Looking for Java programmers for a new project

I am currently looking to find about 5 people to start a new company to develop some ebusiness related business ideas. Location does not matter, only creativity and a willingness to change the status quo. If you are interested email me at [email protected] I am just a guy with some really unique ideas looking for people that share my vision and that are looking to start a company from the ground up.

Are you still looking for Java programmers? Can we participate in your work offline? I am in France now. Tell me what exactly you need? I am 5yers experienced in Java technlogy.
Reply back to [email protected]

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  • Java vs. C# for a new project

    I know this has probably been done to death, but the world changes and the old arguments lose their validity so I'd be interested in people's thoughts:
    I work for a largely C# shop, but due to a general dislike of .net and Microsoft from the developers there is the possibility of using something non-MS for a new project. Currently it is looking like the app will be a traditional client-server app. Java has been mentioned as a possible alternative, and being an old Java guy myself I'm excited about the possibility of using it again!
    I have a meeting with the directors to discuss reasons why we'd want to use Java in place of C#. The directors have made a lot of cash out of MS platforms, but are open to change if I can convince them - I've come up with the following reasons:
    1) Java is more widely adopted in 'serious' industry and the biggest websites e.g. ebay, Amazon etc. all use it as their platform of choice
    2) Portable - we are having a desktop client. Whilst running on non-Windows desktops may not be a priority now, Macs and Linux are making noteworthy ground (Apple are nearly tipping 10% for the first time in decades!). Java would let us sell to these clients too.
    3) Cheaper - Don't need to pay thousands for MS licences before they can even run our software (IIS, SQL Server etc.)
    4) Better community - can leverage various OSS projects to accelerate development - in the .net world similar components are likely to be chargeable (and probably expensive!)
    What do you think to my reasons and can anyone think of any other compelling arguments?
    Many thanks,

    A_C_Towers wrote:
    I work for a largely C# shop, but due to a general dislike of .net and Microsoft from the developers there is the possibility of using something non-MS for a new project.
    makes no sense. Use the appropriate technology for the solution rather than something 'you like'.
    Their 'dislike of .NET' almost certainly means they're stuck in the past and don't want to put in the effort to learn anything newer than VB6.
    I have a meeting with the directors to discuss reasons why we'd want to use Java in place of C#. The directors have made a lot of cash out of MS platforms, but are open to change if I can convince them - I've come up with the following reasons:
    for client/server? Unless you need to support more platforms than just Windows using Java instead of .NET makes no sense.
    1) Java is more widely adopted in 'serious' industry and the biggest websites e.g. ebay, Amazon etc. all use it as their platform of choiceIt isn't.
    2) Portable - we are having a desktop client. Whilst running on non-Windows desktops may not be a priority now, Macs and Linux are making noteworthy ground (Apple are nearly tipping 10% for the first time in decades!). Java would let us sell to these clients too.No argument. Apple is a niche market for corporate use except with graphics designers, Linux is a niche market anywhere except for servers.
    3) Cheaper - Don't need to pay thousands for MS licences before they can even run our software (IIS, SQL Server etc.)Wrong.
    IIS comes free with Windows, and you still need a quality database server. As your current customers will be using MS SQL Server that's the most logical choice and its integration with .NET is way better than its integration with Java.
    The most viable alternative is Oracle which is even more expensive.
    The most viable alternative for IIS when using Oracle is WebLogic which is more expensive than is IIS (which after all is free).
    4) Better community - can leverage various OSS projects to accelerate development - in the .net world similar components are likely to be chargeable (and probably expensive!)
    Could be. But that could just be because you know the Java community better.
    What do you think to my reasons and can anyone think of any other compelling arguments?
    Unless you or (more important) your customers already have a Unix environment in place, there is no real reason to not use .NET.

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    Is it a good idea to develop java beans and then create data controls to bind to UI layer? I think it makes sense to use data controls if we want to use existing java beans. Maybe we would be separating the model layer by using data controls, but only thing it would be doing for us would be the simple object calls to my java beans. Would it be better to use data controls or use I choose to make object calls?

    the POJO data control will always give you a benefit and develope productivity, unless what you have to build fits on a single page - in which case you may not mind the burdon of manual UI component binding

  • Remaining questions while evaluating JavaFX for a new project

    Dear forum members:
    currently I am evaluating the possibilities of next-generation GUI technologies, such as JavaFX, Silverlight and Flash/Flex, for a new project. To get a basic understanding of JavaFX's concepts, I worked through the available online text and video tutorials, and all the treated topics seem quite obvious/comprehensible to me +as long as one is only confronted to relatively static GUI component hierarchies+. But, as a newbie, some questions concerning more dynamically defined GUIs (i.e. dynamic JFX scripting*) still remain.
    Application scenario (exemplary):
    Say I want to create a "Online Shopping Application" that supports "+ShopOwners+" in *dynamically* defining the "+Shop Model+" structure, e.g. accepted visitor (client) categories, product categories their products, pricing information, payment methods, etc.
    Then, based on the dynamically defined model, the shop owner should be able to design and layout the necessary forms, such as order forms, survey/feedback forms, etc. This should be done in "design mode", and there should also exist a possibility for him/her to preview the specification results in a "preview mode".
    Finally, the shop owner must be able to save the model and forms on the server side in a way that can requested and run be the shopping app end users (the shop clients) via (another (?)) JavaFX frontend.
    _The still remaining questions for this scenario are:_
    +1. Is JavaFX appropriate for creating such kind of applications, especially when it comes to dynamic JFX scripting (and compilation) on the client side??? (By now I'm not quite sure if this is really necessary for my plans!)+
    +2. Concerning the ShopOwner's GUI with its design and preview mode (and knowing that the latter mode will be the GUI version presented to the shop clients in another JFX module):+
    +Is it possible to *dynamically *build up a +Scene Graph+ in a way that lets me handle and *compile* the corresponding +JFX Script+ on the client side for previewing it? Or is a client-server roundtrip absolutely necessary?
    How could one persist this JFX Script on the server side? I.e., which intermediary format would be the most appropriate? => XML, JSON, JFX Script?
    3. Concerning the "Shop Model", would I optimally create JFX classes or even Java Beans to bind to?
    4. And finally: What would be your recommended way (software architecture) to fulfill this task in JavaFX?
    Do there already exist some JFX components (dynamic forms/survey authoring modules, etc.) that persue a similar task and that I didn't find yet?
    As the clarification of the above-mentioned issues are very important for me, I hope that you more experienced users can help me, pointing me to a practicable approach.
    Thank you very much for any help and constructive tips in advance.
    Best regards
    Martin Meyers

    Q1: Do I optimally need 2 different custom components for each treated concept, or do I have just 1 component with 2 internal modes (design & preview/usage)??
    E.g., (a) FormSpec widget composed of LabelSpec, TextBoxSpec, ChooseBoxSpec,... widgets each having their preview pendants
    Form, Label, TextBox, ChooseBox, etc.
    +(b) only Form widget composed of Label, TextBox, ChooseBox widgets, but all having a "design/preview execution mode".+
    Closer to (b), I think, though each widget doesn't need to be modified to have design and preview modes. Instead, each widget can be wrapped within a Group to provide the design/preview functions without modifying the widget itself.
    The technique is as follows. Given a sequence of widgets (Nodes, really), for each widget, wrap it in a Group that contains that widget but with an overlay Rectangle in front of it. The Rectangle can be semi-transparent, or fully transparent if you prefer. (In the example below I've made it a semitransparent color to make its location obvious as well as to provide a highlight that signals design mode.) The overlay Rectangle is set up so that its dimensions will exactly track the dimensions (bounds) of the widget behind it. I've set blocksMouse to true so that when it's present, the overlay traps events and prevents interaction with the widget. There is a boolean variable previewMode, controlled by a CheckBox, that controls the visibility of these overlay rectangles. I've also added a bit of code to track mouse events on the overlay rectangles so that you can move the widgets around when you're in design mode.
    Note that the visible variable differs from transparent, i.e. opacity == 0.0. If a node is visible but is transparent, it is still eligible to receive events; whereas if visible is false, it does not receive events.
    Here's some code that illustrates this technique. I'll answer your other questions in a subsequent post.
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.scene.*;
    import javafx.scene.control.*;
    import javafx.scene.input.*;
    import javafx.scene.layout.*;
    import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
    import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
    var previewMode = true;
    var lastX:Number;
    var lastY:Number;
    function wrap(n:Node):Node {
        Group {
            content: [
                Rectangle {
                    opacity: 0.2
                    fill: Color.web("#ffff00")
                    x: bind n.boundsInParent.minX
                    y: bind n.boundsInParent.minY
                    width: bind n.boundsInParent.width
                    height: bind n.boundsInParent.height
                    visible: bind previewMode
                    blocksMouse: true
                    onMousePressed: function(me:MouseEvent) {
                        lastX = me.x;
                        lastY = me.y;
                    onMouseDragged: function(me:MouseEvent) {
                        n.layoutX += me.x - lastX;
                        n.layoutY += me.y - lastY;
                        lastX = me.x;
                        lastY = me.y;
    var controlList:Node[] = [
        Button {
            layoutX: 140
            layoutY: 20
            text: "Button1"
            action: function() { println("Button1 clicked!"); }
        Slider {
            layoutX: 30
            layoutY: 60
            min: 0
            max: 100
            override var value on replace {
                println("Slider value is now {value}");
        Label {
            layoutX: 50
            layoutY: 100
            text: "Non-interactive label"
        CheckBox {
            layoutX: 40
            layoutY: 140
            text: "CheckBox"
            override var selected on replace {
                println("CheckBox is now {if (selected) "checked" else "unchecked"}");
    Stage {
        title: "Design vs Preview Mode"
        width: 400
        height: 250
        scene: Scene {
            content: [
                CheckBox {
                    layoutX: 10
                    layoutY: 10
                    text: "Preview Mode"
                    selected: bind previewMode with inverse
                Panel {
                    content: for (n in controlList) {

  • Automating album creation for a new project?

    I have several projects (such as specific event shoots) with the same basic set of albums for that project (some regular albums, some smart albums). I'll have albums for specific subsets of the events (for my sports shots, there's Individuals, Action, Team, etc.).
    I'd like to automate the creation of these albums, as it gets a bit tedious having to create a bunch of albums manually for each new project I create. I looked at Aperture's automator actions, but couldn't find anything related to album creation. Is there such a thing?

    I'm pretty sure this is scriptable using AppleScript. I haven't really had the need to script Aperture so I can't tell you the exact syntax without looking it up myself, but it shouldn't be too hard if you've ever used AppleScript. Just open Script Editor, go to File > Open Dictionary... > Aperture and you'll get a list of the scriptable actions Aperture has available.

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    I am referring to links

    We are introducing a new feature in Flex 2.0.1 that's due out
    early next year. The feature is called "Modules" and it was
    discussed at this year's MAX 2006. You can read more about it on
    Roger Gonzalez's blog:
    - check the "Modular Applications" articles. I think this will go a
    long way to making the reusable parts you are talking about.
    Flex does not build things from instructions unless they are
    written in ActionScript. We have customers that do create dynamic
    interfaces based on data loaded from a database, so it is possible.
    But if you have pre-built templates and all you need to do is
    change certain aspects at runtime, it should be pretty easy with
    Flex. Take a look at the Flex documentation, especially the part
    about the Flex framework and how Flex sources are compiled into
    You style Flex components using style sheets (CSS files).
    This also includes specifying skins for components if you decide to
    give something a whole new look.
    I'm a bit biased here, but I think using ColdFusion (version
    7.0.2) with Flex 2 is very easy. But it depends on your needs,
    budget, deployment, etc. WIth CF 7.0.2 and Flex Builder 2 you get
    wizards to be build both CFC (ColdFusion components) and matching
    ActionScript objects so that you exchange objects, not just data,
    between Flex and CF.
    WebServices can also be used (with CF, too). This gives you
    more choices to the backend. If you have a large amount of data or
    it is complex, consider Flex Data Services as that has data
    management capabilities.
    Flex 2 has localization capabilties. You create a 'resource
    bundle' in various languages and build SWFs for each one. When the
    end user choses their preference, take them to the page that loads
    the appropriate SWF.

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    k0balt wrote:
    I'm looking for a new soundcard to replace my on-board sound. My case, Antec P80, has two jacks on the front that allows me to connect a mic and a set of headphones...
    Are there any soundblaster products that will allow me to use these two jacks?
    If you're asking Creative card ... all cards with 0-pin properiatry connector onboard can do this partly (i.e. not 00% functioning) if you make DIY connection like showen on article --> http://audigy2zshowto.blogspot.com/
    Perhaps some mb-integrated (onboard) SB systems from certain vendors has this connection utilized the way, as it's done with your onboard sound.
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  • Looking for a new laptop, I work in finance.  Air book or the macro with retina?

    Looking for a new notebook.  I work in finance and travel.  Is the Mac Pro with Retina worth the extra weight or should I go with a Air book?

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    The MacBook Pro with Retina display is worth, but it's limited. Note that you can't upgrade anything after buying it without voiding the warranty. The same happens with the MacBook Air.
    Simply, if you have to run heavy applications, buy the MacBook Pro with Retina display. If not, buy the MacBook Air

  • Looking for a new laptop

    Because of an unexpected hardware problem I'am looking for a new laptop.
    The last weeks I've informed me a bit of some laptops but I'am not really sure:
    My favorite is Samsung R560-Aura P8400 Madril but my last notebook had an ATI graphic card and the last months I was really enthusiastic about the getting better official drivers.
    And whats with the the FN-keys, webcam, bluethooth, wlan card and support? Some experiences?
    Thanks, Andreas
    Last edited by echasslau (2008-12-11 22:49:30)

    Or get a Bamboo?

  • Looking for a new 13' or smaller laptop. Do you recommend U330 and U110?

    Hi all,
    My 4-year old T42 just died. I'm looking for a new laptop. I want the following:
    13' or smaller
    Good performance for home and work use, may run PS or some authoring tools
    May play small games, mainly Internet, movies
    DVD recordable?
    Bugget is up to $1500
    I am interested in U330 or U110 (so pretty). Any recommendations?

       I have found that there sadly isn't much information on this forum about the U110, but I'll offer some comments that perhaps you may find useful.  I also have a Thinkpad T40p that I have had for a few years and like it very much.  It has the SXGA+ screen (1140x1050) which I like a lot.  While it has been a great laptop and pretty portable (less than 5 pounds), my wife and I take a lot of road trips in our Corvette and the T40 is a bit hard to manage in the car (we use it for our map program a lot).  So when I saw the little notebooks (or netbooks) at Costco I was intrigued.
    I didn't really like any of the cheaper netbooks that much, except for the nice price of $500 and under, so I started looking to see what else was available.  I found the U110, which seemed to be a comparitively powerful and well built computer (especially when compared to the cheap netbooks), but the price tag of $1500 and up was too much.  I found a slightly used one on ebay still under warrantee for $800, so I bought it.
    I started reading up on it on various forums and online reviews and a common complaint about the U110 was that is was slow using Windows Vista.  But a number of opinions recommended Windows XP, and since my other computers (T40 and two desktops) run XP, I thought this would be for me as well on the U110.
    When I got the U110, I too was somewhat disappointed in the performance of Vista, although I will admit I'm not familiar with Vista while being very familiar with XP.  So I decided to delete Vista and install XP, which turned out to be somewhat of an ordeal because I could find very little information on this forum or elsewhere regarding the details of the U110 partitioning and other related issues.  It is actually very easy, but it is very helpful if you talk to someone who has done it and can offer suggestions and procedures.  
    Since I installed XP I am very happy with the performance and it's a great little, and VERY portable, computer.  It will be a great travel computer because of its portability.
    With all of that said, I'm not sure I would recommend it for a direct replacement of your T42.  First of all, you said your T42 "died".  Before giving up on it, I'd suggest you go to the Thinkpad forum - Google search for "thinkpad forum" and you'll find it - and go to the T4x Hardware forum.  There is a ton of information there and a lot of people contribute to it.  There are many problems solved, and it is likely your T42 may be salvagable.  It's a great computer.
    While I like the U110 a lot, the larger Thinkpad displays are easier to read if you'll be staring at them for long times.  The U110 is fine for quick internet surfing and getting information, but it can't compare to the bigger displays.  What the U110 is great for is being really portable.  If that is your primary consideration, the U110 is your answer.  But if portability is not your primary concern, I'd stick with the Thinkpad.  And pricewise, the Thinkpad will be considerably less expensive than a late model Thinkpad like a T60 or similar.  You can pick up a good T60 for under $600, while I got a good price on my U110 for $800.  Performance wise, the Thinkpad is a real bargain.
    The U110 will do what you want it to - DVD recording, small games, internet, movies, etc.  But you mentioned "home and work use", and I'm thinking you might mean this to be your only computer.  While I really like the U110, I wouldn't want it for my only computer - it's just too small.  The display is too small and the keyboard, while just fine for travel, will not compare to larger Thinkpad's.  
    I haven't seen the U330, but it's my impression that the Ideapads are sort of a lower end product when compared to the Thinkpads.   I won't give up my T40p until I can't fix it, and even then I will buy another one to replace it.  But my U110 is still a great little travel companion.
    These are my opinions and impressions.  If you get a U110, please post your own impressions so others can benefit.
    Good luck,
    Ray Kawal
    Sequim, WA 

  • Looking for a new PDA/Phone

    I'm looking for a new PDA/Phone that is iSync 2.4 compatible for my new AT&T account. I will switch to iPhone early in the new year but need a PDA/Phone now. Appantly AT&T is out of Nokia PDAs' at the moment.

    But I can not find a list of compatible devices under 10.6 . Only a 10.5 device list is online.
    The 10.6 iSync Compatible devices list is still up-to-date except for the references to Palm devices. Apple has not added any new devices to iSync since Leopard was released in October 2007.
    Mobile me and other work arounds are also not an option for me , as I travel allot and the international data roaming charges would easily exceed the price of the iPhone within one month.
    MobileMe works over WiFi too, so you could just turn off 3G/GPRS data whilst roaming and sync when connected via WiFi.
    So, I am looking for a good / small / stable pda/phone with a good keyboard that can sync Ical / and address book over bluetooth.
    Do you mean a you want a physical QWERTY keyboard? That's going to limit your choices considerably, and any Windows Mobile or Blackberry devices will need third-party software to sync with a Mac. Palm's WebOS is not yet syncable with a Mac except for going via Google over-the-air, and the same is true with Android devices.
    There are hundreds of Nokia & Sony Ericsson phones that sync via Bluetooth and have POP3/IMAP email clients, but almost all don't have a QWERTY keyboard.
    Also, unless you buy the phone unlocked, you'll be even more limited by what your network provider offers.

  • Are you happy with your Galaxy S5?  I'm looking for a new phone.

    Are you happy with you Galaxy S5?  I'm looking for a new phone.

    Very happy after getting it to stop keeping the display lit after charging completes.  Battery life blows my Galaxy Nexus out of the water.  The GNex was like an electric car with a 30 mile range.  Always looking for a charge.  The S5's screen is gorgeous.  OLED is a must-have for me.  Signal strength is better than the GNex and the S5 is XLTE-ready so you can get faster speeds in those markets.  I got 69.08/18.95 in Kansas City back in May.  Other XLTE areas have had download speeds of high 20s to low 30s.  Performance is good.  The interface feels smooth and responsive.  I even like the look.  It's like something out of a 50s diner.
    My only real gripe is the storage.  16 gigs is pretty sad these days and only 10 gigs are available.  I know you can add a 128 gig card (I have) but few apps load completely to the card.  Heck, lots of apps won't put anything on the card.  A flagship phone should have 32 and 64 gig options.
    I also wish I could just load the bare OS and skip all the bells and whistles that Samsung's added.

  • Satellite M30X-134 - I'm looking for a new motherboard

    im looking for a new motherboard for my Satelite M30X-134! I was offered one with the Toshiba number K000019680 with the advice that this one is for all M30X notebooks. Im a little irritated, because my thoshiba trader told me, that I need one with the number K000019210. Could someone tell me, if the K000019680 goes also fine with my notebook?
    Best regards

    It looks like you can use both of them but maybe is better to use K000019210. on this way you will be on safe side.

  • I'm looking for a new computer.

    I'm looking for a new computer. one that can handle games well. I'm not sure if I should get a destop or a laptop. I like the facial reconzation and at least 4 usb ports, and the numbers on the right side. I like this one alot:
    and for destops: 
    If you have a destop or laptop to sugest it must meet these standards for me:
    more than 5 usb ports
    500 or more giggz 
    windows 7

      There is a few problems with your post.
    Your claim that the asus laptops will "play any game out there that is compatible" is not very helpful.  Many games will *NOT* be compatible with either of those laptops.  Stating they will "play any game out there that is compatible" is meaningless.   That exact statement applies to every computer sold, latop, desktop, or netbook. 
    Your claim that "desktops are boat anchors" that are "not very protable" are humorous at best.  When it comes to gaming and game compatibility, a desktop will always be a better choice than a laptop.
    Your anti-virus recommendation is not very useful.  There are other anti-virus products on the market that are tested to be better than Trend Micro.  No solution will give perfedct protection.  To claim that all other anti-virus solutions will leave the user unprotected is completely false.
    You claim you were "hacked" because your "cursor moved" without you moving it, when this phenomenon is a know issue with the Microsoft audio control bar; it is enabled by default and can cause the issue you describe with certain sound cards.
    Your claim that Norton allowed you to be infected is also misleading.  Chances are whatever infection you had would not have been caught by Trend Micro, either.  FWIW, Norton has won far more editor choice awards and top ratings from reviewers than Trend Micro.  I am not arguing which is better...just stating a fact.
    In short, although you are a fan of Asus laptops and Trend Micro, it does not mean either is the best choice for the OP.
    If you find my post useful or informative, please click the icon below with the plus sign and star to give kudos. Thank you!

  • Looking for a new desktop

    As most of us know, World of Warcraft is getting better graphics in the upcoming expansion. I'm worried that my desktop now (which can barely play the newest expansion) won't be able to play the upcoming expansion, thus I am looking for a new desktop. Not an amazing one, but just a good one with nice RAM, and a good processor. I'm looking around EVERYWHERE to find the best prices on desktops, and I was hoping some of you could make some reccomendations to me on to what desktop I should buy?
    I want a low-medium priced desktop (200-1000$)
    I want that desktop to be able to play World of Warcraft (and the upcoming expansion) well
    I want at least 4G of RAM
    I want at least a speed of 2GHz speed of the processor
    These are the specs of the current expansion :
    PC System Requirements
    OS: Windows XP (Service Pack 3), Windows Vista (Service Pack 1)
    Minimum: Intel Pentium 4 1.3 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 1500+
    Recommended: Dual-core processor, such as the Intel Pentium D or AMD Athlon 64 X2
    Minimum: 512 MB RAM (1GB for Vista users)
    Recommended: 1 GB RAM (2 GB for Vista users)
    Minimum: 3D graphics processor with Hardware Transform and Lighting with 32 MB VRAM
    Such as an ATI Radeon 7200 or NVIDIA GeForce 2 class card or better
    Recommended: 3D graphics processor with Vertex and Pixel Shader capability with 128 MB VRAM
    Such as an ATI Radeon X1600 or NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT class card or better
    Sound: DirectX-compatible sound card or motherboard sound capability
    These will increase however, so I hope I've given enough information for people who might be able to help me!

    RealGeorgeW wrote:
    Best Buy sells all parts necessary to build a computer, though, and this is my own personal view, I will only buy a part from BBY if I've done my research and prices are lower(they usually aren't on individual parts). There's a site that is an Egg and is New, that I use for most of my parts.
    BUT. If you don't know what you're doing/aren't tech/hardware savvy. I don't recommend doing it.
    I agree.  If you don't already know where to find parts at good prices (BB sometimes has good deals but rarely on individual parts.  In some cases their RAM prices are more than 3-4 times the price of other reputable sources of RAM.), you probably don't want to assemble a machine.  (Note:  You might have a friend who is comfortable with such things that can help you.)
    I get my individual parts from the same place RealGeorgeW does.
    *disclaimer* I am not now, nor have I ever been, an employee of Best Buy, Geek Squad, nor of any of their affiliate, parent, or subsidiary companies.

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    I just received the new iPhone 5s, and it's been on for all of 30 minutes, during which I restored the phone via iCloud backup and reinstalled my apps, etc. In these 30 minutes, the phone overheated and dropped down to 40% battery. Any reason as to w

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    Hi, I am very new to modular programming. Please can any one explain me the diff between the dialog programming and modular programming. I need to create a transaction which will give a screen to user to enter the threshold value . that value will be