Macbook Pro with Belkin N1 Router

Are there any known issues with connecting a MacBook Pro to a Belkin N1 Router? I have a Core2Duo MacBook Pro (purchased this week), and my wife has a regular Mac Book (purchased last November). She can connect to the N1 with download speeds exceeding 10000kbps (we have Comcast High Speed service), while my MacBook Pro -- placed right next to her barely exceeds 1000 kbps.
The N1 has the latest firmware, so my thinking is that is may have to do with the MacBook Pro.

OK, I called Belkin and got a real dufus on the first call. He said OH you need to take the router back and exchange. I told him no I did that yesterday and I am having the same exact problem, everytime I enter security into the router it goes to poop. He insisted that I take it back, so I hung up on him and called again. This time I spent about 20 minutes on the phone with Craig and he asked about my equipment and what was happening. He then had me do an upgrade of the firmware to aversion 3.1012. I use wpa2psk for my security and everything seems to be working fine for now.
MBP 2.33-2GB RAM-BOUGHT IN JAN 07   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

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    KEXT=/System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleBC M5701Ethernet.kext
    sudo /sbin/kextunload $KEXT
    sudo /sbin/kextload $KEXT
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    Well, you cannot use the 3G USB modem plugged directly into the Express. However, you can configure your MacBook Pro to do 'Internet sharing' (SysPrefs>Sharing) over the Ethernet port, and then connect your Express into the Ethernet port. Alternatively, you could always get your MacBook to 'create a wireless network'.
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    You could always look for open WiFi networks to *cough*borrow*cough* .

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    Hey... I've been toying with this for a very long time... I've figured it out... Apparently the aztech model doesn't seem to know how to resolve the ISP DNS addresses accurately. Manually entering the DNS addresses for yer ISP is so much more effective.
    For Your MacBook Pro,
    1) Click the Apple Logo at the upper left-hand corner, and click System Preferences. Then click on AirPort.
    2) Choose "Advanced" and click on DNS.
    3) If you are using the standard Streamyx DNS, click the little "+" sign and enter first. Click the "+" sign again and add next.
    4) Click "OK" and then click "Apply". Close the system preferences pane and have fun.
    For Your Windows PC, (Windows 7... Windows Vista should be similar),
    1) Open Network and Sharing Center.
    2) Click on "Change Adapter Settings" in the quickbar to the right.
    3) If you are wired to the router, double-click "Local Area Network" (Double-click Wireless Network if you're wirelessly connected.)
    4) Click on "Properties" and double-click "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" in the connection items container.
    5) Select "Obtain an IP address automatically (Assuming you didn't disable DHCP in you're router).
    6) Select "Use the following DNS server addresses.
    7) Enter for the "Preferred DNS Server" and for the "Alternate DNS Server"
    8) Click "OK" twice and then click "Close".
    These DNS servers are the standard DNS server addresses for streamyx. If you find you cannot access a number of websites that may have been filtered by Streamyx (or rather not, according to them), you can choose to use Google's Open DNS. The primary DNS is and the secondary DNS is
    Also, if you choose to use the Open DNS, you need to configure the DNS addresses accordingly in your router's configuration as well. You may either SSH into the router or access it through the main gate way ( by default.)
    Good luck. I hope this solves your problem. I faced the exact same issue. Devices such as certain smartphones may not give you the function of configuring a custom DNS server but may still function normally via wireless to the DSL1000EW.
    This is the most redundant router I have ever owned.

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    FYI.  Am currently using Leopard but am upgrading to Snow Leopard.

    I believe you naeed the Apple ADC to DVI adapter.

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    THANK YOU!!!

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    I am struggling on this issue for weeks and I cannot yous TM on my macbook pro.
    Help please.

    Time Capsule .. TC is the hardware box you bought.. Time Machine is the software you use in the Mac computer.. so what you generally refer to as TM is really TC.. !!
    I can configure the same TM on a normal laptop with windows 7 installed and Airport utility 5.6
    That is great.. you do not need to setup the Time Capsule at all then. It is already setup.. forget using 6.1 utility.. it is useless toy version.
    Just use it.. open Time Machine and see if you can connect to the TC drive to do backup.. and to the wireless.
    From your statements..
    Connect my TM to my macbook with an ethernet cable.(at this point I still cannot see TM on my Mac)
    You are trying to connect with both wireless and ethernet at once.. This can mess things up. choose wireless or ethernet.. not both.
    If you keep running into issues.. reset the TC.. I know yet again.
    Set it up using SMB names.. for both the TC itself and wireless.
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    Is there an inherent problem with retina displays that causes this problem?
    Thanks for your help

    Nah, it was due to the image zoom being processed off the server for the Apple website and the likely clogged connection wifi speeds off the local router in that specific Apple store.
    most websites are not designed for retina level viewing either
    Ive done zoom in on a Retina here at the house with 30MB down speeds and never had a blurring unless it was coming off a jammed up server from a specific website that was slow.

  • MacBook and MacBook Pro with 10.6:  Wireless Airport Issues with Cisco

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    Loaded SL on my daughters MacBook and my MacBook Pro. Internet worked flawlessly at our house (WEP encrypted) and on other public wifi. When my daughter went back to her sorority house at college 24 hours later, she could not access the internet using the sorority house network (Cisco Aironet 1800 router and Cisco Airo Access Points).
    Her Airport on the MacBook appeared connected at full strength yet no internet. Two calls to Apple support (they were very nice) did not help. All the following were tried:
    1. Reset PRAM
    2. Deleted Airport and Safari plists
    3. Edited locations
    4. Removed Battery
    5. Others I cannot now remember
    Still no net. However, she could 'pirate' and hop on line with other identified public wifi adjacent to the sorority house. I drove to the sorority house today and tried to get on the network wirelessly using my MacBook Pro with SL. Same identical results to hers. Another MacBook without SL works great and gets right on the network.
    Is this some SL influenced issue with the Airport card and the Cisco system? Weird that both of our laptops work great with several other wifi networks but not the one at the sorority house.
    Could much of what we all our seeing with the internet access problem lie not with issues within our software or computers but with the routers and access points not being compatible? I have very little understanding of this stuff (as you all can probably tell) but the Apple Support people acted like it was a old firmware issue with Cisco and not with SL. Not actually what I wanted to hear.
    Any ideas or suggestions?

    Your description there, particularly the last part, sounds like my problem. At home, we connect using Airport and ADSL which was OK, once SL had sorted out passwords.
    At my office, where there are two wifi systems, I could not get on either, although did have IP numbers on both. The link to the outside world is via a proxy which uses a PAC file. Network Diagnostics reported each time (whatever I did) that the link to the server was OK, but the Internet was not.
    I created a new Location with identical settings (typing them in and not copying) and the only visible difference is that the new location has no DNS numbers -- I had not noticed that before. The moment I pressed, Apply, the computer was online.
    I was guessing that there was a conflict in a .plist file somewhere; but now I wonder if DNS might have been the reason (the DNS number usually used is the one from the router itself).

  • Facebook won't load on Macbook pro with 10.8

    Facebook won't load on Macbook pro with Mountain lion on a small homw network at home
    I am on a wifi Network. Girlfirend's Macbook got no problem with Facebook on the same network (she got snow leopard installed)
    Facebook WILL load when i connect my computer directly to the the modem, bypassing the router.
    Facebook will load when i use Windows 7 on VMWARE.
    What i already tried:
    1- Reset the router
    2- cleaning caches on all the browsers i'm using (Chrome, Firefox, Safari)
    Never had that problem with 10.7
    Mystery, don't know what i should do except reinstalling Mountain lion...
    Any idea?

    Edge Inspect desktop has no UI and only Inspect icon will be visible in the menu bar. Also, you need to be logged in with Adobe ID in the app.

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    You need to make sure that the HP has an updated printer driver that works with 10.6 for that printer. You can check here:

  • Do MacBook Pro with Retina Display have a DSL slot?

    Hello their,
    I'd like to ask if the new MacBook Pro with Retina Display can be connected to Internet through a DSL wire. Suppose I don't have wireless, how am gonna connect to the Internet?

    a9696a wrote:
    Hello their,
    I'd like to ask if the new MacBook Pro with Retina Display can be connected to Internet through a DSL wire. Suppose I don't have wireless, how am gonna connect to the Internet?
    It is not a "DSL wire". You would connect to your DSL modem/router using an Ethernet cable. Get a Thunderbolt to Ethernet adapter. Mine works well.

  • My brand New Macbook Pro with Retina Display is slow.

    Just today I got a brand new Macbook Pro with the Retina Display. Last week I got the same one except the base model ($1300). Today I decided I wanted a much faster one with better storage so I decided to exchange it for the higher end model ($1500) with 8gb ram and 256gb ssd. When I went to, the results were really dissappointing. I got 65 ping, 15mbps for download speed, and 2mbps for upload speed. My previous new Macbook got a 13 ping, 20 mbps for download speed, and 6 mbps for upload speed. I've restarted my computer many times but got the same results (even with different browsers). Does anybody know why is this?

    Hi gluMoster,
    It's frustrating when laying out your hard earned cash on technology to find out that it just doesn't fix your issues. Fortunately it sounds to me that your issue is your network and/or internet service provider. The "speedtest" only checks your connectivity to various servers on the internet, and doesn't really test out your laptop.
    For a hardware(laptop/desktop) test I recommend geekbench which can be found at the tools here will test your machines processor and give you an idea of your hardwares speed.
    To remedy your problem I would first check your wireless router (I am assuming your laptop connects to the internet wirelessly) and see if it is atleast N capable. I see routers all the time that are B/G that get old and just can't deliver the speed that new and added network devices and websites require to function frictionless. If your router is an N or better yet an AC, then we'd need to look at your modem or your service provider. If you have ATT DSL, there have been reports, somewhat confirmed, that they are dialing down things on the DSL side in order to persuade their customers to move to Uverse, but you didn't hear that from me
    If your router is ok, and the modem too take your laptop and sit it relatively close to your wireless router/access point and run the speedtest again. It could be that some new piece of furniture, or maybe even cordless phone is blocking the wireless signal to where you use your laptop most.
    Best of luck,

  • I have recently purchased MacBook Pro with Mac OSX 10.7.3 Lion and I would like to install Final Cut Pro 6 Studio2, and it came up with this error: 'you can't open application FinalCutProStudio.mpkg because PowerPc apps are no longer supported..pls advise

    I have recently purchased MacBook Pro with Mac OSX 10.7.3 Lion and I would like to install Final Cut Pro 6 Studio2, and it came up with this error: 'you can't open application FinalCutProStudio.mpkg because PowerPc apps are no longer supported......Is there a way to run FCP6 on lion withoput this error? Any help would be appreciated.....

    Hi Shane,
    Just one more quesiton re: this topic, I am looking to get rosetta but do not have Leopard or Snow Leopard...
    I read that it is not on Snow Leopard only on do I need to get only Leopard? Can u advise?
    Alternatively I do have Mac OS X Tiger so is it on this and can I install it from here?
    Please excuse my lack of knowledge here, just trying to get my FCP 6 up and running asap....
    Best Rgds.

  • HP 1312nfi Multi-funtion printer & brand new Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard

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    Found the answer on the HP site. It's the original software that works with this printer OS X 10.6!! &cc=us&prodTypeId=18972&prodSeriesId=3558902&prodNameId=3562006&swEnvOID=219&swL ang=8&mode=2&taskId=135&swItem=ma-60835-3

  • I have a 3 year old MacBook Pro with MAC OSX 10.6.8, iPhoto '09 version 8.1.2 and have downloaded two software programs: one is Aperture 3.2 and the other is Photoshop Elements 9 (which I got from a friend who didn't need it). I am totally happy with the

    I have a 3 year old MacBook Pro with MAC OSX 10.6.8, iPhoto ’09 version 8.1.2 and have downloaded two software programs: one is Aperture 3.2 and the other is Photoshop Elements 9 (which I got from a friend who didn’t need it).
    I am totally happy with the way iPhoto organizes my photos and how I can work with iMovie to create slide shows with music from iTunes, etc.
    I have been shooting mostly high resolution jpegs and I continue to learn more and more about photography, post processing etc. I realize that the small adjustments I can make in iPhoto are good, and are adequate most of the time. However, a have started to experiment with shooting RAW images and would like to go the next step, ie. post processing.I am totally technically challenged and need SIMPLE, INTUITIVE programs and am certainly NOT anywhere ready for Photoshop CS whatever!
    After having these programs sit on my computer, I decided to try to see if I could figure them out. When I opened Aperture, this is what first comes up.
    “Welcome to Aperture 3.2
    Your library needs to be upgraded to work with this version of Aperture. Once upgraded, you will not be able to use this library with previous versions of Aperture.
    Upgrading a library from previous versions of Aperture 3 generally takes a few minutes or less, though larger libraries will take longer. After that, Aperture 3.2 will upgrade your library's thumbnails, but you can use the application during that time.
    Tip: To open a different library, quit Aperture and hold the Option key down while starting Aperture
    Current Library Location:
    Jadzia (home)   -----Pictures------Aperture Library
                                                      QUIT             UPGRADE”
    I have heard horror stories  about moving your entire library to Aperture, ending up with 2 libraries, etc. etc. hence my previous reluctance in attempting Aperture. In addition, many of my photography friends are saying: Go with Lightroom’ll love it!
    So here is my dilemma.  I don’t want to mess around with my iPhoto library. All I want to be able to do, is to isolate a few photos, export them to Aperture, Elements, and work on them there, then bring them back into iPhoto.
    Can I do this? Should I forget about Aperture and Elements and look at purchasing yet another program like Lightroom?

    Export those few photos via the File ➙ Export ➙ File Export menu option with Kind = Original to the Desktop.  Then import them into the Aperture library. That would keep one copy in your iPhoto library and another in your Aperture library to edit, etc.
    You can use Photoshop Elements 9 from within iPhoto as your editor of choice. However, if you edit a raw file in iPhoto with PSE9 the resulting edited version must be saved outside the iPhoto Library and imported back in as a new file.  For editing jpegs just do a Save (not a Save As) and it all will be kept within iPhoto. 
    Using Photoshop or Photoshop Elements as Your Editor of Choice in iPhoto.
    1 - select Photoshop or Photoshop Elememts as your editor of choice in iPhoto's General Preference Section's under the "Edit photo:" menu.
    2 - double click on the thumbnail in iPhoto to open it in Photoshop.  When you're finished editing click on the Save button. If you immediately get the JPEG Options window make your selection (Baseline standard seems to be the most compatible jpeg format) and click on the OK button. Your done. 
    3 - however, if you get the navigation window
    that indicates that  PS wants to save it as a PS formatted file.  You'll need to either select JPEG from the menu and save (top image) or click on the desktop in the Navigation window (bottom image) and save it to the desktop for importing as a new photo.
    This method will let iPhoto know that the photo has been editied and will update the thumbnail file to reflect the edit..
    NOTE: With Photoshop Elements  the Saving File preferences should be configured as shown:
    I also suggest the Maximize PSD File Compatabilty be set to Always.  In PSE’s General preference pane set the Color Picker to Apple as shown:
    Note:  to switch between iPhoto and PS or PSE as the editor of choice Control (right)-click on the thumbnail and select either Edit in iPhoto or Edit in External Editor from the contextual menu. If you use iPhoto to edit more than PSE re-select iPhoto in the iPhoto General preference pane. Then iPhoto will be the default editor and you can use the contextual menu to select PSE for your editor when desired.

Maybe you are looking for