Mavericks unvillingly changes spaces to primary space every 4-5 minutes.

Since I updated my computer two days ago Finder seems to run a process that every 4-5 minutes makes the OS shift to the primary space (when working in fullscreen or another space).
Have anyone experiences the same problem of knows of a way to troubleshoot this ?

Found it out from somewhere els:
It is Google Drive, it's causing Finder to crash and restart, which is why it keeps jumping back to the first desktop.
It's related to the "Show file sync status icons and right click menu" setting. If you turn this setting off in the Google Drive preferences, the problem should go away.

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    Hope this helps someone else out there.

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    This works, but ONLY in cocoa applications, which Finder is not. Using MultiClutch will allow you to set up 3 finger swipes both left & right and up & down if you wish, along with allowing you to use rotate & zoom gestures as well in any COCOA application (Hint: for your specific Spaces request, set the gestures to be global binds, and NOT bound specifically to the Spaces application). I've personally set up rotate right & left gestures to move between tabs in Safari, which I absolutely love!
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    Changing the email address you use for your Apple ID -

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    Content and Apple IDs -
    Content is forever tied to the Apple ID that bought it. Apple does not transfer content from one Apple Id to another. Apple does not merge Apple IDs. You will never be able to access your content bought with another Apple ID with a new ID.

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    If using the menu bar, or after pressing "Alt" key
    Tools > Options > Tabs, (check) Open new window in a new tab instead
    Firefox red button > Options (in right column) > Options > Tabs > (check) Open new window in a new tab instead
    You can make Firefox 4.0.1 look like Firefox 3.6.17, see numbered items 1-10 in the following topic [ Fix Firefox 4.0 toolbar user interface, problems (Make Firefox 4.0 look like 3.6)]

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    By "mouse pad" do you mean trackpad?
    Try a SMC reset: Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)

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    If you mean you are trying to change the primary email account associated with your iCloud ID, you do that as explained here: Change your Apple ID.  Before doing this, be sure to turn off Find My iDevice on all your iOS devices, and Find My Mac on your Mac.  Then you can change the ID as desired.  After changing it, you will have to go to Settings>iCloud, tap Sign Out, then sign back in with the changed ID, then turn Find My iDevice back on.  On a Mac, you would need to go to System Preferences>iCloud, sign out, then sign back in with the changed ID and re-enable Find My Mac.

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    DHCP on the 4402 is set for 4hours
    Any thoughts ?   

    Ouch, the forums ate my formatting for that first post!
    Thanks for the reply Ray. I should mention that this is a shared house, not a family home, so I cannot always access the devices. I'm the one on the ethernet connection and I've gone into my ethernet adaptor's settings to change my IP address to a static number just below that of the DHCP range whilst leaving DHCP enabled for everyone else. After restarting my computer the connection's still dropping.
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    I'm going slighty nuts, because keynote (latest version and revisions) are crashing every 2-3 minutes while typing.
    I make presentations for a living and the situation is getting a litte precarious.
    So... I did the full monthy: uninstallation, disk permission repair, reinstallation... permission repair...
    The weird thing is, my business partner has an identical machine and has no problems...
    Any clue? Buggy memory? buggy gpu memory?

    There are two options, try option 1 first, if that does not work use option 2:
    1 -  a custom repair for Keynote 6.1
    Try this repair for iWork applications, its sorted out many similar problems in the past
    ensure you complete all the tasks and in the order shown:
    1  delete all the iWork applications if you have them, not just Keynote by usingAppcleaner from Mac Update to      do this, its freeware
    2  restart the Mac;   Apple menu > restart
    3  immediately after the start chime,  press the shift key until you see the Apple symbol.
             let it fully boot up,  it will take longer as the OS is repairing the drive
    4  when fully booted, go to Applications > Utilities > Disc Utility; click on the boot drive  then First Aid tab and      click  repair disc permissions
    5  when complete, restart the Mac normally
    6  install Keynote from the Mac App Store
    Please report back to let us know if this helped.
    2  - Clean install Mavericks by      back up all your work and user files, repartition the hard drive,
    then re-install Mavericks
    To reinstall OS X, you must be connected to the Internet
    Choose Apple menu > Restart. Once your Mac restarts (and the gray screen appears), hold down the Command (⌘) and R keys.
    If you’re not connected to the Internet, choose a network from the Wi-Fi menu (in the top-right corner of the screen).
    Select Disk Utility, then click Continue.
    Select your startup disk on the left, then click the Erase tab.
    Choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled) from the Format menu, enter a name, then click Erase.
    After the disk is erased, choose Disk Utility > Quit Disk Utility.
    Select Reinstall OS X, click Continue, then follow the onscreen instructions.

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