Mac book pro feels hot

Hi. I own a macbook pro and sometimes it feels like the bottom of the computer gets really hot. Is that normal? Usually it happens when I've been on the computer for at least 30 min. or so.

It depends. Some processor intensive activities will generate quite a lot of heat and this would be normal, especially if the fans speed up at the computer heats up. But if the computer gets quite hot under less intensive processes, there could be a problem. For example, if one of the fans were not working, the computer could get hotter than it should. Or if there is a runaway process hogging the CPU, the computer could get hot.
There are a couple of ways to monitor your heat situation. One is to download the widget iStatPro so you can see how hot your computer is and how fast your fans are running. On most MBP's, the fans will idle at around 2000 RPM. (I believe that the idle was around 1000 RPM for earlier models.) With 6 applications open, my fans are at around 2000 RPM and my CPU A is at 45℃. I have the Mac on my lap, and it isn't even as warm as the average kitty cat.
You can also check Activity Monitor (in the Utilities folder in your Applications folder). Select "All Processes" at the top and "CPU" on the bottom bar. The CPU column will show up any intensive processes, including the occasional runaway process which will be hogging the CPU.
When your Mac seems like it's hot, check both iStatPro and Activity Monitor. If you see anything that seems unusual to you or have some specific questions, please post back.
Good luck!

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    Studio Engineer wrote:
    …  no other app seems to be affected by this issue. PPRO, AE, Photoshop, Aperture, Safari etc etc etc... Only FPCx and Motion.
    me no engineer ... ahh, you did know that!
    but …
    Aren't FCPX + M5 the apps in your list which rely most on the graphic card? I'm not familiar with Grand Central and other OS-designs, nor can i confirm a built-in heat-sensor for that part of the Mac, there are sensors erverywhere - why not?  …
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    Bonjour Pierre,
    Je regrette, mais ma francaise, c'est mauvais.
    There are several possibilities here.
    1) Is the battery ("accumulateur"?) holding charge properly. A bad battery can cause overheating because the charging system will be working too hard.
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    Hot is a relative term.  Go on the Internet and download iStat pro, a widget that monitors the internal temperatures and fan speeds of your MBP.  When you get accurate numerical data then you will be able to determine if there actually is a problem.
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    Graphics  NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 1024 MB
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    Any experiences with 2 displays?
    is there anything i can do about it?
    Better cooling pad solutions???
    Any other solutions??
    Any ideas welcome
    Thanks & Best

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    when do i reach critical limits?

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    Hi, the last install dvd that came out for mac's was Snow Leopard,10.6.3. Lion is a download from apple. You cannot just install it over Yosemite. You would have to backup your drive to save files you want and do a clean install. You might want to look into getting more memory. You can run 8 Gig"s of memory on your Macbook Pro.If your Macbook Pro is getting really slow you might want to download EtreCheck  and then post the results here.  Check out this article.

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    Boot Mode: Normal
    Model: MacBookPro11,1
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    System diagnostics
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       2014-09-20 PluginProcess spin
       2014-09-20 iTunes spin
       2014-09-22 PluginProcess spin
       2014-09-22 PluginProcess spin
       2014-09-25 PluginProcess spin
       2014-09-26 Google Chrome spin
       2014-09-26 Google Chrome spin
    User diagnostics
       2014-09-20 CalendarAgent crash
       2014-09-22 DashboardClient crash
    Kernel messages
       Sep 26 17:21:23   IOPPF: Sent gpu-internal-plimit-notification last value 4 (rounded time weighted average 4)
       Sep 26 17:21:35   IOPPF: Sent cpu-plimit-notification last value 5 (rounded time weighted average 5)
       Sep 26 17:21:35   IOPPF: Sent gpu-internal-single-slice-plimit-notification last value 3 (rounded time weighted average 3)
       Sep 26 17:21:35   IOPPF: Sent gpu-internal-plimit-notification last value 3 (rounded time weighted average 3)
       Sep 26 17:21:47   IOPPF: Sent cpu-plimit-notification last value 8 (rounded time weighted average 7)
       Sep 26 17:21:47   IOPPF: Sent gpu-internal-single-slice-plimit-notification last value 3 (rounded time weighted average 3)
       Sep 26 17:21:47   IOPPF: Sent gpu-internal-plimit-notification last value 3 (rounded time weighted average 3)
       Sep 26 17:22:01   IOPPF: Sent cpu-plimit-notification last value 5 (rounded time weighted average 7)
       Sep 26 17:22:01   IOPPF: Sent gpu-internal-single-slice-plimit-notification last value 2 (rounded time weighted average 3)
       Sep 26 17:22:01   IOPPF: Sent gpu-internal-plimit-notification last value 2 (rounded time weighted average 3)
       Sep 26 17:22:21   IOPPF: Sent cpu-plimit-notification last value 10 (rounded time weighted average 9)
       Sep 26 17:22:21   IOPPF: Sent gpu-internal-single-slice-plimit-notification last value 4 (rounded time weighted average 3)
       Sep 26 17:22:21   IOPPF: Sent gpu-internal-plimit-notification last value 4 (rounded time weighted average 3)
       Sep 26 17:22:34   IOPPF: Sent cpu-plimit-notification last value 8 (rounded time weighted average 8)
       Sep 26 17:22:34   IOPPF: Sent gpu-internal-single-slice-plimit-notification last value 5 (rounded time weighted average 5)
       Sep 26 17:22:34   IOPPF: Sent gpu-internal-plimit-notification last value 5 (rounded time weighted average 5)
       Sep 26 17:22:47   IOPPF: Sent cpu-plimit-notification last value 6 (rounded time weighted average 6)
       Sep 26 17:22:47   IOPPF: Sent gpu-internal-single-slice-plimit-notification last value 5 (rounded time weighted average 5)
       Sep 26 17:22:47   IOPPF: Sent gpu-internal-plimit-notification last value 5 (rounded time weighted average 5)
       Sep 26 17:23:01   IOPPF: Sent cpu-plimit-notification last value 7 (rounded time weighted average 7)
       Sep 26 17:23:01   IOPPF: Sent gpu-internal-single-slice-plimit-notification last value 5 (rounded time weighted average 5)
       Sep 26 17:23:01   IOPPF: Sent gpu-internal-plimit-notification last value 5 (rounded time weighted average 5)
       Sep 26 17:23:12   IOPPF: Sent cpu-plimit-notification last value 6 (rounded time weighted average 6)
       Sep 26 17:23:12   IOPPF: Sent gpu-internal-single-slice-plimit-notification last value 5 (rounded time weighted average 5)
       Sep 26 17:23:12   IOPPF: Sent gpu-internal-plimit-notification last value 5 (rounded time weighted average 5)
    Extrinsic daemons
    Extrinsic agents
    launchd items
    Startup items
    Extrinsic loadable bundles
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin
        (com.macromedia.Flash Player.plugin)
       /Library/PreferencePanes/Flash Player.prefPane
       /Library/PreferencePanes/Tuxera NTFS.prefPane
       Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/SkypeABDialer.bundle
       Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/SkypeABSMS.bundle
    User login items
       Google Chrome
    Restricted user files: 45
    Elapsed time (s): 75

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