Midi interface needed?

My son takes a music technology course in high school and his teacher wants him to take a MIDI file from school and put it into Logic Express. When he tries to place the file in now he gets no output. Will GarageBand let him hear MIDI files without a MIDI interface? Is there some other program you could suggest if GarageBand/iLife 05 is not the right solution? Is it possible he is not properly operating Logic Express and if so how would he be able to accomplish this in Logic Express?

Did you drop the MIDI files into instruments tracks, and if so, did you assign instruments to play them? For each .MID file click on the first rectangle under "I/O" in the channel strip, and pick an appropriate instrument.
Remember, MIDI files contain no sound, just the data telling an instrument what to play.
If you just want to play the file, you can do this with QuickTime or even in the preview pane in the Finder.

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    No it will not. However M audio has posted a 10.7 compatible driver for their products on their forum. It works flawlessly with Lion, my MBP 13" 2011 w/8GB memory.
    Follow this link:
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    Thanks for that and the quick reply.  I suppose shelling out another £40 isn’t going to make a lot of difference having blown £70+ on a PCIe to PCI convertor which is a bit pointless now and especially if it will save me the cost of updating the soundcard and recording software.  I tend to use an external mixer (Tascam) to input and monitor from the PC software.  I suspect , like you, it should work once I de-install the Audigy HW stuff as although the soundcard plays the CEP demo  the device config  window only ‘sees’ that and not the onboard sound hardware.  Fun times ahead.
    Thanks again
    T Tyke

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    just out of curiousity: did you use the UA-25 or the UA-25EX? I know the 25EX has a driver switch on it's back where you can enable a standard driver which should be compatible to OS X without an additional driver.
    However, i didn't find another interface including a compressor except for the Yamaha Audiogram 6, if you need this feature.
    If you don't need it, buy a MOTU, preferably with firewire, or a Presonus. If you want quality, maybe an Apogee Duet. I myself - due to shortage of funds - still use either my Tascam Fireone or my Alesis I/O 2. The Alesis sounds nice for it's price, but i won't buy any of these lower end interfaces anymore. You get what you pay for. I also used the Edirol UA-25EX for a time, but this was before snow leopard, so i can't really say "Yes or No", but it was definitely a very good interface compared to it's price. I won't recommend M-Audio, however, but others like it.

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    Then below this is the recording level slider which is all the way to the left or at 0. This is where the problem lies I think as this slider is greyed out and cannot be moved!
    for this part:
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)

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    From both? Interesting. I like that though. I am looking for the controls to be on the iPhone rather than the stereo as it ***** finding songs this way. And yeah, $39.00 is a lot for this, and it is only roughly 8" long. Oh well, I will need it, so I will have to buy it. Thanks for the message back!

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    If that is your only problem get the Duet and buy yourself a two in two out Midi interface,
    which should set you back 40 to 50 USD.

  • Midi gurus need your input please

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    My question seems quite simple, but I'm just making sure I'm not doing something that's gonna cause issues.
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    If you can find a used Unitor 8mk2.. get it. maybe there is one on ebay.
    They work really well with Logic.
    I also have a motu midi timepiece that works well.
    Both have SMPTE ins.
    The other guys are correct, you need a separate port for each piece of control surface.
    So a multi-port midi interface is what is needed. The models I mantion have smpte (LTC) as well.

  • Best MIDI Interface for New Mac Pro's...

    Hello Logic Pro Forum Members,
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    Hi Donnie
    Welcome to the forum. I to came from an Opcode background too and all my family still calls me Donnie
    I'll go ahead and recommend the motu midi express to cover your 8x8 needs, it is actually 8x9 and it also allows daisy chaining, and it is intel compatible. Check it out here
    if you need midi merging too check out the XT version
    Have fun

  • Adding a sound module using a second midi interface

    In the arrange window, clicking and holding on an instrument icon produces a pull down menu which includes "MIDI instr" with a submenu displaying the three external midi instruments that are connected via USB and a 4X4 midi interface. We also use a 4th. midi sound module connected via a second USB cable directly to the computer. PROBLEM: The 4th. module does not appear in the submenu along with the other three instruments. It does appear as a selectable "Port" in the track information box on the far left side of the arrange window and when selected it does recieve midi data from Logic. Unfortunately, selecting it there also changes the port that one of the other three instruments is assigned to. I believe if I can get it to show in the submenu list with the other three it will solve our prolem.
    G4 powerbook   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  
      Mac OS X (10.4.5)  
      Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    In case Jos's assistance doesn't resolve it, maybe this will: Using the example you gave
    for example: "c:\my file system"--->"first_sub_directory"--->second_sub_directory--->"HelloWorld.java"
    and assuming that you aren't using a "package ..." statement in HelloWorld.java, and also assuming that the HelloWorld.class file is in second_sub_directory , then you need to mount second_sub_directory in the Explorer. You always mount the parent of the class - or if a package is specified, the parent of the package.

  • What midi interface would work with my iBook g4?

    i want to record some simple vocals and was wondering what midi would be best

    The midi interface works, but only with items with those kind of ports.
    The one you posted a link to seems to need Serial ports. Not available
    on newer Mac, perhaps on some older Tower G3/G4 or PCI card update.
    While the iMic product allows other product to attach to the audio
    circuitry inside the Mac, by use of USB ports. Midi porting isn't native.
    So other adapter &/or components would be necessary with midi.
    A search of various kinds and models of MIDI (if you even need it?)
    would yield several kinds of technologies and some outdated even
    more so than the USB2.0 or 1.1 ports on an early iBook G4.
    (Some suggest using adapters and network ports, LAN, etc, if you
    were set up to choose Ethernet hardware as a path. iMic is easier.)
    The item you posted link to has no USB and no way to connect to
    the Mac, as you cannot use standard high quality audio equipment
    with the iBook G4 without accessing the USB ports. With an iMic
    you could also access output, for better quality, or pro headphones.
    Some products currently available may not work with the older vintage
    iBook G4 hardware, but the iMic can be used to adapt microphones,
    and better quality audio equipment to the Mac.
    I see one could order the iMic product from the maker web page, but
    did not try their site far enough to see if it would take actual orders.
    In some locations, you may be able to find a quality second hand one
    for less than the asking price (without warranty, though) of a new one.
    What kinds of audio are you attempting? Do you have midi hardware
    already? The item you posted a link to has no way to connect directly.
    But the iMic product from Griffin does connect to a USB port. Easily.
    Anyway, more info is needed...
    Did you read the iMic -Griffin info?

  • Which MIDI interface?

    I've just bought a keyboard which has MIDI In and Out terminals, but no USB. Do I just need a MIDI interface, MIDI cable and USB cable to connect it to my mac? Sorry I'm a beginner! Which interface can you recommend? And do I have to buy a seperate one for my electric guitar? I'd like to buy from a reliable company, nothing too cheap or too expensive if that makes sense?! Anything from £50 to £200?
    Thanks very much,
    P.S. Can you recommend any good microphones to record live instruments?

    I had a quick root around on the net and spotted this device - M Audio Fast Track Pro. Seems like it might be just what you are looking for. Prices seem to be around £150-175. I am inclined to trust it. I have used M-Audio stuff quite a bit and found it all fine. There are pretty much identical pieces of kit by other manufacturers, so to an extent it is all much of a muchness. If you only really need the 1 MIDI i/o then it seems perfect!. It will do your audio inputs and outputs and MIDI all in one box which you can power from the USB socket on your computer. Here is a list of features from the Digital Village website. I can also vouch for the AKG C1000, but there are a whole bunch of other new low cost condenser mics around right now. Go condenser rather than dynamic for recording instruments. (C1000 is a condenser mic and requires phantom power (or a battery) and said phantom can be supplied by the Fast Track Pro).
    M-Audio Fast Track Pro.
    6kHz audio interface
    2 front panel mic/instrument preamp inputs (Neutrik XLR/ 1/4” TRS) with:
    gain controls
    signal/peak lights
    pads for each input
    insert jack (1/4” TRS) for outboard processors
    2 balanced outputs (1/4” TRS)
    4 unbalanced outputs (RCA)
    S/PDIF coaxial I/O with w/ 2-channel PCM
    S/PDIF out also supports pass-through of AC-3/DTS surround-encoded content
    1 x 1 MIDI I/O with activity LEDs
    headphone output (1/4” TRS) with level control
    headphone A/B source switch for DJ-style cueing
    input/playback mix control for hardware direct monitoring
    mono switch for input/playback direct monitoring
    master output level control
    near zero-latency hardware direct monitoring
    low-latency ASIO software monitoring
    USB connection to computer
    powered via USB or optional AC power adapter
    Kensington lock port
    Mac and PC compatible; class compliant with Mac OS X 10.3.9 and higher

  • Which MIDI interface / Mic?

    I've just bought a keyboard which has MIDI In and Out terminals, but no USB. Do I just need a MIDI interface, MIDI cable and USB cable to connect it to my mac? Sorry I'm a beginner! Which interface can you recommend? And do I have to buy a seperate one for my electric guitar? I'd like to buy from a reliable company, nothing too cheap or too expensive if that makes sense?! Anything from £50 to £200?
    Thanks very much,
    P.S. Can you recommend any good microphones to record live instruments?

    There are several solutions to your problem. You can buy a basic USB to Midi
    I/O USB cable for a very reasonable device. A single in/single out Midi/USB interface (I have a MIDIman USB Uno) can cost as little as 40 USD (sorry I don't have the pound conversion).
    If you are looking for something to plug both both guitars and keyboards in, then a digital audio interface is what you want. I highly recommend the digidesign product line, I have always had great experience with them. Their entry-level "Mbox" goes for about $549 new or you can find older versions for sale on e-bay for as little as $250. Mbox's do not have direct MIDI inputs however, so you will have to use either the s/pdif or a 1/4" line out from you keyboard. The Digi002 Rack is the next step up from the Mbox with more inputs and a devoted MIDI input line, however, it runs for about $1200. The advantage of Digidesign products is that they all come with the Pro Tools Recording software for your computer. Of course there are many other brands and models to consider, so make sure to shop around and see what fits your exact needs.
    As to your request about mics, I highly recommend either the Shure SM58 ($110) dynamic mic or the Shure Beta 87A ($250) condensor mic for recording. They are both great mics!
    Hope this helps!
    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

  • Best USB-MIDI interface to connect Yamaha MFC10 foot controller to MacBook Air

    Hi guys,
    I would like to buy a Yamaha MFC10 MIDI foot controller. It has a number of advantages over other foot controllers. For instance: you can connect up to four additional expression pedals to the foot controller, which is something I might need in the future, so it's better to invest in this product so I am prepared for the future.
    The thing is, I want to connect this MIDI controller to a USB port on my MacBook Air. What is the best USB-MIDI interface to get in this situation?
    I love to hear your thoughts on this.
    Best regards,

    Did you set midi communications to USB? I think by default it may be set to the MIDI port on the back. You need USB.
    Press Utilities, then MIDI (F6).

  • Audio/midi interface, FW800 enclosure, nearfield monitors for MacBook Pro?

    I'm running Logic 9 on my MacBook Pro, having switched over completely to a laptop based solution from my previous Mac Pro.
    My previous audio/midi interface was a Digidesign FW400 MBox, but I want to switch to a USB audio/midi interface plus an external FW800 enclosure as my recording drive.
    I am also looking to replace my aging Roland nearfield monitors with something smaller. I mostly run soft synths and plug-ins (I have an old UAD-2 PCI and am trying to crossgrade to the ExpressCard solution too).
    And I'm running Snow Leopard.
    S0 my questions are these:
    1) What would be a good USB2 audio/midi interface. I only need 1 x 1 for the midi (but 2 x 2 would be nice), plus XLR and 1/4 audio ins and both analog and digital outs. Decent Mac drivers a must!
    2) Any recommendations for very small but decent quality nearfield monitors? I like the Genelec's, but for whatever reason they only appear to have XLR ins. SPDIF or 1/4 analog ins would be cool -- anything compatible with 1) above.
    3) What is a good recommendation for a FW800 enclosure? Obviously looking for something quiet. My only audio in would be vocals, and they'd be recorded in the same room as the drives. There are some fanless options out there, but upon enquiry I've been advised I'd have to shut them down every four hours or so. I do have an old FW800 OWC twin drive enclosure, but despite the 'whisper quiet' claims, that thing sounds like a taxiing Learjet.
    Thanks in advance for any thoughts or recommendations!

    'Perfect' rather depends on what you want to do with it - microphone input? Level meter? Just a simple A-D converter? digital inputs?
    I've used an earlier version of this device for some years with no problems (no MIDI though):
    Other interfaces by Roland: http://www.rolandus.com/products/productlist.php?ParentId=104 - Edirol (taken over by roland) used to make MIDI interfaces as well but Roland don't seem to.
    This page lists interfaces by several manufacturers:

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