Measuring time elapsed

I need to measure the time elapsed between a few commands in a program; is there any finer degree of precision than the millisecond?

R_Neufeld wrote:
Thanks, nanoseconds work wonderfully. I did consider simply taking the time in milliseconds over a few cycles and averaging it out, but it would be a little inaccurate considering at least on my computer changes under 4 ms to the clock do not register for some reason (eg I could run Thread,sleep(3) and the time in milliseconds wouldn't change)Check your accuracy assumptions: rerun your tests to see how timing data varies. If there is something I want to time I often loop and do it 100,000 or a million times and average the result.

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    Thanks in advance
    pic 2.JPG ‏110 KB ‏419 KB

    Firstly sorry to post on two threads. Next, i got hold of a colleague's zip drive here's is the code with your modifications. But this is not functional in the following manner:
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    > Hello and thanks for answering my question. I've made progress but what
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    Go ahead and give me a call. I'm back from my travels, and caught up
    In fact I just worked on a school in New Jersey where I had previously
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    Craig Johnson
    Novell Support Connection SysOp
    *** For a current patch list, tips, handy files and books on
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    Before you buy.

    Ok.. try this code...
    DATA : t1 TYPE i,
    t2 TYPE i,
    delta(16) TYPE p.
    PERFORM get_data. "your block of code
    delta = t2 - t1.
    delta = delta / 1000000.
    WRITE :/ 'Time elapsed : ', delta , 'Secs'. "time in secs.

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    I am very sorry If you feel I came across unfriendly in any way, my intentions were sincere and I wanted to help you improve your code by pointing out some common mistakes. Believe me, some of my early labVIEW diagrams from 10 years ago are much worse. In the meantime I have accumulated some experience with daily use, but am still learning every day.
    By the way, I an not affiliated with National instruments. This is mostly a peer help forum where LabVIEW users from all over the world help each other improve their coding skills. (Only users with blue names are employed by NI!)
    Certain things are not obvious looking at your code and once the desired functionality is clear we can help you to a more optimized version that actually works. Whatever you are feeding to the "elapsed time" indicator has nothing to do with elapsed time, but counts the iterations of the middle while loop. It is either 1 or 2, depending on the inputs. There has to be a more interesting output (see my next post!).
    For example, let's just look at your inner while loop (see attached image). (1) The number of iterations is known when the loop starts, thus a FOR loop is more appropriate. (2) You are comparing a DBL with an integer using "equal". If by chance the operator would enter a fractional time (e.g. 1000.5), the comparison would never become true and this loop would go on forever. Your program will never finish! Not good!
    An alternative, but safe code is shown below in the image. For integer times, it has exactly the same functionality.
    Apparently, you want to measure elapsed time, and I am guessing elapsed time used by the code in your middle loop. I will attach a simplified example based on your program in the next message here.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    thank u

    Ok.. try this code...
    DATA : t1 TYPE i,
    t2 TYPE i,
    delta(16) TYPE p.
    PERFORM get_data. "your block of code
    delta = t2 - t1.
    delta = delta / 1000000.
    WRITE :/ 'Time elapsed : ', delta , 'Secs'. "time in secs.

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    Thank You. 
    Test ‏45 KB

    So, feel free to give more detail. I'll just give you a couple thoughts:
    1) The primary issue with your code is that it probably doesn't do what you think it does. How this VI will run is that it will get one data from the DAQmx routine, then pretty much stay in the inner while loop since the event structure has an indefinite timeout. Worse, I don't think changing the value of the boolean controls would trigger the value changed event anyways. In the end, you don't even need the Event Structure to do what you want to do, nor do you need the inner while loop. Just check the values for each iteration of the outer while loop instead and do what you need to do with those.
    2) You are acquiring only one data point at a time. Which is OK if your events are particularly slow with respect to the effective sampling rate of the of loop (which might be able to pick up signals that change on the order of milliseconds or perhaps a bit less). If your signals are faster, you need to think about reading lots of samples at a time (arrays of booleans) and properly triggering your acquisition close to the event it needs to pick.
    3) If your signal is a pulse, make sure that the pulse width of the signal is much longer than than 1 / sampling rate. If it isn't, you could miss the pulse entirely doing this approach.
    4) The faster signals (as long as your have a quick enough sampling rate), the best thing is always to use a counters approach. In many of the DAQ cards and peripherals that NI offers, there are counters that can be driven with the sample clock (one of the fastest clocks on the device) or even a faster time base, and then the 'events' can be used to trigger acquisitions of the counters. Meaning you get exactly what you want: data points that correspond to times when events occur.

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    What kind of a signal is available? Since you post in 'counter/timers', let's assume it is some kind of 5V logical signal, which you can set to high als long as your timer runs.
    Then, what you need is a simple tick count which is controlled by a gate. Use MAX to set-up a counting task. When choosing the counter, you will be shown which lines to hook up to. Measurment then is
    'When Gate is high, count ticks till gate is low.'
    Accuracy and time depends on the tick source. On a dedicated counter card such as 6602, 80 Mhz is available, hence 1/80 000 000 s is duration of one tick. Uncertainty in counting results mostly from the gate not knowing, when a tick comes by as it opens and shuts. So this gives a max error of 2 ticks. Other (probably main) source is signal quality, i.e. slew rate of your logical gate signal.
    Does that help already? If not, please ask further.

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    Dear Folks,
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    Any sort of suggestions or examples would be helpful.
    Given below is an example of how I wanted my final output file to look.
    Time(sec)    | Speed(mph) | Accleration  |
            0                    23                 5
            1                    24                 6
            2                    25                 7
    Thank you in advance!
    Go to Solution.

    Are you just trying to get the time that has elapsed on the computer itself? If so, there is a Elapsed Time Express VI here: . You can also measure elapsed time by using the Get Date Time VI and subtracting it from an initial sime as shown below:
    Certified LabVIEW Developer

  • Media encoder time remaining stops decreasing and processor drops to zero. Time elapsed keeps going up! File won't complete!

    Please help anyone who can.
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    They biggest issues is as follows:
    My timeline in Premiere Pro CC 2014 has 1080p 50mbps MXF footage from a Sony PMW 200 and some similar footage replaced with an After Effects comp for green screen keying.
    The clip, approx 2min, starts with a linked comp from after effects, then cuts to the mxf footage and back to a linked comp at the end.
    I am exporting via media encoder to h264 1080p. The file rendered fine for about 40min with the processor at 50% approx. The processor then shot up to 99% for 10 mins and the render progress bar
    went up to almost 90% complete.
    Then the progress bar stopped, the processor dropped to 0%, time remaining is steadily climbing and so is time elapsed. I've tried pausing and un pausing the render que and nothing else is running in background.
    I need these files rendered tonight!! I've tried this a few times and this problem keeps occurring sometimes with the remaining time shooting up to 74 hours!!
    Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?!
    Windows 7 Professional (64 bit)
    Dell Precision workstation 690
    Intel xeon X5365 3ghz (x2)
    4 GB RAM

    Sounds exactly like what is happening to me.  This is frustrating because it was a 30 hour encoding process and the place where it is stuck is right at the very end of the sequence on the 2nd pass, although there is still about 12% of the progress bar remaining.  I guess that this is where it takes all its work and puts the separate files into the single video file. I really don't want to go through this again. The final video file is showing up though and is shown having the size that I am expecting it to be.
    Any workarounds to somehow get this unstuck?  I am hesitant to just try and open the file. I am going to try a couple of things and if I am successful at getting this to finish without restarting then I will be sure to post it here.
    Also, I don't know if this has anything to do with this problem, but I looked at my system Activity Monitor, and there is a CPU process highlighted in red, it states:
         Adobe QT32 Server (not responding)
    Thirty minutes later...
    I was incorrect above as to the actual problem.  I paused the queue encoding that was stuck, then opened up the project again in Premiere Pro only to discover that there was an offline still image which I stupidly had renamed during the day. So I renamed the file back to its original name, reconnected the picture, saved the PP project. Then I started the encoding back up and still no luck.
    So I paused the encoding again, went back into the PP project and rendered just the area under question, saved it, and exported it into the queue. Then just to be safe I went to the paused item in AME, and duplicated it adding another version into the queue.
    Then I unpaused the encoding and ... SUCCESS!!  Not sure which of the final steps did the trick, but I am guessing that it was the rendering of the part of the sequence that it was stuck on.  Hope this helps someone.

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    [   58.693676] [drm:i915_hangcheck_ring_idle] *ERROR* Hangcheck timer elapsed... blt ring idle [waiting on 6200, at 6200], missed IRQ?
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    I noticed that ubuntu is using kernel 2.6.38 and xf86-video-intel 2.14.0.
    Anyone knows how come this can happen? or how to fix this?

    Falcata wrote:
    I was about to post a new topic about this, but it seems I don't need to.  I encountered this problem last night when I was converting my old server to a media system.  This is what lspci says about my server's GPU:
    00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)
    Going to install kernel26-lts and see if that helps any
    You can try this setup: … 58#p937758

  • Can't get from time elapsed/time left to volume control

    On my iPod Classic 80 GB, "Now Playing" defaults to the "time elapsed/time left" view. When I try to get to "volume control," I stroke the clickwheel, but it often doesn't respond. I have the iPod in a Belkin rubbery protective skin that covers the clickwheel, but it seems responsive enough when I'm already at the control I want to use.
    Is there a way to explicitly go from "time elapsed/time left" to "volume control" in a way that doesn't require the stroking action on the clickwheel? Alternatively is this a sign that the sensitivity of the clickwheel has somehow deteriorated? I've only had the classic for about 6 months and it shows no other signs of malfunction.

    You shouldn't be deleting old Tima Machine backups. When TM runs out of space it automatically deletes the oldest backups to make rioom for the new

  • Execution time, elapsed time  of an sql query

    Can you please tell me how to get the execution time, elapsed time of an sql query

    user8680248 wrote:
    I am running query in the database
    I would like to know how long the query take the time to completeWhy? That answer can be totally meaningless as the VERY SAME query on the VERY SAME data on the VERY SAME database in the VERY SAME Oracle session can and will show DIFFERENT execution times.
    So why do you want to know a specific query's execution time? What do you expect that to tell you?
    If you mean that you want to know how long an existing query being executed is still going to take - that's usually quite difficult to determine. Oracle does provide a view on so-called long operations. However, only certain factors of a query's execution will trigger that this query is a long operation - and only for those specific queries will there be long operation stats that provide an estimated completion time.
    If your slow and long running query does not show in long operation, then Oracle does not consider it a long operation - it fails to meet the specific criteria and factors required as a long operation. This is not a bug or an error. Simply that your query does not meet the basic requirements to be viewed as a long operation.
    Oracle however provides the developer with the means to create long operations (using PL/SQL). You need to know and do the following:
    a) need to know how many units of work to do (e.g. how many fetches/loop iterations/rows your code will process)
    b) need to know how many units of work thus far done
    c) use the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package to create a long operation and continually update the operation with the number of work units thus far done
    It is pretty easy to implement this in PL/SQL processing code (assuming requirements a and b can be met) - and provide long operation stats and estimated completion time for the DBA/operators/users of the database, waiting on your process to complete.

  • Query Execution time - Elapsed time v Actual time taken

    Hi All,
    I have this scenario where I am querying a single table with the following results. It is a very heavy query in that there are multiple aggregate functions and multiple unions on it. Even if the query is written poorly (i doubt it is) why would the actual
    time taken to execute the query be much more than the statistics provided through the following commands?
    Attached are the stats provided for the relevant query in question.
    Table '123456789_TEMP_DATA'. Scan count 178, logical reads 582048, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.
    Table 'Worktable'. Scan count 0, logical reads 0, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.
    SQL Server Execution Times:
       CPU time = 936 ms,  elapsed time = 967 ms.
    2014-01-06 17:36:41.383
    Now, although the CPU Time/Elapsed time shows that it takes less than a second, it actually takes more than 15 seconds to fetch the results. (This is the actual time that you get on the bottom bar of the Query pane as well.)
    What is the reason? Why is it that there is such a big discrepancy between the numbers? How can I improve this situation?

    Yes. I am returning a huge number of rows to the client. 
    The query is simply against a single table. 
     'First Record',AVG(COLUMN1),STDEV(COLUMN1
    Imagine there are 178 records fetched in this manner with 178 UNIONs. The WHERE clause will always change for each SELECT statement.
    Now, the question is not so much about the query itself, but why the execution time is actually 15 seconds whilst the SQL STATISTICS show it to be 936ms (<1 second)

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    Thanks for your response!
    I took your advice on using getTimer() and it's working
    swell. However, I was kind of hoping for something that didn't
    require my Flash movie to be running the whole time. I have learned
    that you can create a new Date object and access its time property
    and that will return a value in milliseconds. You can later create
    a new Date object, access its time property, and compare the two:
    var start:Date = new Date();
    trace('start:' + start.time);
    //calculate PI to a million digits or whatever
    var end:Date = new Date();
    trace('time elapsed:' + (end.time - start.time));
    I haven't tested that, but I think it'll work.

Maybe you are looking for

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