Logic Pro 9 - need help with 'Go To Beginning' key assignment.

I preface my question by saying I would think that Garageband and Logic Pro would both use the same key commands for basic commands, and I think they are intended to do so. I have configured my Logic Pro 9 to use commands for the extended keyboard even though I am using a MacBook Pro with small Apple wireless keyboard - I do this because it allows me to use 'Go To Beginning' by using the 'Return' key.
Garageband allows me to use 'home' which is fn left-arrow on the small keyboard and that is fine, but fn left-arrow does not do anything in Logic Pro even though it should act like the 'home' key. Do I need to just use the return key, which does work, to 'go to beginning' while editing in Logic Pro?
Re-assigning 'Go To Beginning' in the keyboard reassignment dialog is grayed out so I am not allowed to enter or change anything in this dialog.
Frustrating when the most simple things do not work in an otherwise complex and wonderful piece of software.

Oh my, Look what I found in a post that Apple should read. This needs to be clarified to save hours of frustration...
Rohan Stevenson1
RE: Key Commands - Assignment not working? Oct 19, 2005 3:37 AM (in response to Timothy B Hewitt)
actually, i've fixed it. after fiddling for ages basically the problem is that you cannot select the key commands by checking the modifier key boxes an entering the the key. you have to choose learn by position or label and press the keys themselves. if you do it this way it will work. 

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  • Need help with calculator project for an assignment...

    Hi all, I please need help with my calculator project that I have to do for an assignment.
    Here is the project's specifications that I need to do"
    """Create a console calculator applicaion that:
    * Takes one command line argument: your name and surname. When the
    program starts, display the date and time with a welcome message for the
    * Display all the available options to the user. Your calculator must include
    the arithmetic operations as well as at least five scientific operations of the
    Math class.
    -Your program must also have the ability to round a number and
    truncate it.
    -When you multiply by 2, you should not use the '*' operator to perform the
    -Your program must also be able to reverse the sign of a number.
    * Include sufficient error checking in your program to ensure that the user
    only enters valid input. Make use of the String; Character, and other
    wrapper classes to help you.
    * Your program must be able to do conversions between decimal, octal and
    hex numbers.
    * Make use of a menu. You should give the user the option to end the
    program when entering a certain option.
    * When the program exits, display a message for the user, stating the
    current time, and calculate and display how long the user used your
    * Make use of helper classes where possible.
    * Use the SDK to run your program."""
    When the program starts, it asks the user for his/her name and surname. I got the program to ask the user again and again for his/her name and surname
    when he/she doesn't insert anything or just press 'enter', but if the user enters a number for the name and surname part, the program continues.
    Now my question is this: How can I restrict the user to only enter 'letters' (and spaces of course) but allow NO numbers for his/her surname??
    Here is the programs code that I've written so far:
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class Project {
         private static String nameSurname = "";     
         private static String num1 = null;
         private static String num2 = null;
         private static String choice1 = null;
         private static double answer = 0;
         private static String more;
         public double Add() {
              answer = (Double.parseDouble(num1) + Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
         public double Subtract() {
              answer = (Double.parseDouble(num1) - Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
         public double Multiply() {
              answer = (Double.parseDouble(num1) * Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
         public double Divide() {
              answer = (Double.parseDouble(num1) / Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
         public double Modulus() {
              answer = (Double.parseDouble(num1) % Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
         public double maximumValue() {
              answer = (Math.max(Double.parseDouble(num1), Double.parseDouble(num2)));
              return answer;
         public double minimumValue() {
              answer = (Math.min(Double.parseDouble(num1), Double.parseDouble(num2)));
              return answer;
         public double absoluteNumber1() {
              answer = (Math.abs(Double.parseDouble(num1)));
              return answer;
         public double absoluteNumber2() {
              answer = (Math.abs(Double.parseDouble(num2)));
              return answer;
         public double Squareroot1() {
              answer = (Math.sqrt(Double.parseDouble(num1)));
              return answer;
         public double Squareroot2() {
              answer = (Math.sqrt(Double.parseDouble(num2)));
              return answer;
         public static String octalEquivalent1() {
              int iNum1 = Integer.parseInt(num1);
    String octal1 = Integer.toOctalString(iNum1);
    return octal1;
         public static String octalEquivalent2() {
              int iNum2 = Integer.parseInt(num2);
              String octal2 = Integer.toOctalString(iNum2);
              return octal2;
         public static String hexadecimalEquivalent1() {
              int iNum1 = Integer.parseInt(num1);
              String hex1 = Integer.toHexString(iNum1);
              return hex1;
         public static String hexadecimalEquivalent2() {
              int iNum2 = Integer.parseInt(num2);
              String hex2 = Integer.toHexString(iNum2);
              return hex2;
         public double Round1() {
              answer = Math.round(Double.parseDouble(num1));
              return answer;
         public double Round2() {
              answer = Math.round(Double.parseDouble(num2));
              return answer;
              SimpleDateFormat format1 = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE, dd MMMM yyyy");
         Date now = new Date();
         SimpleDateFormat format2 = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm a");
         static Date timeIn = new Date();
         public static long programRuntime() {
              Date timeInD = timeIn;
              long timeOutD = System.currentTimeMillis();
              long msec = timeOutD - timeInD.getTime();
              float timeHours = msec / 1000;
                   return (long) timeHours;
         DecimalFormat decimals = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");
         public String insertNameAndSurname() throws IOException{
              boolean inputCorrect = false;
                   while (inputCorrect == false) {
                        while (nameSurname == null || nameSurname.length() == 0) {
                             for (int i = 0; i < nameSurname.length(); i++) {
                             if ((nameSurname.charAt(i) > 'a') && (nameSurname.charAt(i) < 'Z')){
                                       inputCorrect = true;
                        inputCorrect = false;
                        try {
                             BufferedReader inStream = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(System.in));
                             System.out.print("Please enter your name and surname: ");
                             nameSurname = inStream.readLine();
                             inputCorrect = true;
                        }catch (IOException ex) {
                             System.out.println("You did not enter your name and surname, " + nameSurname + " is not a name, please enter your name and surname :");
                             inputCorrect = false;
                        System.out.println("\nA warm welcome " + nameSurname + " ,todays date is: " + format1.format(now));
                        System.out.println("and the time is now exactly " + format2.format(timeIn) + ".");
                        return nameSurname;
              public String inputNumber1() throws IOException {
              boolean inputCorrect = false;
                   while (inputCorrect == false) {
                        try {
                             BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(System.in));
                             System.out.print("\nPlease enter a number you want to do a calculation with and hit <ENTER>: ");
                             num1 = br.readLine();
                             double number1 = Double.parseDouble(num1);
                             System.out.println("\nThe number you have entered is: " + number1);
                             inputCorrect = true;
                        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                             System.out.println("\nYou did not enter a valid number: " + "\""+ num1 + "\" is not a number!!");
                             inputCorrect = false;
                        return num1;
         public String calculatorChoice() throws IOException {
              System.out.println("Please select an option of what you would like to do with this number from the menu below and hit <ENTER>: ");
              System.out.println("Please select an option from the list below: ");
              System.out.println("1 - Add");
              System.out.println("2 - Subtract");
              System.out.println("3 - Multiply");
              System.out.println("4 - Divide (remainder included)");
              System.out.println("5 - Maximum and minimum value of two numbers");
              System.out.println("6 - Squareroot");
              System.out.println("7 - Absolute value of numbers");
              System.out.println("8 - Octal and Hexadecimal equivalent of numbers");
              System.out.println("9 - Round numbers");
              System.out.println("0 - Exit program");
              boolean inputCorrect = false;
                   while (inputCorrect == false) {
                        try {
                             BufferedReader inStream = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(System.in));
                             System.out.print("Please enter your option and hit <ENTER>: ");
                             choice1 = inStream.readLine();
                             int c1 = Integer.parseInt(choice1);
                             System.out.println("\nYou have entered choice number: " + c1);
                             inputCorrect = true;
                        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                             System.out.println("You did not enter a valid choice number: " + "\""+ choice1 + "\" is not in the list!!");
                             inputCorrect = false;
                        return choice1;
         public String inputNumber2() throws IOException {
              boolean inputCorrect = false;
                   while (inputCorrect == false) {
                        try {
                             BufferedReader br2 = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(System.in));
                             System.out.print("\nPlease enter another number you want to do the calculation with and hit <ENTER>: ");
                             num2 = br2.readLine();
                             double n2 = Double.parseDouble(num2);
                             System.out.println("\nThe second number you have entered is: " + n2);
                             System.out.println("\nYour numbers are: " + num1 + " and " + num2);
                             inputCorrect = true;
                        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                             System.out.println("You did not enter a valid number: " + "\""+ num2 + "\" is not a number!!");
                             inputCorrect = false;
                        return num2;
         public int Calculator() {
              int choice2 = (int) Double.parseDouble(choice1);
              switch (choice2) {
                        case 1 :
                             System.out.print("The answer of " + num1 + " + " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 2 :
                             System.out.print("The answer of " + num1 + " - " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 3 :
                             System.out.print("The answer of " + num1 + " * " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 4 :
                             System.out.print("The answer of " + num1 + " / " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                             System.out.print(" and the remainder is " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 5 :
                             System.out.println("The maximum number between the numbers " + num1 + " and " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                             System.out.println("The minimum number between the numbers " + num1 + " and " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 6 :
                             System.out.println("The squareroot of value " + num1 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                             System.out.println("The squareroot of value " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 7 :
                             System.out.println("The absolute number of " + num1 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                             System.out.println("The absolute number of " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 8 :
                             System.out.println("The octal equivalent of " + num1 + " is: " + octalEquivalent1());
                             System.out.println("The octal equivalent of " + num2 + " is: " + octalEquivalent2());
                             System.out.println("\nThe hexadecimal equivalent of " + num1 + " is: " + hexadecimalEquivalent1());
                             System.out.println("The hexadecimal equivalent of " + num2 + " is: " + hexadecimalEquivalent2());
                        case 9 :
                             System.out.println("The rounded number of " + num1 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                             System.out.println("The rounded number of " + num2 + " is: " + decimals.format(answer));
                        case 0 :
                             if (choice2 == 0) {
                   return choice2;
              public String anotherCalculation() throws IOException {
                   boolean inputCorrect = false;
                   while (inputCorrect == false) {
                             try {                              
                                  BufferedReader br3 = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(System.in));
                                  System.out.print("\nWould you like to do another calculation? Y/N ");
                                  more = br3.readLine();
                                  String s1 = "y";
                                  String s2 = "Y";
                                  if (more.equals(s1) || more.equals(s2)) {
                                       inputCorrect = true;
                                       while (inputCorrect = true){
                                            inputCorrect = true;
                                  } else {
                                       System.out.println("\n" + nameSurname + " thank you for using this program, you have used this program for: " + decimals.format(programRuntime()) + " seconds");
                                       System.out.println("the program will now exit, Goodbye.");
                             } catch (IOException ex){
                                  System.out.println("You did not enter a valid answer: " + "\""+ more + "\" is not in the list!!");
                                  inputCorrect = false;
              return more;
         public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
              Project p1 = new Project();
    *Can you please run my code for yourself and have a look at how this program is constructed*
    *and give me ANY feedback on how I can better this code(program) or if I've done anything wrong from your point of view.*
    Your help will be much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance

    Smirre wrote:
    Now my question is this: How can I restrict the user to only enter 'letters' (and spaces of course) but allow NO numbers for his/her surname??You cannot restrict the user. It is a sad fact in programming that the worst bug always sits in front of the Computer.
    What you could do is checking the input string for numbers. If it contains numbers, just reprompt for the Name.
    AND you might want to ask yourself why the heck a calculator needs to know the users Name.

  • Need help with defining composite foreign keys

    Hi there, i´m in troubles with defining a composite foreign key. The scenario is:
    * Table TABLE_A has no unique primary key. Instead its primary key is a composition of five foreign keys.
    * Table TABLE_B and TABLE_A have a many-to-many relationship with each other.
    When I create the entity manager for running the DDL scripts into the DB i´m getting "ORA-02270: no matching unique or primary key for this column-list".
    These are my entities (sorry the portuguese terms, but i think the issue can be understood without translation...).
    @Table( name = "DESTAQUE_PDE" )
    public class DestaquePDE implements Serializable {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 4694859522628884981L;
         @GeneratedValue( strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE )
         @Column( name = "ID_DESTAQUE_PDE", nullable = false )
         private long id;
    //Some fields were ommited here for simplicity....
         @ManyToMany( cascade = CascadeType.ALL )
         @JoinTable( name = "JOIN_DESTAQUES_CORRELACAO",
                        joinColumns           = @JoinColumn( name = "JOIN_ID_DESTAQUE", referencedColumnName = "ID_DESTAQUE_PDE" ),
                        inverseJoinColumns      = {@JoinColumn( name = "JOIN_ID_COR_PUB_ALVO", referencedColumnName = "FK_ID_PUBLICO_ALVO" ),
                                                 @JoinColumn( name = "JOIN_ID_COR_RES_LINHA", referencedColumnName = "FK_ID_RESOLUCAO_LINHA" ),
                                                 @JoinColumn( name = "JOIN_ID_MOD_CRED", referencedColumnName = "FK_ID_MODALIDADE_CREDITO" ),
                                                 @JoinColumn( name = "JOIN_ID_AG_FIN", referencedColumnName = "FK_ID_AGENTE_FINANCEIRO" ),
                                                 @JoinColumn( name = "JOIN_ID_PROG_LINHA", referencedColumnName = "FK_ID_PROGRAMA_LINHA" )}
         private List<EntradaTabelaCorrelacao> correlacoes;
    @Table( name = "CORRELACAO" )
    @IdClass( TabelaCorrelacaoPK.class )
    public class EntradaTabelaCorrelacao implements Serializable {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = -3337072470212918325L;
         @Column( name = "FK_ID_PUBLICO_ALVO" )
         private long idPublicoAlvo;
         @Column( name = "FK_ID_RESOLUCAO_LINHA" )
         private long idResolucaoLinha;
         @Column( name = "FK_ID_MODALIDADE_CREDITO" )
         private long idModalidadeCredito;
         @Column( name = "FK_ID_AGENTE_FINANCEIRO" )
         private long idAgenteFinanceiro;
         @Column( name = "FK_ID_PROGRAMA_LINHA" )
         private long idProgramaLinha;
         @Column( name = "CS_SITUACAO", nullable = false, length = 1 )
         private String situacao;
         @ManyToMany( mappedBy = "correlacoes" )
         private List<DestaquePDE> destaquesPDE;
    //more relationships ommited for simplicity....
    public class TabelaCorrelacaoPK implements Serializable {
         private long idPublicoAlvo;
         private long idResolucaoLinha;
         private long idModalidadeCredito;
         private long idAgenteFinanceiro;
         private long idProgramaLinha;
    //getters and setters ommited....
    These are part of the DDLs generated by toplink:
         VL_TOTAL NUMBER(16,2) NOT NULL,
    As I told before, the error i´m getting with these mappings is:
    ORA-02270: no matching unique or primary key for this column-list
    The error occurs exactly when executing the instruction with (*).
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    The error says that the table PUBLICO_ALVO does not have a primary key or unique constraint for (ID_PUBLICO_ALVO), so you cannot define a foreign key constraint to it. This table was not included in your DDL, how was it created? You need to add a primary key or unique constraint in this table on this field.
    If you do not wish to have the unique or foreign key defined you can just ignore the error, it is just a warning.
    <br>James Sutherland
    <br>Oracle TopLink, EclipseLink
    <br>Wiki: Java Persistence, EclipseLink

  • Please Help - Need Help with Buttons for GUI for assignment. URGENT!!

    Can someone please help me with the buttons on this program? I cannot figure out how to get them to work.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    public class InventoryTAH implements ActionListener
        Maker[] proMaker;
        JTextField[] fields;
        NumberFormat nf;
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            int index = ((JComboBox)e.getSource()).getSelectedIndex();
        public static void main(String[] args)
            catch (Exception e)
                System.err.println(e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage());
            InventoryTAH test = new InventoryTAH();
        private void initMakers() {
            proMaker = new Maker[10];
            proMaker[0] = new Maker( 1, "Pens",1.59,100,"Bic");
            proMaker[1] = new Maker( 2, "Pencils", .65, 100,"Mead");
            proMaker[2] = new Maker( 3, "Markers", 1.29, 100,"Sharpie");
            proMaker[3] = new Maker( 4, "Paperclips", 1.19, 100,"Staples");
            proMaker[4] = new Maker( 5, "Glue", .85, 100,"Elmer's");
            proMaker[5] = new Maker( 6, "Tape", .50, 100,"3m");
            proMaker[6] = new Maker( 7, "Paper", 1.85, 100,"Mead");
            proMaker[7] = new Maker( 8, "Stapler", 2.21, 100,"Swingline");
            proMaker[8] = new Maker( 9, "Folders", .50, 100,"Mead");
            proMaker[9] = new Maker( 10, "Rulers", .27, 100,"Stanley");      
          int maxNum = 10;
          int currentNum = 0;
          int currentInv = 0;
             Action firstAction = new AbstractAction("First")
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
                   currentInv = 0;
                   int populateFields;
          JButton firstButton = new JButton(firstAction);
          Action previousAction = new AbstractAction("Previous")
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
                   if (currentInv < 0)
                        currentInv = maxNum - 1;
                   int populateFields;
          JButton previousButton = new JButton(previousAction);
          Action nextAction  = new AbstractAction("Next")
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
                   if (currentInv >= currentNum)
                        currentInv = 0;
                  int populateFields;
          JButton nextButton = new JButton(nextAction);
          Action lastAction = new AbstractAction("Last")
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
                   currentInv = currentNum - 1;
                   int populateFields;
          JButton lastButton = new JButton(lastAction);
              JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel( );
        private void showGUI() {
            JLabel l;
            JButton button1;
                JButton button2;
            fields = new JTextField[8];
            JFrame f = new JFrame("Inventory");
            Container cp = f.getContentPane();
            cp.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
            GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
            c.gridx = 0;
            c.gridy = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE;
            c.gridwidth = 1;
            c.gridheight = 1;
            c.insets = new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2);
            c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
            cp.add(l = new JLabel("Item Number:", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
            cp.add(l = new JLabel("Item Name:", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
            cp.add(l = new JLabel("Number of Units in Stock:", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
            cp.add(l = new JLabel("Price per Unit: $", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
            cp.add(l = new JLabel("Total cost of Item: $", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
            cp.add(l = new JLabel("Total Value of Merchandise in Inventory: $", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
            cp.add(l = new JLabel("Manufacturer:", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
            cp.add(l = new JLabel("Restocking Fee: $", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
                c.gridx = 1;
            c.gridy = 0;
            c.weightx = 1.0;
            c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
            c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER;
            cp.add(fields[0] = new JTextField(), c);
            c.gridx = 1;
            c.gridy = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE;
            cp.add(fields[1] = new JTextField(), c);
            cp.add(fields[2] = new JTextField(), c);
            cp.add(fields[3] = new JTextField(), c);
            cp.add(fields[4] = new JTextField(), c);
            cp.add(fields[5] = new JTextField(), c);
            cp.add(fields[6] = new JTextField(), c);
            cp.add(fields[7] = new JTextField(), c);
            c.weightx = 0.0;
            c.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
                          JComboBox combo = new JComboBox();
            for(int j = 0; j < proMaker.length; j++)
                cp.add(button1 = new JButton("   "), c);
            f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt)
      private void populateFields(int index) {
            Maker maker = proMaker[index];
    class Maker {
        int itemNumber;
        String name;
        int units;
        double price;
        String manufacturer;
        public Maker(int n, String name, double price, int units, String manufac) {
            itemNumber = n;
            this.name = name;
            this.price = price;
            this.units = units;
            manufacturer = manufac;
        public int getNumberCode() { return itemNumber; }
        public String getName() { return name; }
        public int getUnits() { return units; }
        public double getPrice() { return price; }
        public double getSum() { return units*price; }
        public String getManufact() { return manufacturer; }
        public double totalAllInventory(Maker[] makers) {
            double total = 0;
            for(int j = 0; j < makers.length; j++)
                total += makers[j].getSum();
            return total;

    // I have made some modifications. Please try this.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.JButton;
    public class InventoryTAH implements ActionListener
    Maker[] proMaker;
    JTextField[] fields;
    NumberFormat nf;
    int currentInv = 0;
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    currentInv= ((JComboBox)e.getSource()).getSelectedIndex();
    public static void main(String[] args)
    catch (Exception e)
    System.err.println(e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage());
    InventoryTAH test = new InventoryTAH();
    private void initMakers() {
    proMaker = new Maker[10];
    proMaker[0] = new Maker( 1, "Pens",1.59,100,"Bic");
    proMaker[1] = new Maker( 2, "Pencils", .65, 100,"Mead");
    proMaker[2] = new Maker( 3, "Markers", 1.29, 100,"Sharpie");
    proMaker[3] = new Maker( 4, "Paperclips", 1.19, 100,"Staples");
    proMaker[4] = new Maker( 5, "Glue", .85, 100,"Elmer's");
    proMaker[5] = new Maker( 6, "Tape", .50, 100,"3m");
    proMaker[6] = new Maker( 7, "Paper", 1.85, 100,"Mead");
    proMaker[7] = new Maker( 8, "Stapler", 2.21, 100,"Swingline");
    proMaker[8] = new Maker( 9, "Folders", .50, 100,"Mead");
    proMaker[9] = new Maker( 10, "Rulers", .27, 100,"Stanley");
         int maxNum = 10;
         int currentNum = 0;
    Action firstAction = new AbstractAction("First")
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
                   currentInv = 0;
         JButton firstButton = new JButton(firstAction);
         Action previousAction = new AbstractAction("Previous")
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
                   if (currentInv < 0)
                        currentInv = maxNum - 1;
         JButton previousButton = new JButton(previousAction);
         Action nextAction = new AbstractAction("Next")
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
                   if (currentInv >= maxNum)
                        currentInv = 0;
         JButton nextButton = new JButton(nextAction);
         Action lastAction = new AbstractAction("Last")
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
                   currentInv = maxNum-1;
         JButton lastButton = new JButton(lastAction);
              JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel( );
    private void showGUI() {
    JLabel l;
    JButton button1;
              JButton button2;
    fields = new JTextField[8];
    JFrame f = new JFrame("Inventory");
    Container cp = f.getContentPane();
    cp.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
    GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
    c.gridx = 0;
    c.gridy = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE;
    c.gridwidth = 1;
    c.gridheight = 1;
    c.insets = new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2);
    c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.EAST;
    cp.add(l = new JLabel("Item Number:", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
    cp.add(l = new JLabel("Item Name:", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
    cp.add(l = new JLabel("Number of Units in Stock:", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
    cp.add(l = new JLabel("Price per Unit: $", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
    cp.add(l = new JLabel("Total cost of Item: $", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
    cp.add(l = new JLabel("Total Value of Merchandise in Inventory: $", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
    cp.add(l = new JLabel("Manufacturer:", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
    cp.add(l = new JLabel("Restocking Fee: $", SwingConstants.CENTER), c);
              c.gridx = 1;
    c.gridy = 0;
    c.weightx = 1.0;
    c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
    c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.CENTER;
    cp.add(fields[0] = new JTextField(), c);
    c.gridx = 1;
    c.gridy = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE;
    cp.add(fields[1] = new JTextField(), c);
    cp.add(fields[2] = new JTextField(), c);
    cp.add(fields[3] = new JTextField(), c);
    cp.add(fields[4] = new JTextField(), c);
    cp.add(fields[5] = new JTextField(), c);
    cp.add(fields[6] = new JTextField(), c);
    cp.add(fields[7] = new JTextField(), c);
    c.weightx = 0.0;
    c.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
                        JComboBox combo = new JComboBox();
    for(int j = 0; j < proMaker.length; j++)
              cp.add(button1 = new JButton(" "), c);
    f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt)
    private void populateFields(int index) {
    Maker maker = proMaker[index];
    class Maker {
    int itemNumber;
    String name;
    int units;
    double price;
    String manufacturer;
    public Maker(int n, String name, double price, int units, String manufac) {
    itemNumber = n;
    this.name = name;
    this.price = price;
    this.units = units;
    manufacturer = manufac;
    public int getNumberCode() { return itemNumber; }
    public String getName() { return name; }
    public int getUnits() { return units; }
    public double getPrice() { return price; }
    public double getSum() { return units*price; }
    public String getManufact() { return manufacturer; }
    public double totalAllInventory(Maker[] makers) {
    double total = 0;
    for(int j = 0; j < makers.length; j++)
    total += makers[j].getSum();
    return total;

  • New logic user, need help with multi-channel inst and aux strips.

    Greetings all,
    So I just purchased a new Mac Pro 2.66 and Logic Pro 7 to run with it. I have been a long time Nuendo/Cubase user on the PC side of things but since I got the Mac I wanted a DAW that was supported fully for the apple platform.
    Anyways, its a world of difference and I am very confused as I wrap my head around the learning curve, so in the meantime I have one important question maybe some one could help me with.
    The question is regarding Aux channel stips for Multi channel instruments. In this scenario I am working with Battery 3, it took me a while to understand that I actually needed to create these aux channels just to have seperate outs in Battery which seems really wierd and overly time consuming.
    As an example in Nuendo once you create the instance of Battery, the audio mixer automatically just creates the corresponding stereo and mono channels instantly. This obviously makes is a sinch to assign Batteries pads to seperate outs for eq/comps for seperate sounds.
    Now the Battery manual doesnt even make a reference to Aux channels for assigning outs in Logic, I actually had to do a Google search to figure this out.
    Anways, sorry for rambling...
    Here is the main issue.... How can I quickly and easily create multiple Aux's? In the mixer there is really only enough room in there to add like 1 more Aux strip, if I want to add more than that I need to re-arrange the entire global mixer which seems like a crazy system, surely there must be a more convenient method for getting muti-channel audio instruments set up quicker.
    Any help you can assist with would be exceptional!
    Thanks in advance.

    Not sure what exactly your question is, especially since I don't use battery. But as far as creating aux tracks:
    • go to the audio layer of the environment (not the track mixer window), find the two defalt aux tracks
    • Highlight all tracks to the right of the aux tracks (these should be bus and output tracks), and drag to the right far enough to fit in a bunch of aux tracks; you might even want to drag the all underneath the aux tracks, if your screen accomodates
    • use the key command shift-command-a multiples times to create several new "audio objects", and double click each one to expand
    • highlight all the new objects and select options/clean up/ align objects (makes it look nicer)
    • still highlighted, over in the parameters section (left side) select a channel, setting it to the highest number aux (at this point, probably "aux 3")
    • now individual set the channel for each aux track – you'll see that now you have available "aux 4"; next time you set a successive track you'll see "aux 5" and so on
    • once you've got things set up the way you want, save it as a template so you don't have to do this again later

  • Hello, I need help with my macbook pro. It looks like I cannot install anything anymore. Everytime I try to install a new software, use the migration assistant or click the lock to make changes, it simply does not react.

    Hello, I need help with my macbook pro.
    It looks like I cannot install anything anymore. Everytime I try to install a new software, I simply get stuck during the installation type process. I put in my password, it does accept it, but it does not go any further.
    I tried to reset the password, put no password, repair the permissions, the disk but nothing will do. I nearly got stuck with the log in screen but finally succeeded in disabling it.
    So I thought I might try to create a new account but I cannot click the lock to make changes. It simply refuses to react.
    I am now thinking about using the migration assistant to save all my settings, data and so fourth, but again I get stuck when I have to type in my password. It accepts it but nothing happens...
    I guess it has something to do with the authorization process, but can't find anything on the internet about it... Can you help me out?
    I am running Lion 10.7.3.
    (I apologize if any grammatical/structural mistakes were to be found, english is not my mother-tongue. )

    You probably won't like this suggestion, but I suggest you reinstall Lion.
    First, backup your system. Next, reboot your system, press/hold the COMMAND-R keys to boot into the Recovery HD. Select 'Reinstall Mac OS X'. If you purchased Lion as an upgrade to Snow Leopard, the reinstall process will install Lion 10.7.3. If your system came preinstalled with Lion, you might still get Lion 10.7.2. Both installs are a total install of the OS. None of your apps or data will be impacted. Just the OS.

  • Need help with my iTunes on iPhone 5 and Macbook Pro

    Need help with my iPhone 5 and my Macbook Pro.  I was purchased some music on itunes at my mac. Some reason I deleted those music from both on Mac and iPhone 5.  Today, I went to my iPhone iTunes store inside of iCloud to redownload my puchased. But those song won't able to sync back to my iTunes library on my Mac.  Can anyone help me with that ??....

    You've posted to the iTunes Match forum, which your question does not appear to be related to. You'll get better support responses by posting to either the iTunes for Mac or iTunes for Windows forum. Which ever is more appropriate for your situation.

  • Need help with my iPhone 5 and my Macbook Pro.

    Need help with my iPhone 5 and my Macbook Pro.  I was purchased some music on itunes at my mac. Some reason I deleted those music from both on Mac and iPhone 5.  Today, I went to my iPhone iTunes store inside of iCloud to redownload my puchased. But those song won't able to sync back to my iTunes library on my Mac.  Can anyone help me with that ??....
    iPhone 5, iOS 6.0.1

    You've posted to the iTunes Match forum, which your question does not appear to be related to. You'll get better support responses by posting to either the iTunes for Mac or iTunes for Windows forum. Which ever is more appropriate for your situation.

  • Need help with Installing Canon LBP 2900B on Macbook Pro OSX 10.6.8

    I know this is going to sound silly, but really need help with this, URGENTLY!!!
    Bought a Canon LBP2900B printer more than a year ago, and was using it on my MacBook Pro with OSX Snow Leopard (10.6.8) very well. My hard disk recently crashed and now I cannot reinstall the printer, nor can I find the driver for it anywhere for the Mac.
    Have searched all the forums and followed all discussion threads on the Apple Communities as well, but none of the solutions seem to work. Even went back to @Dexter's solution with trying to download the file from the link http://boolet.free.fr/CAPT.zip (this is what I had done when I bought the printer, and it worked perfectly) but the link doesn't exist anymore.
    Extremely grateful if anyone can put up a solution to this, or alternatively, IF ANYONE HAS THE OLD CAPT.ZIP FILE AND CAN UPLOAD IT.
    Thanks in advance. Look forward to your solutions.

    Depends on how the partitons are arranged. If they're exactly as quoted, then yes.
    Open Disk Utility and select the partition tab.
    In the diagram, the top partition needs to be the one you're booted from, and partition 2 the middle one.
    Select Partiton 2 so that it's highlighted, and click the '-' button below the diagram.
    Drag the bottom right corner of partition 1 down to meet partition 3.

  • I need help with event structure. I am trying to feed the index of the array, the index can vary from 0 to 7. Based on the logic ouput of a comparison, the index buffer should increment ?

    I need help with event structure.
    I am trying to feed the index of the array, the index number can vary from 0 to 7.
    Based on the logic ouput of a comparison, the index buffer should increment
    or decrement every time the output of comparsion changes(event change). I guess I need to use event structure?
    (My event code doesn't execute when there is an  event at its input /comparator changes its boolean state.
    Anyone coded on similar lines? Any ideas appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!

    You don't need an Event Structure, a simple State Machine would be more appropriate.
    There are many examples of State Machines within this forum.

  • I purchased Adobe Acrobat x Pro recently and installed it, I have compatibility issues vision 2013. The adobe pdf converter  plug in stays inactive despite all my efforts to activate it, I need help with this? How can i get the plug in

    I purchased Adobe Acrobat x Pro recently and installed it, I have compatibility issues vision 2013. The adobe pdf converter  plug in stays inactive despite all my efforts to activate it, I need help with this? How can i get the plug in to work with Visio 2013?

    For MS Visio (any version) only the appropriate version of Acrobat *PRO* provides PDFMaker for Visio.
    For Visio 2013 specifically you must have Acrobat XI Pro (updated to at least 11.0.1).
    Be well...

  • I purchased Adobe Acrobat x Pro recently and installed it, I have compatibility issues vision 2013. The adobe pdf converter  plug in stays inactive despite all my efforts to activate it, I need help with this? How can i get the plug in to work with Visio

    I purchased Adobe Acrobat x Pro recently and installed it, I have compatibility issues vision 2013. The adobe pdf converter  plug in stays inactive despite all my efforts to activate it, I need help with this? How can i get the plug in to work with Visio 2013?

    For MS Visio (any version) only the appropriate version of Acrobat *PRO* provides PDFMaker for Visio.
    For Visio 2013 specifically you must have Acrobat XI Pro (updated to at least 11.0.1).
    Be well...

  • Need help with premiere pro cs6 having performance issues please help

    need help with premiere pro cs6 having performance issues please help

    Welcome to the forum.
    First thing that I would do would be to look at this Adobe KB Article to see if it helps.
    Next, I would try the tips in this ARTICLE.
    If that does not help, a Repair Install would definitely be in order.
    Good luck,

  • I can't find my serial number and once I do I would like to move my Pro to another computer. Need help with both.

    I can't find my serial number and once I do I would like to move my Pro to another computer. Need help with both.

    Hi Rick ,
    Here is the link that will help you find the serial number for your product quickly .
    You would have to deactivate that software from your older machine first.
    Refer to the following link to deactivate your product .
    After it is deactivated from the older machine you can use it on your new machine just by entering the serial number of the product .
    Let us know if you need further assistance.
    Sukrit Dhingra

  • No support for pse4, need help with help and everything else.What's a layer? How can I get help PDF from CD? I don't have a clue how to use this. I have a Macbook pro.

    Need help with help pse4 not supported by adobe. how to do topics not available and I have never used any thing like this. Help says there is a download but have not been able to get it. What's a rookie to do ? Is there somewhere I can go to find out how to use PSE4?

    The internet is overflowing with tutorials on PSE. Just google what you want and include Photoshop Elements 4 as part of your search term, or  go to the library and they may have several different books on PSE 4. For PSE 4, you won't find a mac specific book, but that doesn't matter because the editor is the same on either program. Just substitute Command for Ctrl and Option for Alt in the keystrokes, and ignore anything about the organizer.
    Some popular sites for learning elements:
    youtube has a lot of video tutorials, too.

Maybe you are looking for

  • User Account Setup & Config Tips for Two Macs

    Greetings, Can someone please explain the importance of lowercase vs. uppercase letters and the use of spaces in the Mac OS when setting up user accounts? I'm sure there must be some UNIX, LDAP, or X.500 directory explanation out there given OS X's U

  • Report S_ALR_87011964 Asset balances does not match AW01N

    In march 08, useful life of one asset is reduced to 4.4 years effective Mar 08. Accordingly - system has revised Plan Deprn figures from march 08 to through Dec 08 & planned book value is nil as at Dec 08(These calculationa are perfect). Then Deprn r

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    Can a EJB 3.0 persistence bean be used with tables that do not have a primary key defined? I am building a test application based on the HowTo - Building EJB 3.0 Faces App paper posted after Openworld (schalk). The issue I am running into when trying

  • Need to update the xml clob-pls pls help!

    my xml is stored as blob, i can view,do string manipulation and churn out data etc...but now i have a request where i need to find some particualr node and modify its value. here is what i m doing now which works. select compressor2.blob_decompress2(

  • How to blend a symbol correctly?

    Hi! I have a little problem with blending symbols. I tried to make an animation of complex (comlicated) artwork - I thought it would be Ok by converting each part to symbol, group them - make keyframes and bring Illustrator to make me inbetweens by b