List using pl/sql

Hi Experts,
I am trying to create DHTML Expanding list from the database table using pl/sql code.
For this I am putting below code in current list entry tab in list.
v_cnt pls_integer := 0;
htp.prn('<ul class="my_list">');
for i in (select id,name from output_t)
v_cnt := 0;
for j in (select output_id,detail_name from details_t where details_t.output_id = )
v_cnt := v_cnt+1;
if v_cnt = 1 then
htp.prn('<ul class="my_sublist">');
end if;
end loop;
if v_cnt > 0 then
end if;
end loop;
But it shows error like:
Application=22976 Page=2 SQLERRM=ORA-06550: line 1, column 34: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "DECLARE" when expecting one of the following: ( ) - + case mod new not null table continue avg count current exists max min prior sql stddev sum variance execute multiset the both leading trailing forall merge year month day hour minute second timezone_hour timezone_minute timezone_region timezone_abbr time timestamp interval date
Any idea it works fine in sql command when i try to run it.
Thanks in advance.

Thanks for the suggestion. I like this approach as Java is more familiar to me than other languages.
Our DBA is out of touch today, so I could not grant the javauserpriv to my database user. I tried to run the script anyway in the chance that my user had the privs, and it seemed to have hung. I am now combing Oracle's site for more documentation so I can write some tests to see if I can get a basic Java object working. Under what heading would I find this?

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    thanks in advance

    d balamurugan wrote:
    I needed this concept for the below example
    TABLE_A have the columns of
    ID COL_1 COL_2 COL_3 COL_4 COL_5 COL_6 COL_7
    1....Y.........N........N.........Y........ N........N........ N
    2....N.........N....... N.........Y.........N........N.........Y
    in the above data
    for id 1 i will need to take the value for COL_4, then i will check the next availability of Y through out through out the remaining columns, so next availability is on COL_1 so, i need to consider COL_4 which already Y and also i need to consider COL_5, COL_6, COL_7 as Y.
    for id 2 if i need COL_7 then i need to come back on circular way and need to check the next availability of Y and need to take the columns having N before the next availability of YAnd... even after all that description... you haven't given any indication of what the output should look like.
    Taking a wild guess on my part... something like this would do what you appear to be asking...
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with t as (select 1 as id, 'Y' as col1, 'N' as col2, 'N' as col3, 'Y' as col4, 'N' as col5, 'N' as col6,'N' as col7 from dual union all
      2             select 2, 'N', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'N', 'N', 'Y' from dual)
      3  --
      4  -- END OF TEST DATA
      5  --
      6  select id
      7        ,rcol
      8        ,case when instr(cols,'Y',rcol+1) = 0 then instr(cols,'Y')
      9              else instr(cols,'Y',rcol+1)
    10         end as next_Y_col
    11  from   (select id, rcol, col1||col2||col3||col4||col5||col6||col7 as cols
    12          from t, (select &required_col as rcol from dual)
    13          where id = &required_id
    14*        )
    SQL> /
    Enter value for required_col: 4
    old  12:         from t, (select &required_col as rcol from dual)
    new  12:         from t, (select 4 as rcol from dual)
    Enter value for required_id: 1
    old  13:         where id = &required_id
    new  13:         where id = 1
            ID       RCOL NEXT_Y_COL
             1          4          1
    SQL> /
    Enter value for required_col: 7
    old  12:         from t, (select &required_col as rcol from dual)
    new  12:         from t, (select 7 as rcol from dual)
    Enter value for required_id: 2
    old  13:         where id = &required_id
    new  13:         where id = 2
            ID       RCOL NEXT_Y_COL
             2          7          4
    SQL>If that's not what you want... then it's time you started learning how to ask questions properly.

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    The Java option works well.
    -- results table that will contain a file list result
    create global temporary table directory_list
            directory       varchar2(1000),
            filename        varchar2(1000)
    on commit preserve rows
    -- allowing public access to this temp table
    grant select, update, insert, delete on directory_list to public;
    create or replace public synonym directory_list for directory_list;
    -- creating the java proc that does the file listing
    create or replace and compile java source named "ListFiles" as
    import java.sql.*;
    public class ListFiles
            public static void getList(String directory, String filter)
            throws SQLException
                    File path = new File( directory );
                    final String ExpressionFilter =  filter;
                    FilenameFilter fileFilter = new FilenameFilter() {
                            public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
                                            return true;
                                    if(name.matches("." + ExpressionFilter))
                                            return true;
                                    return false;
                    String[] list = path.list(fileFilter);
                    String element;
                    for(int i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
                            element = list;
    #sql {
    into directory_list
    ( directory, filename )
    ( :directory, :element )
    -- creating the PL/SQL wrapper for the java proc
    create or replace procedure ListFiles( cDirectory in varchar2, cFilter in varchar2 )
    as language java
    name 'ListFiles.getList( java.lang.String, java.lang.String )';
    -- punching a hole in the Java VM that allows access to the server's file
    -- systems from inside the Oracle JVM (these also allows executing command
    -- line and external programs)
    -- NOTE: this hole MUST be secured using proper Oracle security (e.g. AUTHID
    -- DEFINER PL/SQL code that is trusted)
    SCHEMA varchar2(30) := USER;
    '<<ALL FILES>>',
    'execute, read, write, delete'
    To use:
    SQL> exec ListFiles('/tmp', '*.log' );
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from directory_list;
    /tmp X11_newfonts.log
    /tmp ipv6agt.crashlog
    /tmp dtappint.log
    /tmp dhcpclient.log
    /tmp oms.log
    12 rows selected.

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    thanks for your support!

    i want to send an automated email with attachment everyday to differnet people so number people is not static.
    Why? Explain it.
    You can create a table and store your email id through front-end application day to day.
    The table should look like this ->
    satyaki>select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.04
    satyaki>create table email_master
      2    (
      3       email_grp_header         varchar2(30) not null,
      4       craete_time                  timestamp,
      5       constraints pk_header primary key(email_grp_header)
      6    );
    Table created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:02.12
    satyaki>create table email_chld
      2    (
      3       email_grp_header          varchar2(30) not null,
      4       email_recepient             varchar2(100),
      5       craete_time                   timestamp,
      6       constraint fk_header foreign key(email_grp_header) references email_master(email_grp_header)
      7    );
    Table created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.09
    satyaki>insert into email_master values('GRP_INVENTORY',systimestamp);
    1 row created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.07
    satyaki>insert into email_master values('GRP_PURCHASE',systimestamp);
    1 row created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.03
    Commit complete.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.04
    satyaki>select * from email_master;
    GRP_INVENTORY                  24-OCT-08 PM
    GRP_PURCHASE                   24-OCT-08 PM
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.18
    satyaki>insert into email_chld values('GRP_INVENTORY','[email protected]',systimestamp);
    1 row created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.07
    satyaki>insert into email_chld values('GRP_INVENTORY','[email protected]',systimestamp);
    1 row created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.04
    satyaki>insert into email_chld values('GRP_INVENTORY','[email protected]',systimestamp);
    1 row created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.03
    satyaki>insert into email_chld values('GRP_PURCHASE','[email protected]',systimestamp);
    1 row created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.03
    satyaki>insert into email_chld values('GRP_PURCHASE','[email protected]',systimestamp);
    1 row created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.11
    Commit complete.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.05
    satyaki>select * from email_chld;
    EMAIL_GRP_HEADER               EMAIL_RECEPIENT                                                                                      CRAETE_TIME
    GRP_INVENTORY                  [email protected]                                                                                      24-OCT-08 PM
    GRP_INVENTORY                  [email protected]                                                                                         24-OCT-08 PM
    GRP_INVENTORY                  [email protected]                                                                                    24-OCT-08 PM
    GRP_PURCHASE                   [email protected]                                                                                      24-OCT-08 PM
    GRP_PURCHASE                   [email protected]                                                                                    24-OCT-08 PM
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.10
    satyaki>And, then based on the group header you can get the list of recipient and use it dynamically inside your PL/SQL Application.
    Satyaki De.

  • Parse an Aggregate in XML Document using PL/SQL

    Hi. I've been successful with parsing a TAG in XML Document stored in CLOB using PL/SQL XML Parser.
    However, I need help on how to get the whole aggregate in XML Document stored in CLOB.
    sample XML Doc :
    <title>Oracle Complete Reference</title>
    <title>Learning C++</title>
    <length>2 hours</length>
    I need a function that will accept an Input which is the aggregate name and will return the aggregate value.
    With the sample XML above, say the input is 'VIDEO', the function will return :
    <title>Learning C++</title>
    <length>2 hours</length>
    I'll really appreciate any help.

    I used such an example to parse several Varchar2 strings in a given DB session:
    parser := xmlparser.newparser ;
    xmlparser.parsebuffer(parser,xmlout) ;
    domdoc := xmlparser.getDocument(parser) ;
    xmlparser.FREEPARSER(parser) ; := -1 ;
    nodes := xslprocessor.selectNodes(
    'Positionen/Position') ;
    for i in 1 .. xmldom.getLength(nodes) loop
    node := xmldom.item(nodes,i-1) ;
    -- do s/thing with the node
    end loop ;
    xmldom.freedocument(domdoc) ;
    RETURN(komponenten) ;
    if <> -1 then xmlparser.freeparser(parser) ;
    end if ;
    if <> -1 then xmldom.freedocument(domdoc) ;
    end if ;
    RAISE ;
    END ;
    However, after about 2000 of nodes lists parsed, I get an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from XMLNodeCover. Obviously, I should release the nodes or the nodelist, but I have not found any procedure to do this.

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    How to send message to a multi-consumer queue using pl/sql ? Thanks.
    I tried following, but got an message: no receipient specified.
    queue_name => 'aqadm.multi_queue',
    enqueue_options => queue_options,
    message_properties => message_properties,
    payload => my_message,
    msgid => message_id);

    Here's two way to enqueue/publish new message into multi-consumer queue.
    (1) Use explicitly declared recipient list
    - Specify "Recipients" by setting recipient_list to messge_properties, before ENQUEUE().
    recipients(1) :=$_agent('RECIPIENTNAME',NULL,NULL);
    message_properties.recipient_list := recipients ;
    (2)Or, declare subscriber list permanently. Then you need not to specify recipient list each time you call ENQUEUE().
    subscriber=>$_agent('RECIPIENTNAME', null, null)
    You can add 1024 local subscriber include maximum 32 remote-queue-consumer to one queue.

  • How to create two level dynamic list using JSP , Java Script and Oracle

    I am new in JSP. And i am facing problem in creating two level dynamic list using JSP ,Java Script where the listdata will come from Oracle 10g express edition database. Is there any easy way in JSP that is available on in ASP.NET.
    Plz response with details.

    1) Learn JDBC API [].
    2) Create DAO class which contains JDBC code and do all SQL queries and returns or takes ID's or DTO objects.
    3) Learn Servlet API [].
    4) Create Servlet class which calls the DAO class, gets the list of DTO's as result, puts it as a request attribute and forwards the request to a JSP page.
    5) Learn JSP and JSTL []. Also learn HTML if you even don't know it.
    6) Create JSP page which uses the JSTL c:forEach tag to access the list of DTO's and iterate over it and prints a HTML list out.
    You don't need Javascript for this.

  • Issues using Oracle SQL server Developer migration work bench

    Hi all,
    We are trying to migrate the application databases from SQL server 2000 to Oracle 10g using Oracle SQL Developer
    Following is the list of issues that we faced while trying out this migration on dev environment.
    1. The data migration was successful for only around 90 tables out of the total 166 tables present. No error message was logged for the rest of the tables but still it was completed.
    2. Some of the tables which had got the data inserted did not have the full data. Only some of the rows were inserted for these tables. Error message was logged only for few of the rows and not all.
    3. Few error messages were logged which said problems about “Inserting ' ' into column <tablename>.<columnname>”. There was no such constraint in the target database that the particular column can not be null or can not have only a space. Please check the logs for the same error messages.
    4. The status box at the end of migration had shown only 3 errors.
    5. The total data for migration was around 500MB. The time taken for migration was around 75 minutes. Are there any optimization techniques that will improve the performance?
    Please note that there were no Foreign Key references for the source schema or target schema.
    Any pointers/info/resolutions related to above mentioned issues will be much useful for us.

    Hi Adam,
    There are 2 sets of scripts created for you.
    1) For SQL Servers BCP to dump out the data to dat files
    2) For Oracles SQL*Loader to load the dat files
    You run the SQL Server BCP scripts on the machine with SQL Server.
    The dat files will be dumped out on that server.
    You can then move the dat files to your Oracle server.
    Then run the Oracle SQL*Loader scripts to load the dat files into Oracle.
    Give it a go and follow the doc and viewlets.
    Your Questions:
    So the datadump from the source location would be saved on my local disk?it will be saved on the same machine you run the bcp scripts from. Usually the same machine SQL Server is on, because you require SQL Server BCP tool.
    So once it is migrated to the destination database will that dump be created automatically? Or do I need to modify the script to take care of this?I dont know what you mean by this, hopefully above clears things up.
    The only modifications you need to make to the scripts are adding in the databasename username password servername. These are outlined in the scripts themselves. I would want to do something fancy like dump the dat files to a different directory, then you can modify the scripts, but you should understand what they do first.
    Most people would have 500MB of space on their discs , so I can see the problem creating these dat files . The same goes for your 30 GB database.
    I hope this helps, but as always you wont get a good idea of how it works until you give it a go.

  • Problem Dropping Objects in Oracle XE using PL/SQL Developer

    Hi all,
    I am using PL/SQL Developer to access Oracle XE. I created some tables and later dropped them. But I still see some objects in the PL/SQL Developer Browser under the Tables section.
    Below is the name of the objects in I see:
    When I tried dropping these objects, I get ORA - 00933: SQL Command not properly ended. Error deleting bin$fj7zj7y9rhqujmwrz1zmtg==$0
    How do I resolve this problem? And then drop all those objects listed above.
    Is it possible to drop those objects at all?
    Thanks in advance.

    There is no problem sofar. The objects you see are dropped objects ( if you drop it, oracle silently rename the object but preserve it as long you have sufficient space ).
    You shouldn't drop them if you don't have issue with free space - they enable you to get back accidentally dropped table without to have restore the backup ( flashback table). If you are annoyed by displaying it in PL SQL Developer, you can just add a filter to not show them to you ( all objects like 'bin%' ) or you can update to newrer version of PL SQL Developer ( i've and it is displayed properly, all dropped objects can be found under recyclebin folder ). Finally , if you want purge them, use the 'purge recyclebin' command.
    Best regards

  • Store sharepoint 2010 list data in sql server

    I want to store sharepoint list data to sql server database.
    SO can anyone guide how can i attach my sharepoint 2010 with sql server 2008.
    Please help to solve the issue.
    Thanks in advance.

    The screenshot indicates that SharePoint Designer is crashing when trying to add new External Content Type.
    Remove the SharePoint Designer and reinstall it to check the result.
    Microsoft Business Connectivity Services (BCS) enables users to read and write data from external systems—through Web services, databases, and Microsoft .NET Framework assemblies—from within Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and Microsoft Office
    2010 applications.
    There are lots of blog articles showing how to configure BCS in SharePoint 2010. You can start from:
    Understanding Business Connectivity Services
    Using Business Connectivity Services in SharePoint 2010
    Tracy Cai
    TechNet Community Support

  • Using multiple sql query

    Im writing a jsp that pulls data from the database and loads it into dropdown-list looks like this:
    <select name="Source">
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);
    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT BBCourseID(Sroffer.SrofferID)course_name, SrofferSchedule_Faculty.FacultyID AS FacultyID FROM SrofferSchedule_Faculty srofs JOIN SrofferScheduleID sros ON srofs.SrofferScheduleID= sro.SrofferScheduleID JOIN Sroffer sro ON sro.SrofferID= sros.SrofferID WHERE srofs.FacultyID=IDnumber");
    while ( {%>
    <option value="<%=courseid=rs.getString("BBCourseID")%>"><%=courseid%> <%=rs.getString("course_name")%></option>
    Problem is, I have to pull the FacultyID from cams using this sql query
    ("SELECT FacultyID FROM FacultyPortal WHERE PortalAlias="") berfore i can run the query above. Don't know how to do this in a jsp
    Edited by: JohnsonJ on Mar 26, 2009 5:53 PM

    You know how to get a connection and how to execute a query and how to process the resultset - so what's standing in your way of doing that for the faculty ID?
    Isn't there a join you can do to get that in one query?
    And finally - you really shouldn't do this in a JSP, use a servlet to package the result up in some Java Collection and process it with JSTL tags.

  • Using MS-SQL Server tables to build Universes

    My team has been tasked to create Universes so users can create WEBI reports.  We don't have a business warehouse, but that appeared not to be a problem as our understanding is that we can create Universes directly from MS-SQL Server tables. 
    On attempting to use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (20005), we find that once we expand the list of tables for SAP performance slows down to a 5 to 10 second response time between mouse clicks. 
    Is there a setting to work around this?  Are we approaching this the wrong way?  Is there documentation that addresses this?

    Hi Leo,
    There are a couple of options which can help improve the performance of your designer.
    1) Under tools, options on the graphics tab if you turn off the Show Row Counts, then the db will not be queried for the number of rows
    2) Check tools, options general ensure Automatic parse upon defintion and check universe integrity at opening are checked off
    It is not clear from your message, but you mentioned SAP as your source. I am not sure if you intended that you were connecting directly to SAP or not.
    The number of tables can also have an impact of the performance of the designer tool. You can limit the number of tabels by tailoring a tables strategies. This means you can limit the query that returns the list of table to a specific set.
    Hope this helps

  • BizTalk using a SQL failover cluster in IAAS?

    The "BizTalk Offerings: Server, IaaS, and PaaS Feature List" (see say that when running BizTalk as IAAS in Azure,
    No Failover Cluster Instance (FCI) for SQL Server.
    What does this mean?
    Is it not possible to create a BizTalk instance which uses a SQL Server Failover Cluster in Azure?
    Kind regards,

    Hi Leonid,
    Thanks for your answer. I got the impression that HA is possible now for SQL Server on Azure IAAS.
    See also
    Kind regards,

Maybe you are looking for