Keyboard probs since 10.4.10

Since I updated to 10.4.10, the upper 4 keys on the keyboard (sound + eject) don't work anymore. Not that they aren't being recognized by the machine (if the screen fades and I hit one of the sound keys it wakes up again) they just don't control the sound anymore.
Also on the small remote the volume doesn't work, while other functions still work (menu, stop/play, forward/back).
And when I hit cntr-eject (for a reboot or shutdown) the window appears in the left top corner off the screen. Yes OFF the screen, it's only visible for like 40% and cannot be moved (impossible to grab the top bar) so only the 'cancel' and 'shut down' buttons are visible.
Also from the Finder menu, under the Apple on the left, the 'About this Mac' doesn't work anymore.
This is all really annoying.
And it's not only on my Intel iMac, but also on the G5 Tower I work with.
This while others working on G5 iMacs, running the exact same 10.4.10, have no problems at all.
Do we have to wait for Apple to solve this with another Security or OS update? Or is there a workaround to solve these issues?

Hi, millerfj
that is a thing which bothered me as well, but which went after my software updates: That my iMac had problems to log in, whereas the minimac just stayed connected. At present it is just the other way around: there are times of the day, when my mini looses the connection every 30 sec, and the iMac stays.
This indicates to me that it is not primarily a problem of the base station, but rather of the reception side. And note, interference can be:
a) different for every computer and base station, depending on the locations;
b) can change in time;
c) can be caused by something outside your appartment
d) ... perhaps even more
by the way, my iMac is running osx 10.3.9, and shows (or showd) similar problems.

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    in the BIOS ( hold F10 when you power on the laptop) There may be a section to adjust keyboard functions. Similarly, there is a control panel for "Filter Keys" which may be activated and causing the problem, and there is the Keyboard control panel. Both of these you can get to by opening the start menu and typing in;
    for Keyboard: "Keyboard" and it may be the second selection down in the search results
    for Filter Keys: "Filter" and the result will be "Ignore repeated keystrokes using FilterKeys", which may be the first selection. You'll want to turn off filterkeys or try playing with the settings.
    If these three don't fix the issue, there may be a driver issue. You can right click on "Computer", select "Manage" and on the left side of the window click on "Device Manager" There will be a list of device types in the right side of the window. Double click on "Keyboards" to make it show the keyboard you have installed. Right click on the keyboard and choose "uninstall". You will lose functionality with the keyboard. Reboot the computer, let it come all the way on and then reboot it again.
    If that don't work, then it's more than likely just a really stiff, new keyboard and will slowly work itself loser with usage. You may be able to purchase a USB keyboard for around $10 (a walmart cheapy) that you can use for writing emails and such, and use the laptop's keyboard when you're not in a rush-rush or serious situation so that it will still get worn in.
    Hope this helps!

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