Mapping network volumes to OS X from a Windows network

I need to find a good way to automate mapping windows shares on OS X through smb. When this user is not in the office or his home, which has an IP tunnel, he has to connect to a VPN prior to mapping the drives. Therefore our current solution of putting the drive mapping in the logon items is not sufficient. Everytime he boots when not on the network he get 11 errors messages, one for each drive, and it takes a large amount of time to timeout thus delaying the boot process. I know this can be accomplished through an Applescript but I am having trouble making a script that works.
There is also a freeware program on called Automountmaker. Does anyone have any experience with this and if so does it work well?

Your question has been asked and answered several times in the Boot Camp forum.

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  • Xmlparser.parse fails with ORA-20100 when reading from mapped network drive

    I have a problem with the xmlparser when parsing an xml document from a mapped network drive. If I read the xml document from a local drive, then there is no problem.
    I haven't been able to find any documentation specifying this. Is there any way to parse a file from a mapped network drive???
    To clarify, I have created an example procedure, that parses an XML doc from disc, notice that the G: drive is a mapped drive:
    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure test_xmlparser is
    p xmlparser.Parser;
    dir varchar2(100) := 'G:\Vejdirektoratet\root\xsl';
    errfile VARCHAR2(32) := 'error.log';
    p := xmlparser.newParser;
    -- set parser properties
    xmlparser.setValidationMode(p, FALSE);
    xmlparser.setErrorLog(p, dir || '\' || errfile);
    xmlparser.setPreserveWhiteSpace(p, FALSE);
    -- parse xml file
    xmlparser.parse(p, dir || '\' || 'HelloWorld.xml');
    The file HelloWorld.xml contains the following:
    <?xml version = '1.0'?>
    <text>Hello World</text>
    When running this in SQL*Plus I get the following error:
    ORA-20100: Error occurred while parsing: Invalid argument
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLPARSER", line 22
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLPARSER", line 69
    ORA-06512: at "VD.TEST_XMLPARSER", line 14
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    Changing the value of the variable dir to 'C:\' makes it all work.

    Hi again
    I need to ask a last, hopefully ;-), question on upgrading the JDK to 1.3.1:
    As far as I understand, this is how I do it:
    1) Install JDK 1.3.1 on DB server
    2) tell Oracle DB, to use that JDK.
    Is this the correct way? And how is step 2 done?
    Looked on metalink, google etc., but could only find this for 9iAS (not the DB) and Oracle Applications 11i.
    thanks, Sxren

  • Map Network Drive to Time Capsule from WinXP Home with reconnect at logon

    I bridged my TimeCapsule on a wired home network. TC provides wireless(n/g) for a Macbook & Dell Laptop, print server, and storage. MAC & PC's all access internet; The Mac & PC's were able to find a reasonable driver for the printer (not a generic); and visibility to the TC and even Mac<-->PC (all on the same WINS Workgroup; file sharing/AFP/SMB turned on) working OK.
    I want to have a single drive letter mapped to a TC folder during a PC login. Using Windows Map Network Drive... I can supply \\server\share as my \\[mytimecapsulename]\[path to folder] and then I use "connect as different user" and supply the username/password as specified in the AirPort Utility setup for TC. Then I click Reconnect at Logon, and Finish. Windows is "happy" and the connection is made, applications on the PC that need the folder have access to the folder according the permissions on the TC. Sweet.
    Until, logoff and logon, and XP burps "not able to establish all network connections". Exploring MyComputer shows the Mapped Drive (but disconnected), double-click I'm prompted for username/password; enter it and I'm runnning.
    This seems to be a workaround, and I'd like to have the reconnect work seamlessly.

    Thank you Steve.
    I want to test my understanding. The TC password and the Windows login passwords should be the same. If there are more than one Windows users, then both of their passwords should be the same as the TC password?
    My understanding of "connect using different user name" is that I supply a username that the TC understands, i.e. the username/password set up in AirPort utility, and I would not supply any of the Windows accounts/passwords. This has worked for me. I supply the time-capsule-username/password not my Windows username and the Map Network Drive makes the connection. But it doesn't make the Reconnet at logon.
    So it sounds like what I should try is to change the timecapsule password to match the Windows account password of the windows user attempting to connect to the TC. Which means I'm limited to one password even if there are more than one Windows users attempting to connect.
    Sound about right? I'll try it out and let you know 6-12 hrs.

  • Enable Recycle Bin on mapped network drives

    A few years ago I discovered how redirected user profile folders in Windows get Recycle Bin protection, even when the folders are redirected to a network location. This was a huge find for me, and I used this feature to add Recycle Bin coverage to some of
    my mapped network drives. I shared this information on another forum here:
    Today I figured out a better way to achieve the same goal that doesn't rely on user profile folder redirection, and am sharing that information for other users to try out. You might want to take a look at these forum topics for additional information:
    The standard disclaimer applies - this might break stuff. I've only tested in Windows 8, and my testing is limited. Try this at your own risk.
    This is what I've learned (or think I've learned - I might be wrong):
    Windows Vista and later store the configuration settings for the Recycle Bin for redirected user profile folders in this registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\BitBucket\KnownFolder
    Under this key are separate keys for each redirected folder that is protected by the Recycle Bin. The keys contain the configuration information for each protected folder, and are named to match the GUIDs for "Known Folders." A list of the Known
    Folder to GUID mappings is available in one of the links above.
    The registry also contains a list of "known folders" at this location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderDescriptions
    So, I reasoned that if I could create my own custom "known folder," I could add that to the list of folders that were protected by the Recycle Bin and protect any mapped network drive I wanted. So I looked at the list of existing "known folders"
    and created a key that was similar to the Documents key. I then fiddled with the values in the key until I narrowed it down to the minimum number needed to make the recycle bin work.
    This .reg file will protect a mapped X: drive with a ~50GB recycle bin. You should modify the file to fit your needs:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    A few things of note:
    The GUID in the above .reg file {9147E464-33A6-48E2-A3C9-361EFD417DEF} came from this PowerShell command: "{"+[guid]::NewGUID().ToString().ToUpper()+"}"
    Each "known folder"/Recycle Bin combination requires a unique GUID. If you don't want to use PowerShell to generate a GUID, you can use an online GUID generator.
    I don't know what the "Category" value does, but the key I copied had it set to 4, and that works, so I didn't test any other values.
    The "Name" value is required, but is not the name that will be shown if you right-click on the Recycle Bin and select properties. (At least not in my environment.) In my environment, the name that is shown is the name of the network drive.
    Making this change adds a "Location" tab to the properties page of your mapped network drives. I suspect this could be removed by changing the "Category" value, but didn't bother to find out.
    I only tested with mapped network drives. I suspect this would work with UNC paths as well, but I didn't bother testing.
    I hope you're as excited to find this as I was to figure it out. Let me know if this works for you. I now plan to deploy the registry keys with Group Policy Preferences and will update this forum post with any information I discover.
    Best regards
    Update: I am now using Group Policy Preferences to deploy the needed registry keys, and all my mapped network drives are now protected by the recycle bin.
    Update 2: I have tested now with UNC paths, and this works fine. I still use mapped network drives, but if your environment requires UNC paths instead, you can use them. Note however that if you have a mapped network drive that points to a UNC path, and
    you protect the UNC path with a registry change, if a user deletes a file from the mapped network drive that points to that UNC path, the file will be permanently deleted. See below for more details.

    FANTASTIC work Russel !
    This is extremely helpful.
    I've turned your work into a Bat Script that will automatically make the reg file.
    It creates a unique guid each time it is run, so no worries on overlaps.
    Just copy and paste the following into notepad
    and save it as "Network Recycling Bin - auto make registry file.bat"
    echo off
    REM ========== MAIN FUNCTION  ========================
    Call :CreateREGfile
    goto :eof
    REM ========== SUB FUNCTIONS  ========================
    set /p RelativePath=Enter
    current mapped path of drive (e.g. X:\FileShare\D_Drive):
    REM replace \ with \\ (for reg value its a requirement)
    Set RelativePath=%RelativePath:\=\\% 
    set /p MaxBinSize_Dec=Enter
    max size (in mb) (eg 11gb=11000):
    call :toHex
    %MaxBinSize_Dec% MaxBinSize_Hex
    Set outputREG="Network
    Recycling Bin - %RelativePath:~0,1% Drive (%MaxBinSize_Dec%mb).reg"
    call :MakeGUID_VBS NewGUID
    REM echo My new GUID : %NewGUID%
    echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderDescriptions\%NewGUID%]
    echo "RelativePath"="%RelativePath%"
    echo "Category"=dword:00000004
    echo "Name"="NetworkDrive2RecyclingBin_%NewGUID:~1,5%"
    REM The "Name" value is required, but is not the name that will be shown if you right-click on the Recycle Bin and select properties. That will be autoset to the network drive name.
    echo [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\BitBucket\KnownFolder\%NewGUID%] 
    echo "MaxCapacity"=dword:%MaxBinSize_Hex%
    echo "NukeOnDelete"=dword:00000000
    goto :eof
    echo set obj
    = CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib")
    > TEMP_generateGUID.vbs
    echo WScript.Echo obj.GUID
    >> TEMP_generateGUID.vbs
    FOR /F "usebackq tokens=*"
    %%rin (`CSCRIPT "TEMP_generateGUID.vbs"`)DO
    SET RESULT=%%r
    del TEMP_generateGUID.vbs
    goto :eof
    :: todec hex dec -- convert a hexadecimal number to decimal
    ::             -- hex [in]      - hexadecimal number to convert
    ::             -- dec [out,opt] - variable to store the converted decimal number in
    set /a dec=0x%~1
        IF "%~2"
    NEQ "" (SET %~2=%dec%)ELSE
    EXIT /b
    :: eg  call :toHex dec hex -- convert a decimal number to hexadecimal, i.e. -20 to FFFFFFEC or 26 to 0000001A
    ::             -- dec [in]      - decimal number to convert
    ::             -- hex [out,opt] - variable to store the converted hexadecimal number in
    ::Thanks to 'dbenham' dostips forum users who inspired to improve this function
    :$created 20091203 :$changed 20110330 :$categories Arithmetic,Encoding
    set /a dec=%~1
    set "hex="
    set "map=0123456789ABCDEF"
    for /L
    %%Nin (1,1,8)do
        set /a "d=dec&15,dec>>=4"
    %%Din (!d!)do
    set "hex=!map:~%%D,1!!hex!"
    rem !!!! REMOVE LEADING ZEROS by activating the next line, e.g. will return 1A instead of 0000001A
    rem for /f "tokens=* delims=0" %%A in ("%hex%") do set "hex=%%A"&if not defined hex set "hex=0"
        IF "%~2"
    NEQ "" (SET %~2=%hex%)ELSE
    EXIT /b

  • How can I get a Powershell script which maps network drives to execute at logon to any workstation in my domain

    I want to map network drives for each user when they logon to any workstation in the network.  I have created and tested the PS1 script which works fine where the drives attach and used persistent parameter.  I have updated the Windows 7 Professional
    64-bit workstation to the latest PS 4.0 code.  I have created the GPO and believe everything is assigned properly.  I made changes to allow execution of local and remote signed scripts.  I have forced the changes on a workstation using GPUPDATE
    /force, but the drives do not connect.  The GPRESULT is as follows which shows the policies are in place as shown below.  
    What am I missing to get the script to execute? 
    RSOP data for MRC\mikeg on MIDRUBD03 : Logging Mode
    OS Configuration:            Member Workstation
    OS Version:                  6.1.7601
    Site Name:                   N/A
    Roaming Profile:             N/A
    Local Profile:               C:\Users\mikeg.MRC
    Connected over a slow link?: No
        CN=My Name,CN=Users,DC=mrc,DC=net
        Last time Group Policy was applied: 7/21/2014 at 8:22:05 AM
        Group Policy was applied from:
        Group Policy slow link threshold:   500 kbps
        Domain Name:                        MRC
        Domain Type:                        Windows 2000
        Applied Group Policy Objects
        The following GPOs were not applied because they were filtered out
            Default Domain Policy
                Filtering:  Not Applied (Empty)
            Local Group Policy
                Filtering:  Not Applied (Empty)
        The user is a part of the following security groups
            Domain Admins
            CONSOLE LOGON
            NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users
            This Organization
            Domain Users
            Enterprise Admins
            Schema Admins
            Denied RODC Password Replication Group
            High Mandatory Level
        The user has the following security privileges
        Resultant Set Of Policies for User
            Software Installations
            Logon Scripts
                GPO: StartingUp
                    Name:         C:\Windows\SYSVOL\sysvol\\Policies\{47773A6D-1115-4A3D-BB74-F672B315A430}\User\Scr
                    LastExecuted: This script has not yet been executed.
            Logoff Scripts
            Public Key Policies
            Administrative Templates
                GPO: StartingUp
                    KeyName:     Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\EnableScripts
                    Value:       1, 0, 0, 0
                    State:       Enabled
                GPO: StartingUp
                    KeyName:     Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\ExecutionPolicy
                    Value:       82, 0, 101, 0, 109, 0, 111, 0, 116, 0, 101, 0, 83, 0, 105, 0, 103, 0, 110, 0, 101, 0, 100,
    0, 0, 0
                    State:       Enabled
            Folder Redirection
            Internet Explorer Browser User Interface
            Internet Explorer Connection
            Internet Explorer URLs
            Internet Explorer Security
            Internet Explorer Programs

    >                  Name:
    > C:\Windows\SYSVOL\sysvol\\Policies\{47773A6D-1115-4A3D-BB74-F672B315A430}\User\Scr
    > pts\Logon\MapDriveScript.ps1
    >                  Parameters:
    First: Only one of all current answers points in the right direction.
    You picked the local sysvol path on the DC which does not exist on
    clients, of course...
    The Path to the script MUST be an UNC path starting like
    Second: You CANNOT execute PS1 directly (unless you change the .ps1 file
    extension configuration). The "Name" MUST be "powershell.exe", and the
    script itself goes into "Parameters".
    Mal ein
    GUTES Buch über GPOs lesen?
    NO THEY ARE NOT EVIL, if you know what you are doing:
    Good or bad GPOs?
    And if IT bothers me - coke bottle design refreshment :))

  • Location is not available to mapped network drive in Windows 8 using Synology NAS

    Original Thread:
    I have recently upgraded to Windows 8.1 standard edition. I have come across a problem when using the option for mapped network drives. Under Windows 7 I would normally map a network drive (Synology NAS) and I could access all files, copy and paste, install
    apps, and link media, all from within the mapped network drive. However, under Windows 8.1 I have come across a couple of problems.
    1. When I try to copy a file from my "Mapped Network Drive" to the C:\Drive (OS Boot Drive), I get the following error,
    "E:\ is unavailable. If the location is on this PC, make sure the device or drive is connected or the disc is inserted, and then try again. if the location is on a network, make sure you're connected to the network or internet, and then try again. If the
    location still can't be found, it might have been moved or deleted."
    However, if I copy a file from the "NETWORK/Network Location" the file copies just fine with no problems. And, If I also copy a file from a "Added Network Location" the file also copies just fine with no problems. And, if I copy a file from
    my "Mapped Network Drive" to my D:\Drive (non OS Drive), the file copies just fine with no problems.
    2. When I try to install apps from my "Mapped Network Drive" they will sometimes install and sometimes not (I am also choosing the option to run the programs as Administrator). Again if I try to install using either the "NETWORK/Network Location"
    or an "Added Network Location" the apps install just fine with no problems.
    3. When I link media (music or videos) from my "Mapped Network Drive" they will work but once I reboot they no longer work as if they have lost the file path or link of the original source location.
    4. When I use FireFox (browser) and I set my default download dir to my "Mapped Network Drive" it will work once originally set it but after I reboot, it no longer works. However, again if I set the default download dir to either the "NETWORK/Network
    Location" or an "Added Network Location" the default download dir works fine even after reboot.
    While I am able to access my network drive using any of the three options, "Mapped Network Drive", "NETWORK/Network Location", and "Added Network Location" but only "NETWORK/Network Location", and "Added Network
    Location"appear to be reliable. Tbh I would prefer to be able to use my "Mapped Network Drive" in Windows 8 as I have been able to under Windows 7.
    More info:
    I currently have UAC set to "Never Notify".
    I also have Windows 8.1 installed on three different systems and all of them give me the same exact problems. One of the systems is a completely clean install with no 3rd party apps installed.
    Just so its clear I am able to access the "Mapped Network Drive" but unfortunately this method of access appears to be unreliable in Windows 8 but in Windows 7 it works flawlessly.
    If I map a network drive from another pc running windows 7 or 8, I can access and use the mapped drive with no problems. This problem appears to be related to the Synology NAS devices and I have researched the Synology forums but only found one thread about
    the problem, here:
    I have searched several forums and attempted to pick the brains of my local computer shops for any incite on this problem but I have been unable to find a solution/fix.
    Any help resolving this is greatly appreciated.

    Based on your description, we can temporarily disable the firewall to see whether the issue persists.
    For this issue seems related to the Synology NAS devices, in order to get professional help regarding the product, we can contact the vendor support to see whether the issue
    can be fixed.
    Best regards,
    Frank Shen

  • Windows Server R2 stop working. Cannot map network drive with my Win 7 client.

    Hi to everyone.
    I had a problem for quite some time time and even i tried to solved it till now unfortunately seems unreachable.
    I have a 2008 R2 server which is used as SQL 2005 server. My application program shared from the server. My win 7 client  use a map network drive to access my share folder from my windows server. Suddenly my clients lost my connection. Since then i
    cannot connect to the folder and i got the message
    Windows cannot access \\Server\Storage
    Check the spelling of the name. Otherwise there might be a problem with your network. To try to identify and resolve network problems, click Diagnose.
    Details: Error code: 0x80070035 The network path was not found.
    I check out my share permissions, all seems ok. I also check out firewall, services, TCP/IP, share folders, really almost everything but still nothing.
    Does anyone have any idea how to resolve the problem.

    Yes what seems to happened is due to virus infections.
    This problem started 2 weeks a go. First i had network connection error with my client. Them my application had respond errors. Finally i lost my network drive.
    I realize that the problem was due to virus. My old antivirus program doesn't s scan any threats so i uninstalled it, and i installed Panta antivirus and i clean up my server and my clients from virus. I am sure that both are clean from virus. My antivirus
    program runs every day with no traces of infections.
    Since then i cannot see my share folders on my server side and i cannot map network drive.
    One thing that i want to avoid is re-installation of windows server 2008 R2.
    Can anyone help about this

  • Windows explorer keeps computing items after accessing a mapped network drive

    Our organization has decided to upgrade to windows 7 but we are running into a problem with windows explorer green progress bar hanging after accessing a mapped network drive. When you try to go back to computer or access the control panel after going
    3 or more folders deep into the mapped drive, windows explorer just keeps searching.
    When you expand the arrow in the address bar it states that it is computing items and never stops.
    The only way around this is to right click on libraries and select reset back to defaults and everything is back to normal.
    We are deploying this image of windows 7 to over a 1000 computers and we cannot have this problem lingering, does anyone have a solution to resolve this issue. This does not happen in Windows XP.
    We have tried to turn off windows search and remote differential compression and this does work but the problem is that you lose all search capabilities in windows. So windows search needs to be enabled. We also tried to adjust the MTU, change GP settings,
    and nothing seems to work except to turn windows search off or reset libraries back to default.
    We also did some research online and there are so many people experiencing the same problem, with no resolution expect they have to go back to Windows XP. That is not an option for us.
    Please help us we would really greatly appreciate it.

    The issue could be related to searching and indexing feature in Windows 7. I suggest rebuilding the indexing files.
    Click Start -> Type
    indexing options in the search box -> Advanced -> Index Settings tab-> Rebuild buttion.
    For more information, you can refer to:
    If the issue persists, you can perform the following troubleshooting steps.
    1. Go to update your network adapter drivers and BIOS from manufacture's site manually.
    2. If any router is involved, please update the firmware.
    3. Perform a System File Checker.
    Best Regards,
    Please remember to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helps you, and to click "Unmark as Answer" if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • GPO preference not applying to map network drive?

    Server 2008 r2 GPO preference not applying to users to map network drive? When I see errors on client pc, here is the error I found?
    Log Name: Application
    Source: Group Policy Drive Maps
    Date: 1/7/2014 1:47:33 PM
    Event ID: 4098
    Task Category: (2)
    Level: Warning
    Keywords: Classic
    User: SYSTEM
    The user 'S:' preference item in the 'GPO {C990F58F-E8B2-41BF-B6FD-E1BAC389C4F1}' Group Policy object did not apply because it failed with error code '0x80070037 The specified network resource or device is no longer available.' This error was suppressed.
    GPresult shows following message on client pc:
    The following settings have applied to this object. Within this category, settings nearest the top of the report are the prevailing settings when resolving conflicts.
    Winning GPO Name GPO
    Result: Failure (Error Code: 0x80070037)
    I also have tried using full server name in the share, IP address but no success. :(
    I'm using variable %username% in share location: \\servername\share\%username%
    Any idea? Please help. Thanks

    Just a control question, can you actually access the users homefolder manually from the client?
    Drive maps for GP Preferences is used to map drives only. It cannot create folder on the server and that’s why we see the error “0x80070037 The specified network resource or device is no longer available.”.  If you'd like to use share location
    with Variable, please ensure that these folders exist on the file server.
    Hope this helps you!
    Microsoft Certified Trainer
    MCSE: Desktop, Server, Private Cloud, Messaging

  • Is it possible to refer class files by mapping network drive?

    Is it possible to refer class files from the server(By mapping network of client's server) and specify this in project setting. If yes, how?
    Right now I copied all class file needed, to 'myclasses' directory of jdevhome. this approach is working fine but the page is taking 20 to 30 minutes to refresh.
    What could be probable reason for taking this much time to refresh a page? what could be alternative for this?
    Will the mapping of drive and referring it will improve the performance?
    I am connected to server through VPN and using Window based JDeveloper.

    Hi Adarsh,
    For the first part of your query, You can create a new Library in Project Settings to refer to the server classes.
    As for the performance issue, there could be many reasons. Do you really think class loading is the only reason for the same? You might want to check in the Log window as to which process is eating up your time before loading the page.

  • How can we access a file that is on a mapped network drive.

    If I have a network drive that is password protected and is already mapped on a server(x.x.x.x) as R drive. And I have file called temp.txt on R:\Temp folder on the mapped network drive.
    How can I access it using file: using a client application running on that server.

    ag2007 wrote:
    When I use it the above way I am getting the following exception: \\network\share\Temp\temp.txt (Logon failure: unknown username or bad password).
    From the above I can say that I need to specify the username and password.
    Now my question is how do I specify the username and password in the URI?
    Thanks for the help.You don't. It is required that the user account running the code already has permissions to the directory in the first place.

  • Can't map network drive - Network Error 0x800704cf I've tried EVERYTHING (that I can think of)

    I've had this issue for months now but I really can't take it anymore, I NEED to be able to map a shared drive (I have all privileges for it) and every time I try I get an error code 0x800704cf, my computer has been formatted 4 times and after that
    I works for about a month and then it goes back to the same crap,
    I've tried different suggestions that I have found, most common one if from
    where client for Microsoft networks" and "file and printer sharing have to both be checked, our IT team has tried plenty of times but
    they have NO IDEA what is the root cause, and they just go for the formatting but I can't have that anymore.
    When I try in another machine I am able to access with no problems at I know its not my credentials.
    All hardware has been checked as well as replaced for other known to be working ones.

    are you on the internet or a local share
    Windows 8.1 has better sharing that works properly, I have seen issues with Windows 7, which prompted me to use a server to handle to problem
    make sure there is only 1 network adapter in each machine (active)
    Corsair Carbide 300R with window
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    ST2000DM001 & Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64
    Microsoft Wireless Desktop 2000
    Wacom Bamboo CHT470M
    Place your rig specifics into your signature like I have, makes it 100x easier to understand!
    Hardcore Games Legendary is the Only Way to Play!

  • Can't map network drive (1204) The specified network provider name is invalid, Windows 8.1 Webdrive 10.2

    I have just 'upgraded' from windows 8 to 8.1.
    I use Webdrive 10.2 to map a drive to a secure ftp server.
    Worked fine in Windows 8, does not work now I have upgraded.
    When I try to initiate the connection from Webdrive I get a really helpful message...
    "Can't map network drive (1204) The specified network provider name is invalid"
    I cannot see where I can downgrade back to Windows 8 from 8.1.
    Any solutions anyone?

    Thanks for your efforts.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Mapped network drive appears empty for all users on one computer

    We have several network drives mapped via a batch file at log in.  On one particular Windows 7 computer one of these drives maps but appears empty.  Manually mapping to the drive and assigning a different drive letter makes no difference but manually
    mapping by entering the IP address allows viewing and accessing the contents.  
    The malfunctioning network drive is also using Hosted BranchCache.  The following settings are set in local group policy:
    Turn on BrancheCache - Enabled
    Set BranchCache Hosted Cache Mode - Enabled - <servername>
    Configure BranchCache for network files - Enabled - 0
    The servers involved are running Windows Server 2012.
    I am at a loss here and will appreciate any suggestions. 
    ~JuniorG33k "Why is this thus? What is the reason for this thusness?"

    With Offline Files disabled the contents of the mapped drive are visible and accessible.  Unfortunately, Offline Files must be enabled for BranchCache to work.  
    Looking in the Event Viewer at “Applications and Services Logs\Microsoft\Windows\OfflineFiles\Operational” I can see that the mapped network drive transitioned to slow link during high latency but has never transitioned back. 
    ~JuniorG33k "Why is this thus? What is the reason for this thusness?"

  • How to restrict users working on Windows 7 clients from accessing Windows Explorer and other systems in the network through Group Policy with a domain controller running on Windows Server 2008 r2

    Dear All,
    We are having an infrastructure setup of around 500 client computers managed through group policy.
    Recently the domain controllers have been migrated from Windows Server 2003 to Server 2008 R2.
    Since this account requires extremely strict environment, we need to figure the solution for restricting the users from access anything locally.
    It would be great if you can assist me with the following query.
    How to restrict users logged on Windows 7 clients from accessing Windows Explorer and browsing other systems in the network through Group Policy with a domain controller running on Windows Server 2008 r2 ?
    Can we disable Network Tab on the left hand pane ?
    explorer.exe is blocked already, but users are able to enter the Windows Explorer by clicking on the name which is visible on the Start Menu.

    >   * explorer.exe is blocked already, but users are able to enter the
    >     Windows Explorer by clicking on the name which is visible on the
    >     Start Menu.
    You cannot block explorer.exe when you do not replace the shell - the
    desktop you see effectively IS explorer.exe...
    Your requirement sounds like you need a custom shell:
    Mal ein
    GUTES Buch über GPOs lesen?
    NO THEY ARE NOT EVIL, if you know what you are doing:
    Good or bad GPOs?
    And if IT bothers me - coke bottle design refreshment :))

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