LR4 Drag n Drop Only Creates Copies

Setup: Lightroom 4.4 on OSX (Snow Leopard), 24" iMac.
Situation: Imported a large number of RAW files from camera (Canon 5D Mk III) into LR4. Several of the photos are a series of HDR shots that I want to MOVE to their own subfolder. Create the subfolder (HDR) under the date-labelled folder that the files were originally imported into. Select all files in the HDR series, and from the filmstrip, center the mouse pointer over one of the thumbnail images, and then CLICK and DRAG the files over the HDR subfolder.
Well, this where the process fails....while hovering the files over the subfolder, I get the classic "COPY" plus sign, and no key or sequence of keys will change if from COPY to MOVE. If I drop the files as is, they copy over into the subfolder. Ok, this wouldn't be such a bad thing; I can do like any other copy operation, and go back to the original folder and delete the files, right?! WRONG!!! Evidently the copied files are aliased to their originals, and if I delete from either location, they ALL go away.
Sadly, I had this exact problem two years ago with LR3, and had found a solution to it that fixed things so a move was an actual move. Unfortunately whatever I did to fix it went bye-bye with the upgrade to LR4, and yes, I've searched and googled myself silly trying to find the answer again, to no avail. Hence, this posting...
If anyone has the answer, or suggestions, I would truly appreciate a poke in the right direction, before I resort to pulling more hair out!!

Actually I'm pretty sure I'm not mistaken. When I drag and drop 20 files from the original folder that had 95 pictures in it, and drop it on the sub folder (which starts with 0 files) I get those 20 files in the subfolder, and still have my original 95 files in the original folder. if were actually moving them, the 20 files in the original folder would have gone away, and not remained.
I never pay much attention to the numbers shown in Lightroom. Depending on whether you have turned on (or is turned on by default) the "Show Photos in Subfolders" option, the folders in the Lightroom Folder panel do not behave exactly the same as folders in your operating system; if you click on a parent folder, you will see all photos in the parent folder and in the subfolders. The numbers shown also are affected by the "Show Photos in Subfolders" option.
Go look in your operating system and see if the photos are in both locations (indicating a copy) or if they are only in the sub-folder (indicating a move).
I am 100% sure you will find that the in your operating system, photos are only in the sub-folder.
Also, as stated above, this is not even a true "copy" operation, because deleting a file in either location results in its "twin" being deleted from the other folder as well.....
I think you have mis-understood what Lightroom is doing.

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    Go to your Pictures Folder and find the iPhoto Library there. Right (or Control-) Click on the icon and select 'Show Package Contents'. A finder window will open with the Library exposed.
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        CanSeek: true
        CanWrite: true
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    Please note that the clipboard format is not something we intend for users to create directly, and it might change in a future version of TestStand. So, if you do this, keep in mind it's possible it might not work in a future version of TestStand (i.e. we do not support creating clipboard items directly).
    That said, it might be possible to get it to work in current versions of TestStand as follows (I haven't tried to do exactly what you are doing, but here is how our format is currently generated):
    PropertyObject[] stepPropObjects = new PropertyObject[1];
    Step newStep = templateOfStep.AsPropertyObject().Clone("", PropertyOptions.PropOption_CopyAllFlags | PropertyOptions.PropOption_DoNotShareProperties) as Step;
    stepPropObjects[0] = newStep as PropertyObject;
    DataObject dataObject = new DataObject();
    DataFormats.Format stepFormat = DataFormats.GetFormat("SeqEditor New Step Binary");
    string serializedPropertyObject = this.Engine.SerializeObjects(stepPropObjects, SerializationOptions.SerializationOption_UseBinary);
    serializedPropertyObject += "F"; // False for isEditCut (thus unique ID's will be created on paste).
    System.Text.UnicodeEncoding encodingForStrConv = new System.Text.UnicodeEncoding();
    byte[] buffer = encodingForStrConv.GetBytes(serializedPropertyObject);
    MemoryStream vvClipData = new MemoryStream(buffer);
    dataObject.SetData(stepFormat.Name, false, vvClipData);
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    File data is file data. Exif is photo data. A file is not a photo.  It's a container for a photo.
    When you export you're not exporting a file. You're exporting a Photo. The medium of export is a new file. That file is created at the time of export, so that's its creation date. The Photo within that file is dated by the Exif.
    There are apps that will modify the file date to match the Exif.
    The variation you're seeing is likely due to the changes in how the iPhoto library works over the past few versions. Drag and drop is handy, but is not a substitute for exporting, nor intended to be.

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    Is there a way around this?

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    Question slide with partial scoring
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    I just read another from another website -
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    Message was edited by: Mikeatcaz

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    Ok. To reproduce the bad drag and drop behavior:
    Create a Misc Data page, name it "Home"
    Drag a data page out, name it "A", and put stuff on it. (Doesn't need to be complex).
    Drag an action out, name it "B".
    Drag another action out, name it "C"
    Connect a forward from "A" to "B", connect a forward from "B" to "C". Connect a forward from "C" to "Home".
    Connect a "fail" forward back, from "B" to "A".
    Try to drag a method off of an applicaiton module to Action "B". It should not work.

  • Possible Bug with Drag-and-Drop Being Published via HTML5 - Getting "Undefined" Error When Dragging Object

    I came up with a way to use drag-and-drop interactions that will take advantage of file input so that I may create a drag-and-drop interaction that uses one draggable object over and over allowing multiple scoring/tracking possibilities.  Example having the draggable object be dynamic in that it randomly changes its text so that a learner can drag a term it's possible classification.........thus allowing the possibility of having many terms easily loaded without having to redo a drag-and-drop interaction for each needed terms/classifications updates/changes.
    My Issue: When using a variable to represent the text for a draggable Smart Shape object, I'm getting the error message "undefined" when, clicking/pressing on the object, as well as during the drag of the object. This issue occurs when publishing the project in an HTML5 format.  Flash interestingly enough seems to work perfect...but we are not interested in publishing via Flash any longer.
    To better help you explore this error message, I've set up a test project so that you can see when and how the "undefined" message shows up during a drag-and-drop interaction.  I've also included the Captivate 8 project file used to make the exploration project I'm sharing in this post.
    Link to Captivate project I created for you all to explore "undefined" error message":
    Link to this Captivate 8 Project file:
    It's pretty interesting how things react in this demo, please try the following actions to see some interesting happenings:
    Drag the Yellow (or variable drag box) to the drag target.
    Drag Black Hello square to Drag target and click undo or reset - watch the undefined message come up on the Yellow (or variable drag box).
    Drag the Yellow (or variable drag box) to the drag target and then use the undo or reset.
    Move both draggable boxes to the drag target and use the undo and reset buttons...
    Anyhow, I know you all are sharp and will run the demo through its paces.
    I'd really be very honored if anyone help me figure out how I could (when publishing out to HTML5) no longer have the "undefined" error message show up when using drag-and-drop with a variable for shape text. This technique has been well received at the college I work at...and I have many future project requests for using such an idea on a variety of similar interactions. I'd love see a solution or see if this might be a bug Adobe may be able to fix!
    I tried to find a solution to the issue documented here for quite some time, but I was not able to find anyone with this problem much less attempting the idea I'm sharing in the help request -  save the darn "undefined" message that comes up!
    Many thanks in advance for any help and/or direction that you all may be able to provide,

    I just wanted to supply a minor update related to my drag-and-drop question/issue stated above:
    I did another test using Captivate 7, and found that the undefined error (publishing as HTML5) does not appear and the variable data remains visible - except the variable data turns very small and does not honor any font size related settings.
    I did go ahead and submit this to Adobe as a possible bug today.
    Thanks again for any help related to this issue.  If the issued documented above is solved, it will allow many amazing things to be done using Captivate's drag-and-drop for both regular type projects as well as interaction development for iBooks! 
    Matter of fact if this issue gets fixed, I'll publish a Blog entry (or video) on way's I've used Captivate's drag-and-drop to create dynamic learning activities for Higher Ed. and for use in iBooks.
    ~ Paul

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