Keyboard shortcut to increase/decrease tempo

Hi everyone,
I'm more or less a noob to Logic. I'm blown away by its potential. I used to work with Cubase. There's just one of two things I really miss about it. And this is the most urgent one:
Is there a way to gradually increase and decrease the song tempo using a keyboard shortcut, like Cubase does with the + and - keys?
Any help will be appreciated SOOOOOOOO MUCH! This would speed up things for me incredibly!

Depending on the application, try SHIFT, COMMAND, +
Here's a link.
Hope this helps

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    Have you used the "Sync Now" option?
    The reason I asked is that I tried that option but typed in the wrong email address and that resulted in the keyboard shortcut window not opening on my laptop.
    I got a "Sync failed" error message but after I typed in the right address on my main computer, syncing was successful and the keyboard shortcut window reappeared
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    Try resetting Keynote by removing it, (use Appcleaner from Mac Update .com to do this, it is freeware)
    start up in safe mode (press shift key immediately after the start chime) it will take longer to start up as the OS is being repaired
    when the Mac is fully booted:   Applications > Utilities > Disk utility >
           click the System hard drive in the list >first aid tab > Repair Disc
    reboot normally
    re-install iWork and install updates for Keynote

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    Check to see if they are still set in the Keyboard Shortcuts window.
    Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts
    Select "Tools" from "Shortcuts For"
    Scroll down until you see Increase/Decrease Brush Size.
    That will allow you to set the shortcuts.
    If that fails, you may want to reset preferences.

  • Keyboard Shortcut for Volume Control

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    Is there a way to increase or decrease the volume using a keyboard shortcut?? Any help here will be much appreciated.

    Use the side edge volume controls.
    There's no keyboard controls that I know of, other than the # key might place your device on the Silent profile (or the top edge MUTE key )
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  • PS, OS X and Norwegian Apple keyboard, shortcut problems

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    I can map the keys to something else and sacrifice another important shortcut of course. This would just cause more problems down the line.
    I know there are users or lurkers in this forum with a similar problem. Anyone up for giving me my sanity back?

    Exactly. Bad translations and the lack of application-updates were the main reasons I originally switched to US English versions years and versions ago. Unfortunately I need to use Swedish localized versions at work so I still see the lousy translations.
    For those of you who are only using English and living in English speaking countries, note that the problem is that keyboards that come with the machines are localized to your area and if you change keyboard layout the layout of the keys do not match what is under them. Does make it hard to work unles you glue something to the keys or create an overlay (remember those?) for the keyboard. That means that for isntance you cannot reach the tilde key (just an example, there are other ones too) but by using yet other keys to get there. That's what breaks the shortcut.
    Editing keyboard shortcuts in each and every version of the applications is usally also not an option (and in some apps those shortcuts - if they can be called shortcuts when they contain around 4 keys...) as the shortcuts do not even reside in a selfcontained file that you can move to other machines, but is embedded into other settings. Or hardcoded into the application an unreachable. And not portable between versions.
    Changing keyboard layout in Internationl is not an option either.
    The only application that is semi-smart is actually Bridge where you can set your keyboard prefs to another keyboard layout than the one you use for the application itself (Bridge is multi-lingual like OS X) and then the shortcuts follow with that setting. On the other hand you cannot edit shortcuts in Bridge. Bridge is also a limited application when it comes to features and shortcuts which makes this esier from an engeneering view I would guess. The other Adobe apps are far more complex in that regard (and if a short-cut would be changed in favour of the international users in for instance Illustrator, you would hear a roar you wouldn't believe from those Illustrator users....those are a conservative bunch).
    The only solution that would be a good one would be if there would be no hardcoded shortcuts at all that are tied to one keyboard layout only, the US English one, but would use keys that can be used regardless of keyboard layout used at user end. I've fought for this for many years but so far only with limited success.

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    Look in regional and language options in windows and ensure the settings are correct to match your country.

  • Keyboard shortcut to condense/expand text

    I'm having a few withdrawal symptoms due to recently switching from Quark. I did a lot with keyboard commands and am having to learn an entire large set of new ones. One I can't find is the command to condense or expand type.
    Does InDesign have that keyboard capability?
    I downloaded a handy keyboard command cheat sheet from the internet but I don't think it has all of them. Is there a more complete one somewhere I could get?

    What you need is to increase/decrease horizontal scaling. The default
    keyboard shortcut set doesn't have anything assigned to either but you
    can create your own. Edit>keyboard shortcuts>text and tables. Scroll
    down to increase horizontal scaling and decrease horizontal scaling and
    set them as you wish.
    Save a new keyboard shortcut set and those shortcuts will be available
    to you.

  • Quod libet keyboard shortcuts/xfce4-mixer

    Can someone suggest some keyboard shortcuts, like to increase/decrease volume, forward/rewind, etc.
    Also, when I start arch, in xfce4-mixer, headphone and pcm levels are zero by default and I need to increase them on every boot. Is there a way to change their default values.
    Last edited by ravisghosh (2007-06-08 15:17:36)

    ravisghosh wrote:Also, when I start arch, in xfce4-mixer, headphone and pcm levels are zero by default and I need to increase them on every boot. Is there a way to change their default values.
    Add alsa to the DAEMONS array of rc.conf

  • Suggestion for a New Keyboard Shortcut

    I'd like to suggest a way of increasing the efficiency of editing captions and other metadata in Aperture by adding a keyboard shortcut that always serves to move to the next image in the viewer. For example, Command-Shift-] (or something) to move to the next image in the library. Right now, I think only arrows move to the next image, but that doesn't work if you are editing in a text box, so you have to use the mouse or trackpad.

    Hey qoool,
    You can leave feedback and request features added to the iPhone online here:

  • How can I set up a custom keyboard shortcut for volume control?

    Hi all,
    I use my black MacBook at work, connected to an external monitor and external keyboard. I'm looking for a way to set up the F buttons on my external keyboard as volume control, just as they do on my laptop keyboard. Looking for F3 to F5 to be volume mute, down, and up, respectively.
    I tried going into Keyboard Shortcuts in System Preferences but since there is no menu item for volume control I can't seem to add it. Anyone know how I can go about doing this or what I'm missing?

    paste the following into Applescrpt Editor (it's in /Applications/Utilities)
    <pre style="
    font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
    font-size: 10px;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 5px;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    width: 720px;
    color: #000000;
    background-color: #ADD8E6;
    overflow: auto;"
    title="this text can be pasted into the Script Editor">
    set curVolume to output volume of (get volume settings)
    -- work out the new setting
    if curVolume < 96 then
    set newVolume to curVolume + 5
    -- can't go over 100
    set newVolume to 100
    end if
    -- and apply it
    set volume output volume newVolume</pre>
    this script will increase volume by 5 (out of 100) any time you run it. you can adjust this of course. save the script somewhere.
    You can use a 3rd part app launcher to bind a keyboard shortcut to it. I use Butler. there are many others: Quicksilver, ikeys, quickeys, Spark, Launchbar.
    this will work the fastest.
    If you don't want to use 3rd party tools for this you can make a service using automator but that might be a bit slower than the first option. open automator. it will give you a pulldown screen wiuth the choice of what you want to make. choose "service". set it to receive no input and be available in all applications. add the following "run apple script" action to the service
    <pre style="
    font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
    font-size: 10px;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 5px;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    width: 720px;
    color: #000000;
    background-color: #ADD8E6;
    overflow: auto;"
    title="this text can be pasted into the Script Editor">
    on run {input, parameters}
    set curVolume to output volume of (get volume settings)
    -- work out the new setting
    if curVolume < 96 then
    set newVolume to curVolume + 5
    -- can't go over 100
    set newVolume to 100
    end if
    -- and apply it
    set volume output volume newVolume
    end run</pre>
    save the service, go to keyboard system preferences->keyboard shortcuts->services and make a shortcut for the service you just created.

  • I hate it when they change all the keyboard shortcuts. Is there a fix for these?

    I don't understand why Adobe thinks that consistency is a bad thing, but it seems that everytime they update they go jerking with my keyboard shortcuts. Last time it was Indesign, this time it Photoshop that has me complaining. Usually I can change things back to the way I like under Edit/ Keyboard Shortcuts... but this time they've really done it.
    Probably the 2 sets of shortcuts that I use the most over the last 15 years of using Photoshop, thus have become a natural reflex, when using the program are Toggling between CMYK channels via cmd-1,2,3&4, (sorry using cmd 3,4,5&6 is just completely unnatural) and Fit to Window (cmd-0). I cannot find a menu selection anywhere that would allow me to change these back, and Fit to Window has been completely removed from the view menu altogether! WTF?
    I guess I could get used to the new channel key commands if need be, but no Fit to Window? what is this world coming to?
    Anyone know of a workaround to this problem.

    Heh...found the ad-copy I wrote for AccessPad Pro:
    You're a power-user. The applications you work with do your bidding like YoYo Ma's Cello, like Perleman's violin, like Bill Evans' piano.
    You've customized the way your applications openall the Tools and Palettes show up right where you like them. You may even have a few custom workspace arrangements for different purposes. You switch between them with a mouse click, and you're ready to go.
    You've made brilliant use of Actions, Macros, Scripts and other built-in time- and effort-saving functions.
    You know hundreds of keyboard shortcuts, and have spent time reassigning the defaults to more deftly meet your needs. You've assigned F-key shortcuts to some of those functions that don't even have shortcuts.
    You're a power-user, but you've run up against a couple things that put a brick wall in front of your ever-increasing efficiency.
    Firstyour keyboard is designed for typing actual text. It's been that way since the dawn of the first mechanical typewriters. The way the keys are arranged are meant to make it easy for your fingers to find the keys. Even if you use the arguably better Dvorak arrangement for key assignments. Even if you have one of those split-and-angled "ergonomic keyboards, they're still designed to do one thing well: Let the user type text as efficiently as possible.
    Your keyboardwhatever the specieswas never meant to be an efficient, ergonomic way to access the shortcuts you depend on. For your current keyboardnay, ANY keyboardto perform optimally as a shortcut access device, you'd do well to have a third hand, or a freakishly long set of fingers that could bend 360 degrees in any direction.
    SecondYour keyboard only allows a finite number of shortcuts. If you find yourself wishing and begging for just one more F-key, so you wouldn't have to get rid of some of your old shortcuts just to add a newly discovered "must-have", you're out of luck. It's about impossible to find one that has any more than 16 F-keys. Even if you could find a keyboard with more user-assignable keys, there's still the matter of the first problem, that is: How to reach them easily and quickly?
    Forget all of those hassles, starting now.
    The AccessPad Pro, by Phosergistics, is a computer peripheral designed from the ground up to allow youthe kings and queens of all power usersto have access to a virtually unlimited number of shortcuts. It sits on your desk, opposite the hand you use for operating your mouse. You rest your hand on it, in a comfortable relaxed manner. Notice where your thumb naturally falls. Right there, under your thumb, you find that there are buttons that replicated the Command & Option keys found on your keyboard. They can be pressed and activated independently or in tandem.
    Under the heel of your hand is a somewhat larger button. Press down slightly, and you'll enable the same behavior as the Shift key on your keyboard.
    Using your thumb and the heel of your hand you can enable 6 combinations of modifiers.
    Now, look at your fingers. Beneath where they naturally rest on the AccessPad Pro you'll see six gracefully curved rows of buttons, 4 in each row. These buttons are arranged ergonomically, so the slightest curl of your finger can find and press any of the 24 buttons.
    Let's do some simple math: 6 combinations of modifier keys, multiplied by 24 easily reachable, user-assignable function buttons...The AccessPad Pro gives you comfortable access to a whopping 144 shortcut assignments, all without moving your hand.
    But that's not all. 144 shortcuts isn't enough for you? No problem. You can have a virtually unlimited number of these 144 shortcut sets, user assignable to work system-wide, or on a per-application basis, and you can load any set, any time you want. And because these custom shortcut assignments are written to a preset file using the industry standard XML scripting language, you can save these sets as tiny text files which you can share and trade with users on either the Mac or Windows platform.
    You're a power-user. Forget about trying to grow a 3rd hand. Forget about wishing you hand foot-long fingers.
    Use your mouse for moving your cursor.
    Use your keyboard for typing text.
    Use AccessPad Pro to speed up everything else you do on your computer. Try it for a week and you'll wonder how you ever worked without it.

Maybe you are looking for