JVMPI enable event during run failed

Does JVMPI supports calls to JVMPI_Interface::EnableEvent() in the middle of program execution?
I tries to avoid JVM from running slowly before it executes the code of interest. I use an external file to control when method trace should be enabled. In JVM_OnLoad, I create a thread to monitor the file's existence. However, when I call EnableEvent() from this thread, I keep getting an exception. I wonder if EnableEvent() can only be called inside JVM_OnLoad().
I am using Sun's Jsdk1.4.

I currently use the standard j2sdk from sun:
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_03-b02)
I test the jdk/1.5-beta and it seems to be the same as 1.4 for jvmpi. I have also run a lot of other jvms with profiling, mostly sun version 1.2.x, 1.3.x, 1.4.x, but also IBM 1.3 and 1.4 and the blackdown versions (which mostly is the same as sun).
Currently I only run linux, but I have used jvmpi under windows and solaris as well.
jdk/1.2 and 1.3 are unstable for jvmpi, but jdk/1.4 seems to behave nicely most of the time (it sometimes gives errorous heap dumps, but they can be handled).
The jvm that comes with websphere (IBM/1.4) ought to be able to run the full jvmpi without problems, but I have not tried it for some time.
Anyway my profiler, jmp, is free (as in GPL) so you can try it, there is a windows binary (jmp.dll) that you can download and try.

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    Thanks, Magnus
    Go to Solution.

    jamessnarey wrote:
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    I was having the same issue and I discovered another way to accomplish this task. Download this utility:
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    srwin.exe /tpm active
    Then do a couple reboots (this may not be necessary, but I didn't have time to test it.)
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    c:\utilities\srwin.exe /tpm active
    you have to do
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    srwin.exe /tpm active
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    Hi Madri !
    What you could do is to intercept the com errors, and open a configuration vi either if there is an init error or if the user has pressed a "Change port" boollean (or menu...). Do not forget to close the previously opened serial port, and to open/init the new one. I have attached a small example of this idea.
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    . exporting synonyms
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Auditing","name":"PHLBOBIT01.APS.Auditing","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/7477"},"id":7477,"cuid":"AaEMaMZd2AdMhm8z0qkrTnM","description":"Adaptive Processing Server - Core Services","name":"PHLBOBIT01.APS.Core","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/7583"},"id":7583,"cuid":"AVp8Kq3mrYNCrWB83j2PEvQ","description":"Adaptive Processing Server - Data Access","name":"PHLBOBIT01.APS.DataAccess","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/7580"},"id":7580,"cuid":"AXWBe54kOCpOg_mbxUr8Ivo","description":"Adaptive Processing Server - Lifecycle Management","name":"PHLBOBIT01.APS.LCM","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/7479"},"id":7479,"cuid":"Af7OI9uF6O5JtR9n1oSO0wc","description":"Adaptive Processing Server - Search","name":"PHLBOBIT01.APS.Search","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/7582"},"id":7582,"cuid":"AW1EMWgpDfFImvzDF.Iqwik","description":"Adaptive Processing Server - Web Intelligence","name":"PHLBOBIT01.APS.WebI","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/791"},"id":791,"cuid":"AST6mA7FF.VDvrKpYQACO.E","description":"Central Management Server","name":"PHLBOBIT01.CentralManagementServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/3917458"},"id":3917458,"cuid":"Aeo5YKWfzgVKo5DwN4NaG9A","description":"Connection Server","name":"PHLBOBIT01.ConnectionServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/3917459"},"id":3917459,"cuid":"AZ3w6cEAUWlEiB5j6mB0CWw","description":"Connection Server (32-bit)","name":"PHLBOBIT01.ConnectionServer32","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/1178"},"id":1178,"cuid":"AaMjzl.x749MhIyS.DEXoY0","description":"Crystal Reports 2013 Processing Server","name":"PHLBOBIT01.CrystalReports2013ProcessingServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/1247"},"id":1247,"cuid":"AYWI6VC.J8BBvFqSj2JMyyY","description":"Crystal Reports 2013 Report Application Server","name":"PHLBOBIT01.CrystalReports2013ReportApplicationServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/1172"},"id":1172,"cuid":"AZL.2iX_DXZAspTawsvOhH0","description":"Crystal Reports Cache Server","name":"PHLBOBIT01.CrystalReportsCacheServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/1281"},"id":1281,"cuid":"AbWBEFGNJGxCjNK1DY2b2yM","description":"Crystal Reports Processing Server","name":"PHLBOBIT01.CrystalReportsProcessingServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/1228"},"id":1228,"cuid":"AVDRV00HfORMkMkl55KMo7c","description":"Dashboards Cache Server","name":"PHLBOBIT01.DashboardsCacheServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/1264"},"id":1264,"cuid":"ATJuZregTz1Ck3YJY1eMmW4","description":"Dashboards Processing Server","name":"PHLBOBIT01.DashboardsProcessingServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/1184"},"id":1184,"cuid":"ASOm.SrtU7pInQBRZiUewdQ","description":"Event Server","name":"PHLBOBIT01.EventServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/7277"},"id":7277,"cuid":"AZDQYV3Q7f5EkTWnc6bSlw0","description":"Explorer Exploration Server","name":"PHLBOBIT01.ExplorerExplorationServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/7263"},"id":7263,"cuid":"AatQWEVsQdtHj1u2_SidyKM","description":"Explorer Indexing Server","name":"PHLBOBIT01.ExplorerIndexingServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/7284"},"id":7284,"cuid":"Ab11DBefLJRIuEfZJ5XQ7Wk","description":"Explorer Master Server","name":"PHLBOBIT01.ExplorerMasterServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/7270"},"id":7270,"cuid":"AWSPc8Mmv3dDvDBYVSxiiq4","description":"Explorer Search Server","name":"PHLBOBIT01.ExplorerSearchServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/1212"},"id":1212,"cuid":"AdePU2NkVzVGkCHc.je2P5k","description":"Input File Repository Server","name":"PHLBOBIT01.InputFileRepository","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/1275"},"id":1275,"cuid":"Acxi23qKCy1FiGBoFzBXEtc","description":"Output File Repository Server","name":"PHLBOBIT01.OutputFileRepository","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/1258"},"id":1258,"cuid":"AS4fT9dzIuBBv6nFMbdaisA","description":"Web Application Container Server","name":"PHLBOBIT01.WebApplicationContainerServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/5090617"},"id":5090617,"cuid":"AW5jSqL.F1hOtiwZpk5CAZs","description":"","name":"PHLBOBIT01.WebIntelligenceProcessingServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/6541"},"id":6541,"cuid":"AXn6vPIEispHjYAf5tuaEF8","description":"Adaptive Job Server","name":"PHLBOBIT02.AdaptiveJobServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/7588"},"id":7588,"cuid":"AQgPfs_1WhlKvTQl0w1NT2k","description":"Adaptive Processing Server - Analysis","name":"PHLBOBIT02.APS.Analysis","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/4388705"},"id":4388705,"cuid":"ARtodu06Xj5FizlyqZMoV6A","description":"","name":"PHLBOBIT02.APS.AnalysisApplication","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/7585"},"id":7585,"cuid":"AT4mRrAirvFPv.LhQkzqN5Q","description":"Adaptive Processing Server - Auditing","name":"PHLBOBIT02.APS.Auditing","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/7584"},"id":7584,"cuid":"AdEGqTBYhm5AsYlC1wNGxaQ","description":"Adaptive Processing Server - Core Services","name":"PHLBOBIT02.APS.Core","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/7590"},"id":7590,"cuid":"AUrLQ_szs9VMmU84qLOHmfw","description":"Adaptive Processing Server - Data Access","name":"PHLBOBIT02.APS.DataAccess","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/7587"},"id":7587,"cuid":"ASUVQFFRAKRFvfQWfJsoIJA","description":"Adaptive Processing Server - Lifecycle Management","name":"PHLBOBIT02.APS.LCM","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/7586"},"id":7586,"cuid":"ARcHLmjTRyhMjWn.y_onJxI","description":"Adaptive Processing Server - Search","name":"PHLBOBIT02.APS.Search","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/7589"},"id":7589,"cuid":"AY1s2.BeMbxEsF05cYPCLpc","description":"Adaptive Processing Server - Web Intelligence","name":"PHLBOBIT02.APS.WebI","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/6301"},"id":6301,"cuid":"AU7SRyRyd1hKgH3TbRF5EYM","description":"Central Management Server","name":"PHLBOBIT02.CentralManagementServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/6568"},"id":6568,"cuid":"AYhb6lnbKJFKn4WVnoFVnt4","description":"Connection Server","name":"PHLBOBIT02.ConnectionServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/6574"},"id":6574,"cuid":"ARKezeTmhh5Iu4F.7.fvByk","description":"Connection Server (32-bit)","name":"PHLBOBIT02.ConnectionServer32","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/6512"},"id":6512,"cuid":"Abv17tsXCStKpnJw7jeTguY","description":"Crystal Reports 2013 Processing Server","name":"PHLBOBIT02.CrystalReports2013ProcessingServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/6581"},"id":6581,"cuid":"AWwWhkIpwc9CoAybOLeQtog","description":"Crystal Reports 2013 Report Application Server","name":"PHLBOBIT02.CrystalReports2013ReportApplicationServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/6506"},"id":6506,"cuid":"AQIjnkiIYvROsApDkY24S7Y","description":"Crystal Reports Cache Server","name":"PHLBOBIT02.CrystalReportsCacheServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/6615"},"id":6615,"cuid":"Ac70E5GxHX9GhnO335_zkpw","description":"Crystal Reports Processing Server","name":"PHLBOBIT02.CrystalReportsProcessingServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/6562"},"id":6562,"cuid":"ATD9BYLbU2xGgL0dQc.HwEY","description":"Dashboards Cache Server","name":"PHLBOBIT02.DashboardsCacheServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/6598"},"id":6598,"cuid":"Ab1VZJehgWFEkCl0f3EqJNY","description":"Dashboards Processing Server","name":"PHLBOBIT02.DashboardsProcessingServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/6518"},"id":6518,"cuid":"AXpYgpIDDtlLnNzkprKrIK4","description":"Event Server","name":"PHLBOBIT02.EventServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/9033"},"id":9033,"cuid":"AUGWvt8N6gREukWGWmmxvHE","description":"Explorer Exploration Server","name":"PHLBOBIT02.ExplorerExplorationServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/9019"},"id":9019,"cuid":"AQePEipM3nhPsArG5mVbpR0","description":"Explorer Indexing Server","name":"PHLBOBIT02.ExplorerIndexingServer","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/5108034"},"id":5108034,"cuid":"ARZ7obbOLYdIpPx431uK2nI","description":"Explorer Master Server","name":"PHLBOBIT02.ExplorerMasterServer2","type":"Server"},{"__metadata":{"uri":"http:\/\/phlbobit01:6405\/biprws\/infostore\/9026"},"id":9026,"cuid":"AZHGDhiY7MpCsMMUqSf3AMs","description":"Explorer Search Server","name":"PHLBOBIT02.ExplorerSearchServer","type":"Server"}]}

    Hi Tom,
    As Anthony pointed out, currently it is not possible to get server details like the server state, PID etc. through BIP REST calls. Only prelimnary information about the infostore object is returned. You would need to use the BIP JAVA SDK to retrieve server details. However, we are in the process of enhancing BIP REST SDK. Can you please raise this on idea place under BIP>>SDK category?
    Sumitesh Ranjan Srivastava
    Product Manager, BI SDK & OEMs
    SAP Labs India

  • [SOLVED] Netbeans - Run fails - most of the time

    Hello everybody,
    I have just today installed Netbeans Verion 7.0 and all plugins are up to date.
    I have a strage error with a simple "Hello World" program:
    The program builds always fine, but it runs just in about 1 of 5 tries.
    Here are some screenshots:
    Build Info
    I also realized, that when I choose "Debug / Debug Main Project" this works all the time.
    Any suggestions?
    Last edited by matse (2011-06-11 20:51:09)

    just found a workaround here:
    disabling the built-in profiler: in project properties ->
    Profile, uncheck "Show profiling indicators during run".
    solved the problem.

  • Getting Key Events during animation loop

    I'm having a problem recieving Key events during my animation loop. Here is my example program
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.image.BufferStrategy;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import GAME.graphics.Animation;
    import GAME.sprites.MainPlayer;
    import GAME.util.MapData;
    import GAME.input.*;
    public class ImageTest extends JFrame {
        private static final long DEMO_TIME = 20000;
        private Animation      anim;
        private MainPlayer     mPlayer;
        private MapData               mapData;
        private InputManager      inputManager;
        private GameAction moveLeft;
        private GameAction moveRight;
        private GameAction exit;
        public ImageTest()
         setSize(1024, 768);
         anim = new Animation();
            mPlayer = new MainPlayer(anim);
         // load the player images
         private void loadImages()
              // code that loads images...
         // Initialize input controls
         private void initInput() {
            moveLeft = new GameAction("moveLeft");
            moveRight = new GameAction("moveRight");
            exit = new GameAction("exit",
            inputManager = new InputManager(this);
            inputManager.mapToKey(moveLeft, KeyEvent.VK_LEFT);
            inputManager.mapToKey(moveRight, KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT);
            inputManager.mapToKey(exit, KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE);
        // Check player input
        private void checkInput(long elapsedTime) {
            if (exit.isPressed()) {
            if (mPlayer.isAlive()) {
                float velocityX = 0;
                if (moveLeft.isPressed()) {
                if (moveRight.isPressed()) {
        // main animation loop
        public void animationLoop() {
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long currTime = startTime;
            while (currTime - startTime < DEMO_TIME) {
                long elapsedTime =
                    System.currentTimeMillis() - currTime;
                currTime += elapsedTime;
                // draw and update screen
                BufferStrategy strategy = this.getBufferStrategy();
                Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)strategy.getDrawGraphics();
                if (!(bgImage == null))
                     if (!strategy.contentsLost()) {
                // take a nap
                try {
                catch (InterruptedException ex) { }
        public void draw(Graphics g) {
            // draw background
            if (bgImage != null)
                         // draw image
                 g.drawImage(mPlayer.getImage(), (int)mPlayer.getX(), (int)mPlayer.getY(), null);
    }My InputManager implements KeyListener. When running print statements on my Key events, they are not being called until after the animation demo is done running. Can someone help me with getting the Key events to update during the animation loop? Thank you!

    I've used the post from Abuse on the following thread with success. Maybe it will clue you in to what you might be doing wrong:

  • Attribute change Run Failed/Scheduled

    Hello All,
    For a process Chain Attribute Change Run has failed in BW 3.5,and I Repeated the Change Run in Chain only
    where Repeat option is ,now the problem is in RSA1 it is now that change run is scheduled
    and sm37 it is showing that Canceled.
    Now there is Other Process Chain in BI7.0  which picks data from  3.5
    Should I repeat the Master data Chain in BW 3.5 followed by in BI 7.0
    Or any other way is possible as in BI7 the chain has run successfully..

    Hi Kiran.......
    BI 7.0 and BW 3.5............totally two seperate systems..............here BW 3.5 is just act as a source system of BI 7.0.............if change run fails in BW3.5...............it is not going to effect BI 7.0.............
    As ajeet already said............it will effect the SID s in 3.5.............because attribute change run activates the master data...........and SID get generated during the activation of master data.......
    Also it will effect the aggregates............because aggregates also get adjusted during change run.......if any of the aggregates contains the master data.........which are getting activated in the change run....
    Now u r saying........that in SM37 it is showing that the job got cancelled............So it will not locked the master data..............terminated change runs generally lock the master data............then we hav to repeat the chain run to release the lock.........and u hav already repeated the change run............so no issue........
    Hope this helps..........

  • [GeForceFX] Event: Silent running: Stress test transition: L2 - L1

        I'm using 71.25 nvidia drivers (from MSI), and I activated with the coolbit the hidden features. So, cheking the hidden features there is one called: Debbugin... and I've never seen any issue there. But this message apeared:
    Event ID: 106
    Event: Silent running: Stress test transition: L2 -> L1
    anyone here has a list of these events?    or anyone knows what this could mean?
    I've searched on the nvidia forum but right there there aren't solutions  to that issue:
    "In system log, i've a lot of this error:
    Silent Running: Stress test transition: L2 -> L1
    what is that?
    ( the temp are normals, idle:54 full:65, no artefacts, everything run fine )...
    What's this error message...?
    Answer: I don't know if this will work or not,,but it shouldn't hurt. What it sounds like to me is ur motherboard is having a hard time transitioning your video card from performance 3d to Low Power 3d. If you use Rivatuner you can force a constant performance level. This might help, but if you notice your system rebooting more often then I'd revert back to the original setting."
    BTW my vid card temp is 44° C on Idle. Just running D.O.T. enabled in Private.
    thanks in advance
    Yo can see in my signature my PC specs.

    Thanks I'll chek it out.
    If you dont believe me
    why shouln't I beleive you? 
    I was doing some overclocking yesterday (the day that I got the error), my card specs: 390 Core/ 700 Memory. I reached 450 core/ 900 Memory    and I got 6200 points in 3D mark 03    and after the test I saw the error message. I guess you're right, the card got its limit and also suffer some overheating. But I added some cooling solution and now I'll see if I can reach that point without problems.

  • [6:01:13 PM] Status: Error UVSC Internal Error Detail: [UVSC_DBG_ENUMERATE_BP, MSG: 0x2000, STATUS: 0x1] (1) Status: Run failed.

     we are working in arm 7 mcb2300. we get an error "[UVSC_DBG_ENUMERATE_BP, MSG: 0x2000, STATUS: 0x1] (1)
    Status: Run failed." during downloading. we dont know whether it is a software or hardware error. please guide us to rectify it. 
      thank you

    Figured it out.  Somehow the projects that I was working on got corrupted somehow.  After another reinstall I opened an example project, not one of the many that are my own, and it worked.  I had to copy and past the code out of the one project and into a new one, but it is working.  Don't know how my projects got messed up in the middle of working on them.  
    Now back to actually getting work done.

  • Pxvfs:mount(): global mounts are not enabled (need to run "clconfig -g")

    Dear All,
    I having two node cluster and one of the cluster node rebooted automatically . After it boots, it shows the following error.
    Mar 11 14:23:21 scrbdomderue005 svc.startd[8]: [ID 652011 daemon.warning] svc:/system/cluster/globaldevices:default: Method "/
    usr/cluster/lib/svc/method/globaldevices start" failed with exit status 96.
    Mar 11 14:23:21 scrbdomderue005 svc.startd[8]: [ID 748625 daemon.error] system/cluster/globaldevices:default misconfigured: tr
    ansitioned to maintenance (see 'svcs -xv' for details)
    Mar 11 14:23:21 scrbdomderue005 Cluster.CCR: [ID 795553 daemon.error] /usr/cluster/bin/scgdevs: Filesystem /global/.devices/no
    de@2 is not available in /etc/mnttab.
    Mar 11 15:04:19 scrbdomderue005 cl_runtime: [ID 403317 kern.warning] WARNING: pxvfs:mount(): global mounts are not enabled (need to run "clconfig -g" first)
    scrbdomderue005:/usr/cluster/lib/sc# ./clconfig -g
    cladm: CLGBLMNT_ENABLE: Device busy
    When i tried to mount manually it couldn't.
    scrbdomderue005:/# mount /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s5 /global/.devices/node@2
    mount: No such device
    mount: Cannot mount /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s5
    but when i tried to mount the device in new mount point its mounting and i'm able to see the data.
    scrbdomderue005:/# mount /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s5 /mnt
    scrbdomderue005:/mnt# ls
    dev devices lost+found
    Kindly Could some one please guide me. how to resolve this issue.
    Thanks in advance.

    What have you changed recently? Patches?? Was it booting successfully before?
    May be the /global/.devices/node@X is not mounting properly on one node?

  • Urjent help !!!Error during running script root.sh for oracle 11g migration

    Dear All,
    My databse is Oracle and i am migrating it into oracle 11g.
    During installation of oracle 11g (with software only option) , it asked me to run the script root.sh in another terminal,
    During running i got the below error.
    What i should do now. shall i continue with the error...............
    Kindly help ? It's urjent....
    Script Output :
    [root@cmssbigt dbhome_1]# ./root.sh
    Running Oracle 11g root.sh script...
    The following environment variables are set as:
    ORACLE_OWNER= oracle
    ORACLE_HOME= /oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
    Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [usr/local/bin]:
    The file "dbhome" already exists in /usr/local/bin. Overwrite it? (y/n)
    [n]: y
    Copying dbhome to /usr/local/bin ...
    The file "oraenv" already exists in /usr/local/bin. Overwrite it? (y/n)
    [n]: y
    Copying oraenv to /usr/local/bin ...
    The file "coraenv" already exists in /usr/local/bin. Overwrite it? (y/n)
    [n]: y
    Copying coraenv to /usr/local/bin ...
    Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
    Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
    Finished running generic part of root.sh script.
    Now product-specific root actions will be performed.
    Finished product-specific root actions.
    /bin/mkdir: cannot create directory `/opt/ORCLfmap': No such file or directory
    /bin/mkdir: cannot create directory `/opt/ORCLfmap/prot1_32': No such file or directory
    /bin/mkdir: cannot create directory `/opt/ORCLfmap/prot1_32/bin': No such file or directory
    /bin/mkdir: cannot create directory `/opt/ORCLfmap/prot1_32/etc': No such file or directory
    /bin/mkdir: cannot create directory `/opt/ORCLfmap/prot1_32/log': No such file or directory
    /bin/cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ORCLfmap/prot1_32/bin': No such file or directory
    /bin/cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ORCLfmap/prot1_32/bin': No such file or directory
    /bin/chmod: cannot access `/opt/ORCLfmap/prot1_32/bin/fmputl': No such file or directory
    /bin/chmod: cannot access `/opt/ORCLfmap/prot1_32/bin/fmputlhp': No such file or directory
    /bin/cp: cannot create regular file `/opt/ORCLfmap/prot1_32/etc': No such file or directory
    [root@cmssbigt dbhome_1]#
    You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root

    Biswa wrote:
    If u have any problem with urjent word then mention in the forum during regestration that , only who having 5 to 6 days of time can only post. Because the issues will be solved within this time interval.
    Ok ..........No. It is NOT okay to claim that everyone else here that posted problems need to be ignored and your problem be given priority attention because you deem it to be urgent. You have not a single valid excuse for claiming your posting is more important on OTN that other postings.
    It is not acceptable. Learn some basic etiquette please when posting online!

  • Changing data in the table control during run time of transaction F-28

    Dear Experts,
    in transaction F-28 of second screen of second column (Field Name: Assignment) currently the data is getting from BSEG table and populating this column of table control, now I have a requirement that the data should be get from the other ZTABLE and populate this column during run time instead of the data from BSEG table, please let me know your suggestions, if you guys feel it will be done using User Exit then please let me know the suitable exit for this.
    Best Regards

    Hi Venkat,
    Use the appropriate sort key in the GL to fill up the assignment field automatically.
    U can create ur new sort key through OB16

  • How to get the Title and Tcode of a Program during run time

    I am new to abap and I have this question please. Is the a way to get the title, Tcode and Author of a program during run time? I would like to get the name and title of a program or a view or an include during run time.
    Using table TADIR, you can only get the object_name and the author. Is the a way for me to get the Title of the repository object and any Tcode if any is available for the case of a program?
    I loop forward for your respond.
    Thank you.

    You can get it by accessing SYST.
    SY-TITLE for Title
    SY-TCODE for Tcode
    I don't think there is any field in SYST for the Author.
    To get the author name you can use the TRDIR table.
    Naimesh Patel

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