LifeCycle DS ES communication with Tomcat WebServer

    I have written a simple program to accept Name using Flex SDK 3.2 HttpService in Flex builder 3. Using LifeCycle DS ES to communicate with struts 1.2 on Web Server(Tomcat 5.0). My flex code runs and Struts code runs independently. The problem is when trying to send data from client to Server, it does not work. Below given are my client ans Server side code. Copy of services-config.xml & proxy-config.xml is same on both client side and server side. Please help me to run this code.
Client Side
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
  public function hello1():void{
<mx:HTTPService id= "HelloCall" destination= "myHello">
    <mx:request xmlns= " ">
            <name>  {nameInput.text}</name>
<mx:Label x= "312" y= "47" text= "Enter Name" fontSize= "20" />
<mx:TextInput id= "nameInput" x="260" y= "104" fontSize= "20" />
<mx:Button x= "301" y= "186" label= "Submit" fontSize= "20" click= "hello1();" />
<mx:Label x= "312" y= "285" text= "{}" fontSize= "20" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<service id="proxy-service"
        <adapter-definition id="http-proxy" class="" default="true"/>
        <adapter-definition id="soap-proxy" class=""/>
        <channel ref="my-http"/>
        <channel ref="my-amf"/>
<destination id="myHello">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.2//EN" "">
       <form-bean name= "helloForm" type= "org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm">
              <form-property name= "name" type="java.lang.String" />
  <forward name= "success" path= "/index.jsp" />
    <action path= "/hello" name= "helloForm" type="com.jlcindia.struts.HelloAction" input= "/hello.html" />
  <message-resources parameter="com.jlcindia.struts.ApplicationResources" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <service-include file-path="remoting-config.xml" />
        <service-include file-path="proxy-config.xml" />
        <service-include file-path="messaging-config.xml" />
        <service-include file-path="data-management-config.xml" />
        <service class="" id="model-deploy-service" />
     Application level default channels. Application level default channels are
     necessary when a dynamic destination is being used by a service component
     and no ChannelSet has been defined for the service component. In that case,
     application level default channels will be used to contact the destination.
           <channel ref="my-rtmp"/>
  <login-command class="" server="Tomcat"/>       
        <!-- Uncomment the correct app server
        <login-command class="" server="JRun"/>
        <login-command class="" server="Weblogic"/>
        <login-command class="" server="WebSphere"/>
        <security-constraint id="basic-read-access">
    <!-- Socket servers that NIO endpoints all share -->
        <server id="my-nio-server" class="flex.messaging.socketserver.SocketServer">
        <server id="secure-nio-server" class="flex.messaging.socketserver.SocketServer">
        <!-- Servlet Based endpoints -->
        <channel-definition id="my-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">
            <endpoint url="http://localhost:8400/JLCAPP/messagebroker/amf" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/>
        <channel-definition id="my-polling-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">
            <endpoint url="http://localhost:8400/JLCAPP/messagebroker/amfpolling" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/>
        <channel-definition id="my-http" class="mx.messaging.channels.HTTPChannel">
            <endpoint url="http://{}:{server.port}/{context.root}/messagebroker/http" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.HTTPEndpoint"/>
        <!-- Secure Servlet-based endpoints -->
        <channel-definition id="my-secure-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.SecureAMFChannel">
            <endpoint url="https://{}:{server.port}/{context.root}/messagebroker/amfsecure" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.SecureAMFEndpoint"/>
                <!--HTTPS requests on some browsers do not work when pragma "no-cache" are set-->
        <channel-definition id="my-secure-http" class="mx.messaging.channels.SecureHTTPChannel">
            <endpoint url="https://{}:{server.port}/{context.root}/messagebroker/httpsecure" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.SecureHTTPEndpoint"/>
             <!--HTTPS requests on some browsers do not work when pragma "no-cache" are set-->
        <!-- NIO based endpoints -->
        <channel-definition id="my-rtmp" class="mx.messaging.channels.RTMPChannel">
            <endpoint url="rtmp://{}:2048" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.RTMPEndpoint"/>
                <!-- for deployment on WebSphere, must be mapped to a WorkManager available in the web application's jndi context.
                <websphere-workmanager-jndi-name>java:comp/env/wm/MessagingWorkManager</websphere-workman ager-jndi-name>
        <channel-definition id="my-nio-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">
            <endpoint url="http://{}:2888/nioamf" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.NIOAMFEndpoint"/>
            <server ref="my-nio-server"/>
        <channel-definition id="my-nio-amf-poll" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">
            <endpoint url="http://{}:2888/nioamfpoll" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.NIOAMFEndpoint"/>
            <server ref="my-nio-server"/>
        <channel-definition id="my-nio-http" class="mx.messaging.channels.HTTPChannel">
            <endpoint url="http://{}:2888/niohttp" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.NIOHTTPEndpoint"/>
            <server ref="my-nio-server"/>
        <!-- Secure NIO based endpoints -->
        <channel-definition id="secure-nio-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.SecureAMFChannel">
            <endpoint url="https://{}:2443/securenioamf" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.SecureNIOAMFEndpoint"/>
            <server ref="secure-nio-server"/>
        <channel-definition id="secure-nio-http" class="mx.messaging.channels.SecureHTTPChannel">
            <endpoint url="https://{}:2443/secureniohttp" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.SecureNIOHTTPEndpoint"/>
            <server ref="secure-nio-server"/>
        <target class="flex.messaging.log.ConsoleTarget" level="Debug">
                <prefix>[LCDS] </prefix>
package com.jlcindia.struts;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.struts.action.*;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm;
public class HelloAction extends Action{
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping am,ActionForm af,HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Hi am here");
    DynaActionForm daf= (DynaActionForm)af;
    String name= daf.get("name").toString();
    String msg= "Hello!"+ name + "Welcome to JLC FLex LCDS with HttpService";
    PrintWriter out= res.getWriter();
    out.println("<message>" + msg + "</message>");
    return am.findForward("success");
Any Help will be appriciated.

Hi Rohit,
I am running both LiveCycle DS ES 3.0 and WebServer Tomcat on the same machine. I made changes in services-congig.xml and now the channels are configured as follows on both client end and server end :-
   <!-- Servlet Based endpoints -->
        <channel-definition id="my-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">
            <endpoint url="http://localhost:8000/JLCAPP/messagebroker/amf" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/>
        <channel-definition id="my-polling-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">
            <endpoint url="http://localhost:8000/JLCAPP/messagebroker/amfpolling" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/>
        <channel-definition id="my-http" class="mx.messaging.channels.HTTPChannel">
            <endpoint url="http://localhost:8000/JLCAPP/messagebroker/http" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.HTTPEndpoint"/>
However i am still getting following debug message :-
[RPC Fault faultString="Send failed" faultCode="Client.Error.MessageSend" faultDetail="Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Status 404: url:
at mx.rpc::AbstractInvoker/[C:\autobuild\3.2.0
at mx.rpc::Responder/fault()[C:\autobuild\3.2.0\frameworks\projects\rpc\src\mx\rpc\Responder .as:53]
at mx.rpc::AsyncRequest/fault()[C:\autobuild\3.2.0\frameworks\projects\rpc\src\mx\rpc\AsyncR]
at mx.messaging::ChannelSet/faultPendingSends()[C:\autobuild\3.2.0\frameworks\projects\rpc\s rc\mx\messaging\]
at mx.messaging::ChannelSet/channelFaultHandler()[C:\autobuild\3.2.0\frameworks\projects\rpc \src\mx\messaging\]
at mx.messaging::Channel/connectFailed()[C:\autobuild\3.2.0\frameworks\projects\rpc\src\mx\m essaging\]
at mx.messaging.channels::PollingChannel/connectFailed()[C:\autobuild\3.2.0\frameworks\proje cts\rpc\src\mx\messaging\channels\]
at mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel/statusHandler()[C:\autobuild\3.2.0\frameworks\projects\ rpc\src\mx\messaging\channels\]
My current hello.jsp code is given below :-
<%@ taglib uri= "/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
<br> <html:form action="/">
<h1> Name :  </h1><br/>
<html:text property ="name" /><br/>
<html:submit value= "Show" /> <br/>
Is hello.jsp required at server end, as URL specified in proxy-config.xml should directly invoke Action class in my Tomcat WebServer?
My WebServer Tomcat Server log shows following :-
[LCDS]Adobe LiveCycle Data Services:
[LCDS]Server 'my-nio-server' of type 'flex.messaging.socketserver.SocketServer' created.
[LCDS]Endpoint 'my-nio-amf-poll' created with security: None
at URL: http://localhost:2888/nioamfpoll
[LCDS]Endpoint 'my-rtmp' created with security: None
at URL: rtmp://localhost:2048
[LCDS]Endpoint 'my-http' created with security: None
at URL: http://localhost:8000/JLCAPP/messagebroker/http
[LCDS]Endpoint 'my-polling-amf' created with security: None
at URL: http://localhost:8000/JLCAPP/messagebroker/amfpolling
[LCDS]Endpoint 'my-nio-http' created with security: None
at URL: http://localhost:2888/niohttp
[LCDS]Endpoint 'my-amf' created with security: None
at URL: http://localhost:8000/JLCAPP/messagebroker/amf
[LCDS]Endpoint 'my-nio-amf' created with security: None
at URL: http://localhost:2888/nioamf
[LCDS]Endpoint 'my-secure-http' created with security: None
at URL: https://{}:{server.port}/{context.root}/messagebroker/httpsecure
[LCDS]Endpoint 'my-secure-amf' created with security: None
at URL: https://{}:{server.port}/{context.root}/messagebroker/amfsecure
[LCDS]MessageBroker id: __default__ classLoader is: the MessageBroker's class loader and the context class loader (classLoader hashCode: 31966667 (parent hashCode:
7043360 (parent system))
[LCDS]Starting Adobe LiveCycle Data Services: Developer License
[LCDS]NIOAMFEndpoint 'my-nio-amf-poll' has started and is using server 'my-nio-server'.
[LCDS]SocketServer 'my-rtmp-SocketServer' is starting.
[LCDS]SocketServer 'my-rtmp-SocketServer' is using an assigned executor of type: flex.messaging.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadPoolExecutor
[LCDS]SocketServer 'my-rtmp-SocketServer' has determined the default thread priority for its executor to be 5.
[LCDS]Reactor 'Reactor1' for SocketServer 'my-rtmp-SocketServer' is starting.
[LCDS]Reactor 'Reactor1' for SocketServer 'my-rtmp-SocketServer' has started and is running at priority 5.
[LCDS]Reactor 'Reactor2' for SocketServer 'my-rtmp-SocketServer' is starting.
[LCDS]Reactor 'Reactor2' for SocketServer 'my-rtmp-SocketServer' has started and is running at priority 5.
[LCDS]Acceptor 'Acceptor1' for SocketServer 'my-rtmp-SocketServer' is starting.
[LCDS]Acceptor 'Acceptor1' for SocketServer 'my-rtmp-SocketServer' has successfully bound '/' to accept new client connections.
[LCDS]Acceptor 'Acceptor1' for SocketServer 'my-rtmp-SocketServer' has started and is running at priority 5.
[LCDS]SocketServer 'my-rtmp-SocketServer' has started.
[LCDS]NIOHTTPEndpoint 'my-nio-http' has started and is using server 'my-nio-server'.
[LCDS]NIOAMFEndpoint 'my-nio-amf' has started and is using server 'my-nio-server'.
[LCDS]SocketServer 'my-nio-server' is starting.
[LCDS]SocketServer 'my-nio-server' is using an assigned executor of type: flex.messaging.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadPoolExecutor
[LCDS]SocketServer 'my-nio-server' has determined the default thread priority for its executor to be 5.
[LCDS]Reactor 'Reactor1' for SocketServer 'my-nio-server' is starting.
[LCDS]Reactor 'Reactor1' for SocketServer 'my-nio-server' has started and is running at priority 5.
[LCDS]Reactor 'Reactor2' for SocketServer 'my-nio-server' is starting.
[LCDS]Reactor 'Reactor2' for SocketServer 'my-nio-server' has started and is running at priority 5.
[LCDS]Acceptor 'Acceptor1' for SocketServer 'my-nio-server' is starting.
[LCDS]Acceptor 'Acceptor1' for SocketServer 'my-nio-server' has successfully bound '/' to accept new client connections.
[LCDS]Acceptor 'Acceptor1' for SocketServer 'my-nio-server' has started and is running at priority 5.
[LCDS]SocketServer 'my-nio-server' has started.
See if this picks the point of failure!!

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    java-flags=-Xms4M -Xmx128M -Dfile.encoding=utf-8
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            Process= ESS
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 5536
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:13:21
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= EssMonitor
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 5567
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:13:25
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = ESS is fully up now !
            Process= EventFramework
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 5584
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:13:26
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= SyslogCollector
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 5585
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:13:26
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = SyslogCollector Started at Fri Oct 31 14:13:28 CST 2014
            Process= RMEDbEngine
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 5586
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:13:26
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= FHDbEngine
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 5663
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:13:30
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= EPMDbEngine
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 5696
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:13:34
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= EPMServer
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 5729
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:13:38
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = EPMServer is up and running
            Process= AdapterServer
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 5748
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:13:42
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= AdapterServer1
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 5749
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:13:42
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= FHServer
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 5750
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:13:42
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = FHServer started.
            Process= INVDbEngine
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 5751
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:13:42
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= PMServer
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 5936
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:13:46
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = PMServer is up and running
            Process= IpmDbEngine
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 5960
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:13:50
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= UPMDbEngine
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 5993
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:13:54
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= UPMDbMonitor
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 6026
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:13:58
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = DbMonitor Running Normally.
            Process= ANIDbEngine
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 6027
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:13:59
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= MACUHIC
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 6055
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:14:03
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Started.
            Process= UTLITE
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 6056
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:14:03
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Started.
            Process= FDRewinder
            State  = Never started
            Pid    = 0
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = N/A
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Not applicable,
            Process= CmfDbEngine
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 6057
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:14:03
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= CmfDbMonitor
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 6183
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:14:08
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = DbMonitor Running Normally.
            Process= DfmBroker
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 6190
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:14:09
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = DfmBroker is running normally
            Process= DfmServer
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 6322
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:14:13
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = DfmServer initialized OK.
            Process= DfmServer1
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 6323
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:14:13
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = DfmServer1 initialized OK.
            Process= DFMLogServer
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 6324
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:14:13
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= DFMCTMStartup
            State  = Administrator has shut down this server
            Pid    = 0
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 11/03/14 11:55:05
            Stop   = 11/03/14 11:55:05
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= FHPurgeTask
            State  = Transient terminated
            Pid    = 0
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 11/03/14 00:00:00
            Stop   = 11/03/14 00:00:44
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = DPS Task FHPurgeTask completed at Mon Nov 03 00:00:44 CST 2014. For status check Job Browser UI.
            Process= DFMMultiProcLogger
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 6327
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:14:13
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= CSDiscovery
            State  = Never started
            Pid    = 0
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = N/A
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Not applicable,
            Process= DCRDevicePoll
            State  = Transient terminated
            Pid    = 0
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 11/03/14 09:15:02
            Stop   = 11/03/14 09:15:50
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= CSRegistryServer
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 6328
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:14:13
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = CSRegistryServer is running
            Process= Tomcat
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 6330
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:14:13
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= TomcatMonitor
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 6670
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:14:17
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Tomcat Server up
            Process= Apache
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 7183
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:02
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Web Server initialized ok.
            Process= DCRServer
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 7204
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:06
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = DCRServer is up and running
            Process= CMFOGSServer
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 7257
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:12
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= TISServer
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 7258
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:12
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= DFMOGSServer
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 7323
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:16
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= NOSServer
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 7375
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:20
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = NOSServer is up and running
            Process= PTMServer
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 7376
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:20
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Started Successfully
            Process= InventoryCollector
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 7377
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:20
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = InventoryCollector is up and running
            Process= Interactor
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 7496
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:24
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= InventoryCollector1
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 7497
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:24
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= Interactor1
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 7589
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:28
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= UPMProcess
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 7590
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:28
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = UPMProcess started successfully.
            Process= UTManager
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 7591
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:28
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Started.
            Process= EssentialsDM
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 7592
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:28
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = RME Device Management started.
            Process= ICServer
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 7730
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:31
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = ICServer started.
            Process= EnergyWise
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 7923
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:35
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = EnergyWise Process is running normally Fri Oct 31 14:16:45 CST 2014
            Process= PMCOGSServer
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 7924
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:35
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= ConfigMgmtServer
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 7925
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:35
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = DCMA is running normally Fri Oct 31 14:17:02 CST 2014
            Process= ConfigUtilityService
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 7926
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:35
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = ConfigUtilityService started.
            Process= CAAMServer
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 7927
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:35
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = CAAMServer started.
            Process= VNMServer
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 7928
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:35
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= WlseUHIC
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 7929
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:35
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Started.
            Process= IPMOGSServer
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 7940
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:35
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= TopoServer
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 7941
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:35
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= LicenseServer
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 7942
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:35
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= NameServer
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 7946
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:35
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= NameServiceMonitor
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 8205
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:39
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= EDS
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 8290
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:16:43
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Initialization complete
            Process= ANIServer
            State  = Running with busy flag set
            Pid    = 8768
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:17:14
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = ANIServer started.
            Process= UTMajorAcquisition
            State  = Transient terminated
            Pid    = 0
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 11/03/14 10:00:00
            Stop   = 11/03/14 10:14:13
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= EDS-GCF
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 8807
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:17:18
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = GCF Initialization complete at Fri Oct 31 14:17:53 CST 2014
            Process= jrm
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 8808
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:17:18
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= DataPurge
            State  = Administrator has shut down this server
            Pid    = 0
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:18:12
            Stop   = 10/31/14 14:19:11
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = DataPurge initialization completed at Fri Oct 31 14:19:11 CST 2014.
            Process= IPMProcess
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 9155
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:18:12
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= CTMJrmServer
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 9156
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:18:12
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = CTMJrmServer started.
            Process= SyslogAnalyzer
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 9246
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:18:23
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = SyslogAnalyzerService Started at Fri Oct 31 14:18:35 CST 2014
            Process= ChangeAudit
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 9247
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:18:23
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= 1014
            State  = Never started
            Pid    = 0
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = N/A
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Not applicable,
            Process= 1965
            State  = Never started
            Pid    = 0
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = N/A
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Not applicable,
            Process= 1964
            State  = Never started
            Pid    = 0
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = N/A
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Not applicable,
            Process= 2360
            State  = Never started
            Pid    = 0
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = N/A
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Not applicable,
            Process= 3056
            State  = Never started
            Pid    = 0
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = N/A
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Not applicable,
            Process= 3104
            State  = Never started
            Pid    = 0
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = N/A
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Not applicable,
            Process= 1001
            State  = Never started
            Pid    = 0
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = N/A
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Not applicable,
            Process= 3177
            State  = Never started
            Pid    = 0
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = N/A
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Not applicable,
            Process= 3206
            State  = Never started
            Pid    = 0
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = N/A
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Not applicable,
            Process= 1015
            State  = Never started
            Pid    = 0
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = N/A
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Not applicable,
            Process= 1524
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 21804
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 11/02/14 19:00:00
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= 3306
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 17433
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 11/03/14 11:37:17
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
            Process= 1005
            State  = Running normally
            Pid    = 19289
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 11/03/14 12:00:00
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = 1005 started.
            Process= diskWatcher
            State  = Program started - No mgt msgs received
            Pid    = 9249
            RC     = 0
            Signo  = 0
            Start  = 10/31/14 14:18:23
            Stop   = Not applicable
            Core   = Not applicable
            Info   = Application started by administrator request.
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Best regards.

    Also when i click the alarms bar that is sitting in the bottom right i got these in DFMOGSServer.log
    [ Thu Nov 06  15:25:37 CST 2014 ] ERROR makeEvent  - MAKE CONSOLIDATED_DFMOGS_EVENT: 9 data:
    [ Thu Nov 06  15:25:46 CST 2014 ] FATAL main  - Exception while OGS Server start up: CTMRegistryClient::addNewURNEntry  URN : ogs_server_urn ErrMsg : URN already in use CTMRegistryClient::addNewURNEntry  URN : ogs_server_urn ErrMsg : URN already in use
    [ Thu Nov 06  15:31:54 CST 2014 ] ERROR isUserInTable  -
            at Source)
            at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
            at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
            at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
            at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
            at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
            at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
            at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
            at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
            at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
            at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
            at org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler.invoke(
            at org.apache.jk.common.HandlerRequest.invoke(
            at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket.invoke(
            at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket.processConnection(
            at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket$SocketConnection.runIt(
            at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$
    [ Thu Nov 06  15:31:54 CST 2014 ] ERROR executeQuery  - ExecuteQuery, returnList is empty or NULL, []
    [ Thu Nov 06  15:31:55 CST 2014 ] ERROR executeQuery  - ExecuteQuery, returnList is empty or NULL, []
    [ Thu Nov 06  15:31:55 CST 2014 ] ERROR getDevicesForNonOGSGroup  - getDevicesForNonOGSGroup() called with Unreachable Devices
    [ Thu Nov 06  15:31:55 CST 2014 ] ERROR getDevicesForNonOGSGroup  - getDevicesForNonOGSGroup() Got 9 devices from TIS
    [ Thu Nov 06  15:31:55 CST 2014 ] ERROR getDevicesForNonOGSGroup  - getDevicesForNonOGSGroup() called with Unmanaged Devices
    [ Thu Nov 06  15:31:55 CST 2014 ] ERROR getDevicesForNonOGSGroup  - getDevicesForNonOGSGroup() called with Suspended Devices
    [ Thu Nov 06  15:31:55 CST 2014 ] ERROR getDevicesForNonOGSGroup  - getDevicesForNonOGSGroup() Got 0 devices from TIS
    [ Thu Nov 06  15:31:55 CST 2014 ] ERROR isUserInTable  -
            at Source)
            at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
            at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
            at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
            at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
            at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
            at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
            at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
            at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
            at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
            at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
            at org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler.invoke(
            at org.apache.jk.common.HandlerRequest.invoke(
            at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket.invoke(
            at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket.processConnection(
            at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket$SocketConnection.runIt(
            at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$
    [ Thu Nov 06  15:31:55 CST 2014 ] ERROR isUserInTable  -
            at Source)
            at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
            at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
            at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
            at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
            at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
            at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
            at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
            at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
            at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
            at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
            at org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler.invoke(
            at org.apache.jk.common.HandlerRequest.invoke(
            at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket.invoke(
            at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket.processConnection(
            at org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket$SocketConnection.runIt(
            at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$
    [ Thu Nov 06  15:32:05 CST 2014 ] ERROR executeQuery  - ExecuteQuery, returnList is empty or NULL, []
    [ Thu Nov 06  15:32:05 CST 2014 ] ERROR executeQuery  - ExecuteQuery, returnList is empty or NULL, []
    [ Thu Nov 06  15:32:05 CST 2014 ] ERROR executeQuery  - ExecuteQuery, returnList is empty or NULL, []
    [ Thu Nov 06  15:32:05 CST 2014 ] ERROR executeQuery  - ExecuteQuery, returnList is empty or NULL, []
    [ Thu Nov 06  15:32:05 CST 2014 ] ERROR executeQuery  - ExecuteQuery, returnList is empty or NULL, []
    [ Thu Nov 06  15:32:05 CST 2014 ] ERROR executeQuery  - ExecuteQuery, returnList is empty or NULL, []
    [ Thu Nov 06  15:32:05 CST 2014 ] ERROR executeQuery  - ExecuteQuery, returnList is empty or NULL, []
    [ Thu Nov 06  15:32:05 CST 2014 ] ERROR executeQuery  - ExecuteQuery, returnList is empty or NULL, []
    [ Thu Nov 06  15:32:05 CST 2014 ] ERROR executeQuery  - ExecuteQuery, returnList is empty or NULL, []
    Don´t know much about databases, but it seems im missing some important tables or data

  • Error in Communicating with DCR Server LMS 4.0

    I´m receiving this error when I try do add a device in isolated form or by discovery:
    Error in communicating with DCR Server.
    DCR Server may be down. Please start the DCR Server and then refresh the page.
    I am using windows 2008 standard server RC1 SP1, and CiscoWorks LMS 4.0.
    I had applied all of patches includes.
    The DCRserver is running. ( I did restart it)

    You're using Windows 2008 RC1 (a release candidate version)?  LMS is only supported on the final shipping version of Windows 2008, and not yet on R2.
    If you're running on the final version of 2008 server, post the output of the pdshow command as well as the dcr.log, DCRServer.log, NMSROOT/MDC/tomcat/logs/stdout.log and stderr.log.

  • WebDAv with Iplanet Webserver 4.1

    I want use Webdav with Iplanet Webserver 4.1 for publication . It's
    possible ?

    I tried this with apache slide.
    With no luck.
    I think the problem was due to not being able to configure a servlet to
    receive the http request for the urls from the web dav root.
    For example.
    may be the root
    then you would have a file at
    I could not configure the servlet in the file to say
    /dav/* is servlets WebdavServlet.
    However you can do this with tomcat and I hope now that iWS 6.0 supports the
    web.xml for deploying servlets that you now will be able to do this.
    If you get this working I would like to know how you did it.
    "herve Merdrignac" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    I want use Webdav with Iplanet Webserver 4.1 for publication . It's
    possible ?

  • JSP: work with TomCat 5.5.9 and NOT work with TomCat 6.0.16

    Hi all,
    I'm Antony and I have a problem with a .JSP page of my server.
    In my server there are 2 users: "u1" and "u2"; there are 2 TomCat, version 5.5.9 and version 6.0.16. There is Apache WebServer version 2. The 2 TomCat servers have the same configuration files: server.xml and web.xml (in the dir /conf of the main server's root). They not work simultaneously.
    When the user "root" launch the TomCat 5.5.9 all work fine: the server will show correctly the JSP pages of "u1" and the pages of "u2".
    When the user "root" launch the TomCat 6.0.16 the JSP pages of "u1" work fine but the JSP pages of "u2" not work: it seems that there are problems with the path where the server want to search the pages of u2.
    In the server.xml there is this code (for the handle of u2's site):
    <Host name="" appBase="/home/u2/public_html/">
      <Context path="" reloadable="false" docBase="/home/u2/public_html/" debug="0"/>
              <Context path="/manager" debug="0" privileged="true"
    </Host>and this code (for the u1's site)
    <Host name="" appBase="/home/u1/public_html/">
      <Context path="" reloadable="false" docBase="/home/u1/public_html" debug="1"/>
              <Context path="/manager" debug="0" privileged="true"
    </Host>The problems with the JSP pages of u2 are one of the following:
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /login2.jsp(4,0) The value for the useBean class attribute com.u2.beans.access.Autenticator is invalid.and this one that appear with the pages that have the inclusion of another JSP page
    /u2page.jsp(3,0) File "/../support/_formatting.jsp" not foundI think that the TomCat know how to find the page that the browser request to Apache WebServer (and that the webserver request to Tomcat by the connector) 'cause for pages that haven't inclusion or call to method in packages all work fine...but the TomCat have problems to locate the pages included or the method located in a JAR (the jars are located in WEB-INF/lib/ of the u2's site).
    How I can resolve this problem with TomCat 6.0.16? I repeat that with TomCat 5.5.9 all work fine...same configuration!
    Any ideas?
    Thank you very much,

    Hi stevejluke, 'cause in the page "/supporto/_formatting.jsp" there are only the definition of some variables it's normal that the output at the browser it's a blank page.
    The problem it's that Tomcat 6.0.16 cannot know how "navigate" the pages beginning from know where is the "x.jsp" page requested directly by Apache WebServer, where is "y.jsp" request directly by Apache, where is "z.jsp" requested directly by Apache but if "x.jsp" request, includes, "y.jsp" Tomcat cannot know where "y.jsp" is located. There is some file where I can "say" this to Tomcat?
    The page "/mostre/elenco_mostre.jsp" includes directly the "/supporto/_formatting.jsp".
    Another thing: in /mostre/elenco_mostre.jsp there is an inclusion directive for /supporto/_formatting.jsp that is so:
    <%@ include file="../supporto/_formatting.jsp"%>you can see that the included file is "../supporto/_formatting.jsp" and NOT "/../supporto/_formatting.jsp"...the "/" at the begin of the path is included by Tomcat!
    In the catalina.out there are this lines, when the page is called:
    Jul 6, 2008 3:15:00 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke
    SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /elenco_mostre.jsp(3,0) File "/../supporto/_formatting.jsp" not found
      In catalina.out before server start there are this lines:
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '1' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '1' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '1' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '1' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '1' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '1' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin
    WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'debug' to '0' did not find a matching property.
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
    INFO: Initialization processed in 358 ms
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start
    INFO: Starting service Catalina
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:49 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
    INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.16
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:52 AM org.apache.jk.server.JkMain start
    INFO: Jk running ID=0 time=0/23  config=null
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:52 AM org.apache.catalina.connector.MapperListener registerEngine
    WARNING: Unknown default host: localhost
    Jul 6, 2008 1:43:52 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
    INFO: Server startup in 2512 msThe file "web.xml" is located in "$Tomcat_home/conf" and it's:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <web-app xmlns=""
        xsi:schemaLocation="" version="2.4">
    </web-app>there are not web.xml file in /WEB-INF/ of the web application.
    Maybe the problem it's that Tomcat want the conf file in "Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context" ? I must move the block HOST of the server.xml file in this path?
    Good Sunday and thank you!

  • SAP BI Client tools are not communicating with BO server

    Hi Experts,
    We've recently installed BI 4.1 . We're having few issues:
    1. When client is installed on different machine then it is not communicating with server. We've already tried few things like untick auto assign from Request server and manually assign static port but it didn't work .
    2. Our BO Server is running on AWS Cloud.
    3. Client is communicating when installed on server machine.
    4. Could you please help our how to resolve this error.
    5. CMC and BI launch pad are installed on server side as they're web browser tool and we need to install these on client machine as well. Qns is Do we need to install them or provide just URL link? If just URL like where to get these URL links.
    6. We can't see SAP Lumira and SAP Dashboard on Service market place to install. Where we can find these software on Service maket place?
    7. Could someone please send screenshot to install Dashboard, Lumira, Analysis office and Crystal report enterprise and crystal report 2013.
    8. Do we need to install all these on client machine?
    9. Could you please give me software list which should be installed on client machine?
    10. As i know there is life cycle management tool but it is not even available from server side not even on client side. Could you please recommend how it can be installed??
    Thanks in advance.

    1. When client is installed on different machine then it is not communicating with server. We've already tried few things like untick auto assign from Request server and manually assign static port but it didn't work .
    Could you confirm that you are able to ping the BO server from Client machine. Also use telnet command from commandline of  CMD in client machine. It will help to confirm that port communication is successful. Use ipaddress:cmsport for the system while logging into the client software. Update the hosts file entries at client machine with BO server name and ip address. Create an exception for BO installation location at client machine and check the results
    2. Our BO Server is running on AWS Cloud.
    3. Client is communicating when installed on server machine.
    4. Could you please help our how to resolve this error.
    5. CMC and BI launch pad are installed on server side as they're web browser tool and we need to install these on client machine as well. Qns is Do we need to install them or provide just URL link? If just URL like where to get these URL links.
    Check on the server side first where your web server is installed (I am assuming tomcat in your scenario). Use http://serverame:8080/BOE/BI and http://servername:8080/BOE/CMC (8080 is default port. If it has been changed use the correct port).
    If its working well. Perform the same activity using ipaddress:8080 at server. Next chek whether using the same URL you are able to get BILaunchPad and CMC pages and able to login from the same.
    6. We can't see SAP Lumira and SAP Dashboard on Service market place to install. Where we can find these software on Service maket place (
    Software and downloads-->Installations and Upgrades
    7. Could someone please send screenshot to install Dashboard, Lumira, Analysis office and Crystal report enterprise and crystal report 2013.
    Look into the admin guide for installation pre-requisites. These are available at Analytics Knowledge Center
    We have a drop down for all products. Look for the guide and proceed with the installation.
    8. Do we need to install all these on client machine?
    Dashboard,Lumira,analysis office, CRE and CR2013 are client tools and hence need to be installed on client machine.
    We also have CRS 2013 which is a server software and has to be downloaded from service market place. The li
    9. Could you please give me software list which should be installed on client machine?
    These vary according to user requirements. Check with developers for their softwares needed
    10. As i know there is life cycle management tool but it is not even available from server side not even on client side. Could you please recommend how it can be installed??
    In BI4.1 LCM comes by default. It is a server application. You can find it in CMC named as Promotion management and version management.
    Use the admin guide and installation guide for all of the above. It will help you.

  • Servlet Communication with Java WebStart

    Hi there,
    we have an application that works fine with Java WebStart whenever we start it in a local area network. But from outside the LAN the application cannot communicate to it's servlets. I use the codebase IP address with the servlet runner's port (http://<codebase IP>:port/) as URL for servlet communication, but the application's request never reaches the servlets.
    My question is now, if anyone had the same or a similar problem with servlet communication using Java WebStart, or if anyone knows, if that might be a problem with proxy configuration.
    The servlet runner we use, is JServ from Sun (JSDK2.0) and the webserver where it is running on is not behind a firewall or a proxy, but the client PC with the web start application is.

    Thank you for your early reply. But I think, that's not the problem.
    I get no security error and the webserver is identified the same way it is in the jnlp file. Also my application is not running in the Sandbox. My assumption is, that the http-request to the servlet does not go through the proxy server between my PC and the PC the servletrunner is running on.
    I wonder if I have to configure my application to use a proxy server for communication with the servlets instead of the direct http-request to the servlet runner?

  • Is it possible to connect OJDBC14.JAR with tomcat?!

    I�m using tomcat and receiving the error bellow ...
    I�m using ojdbc14.jar and I configured the tomcat like this:
    URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe
    Class: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
    There is no problem to visit pages that only show the result of searches... So the problem happend when i try to visit the pages that creates or updates a data base register...
    What is the problem?! Is it possible to connect tomcat and oracleXE DB using ojdbc14.jar?!?
    Please me
    Gustavo Callou
    HTTP Status 500 -
    type Exception report
    description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
    com.sun.rave.web.ui.appbase.ApplicationException: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.sql.SQLException: handle de instru��o n�o foi executado: getMetaData
    note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/5.5.17 logs.
    Apache Tomcat/5.5.17

    the problem is that is I little bit dificult to debug with tomcat...
    I have already read:
    and the marco�s blogs on:
    So I concluded that it is possible to use the ojdbc14.jar of oracle, but I still receiving the getMetaData erro... what am i supose to do?!
    Is it possible to someone send me some example that works fine?!
    Bellow there is a code example that i use to update the data of one row...
    In the development It works fine... but with tomcat using the OJDBC14.jar does not... I�m receiving this:
    com.sun.rave.web.ui.appbase.ApplicationException: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.sql.SQLException: handle de instru��o n�o foi executado: getMetaData
    How can I change my code to does not receive this erro anymore with tomcat using OJDBC14.jar version!
    public void prerender() {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    error("Cannot read tracks for " +
    getRequestBean1().getCodigoSetor() +
    ": " + e.getMessage());
    log("Cannot read tracks for " +
    getRequestBean1().getCodigoSetor() + ": ", e);
    public void destroy() {
    public String btn_salvar_action() {
    try {
    log("update: changes committed");
    info("Opera\347\343o Salva");
    } catch(Exception e) {
    log("update: cannot commit changes ", e);
    error("Cannot commit changes: " + e.getMessage());
    return null;
    Please Marco or anyone help me!!!

  • Netbeans 5.0 bundled with tomcat

    I cant run a simple web app with tomcat because it wants a username and password. But i've tried changing the tomcat-user.xml file to "manager" role. I'm lost.

    look in this directory:
    C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\.netbeans\5.5beta2\config\J2EE\InstalledServers
    ** Owner will be your windows user name
    find a file named .nbattrs
    Inside that file may have your default admin username and password.
    It is an xml file and look for the section like the following:
        <fileobject name="Tomcat_instance">
            <attr name="admin_port" stringvalue="8025"/>
            <attr name="debug_type" stringvalue="SEL_debuggingType_shared"/>
            <attr name="displayName" stringvalue="Bundled Tomcat (5.5.17)"/>
            <attr name="httpportnumber" stringvalue="8084"/>
            <attr name="instance_id" stringvalue="tomcat55"/>
            <attr name="password" stringvalue="H56E5wNS"/>
            <attr name="timestamp" stringvalue="1153304925000"/>
            <attr name="url" stringvalue="tomcat55:home=$bundled_home:base=$bundled_base"/>
           <attr name="username" stringvalue="ide"/>
        </fileobject>If you still have problems, I suggest you subscribe to the nb-users mailing list and ask there.

  • Communication with other domain

    An internal application (.exe developed in Delphi) at a
    clients server (
    no webserver) can communicate ( JSON protocol) with other
    applications, also web based.
    While testing the AS2 / AS3 classes ( from ) in the Flash
    IDE (ctrl-enter) their was no problem. I made a connection on a
    static IP-adres with open port and could send/recieve json-objects.
    So far so good.
    When publishing it for a html page, the trouble began. The
    known security problem.
    Is there a solution?
    We don't know where to put the crossdomain.xml because there
    is no root! There is just an application listening to an open port
    on a static IP adres.
    Just a single executable listening to an open port if a
    request is comming in so it can send an answer.
    Is there a solution?
    How does the flash player finds out if a crossdomain.xml is
    Does it send a request also? Is it ok to generate a
    crossdomain.xml on the fly on that request?
    Help us please!

    I think I understood the following:
    - Cards have a special applet called Card Manager (or Security Domain) for example to load and delete other applets
    - Communication with the Card Manager goes over a secure channel with specific keysThat is correct
    - Are these keys 'open' so they can be used for every card of the same type?Development cards generally have know keys that can be used. When you go into production, your cards will have a unique (each card in fact will have its own key)
    - Are these keys set by the factory and maybe reset by a distributor?Both. The card issue can also set the keys before sending the card out. Check the GlobalPlatform Key Management System specification from the GP website for more details on key management.
    WrappedCommand --> 80 CA006600
    Response <-- 664C734A0607...(I'll post all bytes if necessary)...9000Can you provide the full response from the card?
    Can I somehow check if my Card is already blocked (too much failed attempts?) without waisting another attempt?No. If you have exceeded the tries your next INIT UPDATE will fail. You should have 10 per card with the JCOP cards from memory. Some Gemalto cards lock after 5.

  • Websphere MQ with tomcat

    Hi All,
    Can any one help me how to configure the websphereMQ with tomcat server. Is it possible to integrate the MQ with a webserver like tomcat other than application servers. I tried to run the websphereMQ as standalone but i am failed to run it for asynchronous messaging.
    please help.
    thans in advance,
    Sridhar Reddy .R

    Have a look at

  • HTTP2302 error  with tomcat and linux environment

    We are using Sun Java(TM) System Web Server 7.0 with Tomcat 6.0.14 in Linux environment. We are frequently facing "Service Unavailable error" in the frontend . while verifying the logs we found the details as below :
    could you guinde what could be issue here ?
    In Webserver log the following error thrown many times
    func_exec reports: HTTP2302: Function jk_service aborted the request without setting the status code
    We are using the tomcat connector in our environment
    [Thu Nov 19 06:22:11.602 2009] [20843:4074314640] [debug] jk_open_socket::jk_connect.c (448): socket TCP_NODELAY set to On
    [Thu Nov 19 06:22:11.602 2009] [20843:4074314640] [debug] jk_open_socket::jk_connect.c (548): trying to connect socket 30 to
    [Thu Nov 19 06:22:11.602 2009] [20843:4074314640] [info] jk_open_socket::jk_connect.c (566): connect to failed (errno=111)
    [Thu Nov 19 06:22:11.602 2009] [20843:4074314640] [info] ajp_connect_to_endpoint::jk_ajp_common.c (869): Failed opening socket to ( (errno=111)
    [Thu Nov 19 06:22:11.602 2009] [20843:4074314640] [error] ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1359): (ajp13) connecting to backend failed. Tomcat is probably not started or is listening on the wrong port (errno=111)
    [Thu Nov 19 06:22:11.602 2009] [20843:4074314640] [info] ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2186): (ajp13) sending request to tomcat failed (recoverable), because of error during request sending (attempt=2)
    [Thu Nov 19 06:22:11.602 2009] [20843:4074314640] [error] ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (2204): (ajp13) Connecting to tomcat failed. Tomcat is probably not started or is listening on the wrong port
    [Thu Nov 19 06:22:11.602 2009] [20843:4074314640] [error] jk_service::jk_nsapi_plugin.c (398): service() failed with http error 503
    [Thu Nov 19 06:22:11.602 2009] [20843:4074314640] [debug] ajp_reset_endpoint::jk_ajp_common.c (691): (ajp13) resetting endpoint with sd = 4294967295 (socket shutdown)
    [Thu Nov 19 06:22:11.602 2009] [20843:4074314640] [debug] ajp_done::jk_ajp_common.c (2522): recycling connection pool slot=0 for worker ajp13
    h1. Obj.conf
    <Object name="default">
    AuthTrans fn="match-browser" browser="*MSIE*" ssl-unclean-shutdown="true"
    <If $uri =~ '^/$'>
    NameTrans fn="redirect" from="/" url="" code="301"
    NameTrans fn="assign-name" from="/confluence/*" name="servlet"
    PathCheck fn="uri-clean"
    PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="default"
    PathCheck fn="find-pathinfo"
    PathCheck fn="find-index" index-names="index.html,home.html,index.jsp"
    ObjectType fn="type-by-extension"
    ObjectType fn="force-type" type="text/plain"
    Service method="(GET|HEAD|POST)" type="*~magnus-internal/*" fn="send-file"
    Service method="TRACE" fn="service-trace"
    AddLog fn="flex-log"
    <Object name="j2ee">
    Service fn="service-j2ee" method="*"
    <Object name="es-internal">
    PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="es-internal"
    <Object name="cgi">
    ObjectType fn="force-type" type="magnus-internal/cgi"
    Service fn="send-cgi"
    <Object name="send-precompressed">
    PathCheck fn="find-compressed"
    <Object name="compress-on-demand">
    Output fn="insert-filter" filter="http-compression"
    <Object name="servlet">
    ObjectType fn="force-type" type="text/html"
    Service fn="jk_service" worker="ajp13"

    Hi, The reason tomcat had to be used is that the software is bundled with tomcat. Hence we are in the following configuration:
    -Sun Web Server 7.0 update 5
    -Tomcat 6, Using JRE1.6
    -The server runs Linux.
    -As for the tomcat web server plugin, the 32-bit tomcat connector is downloaded from
    With this configuration. seems when we refresh a page quickly, we get "service unavailable error". But if we only put web contents, the issue does not exist. Looks like the issue resides in the plugin....
    Any help is greatly appreciated

Maybe you are looking for

  • Fiscal Year End change

    Our current Fiscal Year variant is April – March. However we have now been bought by a different company and the fiscal year end needs to change to Jan-Dec. Therefore this year will be a shortened year. I have a couple of questions: I can see in SPRO

  • My Mac Book Pro wouldn't start after memory update

    I updated my 27" Imac memory up to 16 GB, so I was encouraged to do the same with my Mac Book Pro after watching the video and instructions. However My Mac Book Pro wouldn't start afterwards. It is driving me crazy. Please if someone can help me on t

  • Scanning no longer works with Mavericks (Samsung CLX-6220FX)

    With Mountain Lion I had no problem with the printer. In 10.8 I installed it by going to Printers & Scanners, clicking the plus sign and then clicking Samsung CLX-6220 Series. Then Apple software update would install the required driver automatically

  • How do you convert .mov to .mpeg or .wmv?! please help!!!

    i made a video and put it up on, and tons of people have emailed me saying they want to download it. however, the only format i can put it in is .mov and .mp4 and windows computers can't play these least i don't think they

  • Curve 9300 not getting detected on blackberry desktop software

    Dear All, I am using Blackberry Curve 9300 with OS Desktop software version is Since last 10 days, the handset is not getting detected on desktop software. Same is getting detected on Windows XP OS and also getting charged. Reque