Magic Number

I'm trying to run my applet on appletviewer and I keep getting a "Bad magic number" Error:
java.lang.ClassFormatError: TopPanel (Bad magic number)
? It compiles ok so I don't really understand the problem...
Has anyone else run into this error before?

It means that the class file is corrupted; the first 4 bytes of the class file should be the magic number CAFEBABE (in hex) but java says that they aren't. You could try manually checking the first bytes in the file with a hex viewer.
I've seen this problem discussed before but I don't remember what possible solutions, if any, was given. You could try making a search from the forum front page. It may be that you end up re-installing Java...

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  • How to come up with a magic number for any table that returns more than 32KB?

    I am in a unique situation where in I am trying to retrieve values from multiple tables and publish them as XML output. The problem is based on the condition a few tables could retrieve data more than 32KB and a few less than 32KB. Less than 32KB is not an issue as XML generation is smooth. The minute it reaches greater than 32KB it generates a run time error. Just wondering if there is any way to ensure that the minute the query's results is greater than 32 kb, it should break say - if the results is 35KB, then I should break that result into 32 KB and 3kb; once done then pass this data to be published as an XML output. This is again not just for one table, but all the tables that are called in the function.
    Is there any way?? I am unable to get any ideas nor have I done anything so complex from production support stand point. Would appreciate if someone can guide me on this.
    The way it is, is as follows:
    I have a table called ctn_pub_cntl
    CREATE TABLE CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    (ctn_pub_cntl_id          NUMBER(18)
    ,table_name                  VARCHAR2(50)
    ,last_pub_tms              DATE
    ,queue_name               VARCHAR2(50)
    ,dest_system              VARCHAR2(50)
    ,frequency                  NUMBER(6)
    ,status                      VARCHAR2(8)
    ,record_create_tms          DATE
    ,create_user_id                VARCHAR2(8)
    ,record_update_tms          DATE
    ,update_user_id             VARCHAR2(8)
    ,CONSTRAINT ctn_pub_cntl_id_pk PRIMARY KEY(ctn_pub_cntl_id)
    Data for this is:
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('10/2/2004 10:17:44PM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('02/06/2015 9:50:00AM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('10/2/2004 10:17:44PM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('02/06/2015 9:50:00AM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('04/23/2015 11:50:00PM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('04/23/2015 11:50:00AM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('03/26/2015 7:50:00AM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    INSERT INTO CTNAPP.ctn_pub_cntl
    ,TO_DATE('03/28/2015 12:50:00AM','MM/DD/YYYY HH12:MI:SSPM')
    Once the above data is inserted and committed, then I created a function in a package:
    TYPE tNameTyp IS TABLE OF ctn_pub_cntl.table_name%TYPE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
    g_tName tNameTyp;
    g_tClob tClobTyp;
    FUNCTION GetCtnData(p_nInCtnPubCntlID IN CTN_PUB_CNTL.ctn_pub_cntl_id%TYPE,p_count OUT NUMBER ) RETURN tClobTyp;
    --Package body
         doc           xmldom.DOMDocument;
         main_node     xmldom.DOMNode;
         root_node     xmldom.DOMNode;
         root_elmt     xmldom.DOMElement;
         child_node    xmldom.DOMNode;
         child_elmt    xmldom.DOMElement;
         leaf_node     xmldom.DOMNode;
         elmt_value    xmldom.DOMText;
         tbl_node      xmldom.DOMNode;
         table_data    XMLDOM.DOMDOCUMENTFRAGMENT;
         l_ctx         DBMS_XMLGEN.CTXHANDLE;
         vStrSqlQuery  VARCHAR2(32767);
         l_clob        tClobTyp;
         l_xmltype     XMLTYPE;
    --Local Procedure to build XML header    
        child_elmt := xmldom.createElement(doc, 'PUBLISH_HEADER');
        child_node  := xmldom.appendChild (root_node, xmldom.makeNode (child_elmt));
        child_elmt := xmldom.createElement (doc, 'SOURCE_APLCTN_ID');
        elmt_value := xmldom.createTextNode (doc, 'CTN');
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (child_node, xmldom.makeNode (child_elmt));
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (leaf_node, xmldom.makeNode (elmt_value));
        child_elmt := xmldom.createElement (doc, 'SOURCE_PRGRM_ID');
        elmt_value := xmldom.createTextNode (doc, 'VALUE');
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (child_node, xmldom.makeNode (child_elmt));
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (leaf_node, xmldom.makeNode (elmt_value));
        child_elmt := xmldom.createElement (doc, 'SOURCE_CMPNT_ID');
        elmt_value := xmldom.createTextNode (doc, 'VALUE');
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (child_node, xmldom.makeNode (child_elmt));
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (leaf_node, xmldom.makeNode (elmt_value));
        child_elmt := xmldom.createElement (doc, 'PUBLISH_TMS');
        elmt_value := xmldom.createTextNode (doc, TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'));
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (child_node, xmldom.makeNode (child_elmt));
        leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (leaf_node, xmldom.makeNode (elmt_value));
    END BuildCPRHeader;
    --Get table data based on table name
    FUNCTION GetCtnData(p_nInCtnPubCntlID IN CTN_PUB_CNTL.ctn_pub_cntl_id%TYPE,p_Count OUT NUMBER) RETURN tClobTyp IS
        vTblName      ctn_pub_cntl.table_name%TYPE;
        vLastPubTms   ctn_pub_cntl.last_pub_tms%TYPE;
            SELECT table_name,last_pub_tms
            INTO   vTblName, vLastPubTms
            FROM   CTN_PUB_CNTL
            WHERE  ctn_pub_cntl_id=p_nInCtnPubCntlID;
        -- Start the XML Message generation
            doc := xmldom.newDOMDocument;
            main_node := xmldom.makeNode(doc);
            root_elmt := xmldom.createElement(doc, 'PUBLISH');
            root_node := xmldom.appendChild(main_node, xmldom.makeNode(root_elmt));
          --Append Table Data as Publish Header
          --Append Table Data as Publish Body
           child_elmt := xmldom.createElement(doc, 'PUBLISH_BODY');
           leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (root_node, xmldom.makeNode(child_elmt));
           vStrSqlQuery := 'SELECT * FROM ' || vTblName
                          || ' WHERE record_update_tms <= TO_DATE(''' || TO_CHAR(vLastPubTms, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') || ''', ''MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'') ' ;
                        --  ||  ' AND rownum < 16'
           l_ctx  := DBMS_XMLGEN.NEWCONTEXT(vStrSqlQuery);
          DBMS_XMLGEN.SETROWSETTAG(l_ctx, vTblName);
          -- Append Table Data as XML Fragment
          elmt_value := xmldom.createTextNode (doc, l_clob(1));
         leaf_node  := xmldom.appendChild (leaf_node, xmldom.makeNode (elmt_value));
         xmldom.writeToBuffer (doc, l_clob(1));
         l_clob(1):=REPLACE(l_clob(1),'&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot;?&gt;', NULL);
         l_clob(1):=REPLACE(l_clob(1),'&lt;', '<');
         l_clob(1):=REPLACE(l_clob(1),'&gt;', '>');
         RETURN l_clob;
         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Answer is' ||l_clob(1));
            DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('There is no data with' || SQLERRM);
            g_vErrorMessage:=SQLERRM|| g_vErrorMessage;
            WHEN OTHERS THEN
    END GetCtnData;
    PROCEDURE printClob (result IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB) IS
        xmlstr   VARCHAR2 (32767);
        line     VARCHAR2 (2000);
        xmlstr := DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR (result, 32767);
           EXIT WHEN xmlstr IS NULL;
           line := SUBSTR (xmlstr, 1, INSTR (xmlstr, CHR (10)) - 1);
           DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (line);
           xmlstr := SUBSTR (xmlstr, INSTR (xmlstr, CHR (10)) + 1);
        END LOOP;
    END printClob;
    If you notice my query:
    vStrSqlQuery := 'SELECT * FROM ' || vTblName
                          || ' WHERE record_update_tms <= TO_DATE(''' || TO_CHAR(vLastPubTms, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') || ''', ''MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'') ' ;
                         ||  ' AND rownum < 16'
    The minute I comment
    ||  ' AND rownum < 16' ;
    , it throws an error because this query returns around 600 rows and all of those rows need to be published as XML and the tragedy is that there is a C program in between as well i.e. C will call my packged functions and then will do all the processing. Once this is done will pass the results back to C program. So obviously C does not recognise CLOB and somewhere in the process I have to convert the CLOB to VARCHAR or instead of CLOB I have to use VARCHAR array as a return type. This is my challenge.
    Anyone that can help me to find out the required magic number and also a brief know how, I would appreciate that. Many thanks in advance.

    Not sure I understand which part is failing.
    Is it the C program calling your packaged function? Or does the error occur in the PL/SQL code, in which case you should be able to pinpoint where it's wrong?
    A few comments :
    1) Using DOM to build XML out of relational data? What for? Use SQL/XML functions.
    2) Giving sample data is usually great, but it's not useful here since we can't run your code. We're missing the base tables.
    3) This is wrong :
    vStrSqlQuery := 'SELECT * FROM ' || vTblName                     || ' WHERE record_update_tms <= TO_DATE(''' || TO_CHAR(vLastPubTms, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') || ''', ''MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'') ' ;
    A bind variable should be used here for the date.
    4) This is wrong :
    elmt_value := xmldom.createTextNode (doc, l_clob(1));
    createTextNode does not support CLOB so it will fail as soon as the CLOB you're trying to pass exceeds 32k.
    Maybe that's the problem you're referring to?
    5) This is most wrong :
         l_clob(1):=REPLACE(l_clob(1),'&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot;?&gt;', NULL); 
         l_clob(1):=REPLACE(l_clob(1),'&lt;', '<'); 
         l_clob(1):=REPLACE(l_clob(1),'&gt;', '>'); 
    I understand what you're trying to do but it's not the correct way.
    You're trying to convert a text() node representing XML in escaped form back to XML content.
    The problem is that there are other things to take care of besides just '&lt;' and '&gt;'.
    If you want to insert an XML node into an existing document, treat that as an XML node, not as a string.
    Anyone that can help me to find out the required magic number
    That would be a bad idea. Fix what needs to be fixed.
    And please clearly state which part is failing : the C program or the PL/SQL code?
    I'd vote for PL/SQL, as pointed out in [4].

  • Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sda2

    So I've a linux partition, and then I wanted to install a Windows copy. I've only 1 HDD with differents partition into it:
    sda5 (swap)
    sda6 /user
    sda8 / (which contain the boot and root of course)
    sda3 /home
    sda2 NTFS (windows xp)
    So, as I had linux installed before windows, I had to make my sda2 NTFS (87) under my cfdisk. Then, I went to install windows, everything worked fine, windows booted with his boot system, but I had to restore grub with my archlinux live cd:
    grub> find /boot/grub/stage1
    grub>root (hd0,7)
    grub>setup (hd0)
    everything worked successfully, my grub loaded till while booting archlinux I got this error:
    couldn't find ext2 superblock, trying backup blocks...
    e2fsck: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sda2
    The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2
    filesystem. If the device is valid and it really contains an ext2
    filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock
    is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock:
    e2fsck -b 8193 <device>
    What I tried is to run the e2fsck -b 8193 /dev/sda2 but right after that, I thought about it, this isn't linux partition so of course, the superblock isn't the same as they are ntfs type from widnows?
    I've read on some forum but unfortunately didn't solve my problem, if anyone has any suggestion before I format the NTFS partition, I'd really appreciate it.
    best regards, maz

    what I think it happened, is that after installing windows your partitions numbers got twisted a bit. What you have to do is to edit /etc/fstab, and check out your linux and swap partitions mounting entries, I believe you just have to change the number of /dev/sda[number] coresponding to your linux partition in fstab
    If you can't solve it, post the output of
    fdisk -l
    cat /etc/fstab
    Last edited by I'mGeorge (2011-07-21 20:53:31)

  • Is this a Bug? List Box do not scrollbar: Magic number 2461

    In my case I am populating list box from database using script. I noticed strange behavior with List Box being populated more than 2461 list items. At run time List box do not display scrollbar if the list items are more than 2461. Looks like 2461 is the Magic number. I wonder if some one already noticed this behavior. I want to see the scrollbar irrespective of number of list items. In my case I need to load approximately 5000 list items. Any one has suggestions? Is it designed to behave like this or is this a Bug?
    Thanks in Advance.

    I noticed it too !
    I have several lists, some oh theme have more than 2460 items and don't have the scroll bar.
    An other problem relative to scrollBar in listBox appeared : with Reader 8, i can't use the scroll bar (even if i have less than 2460 items); it appears but i can't scroll.
    I see tthe french adobe team about these 2 problems next week. If we find something new, i'll tell you.

  • Bad magic number

    I have an applet that i am trying to load in a JSP
    <applet name="MyTestApplet" code="mypackage.MyTestApplet.class" >
    mypackage/MyTestApplet.class is under the approot/pages directory and the jsp is also in the same directory.
    whenever the jsp is called and applet does not get inited and the error i see is a ClassFormatError: Bad magic number
    Please help.. this is extremely urgent.
    Thanks in advance for any input anyone may have.
    The appserver i am using is SunONE

    First the <applet tag is depreciated, you should use <object instead (w3c has depreciated applet for quite
    some time now).
    When I see the tag you don't use a jar package (archive is missing) so let's pretend the url to your page is
    the mypage.jsp contains the applet so the url to the applet is:
    can you download the file using a browser?
    you can do this by saving the following line in a html file and right click it then sava target
    right click and save target as
    After downloading is the file the same as the file on the web server?
    The reason I ask this is because I got the bad magic number when a jar was loaded through a proxy.
    The proxy did something with the jar file making it corrupt. I think your problem has something to do with
    the way your web server is serving the applet or (proxy) something between the client and the server.

  • Nexenta Solaris Release 5.11 problem with wrong magic number

    I built an x86 server using nexenta. The box got powered down, and now it's freaking out about the /var filesystem.
    Unable to repair /var filesystem.
    fsck -F ufs /dev/rdsk/c0d0s4
    I run fsck -F ufs /dev/rdsk/c0d0s4 on it.
    and get Bad Superblock at block 16: Number of directories out of range.
    Look for Alternate Superblocks with mkfs
    Then I noticed I didn't use -y
    use -y and it fails with Fsck was running in yes mode. If you wish to run in yes mode using the alternate superblock run
    fsck -y -o b=20350880 /dev/rdsk/c0d0s4
    So then ran fsck via fsck -y -o -b=20350880 /dev/rdsk/c0d0s4
    then I get Bad SuperBlock at 20350880: Magic number wrong.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks Mark

    So then ran fsck via fsck -y -o -b=20350880 /dev/rdsk/c0d0s4how about:
    fsck -y -o -b=32 /dev/rdsk/c0d0s4
    man newfs for the option to NOT create the filesystem but runs the command anyway and shows you the alternate boot blocks.

  • Sun Ultra 25 - Bad magic number in disk label

    I have a Sun Ultra 25 SPARC that is booting fine to it's 80GB SATA drive. Solaris 10, OpenBoot 4.22.19.
    Here's what I did:
    I installed a 2TB Western Digital SATA drive into the HDD1 slot.
    I formatted the disk in the HDD1 slot via the format command, labeled the disk, and divided it into partitions.
    I then used newfs to build the ufs on all partitions.
    I mirrored the disk in HDD0 to the disk in HDD1 using ufsdump for all partitions. The data is accessible and looks ok.
    After this was done I did an installboot to /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s0 (the / partition of the HDD1 slot).
    I then did a fsck on every partition to verify that they are okay.
    I then took the hard drive in HDD1 and put it in the HDD0 slot, now wanting to boot off that disk.
    At the reboot:
    Bad magic number in disk label
    Can't open disk label package
    If I do a probe-scsi:
    MPT Version 1.05, Firmware Version
    Target 0
    Unit 0 Disk ATA WDC WD20EADS-00R0A01 3907029168 Bocks, 2000 GB SATA device PhyNum 0
    As far as I can tell disk0 is the correct devalias which is:
    I just don't understand how the fsck is okay, but the boot give bad magic number in disk label?
    The 80GB drive in HDD slot 0 works fine with the boot disk0 command, all I'm doing is swapping a larger disk with the same data for the smaller disk.

    if it is like any other Sun product, it needs to go through the format command and get a volname.... it is just a label, but it needs to be done.

  • JVM issue with applet - Duplicate Key in Parameter Table - Bad Magic Number

    Hey, I have Googled this one to death and have seen a few vague references to this problem, but nothing I can relate back as solution.
    I wonder if I need to tell the customer to reinstall the OS and, ultimately, the JRE. I'm just looking for a little guidance on what any of you may think. Am I missing a setting or something?
    The user is trying to download an applet with IE with 1.3.1_16 and Firefox 1.07 with the Java Embeded Plug-in.
    Even though JRE 1.3.1_16, 1.4.2_09 and 1.5 are all installed and Firefox has the JEP also installed, Firefox still wants to use 1.3.1_16 as does IE. I'm guessing that the JEP didn't work.
    They can't use Safari which does seem to be using 1.4.2_09 because their RSA ID won't authenticate through it.
    On my machine, when I run with the same OS,browsers, and Java 2 plug-ins, I can successfully load the applet.
    This is the error that the user gets in the java console is:
    Duplicate key in parameter table: code using the htmlAttribute.
    java.lang.ClassFormatError: com/ibm/eNetwork/HOD/HostOnDemand (Bad magic number) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(NativeMethod)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    Would you reinstall the OS and Java? or look at another setting? or look at the JEP installation again?
    Thank you.

    Without reading the full post (sorry for that) my guess is that the applet needed to be fetched through a
    proxy, the proxy corrupts the applet because it's signed (finjan is one that does that).
    The reason why a proxy would do so is because the default settings of sun jre will ask the user the
    "do you trust" question to the user which could result in the user loading an applet that is allowed to do
    anything the programmer wants (4us, spyware, nasty stuff).
    Try to do the following:
    1. create a html file locally with the following content:
    rightclick and save target as
    2. open the page, right click the link and save the file
    3. apen the file with an unzip programm (winzip) and check if the content has changed.
    4. If the content has changed than the proxy might have done this, contact the system administrator
    It might allso have been done by a firewall installed locally.

  • [b] bad magic number [/b]

    first sorry for my bad english but i'm from austria.
    i wrote a html-page in which a applet is called using object tag. if i click on this page open it with ie there is no problem, but when i return this page with an servlet i get the following stacktrace:
    java.lang.ClassFormatError: spider/view/Graph (Bad magic number)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source) i'm greatfully for any help

    the client and the server are using jdk1.4 exactly the same cause I reinstalled it on both machines.
    Also I recompiled it several times but it doesn't work anyway.
    i get the stacktrace on client side. and my html page which the servlet returns is the following:
    <title>Spider V 1.0</title>
    <body style="margin:0px;">
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
    var info = navigator.userAgent; var ns = false; var _ns6 = false;
    var ie = (info.indexOf("MSIE") > 0 && info.indexOf("Win") > 0 && info.indexOf("Windows 3.1") < 0);
    <COMMENT><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1"><!--
    var ns = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") >= 0 && ((info.indexOf("Win") > 0 && info.indexOf("Win16") < 0 && java.lang.System.getProperty("os.version").indexOf("3.5") < 0) || (info.indexOf("Sun") > 0) || (_info.indexOf("Linux") > 0) || (_info.indexOf("AIX") > 0) || (_info.indexOf("OS/2") > 0)));
    var ns6 = ((ns == true) && (_info.indexOf("Mozilla/5") >= 0));
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--
    if (_ie == true) document.writeln('<OBJECT classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93" WIDTH = 100% HEIGHT = 100%><NOEMBED><XMP>');
    else if (_ns == true) document.writeln('<EMBED type="application/x-java-applet" CODE = "spider.view.Graph" ARCHIVE = "spider.jar" WIDTH = 100% HEIGHT = 100% browser = "yes" scriptable=false pluginspage=""><NOEMBED><XMP>');
    <APPLET CODE = "spider.view.Graph" ARCHIVE = "spider.jar" WIDTH = 100% HEIGHT = 100%></XMP>
    <PARAM NAME = CODE VALUE = "spider.view.Graph" >
    <PARAM NAME = ARCHIVE VALUE = "spider.jar" >
    <PARAM NAME="type" VALUE="application/x-java-applet;version=1.4">
    <PARAM NAME="scriptable" VALUE="false">
    <PARAM NAME = "browser" VALUE ="yes">

  • OCFS2 bad magic number

    Do anybody know about what doing with this error:
    mount /dev/sde /raid/4
    mount.ocfs2: Bad magic number in inode while trying to determine heartbeat information
    fsck.ocfs2 /dev/sde
    fsck.ocfs2 1.6.4
    fsck.ocfs2: Bad magic number in inode while initializing the DLM
    sudo debugfs.ocfs2 /dev/sde
    debugfs.ocfs2 1.6.4
    debugfs: ls //
    ls: Bad magic number in inode while checking directory at block 66
    debugfs: stats
      Revision: 0.90
      Mount Count: 0   Max Mount Count: 20
      State: 0   Errors: 0
      Check Interval: 0   Last Check: Sat Oct 18 06:30:52 2014
      Creator OS: 0
      Feature Compat: 3 backup-super strict-journal-super
      Feature Incompat: 592 sparse inline-data xattr
      Tunefs Incomplete: 0
      Feature RO compat: 1 unwritten
      Root Blknum: 65   System Dir Blknum: 66
      First Cluster Group Blknum: 32
      Block Size Bits: 12   Cluster Size Bits: 17
      Max Node Slots: 16
      Extended Attributes Inline Size: 256
      Label: mediadisk4
      UUID: 1126B3D209AA4BE088260B2A590AB995
      Hash: 2997730071 (0xb2adbb17)
      DX Seed[0]: 0x00000000
      DX Seed[1]: 0x00000000
      DX Seed[2]: 0x00000000
      Cluster stack: classic o2cb
      Inode: 2   Mode: 00   Generation: 2716855348 (0xa1efec34)
      FS Generation: 2716855348 (0xa1efec34)
      CRC32: 00000000   ECC: 0000
      Type: Unknown   Attr: 0x0   Flags: Valid System Superblock
      Dynamic Features: (0x0)
      User: 0 (root)   Group: 0 (root)   Size: 0
      Links: 0   Clusters: 213645733
      ctime: 0x50bf9210 -- Wed Dec  5 22:27:28 2012
      atime: 0x0 -- Thu Jan  1 03:00:00 1970
      mtime: 0x50bf9210 -- Wed Dec  5 22:27:28 2012
      dtime: 0x0 -- Thu Jan  1 03:00:00 1970
      ctime_nsec: 0x00000000 -- 0
      atime_nsec: 0x00000000 -- 0
      mtime_nsec: 0x00000000 -- 0
      Refcount Block: 0
      Last Extblk: 0   Orphan Slot: 0
      Sub Alloc Slot: Global   Sub Alloc Bit: 65535
    Thanks for any help.

    This looks to be filesystem corruption.  The reason the fsck's don't find anything is they are really _not_ doing any checking.  In the filesystem is an unmounted-cleanly flag.  This flag is set when the umount(1) is done.  If the system were to crash with the filesystem still mounted, this unmounted-cleanly flag would not be set, so the system would consider the filesystem to need checking: no unmounted-cleanly flag, fsck has work to do; unmounted-cleanly flag set means fsck does nothing.
    Be sure the filesystem is unmounted all around the cluster before attempting to repair the filesystem.
    So do this:
        # fsck.ocfs2 -f /path/to/device/partition
    The "-f" switch forces fsck.ocfs2 to ignore the state of the "unounted-cleanly" flag and actually perform its tests.
    Does this repair the problem?

  • Bad Magic Number in Disk Label & DiskSuite

    Solaris 8
    DiskSuite 4.2.1
    16 disks
    Because of a power failure, after reboot one of the disks has bad magic number in its disk label. The slice was in a mirror. DiskSuite has hot spares and one of them took over the failed slice. I am trying to figure out how to get it back to where it was.
    I think I should use 'format' to recover the disk label from the backup label. However, once the label is recovered, how do I make it stop using the hotspare and have the failed slice join back to the mirror?
    Sorry if this is basic question, I am relatively new to Sun/Solaris and I just took over the E450.

    Solaris 8
    DiskSuite 4.2.1
    16 disks
    Because of a power failure, after reboot one of the
    disks has bad magic number in its disk label. The
    slice was in a mirror. DiskSuite has hot spares and
    one of them took over the failed slice. I am trying to
    figure out how to get it back to where it was.
    I think I should use 'format' to recover the disk
    label from the backup label. However, once the label
    is recovered, how do I make it stop using the hotspare
    and have the failed slice join back to the mirror?
    Sorry if this is basic question, I am relatively new
    to Sun/Solaris and I just took over the E450.
    Thanks,Since the host spare took over then you're free to repair/replace the bad drive. In this case you could check the drive using format and partition to view the partitions. If the label is bad then I would suspect the drive is still good and a simple format>label and save command would repair the label. Then once this is done if all goes well then the system should rebuild the drive and the hot spare will not longer be used. The system should regonize the drive as a replacement and rebuild it then stop using the hot spare.

  • Magic number mismatch: bad mzip file in 3750 stack switch

    Hi All can anybody help me in this error msg
    "magic number mismatch: bad mzip file"
    I am trying to upgrade the switch  with"c3750e-ipbasek9-tar.122-55.SE5.tar" in 3750 stack switch it is  showing this error msg while booting
    thanks in advance

    The reason you are getting this error message on the switch is a corrupt or wrong IOS image "c3750e-ipbasek9-tar.122-55.SE5.tar".
    If the switch is in rommon mode, and you have any other image in the switch, boot it using that image. Once the switch is up, download and copy the correct IOS image once again on the switch and try to upgrade.
    If you need help in finding the correct IOS image, give me the exact switch model number, i will help you with that.
    But forsure the image is wrong or corrupt and that is why you are getting this error.
    "Please rate the post if found useful"

  • Corrupt label, wrong magic number

    Hi guys,
    I have a problem I have 2 ultra 60 with disk array D1000. The problem is usually I turn off my disk array now last time I turned off my disk array after turning back Solaris doesn't recognized disks in disk array. I tried to relabel all disks in disk array by using format command but it " gives corrupt label,wrong magic number " . So could you please tell me solution.
    Thanks in advance

    The disk is probably just fine - it just doesn't have a Solaris vtoc (label) on it for some reason.
    Did you get the disk from another source (taken from an old array or something similar)?
    I'm surprised that the solaris install doesn't give you an option to place a label on the disk.
    Next time the install exits, try running 'format'
    This will give you a list of the internal disks (and external ones if you've got any additional HBAs and storage attached)
    You'll see at least 1 with the string like:
    c10t600A0B800026A8600000018F46B9783Ed0: configured with capacity of xxxxx(naturally, the actual c.t.d. string will be different on your system)
    Find the corresponding disk in the list that follows and select it by number...
    c10t600A0B800026A8600000018F46B9783Ed0: configured with capacity of 4.00GB
           0. c1t0d0 <SUN72G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 424>
           1. c1t2d0 <SUN72G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 424>
           2. c1t4d0 <SUN72G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 424>
           3. c10t600A0B800026A8600000018F46B9783Ed0 <SUN-CSM200_R-0619 cyl 2046 alt 2 hd 64 sec 64>
           4. c10t600A0B8000266666000026AF46B6C7DFd0 <SUN-CSM200_R-0619 cyl 38398 alt 2 hd 256 sec 64>
    Specify disk (enter its number): 3
    selecting c10t600A0B800026A8600000018F46B9783Ed0
    [disk formatted]
    Disk not labeled.  Label it now? Answer yes to this and next time the install should continue.
    Remember that you'll lose anything that was on this disk prior to the labelling (if anything) so make sure you're really wanting to do this before you try this on your system.

  • Invalid MAGIC number in jar file

    HI Gentlemen,
    I just compiled a java file into a class file and then set up a jar file with that one single class. Manifest indicates that the Java version is 1.7.0 as is any other development tool. Now I am inspecting the file with my hex editor and it does not contain CAFEBABE as a magic number. However, a legacy jar file in an Applet sample code has it and works correctly. It was as well with my JDK 1.7.0 compiled. What can be wrong with my method? JDeveloper does not accept the jar when I want to deploy and call the applet.
    Please help if you can.
    Many thanks in advance, kindly regards
    Miklos HERBOLY

    HI gimbal2,
    Thank you for your reply. Just to start with, I included here some stuff.
    (i) JDeveloper parameters
    Oracle JDeveloper 11g Release 1
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    Oracle Public Cloud     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer     oracle.sqldeveloper     Loaded
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    Oracle SQL Developer Worksheet     oracle.sqldeveloper.worksheet     Loaded
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    Peek     oracle.ide.peek     Loaded
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    UML XMI     oracle.uml.v2.xmi     Loaded
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    UML v2 Migration     oracle.uml.v2.migrate     Loaded
    UML v2 Sequence Diagram     oracle.uml.v2.sequence     Loaded
    UML v2 Transformation to Java     oracle.uml.v2.umljava     Loaded
    UML v2 Use Case Diagram     oracle.uml.v2.usecase     Loaded
    UML2 Modelers Common Classes     oracle.uml.v2.modeler     Loaded
    URL Connection Designtime     oracle.jdevimpl.urlconn     0     Loaded
    VHV     oracle.ide.vhv     Loaded
    Versioning Support     oracle.jdeveloper.vcs     Loaded
    Versioning Support for Subversion     oracle.jdeveloper.subversion     Loaded
    Virtual File System     oracle.ide.vfs     Loaded
    WSDL Chooser     oracle.jdeveloper.wsdllookup     Loaded
    WSDL web services extension     oracle.jdevimpl.wsdl     Loaded
    Web Browser and Proxy     oracle.ide.webbrowser     Loaded
    Web Services     oracle.jdeveloper.webservice     Loaded
    WebDAV Connection Support     oracle.jdeveloper.webdav2     Loaded
    WebStart     oracle.j2ee.webstart     Loaded
    XML Compare     oracle.jdeveloper.xml-compare     Loaded
    XML Editing Framework IDE Extension     oracle.ide.xmlef     Loaded
    XML Editing Framework Java Integration     oracle.jdeveloper.xmlef     Loaded
    adf-deploy-dt     oracle.adfdt.common.deploy     Loaded
    adf-deploy-dt-mds     oracle.adfdt.common.deploy.mds     Loaded
    adf-installer-ide     adf.installer.dt     Loaded
    adf-logging-dt     oracle.adf.logging.dt     Loaded
    adf-model-debugger-dt     oracle.adf-model-debugger-dt     Loaded
    adf-model-sqldc-ide     oracle.adfm.sqldc     Loaded
    adf-model-tools     Loaded
    adf-security-policy-dt     oracle.adfdtinternal.adf-security-policy-dt     Loaded
    adf-share-audit     oracle.adf-share-audit     Loaded
    adf-share-deploy-dt     oracle.adf.share.deploy.dt     Loaded
    adf-share-dt     oracle.adf.share.dt     Loaded
    adfm-business-editor-deploy     oracle.adf.businesseditor.deploy     Loaded
    adfm-business-editor-ide     oracle.adf.model.businesseditor     Loaded
    adfm-business-editor-settings-ide     oracle.adfm.businesseditor.settings     Loaded
    adfmcoredt-xdf     oracle.adfm.xdf     Loaded
    adfquerylovdt     oracle.adf-faces-query-and-lov-dt     Loaded
    appoverview     oracle.ide.appoverview     Loaded
    asnav-cloud     Loaded
    asnav-weblogic     oracle.jdeveloper.asnav.weblogic     Loaded
    audit     oracle.ide.audit     Loaded
    audit-core     oracle.ide.audit.core     Loaded
    bi-jdbc     Loaded
    classpath: protocol handler extension     oracle.jdeveloper.classpath     Loaded
    db-audit     oracle.ide.db.audit     Loaded
    db-modeler-transform     oracle.dbmodeler.transform     Loaded
    dcadapters-ide     oracle.adfm.dc-adapters     Loaded
    dependency-java     Loaded
    dependency-refactor     oracle.jdeveloper.refactoring.dependency     Loaded
    deploy-ant     oracle.deploy.ant     Loaded
    deploy-rt     oracle.jdevimpl.deploy-rt     Loaded
    feedback-client2     oracle.ideimpl.feedback2.client     Loaded
    ide-diagnostics     oracle.ide.diagnostics     Loaded
    j2ee-adrsimpl     oracle.j2ee.adrsimpl     Loaded
    j2ee-cloud     Loaded
    j2ee-facelets     oracle.j2ee.facelets     Loaded
    j2ee-jpsconfig     oracle.j2ee.jpsconfig     Loaded
    j2ee-security     Loaded
    j2ee-server     oracle.j2ee.server     Loaded
    j2ee-server-dt     oracle.j2ee.server.dt     Loaded
    j2ee-serverimpl     oracle.j2ee.serverimpl     Loaded
    j2ee-weblogic     oracle.j2ee.weblogic     Loaded
    j2ee-weblogic-editors     oracle.j2ee.weblogic.editors     Loaded
    jdukshare     Loaded
    library-dconfig-infra     oracle.jdeveloper.library.dconfig.infra     Loaded
    library-jee-api     oracle.jdeveloper.library.jee.api     Loaded
    library-jmx     oracle.jdeveloper.library.jmx     Loaded
    library-jps     oracle.jdeveloper.library.jps     Loaded
    library-weblogic-api     oracle.jdeveloper.library.weblogic.api     Loaded
    library-weblogic-client     oracle.jdeveloper.library.weblogic.client     Loaded
    mof     oracle.mof     Loaded
    mof-index     oracle.mof.index     Loaded
    mof-xmi     oracle.mof.xmi     Loaded
    oracle.adfm     oracle.adfm     Loaded
    oracle.adfm.contextual     oracle.adfm.contextual     Loaded
    oracle.dynamic-faces-dt     oracle.dynamic.faces     Loaded
    oracle.ide.dependency     oracle.ide.dependency     Loaded
    oracle.ide.filequery     oracle.ide.filequery     Loaded
    oracle.ide.indexing     oracle.ide.indexing     Loaded
    oracle.ide.usages-tracking     oracle.ide.usages-tracking     Loaded
    oracle.todo.tasks     oracle.todo.tasks     Loaded
    palette2     oracle.ide.palette2     Loaded
    placeholder-jsf-ui     oracle.placeholderjsf-ui     Loaded
    placeholderdc-dt     oracle.placeholderdc.dt     Loaded
    rcasadapter-cloud     Loaded
    rcasadapter-cloud-api     Loaded
    rcasadapter-dt     oracle.jdeveloper.asadapter.dt     Loaded
    rcasadapter-oc4j     oracle.jdeveloper.asadapter.oc4j     Loaded
    rcasadapter-rescat2     oracle.jdeveloper.asadapter.rescat2     Loaded
    rcasadapter-thirdparty     oracle.jdeveloper.asadapter.thirdparty     Loaded
    rcasadapter-weblogic     oracle.jdeveloper.asadapter.weblogic     Loaded
    rcasadapter-weblogic-api     oracle.jdeveloper.asadapter.weblogic.api     Loaded
    rescat2     oracle.jdevimpl.rescat2     Loaded
    resourcebundle-api-adfdeps     oracle.jdeveloper.resourcebundle.adfdeps     Loaded
    resourcebundle-api-xliff     oracle.resourcebundle.xliff     Loaded
    resourcebundle-customization     oracle.jdeveloper.resourcebundle.customization     Loaded
    searchbar-gallery     Loaded
    searchbar-help     Loaded
    searchbar-index     oracle.ide.searchbar.index     Loaded
    status     oracle.ide.status     Loaded
    xml-schema-dt     oracle.jdevimpl.xml.schema     Loaded
    xsl-dt     oracle.jdevimpl.xml.xsl     Loaded
    xsqldt-ide     oracle.xsqldt-ide     Loaded(ii) The beginning portion of my jar file as output by the hex editor
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iii) Contents of MANIFEST.MF
    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    Created-By: 1.7.0 (Oracle Corporation)(iv) The error message as it appears
    Incompatible magic value 1013478509 in class file D001AppletI know that searching a stuff as the hex output is tedious; however, I did it and did not find the value 0xCAFEBABE, the magic value.
    Please let me know if this helped or if you need some further info.
    Thanks, regards,

  • Trying to update OBP getting unrecognized magic number in media label

    Two questions both relating to my trying to update my OBP:
    1. when I typebanner I get ... AXi (UltraSPARC-IIi), PS/2 keyboard
    OpenBoot 3.10.12 SME...
    but when I type .version I get OBP 3.10.12
    My question is which OBP update to use, AXi OBP 3.10.13 or OBP 3.10.31?
    2. When I try to install either I always get the same thing
    I copied the .Floppy file to a floppy
    then type boot floppy nolabel just like the readme and I get this:
    Unrecognized magic number in media label
    Can't open disk label package
    Can't open boot deviceI have also tried coping the program file to a cd and tyring boot cdrom nolabel but same results
    Any ideas?

    because the DTK boards don't support faster CPUs than 333MHz, this is a Sun board.
    I was unable to locate the SPARCengine Ultra AXi OEM Service Manual, the file was finally removed. This is an alternate link
    The Solaris 10 media kits are only available with DVD media, but you can download the CD images. The Solaris documentation is available online
    I would strongly recommend that you give Solaris 10 a try !
    You might try Aurora Linux. The Ultrax AXi is among the supported systems. Linux for SPARC capabilities are behind the x86/x64 versions.
    This is the link to the project page
    Aurora SPARC Linux Wiki

  • Java.lang.ClassFormatError: HTML (Bad magic number)

    i have quite a strange problem:
    when my applet tries to parse an XML file with SAX (no DTD-validation) i got the following error:
    java.lang.ClassFormatError: <HTML> (Bad magic number)
    Well i had some problems before with the ClassFormatError but they were because some class-files were corrupt. They were easy to fix because the defecitve class-file was written next to java.lang.ClassFormatError. This time i got the <HTML> expression next to the error. what does this mean?
    thnx in advance!

    Bad magic Number. means the first 4 bytes did not equals CAFEBABE (0xCAFEBABE) But why do you see <HTML> after that is beyound me. Can you locate which class is foul and replace it?

Maybe you are looking for

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    My local news website had a story and it led to topix for the rest of the story. When I got there a huge pop up came up and said "You just won claim your prize! Enter your email" The only way to exit was by clicking okay, i tried to force quit but wh

  • Does Shared Services impact Planning application perfomance?

    My client has a fairly complex security design with a hierarchy of a large number of groups (~500) providing access to Essbase, Planning apps, dimensions, forms, task lists, etc. In addition, there is large number of users (~1000 including report vie

  • Which server should i use JBoss or Sun one?

    I just want to try out some EJB applications ,I use Eclipse as my ide my question is which application server should i useJBoss or Sun one? .it is purely for studying purpose

  • Macbook Pro Retina (late 2013) & 10.10.1 cannot detect the external monitor is turned off

    I connect my MBPr (late 2013) to a 24" Dell monitor via HDMI using a high quality audioquest hdmi cable. When I turn off my Dell monitor, the MBPr did not detect the monitor is being turned off. Let's say I opened a chrome browser and I move it to th

  • Spinning ball on MacBook

    When I lifted lip of my MacBook Pro to use and entered my password screen just shows a continuous spinning coloured ball. Help