Latest Apple Bootcamp drivers...Where?

Where can I find the latest Apple Boot Camp drivers for a 27" Quad-core i7 iMac?
I've created my WinXP partition and installed XP and things seem to work well except a few games and apps (latest printer drivers for an HP Photosmart C5250 report errors, indicating USB problems. However, there are no "banged-out" items in device manager).
When I first purchased a newly released 24" iMac a few years ago, the video driver was not working well for some games. A few weeks later, Apple posted updated drivers for this iMac and things have worked well since.
I'm wondering if something similar is happening for this new 27" iMac, hence my interest for latest driver list for this iMac.

synergy2000 wrote:
Is there any update for 64-bit Windows as well?
And/or the general support page for BootCamp is well worth a visit

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    Hello my name is erick fromwashington and what happen is that i PUT WINDOWS 7 ON MY BOOTCAMP BUT DID NT LOAD THE DOWN LOAD FROM APPLE SUPPORT SO WHERE CAN I GET THEM FROM

    Please see Boot Camp: System requirements for Microsoft Windows operating systems - Apple Support and download version appropriate to your hardware to a USB Flash drive and run setup.exe in the Bootcamp folder.

  • No Bluetooth Windows 7 x64, Snow Leopard latest BootCamp drivers

    Hi All,
    no bluetooth showing on system with the latest bootcamp drivers. A 'Base System Device' is showing in Device Manager with an error, but I can't point it to a driver and don't know where to get one.
    Any help appreciated.

    Unfortunately, Apple's Boot Camp 3.1 Bluetooth drivers don't work.

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    The discs are Tiger discs, and when inserted into the mac (running xp), are shown to not contain the bootcamp drivers. Where can I download the drivers for this computer?

    Is this link what you need? The drivers will be on your Leopard disks. I think your post states that you upgraded to Leopard.

  • Can I force the bootcamp wizard to skip looking for the bootcamp drivers?  I have already downloaded the latest drivers and loaded them on a FAT usb drive.  All I want is for bootcamp to create the partition and allow me to install windows 8 pro

    Hi Everyone,
    Can I force the bootcamp wizard to skip looking for the bootcamp drivers?  I have already downloaded the latest drivers and loaded them on a FAT usb drive.  All I want is for bootcamp to create the partition and allow me to install windows 8 pro.
    The bootcamp drivers have been downloaded from apple's website.  Filename:  BootCamp5.0.5033
    I have a iMac 27" late 2013 model.
    NOTE:  I have downloaded the drivers manually from apples support site as the bootcamp wizard fails third of the way through the download.
    Appreciate any assistance.

    There is a missing point in this thread, and it is that the Boot Camp drivers for the Late 2013 iMac can only be downloaded from Boot Camp Assistant. The Boot Camp drivers available in the Apple site are not compatible with that iMac.
    Delete the Boot Camp drivers from the USB drive, open Boot Camp Assistant and try to download the Boot Camp drivers again. If you get a message telling you that they could not be downloaded, I would try reinstalling OS X through OS X Recovery, by holding down Command and R keys while your Mac is starting up

  • Where do i get the bootcamp drivers for my macbook pro?

    Hey guys,
    I got my Macbook about a year ago and i need to bootcamp to windows 7. I watched some youtube videos and they mention that i should have gotten a cd with the bootcamp drivers. However, my macbook did not come with any CD. Where do i get the bootcamp drivers now? Thanks!

    KarenSelena wrote:
    Check out the Boot Camp User Guide -  See p. 11
    Hi KS, the OP has 10.7, the procedures are very different, your suggestion is going to confuse.

  • I dont have my leopard disk, where can i find bootcamp drivers for vista?

    i just bought a used macbook pro. the man i bought it from didnt have his leopard disk. i installed vista 32 last night succesfuly but none of the features work because i dont have the leopard disk to download the oppropriate drivers. does anybody know where i can download the bootcamp drivers for vista 32 without having to buy the leopard disk?

    i just bought a used macbook pro. the man i bought it from didnt have his leopard disk.
    Hopefully, he gave you a $130 discount off the price, since you're going to have to buy a new Leopard disk. You should never have a machine without a system disk for it, since you'd be unable to recover without one if something went wrong. I don't know if you'll need it for those bootcamp drivers, but you will need it sooner or later.
    (Technically, what he did is illegal... if he didn't give you the disk, he should not have given you a machine with the system installed. You're also in a bad legal position, by using a system that you do not own a copy of.)

  • [HELP] I can't install the bootcamp drivers on my mac.

    Hello people.
    I have a problem and i wish if you could help me with.
    I have an iMac Early-2009 ( 2.66ghz C2D / 4GB 1333mhz RAM / GeForce 9400 256mb ) with Mountain Lion 10.8.4
    The problem is that, i can't install the drivers from the bootcamp app ( the one from the bootcamp itself app, where you need a USB to download it)
    i've already partitioned the HDD, and installed succesfully a Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit.
    But there's one little issue, when i try install the drivers i downloaded before on my USB, it says that "Bootcamp x64 is unsupported on this computer model".
    BUT, what? i've installed correctly the Windows 7 64bit on the iMac.
    I can't install anything, but only graphics driver. ( manually)
    I searched in every forum trying to resolve my problem, i've read that you can install it from de DVD with Snow Leopard that came with the computer
    but that disk is broken; it's annoying because it seems that is the only solution , with that resulting on a dead end.
    I could install my NVIDIA drivers, using the ones from bootcamp drivers, BUT USING THE WIN_32 version because the WIN_64 was unsupported by my machine. ok, i could install the drivers and was the 263.03 i think.
    Now i want to upgrade to my lastest drivers ( 320.14 WQHL ) and says that can't detect my gpu. but the old driver that came with recognized it with no problems. I tried also auto detect GPU, and the same drivers but no result.
    Anyway, the main problem is that is "Bootcamp x64 is unsupported on this computer model". with a Windows 7 64bit copy installed on the bootcamp partition. this is ******* me off
    I sucessfully installed on my Macbook Pro Late 2008 ( C2D 2.06ghz / 8 GB RAM / 9600m GT ) and everything fine, a Windows 7 64bit. installed the drivers and everything fine, even accepted the lastest drivers (320.14 WQHL) from nvidia. but that was on Mountain Lion 10.8
    but since 10.8.3 only lets you install only 64bit, i can't search for a copy of win32bit and install it because, it's going to be the same problem anyways.
    So if you could help me out with this *** problem.

    I have an iMac (24-inch, Early 2008) — iMac8,1 and I have exactly the same issue.  Now, I'm running Mavericks, unfortunately.
    On the one hand, from, I see:
    "Do all Intel-based Macs support Windows 7?
    All Intel-based Macs support Windows 7 using Boot Camp 3.1 or later except these:
    iMac (17-inch, Early 2006)
    iMac (17-inch, Late 2006)
    iMac (20-inch, Early 2006)
    iMac (20-inch, Late 2006)
    MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2006)
    MacBook Pro (17-inch, Late 2006)
    MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2006)
    MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2006)
    Mac Pro (Mid 2006, Intel Xeon Dual-core 2.66GHz or 3GHz)"
    So, I should be good.
    However, from, my iMac is not supported in Boot Camp requirements, which would have been nice to know before I purchased a copy of Windows 7.  I cannot get the Windows drivers to download from Boot Camp, and when I download them manually, whether version 4 or 5, I get the "Bootcamp x64 is unsupported on this computer model" message, which makes the HT3986 information unhelpful.  I even tried a Snow Leopard CD while in Windows, and it gave me the same message.  I tried one of the 3.x Bootcamp files, and still no good.
    The funny thing is, I ran Bootcamp to create the partition for Windows 7, and it even popped up a message stating that Windows 7 was the latest Windows I could install on that machine, and the installation went fine.  However, I am missing who knows what drivers, etc, because Apple won't provide the Windows support software for a machine that evidently can run the software.  The graphics drivers appear to be fine, as the aspect ratio corrected itself, something that didn't happen on my MBP without having the Windows Bootcamp software.  I also have wi-fi, which is better than some experience.
    I even cannot get the little Boot Camp Windows icon/software that should be accessible in the system tray, so I can set preferred system to boot in, tell it to boot into OS X, etc.  So, for that, I would have to rely on rebooting while holding down the ALT key, and my non-Apple keyboard for some reason won't do that (but that's another subject).
    I guess there is nothing to do other than just do everything manually, piece by piece, unless someone has a solution that is eluding me.

  • Installing bootcamp drivers for windows 7 on a mid-2009 13 inch macbook pro?

    Is the only way to install the win 7 bootcamp drivers on a mid-2009 macbook pro through the snow leapord discs?
    Or is there a download somewhere? i couldn't find any.

    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    The Snow Leopard disc that came with the computer has got Boot Camp 3 drivers, and the latest drivers for your Mid 2009 MacBook Pro are Boot Camp 4. As you are using OS X Lion, you can download them from Boot Camp Assistant or from the Support page >

  • Installed WIndows 7 & correct bootcamp drivers, windows will not activate "hot fix" or "Support drivers"

    Hello, i hope someone can help,
    i have repeated this whole process 3 times already, it has taken 8 strait hours of my time and i still have had no success.
    To put it simply, After windows is up and running on my mac, the wireless network wont work, so i cannot download the hot fix, and the support driver files from bootcamp will not open because it says they are not "32 Valid" ?. But im using a 64bit disk.
    The wireless network adaptor automatically doesn't work on windows right after installation,
    so i had to load the Hot Fix onto an SD card along with the bootcamp drivers, then open the hotfix file in windows.
    The first time i was able to install the fix, windows restarted and installed the update, logged back on... and nothing changed.
    At that point i attempted to open the "Setup"  file in the bootcamp support folder, and an error message came up saying it wasn't valid.
    LONGER EXPLANATION OF MY COMPLETE PROCESS: (to cancel out any questions)
    i was able to find my support driver from here: -1.sucatalog
    its some old fashion coded page that has a bunch of apple drivers you can download by pasting one of the codes in your browser,
    i searched for bootcamp support drivers, and found the code for my exact model (Mac Pro 8,2)
    i was able to manually downloaded the drivers instead of  using bootcamp assistant.
    As a side note,
    i was able to download the bootcamp drivers via boot camp assistant after the 5th try,
    so now i have both files that i know are supposed to work 100%. they are loaded and unzipped on an SD card like they are supposed to be for when i open windows.
    I have a Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium x64 bit CD from the inlaws so i used that CD after i partitioned my drive in bootcamp.
    Bootcamp run like it was supposed to, and i followed step by step instructions in this video:
    once windows was finished installing,
    it automatically would not detect a network card, so i couldn't connect to the internet and download the apples bug fix. (The Hot fix)
    instead i downloaded the hot fix on a separate SD card, turned windows back on and loaded the hot fix from the SD card.
    Windows installed the hot fix update, restarted, but nothing changed.
    Ive even tried skipping right to uploading the drivers, and windows wont activate the support because it says its not "32 Valid"
    I completely removed windows 7 vis bootcamp to rinse and repeat hoping i made a simple mistake, but no same thing happened.
    -im Wondering if i should "Istall important Windows Updates" during the begining of windows preperation...
    maybe that will fix the issues of it not reconizing wierless network, and not being able to upen up the bootcamp file?
    (it says you are not supposed to install any windows updates untill the HOT FIX and BOOTCAMP SUPPORT is activated on windows)

    Keith Doherty3 wrote:
    You have been too cleaver for a Boot Camp install.
    The partition system does NOT like anything other than a standard arrangement which creates 4 partitions.
    EFI -200mb
    OSx - Extended Journaled
    Windows -NTFS
    Return to OSx -Open Boot Camp tool from the utilities folder reset to a single partition.
    Start again and when you get to Windows - Let all the drivers load on the CREATED partition. Use the External for storage !
    Just for your information, as it doesn't seem you have ever used BC.
    When starting the boot camp assistant the first thing it want to do is download the Windows Support drivers and asks you to save them to a DVD, it will also allow you to save them to your OS X hard drive or to any drive connected to the system. Once those drivers are downloaded it then starts the Win install. What you must do is copy those support drives to a media that Windows can See and Read from. Like a DVD or a thumb drive formatted FAT32
    No where in the OPs post does he say anything about fooling with any partitions on his internal drive other then creating the BC partition.
    His problem is he saved those support files to a Mac OS X formatted external drive. Windows can not read Mac Extended (Journaled) formatted drives. So he can't load the drivers for Windows until he copies those support files ove to something that Windows can read.

  • I can't install, repair, or remove BootCamp drivers from my Windows installation

    I have Windows XP SP3 installed on my Macbook Pro. When I installed Windows originally it failed to completely install BootCamp drivers, so I don't have advanced trackpad and keyboard features. I've downloaded the latest BootCamp drivers v3.2 that still run XP, but I always get a message saying that "the installer has encountered an unexpected error installin this package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2753." I don't have anything in C:/Program Files/Bootcamp (It doesn't exist), and the Bootcamp icon in Control Panel doesn't work.
    I can't install, remove, or repair the drivers, not even using the software that came with my Mac OS X install DVD. On the Mac side, I'm running Snow Leopard. I've searched Google for help and couldn't find anything. Does anyone have any ideas? I've already gone through the registry and removed a bunch of Apple-related stuff, but it didn't help.
    Thanks! Shayne

    At last I got it all to work. I had to go into the registry and delete all references to Apple software and drivers. Some of the entries were locked, and I had to change permissions to allow me to delete them, which was probably the reason the installer kept failing. I finally got Boot Camp 3.0 installed off the Snow Leopard DVD and then upgraded to 3.2. I had a hickup with the trackpad drivers which didn't work, but I found a fix online -- the drivers labeled "TouchPad" were banged out, and I had to switch them to Generic USB Human Interface and then back to Apple TrackPad drivers, which fixed the problem. Now everything is working beautifully with multi-gesture touch pad and keyboard extensions. Yay!!!!!

  • HOW TO: Install LATEST ATI CATALYST drivers

    So ATI/AMD doesn't consistently update the "BootCamp" drivers and as a gamer I want utmost performance out of what I have (of course without OCing). Therefore, I went searching for a solution and found it and I will explain it here, step by step. Forgive me if this has already been posted. Note that I did this in XP and NOT Vista.
    1. Download the latest CATALYST drivers from here:
    2. Open the driver software as if you were going to install it and let it extract to its default directory. Take note of what that directory is as you will need to know that file path for later. Once it extracts it will move on to an installation. Stop/cancel the installation the first chance you get.
    3. REMOVE your currently installed ATI drivers. There are two ways to do this:
    -1. If you downloaded the actually CATALYST Software Suite, there will be a program in the folder to where it extracted called "AtiCimUn" that will remove your drivers.
    -2. Google "remove ATI drivers" and I think it's the first link that tells you a detailed step by step method of removing the drivers.
    4. Restart after successfully removing the drivers.
    5. Download MobilityModder here:
    -If you scroll closer to the bottom of that page, there will be a download link AND instructions for the PROPER method of installing MobilityModder.
    6. Run MobilityModder
    7. Browse to the directory where the drivers are installed.
    8. Click "Modify"
    9. When the modification is complete, close MobilityModder and Right Click on "My Computer" then click on Properties
    10. Click the "Hardware" tab
    11. Click on Device Manager
    12. At least one device should have a yellow circle with a black question mark in it. For me, Windows saw it as a "VGA Controller". Right click it and click "Update Drivers"
    13. It will ask you some stuff about if you want Windows Update to look for drivers, say "No not this time" and click next
    14. Select "Install from a list or specific location{Advanced) and click next
    15. Select "Don't search, I will choose the driver to install"
    16. Click on the "Have Disk" button
    17. Browse to the folder where the ATI drivers were extracted to (MobilityModder will have rewritten the modified files to the same location)
    18. The specific file you are looking for is a Configuration file whose icon looks like a white notepad with a yellowish cog that has some metal rod going through it. Click on it and click "open"
    19. At this point Windows should recognize which card you have specifically, if not, it will have the entire list of cards that driver can update. If you run into that, just find it in the list.
    20. Let windows copy the files, if it tells you that the drivers are not digitally signed, say "continue anyway". It's just an effect of the MobilityModder modifying the files and since it doesn't have a certificate, it's not considered signed.
    21. When it's done click finish.
    22. Restart
    23. Happy new drivers
    I'm thinking you might be able to skip the MobilityModder part and just skip straight to directing Windows right to where the drivers are instead of having to mod the files. I'm not sure if it works because I haven't done it but you're welcome to try. If it doesn't work it just means you have to use MobilityModder.
    I hope this helps.

    Update: After using the method described above the drivers did install successfully however, when I loaded some games I noticed that they did not take up the whole screen. No amount of changing the resolution solved the problem.
    So I completely removed the drivers and loaded unmodified drivers. I had to find my x1600 from the list and there were actually two but I just took the first one. I let Windows copy the files after warning that it can't confirm they were for my hardware. After a restart I tried my games again and they were taking up the whole screen as they did when I had BootCamps outdated drivers.
    So I can say that you CAN skip steps 5-9 (the steps for the mobility modding). You'll just have to find your drivers and some of them do show up multiple times. I'm probably going to try the other x1600 listing just to see what happens. I'm not sure if there's a difference between the same listings (mine was Radeon x1600 followed by another Radeon x1600) but I'm assuming there is or else ATI would put so many >.<

  • Macbook pro keyboard not functioning with bootcamp drivers

    i was able to use all the apple keyboard functionality under window xp bootcamp. Bt after i install some other third party keyboard mapper, "did not like it" so uninstall it but then realise my original apple keyboard drivers funtionality is gone.
    According to apple info page, it says
    1)put in the OS X tiger install disk CD 1
    2) click on setup.exe
    3)Select repair drivers etc.....
    BUt when i put in the CD above , there is no setup.exe to run? i did a seach & the system did not find it either? Pls advise, is the above instruction correct? i think i just need to either repair or reinstall or reactive just the apple bootcamp keyboard drivers only. i do not want to reinstall all the apple drivers as my graphc card drivers are loaded with laptopvideo2go latest driver which i like it so much in terms of gaming performance.

    We are mainly users, so we don't know if Apple knows or not.
    Send Apple feedback. They won't answer, but at least will know there is a problem. If enough people send feedback, it may get the problem solved sooner.

  • Cannot update BootCamp Drivers 2.0 to 2.1

    My computer is a 24 inch White iMac (Late 2006 model), Intel based.
    My current system is OS X 10.5.8
    Basically, I recently used BootCamp 2.0 to partition my drive and install Windows XP Professional, 32 bit (x86).
    I read that the latest Windows Service Pack my installation can contain is SP2, so I proceeded, and with many help from people in this forum, I eventually succeeded, managed to install the BootCamp Drivers and everything, practically everything except this and one game (which I suspect cannot run on SP2) works perfectly.
    However, I want to upgrade to SP3, and to do so, I need to install the BootCamp Drivers 2.1, which are available from this link:
    So I download the file, BCUpdateXP(.exe), but cannot run it, both on Windows and on disc when I burn the file to one.
    Double clicking it does nothing.
    So seeing it could be opened using Winrar, I did so, and saw two files: BCLocUpdateEnable.exe, which does nothing when I double click it, and BCUpdateXP.msp, which runs when double clicked, but quickly displays the message:
    The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the windows installer service because the program to be upgraded maybe missing or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. verify that the program to be upgraded exist on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch.
    The only option is to click OK.
    Trying to install SP3 without this update just brings up a message saying I am 4 megabytes short to install it, even though I have 16.2GB free, and I have found that the message is caused because I do not have this 2.1 update.
    My current Windows system is: Version 5.1 (Build 2600.xpspsp2gdr.100216-1441 : Service Pack 2).
    The issue is posted by a lot of people, but none of them have solutions. And as far as I know, I should meet all the requirements to run this update; using SP2, BootCamp Drivers 2.0 installed.
    It would be great if someone can guide me through this, I am sure it will help a lot of people with the same problem.
    Many Thanks,
    From Lelouch

    Update on what I have tried:
    I have tried changing the settings on location, language, keyboard etc as a post suggested. - No use
    Tried double clicking the actual downloaded .exe file. - Nothing happens
    I have tried extracting and clicking on the .msp file. - Get error message: The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the windows installer service because the program to be upgraded maybe missing or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exist on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch.
    I have tried doing what this post said:
    The command I have tried entering in the cmd.exe are:
    msiexec /update C:\Documents and Settings\Lelouch\Desktop\BCUpdateXP\BCUpdateXP.msp
    msiexec /update C:\Documents and Settings\Lelouch\Desktop\BCUpdateXP.exe\BCUpdateXP.msp
    and both just bring up the Windows Installer window, and the button available to click on is OK, no Next as suggested by the help page.
    Windows Installer only shows:
    Windows ® Installer. V 4.5.6001.22159
    msiexec /Option <Required Parameter> [Optional Parameter]
    *Followed by a list of options.*
    And the OK button.
    I am tempted to try this:
    1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
    2. Locate and then click the following registry subkey: HKEYLOCALMACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup
    3. On the Edit menu, point to New, and click String Value.
    4. In the text box under the Name column, type BootDir and press ENTER.
    5. Right-click the name BootDir, and then click Modify.
    6. In the Edit String Value dialog box, type the drive letter for your system drive, and then click OK. For example, if your system drive is C:, type C:\.
    7. Close Registry Editor.
    to have Windows SP3 installed, but not sure if it is safe as it does say to have BootCamp 2.1 installed first, but BootCamp 2.1 just won't install of all the things I have tried.
    Anyone know if it's safe to do this?
    Thanks if anyone can help me solve this.
    Many Thanks,
    From Lelouch

  • How to install bootcamp drivers without installation disk?

    iam using my friends macbook (intel core2Duo 1.83 GHZ, 80GB, 1GB DDRII, 12"", white colour)Mac OS X 10.5.7 installed, and i hav'nt installtion disk, and i want to install windows on it, but how will i be able to install bootcamp drivers as i have'nt installtion disc.

    Look as a part of right click-2fingers at a same time you should press on the touchpad.
    and check your macbook,the slot where you put the speakers wire if the drivers are not install then a red light will come from it and if not then it means that the drivers are all install.
    and try to install the drivers from
    Hope your problem get resolved.

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