Matrix with excel output?

I was wondering if creating a matrix report with excel output is possible?

Are you referring to creating matrix report with excel output by specifying
destype=localfile desformat=DELIMITED delimited_hdr=yes?
Also, I am aware that we can create well formatted excel output with jsp reports. Has anyone given that a try with matrix reports or only rdf would work?

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  • Problem with Excel output format

    Hi Guys,
    I am creating a report in XML Publisher (not standalone). I am facing some problems could anyone please help me to figure out the issues.
    Is it possible to have all three output format (PDF, HTML & EXCEL) exact (same aligned) only by creating a single RTF Template? I am facing the problem with Excel output format the output format of excel is taking excels cell formatting.
    Example Numeric fields --> Right Aligned, text fields --> Left Aligned
    One more issue with excel is -ve(negative) values are getting displayed in red and in brackets like ($13) (with red color).
    Our client want excel output on priority.
    Is there any limitation for excel output format of reports?
    It is very urgent for us please help.
    Any help would be highly appreciated.
    Edited by: user11237443 on Aug 27, 2009 1:22 AM

    Hi Mahi,
    Thanks for your response. But i could not understand how can we write wrapper program could you please give some light on this or provide some link it would be helpful for me:-)
    I have read that blog for excel limitations but i have more question?
    1) What about the negative values?
    if any field is displaying negative amount then excel not displaying right value for that:(
    2)How can we align header or data?
    Do XMLP with EBS provide any solution for formatting in excel?
    3) If for the alignment of numeric value we concatenate them with any special character then how can we perform calculation that field?
    Here are so many formatting issues do we need to write any code in xml for that?
    Please help.
    Many Thanks,

  • Problem with images in XML with excel output

    I made an XML concurrent program, with excel output, but i am having a problem:
    The rtf template has a logo (bmp image), but it is not showing in the excel (if i execute the concurrent in the oracle applications). However, if i create the xml in Oracle Reports in my computer, and then load that xml in the rdf template in word, i can see the logo in the excel preview. I don't know why is it not showing when i execute the program in applications.
    If someone can help me with this, i will be very grateful.
    Message was edited by:

    xml cP, will not give you a image in excel output,..
    In RDF there is a placeholder for image, and the image is located in certain location, at runtime it picks and render the output with logo.
    but xml CP, will get the data in xml type and merge with rtf to get the output you wanted..
    if you have the rtf with logo embedded in it, if output is of pdf or rtf output , then it will display the logo ,.
    in excel currently it is not possible to show the logo,..
    excel you see could be xml-excel or csv-excel not the true binary excel.
    to get the logo embedded ,for that you have to wait on tim for the excel template, which will be release in near future i guess..

  • Issue with Excel output in BI Publisher(OBIEE 11g)

    Hi All,
    I have designed my BIP report in RTF Layout, it contains pivot table( with one column and one row and a measure column).  when i export the report in Excel output format, i have 3 issues.
    i) I have fixed the pivot table row height as 13.75 pixels in RTF Layout but when i export it into Excel output it comes with 15 pixels as row height.
    ii) In layout i have Arial 8 as font formatting, in Excel output it comes with calibri 11 (when i double click on the cell it shows Arial 8).
    iii) Pivot table has month Column which grows horizontally when i run the report ie. Jan, Feb,..Dec.In Excel it has to show each month with a single column is my requirement like
    Sales Quantity
    But it shows like below, each month occupied multiple columns; it affect the report structure.
    Sales Quantity
    Can anyone help me on this.
    Thanks in Advance

    Try using substring instead of substr. You may want to try LOGO1 and LOGO2 as texts first just to ensure that the condition is working.
    <?xdofx: if substring(OU_NAME,1,3)='MAC' then LOGO1 else LOGO2 end if?>
    Hope this helps.

  • How to fill matrix with the output of recordset query?

    Hi all,
    I want a user matrix to load data when I hit a button and the data to be filled is the output of an sql query. binding the matrix columns with table columns and then load the matrix with DBDatasource attached to that table will not do in this case as the columns in the sql query are from several different tables or views. 
    writing following line to do this takes several minutes to load the data:
    For j = 0 To Reordset.RecordCount - 1
    Matrix.Columns.Item("col1").Cells.Item(i).Specific.value =  Recordset.Fields.Item("cardcode").Value
    Is there any other way to fill the matrix in this case, which loads the data faster?

    Hello Binita,
    I've tested the CFL for DataTable-Matrixes in my test-AddOn. But there's still one problem left. Maybe you find it out (I will need this in the future too...).
    The ChooseFromList must be added behind the DataTable-Bind, which is done on every MTX-Load (it's not from the sample above, so the UIDs are new ones):
                oDt = oDts.Item("dt_test")
                query = "SELECT  * FROM [@T_CONVTOOLS01]"
                oMtx.Columns.Item("0").DataBind.Bind("dt_test", "Code")
                oMtx.Columns.Item("1").DataBind.Bind("dt_test", "U_Alpha01")
                oMtx.Columns.Item("2").DataBind.Bind("dt_test", "U_Price01")
                oMtx.Columns.Item("3").DataBind.Bind("dt_test", "U_Quant01")
                oMtx.Columns.Item("4").DataBind.Bind("dt_test", "U_Date01")
    ...where AddChooseFromLists() is...
      Private Shared Sub AddChooseFromLists()
                Dim oCfls As SAPbouiCOM.ChooseFromListCollection
                Dim oCons As SAPbouiCOM.Conditions
                Dim oCon As SAPbouiCOM.Condition
                Dim oCfl As SAPbouiCOM.ChooseFromList
                Dim oCflCreationParams As SAPbouiCOM.ChooseFromListCreationParams
                Dim oBtn As SAPbouiCOM.Button
                Dim oMtx As SAPbouiCOM.Matrix
                Dim oCol As SAPbouiCOM.Column
                Dim oEtx As SAPbouiCOM.EditText
                oMtx = oForm.Items.Item("MTX_TEST02").Specific
                oCfls = oForm.ChooseFromLists
                oCflCreationParams = SboCon.SboUI.CreateObject(SAPbouiCOM.BoCreatableObjectType.cot_ChooseFromListCreationParams)
                oCflCreationParams.MultiSelection = False
                oCflCreationParams.ObjectType = SAPbouiCOM.BoLinkedObject.lf_BusinessPartner
                oCflCreationParams.UniqueID = "CFL_C1"
                oCfl = oCfls.Add(oCflCreationParams)
                '### OPTION:
                '# Shown ChooseFromList restricted by Conditions
                oCons = oCfl.GetConditions()
                oCon = oCons.Add()
                oCon.Alias = "CardType"
                oCon.Operation = SAPbouiCOM.BoConditionOperation.co_EQUAL
                oCon.CondVal = "C"
                oCol = oMtx.Columns.Item("1")
                oCol.ChooseFromListUID = "CFL_C1"
                oCol.ChooseFromListAlias = "CardCode"
            Catch e As Exception
                Microsoft.VisualBasic.MsgBox(className & ".AddChooseFromLists()" & vbCrLf & "Exception:" & vbCrLf & e.Message.ToString)
            End Try
        End Sub
    But I'm running into problems when trying to set the MTX-Cell via DataTable at the CFL-Event (see comment):
                If pVal.EventType = SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_CHOOSE_FROM_LIST Then
                    Dim oMtx As SAPbouiCOM.Matrix
                    Dim oCFLEvent As SAPbouiCOM.IChooseFromListEvent
                    Dim oCFL As SAPbouiCOM.ChooseFromList
                    Dim oDataTable As SAPbouiCOM.DataTable
                    Dim cflID As String
                    Dim oDt As SAPbouiCOM.DataTable = oForm.DataSources.DataTables.Item("dt_test")
                    oCFLEvent = pVal
                    cflID = oCFLEvent.ChooseFromListUID
                    'Dim oForm As SAPbouiCOM.Form
                    'oForm = SboConnection.SboUI.Forms.Item(FormUID)
                    oCFL = oForm.ChooseFromLists.Item(cflID)
                    If Not oCFLEvent.BeforeAction Then
                        oDataTable = oCFLEvent.SelectedObjects
                        If oDataTable Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
                        '############## Matrix Test #######################################################################
                        If (oCFLEvent.ItemUID = "MTX_TEST02") Then
                            oMtx = oForm.Items.Item("MTX_TEST02").Specific
                            '### CFL Results to UserForm
                            oDt.Rows.Offset = oCFLEvent.Row - 1
                            MsgBox(oDt.GetValue("U_Alpha01", oCFLEvent.Row - 1))
                            MsgBox(oDataTable.GetValue("CardCode", 0))
                            ' PROBLEM - can't get this working - don't know at the moment:
                            ' on other forms SetValue works....
                            oDt.SetValue("U_Alpha01", oCFLEvent.Row - 1, oDataTable.GetValue("CardCode", 0))
                            ' this also gives me problems...:
                            'oMtx.Columns.Item("1").Cells.Item(oCFLEvent.Row).Specific.value = oDataTable.GetValue("CardCode", 0)
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
    The CFL-Form opens and returns the choosen value(s) at the CFL-event. But writing to MTX still not works with this code...
    Maybe you find the last piece. If so: please write here.
    David Nussböck wrote
    ...just one minute...

  • Help with excel output.

    How can I get the out with Excel format.  Here is the steps and output desire.
    The trick is I want the excel out put with specific format date, I have tried using SSIS 2012 for several days and it did not work.  The file must be in this format.  I google and try several examples but it failed.  Here is my codes below. 
    Any help is greatly appreciate.
    I have to schedule the job to run each night and output Excel file with date format below.
    date format: DDMMYY append to the file.
    Daily_Report_280115.csv or Daily_Report_280115.xlsx
    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.usp_RptGetUserLogin', 'p') IS NOT NULL
      DROP PROCedure dbo.usp_RptGetUserLogin
    CREATE PROCedure dbo.usp_RptGetUserLogin
    @DBName     VARCHAR(40)
    **      Description: 
    **       Written by:
    **     Written date:  01/23/2015
    **    Modifications:
    **    ------------+---------------+-------------------------------------------
    **    Date:       |  Author:      |   Reasons:
           ,@crlf        CHAR(1) = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) -- carriage return, new line.
         --INSERT dbo.#AuditUserLogin (LoginId, DBName, UserName, UserOrAlias)
            --PRINT '-- go 2.'
            SET @SQLStr = 'USE ' + @DBName + ';' + @crlf + 'SELECT CAST(  AS VARCHAR(40)) AS [LoginName],
                CAST(db_name() AS VARCHAR(40)) AS [DBName],
                CAST( AS VARCHAR(40)) AS [UserName],
                  WHEN (p.is_fixed_role = 1) THEN ''MemberOf''  -- 1 = in one of the DB role.
                  ELSE ''User''
                END AS VARCHAR(20) ) AS [UserOrAlias]
           FROM sys.database_role_members AS r
           JOIN sys.database_principals AS p
             ON (r.role_principal_id = p.principal_id)
           JOIN sys.database_principals AS p1
             ON (r.member_principal_id = p1.principal_id)
          --WHERE (r.member_principal_id > 1) -- Exclusive dbo user.
       ORDER BY ASC, ASC;'
       PRINT @SQLStr
       EXECute (@SQLStr)
    DECLARE @SQLString VARCHAR(5000)
           ,@sToday CHAR(6) =  REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 3), '/', '')
    SELECT @sToday
    SET @SQLString = 'OSQL /E -w2000 /d DBAMaintenance /S. ' + '/Q"EXECute dbo.usp_RptGetUserLogin @DBName = ''Dev''' + '" /o C:\ExcelOutPut\' + 'Daily_Report_' + RTRIM(@sToday) + '.csv'
    SELECT @SQLString
    --OSQL /E -w2000 /d DBAMaintenance /S. /Q"EXECute dbo.usp_RptGetUserLogin @DBName = 'Dev'" /o C:\ExcelOutPut\Daily_Report_280115.csv
    --EXECute Master..xp_cmdshell @SQLString
    -- Desired output:
    LoginName               DBName UserName       UserOrAlias
    dbo                     Dev       db_owner       MemberOf
    MyDomain\QA_ReadOnly_DB   Dev       db_datareader MemberOf
    MyDomain\Dev_ReadOnly_DB  Dev       db_datareader MemberOf
    MyDomain\languyen         Dev       db_datareader MemberOf
    MyDomain\languyen         Dev       db_datawriter MemberOf
    Lam                     Dev       db_backupoperator MemberOf
    Lam                     Dev       db_datareader MemberOf
    Lam                     Dev       db_datawriter MemberOf

    You try using BCP
    BTW, Are you using SQL 2000?
    Also you can try with Powershell

  • Number stored as text (in jsp report with excel output)

    I created a jsp report for excel output. I see that the numbers are left aligned with a green traingle on the top of each cell. Was just wondering how can I resolve this and have my numbers displayed as numbers - right aligned and with no green triangle. Is there some setting I have to make explicitly so that numbers appear as numbers in excel output?

    Hi Sasidar,
    In Excel right click the column select format cells and then select  the format as text which is general by default.

  • Macro requires high security with excel output

    Is there a way to change the macro security level for reports exported to Excel? We have the Excel macro security level set to high be default so Discoverer reports exported to excel will not open.

    Hi 312115
    I think your problem has nothing to do with HTMLDB.
    Excel is the thing to look at!.
    When you type your number in an Excel-cell the same thing happenes as you described. Change the cell's properties into Number, and the complete number appears.
    I've not found any solutions for this

  • XML Report with EXCEL output errors out intermittently

    Hi Gurus,
    We have a custom XML report running for a particular user for whom it is failing intermittently.
    The program does not return any error in log file.
    I also checked the OPP log file but coud not find any issues / errors.
    But Standard manager log file has the below error when the request fails :
    Process monitor session started : 14-SEP-2012 10:25:30*
    Found running request 2823013 attached to dead manager process.*
    Setting request status to completed.*
    fdugpi has recovered SRW driver value*
    Found dead process: spid=(3076), cpid=(236068), ORA pid=(65), manager=(0/0)*
    Starting STANDARD Concurrent Manager               : 14-SEP-2012 10:25:31*
    Process monitor session ended : 14-SEP-2012 10:25:31*
    Please help me out to figure out what is the issue here. Also the standard manager process has died and got restarted.
    We are on 12.1.3 application version with 11gR1 database

    You can use BI publisher for your requirement -
    Create a Concurrent program which is based on the executable 'XDODTEXE'
    The Short_Name of the concurrent program should be the same as the data_definition short_name from Xml Publisher responsibility.
    You can go through the link provided by Alex for creating the UI Template and the data template.

  • Opening up an Excel output takes a lot of time whenever the file size is la

    Hi All,
    We have some BI Pub reports with excel output format. These files have records in the order of thousands. The file sizes are > 2MB. Its taking a lot of time to open such files. Does anyone have any idea how can we get around this problem ??
    Thanks in advacne,
    Venkatesh N

    Another point is that BIP doesn't create a native/binary Excel file but an XML output. When you open this XML once and save it again as *.XLS it's size will decrease significantly and Excel will open it much faster.
    This applies to Excel 2000 - 2003, I don't know how it works with Office 2007.

  • Report VS Excel output using XML Publisher tool (DBMS_XMLGEN)

    Hi All,
    Currently I am working on report generation in MRP module with Excel output using XML Publisher tool.
    XML tool works based on query.
    I have developed PLSQL block by using DBMS_XMLGEN – database package, to generate XML output of query.
    My question is how we can put generated xml on above PLSQL block into OUT file (APPS).
    Because DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( ) has limitation, it allow 255 character string only.
    But I do not know, Is FND_FILE.PUT_LINE (FND_FILE.OUTPUT,’’) allow for large data?
    If it does not allow what will be the other solution in oracle application to resolve above problem.
    Let me know any queries regarding to this problem.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Sai Krishna

    Hi Prakash,
    Thanks for the reply. We did apply the one-off patch and got rid of the problem of not viewing 'Excel' output using XMLP.
    Now we are looking at a different perspective:
    Basically our client is looking for the following:
    1. Mathematical functions in the resulting XLS (like SUM, AVG etc..) ouput
    2. Use of macros if possible.
    And to do this i am looking out for a sample template that gives me output in excel format I have a TAR with Oracle for this purpose, but the TAR has so far been unsuccessful in providing us with any material in the direction.
    Our client remembers seeing this as a demo at the Oracle Conference this yr at San Fransisco, but does not have a sample to provide us. We are looking for such a sample.

  • Xml publisher excel output

    I have the rtf-template for xml-publisher report with excel output.
    There is the table there. I need format the table according appointed requirements (in output excel file). For example, width of the columns of the table must be fixed width. How I can define width of the columns with xsl language in rtf-template?
    [email protected]
    Best regards

    There is positive progress there.
    For example, I can change height of the heading row of the table by this way:
    <xsl:attribute name = "height" xdofo:ctx="block-container">40mm</xsl:attribute>.
    These xsl tags I put it in the text field of the rtf template between <?split-column-header:GROUP?> and <?VALUE?> tags (There are dinamic columns in the table).
    But <xsl:attribute name = "width" xdofo:ctx="block-container">40mm</xsl:attribute> tags work incorrect, not as I need (Some cells is spanned in the height and division of the text is by the word).
    May be I need some others tags? Or I need different object or property?
    I want to note that xml-publisher's tags <?split-column-width:@width?> and <?split-column-width:width?> are not working in excel output (or I use it incorrect).
    I am really need your help. How I can define exact width of dinamic columns?

  • Columns doesnt wrap in Excel output

    I have a Table in RTF template which has 7 fixed width columns. I have couple of description columns in the Table and I have set "Wrap Text" option for those columns so that column width remains the same even for "long" descriptions. This works fine for PDF output and I get output as I see in the template. Problem is with Excel output. In Excel, column width is automatically adjusted to fit text. "Wrap Text" option is set for the column in MS Word. I have also tried using <fo:block wrap-option="wrap">, <fo:inline wrap-option="wrap">, <fo:wrapper wrap-option="wrap">. But still text is not wrapped in Excel. All I want is that the column width should remain constant and it shouldnt be resized to fix text. Can anyone throw some light on the above issue? Your help is much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,

    No light - but I see the same issue - so it is not just your configuration.

  • XML Report - Excel output automatic cell expand

    I created a XML report with Excel output. It works fine but I have 35 columns in that report.
    When I open the excel file - columns are not expanded, user needs to expand it manually.
    But It should automatically expanded when the user opens the report. How can i do that?
    Thanks in advance.

    You need to create the rtf template with enough width for each column to render the output fully expanded when viewed from BI Publisher Desktop, which will look the same when run as a concurrent request. If you used the table wizard to create your excel layout, you can widen the columns in Word and paste/enter some spaces before or after each header field in the top row which will force the html rendering that XML Plublisher utilizes to widen the columns when creating Excel output. The fundamental disconnect here is XML Publisher is not rendering .xls or .csv output, but rather html that opens in Excel minus most Excel formatting. You might need to use a 22 inch landscape layout to fit all 35 columns after they are widened.

  • Vertical text in Excel output

    I am designing a report with Excel output using BI Publisher. The problem i am facing is that the text direction (vertical) in the RTF file does not remain the same in the Excel output. Do you have any solutions/workarounds for this problem?
    Thank you.

    Hi Radu,
    I'm afraid, I'm not able to do it, somehow although excel has the option to rotate text by any angle, it does not seem to accept the text direction that RTF does..

Maybe you are looking for

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