JTree de-highlight node

I have a JTree with DefaultMutableTreeNode-s
I am using a SINGLE_SELECTION_MODE model
When I use the mouse to select a node in the JTree, it automatically highlights that node. What should I use if I want to be able to use the mouse to de-select the node and remove the highlight?

CTRL-click the node to de-select it.

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    I'd like to know how I can produce the efect of highlighting nodes in a JTree when the mouse moves over the JTree.

    You say to get the mouseevent coordinates with a mouse
    listener, but which component should be the caller of
    the methos addMouseListener?
    If I choose the jtree, I can't get the 'mouseevent
    coordinates' each time the mouse moves over a node,
    because the methods mouseEntered and mouseExited are
    invoked just once (when the mouse enter inside the
    jtree's area (mouseEntered), and when the mouse gets
    out the jtree's area(mouseExited)), so I can't change
    the boolean field to true for nodes which have the
    mouse over.just use mouseMoved of the MouseMotionListener.
    however, i have my doubts that you will have a lot of fun with the suggested method (correct though it is).
    at least make sure you only call the repaint method if the mouse moved into a new node. you might want to try the the nodeChanged method, that way you don't repaint the whole tree every time.

  • Highlighting nodes in JTree

    Hey guys please help me for this.
    I want to generate a Tree. In which after some action a few nodes are selected.
    Now i want to highlight those selected node in the Tree. Is it possible ??
    Is anyone have any clue how to do that.
    Thanks in advance

    well, even I'm facing this issue in my application but i did a small workaround. I am sure there should be a better way of achieving this, which i hope someone will post in this thread.
    Use Html tags in displaying the highlighted node:
    DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode ("<html><b>node1</b></html>");

  • How to create JTree without root node

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    Any help?

    javadocs JTree,
    public void setRootVisible(boolean rootVisible)
    Determines whether or not the root node from the TreeModel is visible.
    rootVisible - true if the root node of the tree is to be displayedSee Also:

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    The tree has nodes. Node name can include the number in brackets, for example "Messages (1)". Requires such nodes in the tree is highlighted in red, regardless of whether a node is selected or not. At the same time a tree node can be at different levels, not necessarily at the root or leaf.
    I made javascript, but it does not work correctly, API tree is not very clear.
    The script highlights only the first level and all children, and that is not true.
    treeData = window [tree.attr ('id'). replace (/ ^ tree (\ d +)$/, 'l $ 1Data')] [0]. children;
    for (var i = 0; i <treeData.length; i + +)
    try {
    if (/ \ S + \ (\ d + \) $ /. test (treeData . data.title))
    {apex.jQuery ('li [id =' + treeData [i]. attributes.id + '] a'). css ('color', 'red'). css ('font-weight', 'bold'); }} catch (err) {}
    for (var j = 0; j <treeData [i]. children.length; j + +)
    try {if (/ \ S + \ (\ d + \) $ /. test (treeData [i]. children [j]. data.title)
    {apex.jQuery ('li [id =' + treeData [i]. children [j]. attributes.id + '] a'). css ('color', 'red'). css ('font-weight', 'bold');}} catch (err) {}
    Help please!
    [Not correctly work: http://files.mail.ru/FHON5H|http://files.mail.ru/FHON5H]

    It can be used static ID for node
    In sql:
    case when msg_count>0 then 'TreeRed_' || rownum
    else 'TreeBlack_' || rownum
    end as value,
    In js:
    $('[id^="TreeRed_"]').children('a').css('color', 'red').css('font-weight', 'bold');
    How can I highlight node without renaming ID, couse I need ID for links?

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    If you have some links or samples that can help me and send them I'll appreciate it very much.
    Thank you

    I guess you want those JCheckBoxes to act as editors (not just renderers of their model node's state).
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    to take a wild guess:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    public class HighlightTreeNodeTest {
      private final JTree tree       = new JTree();
      private final JTextField field = new JTextField("foo");
      private final JButton button   = new JButton();
      private final MyTreeCellRenderer renderer =
        new MyTreeCellRenderer(tree.getCellRenderer());
      public JComponent makeUI() {
        field.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new DocumentListener() {
          @Override public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
          @Override public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
          @Override public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {}
        renderer.q = field.getText();
        JPanel p = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(5, 5));
        p.add(field, BorderLayout.NORTH);
        p.add(new JScrollPane(tree));
        return p;
      private void fireDocumentChangeEvent() {
        String q = field.getText();
        renderer.q = q;
        TreePath root = tree.getPathForRow(0);
        collapseAll(tree, root);
        if (!q.isEmpty()) searchTree(tree, root, q);
      private static void searchTree(JTree tree, TreePath path, String q) {
        TreeNode node = (TreeNode)path.getLastPathComponent();
        if (node==null) return;
        if (node.toString().startsWith(q)) tree.expandPath(path.getParentPath());
        if (!node.isLeaf() && node.getChildCount()>=0) {
          Enumeration e = node.children();
          while (e.hasMoreElements())
            searchTree(tree, path.pathByAddingChild(e.nextElement()), q);
      private static void collapseAll(JTree tree, TreePath parent) {
        TreeNode node = (TreeNode)parent.getLastPathComponent();
        if (!node.isLeaf() && node.getChildCount()>=0) {
          Enumeration e = node.children();
          while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            TreeNode n = (TreeNode)e.nextElement();
            TreePath path = parent.pathByAddingChild(n);
            collapseAll(tree, path);
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
          @Override public void run() { createAndShowGUI(); }
      public static void createAndShowGUI() {
        JFrame f = new JFrame();
        f.getContentPane().add(new HighlightTreeNodeTest().makeUI());
        f.setSize(320, 240);
    class MyTreeCellRenderer extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer {
      private final TreeCellRenderer renderer;
      public String q;
      public MyTreeCellRenderer(TreeCellRenderer renderer) {
        this.renderer = renderer;
      @Override public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(
          JTree tree, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean expanded,
          boolean leaf, int row, boolean hasFocus) {
        JComponent c = (JComponent)renderer.getTreeCellRendererComponent(
            tree, value, isSelected, expanded, leaf, row, hasFocus);
        if (isSelected) {
        } else {
          if (q!=null && !q.isEmpty() && value.toString().startsWith(q)) {
          } else {
        return c;

  • Help with building a JTree using tree node and node renderers

    I am having a few problems with JTree's. basically I want to build JTree from a web spider. The webspide searches a website checking links and stores the current url that is being processed as a string in the variable msg. I wan to use this variable to build a JTree in a new class and then add it to my GUI. I have created a tree node class and a renderer node class, these classes are built fine. can someone point me in the direction for actually using these to build my tree in a seperate class and then displaying it in a GUI class?
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.net.*;
    public class nodeRenderer extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer
                                       implements TreeCellRenderer
    public static Icon icon= null;
    public nodeRenderer() {
    icon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("icon.gif"));
    public Component getTreeCellRendererComponent(
    JTree tree,
    Object value,
    boolean sel,
    boolean expanded,
    boolean leaf,
    int row,
    boolean hasFocus) {
    tree, value, sel,
    expanded, leaf, row,
    treeNode node = (treeNode)(((DefaultMutableTreeNode)value).getUserObject());
    if(icon != null) // set a custom icon
         return this;
    *this is the class to represent a node
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.net.*;
    * Class used to hold information about a web site that has
    * been searched by the spider class
    public class treeNode
    *Url from the WebSpiderController Class
    *that is currently being processed
    public String msg;
    treeNode(String urlText)
         msg = urlText;
    String getUrlText()
         return msg;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class gui extends JFrame implements Runnable
         *declare variable, boolean
         *thread, a object and a center
         protected URL urlInput;
         protected Thread bgThread;
         protected boolean run = false;
         protected WebSpider webSpider;
         public gui()
              *create the gui here
              setTitle("Testing Tool");
         //add Buttons to the tool bar
         ButtonListener startListener = new ButtonListener();
         ButtonListener cancelListener = new ButtonListener();
         ButtonListener closeListener = new ButtonListener();
              //creat a simple form
              urlLabel.setText("Enter URL:");
              current.setText("Currently Processing: ");
         //add scroll bars to the error messages screen and website structure
         //create the tabbed window           
    centerPane.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder());
    centerPane.addTab("Search Parameters", formTab);
    centerPane.addTab("Error Messages", errorTab);
    centerPane.addTab("Website Structure", treeTab);
              //add the tool bar and tabbed pane
              getContentPane().add(toolBar, java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH);
    getContentPane().add(centerPane, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);                    
              *create the tool bar pane, a center pane, add the buttons,
              *labels, tabs, a text field for user input here
              javax.swing.JPanel toolBar = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JButton start = new javax.swing.JButton();
              javax.swing.JButton cancel = new javax.swing.JButton();
              javax.swing.JButton close = new javax.swing.JButton();      
              javax.swing.JTabbedPane centerPane = new javax.swing.JTabbedPane();
              javax.swing.JPanel formTab = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JLabel urlLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
              javax.swing.JLabel current = new javax.swing.JLabel();
              javax.swing.JTextField url = new javax.swing.JTextField();
              javax.swing.JPanel errorTab = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JTextArea errorText = new javax.swing.JTextArea();
              javax.swing.JScrollPane errorPane = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
              javax.swing.JPanel treeTab = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JTextArea treeText = new javax.swing.JTextArea();
              javax.swing.JScrollPane treePane = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
              javax.swing.JTree searchTree = new javax.swing.JTree();
              *show the gui
              public static void main(String args[])
              (new gui()).setVisible(true);
         *listen for the button presses and set the
         *boolean flag depending on which button is pressed
         class ButtonListener implements ActionListener
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                   Object object = event.getSource();
                   if (object == start)
                        run = true;
                   if (object == cancel)
                        run = false;
                   if (object == close)
         *this method is called when the start or
         *cancel button is pressed.
         void startActionPerformed (ActionEvent event)
              if (run == true && bgThread == null)
                   bgThread = new Thread(this);
              if (run == false && bgThread != null)
         *this mehtod will start the background thred.
         *the background thread is required so that the
         *GUI is still displayed
         public void run()
                   webSpider = new WebSpider(this);
                   urlInput = new URL(url.getText());
              catch (MalformedURLException e)
                   addressError addErr = new addressError();
                   addErr.addMsg = "URL ERROR - PLEASE CHECK";
              *this method is called by the web spider
              *once a url is found. Validation of navigation
              *happens here.
              public boolean urlFound(URL urlInput,URL url)
                   CurrentlyProcessing pro = new CurrentlyProcessing();
              pro.msg = url.toString();
              if (!testLink(url))
                        navigationError navErr = new navigationError();
                        navErr.navMsg = "Broken Link "+url+" caused on "+urlInput+"\n";
                        return false;
              if (!url.getHost().equalsIgnoreCase(urlInput.getHost()))
                   return false;
                   return true;
              *this method is called internally to check
         *that a link works
              protected boolean testLink(URL url)
                   URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
                   return true;
              catch (IOException e)
                   return false;
         *this method is called when an error is
              public void URLError(URL url)
              *this method is called when an email
              *address is found
              public void emailFound(String email)
              /*this method will update any errors found inc
              *address errors and broken links
              class addressError implements Runnable
                   public String addMsg;
                   public void run()
                        current.setText("Currently Processing: "+ addMsg);
              class navigationError implements Runnable
                   public String navMsg;
                   public void run()
              *this method will update the currently
              *processing field on the GUI
              class CurrentlyProcessing implements Runnable
              public String msg;
              public void run()
                   current.setText("Currently Processing: " + msg );
    import java.util.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import javax.swing.text.html.*;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    *this class implements the spider.
    public class WebSpider extends HTMLEditorKit
         *make a collection of the URL's
         protected Collection urlErrors = new ArrayList(3);
         protected Collection urlsWaiting = new ArrayList(3);
         protected Collection urlsProcessed = new ArrayList(3);
         //report URL's to this class
         protected gui report;
         *this flag will indicate whether the process
         *is to be cancelled
         protected boolean cancel = false;
         *The constructor
         *report the urls to the wui class
         public WebSpider(gui report)
         this.report = report;
         *get the urls from the above declared
         public Collection getUrlErrors()
         return urlErrors;
         public Collection getUrlsWaiting()
         return urlsWaiting;
         public Collection getUrlsProcessed()
         return urlsProcessed;
         * Clear all of the collections.
         public void clear()
         *Set a flag that will cause the begin
         *method to return before it is done.
         public void cancel()
         cancel = true;
         *add the entered url for porcessing
         public void addURL(URL url)
         if (getUrlsWaiting().contains(url))
         if (getUrlErrors().contains(url))
         if (getUrlsProcessed().contains(url))
         /*WRITE TO LOG FILE*/
         log("Adding to workload: " + url );
         *process a url
         public void processURL(URL url)
              /*WRITE TO LOGFILE*/
              log("Processing: " + url );
              // get the URL's contents
              URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
              if ((connection.getContentType()!=null) &&
              log("Not processing because content type is: " +
         connection.getContentType() );
         // read the URL
         InputStream is = connection.getInputStream();
         Reader r = new InputStreamReader(is);
         // parse the URL
         HTMLEditorKit.Parser parse = new HTMLParse().getParser();
         parse.parse(r,new Parser(url),true);
    catch (IOException e)
         log("Error: " + url );
    // mark URL as complete
    log("Complete: " + url );
    *start the spider
    public void run()
    cancel = false;
    while (!getUrlsWaiting().isEmpty() && !cancel)
         Object list[] = getUrlsWaiting().toArray();
         for (int i=0;(i<list.length)&&!cancel;i++)
    * A HTML parser callback used by this class to detect links
    protected class Parser extends HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback
    protected URL urlInput;
    public Parser(URL urlInput)
    this.urlInput = urlInput;
    public void handleSimpleTag(HTML.Tag t,MutableAttributeSet a,int pos)
    String href = (String)a.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.HREF);
    if((href==null) && (t==HTML.Tag.FRAME))
    href = (String)a.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.SRC);
    if (href==null)
    int i = href.indexOf('#');
    if (i!=-1)
    href = href.substring(0,i);
    if (href.toLowerCase().startsWith("mailto:"))
    public void handleStartTag(HTML.Tag t,MutableAttributeSet a,int pos)
    handleSimpleTag(t,a,pos); // handle the same way
    protected void handleLink(URL urlInput,String str)
         URL url = new URL(urlInput,str);
    if (report.urlFound(urlInput,url))
    catch (MalformedURLException e)
    log("Found malformed URL: " + str);
    *log the information of the spider
    public void log(String entry)
    System.out.println( (new Date()) + ":" + entry );
    I have a seperate class for parseing the HTML. Any help would be greatly appreciated

    Hi Sorry to be a pain again,
    I have re worked the gui class so it looks like this now:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class gui extends JFrame implements Runnable
         *declare variable, boolean
         *thread, a object and a center
         protected URL urlInput;
         protected Thread bgThread;
         protected boolean run = false;
         protected WebSpider webSpider;
         public String msgInfo;
         public String brokenUrl;
         public String goodUrl;
         public String deadUrl;
         protected DefaultMutableTreeNode rootNode;
    protected DefaultTreeModel treeModel;
         public gui()
              *create the gui here
              setTitle("Testing Tool");
         //add Buttons to the tool bar
         ButtonListener startListener = new ButtonListener();
         ButtonListener cancelListener = new ButtonListener();
         ButtonListener closeListener = new ButtonListener();
              //creat a simple form
              urlLabel.setText("Enter URL:");
              current.setText("Currently Processing: ");
         //add scroll bars to the error messages screen and website structure
         // NEW CODE
         rootNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Root Node");
         treeModel = new DefaultTreeModel(rootNode);
         treeModel.addTreeModelListener(new MyTreeModelListener());
         tree = new JTree(treeModel);
         //create the tabbed window           
    centerPane.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder());
    centerPane.addTab("Search Parameters", formTab);
    centerPane.addTab("Error Messages", errorTab);
    centerPane.addTab("Website Structure", treeTab);
              //add the tool bar and tabbed pane
              getContentPane().add(toolBar, java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH);
    getContentPane().add(centerPane, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);     
              *create the tool bar pane, a center pane, add the buttons,
              *labels, tabs, a text field for user input here
              javax.swing.JPanel toolBar = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JButton start = new javax.swing.JButton();
              javax.swing.JButton cancel = new javax.swing.JButton();
              javax.swing.JButton close = new javax.swing.JButton();      
              javax.swing.JTabbedPane centerPane = new javax.swing.JTabbedPane();
              javax.swing.JPanel formTab = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JLabel urlLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel();
              javax.swing.JLabel current = new javax.swing.JLabel();
              javax.swing.JTextField url = new javax.swing.JTextField();
              javax.swing.JPanel errorTab = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JTextArea errorText = new javax.swing.JTextArea();
              javax.swing.JScrollPane errorPane = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
              javax.swing.JPanel treeTab = new javax.swing.JPanel();
              javax.swing.JTextArea treeText = new javax.swing.JTextArea();
              javax.swing.JScrollPane treePane = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
              javax.swing.JTree tree = new javax.swing.JTree();
              *show the gui
              public static void main(String args[])
              (new gui()).setVisible(true);
         *listen for the button presses and set the
         *boolean flag depending on which button is pressed
         class ButtonListener implements ActionListener
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                   Object object = event.getSource();
                   if (object == start)
                        run = true;
                   if (object == cancel)
                        run = false;
                   if (object == close)
         *this method is called when the start or
         *cancel button is pressed.
         void startActionPerformed (ActionEvent event)
              if (run == true && bgThread == null)
                   bgThread = new Thread(this);
                   //new line of code
              if (run == false && bgThread != null)
         *this mehtod will start the background thred.
         *the background thread is required so that the
         *GUI is still displayed
         public void run()
                   webSpider = new WebSpider(this);
                   urlInput = new URL(url.getText());
                   bgThread = null;
              catch (MalformedURLException e)
                   addressError addErr = new addressError();
                   addErr.addMsg = "URL ERROR - PLEASE CHECK";
              *this method is called by the web spider
              *once a url is found. Validation of navigation
              *happens here.
              public boolean urlFound(URL urlInput,URL url)
                   CurrentlyProcessing pro = new CurrentlyProcessing();
              pro.msg = url.toString();
              if (!testLink(url))
                        navigationError navErr = new navigationError();
                        navErr.navMsg = "Broken Link "+url+" caused on "+urlInput+"\n";
                        brokenUrl = url.toString();
                        return false;
              if (!url.getHost().equalsIgnoreCase(urlInput.getHost()))
                   return false;
                   return true;
              *this method is returned if there is no link
              *on a web page, e.g. there us a dead end
              public void urlNotFound(URL urlInput)
                        deadEnd dEnd = new deadEnd();
                        dEnd.dEMsg = "No links on "+urlInput+"\n";
                        deadUrl = urlInput.toString();               
              *this method is called internally to check
         *that a link works
              protected boolean testLink(URL url)
                   URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
                   goodUrl = url.toString();
                   return true;
              catch (IOException e)
                   return false;
         *this method is called when an error is
              public void urlError(URL url)
              *this method is called when an email
              *address is found
              public void emailFound(String email)
              /*this method will update any errors found inc
              *address errors and broken links
              class addressError implements Runnable
                   public String addMsg;
                   public void run()
                        current.setText("Currently Processing: "+ addMsg);
              class navigationError implements Runnable
                   public String navMsg;
                   public void run()
              class deadEnd implements Runnable
                   public String dEMsg;
                   public void run()
              *this method will update the currently
              *processing field on the GUI
              public class CurrentlyProcessing implements Runnable
                   public String msg;
              //new line
              public String msgInfo = msg;
              public void run()
                   current.setText("Currently Processing: " + msg );
         * NEW CODE
         * treeText.addObject(msgInfo);
         public DefaultMutableTreeNode addObject(Object child)
         DefaultMutableTreeNode parentNode = null;
         TreePath parentPath = tree.getSelectionPath();
         if (parentPath == null)
         parentNode = rootNode;
         parentNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)
         return addObject(parentNode, child, true);
         public DefaultMutableTreeNode addObject(DefaultMutableTreeNode parent,
    Object child)
         return addObject(parent, child, false);
         public DefaultMutableTreeNode addObject(DefaultMutableTreeNode parent,
         Object child,boolean shouldBeVisible)
         DefaultMutableTreeNode childNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(child);
         if (parent == null)
         parent = rootNode;
         treeModel.insertNodeInto(childNode, parent, parent.getChildCount());
         if (shouldBeVisible)
         tree.scrollPathToVisible(new TreePath(childNode.getPath()));
              return childNode;
         public class MyTreeModelListener implements TreeModelListener
              public void treeNodesChanged (TreeModelEvent e)
                   DefaultMutableTreeNode node;
                   node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)
                        int index = e.getChildIndices()[0];
                        node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)
                   catch (NullPointerException exc)
              public void treeNodesInserted(TreeModelEvent e)
              public void treeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent e)
              public void treeNodesRemoved(TreeModelEvent e)
    I beleive that this line of code is required:
    I have placed it where the action events start the spider, but i keep getting this error:
    cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : method addObject (java.lang.String)
    location: class javax.swing.JTextArea
    Also the jtree is not showing the window that I want it to and I am not too sure why. could you have a look to see why? i think it needs a fresh pair of eyes.
    Many thanks

  • JTree rendering extra node and leaf icons at the end of the label

    Does anyone know how to add an icon to a JTree node or leaf in such a way that it will be displayed behind the text label?
    In an example:
    - rootnode
    - childnode [icon]
    |- leaf
    + childnode [icon]
    Where -/+ are the default (un)collapse icons
    I'd like to apply this to show additional information by using icons with respect to a node.
    I couldn't find anything on the net besides changing the default open/close node icons, yet that's not what I'm aiming for here.

    use this one.I think it will help u.Gd lk
    tree =new JTree(root);
    DefaultTreeCellRenderer renderer =(DefaultTreeCellRenderer)tree.getCellRenderer();
    renderer.setLeafIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("leafimages/3.gif")));
    renderer.setClosedIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("leafimages/1.gif")));
    renderer.setOpenIcon(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("leafimages/2.gif")));
    renderer.setBackgroundNonSelectionColor(new Color(15,85,134));
    renderer.setTextNonSelectionColor(new Color(217,227,227));
    tree.setFont(new Font("Tahoma",1,12));
    tree.setBackground(new Color(15,85,134));

  • Reg. JTree - Make a node visible/invisible

    I want to design a JTree with say two nodes, both having some child nodes. At any point of time, I want to display only one of these child nodes. Is there any way to set this property for the JTree.
    Thanks in Advance,

    You have to make a custom tree model that shows/hides the nodes. Look at the javax.swing.tree package for details.

  • A bug in the JTree(Missing some nodes)

    I have an application which implement a JTree & DnDTree. The left hand side is the original JTee, the right hand size is DnDTree which allows user to Drag and Drop some node from left JTree. The bug is: when I grag some node to right DnDTree, once I then click the left JTree, some nodes will be missing. I try my best for more than one week, but still couldn't fix it, could anybody take time to fina a way to fix it? The piece of code of creating JTree is as follow:
    /*public void createTestTree()
    DefaultMutableTreeNode rootRight = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Root");
    DefaultMutableTreeNode root = createTreeModel();
    treeLeft = new DnDTree(root, true); //JTree(root, true);
    treeLeft.putClientProperty("JTree.lineStyle", "Angled");
    treeLeft.addTreeExpansionListener(new TreeExpansionListener(){
    public void treeCollapsed(TreeExpansionEvent e) {
    public void treeExpanded(TreeExpansionEvent e) {
    UpdateStatus updateThread;
    TreePath path = e.getPath();
    FileNode node = (FileNode)
    if( ! node.isExplored()) {
    DefaultTreeModel model = (DefaultTreeModel)treeLeft.getModel();
    UpdateStatus us = new UpdateStatus();
    class UpdateStatus extends Thread {
    public void run() {
    try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(450); }
    catch(InterruptedException e) { }
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    treeRight = new DnDTree(rootRight, true); treeRight.putClientProperty("JTree.lineStyle", "Angled");
    treeRight.addTreeExpansionListener(new TreeExpansionListener(){
    public void treeCollapsed(TreeExpansionEvent e) {
    public void treeExpanded(TreeExpansionEvent e) {
    UpdateStatus updateThread;
    TreePath path = e.getPath();
    FileNode node = (FileNode)
    if( ! node.isExplored()) {
    DefaultTreeModel model = (DefaultTreeModel)treeRight.getModel();
    UpdateStatus us = new UpdateStatus();
    class UpdateStatus extends Thread {
    public void run() {
    try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(450); }
    catch(InterruptedException e) { }
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    My FileNode class is:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.tree.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.util.EventObject;
    public class GoodFileTree extends JPanel {
         public GoodFileTree() {
              final JTree tree = new JTree(createTreeModel());
              JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(tree);
              this.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.WEST);
              //getContentPane().add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              tree.addTreeExpansionListener(new TreeExpansionListener(){
                   public void treeCollapsed(TreeExpansionEvent e) {
                   public void treeExpanded(TreeExpansionEvent e) {
                        UpdateStatus updateThread;
                        TreePath path = e.getPath();
                        FileNode node = (FileNode)
                        if( ! node.isExplored()) {
                             DefaultTreeModel model = (DefaultTreeModel)tree.getModel();
                             GJApp.updateStatus("exploring ...");
                             UpdateStatus us = new UpdateStatus();
                   class UpdateStatus extends Thread {
                        public void run() {
                             try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(450); }
                             catch(InterruptedException e) { }
                             SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                                  public void run() {
                                       GJApp.updateStatus(" ");
         private DefaultMutableTreeNode createTreeModel() {
              /*File root = new File("E:/");
              FileNode rootNode = new FileNode(root);
              return new DefaultTreeModel(rootNode);*/
              DefaultMutableTreeNode top = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Root");
              File[] fArr = File.listRoots();
              File fDrive;
              FileNode driveNode;
              for(int i=0; i<fArr.length; ++i)
                   fDrive = fArr;
                   driveNode = new FileNode(fDrive);
              return top;
         /*public static void main(String args[])
              catch (Exception e)
              GJApp.launch(new GoodFileTree(),"JTree File Explorer",
    class FileNode extends DefaultMutableTreeNode {
         private boolean explored = false;
         public FileNode(File file)      {
         public boolean getAllowsChildren() { return isDirectory(); }
         public boolean isLeaf()      { return !isDirectory(); }
         public File getFile()          { return (File)getUserObject(); }
         public boolean isExplored() { return explored; }
         public boolean isDirectory() {
              File file = getFile();
              return file.isDirectory();
         public String toString() {
              File file = (File)getUserObject();
              String filename = file.toString();
              int index = filename.lastIndexOf(File.separator);
              return (index != -1 && index != filename.length()-1) ?
                                                 filename.substring(index+1) :
         public void explore() {
              if(!isExplored()) {
                   File file = getFile();
                   File[] children = file.listFiles();
                   for(int i=0; i < children.length; ++i)
                        add(new FileNode(children[i]));
                   explored = true;
    class GJApp extends WindowAdapter {
         static private JPanel statusArea = new JPanel();
         static private JLabel status = new JLabel(" ");
         public static void launch(final JFrame f, String title,
                                       final int x, final int y,
                                       final int w, int h) {
              statusArea.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT,0,0));
              f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
                   public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) {
         static public JPanel getStatusArea() {
              return statusArea;
         static public void updateStatus(String s) {
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Paul,
    sorry for my late reply, but I usually don't work on weekends (this time it was an exception).
    OK, then, to your problem:
    - at the first look I thought you did NOT follow all the instruction (namely, the constructor of your trees has no info that you want to use model, or whatsoever), but later I realized that your approach: create the tree first and then assign a model to it (or in fact, get the model from the tree via: tree.getModel()) might work as well
    - having no debugger I am not able to have much clue about your program / and it seems that you coding suffers from your being in a hurry:
    - no comments - don't know which method is expected to do what
    - misleading names (createTreeModel does nothing with the model, but creates some new nodes??)
    therefore, I'm sorry, but I'm not able to detect exactly where the error is.
    - anyway, having a quick glance on your code I have some suspections:
    - you have 2 trees (treeLeft, treeRight), but just one model (model)
    ( it seems that you assign it dynamically when needed - either you take the model of the left or of the right tree)
    - however, when this assignment takes place (in createTestTree()), you DO NOT ASSIGN IT to the class' protected attribute model, but to a local variable model (of the same type, however - since you introduce it as:
    DefaultTreeModel model you override the model from class' attributes) - therefore, your assignment is no valid when the block in which ot is located is finished
    - note, that you NEED the model when you add/delete nodes of the tree (somewhere in DnDTree? - then quite probably your local assignment of model is not valid any longer)
    My suggestion, therefore, is:
    somehow try to encapsulate the model to your tree (note that I only created the model outside the tree, because I needed it for running the constructor, but all other usages of the model are made WITHIN the class of the tree) - the best, do it the same way - through the constructor
    then, in the place when you insert/remove nodes you will have no problem at all
    I will e-mail you my whole "project" so that you may observe all parts - how it's written. I trust if you can't figure it out from my writings here (maybe I missed the point) you may get it from that example.
    Hope it helps - GOOD LUCK

  • JTree and selected node question

    Is it possible to convert the selected node to an int?
    I guess I'm looking for something llike this.
    int nodeNumber = node.getSelectedIndex();
    There is nothing like that in the API, and it would help greatly if I could find a way do this.
    Have a good holiday

    From the API for JTree
    public int getMinSelectionRow()
    Gets the first selected row.
    an integer designating the first selected row, where 0 is the first row in the display
    But I think this is based on how many rows are displayed at the present time and might change if the tree is opened above it.

  • JTree  and Unique node values

    I am dynamically generating a JTree based on (non-unique) category descriptions found in a database. My trouble is that each node must also be identified by a (hidden) unique node id number.
    I have played around with myNode.setUserObject("uniqueNodeNumber");
    but that appears to change the title of the node itself.
    Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you!

    class UserObject {
        private int id;
        private Object object;
        public UserObject (int id, Object object) {
            this.id = id;
            this.object = object;
        public int getID () {
            return id;
        public Object getObject () {
            return object;
        public String toString () {
            return object.toString ();
    }You can add this object to your tree.
    Kind regards,

  • JTree get selected node/object values

    I wan to get all the selected nodes/objects values that I added to the JTree. How can I do this?

    TreePath[] paths = tree.getSelectedPath();
    for(int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++){
    TreeNode node = (TreeNode)paths.getLastPathComponent();
    Object mySelectedObject = node.getUserObject();
    }Some minor Errors
    We have to use array paths[i] instead of paths
    The correct code as used by me is
            javax.swing.tree.TreePath[] paths = jTree1.getSelectionModel().getSelectionPaths();
            for(int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++){
                javax.swing.tree.TreeNode node = (javax.swing.tree.TreeNode)paths.getLastPathComponent();

  • Selecting or highlighting node or mesh by button using javascript

    I have 3D pdf model with node 1001 or mesh name 2002 and when I klick it by mouse on 3D view it is highlighted and get orange boundary box.
    I have created button name 1001 button and I would like to add to this button javascript function which will highlight this node or mesh in the same way as click on those.
    I found in discusion some way of make it for example red by changing rendering mode to illustration but it is not what I am trying to do. I asking if it is possible just select from button using name of node or mesh. if you have any exmaple of script i will be very pleased.

    thanks for answer.
    It is not what I want to do
    I have 5 layer and on each layer I have one node and under neath one mesh.
    I would like to select node or mesh by clicking button created on page not by clicking in 3d model or Model Tree. Like below bottles are selected (highlighted).
    NowI doing it like that:
    BUTTON 1-----------------------------------------------
    myAnnotObj = getAnnots3D(0)[0].context3D;
    myAnnotObj.scene.defaultRenderOptions.illustrationRenderModeFaceColor.set( 1, 0, 0 );
    for (var i = 0; i < myAnnotObj.scene.meshes.count; ++i)
    mesh = myAnnotObj.scene.meshes.getByIndex(i);
    mesh.renderMode = "solid";
    HighlObj = myAnnotObj.scene.meshes.getByName("1001");
    HighlObj.renderMode = "illustration";
    BUTTON 2-----------------------------------------------
    myAnnotObj = getAnnots3D(0)[0].context3D;
    myAnnotObj.scene.defaultRenderOptions.illustrationRenderModeFaceColor.set( 1, 0, 0 );
    for (var i = 0; i < myAnnotObj.scene.meshes.count; ++i)
    mesh = myAnnotObj.scene.meshes.getByIndex(i);
    mesh.renderMode = "solid";
    HighlObj = myAnnotObj.scene.meshes.getByName("2002");
    HighlObj.renderMode = "illustration";
    in this method I have to clean old selection in the loop doing this render mode back to solid. In the same time my selection not working at all in render mode illustration. So I would like to find how to select like in picture from button in document. by script.

Maybe you are looking for