Locking Non-Template files

I'm new to Contribute ....as will be obvious from the
following question!
I would be very grateful if someone could explain how I can
use Dreamweaver 8 to lock any HTM file on my website that is NOT
based on a template. Is this possible?
Best wishes
Simon RCL

Yes. I've constructed a website which has been up and running
for some time using DW8 ...and which hasn't been based on
templates. I've now installed Contribute 3 to it from a remote PC
...and have successfully made a linked to it. Although I can upload
text and images OK using Contribute I haven't been able to change
the Permission settings in DW to prevent changes being made to any
of the files, - including index.htm!
I note that the Contribute Administration tools in DW refer
to permission settings for folders ...but not for individual files.
I've been searching Tom Negrino's book on Contribute 3 and
can't find a answer. I'd be very grateful for your help!

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  • Newbie help me obi wans: ...coded locked by template or translator

    Hi Folks,
    I'm such a newbie to DW   I've been using it for a few years actually, but in a very basic sense.
    I dloaded a template, added some graphics, made some buttons etc.. and of course text, but when it comes to coding,
    I've only figure out how to add spaces  lol
    I'm trying to add a flash video to my samples page.  I can add images, but every time I add the .flv, I receive the subject message.
    So here are 2 issues:
    1. I don't know if this related to #2, but I can't erase the 3rd column...or even use it. it's locked - I see a circle with a line through it.  The template I bought did say it was 3 columns, but I don't understand why I can't touch it.  I've attached a tiff of what it looks like right now.
    2. as the subject says "changing code is locked by the template is locked a template or translator" is giving me grief.
    I've reviewed the previous posts on the subject, but I'm afraid my newbie-ness has left me not knowing what to do.  ie. I can't find a time/date to change...I see the <head> and <script>, but they're greyed out on the one page I'm trying to edit.  They're not greyed out on the template page however.
    I also tried saving my .dwt as a new template, but that didn't work either.
    Here is code for my Samples page.  I'll post the code for the template page under that.
    <html><!-- #BeginTemplate "/Templates/Main2.dwt" --><!-- DW6 -->
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    function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0
      var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; for(i=0;a&&i<a.length&&(x=a[i])&&x.oSrc;i++) x.src=x.oSrc;
    function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01
      var p,i,x;  if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) {
        d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);}
      if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[i][n];
      for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers[i].document);
      if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x;
    function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0
      var i,j=0,x,a=MM_swapImage.arguments; document.MM_sr=new Array; for(i=0;i<(a.length-2);i+=3)
       if ((x=MM_findObj(a[i]))!=null){document.MM_sr[j++]=x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc=x.src; x.src=a[i+2];}
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    function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
      var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array();
        var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++)
        if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}}
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" onLoad="MM_preloadImages('../oldafter.jpg','../hockey new 281.jpg','../sp40 fixed.jpg','../redeyegone.jpg','../yellowfinal.jpg','../sp900_800.jpg','../soloedited.jpg ','../breton_done_web.jpg')">
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                  <a href="../contact me.htm"></a><a href="../contact me.htm"></a></p></td>
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              <td><img src="../images/sidetop.gif" width="128" height="17"></td>
              <td align="center"><strong>Celebrate a milestone birthday or anniverary
                with a <u>DVD Photo Slideshow</u>. <a href="slideshows2dvd.htm">Click
                here for more details.</a></strong></td>
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                      <a href="audiotransfers.htm"><img src="../LPcassettes.jpg" width="180" height="152" border="0"></a>
          <p align="center"><font size="+2">Donations!</font></p>
          <p align="center"> 5% of Memories2dvd's annual revenue will be donated equally
            between the <a href="http://www.cancer.ca/ccs/internet/cancer/0,,3172,00.html"><strong>Canadian
            Cancer Society</strong></a> and the <a href="http://junobeach.org/Centre/index.html"><strong>Juno
            Beach Memorial</strong></a></p>
          <p> </p></td>
        <td width="3" rowspan="7"><img src="../images/clearpixel.gif" width="3" height="1"></td>
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                  <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
                    <!-- #BeginEditable "Body" -->
                    <td width="267" height="145" valign="top"><p><img src="../pg t samples.jpg" width="119" height="34"></p>
                        <p>It's one thing to read about my services, but once you
                          actually see the results, you will realize that personalization
                          is the key to your DVD project. Aside from your photos,
                          video and favourite music, I completely personalize every
                        aspect of your DVD right from the packaging to the DVD menus.</p>
                        <p>Click <a href="testimonials.htm"><strong>here</strong></a> to read client testimonials.</p>
                        <p>Click on the thumbnails below to view various samples from
                          recent projects.</p>
                        <p><em>All samples have been reduced in quality to be internet
                          friendly. Original versions are of superior quality and
                          full-TV size. </em></p>
                        <p>You will need Apple's Quicktime player to view the movie
                          files. The free download is available by clicking <a href="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/products/qt"><strong>here</strong></a>.</p>
                      <p> </p>                    </td>
                    <td width="290" align="center" valign="top"><p> </p>
                        <p> </p>
                        <p align="center">Follow these links to read about other services:</p>
                        <div align="left">
                            <li><strong><a href="homedvds.htm"><font size="+1">Video
                            and Reel Transfers</font></a></strong></li>
                            <li><font size="+1"><strong><a href="slideshows2dvd.htm">Photo
                            <li><font size="+1"><strong><a href="../photorestorations.htm">Photo
                              Transfers and Restorations</a></strong></font></li>
                            <li> <font size="+1"><strong><a href="audiotransfers.htm">Audio
                        <p> </p>
                        <p align="right"> </p>
                      <p> </p></td>
                  <tr valign="top">
                    <td height="232" colspan="2" valign="top"> <p align="left"><strong><font size="+1">PHOTOSLIDESHOW
                      <p align="left"> </p>
                      <p align="left">The following slideshow was recently done for a surprise birthday party.</p>
                      <p align="center"><a href="Sshowsample.mp4"><img src="Sshowsample2.jpg" width="163" height="89"></a></p>
                      <p align="left">Photographs with voice over narration and
                          text titles were combined to create a presentation that
                          will provide generations with a history on their forefather
                          in this biography.</p>
                        <p align="center"><a href="../biography.wmv"><img src="../bio111.jpg" width="111" height="73" border="0"></a></p>
                        <p align="left"> </p>
                        <p align="left">This couple were married by a lake in a beautiful
                          wedding. I compiled camcorder footage along with photographs
                          into a memorable DVD, complete with a bonus music video.
                        <p align="center"><a href="../ceremusicvidsam.mp4"><img src="../arbour.jpg" width="111" height="72" border="0"></a>
                        <p align="left"><strong><font size="+1">8mm REEL COLOUR CORRECTION
                        <p align="left">Are you videos dark, too bright or discoloured?
                          I can edit your tapes and film to repair colour issues,
                        bringing your movies back to life.                   
                        Click <a href="http://homepage.mac.com/memories2dvd/iMovieTheater30.html"><strong>HERE</strong></a> to view samples.
                        <p align="left"><strong><font size="+1">PHOTO RESTORATION
                        <p align="left">These samples illustrate the various types
                          of blemishes which can be dealt with to restore your photographs.</p>
                        <p align="left"> <strong><u><font size="3">Simply move your
                          mouse cursor over each photo to see the difference.</font></u></strong></p>
                        <p align="left"><strong>General Dust/Blemish Removal</strong></p>
                        <p align="left"> </p>
                        <p> </p>
                        <div align="center">
                          <p align="left"> </p>
                        <p align="left"><a href="#" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('sp40 fix','','../sp40 fixed.jpg',1)"><img src="../sp40_orig.jpg" name="sp40 fix" width="600" height="418" border="0"></a></p>
                        <p align="left"><a href="#" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('Image56','','../hockey new 281.jpg',1)"><img src="../hockey old 281.jpg" name="Image56" width="270" height="163" border="0"></a></p>
                        <p align="left"><a href="#" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('oldsue','','../oldafter.jpg',1)"><img src="../oldbefore.jpg" name="oldsue" width="320" height="501" border="0"></a></p>
                        <p align="left"><strong>Red Eye Removal</strong></p>
                        <p align="left"><a href="#" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('Image55','','../redeyegone.jpg',1)"><img src="../redeye.jpg" name="Image55" width="231" height="416" border="0"></a></p>
                        <p align="left"><strong>Colour &amp; Stain Removal</strong></p>
                        <p align="left"><a href="#" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('yellow','','../yellowfinal.jpg',1)"><img src="../yelloworig.jpg" name="yellow" width="270" height="395" border="0"></a></p>
                        <p align="left"><strong>Contrast &amp; Exposure Adjustments
                          and Crack Removals </strong>
                        <p align="left"><a href="#" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('breton','','../breton_done_web.jpg',1)"><img src="../breton base_web.jpg" name="breton" width="539" height="1000" border="0"></a>                   
                        <p align="left"><a href="#" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('cracks','','../sp900_800.jpg',1)"><img src="../sp9orig.jpg" name="cracks" width="600" height="410" border="0"></a>
                        <p align="left"><strong>Isolation of Main Subject</strong>
                        <p align="left"><a href="#" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('isolation','','../soloedited.jpg',1)"><img src="../15sisters.jpg" name="isolation" width="300" height="500" border="0"></a>
                        <p align="left"> </p>
                          <img src="../images/clearpixel.gif" width="430
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              <td> </td>
              <td align="center"><strong>Celebrate a milestone birthday or anniverary
                with a <u>DVD Photo Slideshow</u>. <a href="../slideshows2dvd.htm">Click
                here for more details.</a></strong></td>
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          <p align="center"><font size="+2">Donations!</font></p>
          <p align="center"> 5% of Memories2dvd's annual revenue will be donated equally
            between the <a href="http://www.cancer.ca/ccs/internet/cancer/0,,3172,00.html"><strong>Canadian
            Cancer Society</strong></a> and the <a href="http://junobeach.org/Centre/index.html"><strong>Juno
            Beach Memorial</strong></a></p>
          <p> </p></td>
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            Me</a></strong> </div></td>
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                    <!-- #BeginEditable "Body" -->
                      <td width="329" height="189" valign="top"><p><img src="../pg%20t%20instrucnl.jpg" width="300" height="27"></p>
                        <p align="left">From teachers to health care professionals
                          to corporate trainers, I can help you create a compelling
                          instructional video. Using techniques such as Picture in
                          Picture will deliver your educational knowledge with extra
                          value. The ease of navigation of DVD makes instruction more
                          efficient and effective.</p></td>
                      <td width="4" valign="top"><img src="images/hr.gif" width="1" height="125"> </td>
                      <td colspan="2" valign="top"><p><img src="../pg%20t%20blank.jpg" width="204" height="27
                        <p>Follow these links to read about other services:</p>
                        <div align="left">
                            <li><a href="../homedvds.htm">classic home videos</a></li>
                            <li> <a href="../weddings2dvd.htm">weddings2dvd</a></li>
                            <li> <a href="../sports2dvd.htm">sports2dvd</a></li>
                            <li> <a href="../slideshows2dvd.htm">DVD photo slideshows</a></li>
                            <li> <a href="../reunions2dvd.htm">reunions2dvd</a></li>
                            <li> <a href="instructionaldvds.htm">instructional DVD</a></li>
                      <td height="3
    50" colspan="3" valign="top"><p align="center"><img src="../images/hr.gif" width="361" height="1"></p>
                        <p align="left">  </p>
                        <p align="left">Please click <a href="../sample.htm"><strong>here</strong></a>
                          to view real samples from recent projects.<br>
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                        <p class="menu" >Copyright Memories2dvd<a href="http://www.ibswebdesign.com/" target="_blank"></a>
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    Any help is hugely appreciated.

    thanks for the quick reply!
    I found the 2 things to change, but when I go back to my page...everything is gone!  eek
    (fear no panic - I did back up my website prior to making any changes
    (file attached).
    it looks like there is only 1 column instead of 3 sections. I was hoping to lose just the one on the right.
    here is the new code from my Samples page (not the template)  I"ll post that below.
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              <td align="center"><strong>Celebrate a milestone birthday or anniverary
                with a <u>DVD Photo Slideshow</u>. <a href="public_html/slideshows2dvd.htm">Click
                here for more details.</a></strong></td>
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                      <a href="public_html/audiotransfers.htm"><img src="public_html/LPcassettes.jpg" width="180" height="152" border="0"></a>
          <p align="center"><font size="+2">Donations!</font></p>
          <p align="center"> 5% of Memories2dvd's annual revenue will be donated equally
            between the <a href="http://www.cancer.ca/ccs/internet/cancer/0,,3172,00.html"><strong>Canadian
            Cancer Society</strong></a> and the <a href="http://junobeach.org/Centre/index.html"><strong>Juno
            Beach Memorial</strong></a></p>
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                    <td width="267" height="145" valign="top"><p><img src="pg%20t%20samples.jpg" width="119" height="34"></p>
                        <p>It's one thing to read about our services, but once you
                          actually see the results, you will realize that personalization
                          is the key to your DVD project. Aside from your photos,
                          video and favourite music, I completely personalize every
                          aspect of your DVD right from the packaging to the DVD menus.</p>
                        <p>Click on the thumbnails below to view various samples from
                          recent projects.</p>
                        <p><em>All samples have been reduced in quality to be internet
                          friendly. Original versions are of superior quality and
                          full-TV size. I can supply demo DVDs upon request.</em></p>
                        <p>You will need Apple's Quicktime player to view the movie
                          files. The free download is available by clicking <a href="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/products/qt"><strong>here</strong></a>.</p>
                        <p> </p>                    </td>
                    <td width="290" align="center" valign="top"><p> </p>
                        <p> </p>
                        <p align="center">Follow these links to read about other services:</p>
                        <div align="left">
                            <li><strong><a href="homedvds.htm"><font size="+1">Video
                            <li><font size="+1"><strong><a href="public_html/slideshows2dvd.htm">Photo
                            <li><font size="+1"><strong><a href="photorestorations.htm">Photo
                            <li> <font size="+1"><strong><a href="public_html/audiotransfers.htm">Audio
                        <p> </p>
                        <p align="right"> </p>
                      <p> </p></td>
                  <tr valign="top">
                    <td height="232" colspan="2" valign="top"> <p align="left"><strong><font size="+1">PHOTOSLIDESHOW
                        <p align="left">Photographs with voice over narration and
                          text titles were combined to create a presentation that
                          will provide generations with a history on their forefather
                          in this biography.</p>
                        <p align="center"><a href="biography.wmv"><img src="bio111.jpg" width="111" height="73" border="0"></a></p>
                        <p align="left">The following sample was part of a 50th birthday
                          celebration. Three hundred photographs were scanned and
                          mixed with video clips to make the ultimate surprise movie.                    </p>
                        <p align="center"><a href="sample1.mov"><img src="sample1.jpg" width="111" height="82" border="0"></a></p>
                        <p align="left"> This sample was taken from a couple's vacation.
                          The couple travelled throughout SouthEast Asia and South
                          America and amassed approximately 750 digital photos. I
                          organized the DVD by country and added their favourite music
                          so they could instantly re-visit their adventures.
                        <p align="center"><a href="sample2.mov"><img src="boats.jpg" width="111" height="81" border="0"></a>
                        <p align="left">This couple were married by a lake in a beautiful
                          wedding. I compiled camcorder footage along with photographs
                          into a memorable DVD, complete with a bonus music video.
                        <p align="center"><a href="ceremusicvidsam.mp4"><img src="arbour.jpg" width="111" height="72" border="0"></a>
                        <p align="left"><strong><font size="+1">8mm REEL COLOUR CORRECTION
                        <p align="left">Are you videos dark, too bright or discoloured?
                          I can edit your tapes and film to repair colour issues,
                          bringing your movies back to life. Click <a href="http://homepage.mac.com/memories2dvd/iMovieTheater30.html"><strong><font size="+1">HERE</font></strong></a>
                          to view samples.
                        <p align="left"><strong><font size="+1">PHOTO RESTORATION
                        <p align="left">These samples illustrate the various types
                          of blemishes which can be dealt with to restore your photographs.</p>
                        <p align="left"> <strong><u><font size="3">Simply move your
                          mouse cursor over each photo to see the difference.</font></u></strong></p>
                        <p align="left"><strong>General Dust/Blemish Removal</strong></p>
                        <p align="left"> </p>
                        <p> </p>
                        <div align="center">
                          <p align="left"> </p>
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                        <p align="left"><strong>Red Eye Removal</strong></p>
                        <p align="left"><a href="#" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('Image55','','redeyegone.jpg',1)"><img src="redeye.jpg" name="Image55" width="231" height="416" border="0"></a></p>
                        <p align="left"><strong>Colour &amp; Stain Removal</strong></p>
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                          and Crack Removals </strong>
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                        <p align="left"><strong>Isolation of Main Subject</strong>
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              <td> </td>
              <td align="center"><strong>Celebrate a milestone birthday or anniverary
                with a <u>DVD Photo Slideshow</u>. <a href="../slideshows2dvd.htm">Click
                here for more details.</a></strong></td>
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                      <a href="../audiotransfers.htm"><img src="../LPcassettes.jpg" width="180" height="152" border="0"></a>
          <p align="center"><font size="+2">Donations!</font></p>
          <p align="center"> 5% of Memories2dvd's annual revenue will be donated equally
            between the <a href="http://www.cancer.ca/ccs/internet/cancer/0,,3172,00.html"><strong>Canadian
            Cancer Society</strong></a> and the <a href="http://junobeach.org/Centre/index.html"><strong>Juno
            Beach Memorial</strong></a></p>
          <p> </p></td>
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  • Problem with auto height property in .dwt template file

    following is the code for the template file of my website, the pages which this is template for have different length content but the height wont adjust according to the content and the text over flows under the footer and the green content area does not lengthen with the content. i havent uploaded the pages because there is this error so cant give an address for online sample. the content is in the "page-body" tag which is an editabbe region, the content in the tag is for experimental pupose copy and paste it iver n over for different content lengths, id really appreciate a quick reply need to upload the pages asap
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    <div id="contentWrapper"><div id="apDiv7"><!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="page-body" --> <span class="align">eace University is registered with and recognized by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia as an exempt faith based institution. Peace University is operated by Peace LLC a State Corporation Commission of the Commonwealth of Virginia approved Limited Liability Company. Peace University voluntarily ventures to conform with the regional, national, and international accrediting institutions' standards and quality processes. We have devised a breakthrough flexible learning process to suite individual student's needs and tailored to the individual's academic goals. It is our bottom line to provide quality education to our students and collaborate with international institutions of repute and quality who share the same vision and goals.
        While National Accreditation is common for traditional U.S. institutions of higher learning, utilizing standard teaching methods, we note that every country has its own standards and independent accrediting organizations. Accreditation is a voluntary process and does not guarantee a worthy education. Rather, it means an institution has submitted its courses, programs, budget, and educational objectives for review. Peace University's Camps based and Distance Learning Programs are unique, non-traditional and not accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. This may be a determining factor for those individuals interested in pursuing certain disciplines requiring State licensing, (such as law, teaching, or medicine). It is recommended that you consider the importance of National Accreditation for your specific field or profession and make your decision accordinglyPeace University is registered with and recognized by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia as an exempt faith based institution. Peace University is operated by Peace LLC a State Corporation Commission of the Commonwealth of Virginia approved Limited Liability Company. Peace University voluntarily ventures to conform with the regional, national, and international accrediting institutions' standards and quality processes. We have devised a breakthrough flexible learning process to suite individual student's needs and tailored to the individual's academic goals. It is our bottom line to provide quality education to our students and collaborate with international institutions of repute and quality who share the same vision and goals.
        While National Accreditation is common for traditional U.S. institutions of higher learning, utilizing standard teaching methods, we note that every country has its own standards and independent accrediting organizations. Accreditation is a voluntary process and does not guarantee a worthy education. Rather, it means an institution has submitted its courses, programs, budget, and educational objectives for review. Peace University's Camps based and Distance Learning Programs are unique, non-traditional and not accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. This may be a determining factor for those individuals interested in pursuing certain disciplines requiring State licensing, (such as law, teaching, or medicine). It is recommended that you consider the importance of National Accreditation for your specific field or profession and make your decision accordinglyPeace University is registered with and recognized by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia as an exempt faith based institution. Peace University is operated by Peace LLC a State Corporation Commission of the Commonwealth of Virginia approved Limited Liability Company. Peace University voluntarily ventures to conform with the regional, national, and international accrediting institutions' standards and quality processes. We have devised a breakthrough flexible learning process to suite individual student's needs and tailored to the individual's academic goals. It is our bottom line to provide quality education to our students and collaborate with international institutions of repute and quality who share the same vision and goals.  While National Accreditation is common for traditional U.S. institutions of higher learning, utilizing standard teaching methods, we note that every country has its own standards and independent accrediting organizations. Accreditation is a voluntary process and does not guarantee a worthy education. Rather, it means an institution has submitted its courses, programs, budget, and educational objectives for review. Peace University's Camps based and Distance Learning Programs are unique, non-traditional and not accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. This may be a determining factor for those individuals interested in pursuing certain disciplines requiring State licensing, (such as law, teaching, or medicine). It is recommended that you consider the importance of National Accreditation for your specific field or profession and make your decision accordinglyPeace University is registered with and recognized by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia as an exempt faith based institution. Peace University is operated by Peace LLC a State Corporation Commission of the Commonwealth of Virginia approved Limited Liability Company. Peace University voluntarily ventures to conform with the regional, national, and international accrediting institutions' standards and quality processes. We have devised a breakthrough flexible learning process to suite individual student's needs and tailored to the individual's academic goals. It is our bottom line to provide quality education to our students and collaborate with international institutions of repute and quality who share the same vision and goals. While National Accreditation is common for traditional U.S. institutions of higher learning, utilizing standard teaching methods, we note that every country has its own standards and independent accrediting organizations. Accreditation is a voluntary process and does not guarantee a worthy education. Rather, it means an institution has submitted its courses, programs, budget, and educational objectives for review. Peace University's Camps based and Distance Learning Programs are unique, non-traditional and not accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. This may be a determining factor for those individuals interested in pursuing certain disciplines requiring State licensing, (such as law, teaching, or medicine). It is recommended that you consider the importance of National Accreditation for your specific field or profession and make your decision accordinglyPeace University is registered with and recognized by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia as an exempt faith based institution. Peace University is operated by Peace LLC a State Corporation Commission of the Commonwealth of Virginia approved Limited Liability Company. Peace University voluntarily ventures to conform with the regional, national, and international accrediting institutions' standards and quality processes. We have devised a breakthrough flexible learning process to suite individual student's needs and tailored to the individual's academic goals. It is our bottom line to provide quality education to our students and collaborate with international institutions of repute and quality who share the same vision and goals. While National Accreditation is common for traditional U.S. institutions of higher learning, utilizing standard teaching methods, we note that every country has its own standards and independent accrediting organizations. Accreditation is a voluntary process and does not guarantee a worthy education. Rather, it means an institution has submitted its courses, programs, budget, and educational objectives for review. Peace University's Camps based and Distance Learning Programs are unique, non-traditional and not accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. This may be a determining factor for those individuals interested in pursuing certain disciplines requiring State licensing, (such as law, teaching, or medicine). It is recommended that you consider the importance of National Accreditation for your specific field or profession and make your decision accordinglyPeace University is registered with and recognized by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia as an exempt faith based institution. Peace University is operated by Peace LLC a State Corporation Commission of the Commonwealth of Virginia approved Limited Liability Company. Peace University voluntarily ventures to conform with the regional, national, and international accrediting institutions' standards and quality processes. We have devised a breakthrough flexible learning process to suite individual student's needs and tailored to the individual's academic goals. It is our bottom line to provide quality education to our students and collaborate with international institutions of repute and quality who share the same vision and goals. While National Accreditation is common for traditional U.S. institutions of higher learning, utilizing standard teaching methods, we note that every country has its own standards and independent accrediting organizations. Accreditation is a voluntary process and does not guarantee a worthy education. Rather, it means an institution has submitted its courses, programs, budget, and educational objectives for review. Peace University's Camps based and Distance Learning Programs are unique, non-traditional and not accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. This may be a determining factor for those individuals interested in pursuing certain disciplines requiring State licensing, (such as law, teaching, or medicine). It is recommended that you consider the importance of National Accreditation for your specific field or profession and make your decision accordinglyPeace University is registered with and recognized by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia as an exempt faith based institution. Peace University is operated by Peace LLC a State Corporation Commission of the Commonwealth of Virginia approved Limited Liability Company. Peace University voluntarily ventures to conform with the regional, national, and international accrediting institutions' standards and quality processes. We have devised a breakthrough flexible learning process to suite individual student's needs and tailored to the individual's academic goals. It is our bottom line to provide quality education to our students and collaborate with international institutions of repute and quality who share the same vision and goals. While National Accreditation is common for traditional U.S. institutions of higher learning, utilizing standard teaching methods, we note that every country has its own standards and independent accrediting organizations. Accreditation is a voluntary process and does not guarantee a worthy education. Rather, it means an institution has submitted its courses, programs, budget, and educational objectives for review. Peace University's Camps based and Distance Learning Programs are unique, non-traditional and not accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. This may be a determining factor for those individuals interested in pursuing certain disciplines requiring State licensing, (such as law, teaching, or medicine). It is recommended that you consider the importance of National Accreditation for your specific field or profession and make your decision accordinglyPeace University is registered with and recognized by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia as an exempt faith based institution. Peace University is operated by Peace LLC a State Corporation Commission of the Commonwealth of Virginia approved Limited Liability Company. Peace University voluntarily ventures to conform with the regional, national, and international accrediting institutions' standards and quality processes. We have devised a breakthrough flexible learning process to suite individual student's needs and tailored to the individual's academic goals. It is our bottom line to provide quality education to our students and collaborate with international institutions of repute and quality who share the same vision and goals.
        While National Accreditation is common for traditional U.S. institutions of higher learning, utilizing standard teaching methods, we note that every country has its own standards and independent accrediting organizations. Accreditation is a voluntary process and does not guarantee a worthy education. Rather, it means an institution has submitted its courses, programs, budget, and educational objectives for review. Peace University's Camps based and Distance Learning Programs are unique, non-traditional and not accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. This may be a determining factor for those individuals interested in pursuing certain disciplines requiring State licensing, (such as law, teaching, or mediciPeace University is registered with and recognized by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia as an exempt faith based institution. Peace University is operated by Peace LLC a State Corporation Commission of the Commonwealth of Virginia approved Limited Liability Company. Peace University voluntarily ventures to conform with the regional, national, and international accrediting institutions' standards and quality processes. We have devised a breakthrough flexible learning process to suite individual student's needs and tailored to the individual's academic goals. It is our bottom line to provide quality education to our students and collaborate with international institutions of repute and quality who share the same vision and goals.
        While National Accreditation is common for traditional U.S. institutions of higher learning, utilizing standard teaching methods, we note that every country has its own standards and independent accrediting organizations. Accreditation is a voluntary process and does not guarantee a worthy education. Rather, it means an institution has submitted its courses, programs, budget, and educational objectives for review. Peace University's Camps based and Distance Learning Programs are unique, non-traditional and not accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. This may be a determining factor for those individuals interested in pursuing certain disciplines requiring State licensing, (such as law, teaching, or medicine). It is recommended that you consider the importance of National Accreditation for your specific field or profession and make your decision accordinglyPeace University is registered with and recognized by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia as an exempt faith based institution. Peace University is operated by Peace LLC a State Corporation Commission of the Commonwealth of Virginia approved Limited Liability Company. Peace University voluntarily ventures to conform with the regional, national, and international accrediting institutions' standards and quality processes. We have devised a breakthrough flexible learning process to suite individual student's needs and tailored to the individual's academic goals. It is our bottom line to provide quality education to our students and collaborate with international institutions of repute and quality who share the same vision and goals.
        While National Accreditation is common for traditional U.S. institutions of higher learning, utilizing standard teaching methods, we note that every country has its own standards and independent accrediting organizations. Accreditation is a voluntary process and does not guarantee a worthy education. Rather, it means an institution has submitted its courses, programs, budget, and educational objectives for review. Peace University's Camps based and Distance Learning Programs are unique, non-traditional and not accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. This may be a determining factor for those individuals interested in pursuing certain disciplines requiring State licensing, (such as law, teaching, or medicine). It is recommended that you consider the importance of National Accreditation for your specific field or profession and make your decision accordinglyPeace University is registered with and recognized by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia as an exempt faith based institution. Peace University is operated by Peace LLC a State Corporation Commission of the Commonwealth of Virginia approved Limited Liability Company. Peace University voluntarily ventures to conform with the regional, national, and international accrediting institutions' standards and quality processes. We have devised a breakthrough flexible learning process to suite individual student's needs and tailored to the individual's academic goals. It is our bottom line to provide quality education to our students and collaborate with international institutions of repute and quality who share the same vision and goals.
        While National Accreditation is common for traditional U.S. institutions of higher learning, utilizing standard teaching methods, we note that every country has its own standards and independent accrediting organizations. Accreditation is a voluntary process and does not guarantee a worthy education. Rather, it means an institution has submitted its courses, programs, budget, and educational objectives for review. Peace University's Camps based and Distance Learning Programs are unique, non-traditional and not accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. This may be a determining factor for those individuals interested in pursuing certain disciplines requiring State licensing, (such as law, teaching, or medicine). It is recommended that you consider the importance of National Accreditation for your specific field or profession and make your decision accordinglyPeace University is registered with and recognized by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia as an exempt faith based institution. Peace University is operated by Peace LLC a State Corporation Commission of the Commonwealth of Virginia approved Limited Liability Company. Peace University voluntarily ventures to conform with the regional, national, and international accrediting institutions' standards and quality processes. We have devised a breakthrough flexible learning process to suite individual student's needs and tailored to the individual's academic goals. It is our bottom line to provide quality education to our students and collaborate with international institutions of repute and quality who share the same vision and goals.
        While National Accreditation is common for traditional U.S. institutions of higher learning, utilizing standard teaching methods, we note that every country has its own standards and independent accrediting organizations. Accreditation is a voluntary process and does not guarantee a worthy education. Rather, it means an institution has submitted its courses, programs, budget, and educational objectives for review. Peace University's Camps based and Distance Learning Programs are unique, non-traditional and not accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. This may be a determining factor for those individuals interested in pursuing certain disciplines requiring State licensing, (such as law, teaching, or medicine). It is recommended that you consider the importance of National Accreditation for your specific field or profession and make your decision accordinglyPeace University is registered with and recognized by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia as an exempt faith based institution. Peace University is operated by Peace LLC a State Corporation Commission of the Commonwealth of Virginia approved Limited Liability Company. Peace University voluntarily ventures to conform with the regional, national, and international accrediting institutions' standards and quality processes. We have devised a breakthrough flexible learning process to suite individual student's needs and tailored to the individual's academic goals. It is our bottom line to provide quality education to our students and collaborate with international institutions of repute and quality who share the same vision and goals.
        While National Accreditation is common for traditional U.S. institutions of higher learning, utilizing standard teaching methods, we note that every country has its own standards and independent accrediting organizations. Accreditation is a voluntary process and does not guarantee a worthy education. Rather, it means an institution has submitted its courses, programs, budget, and educational objectives for review. Peace University's Camps based and Distance Learning Programs are unique, non-traditional and not accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. This may be a determining factor for those individuals interested in pursuing certain disciplines requiring State licensing, (such as law, teaching, or medicine). It is recommended that you consider the importance of National Accreditation for your specific field or profession and make your decision accordinglyPeace University is registered with and recognized by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia as an exempt faith based institution. Peace University is operated by Peace LLC a State Corporation Commission of the Commonwealth of Virginia approved Limited Liability Company. Peace University voluntarily ventures to conform with the regional, national, and international accrediting institutions' standards and quality processes. We have devised a breakthrough flexible learning process to suite individual student's needs and tailored to the individual's academic goals. It is our bottom line to provide quality education to our students and collaborate with international institutions of repute and quality who share the same vision and goals.
        While National Accreditation is common for traditional U.S. institutions of higher learning, utilizing standard teaching methods, we note that every country has its own standards and independent accrediting organizations. Accreditation is a voluntary process and does not guarantee a worthy education. Rather, it means an institution has submitted its courses, programs, budget, and educational objectives for review. Peace University's Camps based and Distance Learning Programs are unique, non-traditional and not accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. This may be a determining factor for those individuals interested in pursuing certain disciplines requiring State licensing, (such as law, teaching, or medicine). It is recommended that you consider the importance of National Accreditation for your specific field or profession and make your decision accordinglyne). It is recommended that you consider the importance of National Accreditation for your specific field or profession and make your decision accordingly. </span> . <!-- TemplateEndEditable --></div>
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    sandyrojito wrote:
    how do i fix it though? can make corrections in the code and send me the code?
    It's not fixable. If you do not know how to use static <divs> then you might want to consider using a table stucture for the construction. Whilst not the ideal way to go tables do work in conjunction with one another.
    You can only really use abosolutely positioned <divs> for  a simple website which has say a header and 2/3/4 columns and no footer. As soon as you try to include a footer the absolutely positioned column <divs> can't recognise it's there so any content in them does not push the footer down.

  • Dreamweaver can't see my css or template files

    I'm sure this is a simple problem with a simple answer, but it's baffling me...
    I'm currently setting up a new site with a new local root folder. I'd like to make some pages for this new site based on my existing css file and templates. I put these files into my new site's local root folder, then clicked through the usual 'Page from template' procedure and created a new page from one of my templates in the normal way.
    Trouble is, as soon as I try to save the page I've created, I get an error message: "This document uses the following files not in this site -" Dreamweaver then lists my css file and various image files. But all the files show up as present and correct in my new local root folder!
    The error message box gives me the option to copy the files to the local root folder of my new site - although, as I've said, as far as I can see from a glance at the Files panel, they're all there already. In any case, if I click the "Copy" button, I get another error message: "Making this change would require changing code that is locked by a template or a translator. The change will be discarded."
    I can upload the page, but it comes up with no formatting - here it is: http://www.nemesis.to/testpage.htm
    Looking at the code, I see that the css file is linked like this:
    <link href="file:///Macintosh HD/Users/michaeljohnson/Documents/newpagestyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    I suspect that might be where the problem is. I would expect that line of code to look more like this:
    <link href="newpagestyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    But I have no idea why that's happening, or where to go from here. I suppose I could re-write that line of code by hand, but that doesn't amount to fixing the problem. I'd like the whole thing to work normally from the first click!
    Have I got my css file and/or template files in the wrong place? What do I have to do so Dreamweaver can find the files?
    All advice welcome - thanks for any wise words you might have.  Sorry if this all seems very simple, but I really don't know enough about this stuff to make progress from this point.

    Oh, yes, I think it's all ludicrously over-complicated! The thing is, I've been using my templates without any trouble for ages. The problem only came up when I created a new local root folder, copied my template and css files into it, created pages using those templates and - suddenly I've got no formatting.
    Everything in the old local root folder is still working fine. I can make new pages from the template files in that folder and it's all good. It does look like the copy/paste process broke the essential links, but how could that happen?
    I suppose I could create new templates from scratch in the new local root folder, but that seems unnecessary when I've already got template files that work perfectly - in the *other* local root folder!
    Anyway, here comes the code...
    This is the page_layout.dwt file as it appears in my old local root folder. This is the file as it appears in my old local root folder - the one that that works!
    Note the link to the css file, which I've made bold here:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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        <div id="creditsbox">Page credits: Photos and construction by <a href="http://www.nemesis.to/about.htm">Michael Johnson</a>. Nemesis logo by <a href="http://www.antonyjohnston.com">Antony Johnston</a>. Red N version by <a href="http://www.rimmell.com">Mark Rimmell</a>.</div>
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        <div id="creativecommonsbox"><a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/uk/"><img src="http://creativecommons.org/images/public/somerights20.png" alt="Creative Commons License" border="0" class="floatleft" style="border-width:2" /></a><span xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" property="dc:title">Words and photos in Nemesis To Go</span> by Michael Johnson are licenced under <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/uk/">Creative Commons</a>. You may copy and distribute this material, or derivations of it, provided that you give a credit to Michael Johnson and a link to <a href="http://www.nemesis.to">Nemesis To Go</a>. Where material from other sources is used, copyright remains with the original owners. All rights in the name 'Nemesis To Go' and the 'N' logo are retained.</div>
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    And here is the file as it appears after I'd copied it into my new local root folder. This is the version that won't give me any formatting. Note the link to the css file has changed. This surely must be the problem, because I can't see anything else that's different  - but how could that line change simply by copying the file into another local root folder?
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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        <p><span class="specialheading2">Genuflex</span><span class="datedetails"><br />
    Underbelly, London<br />
           Friday November 26 2010</span></p>
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      <p class="supportband">Genuflex: <a href="http://www.genuflexmusic.com" class="supportband">Website</a> | <a href="http://www.myspace.com/genuflex" class="supportband">MySpace</a> | <a href="http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Genuflex/122544001105597" class="supportband">Facebook</a></p></div>
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        <div id="creditsbox">Page credits: Photos and construction by <a href="http://www.nemesis.to/about.htm">Michael Johnson</a>. Nemesis logo by <a href="http://www.antonyjohnston.com">Antony Johnston</a>. Red N version by <a href="http://www.rimmell.com">Mark Rimmell</a>.</div>
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    Sorry for the big wedges of code - and sorry for this being such a stupid problem. I'm almost ready to scrap the whole idea of creating a new local root folder!

  • Which template files need to be uploaded?

    I have completed my web pages and want to upload to my host site.  I am confused as to which files must be uploaded.  I created a home page using a template, designated the areas to edit/not edit and created several other pages using the original page.  The original page is saved in the template folder as "default.dwt" and along the way I also ended up with a 'default.html" plus the other template-based pages saved as ".html".  The CSS code is external.  My question is do I upload the .dwt file and if so, should it be the home page?  Or is the appropriate code based in each html page and the .dwt file is not needed.  I don't recall seeing pages with a .dwt extension when I am surfing the web so thought perhaps the home page should be .html but wasn't sure if the .dwt page needs to be on-site to allow all the pages to work correctly.  Thanks for any help you can give me.

    Site structure:
    Root folder (holds all site files)
         index.html     NOT a template, this is the page that opens first when your url is entered, often called the "home page"
         images folder
              all images reside here
         Templates folder
              all Templates reside here
         SpryAssets folder
              all Spry assets (js and css files)
         css folder
              other css files reside here
    Technically speaking, the Template (.dwt) file is a construction implement, not a display implement...you need it to build pages and to update the locked areas of pages based on it, but you do not SEE it when you look at a website. Keep your Templates within the site structure, for safekeeping, both online and on your local system. That way, if you have a failure on your local system, you will still have your pages and Templates available online for download.
    Speaking generally, presentation site pages are html, shtml, php, asp, etc., etc., but not dwt. You will find it helpful to name your files (no word spaces in file names, please) with meaningful names (not page1.html, or default.html, but contact_us.html, about_us.html, etc.)
    The Template file's first 'order of business' is to protect from inadvertent disaster the content that is repeated on multiple pages. You have set up such a Template, allowing editable areas. As you have seen, content in these editable areas may be different on every page, but such content is not contained in the Template.
    The Template file's 'second order of business' is to make it possible for you to easily alter those portions of pages that remain identical...those portions that are within the protected areas. Change the Template, save the revised Template, and the changes propagate to all the pages you based on the Template. All at once. Unique content is not changed, just the protected content, when a Template is updated. Then, the revised pages (all of them) are synchronized with your online site, and updated pages are uploaded to the server.
    Voila, the beauty of Templates.

  • (V8.1.7) OPS : PCM LOCK과 NON-PCM LOCK에 대한 정리

    작성날짜 : 2004-08-13
    (V7.3 ~ V8.1.7) OPS : PCM LOCK과 NON-PCM LOCK에 대한 정리
    OPS 환경에서는 single instance와는 구별되어 PCM lock이라는 것이 존재한다.
    이것이 Non-PCM Lock과 어떻게 다르며, 어떤 방식으로 할당되는지에 대하여
    Oracle 8i(8.1.7) 버젼을 기준으로, 관련된 GC_* 파라미터에 대한 설명과 함
    께 소개하고자 한다.
    오라클 OPS 환경에서는 PCM lock 관련 파라미터를 어떻게 설정하느냐에 따라
    system 전체의 성능에 많은 영향을 미친다.
    Oracle Parallel Server(OPS) Option은 8~9i Standard Edition에서는
    지원하지 않는다.
    1. Instance Lock
    Instance Lock에는 PCM Lock과 Non-PCM Lock 두가지가 존재한다.
    PCM(Parallel Cache Management) Lock은 Buffer cache 내의 block의 lock
    에 관련된 부분이고, Non-PCM Lock은 그 이외의 Lock이다.
    Non-PCM Lock에는 DFS enqueue lock과 DFS Lock 두가지가 있다.
    Instance Lock은 동기화에 필요한 cost가 굉장히 높으며, OPS 환경에서는
    PCM Lock의 갯수가 Non-PCM Lock의 갯수보다 훨씬 많다.
    이 PCM Lock의 갯수를 적절하게 잘 설정해야만 DLM을 적절하게 잘 구성했
    다 라고 말할 수 있다.
    2. PCM Lock
    1) PCM Lock은 X$LE 또는 GV$LOCK_ELEMENT 내에 기술된 lock element
    block class에 internal하게 mapping된다.
    2) lock element라고 불리우는 data structure 내에 state 정보를 저장한다.
    3) 다음과 같이 두 가지 방법으로 구현된다.
    1:1 or 1:n releasable locks
    1:1 or 1:n fixed locks
    3. Fixed Locking
    1) Oracle7에서는 default로 fixed locking 방법을 사용한다.
    2) DBA(data block address)에 hashing 알고리즘을 적용하여 data file
    block에 instance lock을 할당한다.
    3) Fixed locking 기법은 instance startup 시에 block에 hash 알고리즘
    을 이용하여 정적으로 할당이 된다.
    4) Fixed locking 기법은 보통 여러개의 data block을 cover한다.
    각 data file마다 고정된 수의 PCM lock이 할당되고, 한 datafile 당
    block 수가 몇 개인가에 따라 한 PCM lock이 관할하는 data block의 수
    가 결정이 된다.
    각 datafile 당 PCM Lock의 갯수를 정하기 위하여 위 파라미터를
    initSID.ora 화일에 셋팅한다. 만약, 이 파라미터가 지정되어 있지 않으
    면, Oracle 7에서는 hashing 알고리즘에 근거하여 fixed하게 lock이
    assign되지만, Oracle 8부터는 releasable lock이 사용된다.
    해당 instance의 총 lock의 갯수를 지정하는 GC_DB_LOCKS 파라미터는
    Oracle 8부터 없어졌다.
    GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS = "{file_list=lock_count[!blocks][R][each]}:..."
    syntax는 위와 같다. 아래에 각각에 대한 설명을 추가한다.
    file_list : datafile 하나 또는 여러개를 set으로 지정 가능
    lock_count : file_list에 나타난 datafile에 대한 PCM lock의 갯수
    !blocks : cover할 연속된 block의 갯수
    R : 지정한 lock에 대해서는 releasable하다는 의미
    each : file_list에 지정한 각 datafile에 대해 할당된 lock의 갯수
    5. Instance Lock : FILE_LOCK view
    Oracle 7.3부터 제공되는 view로서 각 datafile에 대하여 PCM Lock이 얼마
    나 많이 할당되었는지 확인하는 view이다.
    select file_id, file_name, ts_name, start_lk, nlocks, blocking
    from file_lock;
    file_id : datafile number
    file_name : datafile name
    ts_name : tablespace name the file belongs to
    start_lk : first lock corresponding to the datafile
    nlocks : number of PCM locks allocated to the datafile
    blocking : number of blocks protected by a PCM lock on the file
    6. 1:1 Releasable Locking
    1) 1:1 releasable locking이 Oracle 8부터는 default이다.
    2) Releasable locking은 dynamic하게 PCM lock을 block에 assign한다.
    3) Lock은 필요할 때 assign되고 release된다.
    4) Block이 release되고 나면 PCM lock 또한 release된다.
    5) Lock element name은 Lock element가 reuse될 때마다 변한다.
    6) Instance startup하는 데 걸리는 시간이 더 빠르다. 그러나, request
    시에 DLM resource를 allocate하는 데 요구되는 시간이 더 많이 든다.
    7. Non-PCM Locks
    1) Non-PCM Lock은 dynamic하게 할당되고, PCM lock에 비해서 그 갯수는
    훨씬 적다. (시스템 전체 Lock의 5 ~ 10% 에 불과)
    2) Non-PCM Lock의 갯수를 직접 조절할 수 있는 초기화 파라미터는 없다.
    (except DML_LOCKS)
    3) Non-PCM Lock은 data block을 protect하지는 않는다. 그것은 PCM Lock
    의 job이다.
    4) 다음과 같은 역할을 하는 많은 type의 Non-PCM Lock이 있다.
    - Control access to data and control files
    - Control library and dictionary caches
    - Provide communication between instances
    5) Non-PCM Lock의 space를 조절하는 parameter들.
    6) DML_LOCKS = 0 으로 설정하고 운영하는 것이 OPS에서는 일반적이다.
    OPS에서는 block level lock이 우선이므로, table lock이 자주 걸리는
    것이 바람직하지 않다. CREATE 또는 ALTER와 같은 작업을 할 경우에만
    이 파라미터 값을 0이 아닌 다른 값으로 설정하고, 그렇지 않은 경우에
    는 두 instance 모두 0으로 설정한다. 두 instance 모두 같은 값이어
    야 할 필요는 없으나, 0으로 설정할 경우에는 양쪽 모두 0으로 설정해
    야 한다.
    8. PCM Lock을 할당하기 위한 몇 가지 tips
    1) Always set GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS
    2) The value for GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS must be the same on all instances
    3) Do not assign locks to undo segment files
    4) No locks needed for temporary/sort blocks
    5) Group read-only objects together and allocate 1 hashed lock to
    the file
    6) Make tablespaces read-only, (no PCM locks used)
    7) Never assign DBA locking to read-only or mostly read only data
    8) If excessive pinging on undo blocks (down converts: X->SSX),
    increase GC_ROLLBACK_LOCKS
    Reference Documents
    OPS 8i Administrator Guide.

  • Locking Non Synced Audio To A Sequence

    I have some old audio files ( mostly that came - using old drum machines) - that I want to sync to logic.
    In digital performer 4.6 - I am able to highlight a multi bar drum track - then click " analyze audio" - and it makes an attempt to guess at the beats per minute. Then I can change the sequence to that BPM - then slide the audio drum track ( and all other related audio tracks) - and match up the drum downbeats to the beginning of a bar - and thereby lock non-synced audio to a sequence very easily.
    Question: how do I do this in logic 7.11?

    Beat mapping is probaly what you want
    if you have an exact loop use adjust tempo using region length/locators

  • Help Unlocking Template File

    I recently took on a project helping out a colleague who had a Web Designer totally mess up her business.  He created a good site for her, but dropped the ball on hosting it.
    Long story short, he gave her a disc with the files.  The large site is created with Templates.  When I go in and try to edit a template, DW says the file is locked and I can only VIEW the file because it is locked.
    Does anybody out there have an idea as to how I can unlock the specific template files to make changes?

    What I would recommend doing is if you like the template, detach the template and save a new one and base those pages off of it.
    If you click on Modify->Templates->Detach from Template, DW will allow you to edit the template code as if you are editing a plain page.

  • Template files display as code in the browser.

    I recently had to reinstall DW and delete my preferences from my machine.   I now have an odd issue.
    When working in a template file (.dwt) If I do a "preview in browser" (Firefox, IE, or Chrome) the browser shows me the template as a text file (code view) not rendering it.
    I have the newest browsers and DW CC 2014.2  - Windows 8.1
    Any ideas?   This worked before I removed and reinstalled DW (except in IE).  Now it does not work in any of the browsers.
    I have tried old sites and files... same for them all.
    Using html5 files.
    I know it is probably something simple... but I cannot seem to find it or and answer in the nets.
    Thanks for your help!

    Here is my basic css file.
    @charset "utf-8";
    /* ======================================================== */
    /*  GENERIC RESETS  */
    /* ======================================================== */
    body, div, a, img, span, iframe, audio, video,
    p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, strong, small, ul, ol, li,
    pre, code, blockquote, sub, sup,
    table, th, td, tr, tbody, tfoot, thead,
    form, fieldset, legend, label, input, textarea,
    article, aside, canvas, details, figcaption, figure,
    footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section, summary  {
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    border: 0px;
    img {
    border: none;
    max-width: 100%;
    -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;
    vertical-align: middle;
    nav ul {
    table {
    border-collapse: collapse;
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  • "Update Template Files" not working, Dreamweaver CS5

    "Update Template Files" does not seem to be working in Dreamweaver CS5.
    After making a change to a template and saving it, I get the "Update Template Files" dialog box. It lists all of the files based on the template. So, I click "Update". Then, the "Update Pages" dialog box appears. Any files to be updated already open in Dreamweaver are modified correctly - in memory, that is. However, closed files do not get modified. The "Update Pages" dialog box seems to just get hung up. It just sits there with a status of "Updating...".
    Is this an installation issue? ... a template issue?  ... or what?
    FYI: I am using the 32-bit version for 32-bit Windows Vista.

    Not that it will be of any use, the template is here: http://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B4haLf-RrxgTZjVhYzEwOWYtNmMyMC00MWVmLWJiNDgtYTYzM2QzZDI5Zm Fh&hl=en
    There have been, of course, numerous updates to it since the problem disappeared.
    As for the specifics of what I was trying to change when the problem was first encountered, I was attempting to change a link URI in the navigation bar. However, any change at all would end the same way, with a locked up template synchronizer (or whatever the mechanism is called). Just before I gave up testing, I was repeating the process of simply adding a space anywhere and removing it in order to trigger the modified flag.

  • Not getting prompt to "update template files" after editing template

    This has happened to me before and you guys helped but I can not find my past post now on this forum.  After I edit a template I would normally get the prompt to "update template files" then it would update all the files using that template...but now for some reason I am not being asked and because if it none of the pages using the template are being updated....anyone know why??  dreamweaver cs4

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  • Application.cfc & locking down media files

    I've used a login framework for the Application.cfc (from
    Forta's CF8 book chapter 23). It successfully locks down .cfm
    files, but media/image files such as .jpg are still unsecure.
    What am I missing to make sure that even no matter what's in
    the folder, whether it be .jpg, .gif, .mov, .swf, etc... will only
    be accessible if the site visitor has the proper login credentials?
    I could probably "lock" the media files away in a database
    structure, but that's not very efficient. I'm sure CF8 has an easy
    way to handle this that I just don't know about.
    Thank you for your help!

    Azadi wrote:
    > the only secure way to not allow access to a web content
    is to not put
    > it on the web. cf never processes those 'media' files
    you mention - it
    > is your web server that handles requests for them.
    > so either:
    > a) move those files into non-web-accessible part of your
    server and
    > serve them with cf via file system interaction
    tags/functions and
    > cfcontent/cfherader combinations
    > b) configure cf to process those files instead of your
    web server
    > mind you, both options above may add significant
    processing overhead to
    > your application, so balance the need to secure access
    to those files
    > and your app performance wisely...
    As well as these CF solutions mentioned by Azadi, you can
    look into the
    security options of your web server and try to apply them.
    These work
    differently then the ColdFusion based solution, but they get
    to the same

  • Can I lock the template?

    Help!! I have another problem. I want to lock the template so that no one can change the layout unless they have a password. I just want it to be a form with drop downs, and an area that they can enter text - but other than that - I want it to stay locked. Is that possible??

    You probably mean can you lock the spreadsheet/document. The answer is that you can lock tables and they will be un-editable and unmovable. However, the table where you want people to enter data cannot be locked. A user could move that unlocked table around on the page or delete it altogether if they chose to do so. Also, the only password protection is for the entire document; anyone who can use the spreadsheet can go to the Arrange menu and unlock a locked table. Basically you can't do what I think you want to do, which is to lock everything down so it is unmovable and un-editable but leaving one cell unlocked for data entry by the user.
    The closest solution I have is to create two tables. The first is the main table with all your functions. That table will be locked. The second is a table with only one cell, and it is unlocked. You can place the second table over the first so it looks like one table if you want to. You could also make the second table the exact same size as the first table and set it on top of the first table. You will have to set the fill to none so you can see the table underneath. Each of these has advantages and disadvantages so you'll have to see which you like best if you decide to do this.

  • CTB Locker encrypted my files

    Dear Microsoft!
               I am using your genuine Microsoft office and a virus hit my system couple of days ago and corrupted my all files in C, D and E drive respectively, and added an extension to my files like xlsxnlj. Because of that none
    of my file is working and my data is very much required. Plz tell me the solution as i need my files back. i don't have any back-up with me, and also shadow explorer not recovering the files. Plz solve my problem and tell me a way to have my files back. the
    virus just encrypted all my files. Attached image is the virus

    Hi Hassan,
    CTB Locker (Curve-Tor-Bitcoin Locker), is a file-encrypting ransomware infection. The encryption used is elliptical curve cryptography, which is unique to this particular infection.
    If the machine was infected with the CTB-Locker, then unfortunately, at this time there is no way to decrypt your files without paying the ransom. The only methods to restore your files is from a backup, file recovery tools, or from Shadow Volume Copies.
    For your case, if you don't have any backups, then you're probably out of luck here.
    Here is another thread for your reference:
    Ethan Hua
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • Java.exe in ORACLE_HOME\jdk\bin locking app server files when trying to apply patch 5983622

    Hi All,
    I have a problem while installing patch 5983622,
    There is a java.exe stored in oracle_home\jdk\bin that is locking the dll files, when i try to end this i get an access denied error message,
    I have tested the files an none of them show a locking handle and this only happens when installing this specific patch,
    Please tell me the information you need.

    Hi Luz,
    All services were stopped,
    Windows services and OPMN.

Maybe you are looking for