Keyboard character setup

I have the short version of the wireless keyboard and works great except for a few characters that don't corresponde like for instance I have to punch Shift equal and zero to close parenthesis.
How do I set up this?

It sounds like your machine thinks you are using a JIS (japanese) keyboard.  See if this helps:

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    objJTextField.addKeyListener(new KeyboardEvent());
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    becks wrote:
    URLencoder is java.Yeah I know.
    Just wondering how other people do it as well? I feel that should not let users copy paste those funny character into the system.Well it's not a very good system if it doesn't support Unicode. It's not that big an effort after all. Of course if you're not familiar with character encoding and unicode, I recommend you read this:

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    Thanks, Tom, for your speedy reply.
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    You have mail.
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    becks wrote:
    URLencoder is java.Yeah I know.
    Just wondering how other people do it as well? I feel that should not let users copy paste those funny character into the system.Well it's not a very good system if it doesn't support Unicode. It's not that big an effort after all. Of course if you're not familiar with character encoding and unicode, I recommend you read this:

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    Here's a very simple one... If the param1 matches with any value in the input it will return true...
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    Go to the Language & Text system preferences and in the Input Sources tab check the option to enable these items as an input source to use (in the list to the left).

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    lol I delt with the same issue while making a galaxian clone.
    I wanted to completely get rid of the delay and make the repeat rate equal to as fast as java could execute it (meaning assume that it repeats every single time the paint() method gets executed).
    for instance, if I want the ship to move left and keep moving left (meaning no delay and incredibly fast repeat rate), I did this:
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    if you want there to be a significant delay (the way my firing of bullets does), then do this
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    if (MyKeyListener.SpaceBarIsPressed == true && System.currentTimeMillis() >= 500+milliSec)
         //the code necessary to shoot a bullet
         milliSec = System.currentTimeMillis()
    }that will make it so the next bullet cannot be fired until its been at least 500 milliseconds since the last bullet was fired. giving you a constant repeat rate with no start delay.

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    BikerBob wrote:
    The Input Sources menu has to be enabled to show the Keyboard & Character Views menu, which appears under the Input Sources menu. This was not the case in Mac OS 10.7, which I was previously using.
    However, it is odd that the Keyboard & Character Views option is not greyed out in the Keyboard tab when the Input Sources menu is not enabled.
    Indeed, the way Apple has done this in Mavericks seems both odd and cumbersome.   I think it would be worth telling them so at
    The official instructions assume you have already enabled the input sources menu:

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    Yes and it worked initially (once), but started again and is not corrected with restart or Snow Leopard upgrade.

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    Fast forward a few days after the sale of my Mini: Now when I try to connect the keyboard to any of my other Macs, the Bluetooth Setup sees the keyboard no problem at all but when I click 'Continue' to go the the pairing stage, the process just keeps failing!
    Whenever I turn my keyboard on I get the expected solid green light for two or three seconds, but after that the keyboard's green light keeps repeatedly blinking until I turn the keyboard off again.
    I did notice that the Bluetooth Setup will only ever see the keyboard in those first few seconds when the light is a solid green ...if I wait until the lights starts blinking and then start up the Bluetooth Setup, it does not see the keyboard at all.
    If anyone can shed any light on this, I would be enternally grateful!!!! ...especially as I was recently made redundant — that's 'Laid-off' for any Americans reading this! — and I would rather not have to buy yet another expensive Apple keyboard when I'm jobless and really should not have to!!!
    I read about a lot of people who's Macs sinply don't see their keyboard, but it's extra frustrating for me as my Macs do see the keyboard but won't bloody well pair with it!
    Thanks again to anyone taking the time to read this!

    The keyboard and mouse should have come from the factory already paired to the Mac. But if it didn't see this

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    Best Regards,

    What is the business requirement you're trying to satisfy?
    If your database character set is based on ASCII, CHR(1) (the Start of Header) character is likely to be transferred between systems without character set conversion. Non-ASCII character sets (i.e. Big5 for Chinese data) don't necessarily share the same control characters, though, and generally won't have the same binary representation of an ASCII control character (so CHR(1) in a non-ASCII based database wouldn't necessarily return the same character that CHR(1) would in an ASCII based database).

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    Until you get a fix for the broken Character Picker, you can use the usual option keyboard shortcuts.

  • Keyboard - Character replacement - Keystroke Event !

    Hello ! I am developing a specialized editor using JEditorPane.
    One the functionalities that I am trying to provide is character replacement using keyboard. Meaning that if some one enters, say, 'q' then a 'z' should be printed at the point of insertion. Something like
    "This is a ebra"--> After typing 'q' on the keyboard before the beginning of the fourth word "ebra", the resulting text in the editor pane should look like "This is a zebra"; meaning here 'q' is used to type in 'z'.
    Now here is my code but I am getting both 'z' and 'q' printed i.e. the result looks like, "This is a zebraq". So my questions are,
    1) How do I get rid of the unwanted 'q'?
    2) Is there a better way of doing this kind of replacement.
    Thanks in advance!!
    public void keyTyped (KeyEvent e)
    PressedKey = e.getKeyChar();
    String strBeforeInsert = new String("");
    String strAfterInsert = new String("");
    String docString = new String("");
    int length = edit.getDocument().getLength();
    strBeforeInsert = edit.getDocument().getText(0,dot);
    System.out.println("---- strBeforeInsert " + strBeforeInsert);
    strAfterInsert = edit.getDocument().getText((dot), (length-dot));
    System.out.println("---- strAfterInsert " + strAfterInsert);     
    catch (BadLocationException ble){
    if (PressedKey == 'q')
         System.out.println(">>>>>> " + PressedKey);
         docString = strBeforeInsert.concat("z") + strAfterInsert;

    I would use a DocumentListener. Check out the Swing tutorial for more information:
    In the insertString(..) method when a 'q' is typed, insert a 'z' instead.

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