Magsafe L-style Pin problem.

Well, i bought a macbook pro 13" a year back. Recently the coating over the pins melted away and got suck inside.
I dont have a Apple care protection plan..
Anyone having same problem?

I had the same problem. The two pins on the side sitting inside when you checking on it. I searched online and almost gave up on fixing it. And I found some one suggest use magnet to suck it out. It did work, but remember the spring underneath is broken, so once I connect the magsafe to my computer, those two pin with broken spring got pushed back again. So I connect the magsafe with my computer, and rotate my computer to make the pin drop out by gravity, guess what, the green light is on. It worked!! even when I rotate my computer back to regular position, because there is magnet in the computer too. good luck to everyone in saving 79 bucks. 

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    so did you happen to resolve that "pinpointing" issue?

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    Yes, Apple will replace it if you are still under warranty. Otherwise, as in my case, you will have to buy a new one.
    I purchased my MacBook Air July of 2011.  Approximately four months later the adapter stopped working. I brought my MacBook and the adapter to the Genius bar. The adapter was replaced because it was under warranty. To make sure the problem was not something I did as I didn’t want to duplicate, I inquired and was told some adapters just have problems.  After two weeks, I noticed the rubber coating to the wire bunched up on the L end that connects to the MacBook Air on the replacement adapter. I returned to the store and was assured that my concern was unwarranted and that since the adapter was working fine I was fine and that if it stopped working I could just return it. On 11/22/12 it was not getting power. I returned to the store. After being asked where I returned the adapter when I originally had the problem (same store) I was informed that the replacement adapter was only covered for three months, to be happy it lasted as long as it did, and I would need to buy a new one for $61. However, the store didn’t have the adapter I needed and could buy the 60W adapter for $79. I was told I could go up, just not down. Before leaving, however, I asked if I was doing something wrong with the adapter and how long the new one was covered for. He inspected the nonworking adapter, pointed at the where the wire connects to the base and said no, usually people have their cords pulled from here but yours looks fine. On the plus side, the rubber coating around the wire of the new adapter appears thicker with no chance of sliding and bunching up. Glad Apple fixed this issue.

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    Thanks and regards

    Sounds like something's wrong with the power switch, you might want to check with the place of purchase or contact Customer Support. In order for idle shutdown to happen, there must be no activity on the player.

  • Safari Ver 5.1.10 Fix For The "Old Style" Google Problem...

    @ The mods/ Admins
    I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this but I cannot seem to find the thread where people were discussing the recent problem Google introduced by forcing some versions of Safari to revert back to their old style Google layout and format...
    I was told by a moderator (Zack T.) that I could post my "Fix/ Solution" to this problem here on the site but I can't find the original thread for this. So I am posting the "Fix" here as I'm still getting inundated with emails from people here and from Googles "help" forums asking me for this solution...
    Could you please if possible leave this thread available for those people running Safari Ver 5.1.10 so that they can try for themselves this "Fix" without having to contact me personally over it, or can you (if needed) move this post to the appropriate thread...
    Thank you...
    The following is a "Fix/ Solution" that I have created that solves the problem for users of Safari Ver 5.1.10  that Google introduced recently where they now block older version of Safari from using the "Modern Style" layout and features of Google which they had been used to...
    You can still use the "Modern Style" Google with Safari 5.1.10 via the "Develop/ User Agent/ Other" menu to switch to a "User Agent" that allows you to use the "Modern Google" however, there is no way to make this as the permanent "Default User Agent" in Safari 5.1.10 and it has to be done for each new tab you open and every time you startup Safari... which is not exactly good or helpful...
    That's where this "Fix" solves that for you. This fix will make sure Safari 5.1.10 starts up and uses a custom "User Agent" that allows you to continue to use the "Modern Style" Google and not have to constantly change the "User Agent" via the "Develop" menu...
    It also has the benefit over other methods that are about of using FireFox "User Agents" in that this fix creates a Mac specific "User agent" that means you get the correct pages from whatever it is you are accessing on the internet (The FireFox one causes some changes to graphics and page layout when used on a Mac)...
    As long as you are certain you are using Safari Version 5.1.10 on a Mac running OSX 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) and they are all fully updated as far as they can be then this fix should work for you (it already has for several thousand other Safari 5.1. 10 users whom have tried it)...
    INSTRUCTIONS.... Safari Version 5.1.10 Fix To Restore The "Modern Style" Google...
    Download the following DMG which contains the "Fix" for Safari Ver 5.1.10... mg
    When you open the DMG file you will see a window that looks like this...
    STEP 1: Double click on the folder called "A" to open it...
    STEP 2: From the new window that opens from folder "A"  find the file called "Safari" and drag
    it to your Desktop screen to make a copy of it (this is both for safekeeping and in case the "fix"
    doesn't work for you so that you can still restore the original file)...
    STEP 3: Drag the file from the downloaded DMG window called "Safari" onto the folder in the
    same window called "A"...
    Now start Safari as you would normally and if the fix has worked you should once again be seeing the
    "Modern" look Google once again. You should copy/ move the original "Safari" file you copied to your
    Desktop screen to a safe place for storage (Downloads or Documents for example) in case you ever
    need or want to restore the original file to Safari at some pint in the future...
    IMPORTANT:- If you're still seeing the old version of Google in Safari after trying this fix then
    unfortunately it hasn't worked for you and you MUST replace/ put back the
    original "Safari" file you copied to your Desktop screen...
    This is simple to do and is achieved by simply dragging the original "Safari"
    file you copied to your Desktop screen onto the "A" folder in the "Safari Fix"
    Happy Googling - MadFranko008 (2014)

    I followed instructions from Carolyn Smith in another thread (see below) - but Safari did not start anyway. After that I discovered that Safari started when starting from /Program/-folder but not from Docks on the desktop.
    So - throw away the old icon on the desktop and make a new one.
    Carolyn Samit San Francisco Bay Area
    Re: Safari quit unexpectedly after my last update, What do I do? 
    Mar 13, 2012 7:15 PM (in response to Mac Engineer)
    Quit Safari.
    Go to ~/Library/Safari
    Move these files from the Safari folder to the Trash.
    Now go to ~/Library/Caches/
    Move the Cache.db file to and the Webpage Previews folder to the Trash.
    Relaunch Safari.
    ~ (Tilde) character represents the Home folder.
    edited by:  cs
    Re: Safari quit unexpectedly after my last update, What do I do? 

  • Paragraph Style Sheet Problem

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    Check to see if there is a Character Style sheet applied by default. If there is, that will over-ride the color in your Paragraph style.

  • STYLE tag problem in HTML Parser.

    I am trying to parse a HTML file. I am able to extract context of various tags like Tag.SPAN,Tag.DIV and so...
    I want to extract the text content of Tag.Style. What to do? The problem is that HTML Parser right now doesnot support this tag along with 5 more tags which are Tag.META,Tag.PARAM and so..
    Please help me out.

    Before responding to this posting, you may want to check out the discussion in the OP's previous posting on this topic:

  • Style sheet problem after upgrade

    hi Gurus,
    we are in BW 3.5 after an upgrade from support package 13 to  21, we are facing a problem with style sheets: all web repports are displayed without syle sheet!
    when i try to access the style sheet directly i get this error:
    http://XX.XX.XX.XX:XX/sap/bw/Mime/BEx/StyleSheets/BWReports.css call was terminated because the corresponding service is not available.
    *  The termination occurred in system XXX with error code 403 and for the reason Forbidden.
        * The selected virtual host was 0 .
    any idea how to solve this?
    Thank you.

    i solved it, the mime directory was exluded from service, so i added it.

  • Css style sheet problems

    Using DW CS3
    problem 1
    can I re-write below so that
    1    link, hover, visited etc can be written without all the repetition if possible
    2    link, hover, visited etc can be written "once" to apply to everything, body table etc   if possible
    What might cause this please?
    Sometimes I cannot override the style sheet
    I highlight the text
    i select the class
    DW writes the code but in the browser it still obeys the style sheet???
    4  "whitelink" won't work in the body and only in some tables???
    many thanks,
    BODY  {
        FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        FONT-SIZE: 12px;
      TD  {
        FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        FONT-SIZE: 12px;
        text-decoration: none;
    A { COLOR: #000099; 
         FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
          FONT-SIZE: 12px;
         text-decoration: none}
    A:HOVER {
        FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        FONT-SIZE: 12px;
       text-decoration: underline;    
        color: #FF0000;     }
    a:VISITED {
        color: #993300;
        text-decoration: none;
        FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        FONT-SIZE: 12px;
        text-decoration: underline;
        color: RED;
    H1    {FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 17px;  COLOR: #000066; }
      .whitelink A  {
          COLOR: white;
          text-decoration: none;
          /*FONT-SIZE: 12px; */
          .whitelink A:HOVER {
        text-decoration: none;
        color: yellow;
    .whitelink a:visited {
        color: yellow;
        text-decoration: none;
        .whitelink  A:VISITED:HOVER {
        color: white;
        text-decoration: none;

    Forgot to answer to your last two questions:
    Sometimes I cannot override the style sheet
    I highlight the text
    i select the class
    DW writes the code but in the browser it still obeys the style sheet???
    4  "whitelink" won't work in the body and only in some tables???
    I suspect you are adding classes to the wrong element on the page.  Let me explain:
    if you intend to select a link, then you click on the linked text in Design Window and then select the <a> tag for that link, on the Tag Selector Bar at the bottom of the Design Window.  However, if you then select "whitelink" you will need to CHANGE MY CSS, because now yoru are adding the class to the A tag, not to one of its parents as we have the CSS selector written now.  You would have to change this:
    a.whitelink:link  {
          color: white
    a.whitelink:visited {
        color: yellow
    a.whitelink:visited:hover {
        color: white
    a.whitelink:hover {
        color: yellow
    BUT- It would actually be better to leave the CSS the way I had it originally and instead to apply the "whitelink" class to a Parent tag, one, or more,  that wrap around the portion of your page that needs this class for all the A tags within.  So if there is a div or a table or some tds or some parents that enclose all the links you need white, then THOSE are the tags to select on the Tag Selector Bar to add the whitelink class to.
    Hope that makes sense.
    E. Michael Brandt
    Standards-compliant scripts and Dreamweaver Extensions
    JustSo PictureWindow
    JustSo PhotoAlbum, et alia

  • Style overflow problem

    I used to 3 months ago that kind of declaration
    <div style="overflow:auto;"> - header of IR
    </div> - Footer of IRand it was working fine - today in firefox 3.5 it works fine only when I'll specifie width and height (but only body of region, not a header) -ofcourse specifiaction of width and height is not prefered in my application.
    anyone know why it doesn't work in apex? it's apex or firefox problem (IE and Opera too as I see now)

    ok - so f.e in sample 4 - in Your browser U have everything on one page (without scrollbar?).
    What I see in your sample number 4 is that "top green bar" has correct width - whole size of current window - but width of "Drag area" is in my browser (fox 3.5) longer than this top green bar.
    I have sth like that in my app - to correct that situation I used to overflow:auto - but now as I wrote it works only the static width...
    and I have no idea what I could change ;)
    but ok - maybe customer will accept static width (I hope ;) )
    thx for help and sorry for my English

  • Use of Lenovo WD100 with Intel WIDI and Windows 7 - PIN problem

    I recently bought the adapter Lenovo WD100.
    It works fine when connected to my Samsung S4.
    But I am unable to use it with my PC.
    The PC has an Intel I7 processor, Windows 7 and the Intel WIDI 4.2 software.
    When I open the window of the software WIDI 4.2, the PC find immediately the adapter WD100 but when I try to connect it asks me to enter the PIN that should appear on the TV.
    Unfortunately no PIN appears on the TV.
    Does anyone have any idea where to find this PIN?
    Is there a way to read it in some files in your PC?

    Hi John:
    Thanks but, I had already done this. I was having THAT problem with Encore (could not even initialize before tanking) when I first installed it and that's when I updated the Roxio engine. I don't know what else there is to update or correct at this point.
    There was one thing that occurred to me: When I was using XP, I had to disable Open GL in order to get Encore to stabilize. I've heard one recommendation for Encore that one must disable graphics acceleration. I would like try that here except I can't figure out how to do that in Windows 7.
    I've been Googling "Windows 7 Disable Graphics Accel" and have come up with nothing useful.
    Thanks for your help though and if you have any other ideas, I'm all ears.

  • Safari print style sheet problem

    I've been working on a new site design and for the first time I'm trying to
    use a different style sheet for printing a page (via the link media="print"
    tag).  So far I've had success with this technique except when printing with
    Safari  The printed page comes out as desired - the problem is that
    after the print dialogue box disappears, the appearance of the original
    "screen" web page gets messed up.  Images get moved and a lot of the content
    gets crunched into a column about 1/3 the size of the page.
    It seems to be a Safari-only problem; I've tried printing in Mozilla, IE,
    Mozilla, Opera and none of these browsers exhibit
    this behavior.  I've also tried using Safari on other Macs and get the same
    result.  Does anyone have ideas on how to fix this?

    I found a Solution my CSS for print it  was in bad layout i found out that i can't use the diplay:block; twice

  • Weird Style Sheet Problem

    A few pages will not load the style sheet and end up looking really odd. I have tried opening these pages on both Safari and Firefox, and the same problem occurs. It happens when I go onto sites such as Ebay, Facebook, Youtube, and Myspace. Other websites read just fine.
    Does anyone have any idea on why this would happen? And is there any solution?

    I see what you mean, but then again, I've also had the same thing happen on a number of sites, including Yahoo!, CNN, Macworld, etc., with no logical reason other than a server problem. Other times they load perfectly fine, and I've never changed anything in Safari or any other browser.
    I still think it's a server problem with the site; perhaps it's too busy, or it has a problem which affects the serving of files, including the style sheet. I'd keep an eye on it and make not of when it happens and try it at different times and days to see if it always happens. If it doesn't and you don't change anything that could affect it, that would point directly to a server problem.
    If anyone else has some other advice or knowledge of this problem, please chime in.

  • Style Sheet Problem

    Hey. Anybody who can help me with my stylesheet. On my page,
    does it not shows my back and template. I Have a picture of the
    code here. I cant edit the grey text and i think the problem is
    were the arrow is. Take a look:
    My Website is - i cant get the background
    Anybody who can help me. Thanks (:

    You expect us to be able to read that?
    <link href="file:///C|/Users/Christian
    The problem is the link to the CSS file is broken. Are you
    working from a
    DW site? Is the path to the CSS file shown in that link
    And you know about this, right?
    If you want to use Flash for navigation, consider this -
    1. Some people don't have Flash installed - what do they do?
    consider those people who are browsing from a corporate
    internet where Flash
    is not allowed by the IT staff.
    2. Search engines may not parse Flash links - your site will
    not be
    spidered unless you have redundant HTML links
    3. Screen assistive devices don't parse Flash links - what
    will those users
    4. DW cannot maintain links within a Flash movie, so if you
    move or rename
    a linked file, your navigation will break - what will you do?
    You will have
    to remake those buttons.
    It's usually a very bad idea for these reasons - and for
    these reasons,
    Adobe has removed Flash buttons and Flash text from CS4.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "chrizzzzz" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gpb4oi$npg$[email protected]..
    > Hey. Anybody who can help me with my stylesheet. On my
    page, does it not
    > shows
    > my back and template. I Have a picture of the code here.
    I cant edit the
    > grey
    > text and i think the problem is were the arrow is. Take
    a look:
    > er.jpg
    > My Website is - i cant get the
    background in.
    > Anybody who can help me. Thanks (:

Maybe you are looking for