Making a tab invisible

We've a requirement to make some tabs in our web dynpro application invisible to all users and some visible only to admins.
We can't find any useful BAdIs for it.
Any solutions ?

Make no. of context attributes of type wdui_visibility and bind with visibility property of tab.
By default set it as 02 so that it will be visible to every one. Bind only that tabs which You dont want to display on the condition.
And based on the user You  can make it invisible by setting it 01.
I hope it helps.

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    I assume here that at design time you make them via the configuration invisible. At runtime if you see the tabs then i suspect that there are some Dynamic programming involved or other variants exists that you haven't changed yet.
    Go back to the application configuration and test it from there and if it is still not working then use the Debugger to see what happens and why your configuration is not working.

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    Go to Solution.

    To hide a tab page you can use SetTabPageAttribute with attribute ATTR_VISIBLE. There is no built-in way to make a tab page visible but not selectable, but you can set a calback for the tab control and trap EVENT_ACTIVE_TAB_CHANGE to return to another page when the unwanted one is selected, but the operator will briefly see the "forbidden" one.
    Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.
    My contributions to the Developer Zone Community
    If I have helped you, why not giving me a kudos?


    I need put the text tab on this transactions me21n me22n and me23n INVISIBLE for some users, how can i do this?
    Carlos Siqueira.

    We had a requirement for hiding the tab Spec2000 in item detail.
    The code in the enhancement implementation AD_S2K_SUB_LMEGUIU08 in function module MEGUI_BUILD_PO_ITEM_PLUGIN was commented out to remove the extra tab as the structure that is linked to this tab was MEPO1339.
    May be the same works for you for the other tab.

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    Hi, the IMG: Field selection for BP.

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    Praveen_Kumar_Jayaram_1985 wrote:
    But I am not using any layout manager. It is free design. Is there any way to achieve my requirement without using layout manager?But this is what layout managers are made for. Why not use the correct tool for the job? Also, please do not cross-post questions in multiple forums. This will frustrate anyone who tries to help you only to find out later that the same answer was given hours ago in a cross-posted thread. For this reason, many volunteers here and at the other sites refuse to help repeat offenders.

  • Conditionally making a field invisible.....

    XMLP Gurus,
    Some of the values in a column has dots(.). Conditionally i have to make it invisible.
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    Thanks in advance.

    Hi venkat,
    Thanks for the reply.
    Originally the problem persisted with the null values in the column and it is getting shrinked when the statement goes to the second page.
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    <?if:AMOUNT_DUE=''?><xsl:attribute xdofo:ctx="block" name="background-color">white</xsl:attribute><?end if?>
    But it is throwing error: " XML-22047: (Error) Invalid instantiation of 'Attribute' in 'Element' context." .
    It does not like ctx="block" and if I replace block with line or inline, it is working as expected.
    The solution I am looking for now is to avoid shrinking of null values at first place. If not then substitute this null with some value that is invisible (say invisible dot) and avoid shrinking.
    Any help is highly appreciated.

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    thanks & Regards

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    KeyStroke tabKey = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_TAB, 0, false);
    jTextArea1.setKeymap(keyMap);But it's still not working. Can anybody tell what's wrong with that code. Or is there any other way to do it? Any help/hints appreciated.

    If you're using jdk1.4, those other solutions won't
    work because the focus subsystem has changed radically
    /FocusSpec.html). The upshot is that you have to
    specifically register the keystrokes that you want to
    use for focus traversal. In your case, you have to
    re-register the Tab and Shift-Tab keys, and
    they don't seem to have provided a simple way to do
    that. Here's what I come up with:Set forwardTraversalKeys = new TreeSet();
    KeyEvent.VK_TAB, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK));
    Set backwardTraversalKeys = new TreeSet();
    KeyEvent.VK_TAB, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK));
    KeyEvent.VK_TAB, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK |
    K | InputEvent.CTRL_MASK));
    backwardTraversalKeys);Or, you can just press CTRL+TAB instead of TAB when
    you get to the JTextArea :).=====================================
    i used the above thing but i am getting exceptions classcast exception n method not found (forwardTraversalKeys.add(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_TAB));)keystroke.get keyStroke(int)???? where i am going wrong as it will be quite helpful for me am using jdk1.4.1_02

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    Thank you

    This posting should help you out:

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    Couldn't wait, eh!... kidding... btnName.visible = true;  btnName.visible = false;

  • Making a tab default in tabstrip

    Hi,I have an urgent requirement.
    In a tabstrip of five tabs, how to make 3rd tab default.
    I mean to say,if i am executing a program having such tabstrip then selection screen should open with fields defined in subscreen of third tab.

    This is the code i have written..but its not working:
    *& Report  ZEXAMPLE
    *   Selection screen
    *Selection screen for vendor1 and vendor2.
                        TAB (23) button1 USER-COMMAND push1,      "#EC NEEDED
                        TAB (23) button2 USER-COMMAND push2       "#EC NEEDED
                        " etc
                        DEFAULT SCREEN 1001,
                        END OF BLOCK tab_block.
      " etc.
        button1 = text-bu1.
        button2 = text-bu2.
        " etc.
        tab_block-prog = sy-repid.
        tab_block-dynnr = 1002.
        tab_block-activetab = 'BUTTON2'.
        " etc.
          CASE sscrfields-ucomm.
            WHEN 'PUSH1'.
              tab_block-dynnr = 1001.
              tab_block-activetab = 'TAB2'.
    ENDCASE.         " etc.

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    I'm trying to make a component in my movie invisible using
    the instance._visible = false ActionScript command. It's a button
    that was converted to a symbol from a series of filled rectangles
    and ovals. It will not go invisible although I can use the same
    script on a simple, independent text-box and it works fine. Am I
    missing something?
    Thanks in advance - Jim.

    Thanks for responding. It's working. But I still have some
    minor questions.
    1) When I put the code within the onMotionFinished function,
    it doesn't work. But when I place it at the very beginning (before
    the tweening), it works. Why is this?
    2) Also, what is the difference between using:
    this._visible = false; versus
    this.red_mc.triggerBox_red_btn._visible = false; or just
    red_mc.triggerBox_red_btn._visible = false;? The latter 2 do
    not work. Why is this?
    thanks you very much for your help.
    Here's the modified snippet with the new code:

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    How can a control recognize if it is in a design- or a runtimeenvironment?

    Hi Nico,
    This is in the SDK release notes, you create a helper function like this in your component:
    * Returns true if this SWF is running in Xcelsius at design time, false if not.
    public static function isInCanvas():Boolean
         // TODO: remove this function when this gets exposed in the Xcelsius 2008 Component SDK API.
         var globalStyle:CSSStyleDeclaration = StyleManager.getStyleDeclaration("global");
         if (Boolean(globalStyle.getStyle("inCanvas")) == true)
              return true;
         return false;
    Then you can use isInCanvas() to find out if the component is in Xcelsius at design-time or not.
    So in your case in the constructor you could do something like this:
    visible = ! isInCanvas();

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