Looks different in browser than in Dreamweaver, why?

Hi all,
I'm trying to get used to Dreamweaver CS3 after moving from GoLive (and its simple, easy layout grids) and can't even get a simple table to behave the way it looks while editing.
Here's what I see when I'm editing:
And here's how it looks in a browser (Safari on OSX for me):
You'll notice a white strip above the banner, even though I've been careful to set everything I can find to align top, not wrap, etc.
To beat the dead horse once more... why did I have to give up the layout grid that I've been using been since CyberStudio?
Thanks so much in advance!

Remove the P tags from this line (Hilited in red), no need to center the banner if the banner and table are the same width. The P tags will cause your white space in a browser.
      <td width="730" align="center" valign="top" bordercolor="#6C5A9C" scope="col"><p align="center" class="style86"><img src="images/banner1.jpg" width="730" height="128" border="0" /><img src="images/buttons_05.gif" alt="home" width="83" height="30" /><img src="images/buttons_06.gif" alt="news" width="74" height="30" /><img src="images/buttons_07.gif" alt="classes" width="91" height="30" /><img src="images/buttons_08.gif" alt="events" width="86" height="30" /><img src="images/buttons_09.gif" alt="workshops" width="125" height="30" /><img src="images/buttons_10.gif" alt="store" width="73" height="30" /><img src="images/buttons_11.gif" alt="policies" width="99" height="30" /><img src="images/buttons_12.gif" alt="contact" width="99" height="30" /></p>
Brad Lawryk
Adobe Community Expert, Dreamweaver
Adobe Usergroup Manager, Northern British Columbia Adobe User Group

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    The applet viewer is the one that looks like the interface that I designed in the Net Beans GUI builder, so can anyone tell me how I make it look the same in a Web Browser?

    It looks like you're right, so how do I ensure that
    my applet will look the same on different versions of
    JVM? There's got to be a way, right??yes. you should look into javas pluggable look and feel system.
    the cross-platform (java) look and feel changed dramatically between versions 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5.
    however, if you use another look and feel, such as motif, or perhaps your system's look and feel (windows, mac, etc), the program should look pretty much the same (perhaps a little different, but not like the differences in the Java look and feel).
    if you want to be COMPLETELY sure that they will always look the same, select a third party look and feel that comes packaged in a jar file that you are free to distribute with your applet.
    Some good third party look and feels are JGoodies Plastic, and Incors Alloy. And there are others.
    if you use one of those, it should look pretty well the same on all platforms, and in all JVM's.
    - Adam

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    I guess it's a bug and I will report it but I wonder if anyone else is seeing this.

    What is your Premiere Monitor Playback Res set at?
    What is the Preview Setting?
    Jims advice is useless in this instance. He expects you to do an output file everytime you make a tweak in Titler or Sequence just to see what you might abitrarily be getting.

  • Page that is uploaded to the server looks different from the preview in Dreamweaver browser

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    That's so weird because I'm looking at the code in Dreamweaver and line 181 has a closing </body>.   Here's the code straight from Dreamweaver: 
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
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    <title>Inland Empire Waterkeeper</title>
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    <style type="text/css">
    body,td,th {
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        background-image: url(_images/background_1255hompage.png);
        background-repeat: repeat-x;
        margin: auto;
        margin-left: 0px;
        margin-top: 0px;
        margin-right: 0px;
        margin-bottom: 0px;
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  • Print job looks different in html than it did in Flash preview

    I have created a .swf that contains several movie clips. I have inserted a print button in each movie clip - and managed to get everything in working order on the Flash end of things. Then I inserted the .swf into a new HTML document in Dreamweaver. So far so good - but when I  preview in the browser and hit the print button in one of the nested movie clips, the output looks different than it did when testing it in flash.
    My main .swf has a dark blue background so I used a large white rectangle to act as the background of the movie clips so it would not waste a lot of ink. When I print from the browser, the background is blue and the large white rectangle I see in Flash does not appear.
    This is the first time that what I insert in Dreamweaver doesn't match up with my Flash preview. Can anyone help?

    I'm still not sure why it looked different when inserted into an HTML file. However, I went back into my flash file and changed the document background to white and added a blue rectangle instead of the blue background with a white rectangle in the movie clip for printing - this seems to have solved my problem.
    Thanks to anyone thinking about my problem!

  • Photos look different in Photoshop than when viewed with Picture Viewer

    I am running Windows XP, using Photoshop CS2, with a Samsung SyncMaster LCD monitor. I have recently noticed that my picures look different when viewing with Picture Viewer than when the same picture is opened in Photoshop. The photoshop version is much lighter while the pic viewer version is darker. I want to make sure of what I'm sending to my online printers. Do I have color setting wrong? My color setting in Photoshop are: sRGB IEC61966-2.1, U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2, Dot Gain 20%, and Dot Gain 20%. And preserved embedded profiles for RGB, CMYK, and Gray. Is the problem with calibrating my monitor, and if so, do you know of any free calibration software? I'm on a budget.
    I appreciate any help. Thanks.

    Well, it surely is a problem with your monitor settings, but, forgive me for saying this, mentioning "sending stuff to the printers" and then asking for free calibration software is a bit naive. If Adobe Gamma, the settings in PS itself and the color calibration in Windows don't cut it, then your system is seriously bent in terms of color and some other steps are required first.
    a) reset your monitor to its default color temperature and brightness
    b) get rid of any color tweaking your graphics card may introduce
    With a clean slate, create a color reference image (pure colors, grayscale gradient) with all color calibration turned off and see how it looks at the system level and in PS. Now you can begin to adjust settings everywhere and re-enable color profiles until the results match in sRGB space.
    The rest is pretty much unpredictable. Unless you gain access to the exact color profiles of the target device (the printer) and your monitor is properly hardware calibrated, there will always be minute variations. The only thing you can do is to solely rely on your visually aligned sRGB setup and have all color profile adjustments and color space conversions done at your printer. However, even that's assuming you do not wander too far off the default values and the sRGB is indeed "intact".

  • Colors look different in browser window than in InDesign or Photoshop

    So, the colors look quite different (brighter) on Kuler (in
    my Firefox browser window), than when I download or copy the CMYK
    numbers exactly over to InDesign or Photoshop. In Kuler, the colors
    are significantly brighter and more saturated than how they appear
    in my design software.
    My coworker theorizes that InDesign & Photoshop are
    'compensating' for how the color will actually look when printed.
    Thoughts? Is there a setting I need to change on either
    Firefox or my Adobe software so the colors match up?

    I have a similar problem - colours look brigher in Firefox,
    IE and Photoshop, darker in Illustrator and Dreamweaver. I've tried
    resetting the color settings in Bridge, but still get the same
    difference between Photoshop, and Illustrator and Dreamweaver. I
    can't understand this at all. I don't know if it has something to
    do with the fact that I have a color profile called "Natural Color
    Pro" installed on my computer (came with the monitor) which
    Photoshop reminds me is faulty every time I open it - I tell it to
    ignore the profile. I don't seem to be able to uninstall it for
    some reason.

  • Why does the gmail page look different in windows than linux e.g. no stars available

    gmail looks like a more "bare bones" page with no column to add stars. Also the boxes across the top: Archive, Report Spam, Delete, etc. do not work

    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Website_colors_are_wrong
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Websites_look_wrong

  • Why does Firefox 4 look different on xp than Win 7. Some of the features described in the intro are not showing up like the firefox button top left.

    When I loaded the new version on my office computer running Win 7 it looked like the promo but when I upgraded my other computers running xp it looks more like the earlier versions. What is the story people!!!

    Try turning off the menu toolbar
    * Use keyboard keys '''Alt''' then in turn '''V , T , M'''
    Note the menubar may be temporarily turned back on by using the Alt key even if the '''orange''' ''"Firefox Button"'' is displayed.
    Firefox 4 probably by default does not dislplay the bookmarks toolbar, and will display the Tabs on top.
    There are other changes; and some users do not like them, but in most cases firefox 4 can be made to look and work like firefox 3.6 if required.

  • Why does iCal look different on iPad than on Macbook and iPhone?

    Is there a way to get my calendar in my macbook and iPhone to have the same visual interface as the calendar on my iPad? Is there certain software I need to download? I just don't like the format of the iCal on my my computer and iPhone, and finally they have a good format but only for one of my products.

    I have no answers for you on this one, but I agree. I enjoy the layout on my ipad, but it seems that iCal is falling behind in its formatting. With a new iLife out there, and OSX Lion out in the open, you'd think they could make the interface a whole lot better on MacBook if they are offering it on iPad.

  • Why does my flash image viewer look different in firefox than in IE...

    So I have created a horizontal spry bar that overlaps a flash image viewer slide show. When i load the page in IE everything works fine, but as soon as you open it in firefox it works improperly...you can hit refresh in firefox and sometimes it resizes the image I don't understand how that is possible....if you have any input it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    You need to be aware of the limitations of the various browsers and make sure you use web-safe fonts and colors.....
    Do a Command A on all your pages in iWeb to make sure that objects/text boxes are not touching or overlapping.
    Firefox has problems with displaying drop shadows/frames etc.
    To get help with specific issues you would need to tell us the URL of our site.

  • My page design looks different in browser

    My website is table based using css styles for the text
    designed in dreamweaver mx 2004.
    On one page I have very simple a table with 2 columns, there
    is text in one and my logo in the other. Both cols are set for
    content to be vertically aligned to the top of the table and are
    perfectly aligned.
    When I look at my page online my logo is not where it should
    be at the top of the table, it drops down slightly. I am living
    with this as it does not hamper the usability of my page but I need
    to know why it's happening for future pages. I only preview in
    Safari at the moment, so I am also wondering if it's my browser, IE
    on another pc shows the logo in the wrong position. I have tried
    putting the logo in a layer with x and y co-ordinates set thinking
    this might be more definate but it's even worse, way out of line
    with the content in my table.
    My table is 600px deep. On my ibook and within dreamweaver,
    the whole table is visible on screen without scrolling down to see
    the last line.
    When I preview in browser, I have to scroll down to see the
    last line of content it's as though the online version has been
    vertically stretched. The last line of content also has a logo
    image in it a .png file, it didn't stretch out like this when there
    was no image in the last line.
    Any help much appreciated x

    > Any help much appreciated x
    Without seeing your page and its code, we can only guess.
    1. I'd guess that your logo is within a <p> tag, and
    the space that is
    appearing above it is due to the default top margin on the
    <p> tag.
    > I have tried
    > putting the logo in a layer with x and y co-ordinates
    set thinking this
    > might
    > be more definate but it's even worse, way out of line
    with the content in
    > my
    > table.
    That's never going to be a good solution for you.
    > When I preview in browser, I have to scroll down to see
    the last line of
    > content it's as though the online version has been
    vertically stretched.
    > The
    > last line of content also has a logo image in it a .png
    file, it didn't
    > stretch
    > out like this when there was no image in the last line.
    You cannot control table heights in any way. Don't waste your
    time trying.
    Watch what happens when you preview and then make your
    browser's text
    display larger or smaller.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Lauraghc" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > My website is table based using css styles for the text
    designed in
    > dreamweaver
    > mx 2004.
    > On one page I have very simple a table with 2 columns,
    there is text in
    > one
    > and my logo in the other. Both cols are set for content
    to be vertically
    > aligned to the top of the table and are perfectly
    > When I look at my page online my logo is not where it
    should be at the top
    > of
    > the table, it drops down slightly. I am living with this
    as it does not
    > hamper
    > the usability of my page but I need to know why it's
    happening for future
    > pages. I only preview in Safari at the moment, so I am
    also wondering if
    > it's
    > my browser, IE on another pc shows the logo in the wrong
    position. I have
    > tried
    > putting the logo in a layer with x and y co-ordinates
    set thinking this
    > might
    > be more definate but it's even worse, way out of line
    with the content in
    > my
    > table.
    > ALSO
    > My table is 600px deep. On my ibook and within
    dreamweaver, the whole
    > table is
    > visible on screen without scrolling down to see the last
    > When I preview in browser, I have to scroll down to see
    the last line of
    > content it's as though the online version has been
    vertically stretched.
    > The
    > last line of content also has a logo image in it a .png
    file, it didn't
    > stretch
    > out like this when there was no image in the last line.
    > Any help much appreciated x

  • IWeb looks different in program than published on web

    I understand that some of the Fonts I use to create in iWeb won't necessarily translate the same to all computers....but why is the spacing getting messed up as well? This happens most frequently when I use textboxes or pictures in frames, set them to 'Floating,' and arrange them how I want them to look on the page....but then when the site publishes they look totally different online than they do in my iWeb.
    How can I at least keep them consistent?? Help!!

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. For maximum font compatibility across different computers you should use Web Safe Fonts. Otherwise if a computer doesn't have that font it will substitute one which may not fit the layout.
    An alternative is to apply a drop shadow to the text box and set its opacity to zero. That will convert it to an image file which will display the same on all computers. If you have iWeb's preferences set to indicate text boxes that have been converted this is what you'll see in iWeb:
    Click to view full size
    However, it will add "weight" to the page causing it to load slower in browsers. That should be avoided if at all possible.

  • Flash Player Renders Images Differently in Browser than Stand-alone Player

    Hey, guys!
    Not sure if this is a Flash issue or a Flash Player issue, but here we go...
    I`m currently working on a Flash project with a great deal of images.
    Flash does a great job compressing images, but in some cases it messes up the colors.
    I have a big image on the background and it`s set to 80 compression from the Properties panel.
    Everything looks fine in the stand-alone Flash Player when exporting from the IDE or even opening from disc, but when I insert the SWF in a HTML page (with SWFObject, dunno if it matters) some werid artifacts show up, and also the colors get shifted to slightly different values (I can tell since I have a background that should match the SWFs background!)...
    There is a workaround, though. Setting compression to Lossless... Then everything looks EXACTLY the same both in the stand-alone player and in the browser. Just that you end up with a 900 kilo image instead of 200 and something... :|
    And if you have several images that have to be treated "Losslessly", you end up with a pretty big SWF!
    My other workaround was to sample the colors in the browser and modify the ones in my CSS for the HTML background.
    That works well for the colors, but I still end up with some ugly artifacts, even when compression is set to 100!
    And, again, the strange thing is that in the stand-alone player, everything is honkey dorey, the colors and all!
    NOTE: the project I`m working on is a Flash 10 file, ActionScript 2, if that would matter...
    Thank you for your time and I appreciate any suggestion/explanation!

    i've had a problem before with the fps and a mac.
    how big is your file?
    i usually make my movies around 24 fps to keep load off of
    the cpu which could make it run slower

  • Images look different in Lightroom than in Windows viewer

    I just bought a new NEC monitor, but had this problem with my old monitor too.  I'm actually guessing its not a monitor issue at all.
    When I view and edit an image in Lightroom then export it as a JPG it looks way more red and more saturated in windows viewer than in lightroom.  My monitor is calbrated using a Spyder2.  Is there a way to make my windows viewer have the same color?  I hate having to open another application to review the edits.

    Lee Jay wrote:
    thedigitaldog wrote:
    The Windows viewer, unlike Lightroom (or Photoshop and others) is not color managed. The previews in that app are incorrect. No, there is no way to make a stupid non color managed app, color managed.
    Well, yeah, but you could export in sRGB and get a lot closer.
    What’s the old saying? Close only counts in atom bombs?
    Saving sRGB may get “closer” but it doesn’t ensure a match. Only using ICC aware applications can get us to that goal. And assuming someone, like myself is using an extended gamut display, something far closer to Adobe RGB (1998), an sRGB image in a non color managed app will look butt ugly. So no, this is not a solution. Using ICC aware software to view your images IS!

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