Long time to create frame

Dear all
I have below thing installed in my system
I am using intel i3 -4160CPU@ 3.60GHz  speed
kinect sensor v2; visual studio 2013 desktop
graphic card GE force-GT630 4GB DDR3 memory directx 11
2GBRAM   it only thing not matching system requirement for kinect 
Whenever i run the code it take long time to catch frame. is it RAM issue or some other issue??
depth,IR ,color when run using kinect evaluation it catches frame quickly.
but when i run kinect SDK code using browser it hardly take 5-10 min to begin frame. i tried with Body_basic example
Second problem:
When i run kinect studio. i cant able to see joints and marker as explained in kinect video tutorial. sometime i can see the joints & sometime wont. I have not enable or disable any option here.can you tell me how can resolve this.
kinect gesture

The minimum for the runtime is posted here:
Your PC or tablet must meet the following minimum specifications:
64-bit (x64) processor
Physical dual-core 3.1 GHz (2 logical cores per physical) or faster processor
USB 3.0 controller dedicated to the Kinect for Windows v2 sensor or the Kinect Adapter for Windows for use with the Kinect for Xbox One sensor
4 GB of RAM
Graphics card that supports DirectX 11
Windows 8 or 8.1, or Windows Embedded
As for running the SDK, you should have it is recommended an i7 class CPU as documented:
64 bit (x64) processor
4 GB Memory (or more)
I7 3.1 GHz (or higher)
Built-in USB 3.0 host controller (Intel or Renesas chipset).
        If you're adding USB 3.0 functionality to your existing PC through an adapter,        please ensure that it is a Windows 8 compliant device and that it supports Gen-2. See the
troubleshooting section of
Getting Started for more information.
DX11 capable graphics adapter (see list of known good adapters below)      
Intel HD 4400 integrated display adapter
ATI Radeon HD 5400 series
ATI Radeon HD 6570
ATI Radeon HD 7800 (256-bit GDDR5 2GB/1000Mhz)
NVidia Quadro 600
NVidia GeForce GT 640
NVidia GeForce GTX 660
NVidia Quadro K1000M
A Kinect v2 sensor, which includes a power hub and USB cabling.
Carmine Sirignano - MSFT

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    The minimum for the runtime is posted here:
    Your PC or tablet must meet the following minimum specifications:
    64-bit (x64) processor
    Physical dual-core 3.1 GHz (2 logical cores per physical) or faster processor
    USB 3.0 controller dedicated to the Kinect for Windows v2 sensor or the Kinect Adapter for Windows for use with the Kinect for Xbox One sensor
    4 GB of RAM
    Graphics card that supports DirectX 11
    Windows 8 or 8.1, or Windows Embedded
    As for running the SDK, you should have it is recommended an i7 class CPU as documented:
    64 bit (x64) processor
    4 GB Memory (or more)
    I7 3.1 GHz (or higher)
    Built-in USB 3.0 host controller (Intel or Renesas chipset).
            If you're adding USB 3.0 functionality to your existing PC through an adapter,        please ensure that it is a Windows 8 compliant device and that it supports Gen-2. See the
    troubleshooting section of
    Getting Started for more information.
    DX11 capable graphics adapter (see list of known good adapters below)      
    Intel HD 4400 integrated display adapter
    ATI Radeon HD 5400 series
    ATI Radeon HD 6570
    ATI Radeon HD 7800 (256-bit GDDR5 2GB/1000Mhz)
    NVidia Quadro 600
    NVidia GeForce GT 640
    NVidia GeForce GTX 660
    NVidia Quadro K1000M
    A Kinect v2 sensor, which includes a power hub and USB cabling.
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      It will depend on the size of your catalog but can take several minutes.
    Make sure you are not moving or deleting photos on the OS e.g. using Explorer or Finder. Make all changes within the Organizer and then you won’t break the photo links to the files on your hard drive.

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    Could you try to set max degree of parallelism to 1 as shown in the following article?
    Then try to recreate the index.
    Hope this helps.
    Alberto Morillo
    I have already set MAXDOP=1. you mean to set like MAXDOP=8 or any other 

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    Use the method described in this thread and you will succeed :

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    tv95 wrote:
    It takes approximately 1 hour to generate a PDF from a 200 page Frame 9 doc (PDF file size Standard).
    It might help to know your system configuration. I have experienced such long times for PDF creation, when using FM9 in Parallels/Win XP Pro and saving to a shared volume on the same Mac. Now we are saving all documents (including PDFs) to a server, and we're back to PDFs in minutes

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    public static BufferedImage scale(  BufferedImage image,
                                          int targetWidth, int targetHeight) {
       int type = (image.getTransparency() == Transparency.OPAQUE) ?
                        BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB :
       BufferedImage ret = (BufferedImage) image;
       BufferedImage temp = new BufferedImage(targetWidth, targetHeight, type);
       Graphics2D g2 = temp.createGraphics();
       g2.drawImage(ret, 0, 0, targetWidth, targetHeight, null);
       ret = temp;
       return ret;
    }The program is a little longer, but this is the gist of it.
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    Temp BufferedImage: 16
    createGraphics: 78
    drawimage: 31
    dispose: 0
    However, the same image saved in Photoshop (no modifications except saving in Photohop ) gave me the following results:
    Temp BufferedImage: 16
    createGraphics: 78
    drawimage: 27250
    dispose: 0
    The difference is shocking. It took the drawImage process 27 seconds to resize the file in comparison to 0.78 seconds!
    My questions:
    1. Why does it take so much longer for the drawImage to process the file when the file is saved in Photoshop?
    2. Are there any code improvements which will speed up the image drawing?
    Thanks for your help,

    You saved the file in PNG format. The default PNGImagReader in core java has a habit of occasionally returning TYPE_CUSTOM buffered images. Photoshop 8 probably saves the png file in such a way that TYPE_CUSTOM pops up more.
    And when you draw a TYPE_CUSTOM buffered image onto a graphics context it almost always takes an unbearably long time.
    So a quick fix would be to load the file with the Toolkit instead, and then scale that image.
    Image img = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(/*the file*/);
    new ImageIcon(img);
    //send off image to be scaled A more elaborate fix involves specifying your own type of BufferedImage you want the PNGImageReader to use
    ImageInputStream in = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(/*file*/);
    ImageReader reader = ImageIO.getImageReaders(in).next();
    ImageTypeSpecifier sourceImageType = reader.getImageTypes(0).next();
    ImageReadParam readParam = reader.getDefaultReadParam();
    //to implement
    configureReadParam(sourceImageType, readParam);
    BufferedImage img = reader.read(0,readParam);
    //clean up
    in.close(); The thing that needs to be implemented is the method I called configureReadParam. In this method you would check the color space, color model, and BufferedImage type of the supplied ImageTypeSpecifier and set a new ImageTypeSpecifier if need be. The method would essentially boil down to a series of if statements
    1) If the image type specifier already uses a non-custom BufferedImage, then all is well and we don't need to do anything to the readParam
    2) If the ColorSpace is gray then we create a new ImageTypeSpecifier based on a TYPE_BYTE_GRAY BufferedImage.
    3) If the ColorSpace is gray, but the color model includes alpha, then we need to do the above and also call seSourceBands on the readParam to discard the alpha channel.
    3) If the ColorSpace is RGB and the color model includes alpha, then we create a new ImageTypeSpecifier based on an ARGB BufferedImage.
    4) If the ColorSpace if RGB and the color model doesn't include alpha, then we create a new ImageTypeSpecifier based on TYPE_3BYTE_BGR
    5) If the ColorSpace is not Gray or RGB, then we do nothing to the readParam and ColorConvertOp the resulting image to an RGB image.
    If this looks absolutely daunting to you, then go with the Toolkit approach mentioned first.

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    Hi All,
    When I run "create view" command, it takes long time on Oracle and Db mode is Physical Standby (Read-Write). I tried some configuration for tuning but didn't reach to solution.
    What can be reasons of this latency ? Have you any ideas ?
    Edited by: ozgurumut on Mar 6, 2013 1:03 AM

    Everyday, We create flashback point then activate Standby DB, finally Open DB for internal user. End of day DB returns to flashback point (flasback restore) to morning. So Read write :) That you haven't mentioned earlier ;)
    You can find ASH report on this link http://www.2shared.com/document/VwEVound/ASH_Rpt_-_mngdb1.html
    Reviewed ASH report, Am not sure when you took the ASH report. Lets suppose you have given "Create view" command around 9:10 AM and completed by 9:20 AM, Take ASH report only from start date and time of 9:10 AM to 9:20 AM. If you took based on the same then i cannot see any query which is executing "create view",
    Or else you can try again as below.
    1) Connect to the session where you are going to give command "create view"
    2) Gather sid from v$session
    3) from the other session check
    SQL> select event, total_waits, Total_timeouts, time_waited, max_wait from v$session where sid=<>;
    Here you have to mention sid you gathered from the step 2.
    Then you can see where it is waiting exactly, Moreover i dont think it is issue with Standby database[read-write]

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    Hello I'm trying to create Apple ID without success for a long time.
    And after checking with the bank details are correct with no success

    If you choose US as your country while your bank details and credit card or PayPal account are from another country, then you will get an error not related to your details, such as 'the CVV number is incorrect', although it is correct.

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    trying to add album from iphoto into idvd slideshow.  Not all photos are loading.  Message "creating thumbnail images...(31 remaining).  Been there a long time.  What is wrong?

    Open your iPhoto Library, go to that particular album and verify that you can view the full sized version of each image by double clicking on them.  Report back with the results.

  • Each time I create a Text Frame it appears colored with black?

    Every time I create a Text Frame with the Type tool in InDesing CS5.5 in a document named "02_End.indd", (this happen only for this file) the it appears filled with black color. On the other documents this does not happen (the text frames are with no fill).
    Can anyone tell me how can I change the default color of the Text frames?
    Please help me?

    Make sure you don't have anything selected. Then look in the swatches palette. If you see the default fill is black, set it to [None].
    If not, it may be your default object style, or possibly a document corruption -- if you suspect the latter, you could try to Remove Document Corruption as per the instructions at the top of this forum.

Maybe you are looking for