LSMW : CO01 Urgent

Hello Group,
I am new to LSMW and have the tough challenge for CO01 Production Orders upload. Please help me on this one...
1. There is no BAPI or Direct Input
2. When we choose for recording ? It asks for choosing one of few routings available. Now how does we will select that.
Can any one help me on this ?
thanks in advance

Hi ,
Please let me know in detail how  to upload production orders using idoc method.
As this idoc seems to be outbound, will it be possible to use it to transfer data from legacy to SAP system.

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    1.Is batch input method handles Multiple Bank entries?if so how should be the test data?
    (I have created header data structure,general ,company code ,purchasing structures and assigned all the source structures to target structures.)
    (Here there is field coming in excel file called TEL_NUMBER belongs to SZA1_D100 structure similarly fax_number belongs to SZA1_D100.)In lsmw batch process direct input method ,while assigning field mappings I am unable to find out the target field in the step of lsmw field mappings and conversion rules.) Here to which table field can I assign while mapping in batch process direct input.
    Source field                  Target field
    SZA1_D100-TEL_NUMBER   To which field can I assign?)
    SZA1_D100-fax_number    "
    Because SZA1_D100 is structure.
    Please give answer immediately.

    In EXCEL file there are two tel number fields and two fax number fields are coming.
    table-field length table-field length
    1.lfa1-telf1 (16) 1.lfa1-telfx(31)
    2.sza1-d0100 - tel_Number(30) 2.sza1-d0100-fax_number(30)
    these lfa1 table fields i can assign with blfa1 target structure fields .But what about this structure fields.
    I am using batch input method.where can (To which fields) can I assign these structure(sza1-d0100 ) fields.
    answer please ?

  • UserExit / CO01/ urgent

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    i have to do component field to only in display mode that is in table control in CO01 .how can i do ?  can i do it with userexit ? i found many exits but how would i know that which exit will effect there ? when i m going to do in program only then its asking for key . can anybody tell me its urgent ?
    <b>regards saurabh</b> .

    Exits for Co01
    CCOWB001  Customer exit for modifying menu entries
    COIB0001  Customer Exit for As-Built Assignment Tool
    COZF0001  Change purchase req. for externally processed operation
    COZF0002  Change purchase req. for externally procured component
    PPCO0001  Application development: PP orders
    PPCO0002  Check exit for setting delete mark / deletion indicator
    PPCO0003  Check exit for order changes from sales order
    PPCO0004  Sort and processing exit: Mass processing orders
    PPCO0005  Storage location/backflushing when order is created
    PPCO0006  Enhancement to specify defaults for fields in order head
    PPCO0007  Exit when saving production order
    PPCO0008  Enhancement in the adding and changing of components
    PPCO0009  Enhancement in goods movements for prod. process order
    PPCO0010  Enhancement in make-to-order production - Unit of measur
    PPCO0012  Production Order: Display/Change Order Header Data
    PPCO0013  Change priorities of selection crit. for batch determina
    PPCO0015  Additional check for document links from BOMs
    PPCO0016  Additional check for document links from master data
    PPCO0017  Additional check for online processing of document links
    PPCO0018  Check for changes to production order header
    PPCO0019  Checks for changes to order operations
    PPCO0021  Release Control for Automatic Batch Determination
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    PPCO0023  Checks Changes to Order Components
    STATTEXT  Modification exit for formatting status text lines

  • Functional Specifications for LSMW required urgently

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    Can you please provide me with the functional specifications for lsmw. I need a template document which i should be able to use as Func Specs for different lsmw objects.
    Kindly forward the same to [email protected]
    Thanks & Regards,

    see the link...u will get the documents for LSMW

  • Problem with abap code in lsmw.its urgent

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    types: begin of ty_fikey,
           fikey type fikey_kk,
           resob type resob_kk,
           end of ty_fikey.
    data: wa_fikey type ty_fikey.
        I_FIKEY                      = 'jana56481'
      I_OPEN_ON_REQUEST            =
      I_OPEN_WITHOUT_DIALOG        =
      I_FOR_MASS_POSTING           =
       I_RESOB                      = '24 '
      I_RESKY                      = ' '
      I_NON_EXISTING_ALLOWED       = ' '
      I_FOR_POSTING_IN_UPD         = ' '
      NON_EXISTING                 = 1
      OTHERS                       = 2
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    select single  fikey resob from dfkksumc into corresponding fields of wa_fikey where resob = '24'.
    e1bpdfkkko-fikey = wa_fikey-fikey.

    Refer link:
    <a href=""></a>
    Pls do reward points.

  • LSMW Problem - Urgent

    Hi Guys,
    After I run LSMW 13 steps..A session is created in SM35. When I process this session, LSMW is working fine in the foreground state. But when I run LSMW in background , It showing all the records as errors and the session is not processed.
    The error is like " Field xyz is not a input field ".
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    Is LSMW in background doesn't work if the fields are in disable mode ??

    PA30 ( HR Master data )
    In this transaction we have done screen enhancement and added few fields.
    Eg:- countrycode, areacode and Telephonenumber which are editable fields. Once user enters data in these 3 fields and press ENTER will do concatenation of these 3 fields and displayed in an TELNR which is in disable mode.
    This TELNR is also saved in PA0006(Even though it is in disable mode).
    When I run LSMW in foreground..It is stopping at this point and saying that "FIELD TELNR is not a input field". After pressing SAVE the entire data is saved in PA0006.
    But this is not working in background.

  • LSMW Error-Urgent

    Dear All,
    I have created one LSMW using Direct Input Method. The program used is RFBIBL00. Its taking '/' as nodata character. Due to this its giving the message
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    I tried changing the nodata character by manually updating the table /SAPDMC/LSOCOD. But its not working.
    Kindly suggest the solution.
    Thanks in advance,

    The batch is not created to check the log. It is giving the error before starting the batch of LSMW.

  • LSMW - Very Urgent

    HI ,
    In conversions what are the things needs to be taken care.Before starting of doing conversions.At analysis stage of Functional specifications.

    1. Maintain Attributes:
    Here you have to choose the second option and you can do the recording how this should work. Then assign the same to the Batch Input Recording name.
    2. Maintain Source structure:
    Create a structure name
    3. Maintain Source field:
    In this you have to create a structure same as that of the input file
    eg: name
    4. Maintain structure relations:
    This will link the structure to the input file.
    5. Maintain field mapping and conversion rules:
    Here is the place where you can do coding, depending upon the code you have written or assignment you have done the values will get picked up from the file and get processed.
    6. Maintain field mapping and conversion rules:
    If you have any fixed values you can define here.
    7. Specify files:
    Specify the input file path and type.
    8. Assign files:
    This will assign ur file to the Input file
    9. Read Data:
    This will read ur data from teh file.
    10. Dispaly Read Data:
    You can see the uploaded data
    11. Convert Data
    This will convert the data to the corresponding format for processing
    12. Display Converted data:
    13. Create batch input session
    Here this will create a batch input session for processing
    14. Run Batch Input session:
    By clicking on the session and process the same you can do teh needfu.
    for Long texts Upload
    Please take a look at this..
    Reward points if useful

  • LSMW- Few doubts?

    Please tell me in what scenarios shall we go for LSMW with Batch Input Recording and in what scenerios shall we go for Direct Input Method in LSMW? Urgent.

    This one is the most complete document for the same
    Here is a step by step guide on LSMW
    check these threads..
    Refer the links -
    lsmw table control
    Re: Table control in LSMW
    Table control in LSMW
    Table Control in LSMW
    Re: Table Control in LSMW
    just refer to the link below
    Reward Points if found helpfull..
    Chandra Sekhar.

  • Order creation control if components stock not available

    I am creating a production order manually through CO01 for a material which is having components. But some components are not having sufficient  stock as per required for the above production order qty.Now system should not allow me to create the order. What settings I need to do in the system.

    Dear ,
    You can apply user exit : PPCO0001 Application development: PP orders   or Screen Variant SMOD .
    Refer useful theards of list of user exit : UserExit / CO01/ urgent
    or You can also stop realseing in Standrad settings even the order is created  in OPJK-Order type and Availability Check key -02-Keep Relase Material -3 ( No realse if missing parts )  , Mark Status Check , Check material availablity while Saving of order .

  • Lsmw issue plz help its urgent

    Hi Experts ,
    i need to create a LSMW using batch input .
    but the requirement is on the basis of conditions my recording need to be changed .
    dat means
    3127POL09 3127POL09-1 CTR 3127-1003E 100 FUL
    3127POL09 3127POL09-2 WBS 3127POL01 60 FUL
    for ctr i ill have to post data in screen number 200
    and for wbs i ill have to post data in screen number 400 .
    can we put some conditions in recording in lsmw ?
    i no we can create multiple recording but how can we use them to fullfill my requirement .
    plz help its urgent
    thanx in advance

    Within LSMW, there is an option to write our own code wherein this code can be incorporated.
    This is in the Field Mapping Option...
    Just go to the Menu Extras->Layout
    and click on the check box Form Routines
    Global Data.
    Here you can define Global Variables and also perform your ABAP Coding.

  • LSMW - Idoc method  - Urgent ??

    What is "Allow structure assignment to EDIDC40" ? on the object attributes maintenance screen (step 1) in the LSMW Idoc inbound processing.
    we are using CRM 5.0 to test the BP creation with the help of IDOC methods.
    any inputs or step by step IDOC BP creation guide/document will be highly appreciated and rewarded.
    you can mail the IDOC step by step doc to [email protected]

    normally the control structure EDIDC40 is filled automatically by LSMW. In some special cases you may want to defined your own mapping rules. In these cases you can set the flag and will then see EDIDC40 in the step where you do the fieldmapping.
    I would suggest not to set the flag unless you really urgently need to adopt rules
    for the IDoc control structure.
    Regards, Katja

  • Urgent need lsmw with directinput

    hi folks,
    i am in urgent need
    i am using the program RSADRLSM02 for the uploading of the bisiness address services/regionla structure with lsmw using directinput method
    i finished all the steps but at the end i am getting struck it is asking for the logical file i don't have any knowledge about it how to create or choose the corresponding logical file related to this program
    please can anyone guide me to solve this
    thanks in advanse

    Hai Naveen
    I will send you some  steps for Transaction Code MM01
    Please do the steps and got any error get back to me
    Using Tcode MM01 -- Maintain the source fields are
    1) mara-amtnr  char(18)
    2) mara-mbrsh  char(1)
    3) mara-mtart  char(4)
    4) makt-maktx  char(40)
    5) mara-meins  char(3)
    the flate file format is like this as follows
    MAT991,C,COUP,Srinivas material01,Kg
    MAT992,C,COUP,Srinivas material02,Kg
    AMT993,C,COUP,Srinivas material03,Kg
    MAT994,C,COUP,Srinivas material04,Kg
    MAT995,C,COUP,Srinivas material05,Kg
    goto Tcode LSMW
    give Project Name
         Subproject Name
         object Name
    Press Enter -
    Press Execute Button
    It gives 13 radio-Button Options
    do the following 13 steps as follows
    1) select radio-Button 1 and execute
       Maintain Object Attributes
    select Standard Batch/Direct Input
       give Object -- 0020
           Method -- 0000
       save & Come Back
    2) select radio-Button 2 and execute
       Maintain Source Structures
       select the source structure and got to click on create button
       give source structure name & Description
       save & Come Back
    3) select radio-Button 3 and execute
       Maintain Source Fields
       select the source structure and click on create button
       first field
            field name    matnr
            Field Label   material Number
            Field Length  18
            Field Type    C
       Second field
            field name    mbrsh
            Field Label   Industrial Sector
            Field Length  1
            Field Type    C
       Third field
            field name    mtart
            Field Label   material type
            Field Length  4
            Field Type    C
       fourth field
            field name    maktx
            Field Label   material description
            Field Length  40
            Field Type    C
       fifth field
            field name    meins
            Field Label   base unit of measurement
            Field Length  3
            Field Type    C
      save & come back
    4) select radio-Button 4 and execute
       Maintain Structure Relations
       go to blue lines 
          select first blue line and click on create relationship button
          select Second blue line and click on create relationship button
          select Third blue line and click on create relationship button
      save & come back
    5) select radio-Button 5 and execute
       Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules
       Select the Tcode and click on Rule button there you will select constant
       and press continue button
       give Transaction Code : MM01 and press Enter
       after that
       1) select MATNR field click on Source filed(this is the field mapping) select MATNR and press Enter
       2) select MBRSH field click on Source filed(this is the field mapping) select MBRSH and press Enter
       3) select MTART field click on Source filed(this is the field mapping) select MTART and press Enter
       4) select MAKTX field click on Source filed(this is the field mapping) select MAKTX and press Enter
       5) select MEINS field click on Source filed(this is the field mapping) select MEINS and press Enter
      save & come back
    6) select radio-Button 6 and execute
       Maintain Fixed Values, Translations, User-Defined Routines
       give FIXED VALUE Name & Description as MM01
       come back
    7) select radio-Button 7 and execute
       Specify Files
       select On the PC (Frontend) -- and click on Create button(f5)
                                      give the path of the file like "c:\material_data.txt"
                                      description : -
                                      separators as select comma radiao- button
       and press enter   save & come back
    8) select radio-Button 8 and execute
       Assign Files
       Save & come back
    9) select radio-Button 9 and execute
       Read Files
       come back
       come back
    10) select radio-Button 10 and execute
        Display Imported Data
        Execute and press enter
        come back
        Come back
    11) select radio-Button 11 and execute
        Convert Data
        come back
        Come back
    12) select radio-Button 12 and execute
        Display Converted Data
        Execute & come back
    13) select radio-Button 13 and execute
        Start Direct Input Program
       select the Program
       select continue button
    go with via physical file
    give the lock mode as 'E'
    and execute
    Thanks & regards
    Sreenivasulu P

  • Urgent /Change In CO01

    My question is same ....... Plz.. do something its very urgent..
    Can anybody tell me that how can i change in CO01 Standard T. Code.....
    I do all first, create screen variant for it....its working but we can't saw it reflect when we execute the Standard T.code..CO01....
    Plz Tell me How can I call Screen Variant with CO01.....
    Second, I go to SMOD, and find its exit-name....i.e... EXIT_SAPLCOMK_006....
    when i click on its goes to inside its code....
    I code there...
    IF DYNNR = '0100' .
    ENDIF .
    but it's not working too....
    Now wat can I do....not anyone option is working ......
    Plz Suggest....

    please go to shdo
    creat variant for tcode
    and assign it in the tab of standard variant.
    standard variant- name
    - your variant.
    then only it will reflect in your standard code.
    after active this..
    go to standard t code
    goto system status and see
    wether your transaction variant is assigned or not other vise again go and active it.
    plzz reward point if usefull

  • Very urgent: Can't create LSMW for PO service item

    Hi all,
    I created LSMW for PO service(Item cat ="D") by using BAPI
    ( Business object: BUS2012, Method:CREATEFROMDATA1, Message Type:PORDCR1 and Basic Type: PORDCR102)
    This below is my source filed.
                Activity Item
                Activity Number
                  Activity Item
                  Activity Number
                  Sequence Number
    After i started idoc i got the message Message no. SE518 (No account assignment exists for service line 0000000010)
    How can i slove this problem?
    Thank you,

    so you consider this closed?
    Very urgent: LSMW

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