Macbook air making noise

hello, i just bought macbook air a month ago everything was perfect till today when i opened it starts to make noise like zzzzzzzzzzzzzz like disc-top bcs, the problem is that i am not in the us rightnow, iam in egypt, anybody knows?

It looks my Macbook Air (MC503+4GiB RAM) also have similar issue. The noise is from inside of the book, very short and trivial "z", it happens several times to before I start notice it. The short tiny little sound is much different from the CPU fan's continues noise. I am not running any huge program, just browsing web or leave it there waiting for an E-mail.
Some guess: the noise happens mostly when the book is running on battery. I know there are six battery packs for 13'' version of Air. Maybe, I guess during the battery's discharging, something is happening inside the battery emitting or absorbing gas or something which brings the periodical noise. (Just hope the batteries are stable:)
It does not like something is loose inside, because while I am trying to shake (carefully) my Macbook, there is no such sound coming out.
Anybody have any update?
Message was edited by: elxyc

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    Hello there, Carly.
    It sounds like the fans on your MacBook Air are running at full speed after you've turned on your computer. The following Knowledge Base article offers a great recommendation for troubleshooting this issue:
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    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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    GPU / CPU intensive activities like playing games will generate heat.
    Fans will run at higher rpm to cool down the computer. That is normal.
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    Power or other problems related to unexpected system sleep, shutdown, lights or fans call for an SMC reset. Read all the steps.
    Before Resetting the SMC
    Try each of the following steps in this order before you reset the SMC. Test the issue after completing each troubleshooting step to determine if the issue still occurs.
    Press Command + Option + Escape to force quit any application that is not responding.
    Put your Mac to sleep by choosing the Apple () menu from the upper-left menu bar and then choosing Sleep. Wake the computer after it has gone to sleep.
    Restart your Mac by choosing the Apple () menu from the upper-left menu bar and then choosing Restart.
    Shut down your Mac by choosing the Apple () menu from the upper-left menu bar and then choosing Shut Down.
    Resetting the SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own
    Shut down the computer.
    Plug in the MagSafe power adapter to a power source, connecting it to the Mac if it's not already connected.
    On the built-in keyboard, press the (left side) Shift-Control-Option keys and the power button at the same time. The power adapter indicator light will cycle off / on once.
    Release all the keys and the power button at the same time.
    Press the power button to turn on the computer.

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    Hello, JRiToch!
    The fan noise may very well be normal, especially when the system is under heavy load, or if it is sitting in a manner that may be restricting air flow in and out of the system.
    Learn about the fans in your Mac
    If you believe that there may be an issue, you might try resetting the system's SMC.
    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    Best regards,

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    Reset SMC.
    Choose the method for:
    "Resetting SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own".
    If this does not help, contact Apple.
    A new Mac is in warranty for 1 year from the date of purchase.
    A new Mac comes with 90 days of free tech support from AppleCare.
    AppleCare: 1-800-275-2273

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    Here is the data from the battery section of system information:
    Model Information:
      Serial Number:          D86151202VLDKRNAQ
      Manufacturer:          SMP
      Device Name:          bq20z451
      Pack Lot Code:          0
      PCB Lot Code:          0
      Firmware Version:          406
      Hardware Revision:          000a
      Cell Revision:          162
      Charge Information:
      Charge Remaining (mAh):          6546
      Fully Charged:          Yes
      Charging:          No
      Full Charge Capacity (mAh):          6675
      Health Information:
      Cycle Count:          8
      Condition:          Normal
      Battery Installed:          Yes
      Amperage (mA):          -1193
      Voltage (mV):          8258

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    Unplug the mouse then try an SMC reset.

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    Yes, thats plate or screw pop,  check the bottom for a loose screw.
    If not then normal, its the alloy plate flexing under torque from grabbing it at one end and the weight causing the plate to pop just a bit

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