Mapping Different Columns to Y1 and Y2 Axis'

I have two columns with vastly different scales (population and percent_population_growth). How do I map population to the Y1 axis (and have the appropriate scale appear) and map percent_population_growth to the Y2 axis (and have the appropriate scale appear).

Any ideas?

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    Hi dudes,
    I'm having some difficulties in getting the Sales Amount  from one column of period (Fiscal Year containing 2012 and 2013) and put it into 2 different columns (Sales 2012 and Sales 2013. I have 3 fields in my dataset: Sales (for all the years), Fiscal
    Year (more than 5 years) and month (which I can neglect).
    For the moment, my situation is as follows:
    Fiscal Year          Month       
    2012                      Jan           $72,500
                                   Feb          $80,200
                                   Dec          $79,500
    2013                      Jan           $51,000
                                   Feb          $62,800
                                   Dec          $85,000
    However I would like to get a scenario as follows:
    Sales 2012          Sales 2013
         Jan              $72,500                  $51,000
         Feb             $80,200                   $62,800
         Dec             $79,500                   $85,000
    Once I have this, I would be much easier for me to do the difference between the two sales period.
    Is there any expression I can use?
    I tried to filter from the Group properties the sales amount for Fiscal Year 2012 on 1 column, and on on another column, the sales amount for Fiscal Year 2013 but it is giving me the same values.
    Thank you very much dudes.

    Hi Stan,
    According to your description, we can use a matrix control to achieve your requirement. For more details, please refer to the following steps:
    Drag a matrix from Toolbox to design surface.
    Insert Month field to the first column.
    Insert Fiscal_Year field to the first row of the second column.
    Insert Sales field to the second row of the second column.
    Right-click the second column to add a column with Outside Group-Right option.
    Type the expression below to the second row of the third column:
    The following screenshot id for your reference:
    If there are any other questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Stuck - load the Excel file dynamically with different columns and worksheet names

     I have a situation where I want to load the Excel file dynamically, and the excel file have different columns or even worksheet name. Any idea how I could
    approach this? I believe there's no way to modify the meta data (specifically the mapping) in the data flow.

    Hi Chimumu,
    The SSIS stock adapters don't supporting dynamic column mapping, to achieve your goal, you need to use Script Task/Component to read the Excel sheet name and the columns in the worksheet, and then map to the output columns of the script component. You can
    also refer to the following blogs:
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to get multiple records in one row and different column

    Hi All,
    I am using oracle database 11g
    and i have a two tables table_1, table_2
    table_1 having columns
    and table_2 having columns
    and having entires
    emp_no phone_type phone_number
    1001 MOB 9451421452
    1001 WEMG 235153654
    1001 EMG 652341536
    1002 MOB 9987526312
    1003 WEMG 5332621456
    1004 EMG 59612356
    Now i want the output of values with phone type as MOB or WEMG in a single row with different columns
    emp_no first_name middle_name last_name email mobile officeno
    1001 mark null k [email protected] 9451421452 235153654
    1002 john cena gary [email protected] 9987526312 null
    1003 dany null craig [email protected] null 5332621456
    1004 donald finn sian [email protected] null null
    can i have any inputs to achive this???

    Frank Kulash wrote:
    sonething like this:Frank, you missed aggregate function (pivot requires one). However main thing is it will cause ORA-01748:
    with table_1 as (
                     select 1001 emp_no,'mark' first_name,null middle_name,'k'last_name,'[email protected]' email from dual union all
                     select 1002,'john','cena','gary','[email protected]' from dual union all
                     select 1003,'dany',null,'craig','[email protected] null' from dual union all
                     select 1004,'donald','finn','sian','[email protected]' from dual
         table_2 as (
                     select 1001 emp_no,'MOB' phone_type,9451421452 phone_number from dual union all
                     select 1001,'WEMG',235153654 from dual union all
                     select 1001,'EMG',652341536 from dual union all
                     select 1002,'MOB',9987526312 from dual union all
                     select 1003,'WEMG',5332621456 from dual union all
                     select 1004,'EMG',59612356 from dual
    SELECT     *
    FROM     table_1      t1
    JOIN     table_2      t2  ON  t1.emp_no = t2.emp_no
    PIVOT     (    max(t2.phone_number)
         FOR  t2.phone_type  IN  ( 'MOB'   AS mob
                                 , 'WEMG'  AS wemg
            FOR  t2.phone_type  IN  ( 'MOB'   AS mob
    ERROR at line 19:
    ORA-01748: only simple column names allowed hereYou need to:
    with table_1 as (
                     select 1001 emp_no,'mark' first_name,null middle_name,'k' last_name,'[email protected]' email from dual union all
                     select 1002,'john','cena','gary','[email protected]' from dual union all
                     select 1003,'dany',null,'craig','[email protected] null' from dual union all
                     select 1004,'donald','finn','sian','[email protected]' from dual
         table_2 as (
                     select 1001 emp_no,'MOB' phone_type,9451421452 phone_number from dual union all
                     select 1001,'WEMG',235153654 from dual union all
                     select 1001,'EMG',652341536 from dual union all
                     select 1002,'MOB',9987526312 from dual union all
                     select 1003,'WEMG',5332621456 from dual union all
                     select 1004,'EMG',59612356 from dual
         table_3 as (
                     select  t1.emp_no,first_name,middle_name,last_name,email,
                       FROM     table_1      t1
                       LEFT JOIN     table_2      t2  ON  t1.emp_no = t2.emp_no
    SELECT     *
    FROM     table_3
    PIVOT     (    max(phone_number)
         FOR  phone_type  IN  ( 'MOB'   AS mob
                                 , 'WEMG'  AS wemg
        EMP_NO FIRST_ MIDD LAST_ EMAIL                     MOB       WEMG
          1004 donald finn sian  [email protected]
          1003 dany        craig [email protected] null            5332621456
          1001 mark        k     [email protected]      9451421452  235153654
          1002 john   cena gary  [email protected]    9987526312

  • How To UPLOAD a DATA (.DAT) fiel from PC to internal table and then split it into the data different columns

    Hi all,
    I am new to ABAP Development. I need to upload a .DAT file (the file doesn#t have any proper structure-- Please find the .DAT file in the attachment). After uploading the DATA (.DAT) fiel I need to split in into different columns. Refering the attached .DAT fiel the fields in bracets like:
    [Arbeitstag],  [Pecunia], [Mita], [Kunde], [Auftrag] and  [Position] are different fields that need to be arranged in columns in an internal table. this .DAT fiel which I want to upload and then SPLIT it into various fields will will treated as MASTER DATA table for further programming. The program that I had written is as below. Also please refer the attached .DAT table.
    Please if any one could help me. i searched a lot in different forums but couldn't find me  a solution. Also note that the attached fiel is in text (.txt) format here but in real situation the same fiel is in DATA (.DAT) format.
    Types: Begin of ttab,
            Rec(1000) type c,
           End of ttab.
    DATA: itab  type table of ttab.
    DATA: wa_tab type ttab.
    DATA: file_str type string.
    Parameters: p_file type localfile.
    At selection-screen on value-request for p_file.
                                           CALL FUNCTION 'KD_GET_FILENAME_ON_F4'
    *                                          PROGRAM_NAME        = SYST-REPID
    *                                          DYNPRO_NUMBER       = SYST-DYNNR
    *                                          FIELD_NAME          = ' '
                                               STATIC              = 'X'
    *                                          MASK                = ' '
                                               file_name           = p_file.
    *                                        EXCEPTIONS
    *                                          MASK_TOO_LONG       = 1
    *                                          OTHERS              = 2
      file_str = P_file.
          filename                      = '\\\Volume_1\_projekte\Zeiterfassung-SAP\BUP_ZEIT.DAT'   " This the file  source address
          FILETYPE                      = 'DAT'
          HAS_FIELD_SEPARATOR           = ';'
    *     HEADER_LENGTH                 = 0
    *     READ_BY_LINE                  = 'X'
    *     DAT_MODE                      = ' '
    *     CODEPAGE                      = ' '
    *     IGNORE_CERR                   = ABAP_TRUE
    *     REPLACEMENT                   = '#'
    *     CHECK_BOM                     = ' '
    *     VIRUS_SCAN_PROFILE            =
    *     NO_AUTH_CHECK                 = ' '
    *     FILELENGTH                    =
    *     HEADER                        =
          data_tab                      = itab
         FILE_OPEN_ERROR               = 1
         FILE_READ_ERROR               = 2
         NO_BATCH                      = 3
         GUI_REFUSE_FILETRANSFER       = 4
         INVALID_TYPE                  = 5
         NO_AUTHORITY                  = 6
         UNKNOWN_ERROR                 = 7
         BAD_DATA_FORMAT               = 8
         HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED            = 9
         SEPARATOR_NOT_ALLOWED         = 10
         HEADER_TOO_LONG               = 11
         UNKNOWN_DP_ERROR              = 12
         ACCESS_DENIED                 = 13
         DP_OUT_OF_MEMORY              = 14
         DISK_FULL                     = 15
         DP_TIMEOUT                    = 16
         OTHERS                        = 17
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      LOOP at itab into wa_tab.
            WRITE: / wa_tab.
    I will be grateful to all you experts for ur inputs
    Chandan Singh

    For every Auftrag, there are multiple Position entries.
    Rest of the blocks don't seems to have any relation.
    So you can check this code to see how internal table lt_str is built whose first 3 fields have data contained in Auftrag, and next 3 fields have Position data. The structure is flat, assuming that every Position record is related to preceding Auftrag.
    Try out this snippet.
    DATA lt_data TYPE TABLE OF string.
    DATA lv_data TYPE string.
    CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload
        filename = 'C:\temp\test.txt'
        data_tab = lt_data
        OTHERS   = 19.
    CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.
    BEGIN OF ty_str,
      a1 TYPE string,
      a2 TYPE string,
      a3 TYPE string,
      p1 TYPE string,
      p2 TYPE string,
      p3 TYPE string,
    END OF ty_str.
    DATA: lt_str TYPE TABLE OF ty_str,
          ls_str TYPE ty_str,
          lv_block TYPE string,
          lv_flag TYPE boolean.
    LOOP AT lt_data INTO lv_data.
      CASE lv_data.
        WHEN '[Version]' OR '[StdSatz]' OR '[Arbeitstag]' OR '[Pecunia]'
             OR '[Mita]' OR '[Kunde]' OR '[Auftrag]' OR '[Position]'.
          lv_block = lv_data.
          lv_flag = abap_false.
        WHEN OTHERS.
          lv_flag = abap_true.
      CHECK lv_flag EQ abap_true.
      CASE lv_block.
        WHEN '[Auftrag]'.
          SPLIT lv_data AT ';' INTO ls_str-a1 ls_str-a2 ls_str-a3.
        WHEN '[Position]'.
          SPLIT lv_data AT ';' INTO ls_str-p1 ls_str-p2 ls_str-p3.
          APPEND ls_str TO lt_str.

  • Filename seperately & Putting data from Hash Map to two different columns

    The following code produces the output as :
    $ java getNamefile
    File Name : reaper.txt
    File Name : Testing
    Is it possible to just get the file name "reaper" from it instead of reaper.txt
    class getNamefile
         public static void main(String[] args)
              File f1 = new File("C:/javamyprograms/reaper.txt");
              File f2 = new File("C:/javamyprograms/Testing/");
              System.out.println("File Name : " + f1.getName());
              System.out.println("File Name : " + f2.getName());
    }Secondly I am trying to put the values from a HashMap into ".xls"
    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter (new FileWriter("Unique_words_count" + file) + ".xls");
    and out.write(key + " " + hm.get(key));
    This put the values in the same columns. I want the results to be two different columns like
    column1 column2
    key1 value1
    key2 value2
    Please do advise. Thanks in advance.

    Is it possible to just get the file name "reaper"from it instead of reaper.txtActually, I ran a test, and
         System.out.println(  "file name portion == " + ( f.getName().split( "\\." ) )[ 0 ] );works also:
    This has the same effect as:
         String fileName = f.getName();
         String splitFileName[] = fileName.split( "\\." );
         System.out.println(  "file name portion == " + splitFileName[ 0 ] );Now that I think about it, the second form is more easily understood. There is really no reason to do it the first way. Just interesting to note that you can.

  • Different columns and arrangements in different Folders

    I arrange my mail into various folders. For various reasons, I need to have different columns visible and different arrangements of columns in different folders (Kind of like needing From: in InBox and To: in sent items.)
    I can't figure out how to set this, by folder and have it 1) stick and 2) not impact other folders.

    must have not worn my glasses when i first checked that feature long time ago, so sorry for the erroneous info in my previous post, and no you cannot change column view whether within one email account or across email accounts. yikes, need to be more careful when i send info on these pages

  • How to display axis labels on both x and y-axis of a column chart

     i have an urgent requirement of having axis labels on both x and y axis
    In x-axis i got it by sorting order also but in y-axis i'm unable to do
    i need in y-axis ,my column values are L1,L2,L3,----L10these shuold display in y-axis in sorting order and 0 in axis should remain as it is to take the interval ....? as of now i'm using Auto
    my y-axis values shud look like 0,L1,L2,L3,L4,----L10can anyone get perfect solution
    thanx in advance

    Hi Lucky,
    Per my understanding that you want to display the values(Column1) like  "L1,L2,L3....L10" which comes from the "Series group" in the Y-Axis label and keep the row group in "Category group" to
    display in the x-axis and Numric column(1,2,3,4) in the "Value", right?
    Gernerally the lable display in the y-axis is automatically based on the value of the Numric column in the "Value" and it default is numbric labels.
    I have tested on my local environment and in your scenario, i suggest to hide the axis lable of the y-axis and create an tablix to only show the one column contains the values (L1,L2,L3,L3) to display in the place of the hidden y-axis label.
    Detais information about to design an new y-axis label ae below for your reference:
    Create an tablix to display only the row group of the "Column1" ( for the
    Column1 may have duplicate values, you can create parent row group for this column and hide the detail column by setting the "Column Visibility").
    Right click the y-axis to select the "Vertical Axis Properties" and select the "Labels" on the left pane to check the "Hide Axis labels"
    Select the Chart Area and in the properties set value of left=0 under the CustomPosition:
    Set the border style=None for both the Chart and Column1's row group
    Drag the tablix at the position near the hidden y-axis and set the size of both the chart and the tablix to make the value in the tablix row group(Column1) to be align with the y-axis label:
    Right click the "Chart legend" to delete or hide the legend
    If you still have any problem, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to show value and unit in different columns

    Hi All,
    I need ABAP help for the below requirement in BI7.0
    Data source contains  the field Amount in local currency (Data source is flat file of CSV format)
    Amount in local currency
           1000  INR
           2000  INR
           1000  GBP
           2000  EUR
    I have to get this value in target like below( value and unit should be in different columns)
    Amount in local currency              0currency
           1000                                           INR
           2000                                           INR
           1000                                           GBP
           2000                                           EUR
    Can any one help me how to declare the data type for  Amount in local currency and how to show this value in two columns in the target.

    TYPES:BEGIN OF ty_stru,
      s1 TYPE string,
    END OF ty_stru,
    BEGIN OF ty_stru1,
      s2 TYPE string,
      s3 TYPE string,
      END OF ty_stru1.
    DATA:itab TYPE TABLE OF ty_stru,
          wa LIKE LINE OF itab.
    DATA:itab1 TYPE TABLE OF ty_stru1,
         wa1 LIKE LINE OF itab1.
    In input 1000 and USD having space
      wa-s1 = '1000 USD'.
       APPEND wa TO itab.
      wa-s1 = '1000 INR'.
       APPEND wa TO itab.
      wa-s1 = '1000 EUR'.
      APPEND wa TO itab.
      LOOP AT itab INTO wa.
    SPLIT wa-s1 AT space INTO  wa1-s2 wa1-s3.*------> split command
    APPEND  wa1 TO itab1.*---------------->splited value store into another internal table
      LOOP AT itab1 inTO wa1.
        WRITE: wa1-s2,
    1000 USD
    1000 INR
    1000 EUR
    This is simple prgram for split a string into two different string based on space
    Edited by: dharma raj on Aug 19, 2009 2:01 PM

  • Ok, im new to numbers but i cant work this one out. In column A is an average of hours worked. I have 4 columns. A and B have different values. Column C is an average of hours worked. When column C is less then 8 i need column D to equal column a

    Ok, im new to numbers but i cant work this one out. I have 4 columns. A and B have different values. Column C is an average of hours worked. When column C is less then 8 i need column D to equal column A. When column C is equal or greater then 8 i need column D to equal the sum of A and B.

    Hi Lucas,
    Try this:
    Formula in D2 (and Fill Down) =IF(C2<8, A2,A2+B2)
    The IF function follows the logic of if, then, else.
    IF(this is true, then do this, else do that)
    If it is raining, then stay at home, else hold a picnic .

  • How to parse a delimited string and insert into different columns?

    Hi Experts,
    I need to parse a delimited string ':level1_value:level2_value:level3_value:...' to 'level1_value', 'level2_value', etc., and insert them into different columns of one table as one row:
    Table_Level (Level1, Level2, Level3, ...)
    I know I can use substr and instr to get level value one by one and insert into Table, but I'm wondering if there's better ways to do it?

    user9954260 wrote:
    However, there is one tiny problem - the delimiter from the source system is a '|' When I replace your test query with | as delimiter instead of the : it fails. Interestingly, if I use ; it works. See below:
    with t as (
    select 'str1|str2|str3||str5|str6' x from dual union all
    select '|str2|str3|str4|str5|str6' from dual union all
    select 'str1|str2|str3|str4|str5|' from dual union all
    select 'str1|str2|||str5|str6' from dual)
    select x,
    regexp_replace(x,'^([^|]*).*$','\1') y1,
    regexp_replace(x,'^[^|]*|([^|]*).*$','\1') y2,
    regexp_replace(x,'^([^|]*|){2}([^|]*).*$','\2') y3,
    regexp_replace(x,'^([^|]*|){3}([^|]*).*$','\2') y4,
    regexp_replace(x,'^([^|]*|){4}([^|]*).*$','\2') y5,
    regexp_replace(x,'^([^|]*|){5}([^|]*).*$','\2') y6
    from t;
    The "bar" or "pipe" symbol is a special character, also called a metacharacter.
    If you want to use it as a literal in a regular expression, you will need to escape it with a backslash character (\).
    Here's the solution -
    test@ORA11G> --
    test@ORA11G> with t as (
      2    select 'str1|str2|str3||str5|str6' x from dual union all
      3    select '|str2|str3|str4|str5|str6' from dual union all
      4    select 'str1|str2|str3|str4|str5|' from dual union all
      5    select 'str1|str2|||str5|str6' from dual)
      6  --
      7  select x,
      8         regexp_replace(x,'^([^|]*).*$','\1') y1,
      9         regexp_replace(x,'^[^|]*\|([^|]*).*$','\1') y2,
    10         regexp_replace(x,'^([^|]*\|){2}([^|]*).*$','\2') y3,
    11         regexp_replace(x,'^([^|]*\|){3}([^|]*).*$','\2') y4,
    12         regexp_replace(x,'^([^|]*\|){4}([^|]*).*$','\2') y5,
    13         regexp_replace(x,'^([^|]*\|){5}([^|]*).*$','\2') y6
    14  from t;
    X                         Y1      Y2      Y3      Y4      Y5      Y6
    str1|str2|str3||str5|str6 str1    str2    str3            str5    str6
    |str2|str3|str4|str5|str6         str2    str3    str4    str5    str6
    str1|str2|str3|str4|str5| str1    str2    str3    str4    str5
    str1|str2|||str5|str6     str1    str2                    str5    str6
    4 rows selected.
    PS - it works for semi-colon character ";" because it is not a metacharacter. So its literal value is considered by the regex engine for matching.
    Edited by: isotope on Feb 26, 2010 11:09 AM

  • Parse string into different column and optimization

    We are in process of building an audit process for any changes that occur automatically or manually by the user on some of the table data. To do this we have two options:
    1. Have master table to store the audit event summary and a detail table to store each column change with old and new values. Something like:
      EVNT_ID      NUMBER,
      COL_NAME     VARCHAR2(1000),
      OLD_COL_VAL     VARCHAR2(1000),
      NEW_COL_VAL     VARCHAR2(1000)
    );but this approach has some processing overhead since for the changes to each record there will be multiple records based on number of columns updated. If we are loading 40K transaction twice a month, and the changes are almost 30-40% so the detail table will grow considerably.
    2. To have the detail table with one column that will have a concatenated string of changes with field name, old and new values.
      EVNT_ID        NUMBER,
      TBL_NAME       VARCHAR2(100),
      OPER_CD        VARCHAR2(1),
      USR_ID         VARCHAR2(10),
      ACT_DT         DATE,
      PK_STRNG_VAL   VARCHAR2(100),
      CMNT_TXT       VARCHAR2(1000) 
      EVNT_ID      NUMBER,
      ADT_LOG     VARCHAR2(1000)
    COMMIT;I want to know if we want to generate a report for audit log, how can I display the data from detail table in columns. I mean how to parse the ADT_LOG column to show the data in three different columns like:
    FIELD     OLD         NEW
    ZIP       07001      07056
    .along with the columns from EVNT table.
    And, want to know which approach would be better.

    hey I think I finally got it using the model clause.
    not sure if this will be faster or not.
    you can increase the number of iterations if you are not hitting them all,
    ( the lower your iteration number the faster this will run)
    select adt_log, field, old, new from
    with TEST_ADT_DTL as
    select evnt_id, adt_log, field, old, new  from test_adt_dtl
    model return updated rows
    partition by (evnt_id)
    dimension by ( 0 d)
    measures (adt_log, adt_log field, adt_log old, adt_log new, 0 it_num )
    rules iterate (50) -- until ?
    adt_log[any] = adt_log[0],
    field[0] = substr(adt_log[0], instr(adt_log[0],'FIELD',1,1)+6, instr(adt_log[0],',',1,1) - instr(adt_log[0],'FIELD',1,1)-6),
    old[0] =   substr(adt_log[0], instr(adt_log[0],'OLD',1,1)+4, instr(adt_log[0],',',1,2) - instr(adt_log[0],'OLD',1,1)-4),
    new[0] =   substr(adt_log[0], instr(adt_log[0],'NEW',1,1)+4, instr(adt_log[0],';',1,1) - instr(adt_log[0],'NEW',1,1)-4),
    field[iteration_number ] =    substr(adt_log[0],
                                         instr(adt_log[0],'FIELD:',1,iteration_number + 1 ) + 6,
                                         (instr(adt_log[0],',',( instr(adt_log[0],'FIELD:',1,iteration_number + 1 ) + 6 ),1)
                                         (  instr(adt_log[0],'FIELD:',1,iteration_number + 1 ) + 6))
    old[iteration_number ] =    substr(adt_log[0],
                                         instr(adt_log[0],'OLD:',1,iteration_number + 1 ) + 4,
                                         (instr(adt_log[0],',',( instr(adt_log[0],'OLD:',1,iteration_number + 1 ) + 4 ),1)
                                         (  instr(adt_log[0],'OLD:',1,iteration_number + 1 ) + 4))
    new[iteration_number]  =    substr(adt_log[0],
                                         instr(adt_log[0],'NEW:',1,iteration_number + 1 ) + 4,
                                           (instr(adt_log[0],';',1,iteration_number + 1)
                                           (instr(adt_log[0],'NEW:',1,iteration_number + 1 ) + 4)
    order by evnt_id, it_num
    where new is not nullEdited by: pollywog on Apr 13, 2010 10:28 AM

  • Plotting x and y axis from two different data

    Hi everyone,
    I've just started using LabView on my new job. My new task is to create a VI to display a plot an XY graph from two data. How do I actually assign the two different data (X and Y axis resepctively)and plot them out on a same graph??
    Please help me out... my job is on the line!

    Other may post an example for you.
    I will tell how to find this and many other answers.
    Do a "Find Examples" from either the LV open screen or from the Help drop down.
    LV ships with examples that demonstrate almost every basic operation.
    One of the big benifits of these examples is that they work! If they do not, NI is interested in finding which ones do not.
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

  • Navigate between 2 reports and pass values between 2 different columns

    I have a question about navigating from 1 report to another while passing the value from column 1 to column 2 in the second report...
    In OBIEE 11G, I create action link on report 1, column 1 and this action link is navigate to BI Content and the destination is report 2. Now report 2 has column 2, which is an alias of column 1 from report 1, from user's point of view they are the same, but from OBIEE point of view they are different.
    My action link is able to navigate to report 2, however, the value in column 1 which I clicked to execute the navigation, does not get passed to column 2 in report 2..
    Is there a way around this issue?
    Let me know if I need to provide more clarification

    Thank you Anirban
    I think this is the best solution you just provided.The current post and the post at below looks same
    Navigate from report to dashboard and  pass values between different column
    is it not answered?
    Thanks :)
    Edited by: Srini VEERAVALLI on May 7, 2013 3:07 PM

  • Problem about mapping 1 column with different tables..

    I have 3 Tables (I will give examples not exact tables but same structure and logic)
    Cars :
       ID  ( Car ID)
    Planes :
       ID ( Plane ID)
    Processes :
       ID ( Process ID )
       VehicleID {code}*Sample Processes Table Data*
    {code:java}ID     Type      VehicleID
    1          1               1       
    2          1               2
    3          2               1
    3          2               2{code}
    When type is *1*, This is *Car* and means that *VehicleID* maps to *Cars Table*,
    When type is *2*, This is *Plane* and means that *VehicleID* maps to *Planes Table*.
    And So On 3, 4, 5, 6 .. for Additional tables.
    How can i map something like that? I can not merge these tables, they all must be separated..
    I used to handle this by writing native SQL with some functions, however with JPA i could not figure it out..
    Thanks again

    I do not know an easy way to do this in pure JPA. EclipseLink though is able to do this using a variable one to one mapping:
    This can be set using a customizer or JPA like annotations:
    discriminatorColumn=@DiscriminatorColumn(name="TYPE", discriminatorType=INTEGER),
    @DiscriminatorClass(discriminator="1", value=Cars.class),
    @DiscriminatorClass(discriminator="2", value=Planes.class)
    Best Regards,

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