Message Pool for more than a component?

is there a possibility to use something like a message pool for a whole application or even better for all applications on a WAS? I have many strings whicht are used in more than one component...

Hi Markus,
  If you want to have a centralised dump for all the messages, it is possible.Suppose if there are two components A and B,and if A contains the message pool.Create a method in the interface controller of component A say getMessPool()
In it access the message manager like
Like that create for all messages in component A
Include the component in "used components" of B.
Then you can access the messages
It should be like this
Hope this helps you

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  • Error message that no virtual memory pops up & crashes when application is run for more than 1 hour

    My application uses VISA serial operations. It has arrays to store data collected from various devices. I reinitialise the arrays each time the index reaches 50.
    Data acquisitions is carried out in separate threads by invoking the runVI method.
    When i run the application on Win XP continuaously for more than 1 hour it gives an error message that no more virtual memory to complete the task and the system hangs up.
    I open the serial port only once and close it when the application is terminated. But serial read/write operations are done continuaously
    Is the error caused due to memory leakage? How can i solve the problem. It's very urgent and i shall be thankful if i ge
    t the help.

    Yes, it sounds like a memory leakage (either that or you're trying to run an advanced app on an old computer w/ little memory and a small hard drive).
    Things to try:
    1. Ensure it's only labview, and not say labview and another application interacting. This isn't a likely case, but you never know what people have on their boxes and I've seen some weird things with virus scanners. Hit Ctrl-Shift-Esc to get the task manager. Go to processes and watch the memory consumption (click Memory twice to sort in descending order) of the various processes. If labview keeps rising, you've got a leak.
    2. If only a reasonable amount of memory is being used, double check your page file settings (read virtual memory).
    From the Control Panel
    Select System
    Advanced Tab
    Under Performance, select the Settings button
    Select Advanced Tab
    Under Virtual Memory, let windows dynamically adjust the page file (and any XP speed tweakers out there can now chime in about how wrong this is. This essentially allows windows to keep upping the virtual memory as needed by various processes.
    3. Find the leak. In LV Tools->Advanced->Profile VIs. Turn on memory stats. Start the profiler. Start your vi. If the vi crashes labview totally, you'll have to keep hitting snapshot to find the leaky vi (the one that's memory keeps growing).
    4. Upload the vi to the forum so we can give it a looksee.
    2006 Ultimate LabVIEW G-eek.

  • Handling xml message of size more than 100mb in SAP PI 7.1

    Dear Experts,
    Is it possible for PI to pick-up and process a XML message of size more than 100 MB in PI 7.1 EHP-1?
    If yes, can you please let me know how to handle it?
    Thank  you.

    Hi Saravana,
    it is not a best practice to more than 100mb..
    you can increase below parameters and so that you would be able to process for the best..
    u2022     UME Parameters :  May be we need to look into the pool size and poolmax wait parameters - UME recommended parameters (like: poolmaxsize=50, poolmaxwait=60000)
    u2022     Tuning Parameters:  May be we need to look/define the Message Size Limit u201Clike: EO_MSG_SIZE_LIMIT = 0000100u201D under tuning category
    u2022     ICM Parameters: May be we need to consider ICM parameters (ex: icm/conn_timeout = 900000. icm/HTTP/max_request_size_KB = 2097152)
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Quota deduction when EE has been inactive for more than 180 days / Advance quota days when employee does not have enough balance

    Dear experts,
    We have two requirements regarding to the "Anual leave" quota.
    1. Quota reduction when employee is inactive for more than 180 days
    2. Advance quota days when employeee does not have enough balance
    We have in place an "Anual Leave" quota related to a calendar year period, that gets generated dialy in time evaluation. This quota gets the employee entitlement from a set of rules that stored the corresponding balance in a period time type, that is the one that we defined in the customizing. This is working fine. The problems start when we try to incorporate the other two requirements.
    Regarding the first requirement, if the employee has been inactive for more than 180 days in a calendar year due to unpaid leave, we need to start quota reduction as follow,
    First, we need to clear the balance that was calculated above in the schema.
    Then, we need to calculate one leave day for every 20 days worked till the end of the year, considering as such, everyday the employee is expected to work, except days on which the employee has been absent on unpaid leave.
    For the second requirement we created a manual quota call "Advance Anual Leave". So, if the employee, wishes to take 20 working days holiday, but in his/her Anual Leave quota has only 10 days available, we have to create an "Advance Anual Leave" quota manualy for 10 days. When the quota for next year gets generated, we need to deduct these advanced 10 days from it. This deduction should stop the year after.
    The problem we are finding with these two requirements is that, due to the Anual Leave quota gets generated dialy, we can't get the balance right.
    Thanks in advance!
    Kind regards,

    Hello binbingogoABC,
    Shopping on should be easy and fun and not fraught with the kind of trouble that you describe. I regret very much that this has been your experience.
    Using the information you provided when you signed up for Best Buy Unboxed I was able to locate your cancelled orders. I have requested more information from my back-office partners. As soon as I have additional details about your situation, I will reply again to this message. In the interim, I'm sorry that I must impose upon your patience.
    I'm very grateful that you wrote to us with your concerns.

  • [Fwd: Client accessing MBeanHome for more than one domain receives SecurityException]

    Fwd'ing to security newsgroup
    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: Client accessing MBeanHome for more than one domain receives
    Date: 4 Mar 2004 07:27:33 -0800
    From: Dinesh Bhat <[email protected]>
    Reply-To: Dinesh Bhat <[email protected]>
    Organization: BEA NEWS SITE
    When a client accesses MBeans of more than one domains (Weblogic 8.1)
    that have
    different passwords, it receives a SecurityException. This occurs when
    the MBeanHome
    for each domain is looked up at initialization and reused for each
    request ( to
    access MBeans ). The security exception does not occur if the MBeanHome
    for each
    domain is looked up for each request. On initial review, this behavoir
    seems inconsistent.
    Looking up the MBeanHome for each request may introduce a significant
    I am not sure if concurrent lookups would also cause the same problem.
    I have read on another post that we can work around this problem by
    a trust relationship between the servers, but this may not be feasible
    when one
    is monitoring a lot of servers and the overhead of configuration may be
    an issue.
    I have attached code that can reproduce the problem.
    Please advise on the correct approach.
    Dinesh Bhat
    Panacya Inc.
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Set;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import javax.naming.Context;
    import weblogic.jndi.Environment;
    * This class reproduces the Security Exception that is caused when a client tries to access
    * MBeans of more than one domain with different weblogic passwords. Here is the stacktrace of the
    * exception
    * java.lang.SecurityException: [Security:090398]Invalid Subject: principals=[weblogic, Administrators]
         at weblogic.rjvm.BasicOutboundRequest.sendReceive(
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicRemoteRef.invoke(
         at Source)
         at WLSecurityTest.getWeblogicInfo(
         at WLSecurityTest.runTest(
         at WLSecurityTest.<init>(
         at WLSecurityTest.main(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(Unknown Source)
    Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: [Security:090398]Invalid Subject: principals=[weblogic, Administrators]
         at weblogic.rjvm.MsgAbbrevInputStream.getSubject(
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.acceptRequest(
         at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicServerRef.dispatch(
         at weblogic.rjvm.RJVMImpl.dispatchRequest(
         at weblogic.rjvm.RJVMImpl.dispatch(
         at weblogic.rjvm.ConnectionManagerServer.handleRJVM(
         at weblogic.rjvm.ConnectionManager.dispatch(
         at weblogic.rjvm.t3.T3JVMConnection.dispatch(
         at weblogic.socket.NTSocketMuxer.processSockets(
         at weblogic.socket.SocketReaderRequest.execute(
         at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
    * Note: the exception is caused only when the MBeanHome for each domain is cached and used for subsequent
    * transactions. The exception does not occur if the MBeanHome for each domain is looked up for each transaction. This
    * would significant overhead in practice. Also the transactions across the various domains occurs serially, hence
    * the effect of concurrent lookups has to be tested.
    * Usage:
    * This class has been tested with weblogic 8.1
    * The class needs weblogic.jar in its classpath
    * One can specify the weblogic details as System properties. The properties need to be specified in
    * the following format:
    *, wls.userId.n, wls.password.n where n is the weblogix instance number. Also specify
    * the boolean system property reconnect.each.iteration to toggle between reconnecting or not reconnecting
    * for each iteration. When not reconnecting for each iteration, the MBeanHome is reused and the Security Exception
    * occurs.
    * Following is the example of system properties
    * -Dwls.userId.0=weblogic -Dwls.password.0=weblogic
    * -Dwls.userId.1=weblogic -Dwls.password.1=weblogic1
    * -Dwls.userId.2=weblogic -Dwls.password.2=weblogic2
    * -Dreconnect.each.iteration=false
    public class WLSecurityTest
    ArrayList wlsDetailsList = new ArrayList();
    HashMap connectionMap = new HashMap();
    public static void main(String[] args)
    WLSecurityTest wlSecurityTest = new WLSecurityTest();
    catch (Exception e)
    * Constructor
    * @throws Exception
    public WLSecurityTest() throws Exception
    int noOfTries = 10;
    for( int i=0; i <= noOfTries; i++)
    * Runs the test
    private void runTest()
    for (int i = 0; i < wlsDetailsList.size(); i++)
    WLSDetails wlsDetails = (WLSDetails) wlsDetailsList.get(i);
    * Get Weblogic details from System properties
    * @throws Exception
    private void getWLSDetails() throws Exception
    wlsDetailsList = new ArrayList();
    String hostKeyTmpl = "";
    String userIdKeyTmpl = "wls.userId";
    String passwordKeyTmpl = "wls.password";
    boolean done = false;
    for (int i = 0; !done; i++)
    WLSDetails wlsDetails = new WLSDetails();
    String hostKey = hostKeyTmpl + "." + Integer.toString(i);
    String userIdKey = userIdKeyTmpl + "." + Integer.toString(i);
    String passwordKey = passwordKeyTmpl + "." + Integer.toString(i);
    wlsDetails.hostName = System.getProperty(hostKey);
    done = (wlsDetails.hostName == null) || (wlsDetails.hostName.length() == 0);
    if (!done)
    wlsDetails.userId = System.getProperty(userIdKey);
    wlsDetails.password = System.getProperty(passwordKey);
    * Lookup the MBeanHome for the specified weblogic server
    * @param wlsDetails
    * @throws Exception
    public synchronized void connect(WLSecurityTest.WLSDetails wlsDetails) throws Exception
    Context ctx = null;
    MBeanHome mbHomeLocal = null;
    Environment env = new Environment();
    env.setProviderUrl("t3://" + wlsDetails.hostName);
    Hashtable hashtable = env.getProperties();
    ctx = env.getInitialContext();
    wlsDetails._mBeanHome = (MBeanHome) ctx.lookup(MBeanHome.ADMIN_JNDI_NAME);
    catch (Exception e)
    * Gets weblogic information using MBeans
    * @param wlsDetails
    public synchronized void getWeblogicInfo(WLSDetails wlsDetails)
    boolean reconnectEachIteration =
    if( (reconnectEachIteration) || ((wlsDetails._mBeanHome == null) && (!reconnectEachIteration) ))
    MBeanHome mbHomeLocal = wlsDetails._mBeanHome;
    String domainName = mbHomeLocal.getDomainName();
    Set allMBeans = mbHomeLocal.getAllMBeans();
    System.out.println("Size: " + allMBeans.size());
    Set clusterMBeans = mbHomeLocal.getMBeansByType("Cluster", domainName);
    MBeanServer mBeanServer = mbHomeLocal.getMBeanServer();
    catch (Exception ex)
    * Class that holds weblogic server details
    class WLSDetails
    String hostName = "";
    String userId = "";
    String password = "";
    MBeanHome _mBeanHome = null;

    If Server version is 61.
    Make user "system" password of all weblogic servers same.
    If Server version above 61(70,81)
    In the Security Advanced Settings un check generated credential and specify a common credentail for all the weblogic servers(domains).

  • In the evaluation mode im nt able to view my ocr result for more than 2 seconds

    im doing my final year project on image processing using labview 2010(evaluation). im using a microsoft webcam(VX-700). my objective is character recognition using vision. im able to capture an image and store the same. the software also recognizes the characters after training the characters in vision assistance. but im not able to view the result string for more than 5 seconds. i really want to have some support regarding this issue. i've attached the program what i've used with this message. plz do help me with this issue asap.
    OCR First Example with ‏120 KB

    Our network is very stable and we aren't seeing any problems with anything else and besides, these worked fine until we did the update.
    The wifi access point is in the same room about 6-8 ft. away and it's kind of hard to connect an appletv by ethernet to an iPad. 
    The appletv runs fine using it's built in applications, like Netflix, Disney, Radio, etc.
    All of this makes me think it's not a wireless problem, but it's something in the appletv software after doing the update that won't hold the iPad connection.
    I appreciate your suggestions and will pass your information along to our network person.
    Any other ideas?

  • Help me to search on calendar for more than one year

    I desparately need to be able to search on calendar for more than one year., which was taken away on the new operating system.  I have kept personal memories of my husband on there in the notes sections on days when we did things. ( I have also kept all kinds of personal notes, like doctor records or conversations, in the notes of events/dates.) it is a huge loss for me not to be able to search my calendar for more than one year. Is there any way I can do this?

    It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your
    posting. That concerns us, and has triggered this automated reply.
    Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options:
    - Visit and search the knowledgebase and/or check all
    the other self support options and support programs available.
    - You could also try posting your message again. Make sure it is posted in the
    correct newsgroup. (
    Be sure to read the forum FAQ about what to expect in the way of responses:
    If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies
    and rest assured we will issue a stern reprimand to our posting bot.
    Good luck!
    Your Novell Product Support Forums Team

  • How to create a Single Ear for more than 30 applications

    Hai, any one please help me out
    I created single ear for more than 30 different ejb projects
    while deploying WAS giving error as follows;
    Caught exception during application deployment from SAP J2EE Engine's deploy service:
    java.rmi.RemoteException: Cannot store information about application in the database during deploy.. Reason: Object value for entry "PROPS_STR_STR:ApplicationProperties" is too large. Limit is at 2,000 bytes.; nested exception is: Object value for entry "PROPS_STR_STR:ApplicationProperties" is too large. Limit is at 2,000 bytes.
    (message ID:
    Please help me out in this
    with regards

    I think this means that there is an object for your application properties with a size that exceeds the maximum size of the database field.
    This is probably caused by the concatenation of all your properties of all your apps in the ear.
    To solve this problem you can merge some applications to limit the amount of properties saved in the db.
    A second solution could be to use different ear-files instead of 1 for all applications.
    The third option is to find out how PROPS_STR_STR:ApplicationProperties is build up. Then you can limit the size of these properties.
    Hope this explpanation is usefull.

  • TS4268 Why have I been charged for iMessage activation now, when I have been using iMessage for more than one year?

    I received a message on my iPhone saying that some charges could be applied due to activiation of iMessage. My question is: why have I been charged now, if I had already activated iMessage and I have been using it for more than a year.

    We are basically users and can't really help with activation. So unless a staff member can check in, you need to speak to Customer Service.
    Serial number and activation chat
    Monday—Friday, 5am—7pm PT

  • When i try to activate iMessage i could see the comment "waiting for activation" for more than 24hrs.Is this because of mobile device problem or someother issue ? My mobile is just 20 days old

    When i try to activate iMessage i could see the comment "waiting for activation" for more than 24hrs.
    Is this because of mobile device problem or someother issue ?
    My mobile is just 20 days old

    The following discusses that error message and may help: iOS: Troubleshooting FaceTime and iMessage activation

  • OATS Load test is not able to scale for more than 10 users

    I am using OATS load test runner for performance testing Fusion based application on webcenter portal.I am not able to run OATS load tester sucessfully for more than 10 VU's.After that it gives a component not found issue or loop error.Please let me know if anybody faced similar issue and was able to resolve it.Is there some setting to be done?
    Edited by: user766882 on Aug 20, 2012 9:07 AM

    Hi Jean,
    Our application contains customised retail webcenter portal on which retail application is hosted.This portal application is not able to scale up more than 10 users.I had created portal application without the customised framework and then for a similar usecase it is able to scale upto more than 50 users but once it hits 100 VU mark it starts giving errors.If it were an issue with client tokens or login,I would have been able to have more than 1 user at a time.It seems to be an issue with custom framework developed on top of webcenter portal.I have faced a similar issue while testing for this app with jmeter also.I was able to test for the webcenter portal app without any customisation for more than 100 concurrent users. But I was not able to test for more than 1 user for customised retail webcenter portal
    Edited by: user766882 on Aug 21, 2012 8:25 AM
    Edited by: user766882 on Aug 21, 2012 8:33 AM

  • [SOLVED]"kernel: task blocked for more than 120 seconds"

    today I just found this weird message in journalctl after running "pacman -Syu". Everything (even the update) worked fine, nothing unexpected had happened. RPi works as expected. I just wan't to be sure that this problem is not signaling something bigger.
    Jun 16 09:17:06 smecpi sudo[6228]: puser : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/puser ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/pacman -Syu
    Jun 16 09:17:06 smecpi sudo[6228]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by puser(uid=0)
    Jun 16 09:19:53 smecpi kernel: INFO: task kworker/u2:0:6233 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
    Jun 16 09:19:53 smecpi kernel: Not tainted 3.12.21-1-ARCH #1
    Jun 16 09:19:53 smecpi kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
    Jun 16 09:19:53 smecpi kernel: kworker/u2:0 D c05ce278 0 6233 2 0x00000000
    Jun 16 09:19:53 smecpi kernel: Workqueue: kmmcd mmc_rescan
    Jun 16 09:19:53 smecpi kernel: [<c05ce278>] (__schedule+0x290/0x5ec) from [<c04c43a0>] (__mmc_claim_host+0x90/0x1f0)
    Jun 16 09:19:53 smecpi kernel: [<c04c43a0>] (__mmc_claim_host+0x90/0x1f0) from [<c04cab3c>] (mmc_sd_detect+0x1c/0x70)
    Jun 16 09:19:53 smecpi kernel: [<c04cab3c>] (mmc_sd_detect+0x1c/0x70) from [<c04c6880>] (mmc_rescan+0x20c/0x3c8)
    Jun 16 09:19:53 smecpi kernel: [<c04c6880>] (mmc_rescan+0x20c/0x3c8) from [<c003b9b8>] (process_one_work+0x130/0x43c)
    Jun 16 09:19:53 smecpi kernel: [<c003b9b8>] (process_one_work+0x130/0x43c) from [<c003c908>] (worker_thread+0x134/0x3e4)
    Jun 16 09:19:53 smecpi kernel: [<c003c908>] (worker_thread+0x134/0x3e4) from [<c0042544>] (kthread+0xa4/0xb0)
    Jun 16 09:19:53 smecpi kernel: [<c0042544>] (kthread+0xa4/0xb0) from [<c000e178>] (ret_from_fork+0x14/0x3c)
    Last edited by Kotrfa (2014-06-16 11:41:42)

    Ir means just what it says. kworker (a kernel worker thread - … kqueue.txt) blocked for more than 120 seconds. This likely happened during one of pacman's big calculation jobs, and is also likely completely safe to ignore.
    Last edited by samiam (2014-06-16 10:20:13)

  • Attach Database running for more than 2 days

    I have a sql sever 2005 database of SAP development which is having a deferred transaction error while DBCC.  After restart the SQL log says the below. Still the DBCC error exists.
    2013-04-19 14:27:22.10 spid14s     Recovery of database 'BDS' (5) is 99% complete (approximately 3 seconds remain). Phase 2 of 3. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
    2013-04-19 14:27:22.10 spid14s     1830496 transactions rolled forward in database 'BDS' (5). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
    2013-04-19 14:27:22.71 spid14s     Recovery of database 'BDS' (5) is 99% complete (approximately 3 seconds remain). Phase 3 of 3. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
    2013-04-19 14:27:23.34 spid14s     CHECKDB for database 'BDS' finished without errors on 2012-10-14 19:22:43.603 (local time). This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
    I have copied the mdf, ndf and ldf file to another location and try to attach the database it is running for more than 2 days now. Still not given any error.  DVM  shows the create database  status as running.  The SQL Log shows the below
    2014-03-29 19:19:52.04 spid52      Recovery of database 'BDS' (8) is 99% complete (approximately 3 seconds remain). Phase 2 of 3. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
    2014-03-29 19:19:52.04 spid52      5313464 transactions rolled forward in database 'BDS' (8). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
    2014-03-29 19:19:52.29 spid52      Recovery of database 'BDS' (8) is 99% complete (approximately 3 seconds remain). Phase 3 of 3. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
    Please help me to solve this issue.  

    >I have copied the mdf, ndf and ldf file to another location and try to attach the database it is running for more than 2 days now.
    It is safer to:
    1. Backup the database:
    2. Copy backup file over to destination server
    3. Restore the database
    Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect
    SELECT Video Tutorials 4 Hours
    New Book / Kindle: Exam 70-461 Bootcamp: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012

  • Cash payment restriction for more than Rs.20000

    I want to restrict cash payment transaction for more than Rs.20000 (as per income tac act)
    I gave amount limit as Rs.20000 for company code in01. Date i gave as 01.01.2000 and currency as INR
    Inspite of this, i passed one payment for Rs.22000 and it allowed me to pass. How to restrict such excess payments ?

    Are you trying to post Cash Journal (FBCJ) for posting payments.  If so, you can use this configuration to restict your limits.
    If you are posting through other, then this configuration will not control those.
    For creating a validation rule, i have given a example below:
    Say for example, if you are using doc type 'KZ' for payments, then
    1. Identify or create a message class/message number, which you can use as an error message is the document amount reaches > 20000  This message class/messages can be created in T.code SE91
    2. Go to GGB0 and create a valiation under FI -> Line item and under which create a step as follows:
    Pre-requisire: if BKPF-BLART = 'KT'
    Check : BSEG-DMBTR <= 20000
    Message: Enter the identified message class/number
    3. Attach the validation in OB28.
    Prakash K

  • Pending Payments for more than 90 days

    I have two pending payments for more than 90days. I cant buy any more subscription, kindly help me cancel those where it would be better to save money on calling my home country. The status is pending from 14-Feb-2014. Thanks in advance.

    please contact Skype customer service
    I recommend that you always run the latest Skype version: Windows & Mac
    If my advice helped to fix your issue please mark it as a solution to help others.
    Please note that I generally don't respond to unsolicited Private Messages. Thank you.

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