Lenovo H50-50 y Nvidia Geforce gtx 745

he comprado un lenovo H50-50 hace unos dias y al ejecutar el programa lenovo solution center, me detecta que el controlador de la tarjeta grafica Nvidia Geforce gtx 745 esta deshabilitado.
Que puedo hacer?
Fantastico solo dos dias con él y ya tengo problemas...
Gracias a quien me pueda ayudar.

Buen día,
Bienvenido al Foro.
Qué sistema operativo tiene el equipo. Ya actualizaste el driver de video?
Te indico la página donde puedes descargar los controladores para tu equipo.
Espero sea de mucha ayuda esta recomendación y  a la espera de comentarios
Gracias y Saludos,
Johan Oñoro
Support Specialist
Comunidad en Español  English Community   Deutsche Community
Es importante recalcar también que los foros suplementan los recursos de los usuarios de Lenovo pero no reemplazan el servicio técnico oficial. Para un listado de números de servicio sigue el enlace: Numeros de Soporte

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  • Mercury CUDA not enabling when using NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285 on Apple Mac Pro after Mavericks install

    Been using the same setup since CS5 with the Mercury CUDA running perfectly. After recent upgrade of OS X to 10.9 Mercury CUDA is no longer available and only lets me run with the OpenGL or software options. Im using a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285 for apple computers. Here are the results for the GPUSniffer program in the latest Premiere Pro 7.1.0 files. The LAST line make me chucle because it the first on the list of supported card in the "cuda_supported_cards.txt" file. Anybody else seen this?
    --- OpenGL Info ---
    Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285 OpenGL Engine
    OpenGL Version: 2.1 NVIDIA-8.18.27 310.40.05f01
    GLSL Version: 1.20
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       Size: (0, 0, 1920, 1080)
       Max texture size: 8192
       Supports non-power of two: 1
       Shaders 444: 1
       Shaders 422: 1
       Shaders 420: 1
    --- GPU Computation Info ---
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    OpenCL Device 0 -
       Name: GeForce GTX 285
       Vendor: NVIDIA (Apple platform)
       Capability: 1.2
       Driver: 1
       Total Video Memory: 1024MB
       * Not enabled by default because it did not match the named list of cards.

    found a link from a couple of days ago on a creative cow forum post one of the poster saying they are from adobe stating this
    Re: Mercury Playback Engine MacPro
    by Peter Garaway on Nov 12, 2013 at 9:49:16 am
    Hi Wendell,
    Sorry for the inconvenience. NVIDIA is currently working on drivers that support CUDA on Mavericks 10.9 with some of the older NVIDIA cards such as the GTX 285 and the Quadro 4800.
    For others interested, the Quadro 4000, K5000 and GTX 680 ect... work with CUDA in 10.9.
    Peter Garaway
    Premiere Pro
    I have latest CUDA drivers, so i guess i am just waiting till a proper update that have the fixes to support my card.

  • MSi GE70 Apache Pro w/ nVidia GeForce GTX 860M Graphics Issues

    Hi there,
    I recently purchased an MSi gaming notebook with nVidia GTX 860M graphics. However, just recently I've been having game-breaking issues with textures rendering, artifacts and particles as well as the drivers crashing now and again(desktop flashing and flickering).
    I've only had this laptop for just over two months and am quite disappointed with issues coming up already.
    To get to the specifics; I have recently been playing through the Mass Effect trilogy and, just the other day, started up a file in Skyrim. The following screenshots show my biggest issues aside from the obviously serious driver crashing issues. I believe the issues started maybe a month into owning this laptop and since it has been getting progressively worse. I feel as though I have been all over the internet trying to find a fix to this, I've tried everything suggested, everything that I could think of, and I am just about ready to have it sent back. I was hoping someone may have some other options before I do send it in.
    On the title screen for Mass Effect 3 I get these consistent blue and red glowing orbs, they also occur on several other maps within gameplay.
    Once I get in-game, this occurs everywhere. Textures "expanding" off of characters into random points.
    This happens occassionally on characters; ridiculously shadowed faces to the point where they are barely recognisable.
    On almost all wall textures there are white glowing particles like the ones behind the character here. In extreme cases, the wall becomes a texture of textures. All of the textures in the game are miniaturized into a wall of textures on certain objects.
    I've also had signs and the game's menus and interface stretched and skewed all over the place. If I continue to play it with the above issues, the game eventually hangs and I have to alt+tab out and back in, or close it using the task manager. All of these issues also occur in Skyrim and any game using the same, or similar, engines. The only game I have been able to play almost seamlessly without any issues is Ragnarok Online 2, an online MMORPG.
    I have tried the following:
    nVidia's GeForce Control Panel: any and all combination of options.
    Re-installing video drivers.
    Re-installing DirectX and PhysX.
    Formatting and a fresh install of Windows and all games and drivers.
    Any other troubleshooting other forums have provided.
    Removing the pagefile for virtual memory limits.
    Using Intel HD graphics to test for other issues.
    PC/nVidia power settings.
    The one time I thought it may be fixed, all it took was me plugging in my laptop to cause the issues all over again. I've tried downloading MSi Afterburner to check GPU temperatures and I rarely even go over 65~70. I'm absolutely out of ideas. It was suggested to me by a family member that it may be a hardware issue, hence the consideration for sending it in.
    I'm running Windows 7 64-bit
    nVidia GeForce GTX 860M
    Intel Core i7-4710HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz
    12GB of RAM
    Any ideas/help would be greatly appreciated. I would really rather not have to send it back. I've also posted this over at the nVidia forums because I'm -hoping- it's a software issue.
    Thanks in advance!

    It was suggested to me by a family member that it may be a hardware issue, hence the consideration for sending it in.
    To me it sounds like a hardware issue (especially if you have rolled back to factory default and reinstalled from scratch)
    It wouldn't be a hardware issue since you can play other games without problem.
    Easiest way to tell if it's a hardware issue or not is to run the benchmark tool for example 3DMark 11 and see if the problem also happens during the benchmark.
    For the rendering problem you were talking, please provide not only the problem picture but also the picture without problem to let us make the comparison.
    I'm sorry to say, but some of the picture I'm not really getting what the problem you're talking about.
    For the shadow face, here are few user provided fix which might be helpful.
    Re-installing DirectX and PhysX.
    NVIDIA moderator says some of the games is required to play some older Physx games, but not sure if it works.
    If you would like to have a try.
    I'd suggest to post the issue on EA, steam or obioware and see if there are people looking into it.

  • Problem with Matrox Mini, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570, Premiere 5.5.2 and After Effects CS5.5

    We have a couple video workstation PC's in our office.
    Premiere and After Effects have been crashing lately with increasing frequency - about every two minutes now.
    Here is the setup:
    Matrox Mini - Matrox Utility release 5.5.1
    Nvidia GeForce GTX 570 - Driver release 275.33
    Intel Xeon X5660 2.8 GHz processors
    24 GB Ram
    Adobe CS5.5, specifically...
    After Effects
    Premiere 5.5.2
    Windows 7 64-bit
    We have two 21" LCD monitors in dual display running from the computer, and the Matrox Mini outputs a preview signal to a 15" CRT.
    The crashes occur when I have After Effects and Premiere open at the same time. I am editing in a Matrox 720p29.97 timeline in Premiere. I imported several compositions from AE into Premiere through Dynamic Link and am matching audio with the animations in comps. When I switch back to AE to make an edit in the comp, After Effects generates a crash warning and then gives me the opportunity to save the project under a new name. After saving, it closes down completely. The Matrox WYSIWYG Control Panel in the system tray crashes during AE's crash, disabling the preview to the CRT from Premiere and AE. Since the Premiere sequence is a Matrox preset - in order to have output to the CRT - this freezes the timeline; the video and audio no longer play. When I save and then try to close Premiere, Premiere freezes and will not close without a force quit via the Task Manager.
    In order to deal with this temporarily, I am editing in an AVCHD 720p30 sequence preset in Premiere, which doesn't send a preview feed to the CRT, obviously, since it's not a Matrox preset and the CRT is connected via the Matrox Mini. It's more than a minor inconvenience, since I use the CRT for color accuracy.
    It is frustrating, since we did not have this problem until the recent CS5.5.2 update. We have tried changing drivers for the GTX 570 and changing the Matrox utility software to other versions, but no luck.
    Is there a combination of GTX 570 drivers, Matrox software releases, and AE/Premiere settings that will make this work? I know there are "Known Issue" posts with Nvidia cards on Matrox's website, which include the GTX 570, but, again, this problem started with the Adobe CS5.5.2 update.
    Any help here would be great, and I am willing to provide more information about the system and our crashes if it helps find a solution for the community, as I know this is not an isolated problem after reading Nvidia's, Matrox's, and Adobe's forums. I just can't find a hollistic solution on any of the individual manufacturer's forums.
    Thank You.

    I've been running with Matrox for years, starting with the Axio LE. I do 75% broadcast work and find that the Matrox works very well with my kind of workflow. Monitoring is critical and since we have to deal with 3rd. party solutions, Matrox was my pick dating way back to 2006. Sure I've had frustrations with it, but I've made far more money off Matrox than frustration.
       Here's my nearly crash-free setup:
    Gigabyte GZ-X58A-OC moboard
    Intel 990X (only overclocking to 4.0)
    24Gb of Kingston HyperX Ram
    GTX580 Graphics Card
    Matrox MXO2-LE w/Max
    Crucial 240Gb Sata III drive (the one that has a nearly perfect score on Newegg's site)
    2 x 2Tb WD Blacks Raid 0
    2 x 1Tb WD Blacks Raid 0
    Win 7 Ultimatte (it's a high-end version of Windows that's great for keying!)
    CS5.5 Suite
    Boris Red 5
    Boris Continuum Complete 8
    Trapcode Shine, Form, 3d Stroke, Starglow, and Particular
    Optical Flares by Video CoPilot
       The reason I list all of that software, is that it all seems to get along together, including with Matrox! So, I can't say I highly endorse Matrox because I've never tried Black Magic or running an external monitor off of my video card.
        I use After Effects with all sorts of plug ins and rarely have crashes. If I put in a long day I'll have the usual crashes here and there (mainly with PremierePro), but nothing that has required evan a soft reboot of the computer.
       My frustration with Matrox is mainly the delay that often comes with Adobe coming out with a new release and Matrox taking 2 or 3 months to catch up, though when Adobe went from 5 to 5.5, there was no delay at all.
       I think that a lot of the people who trash Matrox probably haven't used a Matrox product in years. But before you listen to me, I must confess that I was an early adopter (and advocate) of SSDs and even today, many people on this forum think they're still a waste of money!
       I'll close by simply saying that I've not left Matrox after 5+ years, but keep in mind I haven't had the bad experiences that so many others seem to have had, but again, perhaps they had those bad experiences long ago.

  • Photoshop CS6 doesn't recognize my NVIDIA GeForce GTX 675M GPU?

    I just bought a brand new Alienware M17x R4 with Windows 8 Pro x64 and Photoshop CS6 won't recognize my NVIDIA GeForce GTX 675M GPU?
    I've already updated Windows 8, Photoshop and the Nvidia graphics driver.
    Any ideas?  I spent so much on a nice graphics card but now it seems PS CS6 can't even use it.  It's using the Intel HD4000 instead:
    I also tried this:  http://forums.adobe.com/message/4545768#4545768
    And deleted the settings but that didn't help.
    According to this, my graphics card should work, it's a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 675M, which is a 600 series GPU:  http://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/photoshop-cs6-gpu-faq.html#tested_cards
    Tested video cards for Photoshop CS6
    Adobe tested the following video cards before the release of Photoshop CS6. This document lists the video card by series. The minimum amount of RAM supported on video cards for Photoshop CS6 is 256 MB. Photoshop 13.1 cannot display 3D features if you have less than 512 MB VRAM on your video card.
    Important: This document is updated as newly released cards are tested. However, Adobe cannot test all cards in a timely manner. If a video card is not listed here, but was released after May 2012, you can assume that the card will work with Photoshop CS6.
    Adobe tested laptop and desktop versions of the following cards. Be sure to download the latest driver for your specific model. (Laptop and desktop versions have slightly different names.)
    nVidia GeForce 8000, 9000, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 series
    I've run out of ideas.  Any suggestions?

    Okay, I figured it out...duh.
    My bad...or rather, Nvidia's bad!
    In their app profiler, they set Photoshop to use the "default" settings, which defaults to the integrated graphics.  By changing the profile to make it use the discreet graphics, it worked!
    This also fixed my issue of the background flashing / flickering.
    I know that's a known bug with Windows 8 + AMD (http://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/image-background-transparent-or-flickers.html)
    However, Adobe should look into this same bug occuring with the Intel HD4000 integrated GPU, because this happened with my laptop.
    Maybe that bug doesn't occur on systems that only have an integrated GPU, but on systems with Optimus, it's definitely a reproducible issue.
    When I switch back to integrated, the issue pops up again.
    It's nice that Nvidia provides an option for us to either use the integrated or discreet graphics, however, Adobe needs to follow through and make sure that Photoshop doesn't wig out when we're using the integrated GPU.  Sometimes, your customers need to do work on battery power, so the integrated flickering /flashing /transparent background bug definitely needs to be fixed.
    Personally, I can get 6hrs out of this laptop running the integrated GPU, but when I use the discreet, that cuts it down to only 2hrs.

  • Can I run a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970?

    I posted something similar before but can someone tell me if I have the right cooling, motherboard ect. to run a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphics card. I have a HP Pavilion 500-319na and the product number is G9B00EA#ABU. I know I need a better power supply which is why is I'm upgrading to 500w. Btw the reason I'm asking is because I have no idea about unscrewing my computer and checking the motherboard and all of that so any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Hi, You might want to search the forum for "500-319na" as there have been numerous posts with that model.

  • GOP Vbios for a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770

    I am interested in a GOP Vbios for  a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 ( MSI N770 LIGHTNING LE), on a motherboard MSI Z87-G45 GAMING.
    Here is the serial number :
    Could you provide me the instruction to correctly update it please ?
    thanks !

    here it is attached below
    Could you provide me the instruction to correctly update it please ?
    here is the flash guide:
    Quote from: flobelix on 27-December-14, 06:50:25
    Decompress the provided .rar archive with Winrar: http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm
    Then flash the included file with Nvflash for dos: http://www.guru3d.com/files_details/nvflash_download.html
    To do so rename the included file to .rom and create a dos bootstick (https://forum-en.msi.com/index.php?topic=165175.0)
    Put nvflash and the vbios file on it and boot from the stick. Then type nvflash -4 -5 -6 gop.rom (if renamed vbios that way) and hit enter. Confirm the questions and let the tool flash.

  • Photoshop CS5 and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 295 Crash

    My specifications:
    Photoshop CS5 (x64)
    Windows 7 x64
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 295 (latest v197.45 driver)
    Intel i7 920 2.67 GHz
    My card is listed as a tested card for CS5 and NVIDIA says this is compatible with CS5, but today after using it, my screen went blank and the display driver recovered itself. It took about 5 minutes until Photoshop CS5 became responsive again and the GPU features were disabled. I am going to try GPU advanced mode and basic mode instead of normal mode to see what happens, but this is a shame that I have issues like this. I also had issues with CS4 like this.
    What I did to cause this issue: I clicked" Place.." to place an object and that is when it crashed. It only happens randomly as I use Photoshop. Please NVIDIA or Adobe fix this issue. I love the GPU features and I want to run them, but this crashing is annoying for spending so much on buying this product. I hate to have to pay to contact Adobe technical support, it should be included with the purchase of software!
    How to fix this without having to go to basic GPU mode or disabled GPU mode?

    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    SteveR From UK wrote:
    With my own problems and a keen observer of this thread it making me think that I should stay away from Nvidia cards cards completed and go ATI
    It comes down to policies within companies that in some cases we simply cannot know.
    For example:
    Does nVidia or ATI have a better plan to support cards with new drivers into the future?  My experience is that right now, with my particular video card, ATI does a better job of making new features available (and making them work right) than nVidia.  Is this based on support policy or simply what the engineers can and can't do?  Maybe it's partially a matter of funding.
    Who has a better handle on how to develop unified software and keep it working on all a whole family of cards?  What is their software quality?  I am active on Windows forums, and it sure seemed to take nVidia a lot longer to stabilize their drivers for Windows 7 than ATI.
    Who has a better test lab?  You can imagine that if one company has a better built/funded/maintained test lab, they're more likely to make new versions of drivers for old cards work properly if they have a computer set aside somewhere with that old card in it just waiting to try out new drivers.  Unfortunately you can imagine with these companies making many, many new models all the time that funding that lab (and funding the MAINTENANCE of that lab) could get to be HUGE!
    Lastly, how much do Marketing or other greedy business people influence company direction, vs. Engineers?  Imagine a Marketing person's thoughts:  "Stop making new drivers for that old card; we're not selling those and haven't for a long time.  If a person has one and can't run the latest game or graphics software, he'll go buy a new one, and that's more money for us."
    By the way, just to get an idea of how many different cards we're talking about, look at the sheer number of models listed in the various lists on this page:  http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/
    Just food for thought.

  • [BUG] Photoshop CC crashed immediately after selecting NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680M GPU

    I just started using Photoshop CC trial and I immediately ran into problem with my video card.
    First Photoshop doesn't recognized my GPU which is Nvidia GTX 680M. I'm using a new Alienware R4 with Win8 pro, I then searched the forum and followed this thread
    Photoshop CS6 doesn't recognize my NVIDIA GeForce GTX 675M GPU?http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1157982
    After following the instruction now Photoshop CC is supposely using my NVIDIA GPU, but it immediately crashed after launching, for both 32 bits and 64 bits. My NVIDIA driver version is 320.49 600 series, the latested one I just updated. If I deselect the NVIDIA option in the control panel I no longer suffer the crash problem but as you know there is a reported problem with Intel HD4000 integrated GPU where screen flickering keeps happening if you use a toolbox. To avoid the problem the only thing I can do is to deselect the use GPU option in CC option (changing the mode advanced setting doesn't help). By deselcting the GPU option get rid of the problem but there is another problem with zooming: it cannot zoom in real time anymore, instead it's having a toolbox where you choose a reagion and it will jump to that region, and I can only zoom in by doing this, not zooming out.
    So basically I had a problem with NVIDIA which crashes CC immediately and a problem with Intel HD4000 integrated GPU with flickering screen and another problem with no GPU selected where I cannot zoom in real time. Whatever I do always give me some sets of problem that I can't solve.
    BTW I haven't try CS6 yet, I may proceed to download a trial copy and I thought CC and CS6 are using the same core. Nevertheless, those problem should definately be looked into.
    Any helps? Thanks in advance.

    If you check that user's Profile, you'll discover it is not actually nVidia per se
    Username:              Sora
    Age:                       7 ¾     
    Favourite activity:  Playing computer games
    Spots:                    In abundance
    Ambition:               To have a clue
    For what it’s worth, I have most of the CC apps installed on an MSI GT70 ONE with GTX680M — driver dated 8/28/2012 and using Windows 8, and while I have not used them all on that laptop, the ones I have appear to be working faultlessly.

  • After effects and  NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 2048 MB

    I've installed the  NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 2048 MB on a Mac Pro 3,2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon running OSX 10.9.4 but it seems AE doesn't take advantage of the new hardware and the CUDA technology. The ATI Radeon HD 5770 1024 MB mounted before, went for the same rendering times. Am I missing any setting in the software or isn't the graphic card the perfect choice for fastening my rendering processes?
    Ae obviously recognize the Nvidia and the CUDA settings should be ok....
    Any Idea?

    AE only takes advantage of CUDA for ray traced features, which is being phased out. To get the most out of your render times, invest in processing power and RAM. I upgraded to the Titan Black and noticed hardly any difference in my render times. Check out this response given by AE's Todd Kopriva on Sept 24, 2014 at Creative Cow: CUDA does not accelerate : Adobe After Effects

  • My Photoshop CC don't detect my NVIDIA GeForce GTX 850M.

    Please help me...
    My Photoshop CC don't detect my NVIDIA GeForce GTX 850M.
    I read a lot of topics in network - nothing help me...:
    1) I update my GPU Driver to newest.
    2) I set a 3d settings in Nvidia Control Panel.
    3) I try to change a lot of settings in Photoshop (nothing happen)
    4) I restarted my computer 100 times.
    My seetings:
    Could you help me?

    Solved it!!
    I have gtx 870m and it worked for me.
    In the "nvidia control panel" / "manage 3D settings" / "Program Settings" you hate to add the gpu sniffer.
    click "add" then "Browse" and the find "sniffer.exe"
    C:/Program files/adobe/adobe photoshop/sniffer.exe
    Than just open photoshop normally and it should work.

  • HP Pavilion p6510f Desktop intermittent failures - Antec 25 430 WATT Power & NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 650

    After installing a new power supply and video card (Antec 25 430 WATT Power & NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 650), my system became unstable.  It worked fine for the first 3-4 hours then had a BSOD (blue screen of death) with kernel_data_inpage_error 0000007A and later a critical process failure 000000F4.  I've done all of the tests listed on this page as well as removed and replaced the cmos battery:
    All of the tests passed and no problems were found and yet the system still fails after 3-4 hours of use.  
    So, I removed everything from my system and restored it to it's original settings.  It seems to be back to normal now (but, we'll see for how long).
    This experience has demoralized me.  This is due to the fact that I've heard of others having difficulties trying to upgrade their systems.  Seems like there is about a 50% success rate unless you know what works from past experience.  I feel that the only way to get a system that has good graphics now is a well tested gaming box (PS3, XBOX, or Wii).  Is there any recommended or possibly well tested setups for this type of system that could give me the quality of a GEFORCE GTX 650 without causing blue screens or cause instability for my computer?
    Since this computer comes with ATI and AMD parts, I presume maybe getting an ATI or AMD graphics card would work?  Regardless of the graphics card, the 250W power that comes with this system would most likely need to be replaced.  Are there are any power supplys that you recommend or possibly tested?
    I realize there are a few questions in this post, but I have one more.  Are there any motherboard analysis tools to enusre nothing has gone wrong with the mother board?  When the blue screens were occurring it seemed to make strange noises from the hard drive as it it were thrashing and after rebooting it would sometimes fail to recognize the existance of the hard drive as well.  Since all of the hard drive tests were successful (I also ran SeaTools), this leads me to believe that the power is inssuficient, but I'm now fearful that if I upgrade the power it will only cause more problems.
    A paying customer,
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    So, using the standard setup still makes strange noises at various intervals, but not as frequently.  I have a bad feeling that it has caused disk drive problems based on the fact that:
    1)  Strange noises are now occuring during particular load times (although rarely)
    2)  Computer crashes (although, it no longer crashes now that I'm back in it's regular setup)
    3)  Occassionall it has really slow access times
    These symptoms fall into the category of a failing drive based on the following site:
    I'm going to return the power supply and game card and look to investing in a new hard drive in case this one finally decides to go to valhalla.

  • Will Premiere Pro CC work OK with Nvidia GeForce GTX 765M?

    Will Premiere Pro CC work OK with Nvidia GeForce GTX 765M?

    This laptop I am on right vnow has a n nVidai GTX 765M and it works beautifully on Premiere CS6, CC and CC 2014.  You do have to add it to the Adobe file "cuda_supported_cards.txt file or simp[ly delete it.  I hope you know that you have to be plugged in to the AC line to successfully what to edit with a laptop.  Also you can improve the GPU performance if you reset the memory clock on the GPU to 1500 MHz from the default 1000 MHz.  It is because nVidia.slows down the clock to conserve battery.  If you register on the site you can see my results on our Premiere Pro BenchMark (PPBM) site.

  • What video card do I need to make Photoshop CC 2014 to use 3D? I have NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4096 MB graphics.

    What video card do I need to make Photoshop CC 2014 to use 3D? I have NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4096 MB graphics.

    A couple of questions:
    1.  Have you tried resetting your preferences?
    2.  If you go to Preferences > Performance - is "Use Graphics Processor" enabled?  If not, can you select it?
    Your system should be fine to support 3D in PS CC 2014.  Once I have more information from you we can move onto next steps if necessary.

  • Imac 2012 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX  will it work with adobe Mercury playback Engine?

    imac 2012, 28" 16 gigs ram
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX 2 gigs ram,  will it work with adobe Mercury playback Engine for accelerated rendering in Premiere Pro & After Effects

    One would certainly think so, since earlier, lesser GTX cards were supported...
      Supported NVIDIA graphics cards for GPU acceleration
    GeForce GTX 285 (Windows and Mac OS)
    GeForce GTX 470 (Windows)
    GeForce GTX 570 (Windows)
    GeForce GTX 580 (Windows)

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