LR displaying diff. WB than 'As Shot' from camera settings...

new to forum...
After taking portraits in home studio (Canon 40D shot RAW .CR2) with White Lightning X1600's and importing to LR (2.3) I've noticed that the WB set on camera (5600K) is not what LR displays in Develop Mod.
i LR show WB: temp. 5350 tint +2 ????
Opened same file in ZoomBrowser EX (6.1.1) and metadata shows 5600K as it should.
Any ideas why???
I've even exported/converted the same file from LR and DPP, (with no adjustments other than 'Camera Calibration' changed to "Camera Standard" in LR) and both version look fine. Just a subtle difference of conversion.
Hope to hear some thoughts....

Hello Jao, thanks for replying.
Both jpg versions look fine, not a real concern. As far as Adobe using a different color model like you said can this be attributed to using two different profiles for different light sources (one low like say 3000K and another balanced for say daylight 5200-5700K)...
I seem to remember this while checking out the DNG Profiler. I haven't played with the DNG Profiler , still shooting in proprietary formats.

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