Locale for Oracle Client

How does one set the locale for an Oracle Client 10 x universally for all sessions, post installation on a window server?
On our test machine, I need to change the locale from American to swedish. I am especially interested in changing the date format and numerical separators so that it reflects in the sql plus prompt without using the alter session set nls_lang .. commands.

Do I need to have a language installed with the oracle client to set it?
I am trying to set NLS_LANG = SWEDISH_SWEDEN.WE8MSWIN1252.
On sql prompt
SQL> @.[%NLS_LANG%].
SP2-0310: unable to open file ".[SWEDISH_SWEDEN.WE8MSWIN1252]."

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    11.2/Solaris 10
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    Max wrote:
    11.2/Solaris 10
    In my shop, we only install Oracle Client of type Instaclient (not the 'Administrator' type). Instaclient is very basic ; it only has some basic library files and sqlplus binary (no tnsping , exp, imp,...etc). I think they are doing this for saving licence costs.
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    Thank you!

    If you are asking how to setup the resolution of %ORACLE_HOME%\bin to C:\oracle\ora90\bin, you must create a system environment variable called ORACLE_HOME that is set to a value of C:\oracle\ora90.
    Kind regards,

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    Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from C:\Users\Test\AppData\Local\
    Temp\OraInstall2013-01-14_02-12-48PM. Please wait ... Usage:
    setup [-options] [(<CommandLineVariable=Value>)*]
    Where options include:
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    Version of Cluster ready services installed.
    -crsLocation <Path>
    Used only for cluster installs, specifies the path to the crs home locat
    ion. Specifying this overrides CRS information obtained from central inventory.
    -invPtrLoc <full path of oraInst.loc>
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    -jreLoc <location>
    Path where Java Runtime Environment is installed. OUI cannot be run with
    out it.
    -logLevel <level>
    To filter log messages that have a lesser priority level than <level>. V
    alid options are: severe, warning, info, config, fine, finer, finest, basic, gen
    eral, detailed, trace. The use of basic, general, detailed, trace is deprecated.
    -paramFile <location of file>
    Specify location of oraparam.ini file to be used by OUI.
    -responseFile <Path>
    Specifies the response file and path to use.
    For attaching homes to the OUI inventory.
    Indicates that the Oracle home specified is on cluster file system (shar
    ed). This is mandatory when '-local' is specified so that Oracle Universal Insta
    ller can register the home appropriately into the inventory.
    For making an Oracle Home copy match its current environment.
    For getting the debug information from OUI.
    For detaching homes from the OUI inventory without deleting inventory di
    rectory inside Oracle home.
    Used in cluster environment, to enable upgrade of a product on a subset
    of nodes (on which the product was installed).
    Execute system pre-requisite checks and exit.
    Allowing silent mode installation into a non-empty directory.
    Displays above usage.
    For ignoring the results of the system pre-requisite checks.
    Performs the operation on the local node irrespective of the cluster nod
    es specified.
    Log debug information for disk usage.
    Log debug information for memory usage.
    Log debug information for time usage.
    For performing relink actions on the oracle home
    Usage: -relink -maketargetsxml <location of maketargetsxml> [-makedepsx
    ml <location of makedepsxml>] [name=value]
    For silent mode operations, the inputs can be a response file or a list
    of command line variable value pairs.
    Installer will wait for completion instead of spawning the java engine a
    nd exiting.
    Suppress the execution of precopy script.
    Accept untrusted certificates from a secure site.
    Suppress the execution of postcopy script.
    Do not execute config tools.
    For suppressing display of messages to console. Console is not allocated
    To install the Oracle clusterware in order to form the cluster.
    -remotecp <Path>
    Unix specific option. Used only for cluster installs, specifies the path
    to the remote copy program on the local cluster node.
    -remoteshell <Path>
    Unix specific option. Used only for cluster installs, specifies the path
    to the remote shell program on the local cluster node.
    To execute only the prerequisite checks.
    To ignore running the prerequisite checks.
    To ignore any internal driver errors.
    To download updates only.
    To show the installation progress on the console. This option is support
    ed only in case of silent installation.
    Command Line Variables Usage
    Command line variables are specified using <name=value>; for example:
    [ session: | compName: | compName:version: ]variableName=" valueOfVariable"]
    Session/Installer variables are specified using:
    Ex 1: session:ORACLE_HOME_NAME="OraHome"
    Ex 2: ORACLE_HOME_NAME="OraHome"
    The lookup order is session:varName then just varName. The session prefix is
    used to avoid ambiguity.
    Component variables are specified using:
    Ex 1: oracle.comp1:1.0.1:varName="VarValue"
    Ex 2: oracle.comp1:varName="VarValue"
    The lookup order is compInternalName:Version:varName, then compInternalName:
    varName, then just varName.
    Please press Enter to exit...

    There is no record option with 11gR2.
    There is no need to use '-record' flag to record/save the response file. At Summary page of installation, 11gR2 installer provides option to save the response file. We can perfom the silent installation using this saved response file
    ./runInstaller -silent -responseFile <saved_response-file>
    c:\software\\database\setup.exe -responseFile <saved_response-file>
    For more details, kindly refer
    11gR2 Install (Non-RAC): Understanding New Changes With All New 11.2 Installer (Doc ID 884232.1)
    4th point in the document explains about this

  • ODBC Driver for Oracle Client

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    My application requires odbc Connection
    Where I can find the library file , as I didnt find any download on Oracle Website .
    Kindly help

    898763 wrote:
    Kindly reply , is there linux 64 bit download for the required versionDid you have a look for yourself??
    Why do I need to do the Googling for you??
    You don't even specify which Linux!!
    As per your question. I don't understand. You need ODBC for Oracle
    What has this to do with Linux 64bit ??
    From Linux, simply install a client and use SQLnet, not??

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    Have you looked in the Knowledge Base information at metalink? That would be the place to start.
    If that does not work then the next step would be to remove this thread and post in the OCI - OCCI forum where there are people that can actually help you.

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    BTW, it might be worthwhile to know about the following web site:
    and for someone from Oracle to post an appropriate listing there as that site is becoming known as a central resource for such queries.

    I appreciate all of your replies, but:
    1. Just to be clear, I am talking about running the CLIENT (SQL*Plus) on Snow Leopard, which will connect to Oracle 11g, which is running on RHEL 5. I don't care in the least as to whether or not Oracle 11g will run on Snow Leopard. Today, I run the CLIENT on Leopard from the CLI and can connect to 11g on RHEL 5 just fine. I use the Actual Technologies ODBC driver (http://www.actualtechnologies.com/product_oracle.php) for queries in other applications and I have a similar query regarding Snow Leopard compatibility into them.
    2. @damorgan: Are you telling me that the client software that I can download from Oracle here:
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    Are you suggesting, as a parallel, that Apple did the certification of Office 2008 for Snow Leopard, not Microsoft? Or that Apple and not Cisco, will certify that Cisco's VPN client will work on Snow Leopard?

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    can someone help ??

    When U are installing oracle, there is three options.
    1. server
    2. programmer
    3. client
    U chose last two. It will work.
    With regards,
    Boby Jose Thekkanath.

  • ODBC setup error for Oracle Client

    I'm trying to setup ODBC connection for my Oracle client while installing BO. Following are the steps I followed.
    1. Downloaded the Oracle Client from the link http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/instant-client/index-097480.html . From that downloaded two zip files. “Instant Client Package – Basic Lite" and “Instant Client Package – ODBC”. Extracted the Zip Files to the folder I created under C: as C:\Oracle\instantclient_11_2.
    2. Since I'm setting up in ODBC in windows 2008 64-bit R2. I was advised to install 32 bit . So in cmd prompt, from the location C:\Oracle\instantclient_11_2, ran odbc_install.
    3.Created the Environment variables as
    i) *TNS_ADMIN - C:\Oracle\instantclient_11_2*
    ii) *Oracle_Home - C:\Oracle\instantclient_11_2*
    iii) *Edited the PATH variable with ;C:\Oracle\instantclient_11_2*
    4. Created the tnsnames.ora file in C:\Oracle\instantclient_11_2. Its content are as follows.
    clarity_dev =
         (DESCRIPTION =
         (ADDRESS_LIST =
         (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = claritydev.vip.its.ebay.com )(PORT = 1521))
         (CONNECT_DATA =
         (SID = clarity)
    5. From the folder %windir%\sysWOW64\odbacd32.exe, Opens ODBC Data Source Adminsitartor. In that I found my Oracle in instantclient_11_2 and added following details.
    Data Source Name : claritydev.vip.its.com
    TNS Service Name : clarity_dev
    User Id: clarity1
    When I test connect it, I get error *ORA-12154:*
    *     TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified*
    Could you please help, I've seen FAQs for this error, but couldn't find anything which solves. Is there any steps I'm missing? I've checked in DB properties. It uses SID not the Service Name.
    Thanks in Advance

    Oh, zip files. Right. I usually use the installer.
    Try creating it yourself then and see if that does it. I don't normally use these zip files so I'm not sure if it goes somewhere else with them.

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    Patch 2376472 is the latest patch set for 8.1.7 which will bring you up to It is still available on Metalink.

  • Licence for Oracle Client 9i

    Hi (again :-))
    thanks to Justin Cave for previous help, I've already downloaded and successfully installed Oracle 9i Client Runtime and ODBC drivers with support to server 8.1.6 and it works.
    OK, but now I need to be sure about licence. I've tried to find some information in documentation, but there is not (I've not found it) explicitly written about licence to Client's runtime.
    I need to know, if I can use this basic part* of client if I own licence for Oracle server (above) or I have to purchase some parts this client. If I can use it, so where is it possible to read it (I need some quotation for my boss)
    Thanks a lot
    * basic part means without any special packages for administration, analysing and so on - "runtime" option in installer

    First, licensing questions really ought to be directed to Oracle Sales. You (and your boss) don't want to be in a position of explaining that "some guy on the internet told me I was OK" should your Oracle licenses every be audited.
    My understanding is that the Oracle client runtime does not require a separate license from the Oracle database. If you are using named user licenses for your database, however, the number of machines where the Oracle client is installed may be highly correlated to the number of named user licenses you have.
    You can go to http://store.oracle.com to get licensing information. If you look at the US price list (April 2004) http://oracle.com/corporate/pricing/ePLext.pdf, there does not appear to be an entry for the runtime client.
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

  • How to set commandtimeout for oracle client

    Hi ,
    does anybody have an idea how to set the command timeout for ODP or MS managed oracle client for oracle.
    This property does not seem to be supported . Although there is property exposed for command time out it does not work for odp and for MS oracleclient it is not present at all. Could anyone provide a workaround for it.
    Thanks in advance.

    You're looking for the VirtualBox forums. https://forums.virtualbox.org/
    This forum is for discussion of Oracle VM Server.

  • Patch for Oracle Client Software

    i have download oracle patch set on the Oracle server..
    i have a Oracle client machine with oracle client.
    Can i install the same patch in the Oracle client machine?

    Ok let me explain in detail
    First there will not be any separate client patchset or client software and you need apply the server patchset to client
    what will happen?
    Only client related components will be upgraded.
    server will consists of lot of other components compare to client
    but when you upgrade client, only client related components will upgraded it will not touch the other components
    Note: make sure that you have a valid oracle client backup ie
    Kind Regards,
    Rakesh Jayappa

  • Cant find patchset for oracle client

    Hi folks,
    i have an installation manual for some program called business flex, it says that after installing client for windows (2003 server); i have to upgrade to
    but i cant find the patchset.. client seems to be available for only vista and server 2008.
    some guys [here |http://oracle.ittoolbox.com/groups/technical-functional/oracle-db-l/10g-client-10203-patchset-1588346]
    "Same as the dB server. And it's huge 852M
    but this one is not available for windows 2003! i cant find a way to upgrade client to please help.

    The Client on Windows and the Server on Windows use the same patchset.
    The OUI only patches what you actually have installed.

Maybe you are looking for

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