JtextField Flickering

Hi All
I am facing a flickering problem in applet which is having a Swing component.I am using SwingWorker class from sun to do some background processing in event thread i tried SwingUtilities.invokeLater did help me but not that much GUI used to get freeze to prevent that i have used SwingWorker seems to be everything is working fine but some flickering is happening in JtextField whenever it's value gets changed
can somebidy tell me why is it happening and what is the solution for the same
pls note This problem arise when applet is loaded with huge data
pls help required urgently

For more clearance
I am sending u a chunk of code that is as follows :
on JTextField focusLost()
settting Object attributes which in turn firing a
a state changed event
public void stateChanged()
//doing some processing which was taking a long time
e so i added SwingWorker for the same now gui is not
getting freeze out but JtextField flickers
At least post the code that modifies the textfield. From
what i know it should not flicker when done properly.

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  • Jframe is flickering -- Urgent help please!

    Basically i want to resize the window when i click some button say, NEW or EDIT and making some components visible.
    I am using setSize() method to resize the Jframe/window and setVisible() method.
    Do i need to use other methods. If you need some other details let me know as soon as possible.
    Below is the code:
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.Insets;
    import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import com.symantec.itools.javax.swing.borders.LineBorder;
    import com.symantec.itools.javax.swing.borders.EtchedBorder;
    import com.symantec.itools.javax.swing.borders.BevelBorder;
    import com.symantec.itools.javax.swing.borders.CompoundBorder;
    import com.symantec.itools.javax.swing.borders.EmptyBorder;
    public class psRulesEditQ extends JFrame implements WindowListener
    public boolean inDebugMode = false;
    DBClient mydb;
    String SchemaID;
    int flagQ;
    int flagA;     
    DefaultListModel QuestionsModel = new DefaultListModel();
    DefaultListModel AnswersModel = new DefaultListModel();
    YesNoDialog alert;
    public psRulesEditQ (String title, DBClient mydb, String SchemaID)
    this.mydb = mydb;
    this.SchemaID = SchemaID;
    setTitle("Edit Questions for Domain: " + UserAttributes.getCurrentDomainName());
         public void init()
              // Take out this line if you don't use symantec.itools.net.RelativeURL or symantec.itools.awt.util.StatusScroller
              // This line prevents the "Swing: checked access to system event queue" message seen in some browsers.
              getRootPane().putClientProperty("defeatSystemEventQueueCheck", Boolean.TRUE);
              // This code is automatically generated by Visual Cafe when you add
              // components to the visual environment. It instantiates and initializes
              // the components. To modify the code, only use code syntax that matches
              // what Visual Cafe can generate, or Visual Cafe may be unable to back
              // parse your Java file into its visual environment.
              ShowRulesButton.setText("Show Rules");
              ShowRulesButton.setActionCommand("Show Rules");
              EditQuestionsLabel.setText("Edit Questions");
              EditQuestionsLabel.setBackground(new java.awt.Color(204,204,204));
              NewQuestionsLabel.setText("New Questions");
              NewAnswersLabel.setText("New Answers");
              EditAnswersLabel.setText("Edit Answers");
              //$$ etchedBorder1.move(0,540);
              //$$ etchedBorder2.move(24,540);
    //add all the listeners
    LAction LAction1 = new LAction();
         LSelector LSelector1 = new LSelector();
         javax.swing.JPanel EditQuestionsPanel = new javax.swing.JPanel();
         javax.swing.JScrollPane QuestionsPane = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
         javax.swing.JList QuestionsList = new javax.swing.JList();
         javax.swing.JScrollPane AnswersPane = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
         javax.swing.JList AnswersList = new javax.swing.JList();
         javax.swing.JScrollPane EditQuestionsPane = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
         javax.swing.JTextArea EditQuestionsTextArea = new javax.swing.JTextArea();
         javax.swing.JTextField EditAnswersTextField = new javax.swing.JTextField();
         javax.swing.JButton DeleteQuestionButton = new javax.swing.JButton();
         javax.swing.JButton EditQuestionButton = new javax.swing.JButton();
         javax.swing.JButton NewQuestionButton = new javax.swing.JButton();
         javax.swing.JButton DeleteAnswerButton = new javax.swing.JButton();
         javax.swing.JButton EditAnswerButton = new javax.swing.JButton();
         javax.swing.JButton NewAnswerButton = new javax.swing.JButton();
         javax.swing.JButton OkButton = new javax.swing.JButton();
         javax.swing.JButton OkButton1 = new javax.swing.JButton();
         javax.swing.JButton CancelButton = new javax.swing.JButton();
         javax.swing.JButton CancelButton1 = new javax.swing.JButton();
         javax.swing.JButton ShowRulesButton = new javax.swing.JButton();
         javax.swing.JButton CloseButton = new javax.swing.JButton();
         javax.swing.JLabel QuestionsLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
         javax.swing.JLabel AnswersLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
         javax.swing.JLabel EditQuestionsLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
         javax.swing.JLabel NewQuestionsLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
         javax.swing.JLabel NewAnswersLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
         javax.swing.JLabel EditAnswersLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
         javax.swing.JLabel BorderLabel1 = new javax.swing.JLabel();
         javax.swing.JLabel BorderLabel2 = new javax.swing.JLabel();
         javax.swing.JOptionPane JOptionPane1 = new javax.swing.JOptionPane();
         javax.swing.JOptionPane JOptionPane2 = new javax.swing.JOptionPane();
         javax.swing.JOptionPane JOptionPane3 = new javax.swing.JOptionPane();
         javax.swing.JOptionPane JOptionPane4 = new javax.swing.JOptionPane();
         javax.swing.JOptionPane JOptionPane5 = new javax.swing.JOptionPane();
         javax.swing.JOptionPane JOptionPane6 = new javax.swing.JOptionPane();
         javax.swing.JOptionPane JOptionPane7 = new javax.swing.JOptionPane();
         com.symantec.itools.javax.swing.borders.EtchedBorder etchedBorder1 = new com.symantec.itools.javax.swing.borders.EtchedBorder();
         com.symantec.itools.javax.swing.borders.EtchedBorder etchedBorder2 = new com.symantec.itools.javax.swing.borders.EtchedBorder();
    public void getQuestionInfo()
    String SQL, line, QuestionID, info="";
    QuestionID = parseID(QuestionsList.getSelectedValue().toString());
    SQL = "SELECT Additional FROM ps_questions WHERE QuestionID = " + QuestionID;
    line = mydb.getRow();
    while (mydb.more())
    info = mydb.getColumn(0);
    line = mydb.getRow();
    YesNoDialog d = new YesNoDialog(this, "Additional Information for Question " + QuestionID, info, "OK", null, null);
    if (d.getAnswer() == d.YES)
    public void getAnswerInfo()
    String SQL, line, AnswerID, info="";
    AnswerID = parseID(AnswersList.getSelectedValue().toString());
    SQL = "SELECT Additional FROM ps_answers WHERE AnswerID = " + AnswerID;
    line = mydb.getRow();
    while (mydb.more())
    info = mydb.getColumn(0);
    line = mydb.getRow();
    YesNoDialog d = new YesNoDialog(this, "Additional Information for Answer " + AnswerID, info, "OK", null, null);
    if (d.getAnswer() == d.YES)
    public void getQuestions()
    String SQL, line;
    SQL = "SELECT QuestionID, QuestionText FROM tps_questions WHERE SchemaID = " + SchemaID + " ORDER BY QuestionID ASC";
    line = mydb.getRow();
    while (mydb.more())
    QuestionsModel.addElement("Q" + mydb.getColumn(0) + ": " + mydb.getColumn(1));
    line = mydb.getRow();
    public String parseID(String str)
    return str.substring(1, str.indexOf(":"));
    public void getAnswers()
    String SQL, line, QuestionID;
    String Question = QuestionsList.getSelectedValue().toString();
    QuestionID = parseID(Question);
    SQL = "SELECT AnswerID, AnswerText FROM tps_answers WHERE QuestionID = " + QuestionID;
    line = mydb.getRow();
    while (mydb.more())
    AnswersModel.addElement("A" + mydb.getColumn(0) + ": " + mydb.getColumn(1));
    line = mydb.getRow();
    public void setQuestion()
    String q = QuestionsList.getSelectedValue().toString();
    EditQuestionsTextArea.setText(q.substring(q.indexOf(":")+2, q.length()));
    public void setAnswer()
    String q = AnswersList.getSelectedValue().toString();
    EditAnswersTextField.setText(q.substring(q.indexOf(":")+2, q.length()));
    public String getNewID(String tableName, String fieldName)
    String SQL, line, newID;
    SQL = "";
    if (tableName.equals("tps_answers"))
    SQL = "SELECT MAX(AnswerID) FROM " + tableName;
    else if (tableName.equals("tps_questions"))
    SQL = "SELECT MAX(QuestionID) FROM " + tableName;
    line = mydb.getRow();
    int n = Integer.parseInt(mydb.getColumn(0).trim());
    newID = n + "";
    return newID;
    public void addNewQuestion()
    //add to db and list
    int index;
    String q, QuestionID;
    q = EditQuestionsTextArea.getText();
    QuestionID = getNewID("tps_questions", "QuestionID");
    if (!(q.substring(q.length()-1, q.length())).equals("?"))
    q = q + "?";
    QuestionsModel.addElement("Q" + QuestionID + ": " + q);
    mydb.setColumn("QuestionID", QuestionID);
    mydb.setColumn("SchemaID", SchemaID);
    mydb.setColumn("QuestionText", "'" + q + "'");
    mydb.setColumn("Additional", "'null'");
         index = QuestionsModel.getSize();
    public void addEditQuestion()
         int i = QuestionsModel.indexOf(QuestionsList.getSelectedValue());
         String QuestionID = parseID(QuestionsList.getSelectedValue().toString());
         String q = EditQuestionsTextArea.getText();
              if (!(q.substring(q.length()-1, q.length())).equals("?"))
    q = q + "?";
         QuestionsModel.set(i, "Q" + QuestionID + ": " + q);
         mydb.editRow("tps_questions","QuestionID = " + QuestionID);
         mydb.setColumn("QuestionID", QuestionID);
    mydb.setColumn("SchemaID", SchemaID);
    mydb.setColumn("QuestionText", "'" + q + "'");
    mydb.setColumn("Additional", "'null'");
    public void addEditAnswer()
         String a, AnswerID, QuestionID;
    String q = QuestionsList.getSelectedValue().toString();
    a = EditAnswersTextField.getText();
    if (inDebugMode) System.err.println("a = " + a);
    QuestionID = parseID(q);
         int i = AnswersModel.indexOf(AnswersList.getSelectedValue());
    AnswerID = parseID(AnswersList.getSelectedValue().toString());
    AnswersModel.set(i, "A" + AnswerID + ": " + a);
    mydb.editRow("tps_answers","AnswerID = " + AnswerID);
    mydb.setColumn("QuestionID", QuestionID);
    mydb.setColumn("AnswerID", AnswerID);
    mydb.setColumn("SchemaId", SchemaID);
    mydb.setColumn("AnswerText", "'" + a + "'");
    mydb.setColumn("Additional", "'null'");
    // EditAnswersTextField.setText("");
    public void addNewAnswer()
    //getItems() method in List
    String a, AnswerID, QuestionID;
    String q = QuestionsList.getSelectedValue().toString();
    a = EditAnswersTextField.getText();
    if (inDebugMode) System.err.println("a = " + a);
    QuestionID = parseID(q);
    AnswerID = getNewID("tps_answers", "AnswerID");
    mydb.setColumn("QuestionID", QuestionID);
    mydb.setColumn("AnswerID", AnswerID);
    mydb.setColumn("SchemaId", SchemaID);
    mydb.setColumn("AnswerText", "'" + a + "'");
    mydb.setColumn("Additional", "'null'");
    AnswersModel.addElement("A" + AnswerID + ": " + a);
    //added 9-2-97 lmc - deletes an answer
    public void deleteAnswer(String answer)
    String msg;
    String Answer = AnswersList.getSelectedValue().toString();
    String AnswerID = answer.substring(1, answer.indexOf(":"));
    msg = "Are you sure you want to delete the answer:\n";
    msg += " \n";
    msg += AnswersList.getSelectedValue().toString() + " \n";
    msg += " \nThe following rules also use this question as a precondition.\n";
    //for (int i=0; i<rules.getLastVisibleIndex(); i++)
    // rules.setSelectedIndex(i);
    // msg += " \n rule " + rules.getSelectedIndex();
    msg += " \n \nDeleting the answer will affect these rules.";
    YesNoDialog confirm = new YesNoDialog(this, "Delete Answer " + AnswerID, msg, "Delete", "Cancel", null);
    if (confirm.getAnswer() == confirm.YES)
    mydb.deleteRow("tps_answers", "AnswerID=" + AnswerID);
    mydb.deleteRow("tps_preconditions", "AnswerID=" + AnswerID);
    else System.err.println("did not delete");
    public void deleteQuestion(String question)
    String msg, SQL, line;
    String QuestionID = question.substring(1, question.indexOf(":"));
    msg = "Are you sure you want to delete the question:\n";
    msg += " \n";
    msg += QuestionsList.getSelectedValue().toString() + " \n";
    msg += " \nThe following rules also use this question as a precondition.\n";
    //for (int i=0; i<rules.getLastVisibleIndex(); i++)
    // rules.setSelectedIndex(i);
    // msg += " \n rule " + rules.getSelectedIndex();
    msg += " \n \nDeleting the question will affect these rules.";
    YesNoDialog confirm = new YesNoDialog(this, "Delete Question " + QuestionID, msg, "Delete", "Cancel", null);
    if (confirm.getAnswer() == confirm.YES)
    mydb.deleteRow("tps_questions", "QuestionID=" + QuestionID);
    SQL = "SELECT QuestionID FROM tps_answers WHERE QuestionID=" + QuestionID;
    line = mydb.getRow();
    while (mydb.more())
    mydb.deleteRow("tps_answers", "QuestionID=" + QuestionID);
    line = mydb.getRow();
    else System.err.println("did not delete");
    public void showRules(String question)
    ListFrame allRules;
    String QuestionID = question.substring(1, question.indexOf(":"));
    allRules = new ListFrame("All the Rules that Contain Question " + QuestionID, "Q", question, rules);
    /* //added 2/18/01 srh to make the "Show Rules" button work
    public void showRules(String question, String answer)
    ListFrame allRules;
    java.awt.List matchingRules = new java.awt.List();
    String listId, type="", SQL, line;
    if (question != null)
    {  listId = question.substring(1, question.indexOf(":"));
    type = "Quesiton";
    else if (answer != null)
    {  listId = answer.substring(1, question.indexOf(":"));
    type = "Answer";
    {  //AppletGlobals.eval("alert('You must choose a quesiton or answer to display.')");
    alert = new YesNoDialog(this, "Add Answer ...", "You must choose a quesiton or answer to display.", "OK", null, null);
    SQL = "SELECT RuleID FROM tps_preconditions WHERE PreQuestionId = "+ listId;
    line = mydb.getRow();
    while (mydb.more())
    line = mydb.getRow();
    allRules = new ListFrame("All the Rules that Contain "+type+" " + listId, "P", question, matchingRules);
    public void getRulesQ(String question)
    String SQL, line;
    String QuestionID;
         rules = new javax.swing.Jlist();
    QuestionID = question.substring(1, question.indexOf(":"));
    SQL = "SELECT RuleID FROM tps_preconditions WHERE PreQuestionID=" + QuestionID;
    line = mydb.getRow();
    while (mydb.more())
    line = mydb.getRow();
    public void getRulesA(String answer)
    String SQL, line;
    String AnswerID;
    rules = new javax.swing.Jlist();
    AnswerID = answer.substring(1, answer.indexOf(":"));
    SQL = "SELECT RuleID FROM tps_preconditions WHERE AnswerID=" + AnswerID;
    line = mydb.getRow();
    while (mydb.more())
    line = mydb.getRow();
         //ActionListener method
         class LAction implements java.awt.event.ActionListener
    public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent event)
         Object object = event.getSource();
              if (object == CloseButton)
              else if (object == NewQuestionButton)
                        flagQ = 0;
              else if (object == NewAnswerButton)
                        flagA = 0;
                             if (QuestionsList.isSelectionEmpty())
                             JOptionPane5.showMessageDialog(psRulesEditQ.this, "Select the question first!","Message",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
                   else if (object == EditQuestionButton)
                        flagQ = 1;
                             if (QuestionsList.isSelectionEmpty())
                             JOptionPane2.showMessageDialog(psRulesEditQ.this, "Select a question to edit!","Message",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
                   else if (object == EditAnswerButton)
                        flagA = 1;
                             if (AnswersList.isSelectionEmpty())
                             JOptionPane3.showMessageDialog(psRulesEditQ.this, "Select an answer to edit!","Message",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
              else if (object == OkButton)
                   if (flagQ == 0)
                                  String x = EditQuestionsTextArea.getText();
                                  if (x.equals(""))
                                  JOptionPane6.showMessageDialog(psRulesEditQ.this, "You must type in a question first!","Message",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
                             else if (flagQ == 1)
              else if (object == OkButton1)
                             if (flagA == 0)
                                  String y = EditAnswersTextField.getText();
                                  if (y.equals(""))
                                  JOptionPane7.showMessageDialog(psRulesEditQ.this, "You must type in an answer first!","Message",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
                             else if (flagA == 1)
              else if (object == DeleteQuestionButton)
                             if (QuestionsList.isSelectionEmpty())
                             JOptionPane1.showMessageDialog(psRulesEditQ.this, "Select a question to delete!","Message",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);
              else if (object == DeleteAnswerButton)
                   if (AnswersList.isSelectionEmpty())
                             JOptionPane4.showMessageDialog(psRulesEditQ.this, "Select an answer to delete!","Message",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);

    I have a JApplet with JComponents. When the size of the JApplet is larger than the browser, scrollbar of the browser is used. Flickering is very worse when scrolled. Any help in this regard is appreciated.

  • Trivial program flickers on startup.

    The following program flickers on startup - the field is sometimes displayed, then erased, then displayed again.
    From the output to the error stream, it appears that the field is being painted, before the frame has even been. It's not surprising then that it gets erased when the frame is painted for the first time. This happens after the frame is made visible.
    Indeed. I've got around it with a hack which consists of having JTextField's paint method ignore the request if the frame hasn't been painted.
    But why does this happen?
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.Container;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    public class Flicker implements Runnable {
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Flicker());
         public void run() {
              JFrame jf = new MyFrame();
              jf.setSize(800, 800);
              Container jfcp = jf.getContentPane();
              JComponent jtf = new MyTextField();
              jtf.setLocation(500, 500);
              System.err.println("Setting frame visible");
         class MyTextField extends JTextField {
              public void paint(Graphics g) {
                   System.err.println("JTextField paint called");
              MyTextField() {
                   super("Field text");
         class MyFrame extends JFrame {
              public void paint(Graphics g) {
                   System.err.println("JFrame paint called");
              public void update(Graphics g) {
                   System.err.println("JFrame update called");

    OK, FWIW, what I've surmised is this. When the JFrame is set visible, a PaintEvent is posted to the event queue. Then, when the swing component's repaint methods are called, the RepaintManager posts an InvocationEvent to run some code that will call the components' paint(Graphics) methods.
    The problem is that InvocationEvent events have a higher priority than PaintEvent events, so when the code constructing the component graph completes, the first event that gets dispatched is the one for the RepaintManager, which accordingly paints the components. Then finally the paint event is dispatched, and the frame paints itself and its children.
    A workaround, of sorts, is to set the frame visible as soon as it has been constructed and had its size and position set, and then to defer the rest of the code to a point after the PaintEvent is dispatched. This can be done using an AwtEventListener, as shown below. The major downside is that adding such a listener may be prevented by a SecurityManager.
    It becomes more fun when a layout manager is used for the frame, because it cannot be sized until all its descendant components have been added. The best I can think of is to add them all, pack the frame, then remove them again (or just their common ancestor), set the frame visible, and again wait for the paint event before adding them back.
    I can only assume that everyone out there is using such fast machines that the flicker is not visible.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.AWTEvent;
    import java.awt.Container;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Toolkit;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.event.AWTEventListener;
    import java.awt.event.PaintEvent;
    public class Flicker implements Runnable {
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Flicker());
         public void run() {
              final JFrame jf = new MyFrame();
              jf.setSize(800, 800);
              new MyAwtEventListener(jf, new Runnable() {
                   public void run() {
         private void secondPart(JFrame jf) {
              Container jfcp = jf.getContentPane();
              JComponent jtf = new MyTextField();
              jtf.setLocation(500, 500);
              System.err.println("Setting frame visible");
         static class MyAwtEventListener implements AWTEventListener {
              private final Runnable runnable;
              private final Component component;
              MyAwtEventListener(Component component, Runnable runnable) {
                   this.runnable = runnable;
                   this.component = component;
                   Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener(this, PaintEvent.PAINT_EVENT_MASK);
              public void eventDispatched(AWTEvent event) {
                   if(event.getID() == PaintEvent.PAINT && event.getSource() == component) {
         class MyTextField extends JTextField {
              public void paint(Graphics g) {
                   System.err.println("JTextField paint called");
              MyTextField() {
                   super("Field text");
         class MyFrame extends JFrame {
              public void paint(Graphics g) {
                   System.err.println("JFrame paint called");
              public void update(Graphics g) {
                   System.err.println("JFrame update called");

  • JTextField [] and MouseEntered

    I know this type of question has been asked in the forums before, but might is kind of different...i think.
    I have an array of JTextFields and i want each of there color to turn to GRAY when the mouse is on top of them.
    So if mouse is on top of TextField1 then only TextField1 turns GRAY.
    my Current mouseEntered() method is this
    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent me)
                 for (int i=0; i < nasdaqTFs.length; i++){
    This, obviously, turns ALL the TextFields to GRAY when the cursor is in the Panel. So cursor can be anywhere and they all turn GRAY.
    So the question is...how do i find out when the Cursor is on the Specific TextField.

    Learning from earlier today This time i did write a Short Example of what i want done.
    Maybe this time i didnt do a bad job at it
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Listener extends JFrame implements MouseListener
         JTextField t;
         JTextField t1;
         public Listener ()
              super ("test");
              Container c = getContentPane();
              c.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              t = new JTextField(4);
              c.add(t, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              t1 = new JTextField (4);
              c.add(t1, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              MouseMotionListener don = new MouseMotionAdapter(){
              public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent me) {
         public static void main (String args[])
              Listener l = new Listener ();
           public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent me)
             /*JTextField tf = (JTextField) me.getSource();
           public void mouseExited(MouseEvent me)
             /*JTextField tf = (JTextField) me.getSource();
           public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me){}
           public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me){}
           public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me){}
    }This GUI wont change colors of TF's either. However when i move around the GUI i see somethin Green flickering!

  • Unwanted flickering graphics

    My code produces annoying flickering graphics. Can somebody explain how to fix this?
    Here is the code. Sorry for the lack of comments. I am sure that if you know java you will know what is going on.
    import java.lang.Integer;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.font.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
    import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.JApplet.*;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import java.applet.Applet;
    //Class definition
    public class Shapeshift extends JApplet {
    JTextField hfield = new JTextField(10);
    private int x;
    public void init() {
    int start = 0;
    GridBagLayout gbl = new GridBagLayout();
    GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
    gbc.weightx = 1;
    gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
    JLabel h = new JLabel();
    gbl.setConstraints(h, gbc);
    hfield.setText(start + "");
    JButton up = new JButton();
    up.addActionListener(new T1C());
    class T1C implements ActionListener
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    x = (int)(Integer.parseInt(hfield.getText())) + 1;
    hfield.setText(x + "");
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
    Dimension d = getSize();
    int w = d.width;
    int h = d.height;
    AffineTransform saveXform = g2.getTransform();
    AffineTransform toCenterAt = new AffineTransform();
    toCenterAt.translate(w/2, h/2);
    g2.fillRect(x, 0, 50, 50);
    g2.fillRect(-25, -20, x + 25, 90);
    g2.fillRect(50, -20, 25, 90);
    public static void main( String[] argv ) {
    //if ( argv.length > 0 && argv[0].equals( "-no2d" ) ) {
    // Transform.no2D = true;
    JFrame frame = new JFrame( "Transform" );
    frame.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter(){
    public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e ){
    System.exit( 0 );
    JApplet applet = new Shapeshift();
    frame.getContentPane().add( BorderLayout.CENTER, applet );
    frame.setSize( 550, 400 );

    I agree with Pete, you should make it extend JPanel, not JApplet. There are a few things you should change. Instead of writing:
    getContentPane().add(...);Just write:setLayout(...);
    add(...);Also, you should be overriding the paintComponent() method, not the paint() method.

  • Apple Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter flickers

    I have 2 Samsung SyncMaster 23 in, HD Displays connected to my Mac Mini. The Display connected via the Mini DP to VGA adapter flickers erratically. This started happening after installing the latest upgrade of OSX Mountain Lion. I called Apple support, they gave me a list of steps to try to fix the problem, which I followed to the letter, to no avail. The problem is annoying, to say the least. I tried to find out if there was a firmware update for the adapter, but I am running the latest firmware (1.03).
    I would appreciate any help to solve this issue.

    Thank you for your message.
    1. Both monitors only have VGA input.
    2. The other adapter, Mini-DVI to VGA has always worked properly.
    3. The Mini DisplayPort to VGA adapter is an Apple original product I bought at an Apple store. I bought 2 adapters.
    4. Actually I have 2  Mini DisplayPort to VGA adapters: The one I use with my Mac Mini, and another adapter I use to connect my Mac Book Pro to a Panasonic projector.
    5. I have tried using both adapters, and the flickering problem is present using either adapter.
    6. I believe the flickering problem is definitely something that needs to be addressed and solved by Apple. The adapter is its product, and should work as advertised, no matter what version of OSX I am running. Please remember that there was no flickering before I upgraded to the latest OSX Mountain Lion.
    7. I do not believe buying an adapter from another manufacturer, as you suggest, would solve the problem.
    Thank you for your help.

  • I have a brand new MacBook Air 11 inch, 4gb RAM and 256 gb SSD where the screen flickered abnormally and got dead all of a sudden while uploading a photograph in FB. Can anybody help?

    I have a new MacBook Air 11 inch, 4gb RAM, 256 SSD and use Mavericks OS. It is still under waranty period.
    Just few days ago while I was uploading a photograph in facebook, the screen started flickering abnoromally. I tried using the escape button but nothing was working so switched off by pressing the power button.
    After few minutes I tried to switch it on but my system never waked up. Called up the Apple Support, did SMC and PRAM but nothing worked. Then I was advised to take it to Apple's authorised service centre.
    At the service centre the engineers diagnoised and then said that the MLB/mother board needs to be replaced. Had waited for six-long days and today they had replaced the MLB/mother board. Now, the system came to life but nothing has booted. The screen goes white and a '?' question mark icon keeps on flickering.
    After thoroughly diagnoising it the engineer said that now the problem is with the SSD and the worse thing is all my important documents and photographs etc are no more there. And I don't have a backup of the same!
    While Apple Support contact centre is assuring they would replace any other parts if found faulty, but I feel differently. First, the MLB/mother board was changed now they say it is SSD problem - so if the SSD too is replaced there are possibilities of more faults coming up. All I can see and feel that this particular machine has turned out to be architectually deffective that calls for immediate replacement.
    Right now I am using a friend's windows pc to write this mail.
    Feeling completely miserable - all my expectatations gone after investing in such an expensive machine, loss of all my data, wastage of time and energy and to top it all affecting my daily work.
    Can anybody please advise what shall I do?

    Take the system to an Apple store to be fixed or replaced as the one you have has defective hardware.

  • Open and Close OnScreen Keyboard while focus gain on JTextField

    I have a Jtextfield when ever I click on textfield I want to open OSK(On Screen Keyboard) of Windows 8 OS and windows 7.
    I tried in below mentioned way to open and close in focus listener focusGained() and focusLost() but it is not working. could some body do needful.
    Opening OSK:
    builder = new ProcessBuilder("cmd /c " + sysroot + " /System32/osk.exe");
    Closing Osk:
    Runtime.getRuntime().exec("taskkill /f /im osk.exe");

    You need to start() the ProcessBuilder and you need to split the command like this:
    builder  = new ProcessBuilder("cmd", "/c", sysroot + " /System32/osk.exe");
    And naturally you should wrap the call in a new Thread or use an ExecutorService to avoid EDT problems.

  • Hard Drive Is Flickering:

    I have been podcasting...downloading lots of the free ones... and some of them are a few megabytes but some are 1/2 of a gigabite. This takes up space, and also OS X And OS 9 on the same 10gb hard drive. There is 1.5 gb left.
    My 80gb samsung hard drive connected to USB, keeps getting "Device Removal" again, and I opened Disk Utility and it said something like "It is a 1 and it should be 0." and it did not repair it. }=[ It still mounted it, and it has all the files and nothing appears to be damaged or missing, but it kept not-ejecting the hard drive. It began when I transfered a large podcast file onto the external hard drive and Finder hung on the transfer. Finder itself did not freeze up, it was simply not finishing the transfer file. I forced quit Finder and it would not come back up. I went into Terminal and typed
    and it came up. and it froze and then I typed killall finder and closed out of Terminal and re-opened it. Finder launched by itself this time with no problems... but I ran disk utility and my disk is messed up. That's it. I am going to connect the large hard drives to OS 9 only, and to transfer files off of OS X, I will use SD Cards with a USB adapter.
    And in a few weeks I will buy fire wire enclosures. I hope very much that the fire wire won't have the same issues that USB has. It is plugged into USB hub now. The hub is self powered...and plugged into its own power strip. I know I shouldn't use USB hubs, but it can be difficult to have the hard drives plugged in, sync-ing an ipod, etc. all at the same time, and it annoying to have to unmount and disconnect routinely. Also...all my mp3s are stored on the external drive...so that is one reason why I had the ipod connected to the imac, and a hub connected to the imac with everything else (keyboard, mouse, and one of the USB enclosures) so I could easily have mp3s on my ipod.
    But the only thing I did when it hung was transferring one (very large) podcast from internal hard drive to external hard drive.
    Anyways, I have more "Computer Trauma" and do not ever want to connect external hard drives while running OS X. even with fire wire.
    Also I am not going to bother moving files off of damaged directory hard drives with USB. I hope Fire Wire will be MUCH faster.
    And This Is Where I Am Now:
    I connected USB enclosure with the 80gb Samsung directly to an imac with OS 9 booted and I turned on the enclusurer. The volume mounted instantly. Files could be accessed instantly. I also transferred some files on it to see if it would let me or if it would display an error message. It let me put files on it.
    Why was it flickering for like 10 minutes???????????????
    The light was flickering from green to red a lot.
    Is this "Mount Check" ?????????????
    I thought Mount Check turned the arrow into a watch and the clock froze until the volume could be mounted. But the volume mounted, nothing froze, but the mouse arrow was slow and choppy for a while. It has stopped flickering. The light on the enclosure is green. What was OS 9 doing?????? Mount Check????? Defragmenting????? Repairing a directory?????? =S
    Also.........sometimes when I had it connected it to OS X, OS X was doing something to my hard drive. =S I don't know what, but I wanted to eject the drive and it wouldn't let me!!!!!!! }=S I did not have any applications open such as iTunes, which could have been Using the hard drive. =S
    And..... since I have discarded my 120gb maxtor, and the 20gb Western Digital and a 20gb Maxtor got zapped by that Blue And White power mac g3. ... I am using a damaged 80gb seagate.
    I connected it. Nothing was on it anymore. But I connected it to OS 9. I erased it, because it said "the disk could not be read". It formatted it as
    And. every time I mount it, It says "...disk could not be read...", and if I select, "Eject"...
    It mounts!!!!!!!!! =S
    I can store files on it. I am not going to attempt to connect it to OS X. But OS 9 mounts it, even when it is damaged.
    I appreciate lots of advice.
    What I have:
    = 80gb samsung with a 1 that should be a 0.
    = 80gb seagate with damage but os 9 formatted it as 40gb and if I select eject on the error message, it mounts it instead.
    = 2 imacs. One with a os 9 startup volume, and one with a OS X startup volume. Both with OS 9 drivers. imac g3s.
    = 2 USB enclosures. But I am going to get Fire Wire. and some large drives. (should I get SATA, or 2.5 inch... or do these cost more????????? )
    = AC adapter USB hubs... 7 port, with LED, and connected to its own power strip. The enclosures also have their own power strips. No, the power strips are not plugged into each other.

    I appreciate any advice that people have.
    It is possible that one of my enclosures has faulty power...something could be loose. An error message occured once while transferring files with OS 9.
    I am still going to use OS 9 to move files and organize files that are in external storage because in my experiences, OS 9 is less likely to cause directory damage in the event of some power failure.

  • Display is flickering and can't install Mac mini EFI Updater 1.7 on mac mini late 2012

    I have been suffering display flickering problem...

    What happens when you try to install the update? > http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1616

  • What's wrong with my MacBook? It's flickering and beeps.

    I bought my MacBook Pro 13" in October 2012. It worked fine and then on December 25 I was using it and a rainbow on vertical stripes started flickering and took over the screen so I had to hold down the power button and shut it down. I took it to the Genius Bar and she did nothing for me. About a month ago the screen started to flicker and was completely distorted. I took it in and they sent it to Austin where they reset the RAM. I got it back and yesterday I pressed the power button and the screen stayed black and it beeped three times then paused, beeped three times, paused, and continued in this pattern. And later last night I tried to turn it on again and it turned on but after about five minutes it flickered and the screen was completely distorted. So I forced shut down. The same thing happened again this morning with it working for about 5 minutes then distorting. This is annoying because I've taken it in twice and it continuously have the same problem. The only thing I have downloaded is Google Chrome. Before they sent it in and reset the RAM and to factory version I had Sims 3 on it but when I got it back Sims 3 wasn't on it because I was reset to factory settings, so Sims couldn't be causing it.

    beeps http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1547
    Bad RAM can be fine for awhile, then not be fine.
    You can run the Apple Hardware Test yourself
    Reboot holding the D key
    Not a definitive test, but will give you more information.
    Genius reservation http://www.apple.com/retail/geniusbar/
    check warranty https://selfsolve.apple.com/agreementWarrantyDynamic.do

  • Satellite U400 - Display flickers when idle

    As mentioned, I've this problem of flickering whenever I don't run the screensaver! My machine is still under warranty and this problem has been persisting 3 months from now. Please tell me if any configuration or any measures to be taken...
    Thanks in advance and regards,
    Sanjeev Gopinath V

    Can you please test an external monitor on your notebook? So you can determine if the problem persists only on the internal monitor or external monitor too.
    But before you go to an ASP you should make sure that you are using the newest display driver from the Toshiba website. Check this:
    http://eu.computers.toshiba-europe.com => Support & Downloads => Download Drivers
    If you have the flickering on the internal monitor I think you will need professional help from an authorized service provider. The technicians can check your notebook and if your notebook is under warranty the repair should be for free.

  • Flickering on display

    Hi there is an intermittent flickering on my 15" Macbook pro retina?What can i do about it?Thank you in advance.

    Reset PRAM.  http://support.apple.com/kb/PH4405
    Reset SMC.     http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3964
    Choose the appropriate method.
    "Resetting SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own".
    If this does not help, contact Apple.
    Genius Bar reservation

  • Display Error - weird black/blue flickering boxes on display

    I have recently started experiencing a very strange error with my iMac G5 display. I notice it most when using Expose. As the screens zoom in and out, several black or blue boxes can be seen flickering in the background. Each box is square and approximately 2 inches x 2 inches.
    Also, if I scroll my mouse across the icons in my dock, suddenly a large, very zoomed in version of my dock is superimposed over the actual dock. Sometimes random black boxes appear behind an icon in the dock too.
    If I activate expose, the boxes or zoomed in dock disappear. Also if I scroll up and down a page, the boxes vanish but can sometimes reappear later.
    It started a few days ago, but then went completely by itself. It's just started up again tonight. I haven't changed anything on my computer or downloaded anything that might have caused this issue.
    I'm not sure if it's a hardware thing or something wrong with my settings. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

    I have already checked those and neither are activated.
    Also, if there is an animated gif, or something that moves, the entire display is filled with a horizontal line that's the same colour and height as the gif. If I refresh the screen or activate expose, it vanishes, but then comes back pretty soon after,
    It's funny because I've had it on most of today (after being shut down all night) and it's been fine. It's just started again this evening. Makes me think something could be overheating perhaps.
    Thanks for trying to help anyway.

  • Display flickering after switching laptop on, display flickering after switching laptop on

    after switching on my laptop the screen starts flickering.

    after switching on my laptop the screen starts flickering.

Maybe you are looking for

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