Log & Capture/Timeline

Have been trying to edit the same movie for 3 days now. I log and capture 2.5 hrs. worth of video, save it, then put the tracks on the timeline accordingly. Everything's good until either 1) I turn off the computer or 2) The computer freezes up as I'm trying to burn a DVD with IDVD. I go back into FCP only to find that the tracks are now offline and nothing is in capture scratch.
Have FCP 3, using a G4 with Mac OS X 10.5, just added a wiebetech external hard drive. Any help would be great!!

Have 2 internal hard drives and one external that's connected via fire wire. Have tried storing on all 3 but am getting the same result. As we speak I'm capturing the footage again to see if it will stick, then plan on editing and exporting over the next 5-6 hrs. As far as formatting goes, I'm not the most tech savvy guy so didn't know they needed to be formatted. I've taken the machine into a mac service person for my upgrades so thought he checked those out. Thanks again.

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    I am using FCP for my current project. While logging footage from my camera I thought it would be easier if I could hook up the Preview area of the Log & Capture window to an external device such as a display. Is this possible?
    How do I achieve this? What kind of an adaptor is needed?

    #8 External Monitor Viewing.
    Shane's Stock Answer #8:
    A simple path is mac > firewire > camera or deck > rca cables > tv
    Then start up your camera and tv, then open fcp.
    Then go View > External video > all frames
    Video playback should be Apple firewire NTSC (If you are using an NTSC set)
    Audio playback should be Audio follows Video
    Techinially, this should send synched video to your TV
    If for some reason you can't view your timeline on your external monitor, there are a few things to try:
    1) Make sure that the camera/deck is connected and powered on BEFORE you open FCP.
    2) In the Final Cut Pro menu select AUDIO/VIDEO Preferences and make sure your signal is being sent out thru Firewire DV.
    3) Go to the menu and select VIEW>EXTERNAL>ALL FRAMES.
    4) Click in the % box above the image and select FIT TO WINDOW.
    5) Go to VIEW->refresh A/V devices
    6) Make sure the Log & Capture window is closed
    If you want it to play in both the canvas and the external monitor you need to go to the FINAL CUT PRO menu and select AUDIO/VIDIO settings and make sure MIRROR ON DESKTOP is selected under the PLAYBACK OUTPUT section

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    I've been working with a Panasonic DVX 100B for some time now. I've had nothing but success in shooting footage, and transferring it to my computer using the Log & Capture function. On my latest attempt something has happened that I can't figure out. The video and audio are captured, but they are not linked. In other words, I can find the video file in my Capture Scratch / Project Folder, but when I import it into my project, there is no audio accompanying it. I can however find the audio file in the Audio Capture Scratch, and import that. When placed at the same playhead location on the timeline, they are perfectly in sync. This is nice, but it makes editing an unnecessary struggle.
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    You changed the capture scratch disk setting.
    • Uncheck "capture audio and video to separate files".
    To link the audio and video
    • Once the audio and video are in the timeline and aligned, select them then: Modify>Link (⌘+L)

  • Cannot log&capture after upgrading to Leopard...

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    I recently upgraded from Tiger 10.4.11 to Leopard 10.5.6
    Now it seems like I cannot Log&Capture anymore. When I press command-8, FCP shuts down and I get a message: The application Final Cut Pro quit unexpectedly.
    Is that a known issue? Is there a way to solve the problem?
    Problem details:
    Process: Final Cut Pro [833]
    Path: /Applications/Final Cut Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/Final Cut Pro
    Identifier: com.apple.FinalCutPro
    Version: 5.0.4 (5.0.4)
    Build Info: FCPApp-512141418~2
    Code Type: PPC (Native)
    Parent Process: launchd [64]
    Date/Time: 2009-05-04 15:32:39.514 +0300
    OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.6 (9G55)
    Report Version: 6
    Exception Type: EXCBADACCESS (SIGBUS)
    Exception Codes: KERNPROTECTIONFAILURE at 0x0000000000000020
    Crashed Thread: 0

    5.1.4 will solve the compatibility issue, however, it is no longer available from Apple -you would have to find a copy on Ebay or similar. The current version is FCP 6 -part of Final Cut Studio 2.
    Going back to Tiger will also solve it and will not cost anything, apart from the time spent reinstalling.
    Unless there is some feature in Mac OS X 10.5 that you really need, this would be the easiest way to get FCP running again.

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    To be honest, I've had 2 Lacie drives crash out of 2 bought.  That's not a good track record for me.
    Your best bet  (I'm a computer professional, for what it's worth):
    Get a hard drive case or enclosure that supports firewire 800 and put your own PC hard drive (SATA for example) 7200rpm or higher hard drive into it.
    Let me explain a bit more.  External hard drive manufacturers often put no-name hard drives into fancy cases to cut costs and that's how they make a profit.  I've have had nothing but problems with with these types of drives. (Like Lacie) You are much better off getting some type of decent drive enclosure and getting your own GOOD hard drive.  I would highly recommend Seagate, I have NEVER had a problem with a Seagate drive in 20 years of owning PCs and Macs.  Western Digital is also a good brand (though I had 1 crash). These are the types of drives you would put in your Mac Pro.  You want to get an SATA hard drive.
    I have owned several external cases where the case electronics fried, but the hard drives were still in good shape. Take the hard drive out, put it into a new case you're good to go!
    For video you want to make sure that your hard drive case supports Firewire 800!  This is mandatory.
    My personal favorite, (and I own 5 of these) is Vantec's NexStar hard drive enclosure.  They accept any SATA 3.5" drive (I bought mine from a company called ComputerStop).  I have yet to have a single problem with any of them.  They are solid aluminum casing, you can literally throw them into your backback, drop them on the floor and your hard drive is fairly well protected from impact damage (at least you won't break the case with anything short of a sledgehammer).  I am currently looking at getting a second one of these:
    (My bad, this is an IDE case up to 750GB)
    This the one you want:
    As far as the hard drive, you can get a Seagate Baracuda drive 1TB at 7200rpm drive for about $60.  The case and hard drive together, maybe a few over $100 for the whole thing.  With shipping, and tax figure about $150.
    Don't let the price fool you.  It will rock.
    Story: I got an iOmega "raid" case with two Seagate drives in it and the iOemga case fried, but the hard drives were still good. Fortunately, they were in two removable trays.  I put them into two "rocketfish" hard drive cases almost 3 years ago and I am still using them every day today. 
    Moral of this story:  It's the quality of the hard drive that matters, not what case it's in.
    Is it hard to set up?
    Not at all.  You put the hard drive into a tray, (with Vantec case), screw it in.  It only goes in 1 way.  Plug in a power cable to the drive.  Slide the tray into the case (carefully, don't munch the power cable!) and screw it in place. You can literally do it in 10 minutes or less.  There are, of course instructions, but if you are reasonably clever, you can literally see what plugs into what just by looking at it.
    Sorry for the long reply, but I have a lot of experience with external drives and I hope this helps others.
    Finally, when you make it to the big time you can spend $400, get yourself a firewire RAID enclosure and you can upgrade to 4 external hard drives in 1 enclosure.  Figure $800 for that set up, but you can go up to 12 TB of drive space with that, or up to 3TB if you are running redundant discs.  But that's a whole other ballgame...

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    HI Ranjitha
    For the data element of Z fields go to further caracteristics of tab and make change document checkbox ticked.

  • Typing Problem in Log & Capture Window

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    FCP is moving leaps and bounds in terms of high-end functions, but simple typing has become problematic?
    Please help and enlighten. Thanks.

    I've seen one other post about this, and experience it myself...I just am very careful about typing there, and frankly usually just use the 'backspace/delete' key and retype, instead of trying to highlight and retype. PITB!!
    This and mouse movements affecting JKL shuttling are two items I'm hoping to see addressed on the next upgrade...they really need to be.
    Drop a note to them in the Forum Feedback link...don't know if it will help, but it can't hurt.

  • Odd ... Log & Capture won't open with a particular camcorder connected

    Actually ... Final Cut Pro protests in general ... sometimes completely locks up with the dreaded spinning color wheel when this one Panasonic Camcorder is connected. The moment I turn it off or unplug it - FCP returns to life!
    I have in the past captured video from this camera, but it has always been a little sketchy - takes a few tries to get log & capture to work with it. Seems it's not working at all now.
    Only thing I think I did different in the past was use a different FW cable.
    Any reason a particular camcorder could prevent FCP from working?

    I plan on trying the other cable (am in Mexico now & that cable is back in the US).
    What struck me as odd though, and the reason I thought there might be some camera-specific reason, is that even with the other cable it was always finicky.
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  • Hmc150 Video files disappear or aren't imported during Log & Capture

    I'm having a terrible problem when importing video clips using Log & Capture on FCExpress.
    The clips are on 5 different SDHC cards, recorded on a hmc150.
    Some clips appear just fine. But when I search for clips after the import only about half of them are there. Also FCE is naming each clip in chronological order, often replacing previously captured clips. This results in no order.
    I cannot trust that my computer uploaded what it says is there.
    I'm using a 17" MacBook Pro with intel. And saving my clips on an external harddrive. Plenty of RAM. Plenty of storage space.
    Why is FCE spacing out?? Could it be the card reader?

    I am experiencing the same thing (I think).
    I'm running a Mac Pro with FCE 4.0.1 and a Sony HDD HD Camcorder. I'm importing from a saved copy of the Camcorder's HDD (running from a local HDD). I'm importing about 2000 clips, and about 3/4 of the way in, clips look like they're importing fine, but are not showing up in the Clips list. Then I go back and see that instead of adding new clips, it was actually over-writing other clips that I had imported earlier in the same Log & Transfer process.
    It's frustrating, and has happened multiple times, with different groupings of clips. There is then a lot of backtracking because there is no date/time metadata in the imported clips.
    Any help would be appreciated, or if it is a known and unresolved issue, it would be nice just to know I'm not crazy.

  • Log & Capture problem with JVC GY100 HD, please help!

    Hi guys,
    I'm trying to Log & Capture using JVC GY100HD on FCP HD which was shot on 1080i HD. FCP HD won't recognize the camera. It's all hooked up correctly.
    Can someone please help me with the Settings & Preferences to get this to recognize?
    Thanks in advance,

    The camera cannot shoot 1080i material; it only shoots 720p. It can however play back 1080i material. The footnote is a little misleading. What they're trying to say is that FCP does not support the JVC's 720p25 or 720p24 formats.
    What shot the 1080i material? A Sony? Try using the standard Sony HDV 1080i preset, but don't use the Sony HDV device control preset. Make sure the camera is set in the correct output mode before launching the application.

  • Log & Capture -- audio out of sync

    We are editing a feature doc...we logged & captured a few tapes. We are not certain of the fps rate that the DV was shot. We are told it is 24p. We are working off of dubs...if that makes a differnce???
    When we do a advanced pulldown the audio is really out of sync. When we capture at 29.97fps, it is also out of sync. We are baffled. Below is the warning that we get when we batch capture and the capturing is completed:
    <<The audio sample rate of one or more of your captured media files does
    not match the sample rate on your source tape. This may cause the
    video and audio of these media files to be out of sync. Make sure the
    audio sample rate of your capture preset matches the sample rate of
    your tape.>>
    We would love to edit this in 29.97fps to be able to view off our monitor.
    Are there any suggestions to troubleshoot?
    We are proceeding to log, but not capture. Is this wise? Or should we find out what is wrong first?
    Thanks, joeyngloria

    I'm delighted--in a sick way--to see this topic being posted today, since I'm having a very similar problem:
    While capturing HD footage shot with, and captured from, a Sony HDR-FX1, I noticed that the A/V were out of sync by a solid second, maybe longer (FCP 5.1.4). The problem is there from the start of each of two tapes, and it's there throughout. Both tapes are 1 hour of continuous film with no cuts (they were interviews).
    There's no sync problem when the footage is viewed on the camera's LCD, and it doesn't matter if I capture to my external drive (Maxtor, 500 gig, FW 800, empty) or to my iMac (1.6 Ghz) hard drive (something I did as an experiment to test whether there was something going on with the external drive).
    Captured clips played in the viewer faithfully reproduce the out of sync A/V.
    Appreciate your help.

  • Log & capture "will not open "

    I'm new to this so "HELP " . Ever since I upgraded to Tiger 10.4.6, I go into Final Cut Pro "4". In my log & Capture no matter what configure I use It does not let me in (no video from camcorder (sony vx-2100 ) . This problem never occured before I upgraded to Tiger & Quick tim 7. I'm thinking I should "DOWN GRADE " back to panther . Thanks Joepa 1 !!
    g-4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   10.3.7 to 10.4.6 (that is when the problem began

    Try trashing your preference files. Do a search for
    final cut pro rescue. its an app that will do it for
    you that you can download for free
    I have the rescue down lode I hate to ask but were can I find my preference files to trash ? Thanks again .

  • Log & Capture -- Ambushed!

    I took my G5 to an Apple Store for a Tiger upgrade and a FCP upgrade to 5.1.....Now, FCP won't LOG & CAPTURE. Any thoughts what happened? And how do we rectify this? Thanks for your ideas!
    G5   Mac OS X (10.0.x)  

    Hi Todd - how do you capture ?
    A capture card ? fw ?
    How ?
    What device do you connect to ?
    A deck ? Model ?
    Give us some details buddy ... pls.
    So you're in the L&C window and what ?
    You've got video ? - device control ?
    What happens ?
    edit: David's prolly got it. But sheesh - some
    details would help ya know ...
    Thanks for the input.
    I capture with firewire into the G5 deck (P.M. 7.3), and save on a LaCie 500 GB external drive.
    Immediately after the upgrade, I see nothing in Log & Capture. "System disabled."
    I see video I want to capture on my external TV monitor but it now doesn't read in FCP. Just "Disabled."
    I think I needed to upgrade QuickTime, but was told mine was sufficient. I think that advice was wrong.
    Thanks for asking.

  • Log & Capture: media is multicolored pixel noise???

    I am trying to figure out why one out of 5 tapes I captured is not watchable.
    After about 4 minutes into the capture the tape turned to noise with multicolored pixels.
    The media on the tape is fine, only on the log & capture did this.
    I don't know where the interference came from; cell phone?, wireless signals?, other applications open?
    Anybody have any suggestions?

    I am trying to figure out why one out of 5 tapes I captured is not watchable.
    If only one tape and allways the same one has problems, then the noise source must be in the tape. Is that tape same brand that the other ones?

  • Log & Capture wont let me transfer video

    I recorded a few videos with my digital camcorder and I'm trying to transfer them to my computer. I go to Log & Capture and I see the 3 videos listed. For some reason, I cant transfer the video for 2 of them, only audio. The video and audio checkboxes are faded so I can't check the video checkbox. I also tried transfering with iMovie and it still doesn't work, which leads me to believe that it is a problem with the video.

    Oops, I actually meant to say Log & Transfer. That's what I actually used.
    The problem that I'm having, I'm having it on my MacBook Pro. I just went to try and transfer on another computer (college computer lab, iMac) and now the transferring works perfectly... So I guess it's a problem with my computer...

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