Mac not starting.

Last night I installed 10.4.6, I already had 10.4.5 but a new update came in so I put it on and, seince I was going to bed, I clicked shut down instead of restart. But this morning when I turned ony my computer it just stays on the "Starting up Mac OS X". The loading bar is compleat so it should come on. It is taking longer than it normally dose but I waited for a while and left the room anyway. When I came back it was still like it so I restarted and it's still the same thing right now.
I have no idea what so ever how to do anything before the Mac is actully started up. I'm new it it all. Can anybody help me out??

Hi Diane
I am having precisely the same problem as Pop7.
I managed to startup from the tiger disk, open disk utility, repair disk permissions and verify the disk. I then repaired the permissions again. Tried to restart as normal but it hung in the same place again (when blue bar has gone all the way across).
I have also tried to restart in safe mode but ended up with the same problem.
Please help.
Imac G4 flat panel   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

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    Welcome to Discussions!
    If the drive doesn't appear at all, it could have failed mechanically. If it were a directory problem, it should still show.
    Are there some other utilities I could try to detect the harddrive?
    Could try DiskWarrior, if you have it. Or, try Data Rescue II.
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    Checking Catalog file
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    2. S.M.A.R.T status of the disk is verified
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    4. There is no problem in mounting the disk.
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    2. All I have is my Mac and 10.4.6 install disk.
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    4. I can not loose my data.
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    Any help would be appreciated.

    The article Disk Utility reports "Underlying task reported failure" when repairing a volume gives more information about the issue you are experiencing. The reference in the article to a third party utility is the utility referenced by BGreg, Disk Warrior.
    Please do post back with further questions or comments.
    Good luck.

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    Take a look at this link,

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    Your Mac appears to have forgotten the location of its boot volume. Restart the Mac while pressing and holding the "Option" key. This should then give you the option of selecting the boot volume.
    After the Mac has started and has opened your account, go to System Preferences > Startup disk from the Apple menu and select your boot volume to reset it as the Startup disk.

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    What applications are open?  You can tell by viewing the Dock. 
    Not knowing what the installer is trying to install I would close the disk image and delete it.  If you don't know where the disk image file is located Control (right) - click on the Installer icon on the Desktop and select Get Info from the contextual menu. 
    The Info window will show where the disk image file is located like in this screenshot:
    Since the installed is generically named as is the disk image be very wary of it.

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    It likely that DiskWarrior or Drive Genius might repair it.
    Other than that, get an external drive, install OSX on it, boot with the Option/alt ket held down, & on 1st boot from the external & putting your info in, avail yourself of the Migration Assistant offer, se how much it can migrate off your internal drive.

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    Apple/About This Mac/More Info/Hardware/Power/Battery Information - copy and paste the information here. Do not include any serial numbers.
    If you see "Replace Now" or "Needs Service" you need a new battery. 

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    You didn't mention which process you used to install Leopard. Did you back up all your data before? Did you run Repair Disk from Disk Utility prior to updating? Might also be a good idea to post in the Leopard forum area.

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    You need to contact the developer/manufacturer directly to determine if their product is compatible w/Yosemite.  It is not listed on their system requirement website:
    Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks
    Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion
    Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
    Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard*
    Note: ArchiCAD 17 is the last version of ArchiCAD to support Mac OS X 10.6
    Only case insensitive file-system volumes are supported.

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    Apple is losing its way. The pleasure is gone and no one at Apple seems to care.

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    That's why i am interested on anyone's help.

    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    I think that your Mac detects your hard disk, but the problem is that your new hard disk doesn't contain any operating system, so your Mac doesn't find any bootable partition and you see a question mark.
    If your Mac came with DVDs, insert the Mac OS X Install DVD and hold the C key while your Mac is starting. Then, just install Mac OS X. If the hard disk isn't prepared to install Mac OS X, you will have to erase it using "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)". See >

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    Mac OS 10.5 /
    I deleted the " Private" folder ... and emptied the trash. So the folder and its contents no longer exists on my computer at all !!!
    I do have the OS 10.5 dvd that i purchased years ago...
    But my computer will not start from it on its own.
    My question is what is the open source or terminal language code used to tell my mac to look in the DVD rom drive for startup info?  I know that im not the only person in this world who has deleted the "PRIVATE" folder and emptied the trash so it no longer exists on their machine...
    That said theres gotta be a common fix for a Power PC G4 that has the OS X dvd in the rom drive but wont look to it to reinstall the vital contents of the PRIVATE folder.
    Once again there is not a copy of this file or its contents in the recycle bin...
    Also rebooting the machine , pressing and holding the letter C does not prompt the machine to look to the dvd rom drive.
    I was reinstalling pro tools and figured I would make some room by cleaning my computers HD...
    Lol It was a bad choice to delete this file ...
    Thanks guys

    Okay sorry it took forever to respond... But for a while there I gave up on this computer!!!!
    Money's been tight lately , so taking it in to a professional was not yet an option... though I did consider it eventhough.
    Anyway long story short im glad I didnt spend any money because I already had all the tools necessary to fix this issue but was going about it in the wrong way. Okay so here is my scenario and the breakdown... Though this may not fix the issue for everyone :( which *****... But I know we all will have different circumstances.
    Anyway here we go...
    Okay so first things first....  Years ago I purchased the OS 10.5.1 disk ... So that has always been in my possession!!!!
    I realize that some may not have a disk to reflash your OS to your hard drive... but if you do your in luck.
    2ndly ... I had an external harddrive with all of my itunes downloaded music so it was more than okay with me to delete my primary HD because all the important stuff could either be copied over or repathed to be located.
    -------If you dont want to read through the whole story the fix is summed up in the bottom section-------
    Okay so now the SOLUTION!!!!
    By trial and error , and pure boredom I opened up my computer to clean the inside...
    "Disconnected the primary HD"
    and just because ....... REBOOTED my computer. Just to see what it would do.
    Upon restart and though it looked like it would repeat its usual cycle...
    About 1 minute in to that process my computer froze for about 2 seconds and flashed to the OS installation screen.
    Mind you I havent seen this screen yet... Probably hasnt been since I installed the OS years ago.
    After a bit of trial and error...
    I decided to tell my computer to startup from the OS 10.5 disk located in my dvd rom drive and restarted once again...
    this setting is under
    Utilities / startup disk
    After a little more trial and error ... I realized that I could reconnect the primary HD , restart the machine and return to the OS installation menu.
    So upon this discovery
    I went to the Disk Utility located under Utilities
    Highlighted my primary HD located in the left hand column
    Once highlighted ...
    In the heading section on the right I selected the option
    in which I erased My current OS on my primary HD ...
    I used the first option in the list under security... Because it seemed like the least invasive and would take the least amount of time to see if this process would actually work.
    I FORGOT to add something... 
    Another reason why I deleted my primary HD!!!!!
    I forgot to say that it WOULD NOT!!!!! Show up in the STARTUP list as an option...Even After multiple reboots....
    But like clockwork... Once I deleted its name IT SHOWED UP as an option!!!!
    So back to the next step...
    I returned to the STARTUP option under utilities ... And was then able to see MY primary HD now as a startup option...
    But ofcourse it had no name because it we previously erased it.
    So when Clicking my newly erased HD ... I was almost immediately prompted to REINSTALL the OS ...
    Which said it would take about 57 minutes ... But I believe was alot less...
    My issue was resolved ... My computer then stated the install was SUCCESSFUL!!!!!!! :))))))))))) lol ;)
    It was like I was setting up for the first time ;) asking for my registration info...
    The dilemma of deleting the private folder and emptying the trash is finally over resolved. Done ... and no extra money spent!!!!!!!!! 
    Its really crazy that the information for such a simple thing is not readily available. Especially being such a simple fix.
    I know im not the only person who's had this issue , because i've seen numerous posts with similar wording.
    I also know I wont be the last person to have this issue... So I hope this synopsis makes sense.
    -------One more time the fix------
    *Insert your OS dvd into your dvd rom drive.
    *Unplug your primary HD or corrupted startup disk
    *Reboot your machine...
    Upon restart your primary HD will not be recognized...
    * you will then be prompted to select your language.
    Once selected
    *Click Utilities/startup... Highlight the the selection that refers to the OS dvd located in the dvd rom drive.
    * Click restart...
    !!!!!!!!!!Be sure to reconnect your Primary HD Before your computer restarts and you hear the chime!!!!!!!!
    If you do not replug your HD before the chime it will not be recognized.
    In that case restart again.
    Upon restart once again
    *Choose your language...
    *Click Utilities / disk utility
    In the left column select and
    *Highlight your HD ...
    Then towards the top portion / center of the page
    *Click the heading Erase
    Then on the page toward the bottom
    *Click security options
    This will then provide erase options.
    "Dont erase data"...
    *click OK
    * click erase...
    Once erased which should take a few seconds
    *Cancel the disk utility...
    * Click Utilities / startup
    And your newly erased HD should now appear in the list.
    * Select your drive from the list by highlighting
    It should no longer have a name.
    *Once selected, you will then be prompted to restart and install the OS to your newly erased HD...
    Thats it!!!!
    Once everything reinstalls re-add your personal info or registration info and you are up and running.
    Goodluck ;)

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    Are you sure about your hard disk health, any clicking noice recently?
    Go to boot menu (press option button or button left to your space bar while booting) > Select Recovery drive > Disk utility > Verify the volume on which OS X is installed.

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    In this case, I think that there's something damaged that can't be fixed just reinstalling OS X.
    If you don't want to lose files, you will have to create a second partition in the hard drive and install OS X there, so you will be able to recover everything you need. Then, you will have to erase the first partition and reinstall OS X. Follow these steps:
    1. Hold Command and R keys while your Mac is starting to start into OS X Recovery, and open Disk Utility.
    2. You can follow the steps of this site to create a second partition >
    3. After creating the second partition, close Disk Utility and install OS X on the second partition.
    4. When the installation finishes, open Finder and, in the sidebar, you will see the other partition. Open it and recover the files you need.
    5. After doing that, repeat the step 1.
    6. Select “Macintosh HD” in the sidebar, go to Erase tab and erase the disk.
    7. Close Disk Utility and install OS X on the first partition.
    After doing all of these steps (you will need a lot of time to do this), you can delete the second partition you created and add the size of this partition into the first one >

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