Killer e2200 - Nothing works!

I've already posted my problem here: but I really have no more patience. At first I had the problem with the "Driver_not_less_or_equal"-Bluescreen. Then I've downloaded the software from the Qualcomm-website. And then everything seemed to work fine. But I have constantly the problem that my internet connection breaks for about 4 seconds or I've got heavy internet speed-drop downs.
So I tried the solution from the thread I've posted up here. The driver installation worked fine but it now seems that I'm only connected through wLan. The speedtest shows that I now got the same results about the lan-connection as with the wLan-connection.  Before, with the old driver, I had a ping about 17, download speed about 12mb and upload speed 1mb. Now I have a ping about 52, download speed 5mb and a upload speed about 0.60mb.
I think it could be important: I'm connected with the internet through a dLan-adapter.
I hope somebody has an idea what else I could do. Otherwise I'm going mad. xD (And excuse me for my english xD)

And the thing is called the "Killer e2200 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
I made an another speedtest yet and now I've got the same results as with the old driver. I did
nothing xD but I really hope that it works and the internet connection-breaks are now gone. But
I don't really believe it

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    So I've been trying to figure out how to get this work and been following some recommendations from different threads such as: to get it fixed but I have yet to get any luck so far.
    My Killer e2200 Ethernet adapter doesn't seem to be working properly and keeps getting the Code 31 error. Anyone know of a fix to this? Would really appreciate any kind of help.

    Quote from: bassgx on 12-January-15, 10:52:16
    So I've been trying to figure out how to get this work and been following some recommendations from different threads such as: to get it fixed but I have yet to get any luck so far.
    My Killer e2200 Ethernet adapter doesn't seem to be working properly and keeps getting the Code 31 error. Anyone know of a fix to this? Would really appreciate any kind of help.
    Have you tried installing LAN drivers from msi website? since what i can see is your actuall drivers arent working propertly so it's giving that yellow symbol to indicate somethings wrong so right click on LAN device and select properties or uninstall then when it disapears then run LAN drivers or re-scan system with scan button futher up and it will re-install LAN with intels temporary i think if not then do drivers install instead and it should solve your problem.

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    What I've done so far:
    1. Installed the drivers on the CD which I got with the computer. Although when on BigFoot LAN Driver, it says that I've already another version installed and need to uninstall it).
    2. Downloaded the drivers for the network card through MSI homepage and installed. Funny thing, after that not even the WiFi worked.
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    4. Figured it might've been something wrong with windows so I did a factory recovery but that didn't seem to help either.
    All I get when I plug the cable in, I get the "Limited access" (yellow mark) on the LAN icon down in the right side corner.
    Has anyone else gotten this problem?
    Kind regards,

    Quote from: Wingu on 20-May-13, 08:15:26
    Thank you for your reply.
    I think I've got it sorted now. I tried another network cable and it works now.
    It's weird however since the cable I've used for about a month now works with my old computer (Win7) but not with my new computer.
    Gonna go to an electronic store later and see if it will make any difference if I buy a new cable.
    Does the killer e2200 only accept certain sort of network cables?
    Thanks again.
    It really should work with any network cable to be honest, as long as it's not a PATCH cable. Patch cables are wired slightly differently, but they are rare anymore.

  • Killer E2200

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    I've tried lots of the solutions that are on this forum to solve this NIC issue, but none of them solve the problem. I've tried uninstalling the driver and suite with the Killer Cleaner then re installing just the driver. I've tried switching the driver to a Qualcomm Aetheros AR8161 as suggested on another forum. So far nothing has solved the issue right now i'm running the Killer E2200 driver by itself without the suite. The mobo I have is a MSI Z97 G45 this is brand new.

    What browser exactly? Did you try different browsers? I think you can try clear cache and run Speedtest. How do you confirm it's Killer issue? Any warnings or smth? Also try the latest driver on msi website and list full specsifications.

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    so the issue is when I speedtest my connection my(with or without router) ping spikes for 20+ min from 4ms to 80ms and download halves (it's not only with speedtest but I've only managed to reproduce with it).
    so I did some troubleshooting and found nothing wrong so I ordered a network technician from my ISP he came and found nothing wrong with his laptop plugged in (ping fine and download didn't drop speed) and he noted that he saw the issue I had but he said it wasn't their end as his laptop was fine.
    Link that shows the issue
    Note that I don't actually show downloading here but it does go from around 1.7 MB/s to 800 KB/s while downloading a driver for example.

    So if anyone has the same issue i missed that there was a killer driver release on msi site for and these work fine.

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    I even tried booting off the Lion and Mountain Lion DVDs and can't find the AHT there either.
    Since there aren't any Lion or ML DVDs provided by Apple, that's a strange comment. For the AHT failure, assuming that the machine came originally w/Snow Leopard, try this.
    Mount disc 2, run this command in the Terminal app, OPTION-click & hold Finder's Dock icon, and select RELAUNCH:
    defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 1
    That unhides all hidden files/folders.
    Now, drill down to /"Applications Install Disc"/System/Library/CoreServices/ and drag the .diagnostics folder into your Lion or ML boot volume's /System/Library/CoreServices/ folder.
    Run this command to hide the normally hidden files/folders and RELAUNCH the Finder again.
    defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 0
    This should allow the machine to boot into AHT when restarting and holding down the D key.

  • Starcraft 2 HotS problem (probably) caused by Killer E2200.

    First of all i want to apologize if there already was similar topic but i could't find it.
    Yesterday i bought MSI Z87 GD65 motherboard, i hooked up everything and started installing games, benchmarks etc.
    Today i wanted to play some Starcraft 2 HotS with my friend and every time we try to start 2vs2 game (and SC2 is starting to download some stuff) skype is disconnecting us, also SC2 loses connection with yet everything else (using internet) works just fine.
    I think that this might be the problem with the Killer E2200.
    My question is: am i the only one who got this issue?

    Quote from: XFM on 20-June-13, 06:07:20
    Have you tried re-installing drivers?
     List all of the components in your rig including brand and model of your PSU, see my signature below for example of listing components. Please make a similar signature.
          >> Posting Guide <<
    Yes i did, twice.
    So far i tested couple of multiplayer/MMO games and only SC2 HotS have this sort of issues.
    Sorry for the lack of specs, i will put them a little bit later today.

  • Z97-GD65 GAMING with intermittent BUG in Killer e2200

    Basic PC info
    Z97-GD65 GAMING (MS-7845)
    BIOS updated (MSI AMD 2.70)
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz
    2 kit Corsair DDR3 16GB - CMY16GX3M2A1600C9 (ALL: 32GB)
    AMD Radeon R9 200 Series 4GB
    Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit  Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
    Basic ISP info
    Global Village Telecom (Brazil)
    15MB connection
    Basic Router
    Router Technicolor TD5130v2 (Renamed Thompsom Speedstream?)
    Firmware GVT_Fw_V17
    Patch cord cat5e 1M yellow to my PC
    Path cord cat5e to another PCs
    Conventional blue cat5e to another 2 PCs
    Static IPs for all
    When the ISP connection goes down and return, sometimes, the network card is bugged.
    Sometimes, using the Windows troubleshoting solves the problem.
    Symptoms of BUG
    The router not respond the network card Killer e2200, and does not respond to any package.
    If any audio is played during the bug, it is accompanied by the noise "pop-pop-pop-pop" that keeps repeating, at a rate of 2 Hz.
    Example(Wireshark images)
    bugged - call Router and unresponsive
    Normal - Call Router and Router respond
    The only computer in my network, having problems with Router is Z97-GD65 GAMING.
    The other 5 computers tested, and even smartphones NEVER had any problem with the router.
    Reboot PC.
    Before display the logo of Win7, the router recognizes the network Killer e2200.
    Solution attempts
    1) Update Bios
    2) Uninstall and reinstall Killer e2200 drivers
    3) Already changed the place of computers in the router output, and only MSI motherboard show this problem.
    The Z97-GD65 GAMING, for every connection fall of ISP,  the user needs to restart for the internet back up and running.
    I was forced to restart 3 or 4 times per day, while the entire network operates normally.
    The problem is occurring from the first day that I am using the Motherboard, and  delay this time to do all the tests to determine exactly what was happening.

    1) BIOS are flashed using MSI Live update
    After the update, MSI Live Update presented some problems with Windows 7 64Bits, and I uninstalled it.
    2) My MAC Address is Here  (Power Shell)
    Availability                : 3
    Name                        : Killer e2200 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.30)
    Status                      :
    StatusInfo                  :
    DeviceID                    : 7
    AdapterType                 : Ethernet 802.3
    AdapterTypeId               : 0
    AutoSense                   :
    Caption                     : [00000007] Killer e2200 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.30)
    ConfigManagerErrorCode      : 0
    ConfigManagerUserConfig     : False
    CreationClassName           : Win32_NetworkAdapter
    Description                 : Killer e2200 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.30)
    ErrorCleared                :
    ErrorDescription            :
    GUID                        : {70CE5FA0-D2A6-47BF-B488-4DFC5C70BB53}
    Index                       : 7
    InstallDate                 :
    Installed                   : True
    InterfaceIndex              : 16
    LastErrorCode               :
    MACAddress                  : 44:8A:5B:9B:B1:04
    Manufacturer                : Qualcomm Atheros
    MaxNumberControlled         : 0
    MaxSpeed                    :
    NetConnectionID             : Conexão local
    NetConnectionStatus         : 2
    NetEnabled                  : True
    NetworkAddresses            :
    PermanentAddress            :
    PhysicalAdapter             : True
    PNPDeviceID                 : PCI\VEN_1969&DEV_E091&SUBSYS_78451462&REV_13\4&46DB999&0&00E3
    PowerManagementCapabilities :
    PowerManagementSupported    : False
    ProductName                 : Killer e2200 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.30)
    ServiceName                 : Ke2200
    Speed                       : 100000000
    SystemCreationClassName     : Win32_ComputerSystem
    SystemName                  : USER-PC
    TimeOfLastReset             : 20150303112442.610798-180
    Scope                       : System.Management.ManagementScope
    Path                        : \\USER-PC\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="7"
    Options                     : System.Management.ObjectGetOptions
    ClassPath                   : \\USER-PC\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter
    Properties                  : {AdapterType, AdapterTypeId, AutoSense, Availability...}
    SystemProperties            : {__GENUS, __CLASS, __SUPERCLASS, __DYNASTY...}
    Qualifiers                  : {dynamic, Locale, provider, UUID}
    Site                        :
    Container                   :
    3) I uninstall Killer Manager, and install Killer Driver only.
    Functioned normally, but do not know if the problem is resolved.
    I downloaded the MSI LIVE new version, and test the updates.
    The update "Killer Network Drivers (driver Only)" create conflict in the Killer e2200 in Z97-GD65 GAMING.
    I install again "Killer Driver only" by Pandaz ( version 03/27/2014), and it worked.
    I will monitor 72 hours to see if the problem recurs.

  • KILLER E2200 Gigabit issue. Do i need to RMA?

    So i have just bought a new motherboard and processor (see specs below) and am getting a constant problem. These 2 items were brand new and my had no issue with my old motherboard.
    The issue:
    Unidentified Network - As you can see from the images, i am constantly getting no internet connectivity even thought the cable has been detected.
    The Facts:
    - I know its nothing to do with my local network as my laptop connect to the internet with no trouble.
    - I have tried both, the default drivers/software off the disk, and the latest drivers/software off the msi website. I have also tried the standalone drivers without the software that have been provided on this website.
    - I have tried to use the auto repair feature and that just re-enables the controller with no luck.
    - I have used the killer cleaner and that does nothing either. I'm just left restarting my PC over and over again through a painful install process.
    Now I'm left wondering if this is just a faulty motherboard or am i doing something wrong? PLEASE HELP! 
    Any information i thought you may need i have provided in images below. These are just to give you an idea of whats happening. If you need anything else please just ask 
    Computer Specifications:
    OS - Windows 8.1
    CPU - i5 4670k @ 4.3ghz
    Motherboard - Msi z87 G43 GAMING
    Memory - 10gb DDR3
    Graphics Card - Msi r9 280x

    I am faced with the exact same problem, my Killer e2200 chip has the latest driver from (e2200 version x64 bit), running Windows 8.1 Pro x64 bit.
    I am uncertain whether this is normal since I can access internet but trough a connection set up by me.
    Probably because of this I do not benefit any killer e2200 features, for example my Killer Network Manager lacks the ''Killer Ethernet'' panel and resets settings I make to default after restart or shutdown.
    Here are the ''Networks'' side panel and the ''Killer Network Manager'' with all 4 panels, most of stuff posted by cookeymiceter is identical so will not upload rest of screens to save space:

  • Z87 MPOWER MAX - Killer E2200 BSOD problem on Win 8.1

    Hello all!
    I have a BSOD problem on win 8.1 with the mentioned motherboard . specifically with the Killer E2200  e22w8x64.sys driver.
    No matter where I get the driver for it (MSI installation DVD, killer gaming homepage...) I still have the problem. And it was a bit hard to identify this driver, After 20-30 BSOD-s a day I had to start windows driver verifier to realize wich driver is failing. Is anybody else experiencing this problem? Is there any solution to this, maybe a driver under development?
    I couldn't find the option to attach something ( because extarnal links are not allowed apparently (would have been to skydrive) ), I would have attached a miniDump which has the referrence to this driver.
    Thank You.
    Takács Attila

    My question is: can I somehow make it work, can YOU msi developers make it work, or I really need to buy new RAM?
    This is a Users-to-Users Forum. For contacting MSI tech: >>How to contact MSI.<<
    Be waware that your system is a dual cahnnel one and a three stick (triple channel) setup is not optimal. Also it is meant for old X58 systems and most likely 1.65v. Clear cmos and retry with just two sticks.

  • MSI Z87 Mpower Killer e2200 Connection problems

    Hi there, I've been having some major problems regarding the Bigfoot killer e2200 ethernet controller. I have loaded the latest drivers, but no matter what i do whenever i'm playing battlefield 4 i will lose my connection completely. I have set battlefield 4 to high priority in the killer network manager but nothing seems to help. After about 10 - 15 minutes of playing I lose the connection then it reconnects....
    I'm using a wired connection and have disabled the wireless on the board to eliminate that as the problem....
    Are there any drivers without the Killer Network manager.....
    This is driving me mad, I never had any problems at all regarding connection on my old gigabyte motherboad.

    Uninstall Killer software completely using >>Killer Cleaner<<. After reboot just install pure drivers you found: (prior uninstall with cleaner is a must!)

  • Killer e2200 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.30) problem

    Hi everyone, i had this problem since november:i had a gaming pc(specifics below) with a Killer e2200 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.30).The problem is that my pc disconnects every 30 min more or less,for a minute.I tried formatting my pc and installing windows 8.1 (before, i had win 7 home premium) but still nothing.I don't know where the problem could be, because other devices (smartphone,tablets adn also other pc) don't disconnect.
    If you could help me, i'll give you other informations as much as i can.
    i'm using a TP-LINK EXTENDER 300 Mbps which is connected with ethernet cable to my PC.It's an universal WI FI range extender.
    EDIT: I posted this topic into "other MSI product"

    Other topic is removed
    >>Please read and comply with the Forum Rules.<<
    WiFi does not use Killer network, and even though your device is connected through ethernet, it is still wireless. Might be that Killer NIC and your device (and its driver) cross over each other and cause random issues. Try standard Ethernet->Modem connection (straight 1m connection) and see if you get internet drops then too.

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