Manual line break in CSV

Hi All,
I need to insert a manual line break in CSV that means i need to add three lines in a single cell.
How to break the sentence using CS3 JS???
Can any one help me...
Thanks & Regards, Ramkumar .P

Thanks for your reply peter.
I got the answer. the answer is:
if myString = "Ram\nKumar" then the output will ram & kumar in a seperate cells.
if it is in the format of myString = "\"Ram\nKumar\"" thenit comes in the single cell.
Ramkumar .P

Similar Messages

  • How to handle line break embeded inside CSV column

    Hi there,
    I am under the pressure to make it work. I already put this question on APEX forum, but on second thought, I think it relates more to PL/SQL rather than APEX since APEX 4.1 already have utility to handle CSV Upload.
    If you read it already in APEX forum, please ignore.
    I am sorry for that. Thanks for reading.
    I need to develop an app that allows user to upload CSV file to a interface table.
    The APEX version at my workplace is 4.0.2.
    I used the code from
    It all works well till recently I find out
    If a column in a CSV file cotain a line break (or new line) e.g. (The tester copy and paste this text which has line break into a column in a spreadsheet)
    This is the first sentence.
    This is the second sentence.
    It will break the “This is the second sentence”. To a new column.
    The contents of the CSV viewed in Notepad look as below
    Assessment Date,Scheduled Date,Assessment Provider,Assessor Name,Court,First Name,Middle Name,Last Name,PRN Person Record Number,NHI Number,Defendant Attended Y/N,Is Dependent Y/N,Notes,Primary Ethnicity,"Ethnicity Other, please specify",Gender,Currently in Treatment Y/N,Substance of Concern 5,Other Substance Specified
    22/09/2012,,Provider Co Name,Warren Edgley,Wellington,,,Salty,2545554,dgsdf,ergerg,,"This is the first sentence.
    This is the second sentence.",Japanese,,Female,b,,
    Here is the code from the CSV UTIL, please help me to find out how can I replace the line break to a space so that the uploading process is correct.
         --strip the beginning and the end quotes, then replace double quotation with single
       FUNCTION de_quote (p_str IN VARCHAR2, p_enc_by IN VARCHAR2)
       v_str VARCHAR2(32767) := p_str;
          IF (p_enc_by IS NULL)
             RETURN p_str;
            IF SUBSTR(p_str,-1) = p_enc_by THEN
               v_str := SUBSTR(p_str,1,LENGTH(p_str)-1);
            END IF;
            IF SUBSTR(p_str,1,1) = p_enc_by THEN
               v_str := SUBSTR(v_str,2);
            END IF; 
            RETURN REPLACE (v_str,
                             p_enc_by || p_enc_by,
          END IF;
       END de_quote;
       PROCEDURE parse (p_str IN VARCHAR2, p_enc_by IN VARCHAR2, p_sep IN VARCHAR2)
          l_n          NUMBER   DEFAULT 1;
          l_in_quote   BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE;
          l_ch         NCHAR (1);
          l_len        NUMBER   DEFAULT NVL (LENGTH (p_str), 0);
          IF (l_len = 0)
          END IF;
          g_words := g_empty;
          g_words (1) := NULL;
          FOR i IN 1 .. l_len
             l_ch := SUBSTR (p_str, i, 1);
             IF (l_ch = p_enc_by)
                l_in_quote := NOT l_in_quote;
             END IF;
             IF (l_ch = p_sep AND NOT l_in_quote)
                l_n := l_n + 1;
                g_words (l_n) := NULL;
                g_words (l_n) := g_words (l_n) || l_ch;
             END IF;
          END LOOP;
          g_words (l_n) := de_quote (g_words (l_n), CHR(10));
          g_words (l_n) := de_quote (g_words (l_n), CHR(13));
          FOR i IN 1 .. l_n
             g_words (i) := de_quote (g_words (i), p_enc_by);
          END LOOP;
       END parse;
    Author: Oleg Lihvoinen
    Company: DbSWH
    10.02.2011, There was a miscalculation of the file line last position in case it is the end of file
       PROCEDURE upload (p_file_name VARCHAR2, p_collection_name VARCHAR2, p_enc_by IN VARCHAR2, p_sep_by IN VARCHAR2, p_rows NUMBER)
          v_blob_data    BLOB;
          v_clob_data    CLOB;
          v_clob_len     NUMBER;
          v_position     NUMBER;
          v_char         NCHAR (1);
          c_chunk_len    NUMBER           := 1;
          v_line         VARCHAR2 (32767) := NULL;
          v_data_array   vcarray;
          v_rows         NUMBER           := 0;
          n_seq          NUMBER           := 1;
          dest_offset    NUMBER           := 1;
          src_offset     NUMBER           := 1;
          amount         INTEGER          := DBMS_LOB.lobmaxsize;
          blob_csid      NUMBER           := DBMS_LOB.default_csid;
          lang_ctx       INTEGER          := DBMS_LOB.default_lang_ctx;
          warning        INTEGER;
          l_sep          VARCHAR2(100)    := CASE WHEN p_sep_by = '\t' THEN chr(9) ELSE p_sep_by END;
                                          (p_collection_name      => p_collection_name);
          -- Read blob from wwv_flow_files
          SELECT blob_content
            INTO v_blob_data
            FROM wwv_flow_files
           WHERE NAME = p_file_name;
          v_position := 1;
          DBMS_LOB.createtemporary (lob_loc      => v_clob_data,
                                    CACHE        => TRUE,
                                    dur          => DBMS_LOB.SESSION
          DBMS_LOB.converttoclob (v_clob_data,
          v_clob_len := DBMS_LOB.getlength (v_clob_data);
          IF v_clob_len = 0 THEN
          END IF;
          WHILE (v_position <= v_clob_len + 1)
             v_char := DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR (v_clob_data, c_chunk_len, v_position);
             v_line := v_line || v_char;
             v_position := v_position + c_chunk_len;
             -- When the whole line is retrieved and not end of file or end of file
             IF v_char = CHR (10) AND v_position < v_clob_len OR v_position = v_clob_len + 1
                parse (p_str => v_line, p_enc_by => p_enc_by, p_sep => l_sep);
                v_data_array := g_words;
                FOR i IN 1..g_words.count LOOP
                   IF i <= 50 THEN
                      v_data_array(i) := g_words(i);
                   END IF;
                END LOOP;
                FOR i IN g_words.count + 1..50 LOOP
                   v_data_array(i) := null;
                END LOOP;           
                v_rows := v_rows + 1;
                -- exit if uploaded specified number of rows
                IF p_rows IS NOT NULL AND v_rows > p_rows THEN
                END IF;
                -- Store data to collection
                n_seq :=
                                         (p_collection_name      => p_collection_name,
                                          p_c001                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c002                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c003                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c004                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c005                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c006                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c007                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c008                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c009                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c010                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c011                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c012                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c013                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c014                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c015                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c016                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c017                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c018                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c019                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c020                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c021                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c022                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c023                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c024                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c025                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c026                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c027                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c028                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c029                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c030                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c031                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c032                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c033                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c034                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c035                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c036                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c037                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c038                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c039                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c040                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c041                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c042                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c043                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c044                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c045                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c046                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c047                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c048                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c049                 => v_data_array
                                          p_c050                 => v_data_array
                -- Clear the line
                v_line := NULL;
             END IF;
          END LOOP;
    END;In my apps, I save these straight into a table rather than an APEX collection because the number of columns can be longer than 50.
    I want to find out how can replace these line break inside a column to a space.
    If any one has any ideas, please let me know.
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    Ann586341 wrote:
    I think the code split the whole thing by this line
    -- When the whole line is retrieved and not end of file or end of file
    IF v_char = CHR (10) AND v_position < v_clob_len OR v_position = v_clob_len + 1
    Yes, exactly. That piece of code believes all CHR(10) occurences are record delimiters.
    It is not smart enough to recognize that a CHR(10) within quotation marks are part of the data.
    Optimally a solution should keep the CHR(10) rather than replacing with spaces, but that will be a bigger rewrite of the UTL_CSV code ;-)
    If you are happy with replacing with spaces, a "simple" solution could be something like:
    Declare a boolean variable in upload procedure:
    v_within_text_column   boolean := false;And use it like this:
          WHILE (v_position <= v_clob_len + 1)
             v_char := DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR (v_clob_data, c_chunk_len, v_position);
             IF v_char = '"' THEN
               v_within_text_column := NOT v_within_text_column;
             ELSIF v_char = CHR(10) AND v_within_text_column THEN
               v_char := ' ';
             END IF;
             v_line := v_line || v_char;
             v_position := v_position + c_chunk_len;
             -- When the whole line is retrieved and not end of file or end of file
             IF v_char = CHR (10) AND v_position < v_clob_len OR v_position = v_clob_len + 1
               v_within_text_column := false; -- To be safe always set this on "true" linebreaks
    +(This is untested code just written here in the text editor.)+
    It should work by toggling a flag whether you are "within" the quotes or not and then replacing CHR(10) with a space if you are within a text column.
    This way we avoid having to go through the clob more than once (it is enough that this code walks the clob one character at a time...)
    It will not handle if the clob contains situations like:
    abc,123,"This is a text with a quote from a man who said \"To Be,
    or Not To Be\" some hundred years ago",123,xyz
    Escaped quotes would need separate attention ;-)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Csv excel problems line breaks

    hello there, i am new to cf but i have this report that has a
    csv option for excel.
    but the problem is :
    it has breaks between cells.
    there are rows/records that ar empty
    for example:
    row 1 is filled with columns.
    empty row
    empty row
    row 3 is filled with columns.
    any ideas?

    You shouldn't have to do anything special in HTMLDB to export data with LF in the text.
    Build your region based on a SQL statement ie:
    Select ID, title, subtitle from document
    On the report attributes page set CSV Output to YES and add a label for the url.
    When you click the CSV url you should get output that looks like this:
    "1","My Title","My subtitle
    has a line break"
    "2","Title2","My subtitle2"
    Excel or Word should be able to read this file just fine.
    I set up a test at:
    I. Michael Snyder
    Vice President
    CASEtech, Inc
    202-423-4499 (c)
    [email protected]

  • How to avoid line break ( br ) while exporting Interactive report in Excel

    I have a Interative report and I am using Apex download format as CSV.
    I have defined some of the column heading in multiple line using break < br >
    when I export this into the excel sheet..the column heading contains break also..
    - Any idea how to avoid line break while exporting in excel.
    - also how to put the columns heading in BOLD when exported in excel.

    Hi Jari,
    I tried this but still getting the
    <br>Interactive Report
    Column Attributes Heading - Employee<br>Detail AddressWhen I download the Report in CSV Format
    I am getting the heading with <br>.
    I am looking for heading as - Employee Detail Address // with no <br> tagThanks,

  • Can you put line break in text in the data box when creating a chart.  i.e. if you have a bar chart

    Can you put line break in text in the data box when creating a chart.
    i.e. if you have a bar chart with text underneath each bar, can you break it when you’re entering it instead of manually afterwards
    Thanks .html
    See "Enter labels"

  • How to replace a line in a csv file

    Hi everyone,
    What i need to do is to write into a csv file, line by line. When I'm in the line #1000, I need to go back to line #1 and replace the old line by a new line.
    I only found a way to do this but I don't think it's a good way.
    I read the actual file, I put it in an array (with spreadsheet string to array), I replace the text in the specific index of the array, I delete the old file and I convert the array to a spreadsheet string and then write it in a new file. It's strange but it works. Is there any other (smarter) way to do this?
    Thank you

    Peachy wrote:
    Unfortunatly, I can't have the same length on every line. I don't know what's going to be witten in the text.
    Unfortunately, in this case you cannot really do what you want. Whenever you replace a line, all bytes to the right need to be shifted up or down to account for the change in length. A file is just a long sequence of bytes and a line break is just the presence of a newline character. There is no concept of "lines" per se.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Automatic line break in table of contents?

    I have several long chapter titles that collide with the page number. Is there a way to set an automatic line break or something that will break the line at the same place? I could do this manually of course, but if I update the toc it would disappear agein. See image below. Thanks

    Rekeguf wrote:
    I have several long chapter titles that collide with the page number. Is there a way to set an automatic line break or something that will break the line at the same place? I could do this manually of course, but if I update the toc it would disappear agein. See image below. Thanks
    It's not clear if "Hm?" if you are asking about the appearance of the dot leader and page reference that follow the second line of the TOC entry. Are you asking if this is an acceptable form? Are you thinking that the dot leader and page reference should appear on the first line of the TOC entry, and have the excess text wrap around?
    Have you tried applying the "no break" property to the last few words of the title paragraph in the main text, or replacing standard spaces between the last few words with non-breaking spaces, to see how the TOC process works with them?
    If applying the non-break property works satisfactorily for your needs, you can automate the process partially by manually inserting a "non-joiner" character in the main title text, at the point where you'd like the line to break, and define the TOC-entry paragraph style to have a nested style that applies the no-break property starting from the non-joiner to the end of the paragraph.
    Search Google for "InDesign non-joiner" and " InDesign no break" without quotes, to find information from all over the Web, as well as topics in these Adobe forums and in InDesign help."
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices
    Message was edited by: peter at knowhowpro

  • Deleting extra forced line breaks with Find/Change

    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    I'm importing word .doc that are text-heavy and the formatting is such that there are lots of extra forced line breaks creating a blank line between paragraphs.
    To avoid manually deleting the extra forced line breaks to eliminate the blank line of space between paragraphs, what are the best steps to doing this an easier way?
    Any advice on clear steps to do it using the find/change option?
    Thanks in advance as always..

    Are you talking about two hard returns [Enter] in a row, or a soft and hard return [Shift + Enter] and [Enter]? A forced line break is a soft return, but most Word users would just hit the return key for an empty paragraph to get an empty line.
    In either case, you can do a simple text find change, if GREP intimidates you. Use the special characters menu to enter either two "end of paragraph" or a "forced line break" and "end of paragraph" markers into the find field and a single "end of paragraph" marker into the change field.
    This is included as part of the "Find/change by list" sample script which adds some other common cleanup functions like converting two spaces to one. The advantage to using GREP is it will find any number of consecutive paragraph end markers and convert to one in a single pass, while a text search must be run multiple times to catch the heavy handed author.

  • Application "stickies" won´t generarte adequate line breaks

    trying to print adequately (or generate pdf or using preview) fails since line breaks are not set correctely. To avoid usless printouts I have to break lines manually. Very annoying. Any idea?
    Sebastian Streckbein, Germany
    PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Stickies can export : "File/Export Text...) and you can choose text format, zB, RTF. After this, you can open it with
    It's more flexible.
    I hope it could help you.
    Viel Glück und Tschüß!
    PowerMac G4, Fastmac 1,4GHz, 1152MB, RADEON 9800 pro 128MB, DD WD 120GB   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

  • ASP VBSCRIPT: for a declared string, inserting a line break every N characters

    I'm using ASP VB. I want to insert a VbCr or a VbLf into a
    declared string
    every N characters. FWIW, I want to do this because of an
    limitation in MSXML2, which I am using to "scrape" data from
    webpages that I
    control: I'm getting spurious exclamation points (!) where
    line lengths are
    too long. Manually inserting line breaks (which do not render
    in HTML) seems
    to solve the problem. Can someone tell me how to do this?
    Put another way, I need to flesh out the following
    Dim myString, myCursorPosition, myIncrement
    myString ="The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."
    myIncrement=5 ' I want a line break for every myIncrement
    While [there are still remaining characters to walk through
    in the string
    ' navigate cursor by myIncrement through myString
    ' insert a VbLf at myCurrentCursorPosition
    myCurrentCursorPosition = myCurrentCursorPosition +
    Thanks for any help on the syntax here.

    This is one possible solution specific to the problem I'm
    having with MSXML.
    Code is inefficient for explanatory clarity.
    BodyAsHtmlString = replace(BodyAsHtmlString, "</a>",
    BodyAsHtmlString = replace(BodyAsHtmlString, "</td>",
    BodyAsHtmlString = replace(BodyAsHtmlString,
    BodyAsHtmlString = replace(BodyAsHtmlString, "</tr>",
    BodyAsHtmlString = replace(BodyAsHtmlString, "</br>",
    "Ken Fine" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:e52ln5$i7$[email protected]..
    > Thanks, this code works just fine. However, I'm
    realizing that my logic is
    > going to need to be a little more sophisticated. The
    string that I am
    > breaking includes HTML code. Inserting a VbCr can mess
    up the code.
    > I need a way so that the breaks won't break code. Any
    ideas? If I could
    > identify a char that only appeared in written text,
    that's one hacky
    > solution.
    > Thanks again,
    > -KF
    > "Julian Roberts" <[email protected]> wrote in
    > news:e52kjj$shd$[email protected]..
    >> Try something like
    >> for i=0 to len(mySt) step 5
    >> mySt=left(mySt,i) & vbcrlf &
    >> next
    >> --
    >> Jules
    >> Charon Cart 3
    >> Shopping Cart Extension for Dreamweaver MX/MX 2004

  • Line breaks at 72 chars in

    Since 10.6.2 ( v4.2), has been useless if you need to conform to standards on certain mailing-lists, since it doesn't break lines at 72 characters.
    The solution has been to downgrade to v4.1 (the one coming with 10.6.1) manually after each new Snow Leopard-release.
    I'm not aware of what changes was made between v4.1 and v4.2 to break it like this, but it involves not sending 'format=flowed' (amongst other things) anymore.
    This change has to some degree been discussed here;
    After upgrading to Lion, there is no way to downgrade to v4.1 like before.
    Does anyone have _any_ suggestions to a way to achieve line breaks at 72 chars using in Lion?

    I have the same problem. It also happens in notes.
    Now I created a note in Mail on my Macbook and had this problem: Backspacing a line moved it above the previous paragraph. Then I opened the same note on my Ipad, and I did not have the problem, I could simply backspace the same line and it was connected to the end of the previous paragraph. What I did see in my Ipad note however was that the two paragraphs had a different font (which was not visible on macbook, until I edited it on my Ipad). Somehow my macbook mail creates unsolicited separate paragraphs, which use different invisble fonts, and these paragraphs may not be merged.
    The same problem probably also causes email messages that I compose on my macbook to end up at the recipient in a very different font (i.e., lines/ paragraphs are larger and/or in different font.) than what I see when composing the message. This is really annoying, because it makes you look like a complete moron who is unable to compose a properly edited message.

  • Fix the forced line break bug already!

    Illustrator has had the same bug since version 11. In 5 consecutive versions!
    Forced line break in a justified text behave like a paragraph ending (Enter) aligning the line before the forced line break left. It looks like a new paragraph but it is just incorrectly aligned line in the middle of a paragraph.
    Also Find & Replace recognizes only forced line break but (^n) not paragraph ending (^p) although both can be used in text.
    Since discretionary hyphens do not have an effect whatsoever it requires a lot of manual editing to make typographically acceptable text block to the back of a book jacket.
    So, Adobe. How hard is exactly fix this very annoying bug which has been reported dozens of times? It has even been demonstrated to your tech people who agreed that it really is a bug and should be fixed.

    A force line break is still the same paragraph. You won't see a difference unless there is some text change with each new paragraph, such as a style change or the addition of space before or after a paragraph. The forced line break can also be used as a trigger in a nested style to make the first line or lines formatting for a paragraph different from the following lines.

  • Exporting EPUB from InDesign CC not including line breaks

    I am done with a book and have it formatted the way I want. I am exporting it to EPUB through InDesign CC and previewing it in iBooks and also through Kindle previewer. Everything is fine except for one thing... where I have created page breaks, the exported file is not including them.
    I tried exporting to HTML just to see what it did and there is no line breaks there. I know its proprietary markup ( in kindle ) but I still would like to include them in a few specific places ( to mark seperations of chapters ).
    In kindle this is the tag they say to use: <mbp:pagebreak />
    In iBooks, I have not yet figured out how to create them, I am going to work on that today once I sort out the kindle version.
    Is there any way to force it to include line breaks on export. Or alternatively, I could export to HTML but I am having trouble figuring out how to go back to the EPUB format from there and also it didn't include the fonts, so there was other issues to consider as I have a custom font I was using for the headers that looks really good and matches the font on the book cover as well... so I really want to keep that consistent if possible.
    Are there any tricks or things I can try here to improve on my workflow and do a better job of seperating the chapters ?

    Ok, I hadn't tested the advanced options out in the export menu. It works and does so on both the iBooks and Kindle previewer.. which is good news since that is really important to me to try and find a workflow I can update both of these formats from when I continue to work on my book.
    The only strange part is that on some chapters its adding an extra blank page between the chapter and the next. What is odd is that it only happens on some of them (in the iBook reader only, the kindle previewer isn't doing this)
    I am going to look into this more closely but its not a major deal as I would prefer a little seperation in the chapters anyways, its not really a bad thing. It is just hard to figure out why its doing this.

  • How to get a line break

    Hi All,
    How do I get a line break within a particular field?
    My DB structure is that I have 4 columns address_line_1, address_line_2 and so on. I cannot select them as different fields because all of them can be null, in which case i pick it from internal_address_line column.
    I use:
    SELECT DECODE(address_line_1, NULL, internal_address_line, address_line_1 || ', ' || Address_Line_2) as ADDRESS
    But instead of th comma separating the 2 address lines I want a line break so that 2 address lines come in 2 separate lines in the output.
    It doesn't allow me to use chr(10) as a line break and gives an error
    I'm using Reports 2.5

    Yes, true.
    How about setting up the sections as:
    Section 1 Introduction ('Section num space introduction' in this example - tab may be better)
    Then generate the Contents.
    Then do a GREP find/change on the document after the contents:
    This will add a forced line break and tab after each section number... You might want to specify a para style in the Find Format box too, so that references to Section xx in body text are not altered.
    If you update Contents after this, you will get the line break and tab in the Contents too.

  • Not sure why line break is not working

    Hi all,
    Here is part of my simple Swing application:
    String text1 = "hello";
    String text2 = "world";
    String text3 = text1+"\n"+text2;
    // have also tried (String text3 = text1+"\n\r"+text2;)
    displayField.setText(text3);I supposed that the text3 in the label field (displayField) would display like this:
    But not, the text3 just displayed in the same line like this instead: helloworld.
    I am not sure why the line break is not working.

    Use HTML for a multiline JLabel.// String text3 = text1+"\n"+text2;
    String text3 = "<html>" + text1 + "<br/>" + text2 + "</html>";db

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