends DefaultListSelectionModel {
       protected JComponent boss;
        public MyGreatListSelectionModel(JComponent c) {
            boss = c;
        @Override protected void fireValueChanged(int firstIndex, int lastIndex, boolean isAdjusting)
            Object[] listeners = listenerList.getListenerList();
            ListSelectionEvent e = null;
            for (int i = listeners.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
                if (listeners[i] == ListSelectionListener.class) {
                    if (e == null) {
                        // Only changed 'this' to 'boss'
                        e = new ListSelectionEvent(boss, firstIndex, lastIndex, isAdjusting);
    }This should work, but if there already exists some mechanism, such extension is just slowing app down.

    Thanks for your help.
    However I could not get the result. I am using following code:
    public void myaction(ActionEvent event)
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    UIViewRoot view = context.getViewRoot();
    UIComponent UI = view.findComponent("tab");
    if(UI == null)     
         System.out.println("UI Not Found ");
         System.out.println("Get Current FecesContext");
    There is an Component having id "tab" is available on JSF page but I am getting "UI not Found" every time. Is there somthing wrong...Please suggest.

  • How to get component item list assembly Item

    I am trying to get component list with assembly item.
    I have assembly item number and serial number and i want to see all components with serial number for this assembly.
    Can any one tell me query for this?

    You get the value as for any other Forms item:
    :value := :block.list_tem ;Francois

  • Unable to get component ID for: appl_name.object_name (WWV-13404)

    I got the following error message when I would like to export my appliction: Unable to get component ID for: schema.object_name (WWV-13404). The 'appl_name' is the name of the application and the 'object_name' is the name of the object, actually it is a dynamic page.
    The object itself is not listed in the list of the objects, maybe it was there sometimes in the past and I deleted it but the system can see it somewhere I guess.
    So, how I can remove any remaining links to this object, or the object itself.
    I appreciate any help!

    Suggestion....  change the text you need to find in your development or sandbox...any change and save.  Then go to table STXH and find the change you just made, searching by using the date and userid fields....
    The entry in STXH is what you will need to find the texts...substitute the "real" data values like document number, item, line, etc., in precisely the format appearing in TDNAME in STXH, along with object, id and sy-langu, etc.
    Generally, in code, I read for an entry in STXH populating my header of type thead. If I get a return code of zero, I know that long texts exists, and then I supply export values using my stucture of type thead, using thead-fieldname to the READ_TEXT call export parameters,....etc.

  • How many ways are there to get the Width/Height of an image ?

    I am currently using the following code to get the width and hight of an image :
    BufferedImage Buffered_Image=ImageIO.read(new File(Image_Path));
    int Image_Width=Buffered_Image.getWidth();
    int Image_Height=Buffered_Image.getHeight();I don't need to get the image (*.jpg, *.gif, *.png), just want to know it's dimensions. I wonder how many other ways are available to do the same thing in a Java application ?

    Ni_Min wrote:
    That's what I thought. I am asking because I hit a wall and am trying to find a different approach.Yeah, if you only have one file type you can probably write the code to read the header in 20 min.
    I packed my programs into an executable Jar file which I can run and access images on my C:\ drive, everything worked fine until I tried to experiment with something new. I know that I can force JVM to pre-load all my java classes just after it starts, so I deleted the jar right after the program pre-loaded all my classes and tried to see if it would work, but now I get a null pointer error when it tried to get the width/height of an existing image, because ImageIO.read return null. ( The same image is still on my C:\ drive )Sounds like a strange thing you're doing here. What's the point of this?
    So I wonder why it makes a difference after I deleted the jar, what was the problem ( or do I need to pre-load another class related to ImageIO.read ? ), and maybe if I use something else other than the ImageIO.read to get the width/height, I can bypass the problem.I dunno why you need to do this preload stuff and/or delete anything. I'd say leave the JVM and the app alone if possible.

  • FM which get component and order status & return prod. orders

    Hi all
    does any one know a FM which get component and order status & return prod. orders?

    see the transcation COOIS , i think it will be the details required by you
    in the selection at component level block
    enter the material no(component) , if required plant and storage location and then execute
    hope it will solve ur purpose
    so u can suggest for this TCode still u need a custom program u can submit these details from your z program
    and get the output
    table i am not sure see all these tables AUFK,AFKO,AFPO
    Edited by: janagar sundaramoorthy Nadar on Jul 13, 2009 12:18 PM

  • How to get the width and height of the selected rectangle

         I need to get the width and height of the selected rectangle in indesign cs3 and display the values in a dialog box for user verification.

    Hi Saran,
    InterfacePtr<IGeometry> itemGeo ( objectUIDRef, UseDefaultIID() );
    PMRect ItemCoord = itemGeo->GetStrokeBoundingBox();
    PMReal width  = ItemCoord->Width();
    PMReal height = ItemCoord->Height();

  • FM / BAPI for get component overview

    Hi all
    Let me know FM / BAPI for get component overview based on production order?

    Could you please tell us which was the FM? It should be useful for other people -;)

Maybe you are looking for

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