Merge pdf's forms, change text field name and Acrobat x pro closes automatically

I merged 20 pdfs in one interactive pdf, but when I try to change the name of the text fields (in orden to make the interactive independent from the other fields) the program close automatically. I tried to change the name of the text fields in each pdf before merge and it's the same problem. what can i do?

I merged 20 pdfs in one interactive pdf, but when I try to change the name of the text fields (in orden to make the interactive independent from the other fields) the program close automatically. I tried to change the name of the text fields in each pdf before merge and it's the same problem. what can i do?

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    Boy-Howdy. I wish I had the opportunity to stop by this forum and hang out at a time when I am not having issue, but, alas... I appreciate the brain power of the great minds that populate this forum.
    I have an issue: I think I am close on this but cannot identify where my syntax is going awry. Here is a simplified edition of my situation.
    I have a form with a set of dropdown menus that filter a recordset. The group of drop downs are dynamic from a database and will vary depending on what category of products a visitor is viewing.
    If I browse to FRUIT: I get three options that let me filter for:
    Fruit Type
    - Apples
    - Bananas
    - Pears
    Fruit Grown By:
    - Organic
    - Any
    Fruit From:
    - Domestic
    - South America
    - European
    However, if I browse to LUMBER I get:
    Wood Type:
    - Pine
    - Walnut
    - Oak
    Wood Prep:
    - Pre Cut
    - RAW Timber
    Wood Origin:
    - North America
    - South America
    - Europe
    I have the variable naming and database values worked out. My only issue is when I browse to friuit and select apples I want apples to remain selected as I page through results.
    So, the dropdown field names are dynamic. Currently set to zgen1, zgen2, zgen3. I set a variable named sr and increment it to build the progressive 1,2,3 after the field name zgen.
    <cfparam name="sr" default="1">
    <cfoutput group="ft_id" query="oompa2">
    <select name="">
    <OPTION value="">select...</OPTION>
    <OPTION value="#ft_id#_#fs_id#">#ft_options#</OPTION>
    <cfset sr=#sr# + 1>
    But when zgen1 has a value (in this case "Apples") I can't figure out how to dynamically test for the presence of a value for each dropdown. I have dynamically created the field names (cfset xvalue="") to test against. However this creates a value of FORM.zgen1, FORM.zgen2, FORM.zgen3 as it loops when I want it to be Apples, Organic, Domestic.
    The code:
    <OPTION value="#ft_id#_#fs_id#"<cfif xvalue IS "#ft_id#_#fs_id#"> SELECTED</cfif>>#ft_options#</OPTION>
    which is translating to:
    <OPTION value="15_5"<cfif FORM.zgen1 IS "15_5"> SELECTED</cfif>>Apples</OPTION>
    When I want it to be:
    <OPTION value="15_5"<cfif 15_5 IS "15_5"> SELECTED</cfif>>Apples</OPTION>
    I hope I am making sense. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me noodle this. I have a feeling it is not as complicated as my mind is trying to make it. Thoughts?

    Three selects related type code was not the way to go - because I need each filter to be independent. I created a custom tag that argues the state for each separately up to ten filters.

  • Changing a text field name in an existing PDF via VBA

    Using OLE, I am accessing a given form with the following code:
    Function GetTextFieldNames(strFormName As String, strFieldName)
    Dim myApp As AcroApp
    Dim acForm As Acrobat.AcroPDDoc
    Dim jso As Object
    Dim strTest As String
    Dim Field As Object
    'Set the object references
    Set myApp = CreateObject("AcroExch.App")
    Set acForm = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
    acForm.Open (strFormName)
    Set jso = acForm.GetJSObject
    Set Field = jso.getField(strFieldName)
    'Clean up
    Set myApp = Nothing
    Set acForm = Nothing
    End Function
    The two items that I would like to achieve are:
    1. Getting a list of fieldnames on the form referenced
    2. Changing the field name (in this case, a textbox or checkbox) programmatically.
    However, I have not had any success in retrieving a list of available field names, nor have I been able to modify the name of the field. Any ideas?
    i.e. It would be nice one could say
    For i = 0 to acForm.[FieldCount]
         Set Field = jso.GetField(i)
         Print Field.Name
    Next i
    Field.Name = "NewFieldName"
    I hope that helps to explain what I am trying to accomplish. Any ideas are appreciated. Thank you!

    Have you consulted the documentation in the SDK about what methods are available? It will show you how to get the list of fields and/or the proper count for iteration.
    IIRC you can't change the name via VBA

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    I'm new to javascript will be very helpfull for me too...Thanks
    prodotti chimici

  • Combing PDF forms with identical field names while retaining unique values.

    I have several PDF files of the same form that has been filled out by multiple users. I need to create a combined file of all the responses for reporting purposes. However, the forms (obviously) all have the same field names, and when I combine them the values of the first form autofill the values of the matched fields on the other forms. I need a way to combine the forms while retaining the unique field values. I thought I could write a js to rename the fields, but that isn't possible.
    *EDIT: The fields need to retain editability because some contain long, scrolling text. Flattening or read-only isn't an option, not that either fixes the above problem.

    I solved this problem, at least for my own needs. Following try67's advice in a related post, I had to delete the existing fields and create new ones with new names. Given my desired outcome, this meant collecting all of the field properties of the fields (with some variation by field type), storing it, erasing the existing fields, and using that stored information to create new, identical fields (again with some variation by field type). Since I didn't want to retain actions or javascript, this was a perfect solution. I also no longer needed the buttons to function (since I wasn't retaining their javascript), so I made them read-only. I'm listing my working code below, in case anyone else could benefit from some or all of it.
    My question to the community is this: Why doesn't Adobe allow for fields to be renamed via javascript? Is it a security issue? My life would have been a lot easier the last few days if I could simply rename existing fields.
    The following script is used in a Combine Files action via the Action Wizard. The PDF optimizer is also used to strip out or flatten additional items.
    //This script is used to rename all the fields in a document while also removing any javascript or actions associated with those fields. Makes buttons read only without renaming.
    //Function to create a random alphanumeric ID.
    function makeid(n) {
        var text = "";
        var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
        for( var i=1; i <=n; i++ )
            text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
        return text;
    //List variables for collecting arrays of field properties.
    var fieldNum = this.numFields;
    var fieldNameArray = new Array();
    var fieldTypeArray = new Array();
    var pageNumArray = new Array();
    var fieldRectArray = new Array();
    var fieldValueArray = new Array();
    var borderStyleArray = new Array();
    var borderColorArray = new Array();
    var borderThicknessArray = new Array();
    var fillColorArray = new Array();
    var textColorArray = new Array();
    var textFontArray = new Array();
    var textSizeArray = new Array();
    var textAlignmentArray = new Array();
    var textMultilineArray = new Array();
    var checkmarkStyleArray = new Array();
    var radiowidgetNumArray = new Array();
    var radiowidgetRectArray = new Array();
    var radiowidgetPageNumArray = new Array();
    //Get the properties of all the current fields, including widgets.
    for (var i = 0; i < fieldNum; i++) {
        var currentField = this.getNthFieldName(i);
        fieldNameArray[i] = makeid(5);
        fieldTypeArray[i] = this.getField(currentField).type;
        borderStyleArray[i] = this.getField(currentField).borderStyle;
        borderColorArray[i] = this.getField(currentField).strokeColor;
        borderThicknessArray[i] = this.getField(currentField).lineWidth;
        fillColorArray[i] = this.getField(currentField).fillColor;
        textColorArray[i] = this.getField(currentField).textColor;
        textFontArray[i] = this.getField(currentField).textFont;
        textSizeArray[i] = this.getField(currentField).textSize  
        if (this.getField(currentField).type == "text") {
            fieldRectArray[i] = this.getField(currentField).rect;
            pageNumArray[i] = this.getField(currentField).page;
            fieldValueArray[i] = this.getField(currentField).value;
            textAlignmentArray[i] = this.getField(currentField).alignment;
            textMultilineArray[i] = this.getField(currentField).multiline;
        if (this.getField(currentField).type == "checkbox") {
            fieldRectArray[i] = this.getField(currentField).rect;
            pageNumArray[i] = this.getField(currentField).page;
            fieldValueArray[i] = this.getField(currentField).value;
            checkmarkStyleArray[i] = this.getField(currentField).style;
        if (this.getField(currentField).type == "radiobutton") {
            checkmarkStyleArray[i] = this.getField(currentField).style;
            fieldValueArray[i] = this.getField(currentField).value;
            var n = 0;
            while (this.getField(currentField + "." + n) != null) {
                radiowidgetNumArray[n] = this.getField(currentField + "." + n).name;
            for (x = 0; x < radiowidgetNumArray.length; x++) {
                radiowidgetRectArray[x] = this.getField(radiowidgetNumArray[x]).rect;
                radiowidgetPageNumArray[x] = this.getField(radiowidgetNumArray[x]).page;
    //Delete all the current fields, except for buttons, which become read-only.
    for (var i = (fieldNum - 1); i > -1; i--) {
        var currentField = this.getNthFieldName(i);
        if (this.getField(currentField).type != "button") {
        } else {
            this.getField(currentField).readonly = true;
    //Using the stored arrays of field properties, generate new, identical fields.
    for (var i = 0; i < fieldNum; i++) {
        if (fieldTypeArray[i] == "text") {
            var newField = this.addField(fieldNameArray[i], fieldTypeArray[i], pageNumArray[i], fieldRectArray[i]);
            newField.value = fieldValueArray[i];
            newField.borderStyle = borderStyleArray[i];
            newField.strokeColor = borderColorArray[i];
            newField.lineWidth = borderThicknessArray[i];
            newField.fillColor = fillColorArray[i];
            newField.textColor = textColorArray[i];
            newField.textFont = textFontArray[i];
            newField.textSize = textSizeArray[i];
            newField.alignment = textAlignmentArray[i];
            newField.multiline = textMultilineArray[i];
            newField.doNotSpellCheck = true;
        if (fieldTypeArray[i] == "checkbox") {
            var newField = this.addField(fieldNameArray[i], fieldTypeArray[i], pageNumArray[i], fieldRectArray[i]); 
            newField.value = fieldValueArray[i];
            newField.borderStyle = borderStyleArray[i];
            newField.strokeColor = borderColorArray[i];
            newField.lineWidth = borderThicknessArray[i];
            newField.fillColor = fillColorArray[i];
            newField.textColor = textColorArray[i];
            newField.textFont = textFontArray[i];
            newField.textSize = textSizeArray[i];
   = checkmarkStyleArray[i];
            newField.readonly = true;
        if (fieldTypeArray[i] == "radiobutton") {
            for (y = 0; y < radiowidgetNumArray.length; y++) {
                var newField = this.addField(fieldNameArray[i], fieldTypeArray[i], radiowidgetPageNumArray[y], radiowidgetRectArray[y]);
                newField.value = fieldValueArray[i];
                newField.borderStyle = borderStyleArray[i];
                newField.strokeColor = borderColorArray[i];
                newField.lineWidth = borderThicknessArray[i];
                newField.fillColor = fillColorArray[i];
                newField.textColor = textColorArray[i];
                newField.textFont = textFontArray[i];
                newField.textSize = textSizeArray[i];
       = checkmarkStyleArray[i];
                newField.readonly = true;           
    //End script.

  • Script : how to change the Field name in standard program(ZM_MEDRUCK)

    Hi Experts,
    I am working with SAP SCRIPT. i need to change the Field Name that is PO NO to Document No & PO DATE to Document Date.
    These are assigned in data declaration as gv_name and gv_date.
    Can anyone help me to change this Fields.

    You can archive this by making change in SAP script only. You don't need to touch the standard prgm.
    Debug the script and find it out which fields (In script editor) are printing these text on layout... then just replace them by creating your own text...
    You can create a text in TTDTG table,, like ZZPO_NAME = ( Document Name),, and use this filed in the script editor.

  • How can I merge 3 or more individual text fields into an editable summary text field?

    I am stuck and do not know where to begin. I am self taught in using Adobe LiveCycle and have found many answers here in the forums and via trial and error.
    I cannot find or create the correct java script or form calc to feed multiple text fields into one text field.  My supervisor is asking me to do this for two sections of a form I created using Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES 8.2.
    1)       Merge all 3 user entered text fields to an user editable summary text field at the end of the form.
    2)       Merge all 24 user entered text fields to an user editable summary text field at the end of the form.
    Since they are all individual text fields in response to various questions, I cannot use the global binding function. I do not want the summary text field to override the individual text fields.
    Here is the java scripting I placed on Show: calculate* Language: javascript Run: at client
    1) PDStrengthWeaknessComments.rawValue + "_" + OCStrengthWeaknessComments.rawValue + "_" + CEBAStrengthWeaknessComments.rawValue;
    Needless to say, these instructions are not working on my form. Would someone with a lot of experience or an IT degree kindly help me?

    I just tried adding the front end as you suggested and confirmed that the Object > Value is set to "calculated - user can override" for the summary text field.
    OverallAnalysisAppFeedback.rawValue = PDStrengthWeaknessComments.rawValue + "_" + OCStrengthWeaknessComments.rawValue + "_"  + CEBAStrengthWeaknessComments.rawValue;
    I was still unsuccessful.
    I opened the debugger and received the following information. I do not understand what AdobeLiveCycle is asking me to define.
    PDStrengthWeaknessComments is not defined
    1:XFA:GARP2011NewRecompeteSRW[0]:Page20-OverallAnalysisAppFeedback[0]:AllOverallAnalysis[0 ]:calculate
    PDStrengthWeaknessComments is not defined
    1:XFA:GARP2011NewRecompeteSRW[0]:Page20-OverallAnalysisAppFeedback[0]:AllOverallAnalysis[0 ]:calculate
    Budget1Comments is not defined
    1:XFA:GARP2011NewRecompeteSRW[0]:Page21-OverallAnalysisAppFeedback-Budget[0]:AlBudgetQs[0] :calculate
    Budget1Comments is not defined
    1:XFA:GARP2011NewRecompeteSRW[0]:Page21-OverallAnalysisAppFeedback-Budget[0]:AlBudgetQs[0] :calculate
    Do you have any additional tips or suggestions?

  • How to change the field name in SUS

    In the section view all PO's, I want to change the field name  <b>document number</b> to <b>invoice number</b>.Please do let me know how to go about it.
    Thanks in advance ,

    The text ID should be first identified in the BSP (BBP_SUS_UI/DOC_NUMBER?)
    Next execute SOTR_EDIT and use the FInd button. Enter the package of the BSP object (BBP_SUS_U?) and select the language as English. Execute the program and you will a complete list of text used in SUS screen. Locate the text ID as above and double click to change based on what you need.

  • E-recruiting: Requisition management - Possible to change the field names??

    Hi to all e-recruiting experts,
    Need some assistance pertaining to the requisition management portion in e-recruiting.
    We have showed the standard SAP E-recruiting requisition bsp pages to our client and they have requested changes to the field names as they feel that the standard names are not intuitive enough.
    For instance,
    The field - "Hierarchy Level" - They have requested to change to "Job Grade"
    and the field "Functional Area"  to "Type of Work".
    Is there any way that i can change the name of the field through configurations?
    I understand that in a infotype, we can change the field name through translation. But can we change it in BSP? I was told to explore on how to configure via OTR.
    Can anyone share on the steps involved?
    Many thanks in advance.

    Well quite easy,
    create a context for an otr text (E-Recruiting are in package PAOC_RCF_UI). You will find that in SOTR_EDIT.
    Activate this context with implementing BADI BTFR_CONTEXT.
    After doing this, adjust context in SOTR_EDIT with Go To -> Context -> Adjust.
    Eventually refresh otr buffer with Transaction /$otr
    For one text there can be more than one OTR Text in backend, so you might change more than one.

  • Changing the field name at runtime in rpt file

    Hi everybody
    I'm using C# and Crystal Report XI (Deverlop license) to develop windows application in 2003.
    Please help me to change the field name of the bounded column of Crystal report file at the runtime.
    (In some case client's database had changed the structure as fieldname, fieldtype. Then they request a utility to change the field names in the .rpt file programmatically )
    My email address: [email protected]

    user11200661 wrote:
    That's fine but still i want to prefix the schema name within the .sql file. My .sql should contain the name of that parameter only as i want to get that parameter replaced by the schema name at runtime. Some other users are using the same .sql file and they have access to that specific schema only. i want to make the .sql file more general so that it can be used by everyone without altering it every time.Sorry, your requirement no longer makes sense.
    If people have to access a specific schema because they need the script for general use, then you will have to hard code the schema name into it.
    If the script is to prompt for the schema name and connect to that schema and then use that schema name inside the called sql script, then people would not be able to use it generically, as it would be reliant upon the schema name being passed in.
    It sounds as if you're trying to write one generic thing that needs to do two different tasks.
    Just have two scripts and make life simple.

  • Need billing text field name for IDoc mapping

    Hi Friends,
    our users use CRM web application to send orders to SAP via IDocs. They want to have billing text (In German it is called Rechnungstext or Faktura text) so that they can enter some text here if they want to enter something. My question is, what is the field name and IDoc segment for billing text? We need this information to map in XI.
    Br, Sats.

    The solution is:
    The standard Idoc text segment can be used for the text in sales order. From SD side the text types have to be customized. This is necessary for the XI mapping.

  • Changing the field names in a CFQUERY object

    Hello, I wonder whether you know the answer to this?
    I want to change the names of the fields in a CFQUERY result
    set after I have retrieved the results from the database (ie. I
    can't use "AS" in the original SQL statement). I can think of 2
    ways to do this - use the query-a-query (CFSQL) feature or just
    build and populate a new query object, as set out below:
    <cfquery name="CustList" datasource="name">
    SELECT CustId,CustName,CustAddress FROM Customers
    WHERE OrderStatus='P'
    <cfqueryname="GenericList" type="query">
    SELECT CustId AS Id,CustName AS Name,CustAddress AS Address
    FROM CustList
    <cfset GenericList = QueryNew("Id,Name,Address")>
    <cfloop query="CustList">
    <cfset unused = QueryAddRow(GenericList)>
    <cfset unused =
    <cfset unused =
    <cfset unused =
    Do you know which of these would be more efficient? And is
    there a better way, whereby I can maniplulate the names of the
    columns in the original query (ie. so that I can rename the
    "CustName" field to "Name" and then use "CustList.Name" directly)?

    Thanks guys!
    If there is a close to zero overhead to the simple
    query-a-query then that seems like the way to go, with no need to
    look for a means of manipulating or modifying the original query.
    The reason I want to change the field names is so that the
    rest of my code can contain references to "CustList.Name" whereas
    otherwise I would have to do something like
    "Evaluate('CustList.#NameField#')" which is horribly messy. And the
    way the original query is generated means I can't use "AS" in it,
    but I still want to use the same code to work with that query
    result and other query results that share similar/related data with
    different field names.

  • Change of field Name

    I am having 20 fields in a table and in this table i am having about sis lakhs record. Now i realised that one of the field name is spelt wrongly.I am using oracle 8i now without doing anything to the table i must have to change the field name,
    Foe example the wrong field is martialstatus and it should be corrected to maritalstatus.
    If any body having any answers can reply to this mailid [email protected]

    You have 6 hundred thousand records in a table, You are lucky with 8i this is no problem,
    You can solve this in two ways,
    1. Create a new table with correct field name and then insert all record into the new table.
    2. Create the new field with correct name in
    the same table and then copy the data from the old field into new field and then use the DROP COLUM command and drop the old field.
    Good Luck
    Nisar Tareen.

  • How to change the field name

    I want to change the field name in Oracle schema
    Can I do ir?
    If yes, please tell me how to type the SQL

    Use ALTTAB command of my freeware SQLPlusPlus to ALTER a table anyway you like including inserting columns within the middle of the table.
    M. Armaghan Saqib
    SQL PlusPlus - Add power to command line of SQL Plus
    SQL Link for XL - Integrate Oracle with XL
    Download free:

  • Implications of changing standard field names

    We want to rename some of the fields in IMA11 transaction as the purpose for which the fields are being used by us is different from what the standard field names convey.
    Before changing the names, I would like to know if there will be any adverse implications of making that change including impact on upgrades/service packs etc;
    Appreciate all inputs on this.

    Thanks for the reply. These fields whereever they are appearing in other transactions and reports, we are going to use for same purpose and so if they appear with changed names at all places, it is ok with us.
    We are only changing the Field Label and nothing else.
    Want to know of any side effects from others who might have done such changes.
    Also any impact on upgrades.

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