Loading Fp in background

I am wishing to develop a menu driven Main.vi, which shall call several other programs, say A, B, C, D. The algorithm for all these Vis should run in background, while the front panel of only that vi (one at a time) whichever is called from menu of Main.vi should be visible to user, removing other FPs from memory.
The way I am doing this is attached here. I am not sure whether I am doing it correctly.....Or are there any better ways to achieve this?
Second problem I am facing is when A is open and I try to open B from Main.vi then; A is going backward. I have tried with subpanel option, but in that case close Fp option is not working........can any one suggest ways to solve this problem? You may modify and repost my code (Ver. 7.1 if not then .jpg )
Please rename the attached file to .rar and then extract if .zip is not working.
Trial.zip ‏52 KB

I have attached the jpeg files. I dont know the features of 7.1 you can follow the steps and let me know if it works.
There are 4 jpeg.  
  i am attaching 2 files in this post and rest will be in the next post
(Appreciate answers by giving KUDOS)
Hit the stars.............. sky is not the limit.
Main.JPG ‏101 KB
Create_event.JPG ‏133 KB

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    Are you using Clear Recent History to clear the cookies when you close Firefox?
    *Tools > Options > Privacy : History: [X] Clear history when Firefox closes > Settings
    Firefox may not have closed properly the previous time.
    Use "Firefox/File > Exit" (Mac: "Firefox > Quit"; Linux: "File > Quit") to close Firefox if you are currently doing that by clicking the close X on the title bar.
    See also:
    *"Hang at exit": http://kb.mozillazine.org/Firefox_hangs
    * "Firefox hangs when you quit it": https://support.mozilla.org/kb/Firefox+hangs

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    So how to fix this...
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    1) Publish to a directory
    2) using photoshop or some other image editing tool that can open PNG files, open up the largest background_image1.png - largest being largest in px X px - e.g. 700 X 3300 is bigger than 700X1800
    3) crop the image in width from 700px to 5px - yep you read that right - crop it to 5px!
    (Now obviously this depends on the image you're using in the background but I am assuming that most images are patterns that repeat horizontally... if you have another image that repeats horizontally and is bigger than 5px then make the image as wide as your repeating image)
    4) save the image as a JPG
    5) open MassReplaceIt
    6) create a query where you replace /background_image1.png) no-repeat with /background_image1.jpg) repeat-x
    7) set it to update all HTML pages that use a background
    8) copy the JPG to all folders that have the background image (unfortunately as the folder name is different it's difficult to just put the image in the /images directory - and i don't know how to use wildcards in massreplaceit - any tips welcome)
    NOTE: I am using the same image background on all pages for consistency therefore I have the same filename - I am assuming that it's like that for everyone - the filename that is - so checkout that the replace will work for you.
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    Your entire home page is made entirely from
    images.....consider using some
    use of CSS and background colour, minimal graphics and some
    actual text, and
    you'll be a long way better off.
    "s.joy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:ejfvjp$j0c$[email protected]..
    >I had posted this a couple days ago, but then wasn't
    available to check in
    > until now...so I'm reposting and this time I included my
    web address!
    > Does anyone know how to make pages load faster? My page
    > incrementally at
    > the moment. The only images on my home page are .gifs so
    I'm wondering why
    > it
    > still comes in choppy when the files are so small. The
    address is
    > www.nmrtubes.com

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    And I'd rather use CSS styling for the body, ofcourse.
    Thank you for any pointers!

    > Your stats are wrong, because in that one HTML page,
    there are 198KBs of
    > graphics. Try MouseOver on one of the book graphics,
    that'll reveal the
    > hidden
    > larger images, that are contained in Layers, with Snap
    Layers by PVII. -
    > Or try
    > the site with Sloppy.
    If you eliminated the heavy js hit of snap layers (using CSS
    instead), and
    adopted the Set Text method of writing the image source link
    to an ID
    element, you could probably cut 80% of this page's weight.
    Then you
    wouldn't have to worry about the slow load.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Mathias(DK)" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > Murray!
    > I came here hoping that it would be you that answered my
    call. You've been
    > a
    > tremendous help on this forum before whenever I needed
    it, and for that I
    > owe
    > you...
    > > I've figured this is because the body style is set
    in the CSS file, and
    > > browser logic doesn't load CSS defined images
    > >I'd be interested to know where you learned this.
    > As I wrote, this is something I figured myself, since
    looking at the page
    > through Sloppy, I can see that the BG image persistently
    loads as one of
    > the
    > last graphics.
    > Your stats are wrong, because in that one HTML page,
    there are 198KBs of
    > graphics. Try MouseOver on one of the book graphics,
    that'll reveal the
    > hidden
    > larger images, that are contained in Layers, with Snap
    Layers by PVII. -
    > Or try
    > the site with Sloppy.
    > Counting Angels, huh? Well, I take pride in what I do,
    whatever I do, and
    > at
    > the same time I'm interested in learning. Even if I
    optimized the BG
    > graphic
    > more (GIF), it'd still load last (after 161KBs of
    graphics + HTML and
    > CSS).
    > So there is the problem. And just for the record, the
    page will go dynamic
    > in
    > the future, so there wont be hidden graphic hacks on it,
    but I'm
    > interested
    > still, for future reference and for learning.

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    Basically, how can I invoke the jre to load up in a program?

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    The page is http://blackpaint.co.uk/new/
    It cannot get past the loading gif
    Here are the errors codes ie is giving me, I've tried editing the line it is talking about - but no luck.
    Message: 'slides[...].url' is null or not an object
    Line: 23
    Char: 3
    Code: 0
    URI: http://blackpaint.co.uk/new/supersized3/supersized.3.0.js
    Message: 'slides[...].url' is null or not an object
    Line: 23
    Char: 3
    Code: 0
    URI: http://blackpaint.co.uk/new/supersized3/supersized.3.0.js
    Thanks for any help,

    I've been trying to compare there demo (which works in IE) with mine and I can't get it to work. Here's theirs - http://buildinternet.com/project/supersized/3/default.html
    I tried including links onto the image as suggested in another message board, but no luck.

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    If, at the top of your Firefox it does not show the Menu Bar - showing
    <u>F</u>ile <u>E</u>dit <u>V</u>iew Hi<u>s</u>tory <u>B</u>ookmarks <u>T</u>ools <u>H</u>elp, hit F10 to make it show up and then go to Tools > Options.
    Once that opens, click on where it says Tabs at the top. Then un tick the box where it says, "W<u>h</u>en I open a link in a new tab, switch to it immediately."

  • Yahoo is no longer loading right due "background" and "font weight" according to the web console but I've cleared the cache and checked the zoom and style settings. What else could suddenly be casuing this issue?

    Using Firefox 4.0.1
    Get the following errors:
    [16:40:58.140] YUI is not defined @ http://www.yahoo.com/:977

    According to your description, my understanding is that the error occurred when you accessed SharePoint site through form based authentication.
    How did you configure the form based authentication?
    Here is a link about the steps required to configure FBA in SharePoint 2010 for your reference, and check the steps to see if there anything wrong in your configuration:
    Through the common error message, we cannot find what exactly caused the error.
    Here is a similar thread for you to take a look:
    Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

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