Loop through a model to get variables and values

I use an AS model (named AppGlobals.as) to store the application variables. I need to replace the hard-coded values of the elements to ones pulled from a database. As such, I need to iterate through the model to find all the elements that match my query results and then set the value of the elements to those returned from the database query.
My current issue is that I have no clue how to iterate through the model to get the elements so that I can use them a parameters for my query. An example of AppGlobals.as follows...
package com.models
          public class AppGlobal
                    public var appAnnualMaintenanceAlert:String="The System is unavailable due to routine annual maintenance!  Please check back after 2:00 PM Eastern on  January 1, 2012!";
                    public var appAnnualMaintenanceStart:Date=new Date(2012, 11, 31, 18, 0, 0, 0);
                    public var appAnnualMaintenanceEnd:Date=new Date(2013, 0, 1, 14, 0, 0, 0);
                    public var appYearPrevious:String="2011";
                    public var appYear:String="2012";
                    public var appYearNext:String="2013";
                    public var dttm_landing_expected:String="1/1/2012 12:00:00 AM";
How can I iterate through the model to find all the var names and then match them with my query to return the corresponding values?  Any help is appreciated.

"elided" and "hidden" both have UI purpose (make the UI lighter) but are quite different:
"elided" is a static attribute of property groups (readonly, and After Effects never changes the value internally).
          The children of an elided group are not necessarily elided.
"hidden" is NOT an attribute, is dynamic, and "undocumented".
          The After Effects UI hides everything that is not needed in the layer property tree (for instance the material option group is hidden when the layer is not 3D, since it is not used anyway).
          Hidden groups and properties are still there though and can be accessed by script, one can read their values and attributes, scout their property subtree, but one cannot set anything on them nor select them (in both cases an error is generated).
          And the children of a hidden group are hidden.
Since there is no attribute corresponding to "hidden", it is uneasy to know whether a property is hidden or not. I can only see a case by case "treatment".
For instance:
is myLayer.layerStyle hidden ? <===>  !myLayer.layerStyle.canSetEnabled
is myLayer.transform.xRotation hidden ? <===>  !myLayer.transform.xRotation.canSetExpression
is myLayer.mask hidden ? <===> myLayer.mask.numProperties===0
is myShapeLayer.content hidden ? <===> false (never hidden, even if empty)

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    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2007" && myURL.selectedIndex == 0 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 0)
    fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2007'"
    var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
    graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
    var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
    var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
    textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForDirIndOut.toString()
    myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
    myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
    myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
    catch(error:Error) {
    trace("Caught Error: "+error);
    And below is the combo boxes with the arrays
    <mx:FormItem label="Year        :"  >
    <mx:ComboBox   id="yearcombo" selectedIndex="0" labelField="label" width="100%" change="changeEvt(event)"  >
    <mx:ArrayCollection id="year"  >
    <fx:Object label="2007"  year="2007" />
    <fx:Object label="2009"  year="2009" />
    <mx:FormItem label="Measure:">
    <mx:ComboBox   id="myURL" selectedIndex="8" width="80%" mouseOver="clickEv2(event)" close="closeHandler(event)">
    <mx:ArrayCollection id="measures"   >
    <fx:Object id="forindout07" labeltext="2007 Forestry Industry Output" label="Forestry Industry Output " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_07_forest_industry_output" year="2007"  />
    <fx:Object id="foremp07" label="2007 Forestry Employment " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_07_forest_employment" year="2007" />
    <fx:Object id="forlabinc07" label="2007 Forestry Labor Income " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_07_forest_labincome" year="2007" />
    <fx:Object id="forindbustax07" label="2007 Forestry Indirect Business Tax" value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_07_forest_business_tax" year="2007" />
    <fx:Object id="forindout09" label="Forestry Industry Output " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_09_forest_industry_output" year="2009"  />
    <fx:Object id="foremp09" label="2009 Forestry Employment " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_09_forest_employment" year="2009" />
    <fx:Object id="forlabinc09" label="2009 Forestry Labor Income " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_09_forest_labincome" year="2009" />
    <fx:Object id="forindbustax09" label="2009 Forestry Indirect Business Tax" value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_09_forest_business_tax" year="2009" />
    <fx:Object id="blank" label=" "  />

    And here is the entire code
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                    paddingBottom="8" paddingLeft="8"
                    paddingRight="8" paddingTop="8"
                    layout="vertical" >
        <!-- Start Declarations -->
            <esri:SimpleFillSymbol id="mouseOverSymbol" alpha="0.5" color="0x808080">
                <esri:SimpleLineSymbol width="0" color="#000000"/>
            <esri:SimpleFillSymbol id="defaultsym" alpha="0.01" color="#E0E0E0"   >
                <esri:SimpleLineSymbol width="1" color="#000000"/>
        <!-- End Declarations -->
                import com.esri.ags.Graphic;
                import com.esri.ags.SpatialReference;
                import com.esri.ags.esri_internal;
                import com.esri.ags.events.GraphicEvent;
                import com.esri.ags.geometry.Extent;
                import com.esri.ags.layers.ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer;
                import com.esri.ags.symbols.SimpleFillSymbol;
                import com.esri.ags.symbols.SimpleLineSymbol;
                import flash.utils.flash_proxy;
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                import mx.controls.RadioButton;
                import mx.controls.TextArea;
                import mx.events.DropdownEvent;
                import mx.events.ItemClickEvent;
                import mx.rpc.Fault;
                import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
                import flash.display.Sprite;
                import flash.events.ErrorEvent;
                import flash.events.MouseEvent;
                private function closeHandler(evt:DropdownEvent):void {
                    myLabel.text = ComboBox(evt.target).selectedItem.labeltext;
                private function loadLayerName():void
                    myLegend.layers = null;
                    //loop through each layer and add as a radiobutton
                    for(var i:uint = 0; i < (dynamicLayer.layerInfos.length); i++)
                        var radioBtn:RadioButton = new RadioButton;
                        radioBtn.groupName = "radioBtnGroup";
                        radioBtn.value = i;
                        radioBtn.label = dynamicLayer.layerInfos[i].name;
                        if (dynamicLayer.layerInfos[i].name == "Direct Impact (Million $)")
                            radioBtn.label = "Direct Impact";
                        else if (dynamicLayer.layerInfos[i].name == "Total Impact (Million $)")
                        {radioBtn.label = "Total Impact";
                        else if (dynamicLayer.layerInfos[i].name == "Total Impact (Jobs)")
                        {radioBtn.label = "Total Impact";
                        else if (dynamicLayer.layerInfos[i].name == "Direct Impact (Jobs)")
                        {radioBtn.label = "Direct Impact";
                        {radioBtn.visible= false;
                    /*     myDividerBox.getDividerAt(0).visible = false; */
                    //set the visible layer the first radio button
                     radioBtnGroup.selectedValue = 0;
                     dynamicLayer.visibleLayers = new ArrayCollection([0]);
                    myLegend.layers = [dynamicLayer];
                    myLegend.visible = true;
                private function radioClickHandler(event:ItemClickEvent):void
                    myLegend.layers = null;
                    // update the visible layers to only show the layer selected
                    dynamicLayer.visibleLayers = new ArrayCollection([event.index]);
                    myLegend.layers = [dynamicLayer];
                private function changeEvt(event:Event):void {
                if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2007")
                else if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2009")
            public function filter1(item:Object):Boolean
                if (item.year=="2007") return true
                else return false
                public function filter2(item:Object):Boolean
                    if (item.year=="2009") return true
                    else return false
                private function clickEvt(event:Event):void {
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2007")
                    else if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2009")
                public function filter3(item:Object):Boolean
                    if (item.year=="2007") return true
                    else return false
                public function filter4(item:Object):Boolean
                    if (item.year=="2009") return true
                    else return false
                private function clickEv2(event:Event):void {
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2007")
                    else if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2009")
                    else if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == 2007 && myURL.selectedIndex==8)
                        myLegend.layers = null;
                public function filter5(item:Object):Boolean
                    if (item.year=="2007") return true
                    else return false
                public function filter6(item:Object):Boolean
                    if (item.year=="2009") return true
                    else return false
                if (myURL.selectedIndex==0)
                myTextArea.htmlText = "<b>County: </b>" + gr.attributes.NAME + "\n"
                + "<b>Measure: </b>" + myURL.selectedItem.label + gr.attributes.ForDirIndOut.toString()
                public function fLayer_graphicAddHandler(event:GraphicEvent):void
                    event.graphic.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOverHandler);
                    event.graphic.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOutHandler);
                public function onMouseOverHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2007" && myURL.selectedIndex == 0 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 0)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2007'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                        textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForDirIndOut.toString()
                        myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                        myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                        myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2007" && myURL.selectedIndex == 0 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 1)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2007'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForTotImpIndOut.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2007" && myURL.selectedIndex == 1 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 0)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2007'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForDirEmp.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2007" && myURL.selectedIndex == 1 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 1)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2007'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForTotImpEmp.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2007" && myURL.selectedIndex == 2 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 0)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2007'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForDirLabInc.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2007" && myURL.selectedIndex == 2 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 1)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2007'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForTotImpLabInc.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2007" && myURL.selectedIndex == 3 )
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2007'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForIndirBusTax.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2009" && myURL.selectedIndex == 0 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 0)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2009'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForDirIndOut.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2009" && myURL.selectedIndex == 0 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 1)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2009'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForTotImpIndOut.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2009" && myURL.selectedIndex == 1 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 0)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2009'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForDirEmp.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2009" && myURL.selectedIndex == 1 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 1)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2009'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForTotImpEmp.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2009" && myURL.selectedIndex == 2 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 0)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2009'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForDirLabInc.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2009" && myURL.selectedIndex == 2 && radioBtnGroup.selectedValue == 1)
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2009'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForTotImpLabInc.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                    if (yearcombo.selectedItem.year == "2009" && myURL.selectedIndex == 3 )
                        fLayer.definitionExpression = "DATA_YEAR_TXT like '2009'"
                        var graphic:Graphic = Graphic(event.currentTarget);
                        graphic.symbol = mouseOverSymbol;
                        var htmlText:String = graphic.attributes.htmlText;
                        var textArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
                            textArea.htmlText = myURL.selectedItem.label + graphic.attributes.ForIndirBusTax.toString()
                            myMap.infoWindow.label = graphic.attributes.NAME;
                            myMap.infoWindow.closeButtonVisible = false;
                            myMap.infoWindow.show(myMap.toMapFromStage(event.stageX, event.stageY));}
                        catch(error:Error) {
                            trace("Caught Error: "+error);
                public function onMouseOutHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    var gr:Graphic = Graphic(event.target);
                    gr.symbol = defaultsym;
            @namespace esri "http://www.esri.com/2008/ags";
            @namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark";
            @namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx";
            @namespace esri "http://www.esri.com/2008/ags";
            @namespace components "com.esri.ags.components.*";
                content-background-alpha : 0.4;
                background-color : #4A7138;
                background-alpha : 0.7;
                border-style : solid;
        <mx:HBox   width="930" height="800"  id="mapHbox"  horizontalAlign="center" >   
        <mx:HBox width="80">
        <mx:HBox id="myHBox" width="800" height="600" backgroundColor="0xffffff"  >
            <mx:VBox  height="590" width="358"  >
            <!--    <mx:Panel
                    width="356" height="100%"
                    <mx:Canvas height="100%" width="100%" backgroundColor="0xffffff" >
                        <esri:Map id="myMap" openHandCursorVisible="false"
                                  scaleBarVisible="false" scale="4000000" >
                                <esri:Extent xmin="-10736651.061900" ymin="4024099.909700" xmax="-10409195.669800" ymax="3440153.831100"      >
                                    <esri:SpatialReference wkid="102100"/>
                            <esri:ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer id="dynamicLayer2"
                                                               url="http://tfs-24279/ArcGIS/rest/services/RADIO_BUTTONS/counties_layer/MapServer" />
                            <esri:ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer id="dynamicLayer" name=" "
                                                       url="http://tfs-24279/ArcGIS/rest/services/{myURL.selectedItem.value}/MapServer"   />
                            <esri:FeatureLayer id="fLayer"
                                               url= "http://tfs-24279/ArcGIS/rest/services/RADIO_BUTTONS/feature_layer_0709_five/FeatureServer/ 0" />
            <!--    </mx:Panel>-->
            <mx:VBox  height="590" width="20"  >
            <mx:Canvas height="500" width="400" backgroundColor="0xffffff"
                       verticalScrollPolicy="off" >
                <mx:VBox  width="420" height="50%" paddingLeft="5" paddingTop="10" paddingRight="10" paddingBottom="10"
                    <mx:Form  >
                        <mx:FormItem label="Year        :"  >
                            <mx:ComboBox   id="yearcombo" selectedIndex="0" labelField="label" width="100%" change="changeEvt(event)"  >
                                <mx:ArrayCollection id="year"  >
                                    <fx:Object label="2007"  year="2007" />
                                    <fx:Object label="2009"  year="2009" />
                        <mx:FormItem label="Measure:">
                            <mx:ComboBox   id="myURL" selectedIndex="8" width="80%" mouseOver="clickEv2(event)" close="closeHandler(event)">
                            <mx:ArrayCollection id="measures"   >
                                <fx:Object id="forindout07" labeltext="Forestry Industry Output" label="Forestry Industry Output " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_07_forest_industry_output" year="2007"  />
                                <fx:Object id="foremp07" label="Forestry Employment " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_07_forest_employment" year="2007" />
                                <fx:Object id="forlabinc07" label="Forestry Labor Income " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_07_forest_labincome" year="2007" />
                                <fx:Object id="forindbustax07" label="Forestry Indirect Business Tax" value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_07_forest_business_tax" year="2007" />
                                <fx:Object id="forindout09" label="Forestry Industry Output " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_09_forest_industry_output" year="2009"  />
                                <fx:Object id="foremp09" label="Forestry Employment " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_09_forest_employment" year="2009" />
                                <fx:Object id="forlabinc09" label="Forestry Labor Income " value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_09_forest_labincome" year="2009" />
                                <fx:Object id="forindbustax09" label="Forestry Indirect Business Tax" value="RADIO_BUTTONS/TFEI_09_forest_business_tax" year="2009" />
                                <fx:Object id="blank" label=" "  />
                    <mx:VBox  id="layerPanel" width="50%" height="8%" verticalGap="3" paddingLeft="17">
                        <mx:RadioButtonGroup id="radioBtnGroup" itemClick="radioClickHandler(event)"  />
                    <mx:VBox paddingLeft="17" height="50%" >
                    <mx:Canvas  id="legendPanel" width="100%"  >
                        <mx:Label id="myLabel" text=" " fontWeight="bold" />
                        <esri:Legend id="myLegend"
                                     map="{myMap}" visible="false"
                    <mx:TextArea width="275"  borderAlpha="0" height="200"  >
                        <mx:htmlText   >
                            <![CDATA[<font size='11'><b>Note:</b> Counties in white indicate either no data is available for that measure or the data has been supressed due to confidentiality.</font>

  • Loop through the excel files in folder and sub folder

    hi all
    I need to loop  through all the excel fies in a folder and its sub folder which contain excel files 
    actually, my excel files contain a column  with sdate and it contain different dates in which  has to get the max  date my query is 
    "select * from  @[User::filename] where sdate=(select max(sdate) asi  from @[User::filename] )"
    loop  all the excel file in folder and its sub folder

    Take a look at the Foreach Loop.
    Here is an article about it.
    Andy Tauber
    Data Architect
    The Vancouver Clinic
    Website | LinkedIn
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. Please remember to click
    "Mark as Answer" and "Vote as Helpful" on posts that help you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • How to parser a HTML page to get its variable and values?

    Hi, everyone, here is my situation:
    I need to parser a HTML page to get the variables and their associated values between <form>...</form> tag. for example, if you have a piece of HTML as below
    <input type = "hidden" name = "para1" value = "value1">
    <select name = "para2">
    the actual page is much complex than this. I want retrive pare1 = value1 and para2 = value2, I tried Jtidy but it doesn't reconginze select, could you recomend some good package this purpose? better with sample code.
    Thanks a lot

    See for example Request taglib from Coldtags suite:

  • Send Captivate user variables and values to the LMS ?

    Hi all. has anyone got a clever way to send a bunch of Captivate user variables and their values to an LMS (Moodle) so that they end up recorded as part of the SCORM course results or do these need to be explicitly part of a Quiz ? I think that I can setup where I get these values from the Learner so that they take the form of a Quiz (even though there is not a right answser) and set the the LMS settings to record interactions and scores. But is there an easier way to send them via LMSSetValue or even using a widget ?

    You can do it, but it will definitely not be the easiest way to achieve the objective. The accessibility of your web form will determine what you can and can not do.
    The first issue would be populating the field of the form, and that can be achieved by actually re-generating the form programmatically and assigning a value to the html value tag for that field.
    The second issue of "click on the button" is not trivial. If you're in the windows environment you will have to get into intercepting windows messages from the message queues and get the handle of the web browser window and after finding all the relevant information that will change every time this process is performed, is in my opinion not worth the effort.
    I would approach this di
    fferently in looking at what you are trying to achieve in the first place and that is to do directly with the data what the form would've done.
    Forms will either send some e-mail to someone using the submitted data or submit information to a database or write it to a file. If you have a cgi script behind the form you can pass the information directly to the script rather, i.e call the scrip directly in the same way the form would've using your program and skip the form.
    If you can be specific about your objectives and give me details about the forms and detail on the web server type and the capabilities of handling various types of cgi scripts I can give you detailed advice and pointers towards achieving the solution.
    Questions you need to answer:
    What would the form do with the data? (mail, file, database etc.)
    How many fields do you need to submit?
    What type of web server are you running? (IIS, Apache etc.)
    Were is the form hosted, on the www
    or on an intranet?
    Is it accessible to you to change/add scrips to it?
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards
    Jattie van der Linde
    Engineering Manager, Software & Automation
    TEL Magnetic Solutions Ltd

  • SAP Table for Custom variable and values?

    Hi folks.
    I am looking for a SAP standard table which I recall existing. This table was designed by SAP to store a variable name and value(s), so that no programmer would ever hard-code values into their reports. Instead, the programmer would create a new record in this SAP standard table with a unique variable name, and assign the constant value to this variable.
    In the report this variable would be read from the table and the value used. I think this table starts with T, but not sure.
    Does anyone have any idea what the name of this table is?

    Hi Shameem,
    This is a profitability analysis reporting table, which is not what I was looking for. The table I remember was a cross-application table that was specifically created for the purpose.

  • Getting Tag and value from the selected Xml element value

    Hi All,
    I have an xml file which i import to the Indesign CS3 .From the structure view , i drag and drop the root node on to the page. Now i select an xml value from the page. Now i need to get the element tag and value from the selected value.
    For example
    File Name : sample1.xml
    <employeeName> A</employeeName>
    <employeeEmail>[email protected]</employeeEmail>
    Now i import this sample.xml in my indesign CS3 and from the structure view i drag the Root  tag and drop it on the page.Now the values of the element tag are displayed.
    Now i select "[email protected]" from the page and i have a menu "Get Selected XML" on clicking which  i should get element tag with value.(i.e <employeeEmail>[email protected]</employeeEmail>)
    How to go about it.?

    Hi Steve,
    If you haven't already done so, I recommend posting this question in the LivCycle Forms forum.

  • White paper on Batch List Variables and Values?

    Is there a guide somewhere that discusses all of the variables and appropriate values for a batch lists. I noticed not all variables in Item Properties can be detected from a batch list. Also it's not clear what value is required for the "Good" column for example

    I'm looking for more details on the variables and appropriate values you can use when creating batch lists.
    Marking the "Good" column is only a descriptive note made by yourself.
    Aren't all columns meant to be descriptive notes for yourself? I meant what value do you give the Good column in a batch list for it to be checked when imported in Final Cut.

  • How to get parametername and value

    I have a page that has 10 textboxes that can be filled with data.
    In my next jsp page, I want to print out the name and value of the textboxes
    that is filled with data.
    In some cases there will be 2 textboxes with data, other times 10 textboxes.....
    Something like this:
    while( request.getParameter().next) {
    out.println( request.getParameterName() );
    out.println( request.getParameter() );
    Is this possible in any way???
    Thanks in advance!

    oops, one mistake
    Enumeration some = request.getParameterNames();
         String paramname =(String)some.nextElement();
         if ( request.getParameter(paramname) != null)

  • Looping through a refcursor to get list of dates as a string

    i have a simple procedure which gives me list of from dates and to dates
    i need to get the dates a comma separated dates
    i am not sure if this can be done directly by doing a for loop on the refcursor or i have to fetch it into a record/array and then concatenate with comma or is there anything else that can be done.
    i tried out some stuff like below
    ps help me out
    the procedure that retruns the list of dates is
    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure SALUSER.prm_sp_rpt_payslip_lop_dates(p_empid in int,p_tran_year in int,p_tran_month in integer,o_dates out sys_refcursor)
    open o_dates for select  to_char(PHL_LOP_FROM,'DD-Mon-YYYY'),to_char(PHL_LOP_TO,'DD-Mon-yyyy')
                     from prm_h_lop
                     where phl_emp_id=p_empid
                       and phl_tran_year=p_tran_year
                       and phl_Tran_month=p_tran_month;
    /i need my o/p as
    dates :<date1>,<date2>...etcregards,

    Maybe sth. like
    SQL>  var cur refcursor
    SQL>  declare
    cr sys_refcursor;
    procedure prm_sp_rpt_payslip_lop_dates (cr in out sys_refcursor)
       open cr for select hiredate from emp;
    end prm_sp_rpt_payslip_lop_dates;
    open :cur for select 'Dates: ' || column_value dates from xmltable('string-join(//text(), ", ")' passing xmltype(cr));
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL>  print cur
    Dates: 17-Dec-1980, 20-Feb-1981, 22-Feb-1981, 02-Apr-1981, 28-Sep-1981, 01-May-1
    981, 09-Jun-1981, 19-Apr-1987, 17-Nov-1981, 08-Sep-1981, 23-May-1987, 03-Dec-198
    1, 03-Dec-1981, 23-Jan-1982                                                    
    1 row selected.

  • Function module to get attribute and value from organisation model

    I need a function module to get the attribute and its corresponding values set on the sales org stucture.The export parameter will be the Sales Org Id.
    Please reply ASAP.
    Edited by: prem kumar on Apr 16, 2009 9:37 AM

    Hi Prem,
    If it helps, we use FM RHGA_READ_ATTRIBUTES for that in version 4.
    Kind regards,

  • Error handling with EPG pages, displaying proc variables and values

    With OAS, a failure in a PLSQL-generated page usually brought up a plain page of preformatted text showing a) the basic Oracle message for the failure, b) all the passed-in parameters by name with their values at the time of failure, and c) the CGI environment variables with their values.
    When I use the EPG, and failure occurs, I get something like ".../dad/pkg.proc not found", which is worthless as an outcome for a user to see. Now I got around this a bit with an EXCEPTION section, and using OWA_UTIL procs got some info that is helpful in debugging. But I very much would like to get the list of passed-in parameters with their values, and the documentation is not revealing great wisdom to me for achieving this.
    Does anyone have some knowledge or code to share that will achieve this within the bounds of XE? Perhaps another thread has addressed this and I could have the URL?

    In order not to expose sensitive information, the embedded PL/SQL gateway (EPG) returns only a very basic error page in the default setup when an exception occurs when attempting to execute the procedure. To get a more elaborate error page like what OAS returns, you may set the DAD attribute as follows:
    sqlplus system/...SQL> exec dbms_epg.set_dad_attribute('APEX', 'error-style', 'DebugStyle')
    to reset it, please delete the attribute
    SQL> exec dbms_epg.delete_dad_attribute('APEX', 'error-style')
    This assumes that you are using the defalt DAD "APEX" that comes preinstalled in XE.
    See the doc on the different error styles at http://download-west.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14190/confmods.htm#CIHCIIJG

  • Retrieving Variables and Values using EPM Functions

    Hi Experts
    Does anybody know how this fuctions works with and example?
    32.26 EPMVariableList
    Applies to: SAP BW (INA Provider) connections.
    This function retrieves the list of variables for the query for the specified connection. You can display the
    ● in the current cell, where a specified character separates the variable names.
    ● in one or more dropdown lists
    32.27 EPMVariableValue
    Applies to: SAP BW (INA Provider) connections.
    This function retrieves the value(s) currently selected for the specified variable. The value(s) is (are) retrieved in
    the cell in which you enter the function.
    I already checked the EPM Add-in for Microsoft Office User Guide but is didn't say anything helpfull

    Hi Ariel,
    It's clearly stated in help: "Applies to: SAP BW (INA Provider) connections."
    And if look on connection types:
    4.4.2 SAP BW (INA Provider) Connections
    Using the SAP BW (INA Provider) connection, you can do the following:
    • Work with BW queries (with or without variables).
    • Retrieve data, using reports.
    • Enter and save data, using input forms.
    • Execute planning function for BW Integrated Planning, using what are called in the EPM add-in "data processes".
    And some info about 10.1
    Unfortunately I don't have 10.1...

Maybe you are looking for

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  • What is Concept in OTR texts and how does it work?

    Hi, Can someone explain me how does concepts in OTR texts work? I have a problem with one of BSP Applications where I'm using a OTR text. I think the problem is with this concept. Thanks, Chaith.