Just over a minute bootup for 21.5" iMac..... Normal?

I've owned a mini mac for just short of a year that I use under the tv for XBMC. It boots up in around 40 seconds. However my newly purchased "Faster" iMac takes over a minute to start up to get to the login screen. It hangs around for about 30 seconds on the white screen.
Is this normal?
Seems to be churning away on the disk a lot.

Hello blackforce
It might be a connected Drive, iPod or iPhone, go to System Preferences > Startup Disk and make sure that the Mac OS X 10.6.3 on Macintosh HD is selected and Restart.
It also maybe something in your System Preferences > Accounts > Login Items that is slowing down your startup process?
My Early Core Duo has always booted up in the 35 to 39 second range running everything from 10.4.4. thru 10.6.3, but I never add anything to my Login Item list. +(my time may also be slightly shorter by bypassing the login window)+

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    The problem is twenty three people leaving or twenty three thousand leaving has zero impact on a carrier with over 100 million customers. And they have the lowest churn rate. So if 10,000 or 20,000 or more churn out it means little to the carrier.
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