JTextArea need help in size

Hello everyone. I have a quick question. When my program opens I have the window open to the max by getting the screen size dimension. I also have a text area in the frame that I would like do to the same. Any ideas? I have tried setRow, setCol but the problem is these will vary across computers. I tried textArea.setSize(dimension of screen) but this only accounts for the cols, not rows so it sizes the cols to the max but not the rows.

Gotcha, ok I must be doing something wrong somewhere. Thanks for helping me out, I will post my code. Also, looking back at my code I was not using border layout so this may have been the problem. Can you take a peak though? It may be something else. I would basically like the text area to resize when the window does but always fill up all the space under the menu. If I can get this working I'm almost done since all the functionality works. I left out that code though to shorten this up some, I mainly added the code where I create and add the panel to the frame.
This is the driver, basic creation of the frame
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import java.awt.*;
public class Run {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
    Notepad n = new Notepad();
}Here is the panel where I store the text area
I also use this class to handle operations on the text area such as reading/writing to disk etc. I left out the functionality code to keep it small and to the point.
public class NotepadFile extends JPanel {
  private JTextArea mainTextArea;
  public NotepadFile( ) {
    setLayout(new FlowLayout()); //default 
    mainTextArea = new JTextArea();
}Finally, here is where I add the panel to the main frame. Again, i'm leaving out the functionality code like event handlers and such.
public class Notepad extends JFrame {
  private NotepadFile nFile;
  private final int fileMenuIndex = 0,
              formatMenuIndex = 1,
              helpMenuIndex = 2;
  public Notepad( ) {
    JMenuBar mainMenuBar;
    JMenu menu[];
    nFile = new NotepadFile();
    mainMenuBar = new JMenuBar();
    menu = new JMenu[menuNames.length];
    for(int i=0;i<menuNames.length;i++) {
      menu[i] = new JMenu(menuNames); //create a menu
//here is where I created menu items but I cut it out here
for(int i=0;i<menuNames.length;i++)
mainMenuBar.add(menu[i]); //add menus to menu bar
add(new JScrollPane(nFile));
//here I also tried add(new JScrollPane(nFile), BorderLayout.CENTER); but it didn't work

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    Is there a way to batch even a part of the process and keep the png format? I had the images in PSD initially but they were too massive so creating catalogs with them was prohibitive.
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    I so appreciate any help you have to offer. Part of my problem is that I don't know what these processes are called so I don't even know what to search for. If you can even name the actions that I need, it would be of great help. I already paid a designer to do the extraction and they were supposed to do this formatting as well and they didn't so my budget is shot. I'm hoping that if I understand what the steps are, I can do them myself.
    Thank you!

    If you download my crafting actions package you can record an action that uses one of my plug-in scripts to do that process. You could then batch that action and process your 500 png image files.
    Crafting Actions Package UPDATED Aug 10, 2014 Added Conditional Action steps to Action Palette Tips.
    Action Actions Palette Tips.txt
    Action Creation Guidelines.txt
    Action Dealing with Image Size.txt
    Action Enhanced via Scripted Photoshop Functions.txt
    CraftedActions.atn Sample Action set includes an example Watermarking action
    Sample Actions.txt Photoshop CraftedActions set saved as a text file.
    More then a dozen Scripts for use in actions
    Step 1 Select layers transparency
    Step 2 Copy
    Step 3 Paste
    Step 4 Select all
    Step 5 Align Layer s to selection vertical center
    Step 6 Align Layer s to selection horizontal center
    Step 7 Select bottom Layer
    Step 8 delete current layer
    Ste9 9 Fille>Automate>AspectRatopSelection... In the dialog set 1 1 ratio center rectangle replace selection feather 0
    Step 10 Image Crop
    Step 11 File Automate>Fit Image.  In dialog enter width and height 800
    Step 12 Image size in the dialog uncheck Resample and enter 300 in the resolution field.
    I'm sure the should work you mane not need the copy paste and it depends on how Photoshop treats the PNG layer the canvas size or just the pixels.
    This may also work
    Step 1 Select all
    Step 2 Align Layer s to selection vertical center
    Step 3 Align Layer s to selection horizontal center
    Ste9 4 Fille>Automate>AspectRatopSelection... In the dialog set 1 1 ratio center rectangle replace selection feather 0
    Step 5 Image Crop
    Step 6 File Automate>Fit Image.  In dialog enter width and height 800
    Step 7 Image size in the dialog uncheck Resample and enter 300 in the resolution field.

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    Thanks in Advance

    You can't. What makes you think you need this, because in Java we don't need to worry about this. You do not explicitly allocate or free memory, so the size of an object is not needed. Some people will tell you to serialize an object to a byte array and that the size of the array is the size of the object, but they're completely wrong. The size of an object is, roughly, the size of every primitive field it has, plus the size of a reference to an object multiplied by the number of reference fields, plus a small overhead for simply existing itself. But as I said, you don't need to worry about it

  • Need help with JTextArea and Scrolling

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class MORT_RETRY extends JFrame implements ActionListener
    private JPanel keypad;
    private JPanel buttons;
    private JTextField lcdLoanAmt;
    private JTextField lcdInterestRate;
    private JTextField lcdTerm;
    private JTextField lcdMonthlyPmt;
    private JTextArea displayArea;
    private JButton CalculateBtn;
    private JButton ClrBtn;
    private JButton CloseBtn;
    private JButton Amortize;
    private JScrollPane scroll;
    private DecimalFormat calcPattern = new DecimalFormat("$###,###.00");
    private String[] rateTerm = {"", "7years @ 5.35%", "15years @ 5.5%", "30years @ 5.75%"};
    private JComboBox rateTermList;
    double interest[] = {5.35, 5.5, 5.75};
    int term[] = {7, 15, 30};
    double balance, interestAmt, monthlyInterest, monthlyPayment, monPmtInt, monPmtPrin;
    int termInMonths, month, termLoop, monthLoop;
    public MORT_RETRY()
    Container pane = getContentPane();
    lcdLoanAmt = new JTextField();
    lcdMonthlyPmt = new JTextField();
    displayArea = new JTextArea();//DEFINE COMBOBOX AND SCROLL
    rateTermList = new JComboBox(rateTerm);
    scroll = new JScrollPane(displayArea);
    scroll.setLocation(150,270);//DEFINE BUTTONS
    CalculateBtn = new JButton("Calculate");
    ClrBtn = new JButton("Clear Fields");
    CloseBtn = new JButton("Close");
    Amortize = new JButton("Amortize");//DEFINE PANEL(S)
    keypad = new JPanel();
    buttons = new JPanel();//DEFINE KEYPAD PANEL LAYOUT
    keypad.setLayout(new GridLayout( 4, 2, 5, 5));//SET CONTROLS ON KEYPAD PANEL
    keypad.add(new JLabel("Loan Amount$ : "));
    keypad.add(new JLabel("Term of loan and Interest Rate: "));
    keypad.add(new JLabel("Monthly Payment : "));
    keypad.add(new JLabel("Amortize Table:"));
    displayArea.setEditable(false);//DEFINE BUTTONS PANEL LAYOUT
    buttons.setLayout(new GridLayout( 1, 3, 5, 5));//SET CONTROLS ON BUTTONS PANEL
    buttons.add(CloseBtn);//ADD ACTION LISTENER
    rateTermList.addActionListener(this);//ADD PANELS
    pane.add(keypad, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    pane.add(buttons, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    pane.add(scroll, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter()
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    String arg = lcdLoanAmt.getText();
    int combined = Integer.parseInt(arg);
    if (e.getSource() == CalculateBtn)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Got try here", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    catch(NumberFormatException ev)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Got here", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    if ((e.getSource() == CalculateBtn) && (arg != null))
    if ((e.getSource() == CalculateBtn) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 1))
    monthlyInterest = interest[0] / (12 * 100);
    termInMonths = term[0] * 12;
    monthlyPayment = combined * (monthlyInterest / (1 - (Math.pow (1 + monthlyInterest,  -termInMonths))));
    if ((e.getSource() == CalculateBtn) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 2))
    monthlyInterest = interest[1] / (12 * 100);
    termInMonths = term[1] * 12;
    monthlyPayment = combined * (monthlyInterest / (1 - (Math.pow (1 + monthlyInterest,  -termInMonths))));
    if ((e.getSource() == CalculateBtn) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 3))
    monthlyInterest = interest[2] / (12 * 100);
    termInMonths = term[2] * 12;
    monthlyPayment = combined * (monthlyInterest / (1 - (Math.pow (1 + monthlyInterest,  -termInMonths))));
    catch(NumberFormatException ev)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid Entry!\nPlease Try Again", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    }                    //IF STATEMENTS FOR AMORTIZATION
    if ((e.getSource() == Amortize) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 1))
    loopy(7, 5.35);
    if ((e.getSource() == Amortize) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 2))
    loopy(15, 5.5);
    if ((e.getSource() == Amortize) && (rateTermList.getSelectedIndex() == 3))
    loopy(30, 5.75);
    if (e.getSource() == ClrBtn)
    if (e.getSource() == CloseBtn)
    private void loopy(int lTerm,double lInterest)
    double total, monthly, monthlyrate, monthint, monthprin, balance, lastint, paid;
    int amount, months, termloop, monthloop;
    String lcd2 = lcdLoanAmt.getText();
    amount = Integer.parseInt(lcd2);
    termloop = 1;
    paid = 0.00;
    monthlyrate = lInterest / (12 * 100);
    months = lTerm * 12;
    monthly = amount *(monthlyrate/(1-Math.pow(1+monthlyrate,-months)));
    total = months * monthly;
    balance = amount;
    while (termloop <= lTerm)
    displayArea.append("Year " + termloop + " of " + lTerm + ": payments\n");
    monthloop = 1;
    while (monthloop <= 12)
    monthint = balance * monthlyrate;
    monthprin = monthly - monthint;
    balance -= monthprin;
    paid += monthly;
    displayArea.append(monthloop + "\t" + calcPattern.format(monthly) + "\t" + calcPattern.format(monthprin) + "\t");
    displayArea.append(calcPattern.format(monthint) + "\t" + calcPattern.format(balance) + "\n");
    monthloop ++;
    termloop ++;
    public static void main(String args[])
    MORT_RETRY f = new MORT_RETRY();
    f.setBounds(600, 600, 500, 500);
    }need help with displaying the textarea correctly and the scroll bar please.
    Message was edited by:

    What's the problem you're having ???

  • Image size and mime type.. non-java guy needs help

    Image size, mime type.. non-java guy needs help
    Im not at all familiar with java so this is really weird for me to work out. I?ve been doing it all day (and half of yesterday).
    Im trying to write a custom clodFusion tag in java that gets the width, height, size and MIME types of a given file. I?ve been trying to get it to work on the command line first. I can get the width and height but cant get the size and the MIME type.
    Here is what I got
    /*import com.allaire.cfx.*;*/
    import java.awt.image.renderable.*;
    import javax.media.jai.*;
    import com.sun.media.jai.codec.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class ImageInfo {
    private RenderedOp image = null;
    private RenderedOp result = null;
    private int height = 0;
    private int width = 0;
    private String type = "";
    private String size = "";
    public void loadf(String file) throws IOException
    file = "80by80.jpg";
    FileSeekableStream fss = new FileSeekableStream(file);
    image = JAI.create("stream", fss);
    height = image.getHeight();
    width = image.getWidth();
    System.out.println(height + "\n");
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    ImageInfo test = new ImageInfo();
    can anyone please help me out to modify the above so I can also print the mime type and the file size to screen.
    thanks for any help

    any suggestions?


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    I'm having some problems with my latest project (1 hour and 20 minutes)...
    I did compress with "90 minutes best quality".
    and when I import in dvdsp, the file size is 6 GB.
    Now it won't format into a blank dvd-R.
    I am kinda new at this and need to put it on a dvd for a client.
    Could somebody tell me what should I do ?
    Should I compress again or can I still burn it with another form of blank dvd?
    I need help...
    Thank you.

    Make sure to select A.Pack/Dolby (make sure that file is made) and use that in the project, not the .aif file

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    Hi Swetha,
    You will have to manually make the table adjustments in all the systems using SE14 trans since the changes done using SE14 cannot be collected in any TR.
    How to adjust tables :
    Enter the table name in SE14. For ex for any Z master data(Say ZABCD), master data table name would be /BIC/PZABCD, text table would be /BIC/TZABCD. Similarly any DSO(say ZXYZ) table name would be /BIC/AZXYZ00 etc.
    Just enter the table name in SE14 trans --> Edit --> Select the radio button "Save Data" --> Click on Activate & adjust database table.
    NOTE : Be very careful in using SE14 trans since there is possibility that the backend table could be deleted.
    How to collect the changes in TR:
    You can collect only the changes made to the IO --> When you activate, it will ask you for the TR --> Enter the correct package name & create a new TR. If it doesn't prompt you for TR, just goto Extras --> Write transport request from the IO properties Menu screen. Once these IO changes are moved successfully, then the above proceduce can be followed using SE14 trans.
    Hope it helps!

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    Hi Hasvi,
    Try this.
    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    var texts = doc.stories.everyItem().textStyleRanges.everyItem().getElements();
    var pstyle = "Following paragraph styles have more leadings:\r\r";
    for(var i=0;i<texts.length;i++)
        var ps = texts[i].pointSize;
        if(texts[i].leading > ps + 2)
            pstyle += texts[i].appliedParagraphStyle.name;
    If it is correct than mark the answer as correct and don't mark your question as correct answer.

  • Need Help With D&D Program

    Hi, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post questions on this forum but I can't find anywhere to talk to helpful people about programming.
    I'm making a dnd interface for JComponents. So far I've made a simple program that has a Component that can be lifted from a container and braught to the glass pane then later moved to anywhere on the screen and dropped into the container below it. Here's where my problems come:
    1) Rite now my 'Movable Component' is a JPanel which is just colored in. I want to either take a Graphic2d from a JComponent/Component and draw it on the JPanel or change the JPanel to the component I want to paint and disable the component.
    The problem with getting the Graphics2d is that if the component isn't on the screen it doesn't make a graphic object. I tried messing with the ui delicate and overriding parental methods for paintComponent, repaint, and that repaintChildren(forget name) but I haven't had luck getting a good graphics object. I was thinking of, at the beginning of running the program, putting 1 of each component onto the screen for a second then removing it but I'd rather not. I'd also like to change the graphics dynamicly if someone stretches the component there dropping and what not.
    The problem with disabling is that it changes some of the visual features of Components. I want to be able to update the Component myself to change how it looks and I don't want disabling to gray out components.
    I mainly just dont want the components to do any of there normal fuctions. This is for a page builder, by the way.
    Another problem I'm having is that mouseMotionListener is allowing me to select 2 components that are on top of one another when there edges are near each other. I don't know if theres a fix to this other than changing the Java Class.
    My next problem is a drop layout manager, but I'm doing pretty good with that rite now. It'll problem just move components out of the way of the falling component.
    One last thing I need help with is that I don't want the object that's being carried to go across the menu bar and certain areas. When I'm having the object being carried I have it braught up to the glass pane which allows it to move anywhere. Does anyone have any idea how I could prevent the component from being over the menu bars and other objects? I might have to make 1 panel is the movable area that can then be broken down into the 'component bank', 'building page' and whatever else I'm gonna need.
    This is all just test code to get together for when I make the real program but I need to make sure it'll be possible without a lot of hacking of code.
    Sorry for the length. Thanks for any help you can give.

    The trick to making viewable components that have no behaviour, is to render them onto an image of some sort (eg a BufferedImage). You can then display the Image on a JLabel that can be dragged around the desktop.
    Here is a piece of code that does the component rendering for you. This particular example uses a fixed component size, but you can modify that as you choose of course...public class JComponentImage
         private static GraphicsConfiguration gConfig;
         private static Dimension compSize = new Dimension(80, 22);
         private static Image image = null;
         public static Image getImage(Class objectClass)
              if (gConfig == null)
                   GraphicsEnvironment gEnv = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
                   GraphicsDevice gDevice = gEnv.getDefaultScreenDevice();
                   gConfig = gDevice.getDefaultConfiguration();
              image = gConfig.createCompatibleImage(compSize.width, compSize.height);
              JComponent jc = (JComponent) ObjectFactory.instantiate(objectClass);
              Graphics g = image.getGraphics();
              g.fillRect(0, 0, compSize.width, compSize.height);
              return image;
    }And here is the class that makes the dragable JLabel using the class above...public class Dragable extends JLabel
         private static DragSource dragSource = DragSource.getDefaultDragSource();
         private static DragGestureListener dgl = new DragMoveGestureListener();
         private static TransferHandler th = new ObjectTransferHandler();
         private Class compClass;
         private Image image;
         Dragable(Class compClass)
              this.compClass = compClass;
              image = JComponentImage.getImage(compClass);
              setIcon(new ImageIcon(image));
         public Class getCompClass()
              return compClass;
    }Oh and here is ObjectFactory which simply instantiates Objects of a given class and sets their text to their classname (very crudely)...public class ObjectFactory
         public static Object instantiate(Class objectClass)
              Object o = null;
                   o = objectClass.newInstance();
              catch (Exception e)
                   System.out.println("ObjectFactory#instantiate: " + e);
              String name = objectClass.getName();
              int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.');
              name = name.substring(lastDot + 1);
              if (o instanceof JLabel)
              if (o instanceof JButton)
              if (o instanceof JTextComponent)
              return o;
    }Two more classes required by this codepublic class ObjectTransferHandler extends TransferHandler {
         private static DataFlavor df;
          * Constructor for ObjectTransferHandler.
         public ObjectTransferHandler() {
              try {
                   df = new DataFlavor(DataFlavor.javaJVMLocalObjectMimeType);
              } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
         public Transferable createTransferable(JComponent jC) {
              Transferable t = null;
              try {
                   t = new ObjectTransferable(((Dragable) jC).getCompClass());
              } catch (Exception e) {
              return t;
         public int getSourceActions(JComponent c) {
              return DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE;
         public boolean canImport(JComponent comp, DataFlavor[] flavors) {
              if (!(comp instanceof Dragable) && flavors[0].equals(df))
                   return true;
              return false;
         public boolean importData(JComponent comp, Transferable t) {
              JComponent c = null;
              try {
                   c = (JComponent) t.getTransferData(df);
              } catch (Exception e) {
              return true;
    public class ObjectTransferable implements Transferable {
         private static DataFlavor df = null;
         private Class objectClass;
         ObjectTransferable(Class objectClass) {
              try {
                   df = new DataFlavor(DataFlavor.javaJVMLocalObjectMimeType);
              } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                   System.out.println("ObjectTransferable: " + e);
              this.objectClass = objectClass;
          * @see java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable#getTransferDataFlavors()
         public DataFlavor[] getTransferDataFlavors() {
              return new DataFlavor[] { df };
          * @see java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable#isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor)
         public boolean isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor testDF) {
              return testDF.equals(df);
          * @see java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable#getTransferData(DataFlavor)
         public Object getTransferData(DataFlavor arg0)
              throws UnsupportedFlavorException, IOException {
              return ObjectFactory.instantiate(objectClass);
    }And of course the test class:public class DragAndDropTest extends JFrame
         JPanel leftPanel = new JPanel();
         JPanel rightPanel = new JPanel();
         Container contentPane = getContentPane();
         Dragable dragableJLabel;
         Dragable dragableJButton;
         Dragable dragableJTextField;
         Dragable dragableJTextArea;
          * Constructor DragAndDropTest.
          * @param title
         public DragAndDropTest(String title)
              dragableJLabel = new Dragable(JLabel.class);
              dragableJButton = new Dragable(JButton.class);
              dragableJTextField = new Dragable(JTextField.class);
              dragableJTextArea = new Dragable(JTextArea.class);
              leftPanel.setBorder(new EtchedBorder());
              BoxLayout boxLay = new BoxLayout(leftPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS);
              rightPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500,500));
              rightPanel.setBorder(new EtchedBorder());
              rightPanel.setTransferHandler(new ObjectTransferHandler());
              contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              contentPane.add(leftPanel, "West");
              contentPane.add(rightPanel, "Center");
         public static void main(String[] args)
              JFrame frame = new DragAndDropTest("Drag and Drop Test");
    }I wrote this code some time ago, so it won't be perfect but hopefully will give you some good ideas.

  • Need help in alignment a form

    I am new in writing HTML code. I need help to align my Form
    and it's text.
    Please view my code and please show me how to align all the
    square boxes (the square box is where the user type the text
    input). Currently I have 2 boxes but they are not aligned. The
    below is my code:
    <FORM name="input" method="get" >
    <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=Submit onclick="save()">
    Would you please help.
    Thank you very much

    <form name="input" method="get" action=""> <!-- ARE
    and not "POST"? -->
    <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"
    <td><label for="proj_root">PROJECTROOT:
    <td><input type="text" size="50" name="proj_root"
    <td><label for="frontend">FRONTEND:
    <td><input type="text" size="50" name="frontend"
    <td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit"
    id="submit" value="Submit" onclick="save()"></td>
    (your form needs an action attribute value)
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "goober35" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gcjmlh$p42$[email protected]..
    > Hello,
    > I am new in writing HTML code. I need help to align my
    Form and it's text.
    > Please view my code and please show me how to align all
    the square boxes
    > (the
    > square box is where the user type the text input).
    Currently I have 2
    > boxes but
    > they are not aligned. The below is my code:
    > <FORM name="input" method="get" >
    NAME=proj_root> <br>
    > <BR>
    > <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=Submit onclick="save()">
    > </FORM>
    > Would you please help.
    > Thank you very much
    > Goober35
    > <FORM name="input" method="get" >
    NAME=proj_root> <br>
    > <BR>
    > <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=Submit onclick="save()">
    > </FORM>

  • Need help with an assignment

    first of all, who has heard of the game called zuul? It is a very boring text based game I am currently having the pleasure of improving.
    Basically, you are in a room, that is connected to a bunch of other rooms and depending on the room you are in, you have different exists and different items in the room.
    The goal is to navigate through the collection of Rooms and there is no real win condition, It is more for learning then for actually playing.
    You navigate by a series of commands such as: go (direction)( as in "direction of exit", NSEW), quit, a few other odd bits.
    ex: go south, quit, go west etc
    The game has several classes: Game, Command, CommandWords, Item, Parser, Room.
    Obviously Game is the main central head conch, (it is not the super class.)
    Game makes use of Item, Room, Parser, and Command.
    Item is the class that deals with the number of items in the Room.
    Room is the class that deals with the rooms the player will navigate to and from.
    Command reads in the commands such as "go-(direction)" or "quit".
    Parser makes everybody understand each other by using both Command and CommandWords.
    CommandWords is a list of commands such as "go", "quit" etc.
    The problem I am having right now is to allow a player to move through the rooms while holding a certain item. The item has to come from the rooms and the player should be able to drop it.
    So I have to add two new commands: take and drop. The problem is that I have been asked to do this without creating a new class. Otherwise I would have just created class Player and be done with it. So I am trying to figure out whose responsibility should it be to take care of the take and drop command. I have done some preliminary work in class Game, it is the take(Command command) and drop() methods.
    I have also a few questions concerning other aspects of the project, I have listed their locations here:
    1. The take() method in class Game, the for-each loop, a complier error with ArrayList
    2. class Parser, a general question about the string tokenzier
    If you want to see how the game is suppose to run, just comment out the bodies of take() and drop(). Not the declaration. Everything else works.
    I shall now provide the code to all classes. I wish there were an option to upload a zip file, then you don't have to read through all the codes and copy&paste all the codes. The complier I am using is BlueJ. And the SDK version is 1.6. With the exception of class Game, everything else can be assumed to be error free.
    Thank you for your time,
    class Game
    import java.util.*;
    *  This class is the main class of the "World of Zuul" application.
    *  "World of Zuul" is a very simple, text based adventure game.  Users
    *  can walk around some scenery. That's all. It should really be extended
    *  to make it more interesting!
    *  To play this game, create an instance of this class and call the "play"
    *  method.
    *  This main class creates and initialises all the others: it creates all
    *  rooms, creates the parser and starts the game.  It also evaluates and
    *  executes the commands that the parser returns.
    * @author  Michael Kolling and David J. Barnes
    * @version 2006.03.30
    public class Game
        private Parser parser;
        private Room currentRoom;
        private Room previousRoom;
        private Stack<Room> previousRooms;
         * Create the game and initialise its internal map.
        public Game()
            parser = new Parser();
         * Create all the rooms and link their exits together.
        private void createRooms()
            Room outside, theatre, pub, lab, office;
            // create the rooms
            outside = new Room("outside the main entrance of the university");
            theatre = new Room("in a lecture theatre");
            pub = new Room("in the campus pub");
            lab = new Room("in a computing lab");
            office = new Room("in the computing admin office");
            // create some items
            Item desk, chair, beer, podium, tree;
            desk = new Item("desk", "student desk",10);
            chair = new Item("chair", "student chair",5);
            beer = new Item("beer", "glass of beer", 0.5);
            podium = new Item("podium", "lecture podium", 100);
            tree = new Item("tree", "a tree", 500.5);
            // put items in some of the rooms
            // initialise room exits
            outside.setExit("east", theatre);
            outside.setExit("south", lab);
            outside.setExit("west", pub);
            theatre.setExit("west", outside);
            pub.setExit("east", outside);
            lab.setExit("north", outside);
            lab.setExit("east", office);
            office.setExit("west", lab);
            currentRoom = outside;  // start game outside
            previousRooms = new Stack<Room>(); // no rooms on the stack
            previousRoom = null;
         *  Main play routine.  Loops until end of play.
        public void play()
            // Enter the main command loop.  Here we repeatedly read commands and
            // execute them until the game is over.
            boolean finished = false;
            while (! finished) {
                Command command = parser.getCommand();
                finished = processCommand(command);
            System.out.println("Thank you for playing.  Good bye.");
         * Print out the opening message for the player.
        private void printWelcome()
            System.out.println("Welcome to the World of Zuul!");
            System.out.println("World of Zuul is a new, incredibly boring adventure game.");
            System.out.println("Type 'help' if you need help.");
         * Given a command, process (that is: execute) the command.
         * @param command The command to be processed.
         * @return true If the command ends the game, false otherwise.
        private boolean processCommand(Command command)
            boolean wantToQuit = false;
            if(command.isUnknown()) {
                System.out.println("I don't know what you mean...");
                return false;
            String commandWord = command.getCommandWord();
            if (commandWord.equals("help")) {
            else if (commandWord.equals("go")) {
            else if (commandWord.equals("look")) {
            else if (commandWord.equals("eat")) {
            else if (commandWord.equals("back")) {
            else if (commandWord.equals("stackBack")) {
            else if (commandWord.equals("take")){
            else if (commandWord.equals("drop")) {
            else if (commandWord.equals("quit")) {
                wantToQuit = quit(command);
            // else command not recognised.
            return wantToQuit;
        // implementations of user commands:
         * Print out some help information.
         * Here we print some stupid, cryptic message and a list of the
         * command words.
        private void printHelp()
            System.out.println("You are lost. You are alone. You wander");
            System.out.println("around at the university.");
            System.out.println("Your command words are:");
         * Try to go to one direction. If there is an exit, enter the new
         * room, otherwise print an error message.
         * @param command The command entered.
        private void goRoom(Command command)
            if(!command.hasSecondWord()) {
                // if there is no second word, we don't know where to go...
                System.out.println("Go where?");
            String direction = command.getSecondWord();
            // Try to leave current room.
            Room nextRoom = currentRoom.getExit(direction);
            if (nextRoom == null) {
                System.out.println("There is no door!");
            else {
                previousRoom = currentRoom;
                currentRoom = nextRoom;
         * "Look" was entered.
         * @param command The command entered.
        private void look(Command command)
            if(command.hasSecondWord()) {
                System.out.println("Look what?");
         * "Eat" was entered.
         * @param command The command entered.
        private void eat(Command command)
            if(command.hasSecondWord()) {
                System.out.println("Eat what?");
            System.out.println("You have eaten and are no longer hungry!");
         * "Back" was entered.
         * @param command The command entered.
        private void back(Command command)
            if(command.hasSecondWord()) {
                System.out.println("Back what?");
            if (previousRoom==null) {
                System.out.println("Can't go back.");
            // push current room on stack (for stackBack)
            // swap current and previous rooms (for back)
            Room temp = currentRoom;
            currentRoom = previousRoom;
            previousRoom = temp;
            // You could replace the previous three lines with the following
            // which use the stack to get the previous room
            // but note that this makes "back" dependent on "stackBack".
            // (If you do it this way you no longer need "temp".
            // currentRoom = previousRoom;
            // previousRoom = previousRooms.peek();
            System.out.println("You have gone back:");
         * "StackBack" was entered.
         * @param command The command entered.
        private void stackBack(Command command)
            if(command.hasSecondWord()) {
                System.out.println("StackBack what?");
            if (previousRooms.isEmpty()) {
                System.out.println("Can't go StackBack.");
            // set previous room (for "back")
            previousRoom = currentRoom;
            // set new current room (using stack)
            currentRoom = previousRooms.pop();
            System.out.println("You have gone StackBack:");
         * allows a player to take something from the room
         * @param command
        private void take(Command command){
        String a;
        for (Item i:currentRoom.items()) { //a for each loop, since the room's items are kept in a list, but this gives a                                           //compiler error, it doesn't work because items is an ArrayList, but I need a way to pick up the item. I thought that if //given the item's name, I could run a check through the room's ArrayList of items via a for-each loop
            if (a==i.getName()) {
            removeItem (i);
         * allows a player to drop an item in the room
         * @param command
        private void drop(Command command) {
            if(command.hasSecondWord()) {
                System.out.println("drop what?");
            //add item method is suppose to be used here
         * "Quit" was entered. Check the rest of the command to see
         * whether we really quit the game.
         * @param command The command entered.
         * @return true, if this command quits the game, false otherwise.
        private boolean quit(Command command)
            if(command.hasSecondWord()) {
                System.out.println("Quit what?");
                return false;
            else {
                return true;  // signal that we want to quit
    }class Room
    import java.util.*;
    * Class Room - a room in an adventure game.
    * This class is part of the "World of Zuul" application.
    * "World of Zuul" is a very simple, text based adventure game. 
    * A "Room" represents one location in the scenery of the game.  It is
    * connected to other rooms via exits.  For each existing exit, the room
    * stores a reference to the neighboring room.
    * @author  Michael Kolling and David J. Barnes
    * @version 2006.03.30
    * @author L.S. Marshall
    * @version 1.03 October 25, 2007
    public class Room
        private String description;
        private HashMap<String, Room> exits;        // stores exits of this room.
        // The items in the room
        private ArrayList<Item> items;
         * Create a room described "description". Initially, it has
         * no exits. "description" is something like "a kitchen" or
         * "an open court yard".
         * @param description The room's description.
        public Room(String description)
            this.description = description;
            exits = new HashMap<String, Room>();
            items = new ArrayList<Item>();
         * Define an exit from this room.
         * @param direction The direction of the exit.
         * @param neighbor  The room to which the exit leads.
        public void setExit(String direction, Room neighbor)
            exits.put(direction, neighbor);
         * Gives a short description of the room.
         * @return The short description of the room
         * (the one that was defined in the constructor).
        public String getShortDescription()
            return description;
         * Return a description of the items in the room
         * (Note that this could be combined with getLongDescription, but
         * this way shows better cohesion, and could avoid code duplication
         * for future enhancements.)
         * @return A description of the items in this room
        public String getItemsDescription()
            String s = new String();
            if (items.size()==0)
                s += "There are no items in this room.\n";
            else {
                s += "The item(s) in the room are:\n";
                for (Item item : items ) {
                   s += item.getInfo() + "\n";
            return s;
         * Return a description of the room in the form:
         *     You are in the kitchen.
         *     Exits: north west
         *     and information on the items in the room
         * @return A long description of this room
        public String getLongDescription()
            String s = "You are " + description + ".\n" + getExitString() + "\n";
            s += getItemsDescription();
            return s;
         * Return a string describing the room's exits, for example
         * "Exits: north west".
         * @return Details of the room's exits.
        private String getExitString()
            String returnString = "Exits:";
            Set<String> keys = exits.keySet();
            for(String exit : keys) {
                returnString += " " + exit;
            return returnString;
         * Return the room that is reached if we go from this room in direction
         * "direction". If there is no room in that direction, return null.
         * @param direction The exit's direction.
         * @return The room in the given direction.
        public Room getExit(String direction)
            return exits.get(direction);
         * Adds the given item to the room.
         * @param item The item to be added
        public void addItem(Item item)
         * Removes an item if the person picks it up
         * @param item the item to be removed
        public void removeItem (Item item)
    }class Item
    * This represents an item in a room in zuul.
    * @author L.S. Marshall
    * @version 1.00 October 9, 2007
    public class Item
        // The description of the item
        private String description;
        // The weight of the item
        private double weight;
        private String name;
         * Constructor for objects of class Item
         * @param desc description of the item
         * @param weight the weight of the item
        public Item(String name, String desc, double weight)
            description = desc;
            this.weight = weight;
         * Returns a string representing this item
         * @return string representing this item
        public String getInfo()
            return ("Item: " + description + ", weighs " + weight + ".");
         * returns the name of the string
         * @ return the name in a string
        public String getName()
            return ( name );
    }class Command
    * This class is part of the "World of Zuul" application.
    * "World of Zuul" is a very simple, text based adventure game. 
    * This class holds information about a command that was issued by the user.
    * A command currently consists of two strings: a command word and a second
    * word (for example, if the command was "take map", then the two strings
    * obviously are "take" and "map").
    * The way this is used is: Commands are already checked for being valid
    * command words. If the user entered an invalid command (a word that is not
    * known) then the command word is <null>.
    * If the command had only one word, then the second word is <null>.
    * @author  Michael Kolling and David J. Barnes
    * @version 2006.03.30
    public class Command
        private String commandWord;
        private String secondWord;
         * Create a command object. First and second word must be supplied, but
         * either one (or both) can be null.
         * @param firstWord The first word of the command. Null if the command
         *                  was not recognised.
         * @param secondWord The second word of the command.
        public Command(String firstWord, String secondWord)
            commandWord = firstWord;
            this.secondWord = secondWord;
         * Return the command word (the first word) of this command. If the
         * command was not understood, the result is null.
         * @return The command word.
        public String getCommandWord()
            return commandWord;
         * @return The second word of this command. Returns null if there was no
         * second word.
        public String getSecondWord()
            return secondWord;
         * @return true if this command was not understood.
        public boolean isUnknown()
            return (commandWord == null);
         * @return true if the command has a second word.
        public boolean hasSecondWord()
            return (secondWord != null);
    }class Parser
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    //I read the documentation for String Tokenizer, and I have a few questions relating to a pet project of mine. The //project is to build a boolean algebra simplifer. I would give it a boolean expression and it will simplify it for me.
    //Which is very similar to what this class does. The documentation mentioned a delimiter for separating the tokens.
    //yet I see none here, is the delimiter at default, the space between the words? and if I were to set manually //delimiters, how do I do that?
    //Once I read in the string, should it be Parser's job to execute the boolean simplification part? According the RDD,
    //it shouldn't, but doing so would keep everything in fewer classes and therefore easier to manage, wouldn't it?
    * This class is part of the "World of Zuul" application.
    * "World of Zuul" is a very simple, text based adventure game. 
    * This parser reads user input and tries to interpret it as an "Adventure"
    * command. Every time it is called it reads a line from the terminal and
    * tries to interpret the line as a two word command. It returns the command
    * as an object of class Command.
    * The parser has a set of known command words. It checks user input against
    * the known commands, and if the input is not one of the known commands, it
    * returns a command object that is marked as an unknown command.
    * @author  Michael Kolling and David J. Barnes
    * @version 2006.03.30
    * @author L.S. Marshall
    * @version 1.01 October 9, 2007
    public class Parser
        private CommandWords commands;  // holds all valid command words
        private Scanner reader;         // source of command input
         * Create a parser to read from the terminal window.
        public Parser()
            commands = new CommandWords();
            reader = new Scanner(System.in);
         * Command returns the command typed by the user.
         * @return The next command from the user.
        public Command getCommand()
            String inputLine;   // will hold the full input line
            String word1 = null;
            String word2 = null;
            System.out.print("> ");     // print prompt
            inputLine = reader.nextLine();
            // Find up to two words on the line.
            Scanner tokenizer = new Scanner(inputLine);
            if(tokenizer.hasNext()) {
                word1 = tokenizer.next();      // get first word
                if(tokenizer.hasNext()) {
                    word2 = tokenizer.next();      // get second word
                    // note: we just ignore the rest of the input line.
            // Now check whether this word is known. If so, create a command
            // with it. If not, create a "null" command (for unknown command).
            if(commands.isCommand(word1)) {
                return new Command(word1, word2);
            else {
                return new Command(null, word2);
         * Returns a list of valid command words.
         * @string list of valid command words
        public String getCommands()
            return commands.getCommandList();
    }class CommandWords
    * This class is part of the "World of Zuul" application.
    * "World of Zuul" is a very simple, text based adventure game.
    * This class holds an enumeration of all command words known to the game.
    * It is used to recognise commands as they are typed in.
    * @author  Michael Kolling and David J. Barnes
    * @version 2006.03.30
    * @author L.S. Marshall
    * @version 1.01 October 9, 2007
    public class CommandWords
        // a constant array that holds all valid command words
        private static final String[] validCommands = {
            "go", "quit", "help", "look", "eat", "back", "stackBack",
            "take", "drop",
         * Constructor - initialise the command words.
        public CommandWords()
            // nothing to do at the moment...
         * Check whether a given String is a valid command word.
         * @param aString the command word
         * @return true if it is, false if it isn't.
        public boolean isCommand(String aString)
            for(int i = 0; i < validCommands.length; i++) {
    return true;
    // if we get here, the string was not found in the commands
    return false;
    * Return a string containing all valid commands.
    * @return string of all valid commands
    public String getCommandList()
    String s="";
    for(String command: validCommands) {
    s += command + " ";
    return s;

    right, sorry, that was thoughtless of me.
    class Parser
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    //I read the documentation for String Tokenizer, and I have a few questions relating to a pet project of mine. The //project is to build a boolean algebra simplifer. I would give it a boolean expression and it will simplify it for me.
    //Which is very similar to what this class does. The documentation mentioned a delimiter for separating the tokens.
    //yet I see none here, is the delimiter at default, the space between the words? and if I were to set manually //delimiters, how do I do that?
    //Once I read in the string, should it be Parser's job to execute the boolean simplification part? According the RDD,
    //it shouldn't, but doing so would keep everything in fewer classes and therefore easier to manage, wouldn't it?
    * This class is part of the "World of Zuul" application.
    * "World of Zuul" is a very simple, text based adventure game. 
    * This parser reads user input and tries to interpret it as an "Adventure"
    * command. Every time it is called it reads a line from the terminal and
    * tries to interpret the line as a two word command. It returns the command
    * as an object of class Command.
    * The parser has a set of known command words. It checks user input against
    * the known commands, and if the input is not one of the known commands, it
    * returns a command object that is marked as an unknown command.
    * @author  Michael Kolling and David J. Barnes
    * @version 2006.03.30
    * @author L.S. Marshall
    * @version 1.01 October 9, 2007
    public class Parser
        private CommandWords commands;  // holds all valid command words
        private Scanner reader;         // source of command input
         * Create a parser to read from the terminal window.
        public Parser()
            commands = new CommandWords();
            reader = new Scanner(System.in);
         * Command returns the command typed by the user.
         * @return The next command from the user.
        public Command getCommand()
            String inputLine;   // will hold the full input line
            String word1 = null;
            String word2 = null;
            System.out.print("> ");     // print prompt
            inputLine = reader.nextLine();
            // Find up to two words on the line.
            Scanner tokenizer = new Scanner(inputLine);
            if(tokenizer.hasNext()) {
                word1 = tokenizer.next();      // get first word
                if(tokenizer.hasNext()) {
                    word2 = tokenizer.next();      // get second word
                    // note: we just ignore the rest of the input line.
            // Now check whether this word is known. If so, create a command
            // with it. If not, create a "null" command (for unknown command).
            if(commands.isCommand(word1)) {
                return new Command(word1, word2);
            else {
                return new Command(null, word2);
         * Returns a list of valid command words.
         * @string list of valid command words
        public String getCommands()
            return commands.getCommandList();

  • I need helping!!! configuring RDP access to my local server from a remote location on my Cisco ASA 5505 Firewall.

    I need helping configuring RDP access to my local server from a remote location on my Cisco ASA 5505 Firewall.
    I have attempted to configure rdp access but it does not seem to be working for me Could I please ask someone to help me modify my current configuration to allow this? Please do step by step as I could use all the help I could get.
    I need to allow the following IP addresses to have RDP access to my server:
    My external WAN server info is -
    The internal IP address of my server is -
    The other server shows up as but is working fine.
    I already added one server for Static route and RDP but when I try to put in same commands it doesnt allow me to for this new one. Please take a look at my configuration file and give me the commands i need in order to put this through. Also please tell me if there are any bad/conflicting entries.
    Also I have modified IP information so that its not the ACTUAL ip info for my server/network etc... lol for security reasons of course
    Also the bolded lines are the modifications I made but that arent working.
    ASA Version 7.2(4)
    hostname ciscoasa
    domain-name default.domain.invalid
    enable password DowJbZ7jrm5Nkm5B encrypted
    passwd 2KFQnbNIdI.2KYOU encrypted
    interface Vlan1
    nameif inside
    security-level 100
    ip address
    interface Vlan2
    nameif outside
    security-level 0
    ip address
    interface Ethernet0/0
    switchport access vlan 2
    interface Ethernet0/1
    interface Ethernet0/2
    interface Ethernet0/3
    interface Ethernet0/4
    interface Ethernet0/5
    interface Ethernet0/6
    interface Ethernet0/7
    ftp mode passive
    dns server-group DefaultDNS
    domain-name default.domain.invalid
    object-group network EMRMC
    object-group service RDP tcp
    description RDP
    port-object eq 3389
    object-group service GMED tcp
    description GMED
    port-object eq 3390
    object-group service MarsAccess tcp
    description MarsAccess
    port-object range pcanywhere-data 5632
    object-group service MarsFTP tcp
    description MarsFTP
    port-object range ftp-data ftp
    object-group service MarsSupportAppls tcp
    description MarsSupportAppls
    port-object eq 1972
    object-group service MarsUpdatePort tcp
    description MarsUpdatePort
    port-object eq 7835
    object-group service NM1503 tcp
    description NM1503
    port-object eq 1503
    object-group service NM1720 tcp
    description NM1720
    port-object eq h323
    object-group service NM1731 tcp
    description NM1731
    port-object eq 1731
    object-group service NM389 tcp
    description NM389
    port-object eq ldap
    object-group service NM522 tcp
    description NM522
    port-object eq 522
    object-group service SSL tcp
    description SSL
    port-object eq https
    object-group service rdp tcp
    port-object eq 3389
    access-list outside_1_cryptomap extended permit ip object-group EMRMC
    access-list inside_nat0_outbound extended permit ip
    access-list inside_nat0_outbound extended permit ip object-group EMRMC
    access-list outside_access_in extended permit tcp host eq pcanywhere-data
    access-list outside_access_in extended permit udp host eq pcanywhere-status
    access-list outside_access_in extended permit tcp host object-group RDP
    access-list outside_access_in extended permit tcp eq ftp
    access-list outside_access_in extended permit tcp eq ldap
    access-list outside_access_in extended permit tcp eq h323
    access-list outside_access_in extended permit tcp eq telnet
    access-list outside_access_in extended permit tcp eq www
    access-list outside_access_in extended permit tcp host object-group SSL
    access-list outside_access_in extended permit tcp object-group NM522
    access-list outside_access_in extended permit tcp object-group NM1731
    access-list outside_access_in extended permit tcp host object-group RDP
    access-list outside_access_in extended permit tcp any interface outside eq 3389
    access-list outside_access_in extended permit tcp host host
    access-list outside_access_in extended permit tcp host host object-group rdp
    access-list outside_access_in extended permit tcp any host object-group rdp
    access-list out_in extended permit tcp any host eq 3389
    pager lines 24
    logging enable
    logging asdm informational
    mtu inside 1500
    mtu outside 1500
    icmp unreachable rate-limit 1 burst-size 1
    asdm image disk0:/asdm-524.bin
    no asdm history enable
    arp timeout 14400
    global (outside) 1 interface
    nat (inside) 0 access-list inside_nat0_outbound
    nat (inside) 1
    static (inside,outside) tcp 3389 3389 netmask
    static (inside,outside) tcp interface 3389 3389 netmask
    access-group outside_access_in in interface outside
    route outside 1
    timeout xlate 3:00:00
    timeout conn 1:00:00 half-closed 0:10:00 udp 0:02:00 icmp 0:00:02
    timeout sunrpc 0:10:00 h323 0:05:00 h225 1:00:00 mgcp 0:05:00 mgcp-pat 0:05:00
    timeout sip 0:30:00 sip_media 0:02:00 sip-invite 0:03:00 sip-disconnect 0:02:00
    timeout sip-provisional-media 0:02:00 uauth 0:05:00 absolute
    http server enable
    http inside
    http outside
    no snmp-server location
    no snmp-server contact
    snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication linkup linkdown coldstart
    crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-3DES-MD5 esp-3des esp-md5-hmac
    crypto map outside_map 1 match address outside_1_cryptomap
    crypto map outside_map 1 set peer
    crypto map outside_map 1 set transform-set ESP-3DES-MD5
    crypto map outside_map interface outside
    crypto isakmp enable outside
    crypto isakmp policy 10
    authentication pre-share
    encryption 3des
    hash md5
    group 1
    lifetime 86400
    crypto isakmp policy 30
    authentication pre-share
    encryption 3des
    hash md5
    group 2
    lifetime 86400
    telnet timeout 5
    ssh timeout 5
    console timeout 0
    dhcpd auto_config outside
    tunnel-group type ipsec-l2l
    tunnel-group ipsec-attributes
    pre-shared-key *
    class-map inspection_default
    match default-inspection-traffic
    policy-map type inspect dns preset_dns_map
      message-length maximum 512
    policy-map global_policy
    class inspection_default
      inspect dns preset_dns_map
      inspect ftp
      inspect h323 h225
      inspect h323 ras
      inspect rsh
      inspect rtsp
      inspect esmtp
      inspect sqlnet
      inspect skinny
      inspect sunrpc
      inspect sunrpc
      inspect xdmcp
      inspect sip
      inspect netbios
      inspect tftp
    service-policy global_policy global
    prompt hostname context
    : end

    Unclear what did not work.  In your original post you include said some commands were added but don't work:
    static (inside,outside) tcp interface 3389 3389 netmask
    and later you state you add another command that gets an error:
    static (inside,outside) tcp 3389 3389 netmask
    You also stated that (actually, guessing from the rest of your config and other posts) is your WAN IP address.
    The first static statement matches Cisco's documentation, which states that a static statement must use the 'interface' directive when you are trying to do static PAT utilizing the IP address of the interface.  Since is the assigned IP address of your WAN interface, that may explain why the second statement fails.
    Any reason why you are using static PAT (including the port number 3389) instead of just skipping that directive?  Static PAT usually makes sense when you need to change the TCP port number.  In your example, you are not changing the TCP port 3389.

  • Spry Menu Bar issue, NEED HELP...???

    Here is the coding for a menu bar that i created with CS3, for some reason i am having an issue when i open the web page in IE, on firefox and safari it looks fine, the menu drops down to sub menu's fine, but for some reason when i open it in IE, the submenu's show on the very top of the page rather than right below the menu itself, please check my coding and see if there is an issue???
    i ran compatability and there are no issues shown.
    @charset "UTF-8";
    /* SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css - Revision: Spry Preview Release 1.4 */
    /* Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. */
    LAYOUT INFORMATION: describes box model, positioning, z-order
    /* The outermost container of the Menu Bar, an auto width box with no margin or padding */
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 100%;
        cursor: default;
        width: auto;
    /* Set the active Menu Bar with this class, currently setting z-index to accomodate IE rendering bug: http://therealcrisp.xs4all.nl/meuk/IE-zindexbug.html */
        z-index: 1000;
    /* Menu item containers, position children relative to this container and are a fixed width */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal li
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 100%;
        position: relative;
        text-align: left;
        cursor: pointer;
        width: 10.4em;
        float: left;
        background-image: url(tab2.png);
    /* Submenus should appear below their parent (top: 0) with a higher z-index, but they are initially off the left side of the screen (-1000em) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 100%;
        z-index: 1020;
        cursor: default;
        width: 8.2em;
        position: absolute;
        left: -1000em;
        text-decoration: underline;
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to auto so it comes onto the screen below its parent menu item */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        left: auto;
        background-image: url(../tab1.png);
    /* Menu item containers are same fixed width as parent */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul li
        width: 8.2em;
    /* Submenus should appear slightly overlapping to the right (95%) and up (-5%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul ul
        position: absolute;
        margin: -5% 0 0 95%;
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to 0 so it comes onto the screen */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        left: auto;
        top: 0;
    DESIGN INFORMATION: describes color scheme, borders, fonts
    /* Submenu containers have borders on all sides */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul
    /* Menu items are a light gray block with padding and no text decoration */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a
        display: block;
        cursor: default;
        padding: 0.5em 0.75em;
        color: #FFFFFF;
        text-decoration: none;
        border-left-color: #0063bd;
        border-right-color: #0063bd;
        border-right-width: 3px;
        border-left-width: thin;
        font-family: Calibri;
        font-weight: bold;
        font-size: 19px;
    /* Menu items that have mouse over or focus have a blue background and white text */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:hover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:focus
        color: #000000;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus are set to MenuBarItemHover with a blue background and white text */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemHover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        color: #000000;
    SUBMENU INDICATION: styles if there is a submenu under a given menu item
    /* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
        background-image: url(SpryMenuBarDown.gif);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
        background-image: url(SpryMenuBarRight.gif);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
        background-image: url(SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
        background-image: url(SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    BROWSER HACKS: the hacks below should not be changed unless you are an expert
    /* HACK FOR IE: to make sure the sub menus show above form controls, we underlay each submenu with an iframe */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal iframe
        position: absolute;
        z-index: 1010;
    /* HACK FOR IE: to stabilize appearance of menu items; the slash in float is to keep IE 5.0 from parsing */
    @media screen, projection
        ul.MenuBarHorizontal li.MenuBarItemIE
        display: inline-block;
        f\loat: left;
        position: relative;

    Hey gramps, thanks for the info, i have updated my spry framework to 1.6.1 but the problem is still the same, i recreated my menu with the new 1.6 and it still doing the same thing, the submenu's are like vertically reversed... ugh need help.
    here the new code
    @charset "UTF-8";
    /* SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css - version 0.6 - Spry Pre-Release 1.6.1 */
    /* Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. */
    LAYOUT INFORMATION: describes box model, positioning, z-order
    /* The outermost container of the Menu Bar, an auto width box with no margin or padding */
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 100%;
        cursor: default;
        width: auto;
    /* Set the active Menu Bar with this class, currently setting z-index to accomodate IE rendering bug: http://therealcrisp.xs4all.nl/meuk/IE-zindexbug.html */
        z-index: 1000;
    /* Menu item containers, position children relative to this container and are a fixed width */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal li
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 100%;
        position: relative;
        text-align: left;
        cursor: pointer;
        width: 10.4em;
        float: left;
    /* Submenus should appear below their parent (top: 0) with a higher z-index, but they are initially off the left side of the screen (-1000em) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 100%;
        z-index: 1020;
        cursor: default;
        width: 8.2em;
        position: absolute;
        left: -1000em;
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to auto so it comes onto the screen below its parent menu item */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        left: auto;
        background-image: url(../tab1.png);
        line-height: 18px;
    /* Menu item containers are same fixed width as parent */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul li
        width: 8.2em;
    /* Submenus should appear slightly overlapping to the right (95%) and up (-5%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul ul
        position: absolute;
        margin: -5% 0 0 95%;
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to 0 so it comes onto the screen */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        left: auto;
        top: 0;
    DESIGN INFORMATION: describes color scheme, borders, fonts
    /* Submenu containers have borders on all sides */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul
        border: 1px solid #CCC;
    /* Menu items are a light gray block with padding and no text decoration */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a
        display: block;
        cursor: pointer;
        padding: 0.5em 0.75em;
        color: #FFFFFF;
        text-decoration: none;
        font-size: 19px;
        font-family: Calibri;
        font-weight: bolder;
    /* Menu items that have mouse over or focus have a blue background and white text */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:hover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:focus
        color: #000000;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus are set to MenuBarItemHover with a blue background and white text */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemHover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        color: #000000;
    SUBMENU INDICATION: styles if there is a submenu under a given menu item
    /* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    BROWSER HACKS: the hacks below should not be changed unless you are an expert
    /* HACK FOR IE: to make sure the sub menus show above form controls, we underlay each submenu with an iframe */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal iframe
        position: absolute;
        z-index: 1010;
    /* HACK FOR IE: to stabilize appearance of menu items; the slash in float is to keep IE 5.0 from parsing */
    @media screen, projection
        ul.MenuBarHorizontal li.MenuBarItemIE
        display: inline;
        f\loat: left;

  • Need help to learn BW.....

    Hi, All BW Guru,
    I am new to SAP BW, My Company is implementing SAP BW.
    i need Help from you all to Learn BW. if any one have below mention book then please send me...
    BW305 (Reporting & Analysis), BW310 (Data Warehousing), BW330 (Data Modelling), BW350 (Data Extraction),
    BW365 (Authorisation) BW370 (BPS)
    Your input will be highly appreciated....
    Thanks Regards
    Kiran Patel

    Hi, sreekanth sangaraju
    it's really happy to see your reply.
    if you have document with quite big size then you can send it by some file transfer website like..
    if possible please send.
    Kiran Patel

  • I need help with CSS and floating

    Okay, I know I need to get up on CSS and get rid of tables in
    my sites.
    However, I'm running up against a problem, and after banging
    my head
    against it for a while, I realize I need help. I've stripped
    this down
    so as to only show the area where I'm having difficulty.
    What I want is a page that has everything down the center,
    taking up no
    more than 750 pixels and no more than 550 pixels of width. No
    problem there.
    After the header and the top content, I'd like to have two
    each in it's own separately-colored box. I would like the
    column/box to be a static size, while the left-side
    column/box sizes
    Where I'm having problems is that when one column is boxed,
    it's fine,
    but whenever I wrap each column in its own box, the
    fixed-size box
    either jumps below or above the other box (depending on which
    one has
    been floated and which order the div's appear in the code).
    Here are the links:
    ex 1:
    ex 2:
    Before sending, I took a look again, just to see if I was
    anything. I did notice that it doesn't seem to be that the
    box is
    jumping down so much as it is that it's getting written over.
    Anyway, sorry for the long-winded explanation. I hope I've
    managed to
    explain what I'm trying to do well enough that someone can
    tell me where
    I'm going wrong.

    Do you want something like this:
    You will need to look at the code to see how it was done.
    Otherwise, there are different examples here on Pauls' site:
    Adobe� Community Expert : Dreamweaver
    - CSS Templates | Free Templates
    - Web Dev
    - Dropdown Menu Templates|Tutorials
    "Kevin D-R" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > Okay, I know I need to get up on CSS and get rid of
    tables in my sites.
    > However, I'm running up against a problem, and after
    banging my head
    > against it for a while, I realize I need help. I've
    stripped this down so
    > as to only show the area where I'm having difficulty.
    > What I want is a page that has everything down the
    center, taking up no
    > more than 750 pixels and no more than 550 pixels of
    width. No problem
    > there.
    > After the header and the top content, I'd like to have
    two "columns", each
    > in it's own separately-colored box. I would like the
    right-side column/box
    > to be a static size, while the left-side column/box
    sizes dynamically.
    > Where I'm having problems is that when one column is
    boxed, it's fine, but
    > whenever I wrap each column in its own box, the
    fixed-size box either
    > jumps below or above the other box (depending on which
    one has been
    > floated and which order the div's appear in the code).
    > Here are the links:
    > CSS:
    > ex 1:
    > ex 2:
    > Before sending, I took a look again, just to see if I
    was missing
    > anything. I did notice that it doesn't seem to be that
    the box is jumping
    > down so much as it is that it's getting written over.
    > Anyway, sorry for the long-winded explanation. I hope
    I've managed to
    > explain what I'm trying to do well enough that someone
    can tell me where
    > I'm going wrong.
    > Thanks,
    > --Kevin

Maybe you are looking for