Linux servers uptime monitoring

Our Linux Team had a requirement that they get information alerts from SCOM about the servers uptime everyday.
I tried to create a Unix/Linux shell command monitor but these alerts are based on the threshold. For eg: I will get the alerts if the server uptime is below the specified value. But the requirement is that everyday one information alert shoots to our linux
team stating the server uptime information. If anyone has gone through this requirement, please share.
Daya Ram

Hi D.R
Have you tried creating a SCOM Agent task? Basically you can run the command and get the out put from the Linux server through SCOM console.
In SCOM console when you select Unix/Linux computers can you see something called Report Tasks that includes Availability report? If it is there that means you have reporting installed for SCOM. There are many reports you can use and customize for this purpose
(i.e Microsoft Genereic Report - Availability)
If you looking for uptime specifically I suggest you create an Agent task which can then be executed on the Linux servers.
Janaka Rangama MCT MIEEE MBCS (Please take a moment to Vote as Helpful and/or Mark as Answer, where applicable.)

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    Not sure what certificates you are wanting to monitor on your Linux servers but if openssl can read them you can run something like this in a UNIX/Linux Shell Command Rule.
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    openssl x509 -noout -in /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/ssl/scx.pem -dates
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    notAfter=Sep 19 18:21:36 2024 GMT
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    How about trying aggregate monitor?
    Aggregate monitors group multiple monitors to provide a single health aggregated health state. This provides an organization to all of the monitors targeted at a particular class and provides a consolidated health state for specific categories of
    Please refer to the below link for more details:
    Yan Li
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  • Re: Number of Linux servers

    Geoff Puterbaugh wrote:
    Madhu Epari wrote:
    As per my knowledge goes 60-65 % web servers run on Apache and very few on
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    Madhu Epari also wrote;
    But what are u trying to figure out by this statistics?I'm trying to figure out how many web servers are Linux.
    All my best,
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    At 11:03 PM 8/23/98 -0700, Geoff Puterbaugh wrote:
    Madhu Epari wrote:
    As per my knowledge goes 60-65 % web servers run on Apache and very few on
    Linux. Perhaps we should clarify the terms:
    Linux is an operating system which comes bundled with Apache.
    Apache is an HTTP server, which is being ported to NT (another
    operating system).
    Madhu Epari also wrote;
    But what are u trying to figure out by this statistics?I'm trying to figure out how many web servers are Linux.Well, I don't know how many of them are on Linux, but the 80% number
    (actually, I think it was slightly higher) is the number that comes to mind
    from my days with the AltaVista folks. Needless to say, as they crawl the
    web, they just need to keep track (and they did).
    I can see it being a reasonably high number, though. We did some statistics
    and figured out that a 486/33 w/16 MB of main memory (yup! you read that
    right!) could serve up over 100K pages per day. And, as sites go, that's
    starting to get to the high end of medium. Now, you can't even buy hardware
    like that anymore - you just have to find it laying around gathering dust.
    If you go for a Pentium 133 or 166 - it's downright peppy - even when it's
    doing a bunch of other stuff as well (mail, ftp, etc.). Plus, all admin can
    be done remotely via telnet. Don't try that on NT. (Bill, eat your heart
    out!! Yeah, like he listens to me!)
    I don't know if the folks at AltaVista or Yahoo keep OS statistics on
    servers (I know they do on browsers), but you might contact them, if you're
    really curious.
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    depending on VMware software this might be a problem of VMware. E.g. VMware Workstation only provides shared storage correctly in some version, not in most.
    So getting to the root cause of this problem might be difficult.
    Furthermore if this is a test environment, I recommend taking the latest software version (11.2). Oracle does not support anymore, so not a good version anymore to learn/test on that.
    There is a good guide with virtual box on 11gR2:

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    Hi Tranjeet, In answer to your questions:
    1. Having separate resource pools (in case of Windows and Linux systems) and single Management Server in each resource pool
    A: Dedicated specific management servers for specific servers to be monitored from. (ie isolation of environments like test dev prod)
    2. Having single resource pool with multiple Management Servers managing Windows as well as Linux systems.
    Note: Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

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                        I am currently trying to install a 9.2 cluster across two Linux machines, but am having a few problems that I was hoping someone here could help with. I?ve been reading the documentation, but feel as though it?s getting me nowhere.
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                        <Jan 31, 2007 2:56:22 PM CET> <Error> <Security> <BEA-090854> <SAMLCredentialMapper provider initialization failed: Could not retrieve credentials for AssertionSigningKey.>
              <Jan 31, 2007 2:56:23 PM CET> <Notice> <Security> <BEA-090082> <Security initializing using security realm myrealm.>
              <Jan 31, 2007 2:56:23 PM CET> <Error> <com.bea.weblogic.kernel> <000000> <[Security:090735]The DBMS connection was not usable>
              <Jan 31, 2007 2:56:23 PM CET> <Critical> <Security> <BEA-090403> <Authentication for user weblogic denied>
              <Jan 31, 2007 2:56:23 PM CET> <Critical> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000386> <Server subsystem failed. Reason: Authentication for user weblogic denied
     Authentication for user weblogic denied
                      Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
              <Jan 31, 2007 2:56:24 PM CET> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to FAILED>
              <Jan 31, 2007 2:56:24 PM CET> <Error> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000383> <A critical service failed. The server will shut itself down>
              <Jan 31, 2007 2:56:24 PM CET> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to FORCE_SHUTTING_DOWN>
              Autonomy engine processes stopped
                                  What am I doing wrong / forgetting to do.
                        Any help or suggestions are most helpful

    Hello ,
              I can help you in this regard, (let me see).
              Let me start from the beginning.
              M1 is hosting 1-Admin server(AdminServer), 2-Managed Server(ms1,ms2),
              M2 is hosting 1 -managed server (ms3)
              1. Install WebLogic Server/Portal product on M1 and M2 say /home/user1/bea1 - on M1
              /home/user1/bea1 - on M2
              2. Create Cluster Domain using ConfigWiz/WLST.
                   [ here I will talk abt Config Wiz)
                   - Open config Wiz
              - Create domain in Production Mode.(ideally Cluster is not supported in Dev mode )
                   - Create 1 Admin server, 3 Managed server Host = <M1> and config SSL port
                        AdminServer ? Host_M1
                        Ms1     ? Host_M1
                        Ms2     ? Host_M1
                        Ms3     ? Host_M2
              NOTE: *** Don't use IP addresses - use hostnames. The hostnames need to be specified in the correct format. When specifying a hostname, use the receiving server side's rules for SSL certificate hostname format when specifying the server address. The address that a client uses needs to match up with the server's SSL certificate host identity field ((example: on both server/client side, not just pint21 and other
              Using the 'keytool' Java utility, verify the content of hostname identity embedded in the demo SSL certificate
              $ keytool -list -v -alias demoidentity -keystore DemoIdentity.jks
              Owner: CN=pisol18, OU=FOR TESTING ONLY, O=MyOrganization, L=MyTown, ST=MyState, C=US
              -     Config Data Source (conn pool) to Any DB Type you like, test them and run the DB scripts if applicable (Run DB).
              3. Create Managed Server template Using Pack/Unpack tool
              3.1     Using <WL_HOME>\common\bin\pack.cmd with ?managed option create managed server template.
              3.2     Using <WL_HOME>\common\bin\unpack.cmd on M2 to create the domain on Host2
              4. Starting the Admin Server
              5. Start the Managed server in many way. As given on edocs.
              I hope this helps you,

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    I dont believe that the CSS supports any SNMP load balancing mechanism.
    There is basically two factors involved in load balancing. One: the state of the servers which can be done via a range of mechanisms including ping, TCP connection, Application request, etc. Two: the way a server is chosen when a request comes in including round-robin, least connections, ACA etc.
    Checkout these links:-

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    Windows Terminal servers
    Solaris Sun Ray servers
    Linux Sun Ray servers
    ...and wanted to present a choice to users at the dtu startup screen, before login (e.g., with CAM), as to which system they wanted to connect to initially. Is it possible?
    I'm in a university environment and want to give easy access to each of those operating environments without the Windows user having to know how to navigate a Unix/Linux environment, even briefly, and vice-versa.
    For our purposes this sort of simple universal terminal configuration would be ideal.
    Thanks for any ideas, hints, etc.

    Hi ErikEJ. 
    I made a design decision several years ago to avoid using SQL Server Express for this project because it requires either a network connection or local instance of SQL Server to be running on a desktop platform which in many cases is resource-constrained. 
    SQL Server Compact was perfect for this application because the database engine could be entirely contained within the application without client/server overhead.
    Thanks for the ODBC under Linux suggestion, but I presume that this also would require client/server connection to an ASP server instance somewhere. 
    I think it would be simpler to just use an ASP host environment directly where SQL Server Compact, SQL Server, .net, and all the custom utilities I have developed for this application could be hosted with hopefully minimal modification.
    Thanks for your input.

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    I currently have vCenter Operations Manager Suite Enterprise edition which will allow me to manage my VMware VMs with VCM.
    I would also like to manage my 300-500 Physical Windows and Linux/Unix Servers.
    What license do I need to buy to achieve this?

    You need an OS Instance (OSI) license for each managed endpoint.
    vRealize Suite Cloud Management Platform Purchasing | United States

  • Routing issue between two Linux servers

    Hello, I have a fedora box with IP Masquerading setup. I used the instructions on ( to set it up. The problem is that I can't ssh from my firewall box to any internal linux box. my firewall is configured eth0 as internal and eth1 as external and just using basic iptables ruleset from the tutorial. When I try to ssh to my internal box 192.168.0.x from the external box I get " ssh: connect to host 192.168.0.x port 22: No route to host". I can ping the ip fine. My routing table looks like this:
    [root@oracle rc.d]# ip route show via dev eth0 via dev eth0
    external_IP/24 dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src ISP_address dev eth0 scope link
    default via ISP_gateway dev eth1
    [root@oracle rc.d]# route -n
    Kernel IP routing table
    Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface UGH 0 0 0 eth0 UG 0 0 0 eth0
    external_IP U 0 0 0 eth1 U 0 0 0 eth0 ISP_gateway UG 0 0 0 eth1
    what's wrong with my routing table? Please help.
    BTW: the natting works fine, I can ssh to the firewall box on both interface fine. just can't ssh/telnet from the firewall to anywhere else.

    what are your AD costs between A, B and C?
    In Exchange 2010, each message recipient is always associated with only one Active Directory site, and there is only one least cost routing
    from the source Active Directory site to the destination Active Directory site
     If the least-cost routing path to the primary site contains any hub sites, the message must be
    routed through the hub sites

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    Has anyone previously setup any type of active monitoring script through whats up gold or an snmp informant type of monitoring script to advise when a database is down or specific process is down?
    An example would be like ORACLE_PKG1, and the process is named ora_smon_hrprd88.
    This is what the HP-UX “ps” shows:
    tpadb01:/# ps -ef | grep -i ora_smon
    oracle 13207 1 0 Jan 1 ? 0:29 ora_smon_epprd88
    oracle 13281 1 0 Jan 1 ? 1:31 ora_smon_hrprd88
    oracle 13635 1 0 Jan 1 ? 1:03 ora_smon_fsprd84
    oracle 3620 1 0 Jan 2 ? 0:18 ora_smon_mtprd04
    oracle 14586 1 0 Jan 1 ? 0:23 ora_smon_mtprd05
    oracle 15223 1 0 Jan 1 ? 0:26 ora_smon_inprd88
    oracle 15879 1 0 Jan 1 ? 0:25 ora_smon_epsal88
    oracle 16769 1 0 Jan 1 ? 0:52 ora_smon_hrsal88
    root 17976 22609 0 10:46:39 ttyp2 0:00 grep -i ora_smon
    Not sure if the extra info helps, but you never know. We can set it up to send us database up alerts, but the problem I have is when the listener service is down I can't get my script to finish no matter how I change the values of my script around. I can provide my script if that would help as well. If someone has already done this and is willing to share great!

    I would suggest you install OEM Grid Control to monitor your databases. For basic monitoring function it's free. OEM GC works great, it's a little overweight though. It's also use SNMP.
    Or you can choose any third party tool like
    Monitoring Oracle Enterprise with Cricket
    or some commercial one like Quest Software.

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    If what you need is copying files between systems and all have sshd, you can use scp and it won't ask for a password if keys generated in machine1 from the user that will make the connection are trasfered to machine2.
    You can try following this tutorial Link: [] It's in spanish but I think it's easy to follow; it's the one i followed to avoid password between some of my systems.

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