Math libs for J2ME

I need to do float calculations in J2ME.
anybody knows any existing customized classes to replace java.lang.Float and java.lang.Math ?
but such that wont cause loose of precision in the float calculations.

See my experience :
It's so simple to reintroduce float and double, mathlib etc. only thing required : having the
correspondant libraries with C compiler on your specific hardware.

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    Hi Buso,
    I am not sure if its a good solution, but you can try it as follows :
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    With regards

    When you are downloading j2MEWTK, everything is included within it. You dont require MIDP seperately. When you are runnung the ktoolbar , which is provided with J2mewtk, the preverifier runs and creates the required jad file for you. You dont need a forte to run these.
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    Let me know, if you face any further problem

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      private static final String db_server = "localhost/";
      private Connection con = null;
      private String content="";
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest  request,
                         HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException
        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
        String strUserid = request.getParameter("userid");
        String strPassword = request.getParameter("password");
        System.out.println("userid received: " + strUserid);
        System.out.println("password received: " + strPassword);
                   System.out.println("opening the file....");
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                   //String uri = "file://localhost/test.txt";
                   String uri = "file://Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat 4.1\webapps\Project\WEB-INF\classes\trial\test.txt";
                   //String uri = "file:/database/res/test.txt";
                   System.out.println( uri );
                   InputConnection conn = (InputConnection) uri,Connector.READ );
                   System.out.println("connection established");
                   InputStream in = conn.openInputStream();
                   int ch;
                   conn.close(); // doesn't close input stream!
                   System.out.println( "Contents of [" + uri +"]" );
                   while( ( ch = ) != -1 ){
                   System.out.print( (char) ch );
                   catch( ConnectionNotFoundException e ){
                  System.out.println( e.toString()+"File could not be found!" );
                  System.out.println( "File could not be found!" );
                   catch( IOException e ){
                       System.out.println( e.toString() );
                   catch( Exception e ){
                       System.out.println( e.toString() );
        } // End try
        catch (Exception e) {
          System.out.println("Exception in doPost(): " + e.getMessage() );
      } // End doPost
    } // End loginServlet

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    Jubbjubb wrote:
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    String sym1 = "-";
    String sym2 = "*";
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    rmabrey wrote:
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    nothing for factorial - write your own.
    nothing for Fibonacci - write your own.

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    Nicolas Rivera

    Hi Nicolas,
    Is this true? Judging from personal experience, plus
    threads in this forum like Open letter to SUN to
    produce a JRE for Pocket PC, there seems to be
    some truth to this claim.Unfortunately there not exists a supported free JVM for Pocket PC 2003
    devices, there exists some commercial implementations but I haven't found a truly RAD tool to develop java apps for this platform.
    I've suffered with pain the old embedded Visual Basic and Visual C environments from Microsoft for mobile devices and I'm suffering the Compact Framework. They've created an acceptable tool like Visual Studio but it's not much better than alternatives with Java.
    I can't believe Sun would have surrender to Microsoft in this apps market but I think they've done it.
    I would like to hear other developer's opinions on
    this. Has your company abandoned Java development on
    Windows CE (or Pocket PC) and moved to .NET Compact
    Framework instead? Or is your company perfectly
    comfortable with using Java under those environments,
    except for a few hiccups? Why or why not?Our company began to work with MS because there was a great experience in MS desktop apps developing with Visual Basic and Visual C++.
    I've heard of some companies developing Java apps in a PC environment and then deploy them in PocketPC by using only the right subset of classes.
    Hope this helps.
    Kind regards
    Jose Luis
    On the current issue of JDJ, there is an article
    called "J2ME: Has it time finally arrived?" where the
    author talks about how J2ME is becoming more mature
    on the cellphone market. But then the author says:
    Again, we're talking mobile phones here -- PDAs
    running Palm OS or Pocket PC just aren't a viable
    market for J2ME development as of yet, because they
    have alternative programming tools and languages and
    generally more open platforms.
    Is this true? Judging from personal experience, plus
    threads in this forum like Open letter to SUN to
    produce a JRE for Pocket PC, there seems to be
    some truth to this claim.
    I would like to hear other developer's opinions on
    this. Has your company abandoned Java development on
    Windows CE (or Pocket PC) and moved to .NET Compact
    Framework instead? Or is your company perfectly
    comfortable with using Java under those environments,
    except for a few hiccups? Why or why not?
    Nicolas Rivera

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    Hi Kirill,
    HTTP-compression is something, which occurs at the HTTP protocol level (transparent and below the SAOP protocol) and is controlled by HTTP protocol headers.
    To enable HTTP-compression, you will "somehow" have to manipulate the http layer of the SAP SOAP stack.
    Good starting point to look for further information is the NWDS help. Use the search topics "header compress".

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      private TextBox t;
        t = new TextBox("Heya!",  "Welcome to MIDP development", 256, 0);Now I want to append some more text to this TextBox at from another method in the app, but I can't find any documentation on TextBox to show me how to do this.
    (I have tried "t.append(new StringItem(null, "More text"));" but it doesn't work).
    Where is the documentation for MIDP? Is there something similar to the J2SE documentation here -
    If there is, then that would be the answer to a lot of my questions!
    Also, I have difficulty understanding how MIDP and J2ME relate, what is their relationship? Is MIDP a part of J2ME? And how does CLDC relate to them both?
    Well, thanks very much for any help you can offer!
    Warm regards,
    - Peter

    The documentation is part of the SDK when you download it.
    If you downloaded the Wireless Toolkit or any other SDK, there should be a docs directory there with all the documentation (and if you don't have any SDK you can't do much development in any case).
    As for the TextBox issue you would need something like:
    t.setString(t.getString() + " some more text");And about those general J2ME questions, there's a good FAQ on this site.

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