Messenger 3.0 - Windows Client: Window Selection/Focus

So we've been testing the Novell Messenger 3.0 client on Windows (With GroupWise 2014 fully patched) for less than 24 hours. So far we like what we see. No crashes, new features are working nicely (including the integration with the GroupWise client). However there is one nagging little issue we have not quite resolved. Whenever we have another application's window open, like GroupWise, and to continue with the example if we are say typing an email message, the focus can switch from the active message in GroupWise to the Messenger Contact list window. Even if we close the Messenger Contact window, it will open back up in about 60 seconds or so, and the selected window changes to the Contact list in about the same amount of time. It does not seem to happen nearly as often if the other (non-Messenger) window is maximized, but most of our users are on large 24" screens and rarely maximize anything anymore. It's a little frustrating that we can't nail this down. Our Help Desk has seen the issue on Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows 7 Pro x64 and Windows 8 Pro x64.
Anyone else testing the new client and seeing this behavior?

Originally Posted by salisburyk
So we've been testing the Novell Messenger 3.0 client on Windows (With GroupWise 2014 fully patched) for less than 24 hours. So far we like what we see. No crashes, new features are working nicely (including the integration with the GroupWise client). However there is one nagging little issue we have not quite resolved. Whenever we have another application's window open, like GroupWise, and to continue with the example if we are say typing an email message, the focus can switch from the active message in GroupWise to the Messenger Contact list window. Even if we close the Messenger Contact window, it will open back up in about 60 seconds or so, and the selected window changes to the Contact list in about the same amount of time. It does not seem to happen nearly as often if the other (non-Messenger) window is maximized, but most of our users are on large 24" screens and rarely maximize anything anymore. It's a little frustrating that we can't nail this down. Our Help Desk has seen the issue on Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows 7 Pro x64 and Windows 8 Pro x64.
Anyone else testing the new client and seeing this behavior?
UPDATE: FWIW, after more testing, a reboot of the affected workstations appears to have corrected the issue on most platforms. In all cases above, we did not reboot after installing and configuring Messenger and Novell GroupWise 2014 Clients. We're going to mark the issue as being resolved here and start moving it into production. ;-)

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    In article <[email protected]>, Anthonywhill
    > Yes I have the entire Office 2013 suite installed. Maybe Outlook is the
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    Event message: A configuration error has occurred.
    Event time: 3/25/2011 7:24:10 AM
    Event time (UTC): 3/25/2011 12:24:10 PM
    Event ID: c80ae9a584df49e181d063b3caf3b747
    Event sequence: 1
    Event occurrence: 1
    Event detail code: 0
    Application information:
    Application domain: d418b072-1-129455294438750000
    Trust level: Full
    Application Virtual Path: /simias10
    Application Path: C:\program files\ifolder\lib\simias\web\
    Machine name: XXX001892
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    Account name: 123\Test
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    Request information:
    Request URL:
    Request path: /simias10/Simias.asmx
    User host address:
    Is authenticated: False
    Authentication Type:
    Thread account name: 123\Test
    Thread information:
    Thread ID: 8
    Thread account name: 123\Test
    Is impersonating: False
    Stack trace: at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.ReportTopLevel CompilationException()
    at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.EnsureTopLevel FilesCompiled()
    at System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.Initialize(A pplicationManager appManager, IApplicationHost appHost, IConfigMapPathFactory configMapPathFactory, HostingEnvironmentParameters hostingParameters)
    Custom event details:
    For more information, see Help and Support Center at

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    For MSDN subscribers, Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 images are available when creating a VM in Azure gallery.
    If you have no MSDN subscription, you can upload a Windows client image to Azure storage account and use it to create a VM. However, since the limitation of license
    in Azure, you cannot activate it.
    In addition, you can also submit a feedback to release the images of Windows client OS in Azure gallery for all subscriptions:
    Best regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

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    Typ=96 Len=12: 0,191,0,191,0,191,0,191,0,191,0,191
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    Console in right mode (chcp=1251)
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    N'<national symbols>', being part of an SQL statement, will be converted to the database character set (WE8ISO8859P1) before being parsed. Only if the client and the database are both 10.2 or higher, the client can encode the literal appropriately so that it survives this conversion.
    In earlier versions, you can do the encoding yourself. Instead of the N'<national symbols>' literal use the UNISTR function: UNISTR('\xxxx\yyyy\zzzz'), where U+xxxx, U+yyyy, U+zzzz are Unicode code points of your national characters.
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    When I run this query on our database server (Unix/Solaris) it completes in 80 seconds.
    When I run the same query on a Windows client it completes in 47 minutes.
    Ideally I would like to get a response time equivalent on the Windows client to what I get when running this on the database server.
    In both cases the query plans are the same.
    The query and plan is shown below :
    SQL> explain plan
      2  set statement_id = 'SLOW'
      3  for
      4  SELECT DISTINCT /*+ FIRST_ROWS(503) */ objecttype.id_object
      5  FROM documents objecttype WHERE objecttype.id_type_definition = 'duotA9'
      6  ;
    SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display('PLAN_TABLE','SLOW','TYPICAL'));
    | Id  | Operation          | Name      | Rows  | Bytes |TempSpc| Cost (%CPU)|
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |           |  2852K|    46M|       | 69851   (1)|
    |   1 |  HASH UNIQUE       |           |  2852K|    46M|   153M| 69851   (1)|
    |*  2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| DOCUMENTS |  2852K|    46M|       | 54063   (1)|
    Are there are configuration changes that can be done on the Oracle client or database to improve the response times for the query when it is running from the client?
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    The version of the oracle client is also
    I am happy to provide any further information if required.
    Thank you in advance.

    I have a query which is taking a long time to return the results using the Oracle client.
    When I run this query on our database server (Unix/Solaris) it completes in 80 seconds.
    When I run the same query on a Windows client it completes in 47 minutes.
    There are NO queries that 'run' on a client. Queries ALWAYS run within the database server.
    A client can choose when to FETCH query results. In sql developer (or toad) I can choose to get 10 rows at a time. Until I choose to get the next set of 10 rows NO rows will be returned from the server to the client; That query might NEVER complete.
    You may get the same results depending on the client you are using. Post your question in a forum for whatever client you are using.

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      The operation details as followed:
    1.Access the share resource by "\\server_ip", login the CIFS server by a valid account on the CIFS server.
    2.On the Windows client, select the "Security" panel in the mouse-right-button properties dialog of a cifs share resource.
    3.To add a new ACE for someone eg. user0, we input "user0" in the "Select Users ans Groups" dialog popped up.
    4.Click OK, but the Windows client will not get the user information for user0 from the CIFS server.
    5.By wireshare network trace, we find the Windows client didn't send any SAMR requests to the CIFS server.
    6.Restart the Windows client OS and login again with another account except administrator, carry out the above operations. We find that the Windows client can get the user information, opposite with the step 4 above.
    7.By wireshare network trace, we find that the Windows client has sent SAMR requests to the CIFS server to get user informations. But that is different from step 5,  WHY?
    If the Windows client OS is login with administrator account, is there any configuration on Windows client to decide whether request user information on CIFS server when setting ACL for CIFS share resource?
    Expect your help.Thanks.
    Best wishes.

    The purpose of this forum is to support the Open Specifications documentation. You can read about the Microsoft Open Specifications program here,
    The library of Open Specification documents is located here,
    It doesn’t appear that you are implementing one of the protocols cited.  Your question may be more applicable to Technet's Windows Server Platform Networking forum at or the File Services and Storage forum at
    If you are working on implementing a protocol using the specifications cidet above, please provide more detail.
    Bryan S. Burgin Senior Escalation Engineer Microsoft Protocol Open Specifications Team

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    - keep oracle client as small as possible (jdbc needs less than 1.5 MB!)
    - not to use tnsnames.ora (jdbc does not need this and works fine)
    - connecting to databases from workstation as user and not administrator (8.x works but 10.....)
    - not to change registry nls_lang entry for connecting to different databases with different settings!
    I did never before encounter problems like this with other databases. As we have to user oracle (with ODBC) we have to configure our clients.
    btw: odbc driver version is 10g

    Thanks a lot for your help,
    I got a step further. The mistake was to set the path on the main directory which in my case was C:\Instantclient
    instead of the directory created unzipping the installation files: C:\Instantclient\instantclient_10_2
    But now I'm in defining the datasouce:
    As stated in the help file:
    Before you configure the data source, you must configure network database services so there is an entry for each TNS Service Name. To do this, start the Oracle Net Manager by one of the following methods:
    From the start menu, select Programs, select Oracle for Windows NT, and select the Oracle Net Manager.
    Using the Oracle Net Manager, you can create an entry in the tnsnames.ora file for each TNS Service Name. The Oracle Net Manager is installed when you install Oracle Net Services.
    But I don't have any entry in the program group. Does the instant client create an entry as well?
    Do I have do install the Oracle Net Services additionally to the Instant client?
    In the releasenotes above from legatti they are talking about an TNS_ADMIN entry which has to point to the ora files?
    Do I have to define this as systemparameter pointing to the C:\Instantclient\instantclient_10_2 directory as well.
    Thanks a lot for every hint

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    The Terminal Server is running on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 64bit version, and all the branch users are using 32bit Windows 7 and XP version. The printer redirection is created during remote session, and user is able to select the printer to print, but is nothing come out from the printer.
    I had install x86 printer driver, but is still not working. Server is auto using remote desktop easy print driver when printer redirection in remote session.
    I did try connect branch user PC to another Terminal Server running on WIndows Server 2003 R2 Standard 32bit version, and tested is no problem to print.
    Can anyone guide me what is the step that i was miss out for Windows Server 64bit configuration in order to allow 32bit windows client to print?
    Thank you.

    I believe the only way to print client side from a web app would be to use the ActiveX print control off of the viewer (disregarding the ugly way of using the browsers print button).
    If there is another way I am sure someone will correct me

  • Windows Client and ldap

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    pls help me.......

    Take a look at the user guide for NAM -
    You will see the protocols support like GTC that should allow you not to have to deploy certs.
    Tarik Admani
    *Please rate helpful posts*

  • Window with applet tag gains focus prior to new window browser window

    setup a :
    1. sample index.html page:
    var _load=function(){'test.html');};
    window.attachEvent("onload", _load);
    <applet code=Index name=Index width=1 height=1 align=baseline>
    2. and child test.html window of the above (opened during onload event)
    var _load=function(){window.focus();};
    window.attachEvent("onload", _load);
    when a test.html page is opened focus is temporarily shifted back to the index.html page and
    only later back to the test.html page (window.focus()) call in that page sets the focus, not always
    suceeds, a further code is required to do a retry)
    when the applet is removed from the index.html page, problem goes away, it is if the applet tag
    has priority in terms of window focus
    byproduct of this is also annoying flicker, (while the focus is shifted between index.html and test.html page)
    this problem is only happening with SUN JVM (and I dont know if its a defect or by design)
    SUN JVM tested:
    Java(TM) Plug-in: Version 1.4.2_03
    Using JRE version 1.4.2_03 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
    suggestions, workarounds? appreciate in advance

    tested following matrix of browser/VM
    Platform Result:
    MS IE and Microsoft (R) VM for Java, 5.0 Release (with success, no focus problems)
    MS IE and Java(TM) Plug-in: Version 1.4.2_03 (focus problems, in the case of
    two applets one coded on the
    main page the other on the pop-
    up window)
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624 Netscape/7.1 (ax)
    Plug-in: Version 1.4.2_03 Using JRE version 1.4.2_03 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
    (focus problems, in the case of one applet on
    the main page or in the case of two applets
    one coded on the main page the other on the
    pop-up window)
    Please see revised test case source code (to support above configurations, as well inclusion of the second
    applet to address discrepency in behaviour between Mozilla and IE (with SUN JVM)
    var u_n=navigator;
    var u_agt=u_n.userAgent.toLowerCase();
    var u_MSIE=(u_agt.contains("msie"));
    var _load=function(){'test.html');};
    if (u_MSIE)
    window.attachEvent("onload", _load);
    window.addEventListener("load", _load, false);
    <applet code=Index name=Index width=1 height=1 align=baseline>
    var u_n=navigator;
    var u_agt=u_n.userAgent.toLowerCase();
    var u_MSIE=(u_agt.contains("msie"));
    var _load=function(){window.focus();};
    if (u_MSIE)
    window.attachEvent("onload", _load);
    window.addEventListener("load", _load, false);
    <applet code=Test name=Test width=1 height=1 align=baseline>
    </HTML> source code:
    public class Index extends Applet {
    public synchronized void init() {
    public synchronized void start() {
    public synchronized void stop(){
    public synchronized void destroy(){ source code:
    public class Test extends Applet {
    public synchronized void init() {
    public synchronized void start() {
    public synchronized void stop(){
    public synchronized void destroy(){

  • Cisco Jabber for Windows Client SDK

    Is there an SDK for Cisco Jabber for Windows client? I could only find the Web SDK. Are there no other SDKs that would let me control features of the Jabber Windows Client?

    And in order to avoid TAPI limitation, they say they have started using Jabber which controls all phone functionalities through an Application User connected to the Call Manager.
    Assuming they are referring to the normal Jabber for Windows/Mac/iOS/Android applications then this is wrong. Jabber - the client, not the IM&P servers which are part of the CUCM cluster (if you're familiar with Lync consider CUCM+IM&P servers a Front End Pool) - do not use an Application User at all. When a user starts Jabber, assuming SAML SSO is off, they supply an email address. This is used to find the servers via DNS SRV records, or the Mobile and Remote Access Expressway (roughly analogous to a Lync Edge pool) to tunnel through the firewall. After the email address they are prompted for their End User username and password. This is then used to access several APIs on the server, namely the User Data Service to discover what the user has. This would include what the user has configured/available to them. After this is done the Jabber client does one of three things with respect to phone functionality:
    If the user has no phone devices provisioned for them - physical or software - it becomes an IM&P client only.
    If the user has a software phone phone provisioned, it registers as that using SIP. In this way Jabber is the actual phone. This is called a CSF device for Jabber Windows/OS X.
    If the user has a desk phone assigned to their End User account AND administrative policy is to default to desk phone control, it registers to CTI Manager on the CUCM server to control the user's physical phone.
    A user can toggle between option two and three, if appropriately provisioned, but cannot have both simultaneously. In other words, Jabber is either controlling a physical phone over CTI or is a phone itself using SIP. The difference is where the audio/video media is sent from/to.
    All of this happens using that human's End User credentials.
    Now, if you wanted to have a server control the user's phone - either a physical one or Jabber - you would use the TSP as an interface to CTI Manager on the CUCM server and receive real-time events (e.g. the user went off-hook, the phone is ringing with this caller ID, etc.) and issue commands to that phone (e.g. make a call to X). This is done using an Application User account because the server would need to do this for multiple users simultaneously. If you also use the Super Provider concept, the CUCM administrator doesn't have to take the extra step of associating every phone to your Application User manually. Instead, you can simply issue CTI subscriptions to see any/all device activity you want.
    This is all assuming you wanted to do the integration server-side to avoid having to update the Cisco TSP application on every user PC (which also limits your WPF application to machines capable of running the TSP) every time the CUCM administrator patches the servers. If you don't care about that, then you can do this all client-side on the user's PC, and have them supply their End User credentials.
    Of course, you could also reconsider the Jabber SDK and just embed the make/receive call functionality directly into your application instead.

  • Please fix: Common Open File Dialog Box to support Favorites (Follow-up: Better provisioning in the Windows client)

    One more thing:
    What's missing is favorites is a way to use the favorites space in the Common Open File Dialog Box.
    Please obsolete or (re)develop components in Windows, so those components support any new workflows in Windows!
    On example of an application where you cannot use Favorites is Adobe Photoshop. It uses the Common Open File Dialog Box in Windows (which does not support Favorites).
    Comparing Finder (MacOS) with Windows Explorer - you "seem" to have the option of using favorites to pin folders.
    Well, if your application calls Windows to use the Common Open File Dialog Box - it's actually NOT POSSIBLE AT ALL to navigate to the user concepts (user folders) pinned to favorites.
    Again, the favorites namespace is completely unused (not provisioned) out-of-the-box. That's may be ok, however it's not fully implemented across Windows and just another example of stuff accumulating up to being unusable.
    What's missing is favorites is a way to use the favorites space in the Common Open File Dialog Box.
    Ref.: Better provisioning in the Windows client

    Congrats to Carmelo!
     Windows Phone and Windows Store Apps Technical Guru - February 2015  
    Carmelo La Monica
    Windows Phone 8: control Nokia Maps (Part 3)
    JH: "Part 3 of the series how to work with the Nokia maps control. As the previous articles this one contains a lot of code snippets and some pictures. Good work!"
    Ed Price: "A great topic, a fantastic breakdown of sections with clear descriptions, and a nice mix of code formatting and helpful images! Another stellar article from Carmelo! Great job including the link back at the end to the portal
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • Opening a new window on lead select in a table

      I want to open a window on Lead Select ...i have written the below code in the ActionLeadSelect
    ************************Begin Code******************************************************
    message.reportSuccess("came inside LeadSelect");
    IWDWindow window = wdComponentAPI.getWindowManager().createExternalWindow("","",false);
    message.reportSuccess("came 1");;
    message.reportSuccess("came 2");
    ***************************end code********************************************************
    but On selecting a particular row in a table , window is not being opened..but the message I gave are displayed .Can u gimme  a solution

         It helped abijeet.Pop Up window is  opened.
    Now, I also tried opening another pop up window. I created a view called 'PopUp'. now.On selecting a row in the table I want to open this window(PopUp) .I tried the below code:
    IWDWindowInfo wInfo =wdComponentAPI.getComponentInfo().findInWindows("PopUp");
        IWDWindow window   =  wdComponentAPI.getWindowManager().createModalWindow(wInfo);
    message.reportSuccess("came 1");;
    message.reportSuccess("came 2");
    window.setWindowSize(100, 100);
    message.reportSuccess("came 3");
    I get the below  exception on executing: Parameter windowInfo must not be null.
    what else should i set. Can u gimme a solution??

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